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CSEE PhD Comprehensive Portfolio

CMPE/ENEE Programs Cover Sheet

Student's Name ___________________________________UMBC E-mail D ______________

UMBC Program nformation

Program Portfolio Stage Su#mission Semester Entered Program Student Status %esear&h 'rea %esear&h 'dvisor CMPE __________ Preliminar! _______ Semester __________ Semester __________ "ull-time ________ ENEE _________ "inal ________ $ear ________ $ear ________ Part-time _______

Previous Degrees
Degree Ma(or nstitution $ear

"a&ult! Support )etter*s+ from *at least one other than advisor+,
Professor _______________________________________________ (required) Professor _______________________________________________ (optional)

Che&-list, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Core courses completed and plan of course work Support letters requested and ____ received Copy of transcript (unofficial) included Research activity report (RAR) included Research reports, papers, etc copies included !ransfer"course equivalency requests completed

CSEE PhD Comprehensive Portfolio

CMPE Program "a&ult! Support "orm
Student #ame ______________________________________ Student $% ________________
Public Law 93-80, Educational Amendments Act of 1974, grants students t e rig t to a!e access to letters of recommendation in t eir "lacement files

.ish to .aive a&&ess to m! letters,

$es ______

No _______ %ate ___________________

Si&nature __________________________________

'aculty #ame _________________________________________ %ate __________________ /0 %ate the student's a#ilities/s-ills via ta#le #elo.,
A(ility"Skill .readth of C) knowled&e %epth in chosen topic Creativity"/ri&inal thinkin& %ili&ence 0otivation towards Ph% (C)) +er(al skills 1ritin& skills )*cellent +ery ,ood ,ood 'air Poor -na(le to Assess

10 2verall opinion, $f this student is not currently workin& with you, and was to approach you seekin&
to work under you &uidance, would you (e willin& to work with this student2 3h! or .h! not2

'aculty Si&nature ______________________________________ %ate __________________

40 n .hat &apa&ities did !ou have a &han&e to evaluate this student's PhD promise5
(Please use additional "ages if needed) (a) #ourses3 Please list courses, semesters taken, and class ranks (or appro*imate percentile) if availa(le

(() $" to %98&%99 Le!el Acti!it'3 .riefly descri(e the activity, outcomes, and your assessment of student4s research potential

(c) Post- %98&%99 Le!el Acti!it'3 .riefly descri(e the activity, outcomes, and your assessment of student4s research potential

60 Summar! %e&ommendation (circle one), Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor

'aculty Si&nature ______________________________________ %ate __________________

CSEE PhD Comprehensive Portfolio

ENEE Program "a&ult! Support "orm
Student #ame ______________________________________ Student $% ________________
Public Law 93-80, Educational Amendments Act of 1974, grants students t e rig t to a!e access to letters of recommendation in t eir "lacement files

.ish to .aive a&&ess to m! letters,

$es ______

No _______ %ate ___________________

Si&nature __________________________________

'aculty #ame _________________________________________ %ate __________________ /0 %ate the student's a#ilities/s-ills via ta#le #elo.,
A(ility"Skill .readth of )) knowled&e %epth in chosen topic Creativity"/ri&inal thinkin& %ili&ence 0otivation towards Ph% ())) +er(al skills 1ritin& skills )*cellent +ery ,ood ,ood 'air Poor -na(le to Assess

10 2verall opinion, $f this student is not currently workin& with you, and was to approach you seekin&
to work under you &uidance, would you (e willin& to work with this student2 3h! or .h! not2

'aculty Si&nature ______________________________________ %ate __________________

40 n .hat &apa&ities did !ou have a &han&e to evaluate this student's PhD promise5
(Please use additional "ages if needed) (a) #ourses3 Please list courses, semesters taken, and class ranks (or appro*imate percentile) if availa(le

(() $" to %98&%99 Le!el Acti!it'3 .riefly descri(e the activity, outcomes, and your assessment of student4s research potential

(c) Post- %98&%99 Le!el Acti!it'3 .riefly descri(e the activity, outcomes, and your assessment of student4s research potential

60 Summar! %e&ommendation (circle one), Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor

'aculty Si&nature ______________________________________ %ate __________________

CSEE PhD Comprehensive Portfolio

CMPE/ENEE Programs %esear&h '&tivit! %eport *%'%+, Student %esear&h Statement
Student #ame ______________________________________ Student $% ________________ Research Advisor _______________________________________

!he purpose of the Comprehensive Portfolio is to determine whether Ph% students, who are within the first two years of their pro&ram, have the potential to perform Ph% quality research !his potential is demonstrated (y the student4s performance in preliminary research activity, as well as in &raduate coursework !he student should answer these self5evaluation questions with this purpose in mind Su(mit your answers on your own paper, alon& with this si&ned form

'0 %esear&h '&tivities

(6) %escri(e all "re!ious research5related activities in which you have participated at -0.C and elsewhere (7) 1hat concrete results were produced (y these activities, e & , al&orithms, hardware, test results, technical reports, scholarly papers, conference presentations"posters"papers, 8ournal papers, etc 2 (9ist and provide copies of related reports, papers, etc ) (:) 1hat precisely was 'our s"ecific contri(ution to the research and results (as opposed to the contri(utions of your advisor and other co5workers"co5authors) 2 (;) 1hat are your current research activities and &oals (provide details as in questions a(ove)2

B0 PhD Dissertation 'rea

(<) =ave you identified your Ph% dissertation area> if so, what is it2 1hat have you accomplished with respect to identifyin& an area2 (?) =ave you identified your Ph% dissertation topic> if so, what is it2 1hat have you accomplished with respect to identifyin& a topic2

C0 Ne7t '&ademi&-$ear Plans

(@) 1hat are your plans for identifyin& a dissertation area and topic, if you have not already done so2 (A) 1hat are your research &oals for ne*t academic year2 (B) Are there research5skills areas in which you need to improve> if so, descri(e them and your plans to achieve the improvements2

Student Si&nature _________________________________________ %ate ________________

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