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No.________________ v. TRIAL BY JURY DEMANDED HULU, LLC, Defendant.

COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT Plaintiff Chinook Licen in! DE, LLC "#Chinook$%, &' and th(o)!h it )nde( i!ned co)n el, fo( it Co*+laint a!ain t H)l), LLC "#H)l)$ and,o( #Defendant$%, alle!e a follo- . NATURE OF THE ACTION /. 0hi i an action fo( +atent inf(in!e*ent a(i in! )nde( the Patent La- of the

United State of A*e(ica, 12 U.S.C. 33 / et seq., incl)din! 12 U.S.C. 3 45/. THE PARTIES 4. &) ine Plaintiff Chinook i a Dela-a(e li*ited lia&ilit' co*+an' -ith a +lace of

at 146 7il*ette Aven)e, Glenvie-, Illinoi 86642. 1. On info(*ation and &elief, H)l) i a Dela-a(e li*ited lia&ilit' co*+an' -ith it at /41/4 7e t Ol'*+ic 9o)leva(d, Lo An!ele , Califo(nia :668;. th(o)!h it (e!i te(ed a!ent, 0he Co(+o(ation 0() t Co*+an',

+(inci+al +lace of &) ine

H)l) *a' &e e(ved -ith +(oce

/46: O(an!e St(eet, 7il*in!ton, Dela-a(e /:<6/. ;. i*+o(tin! a H)l) i in the &) ine co*+)te( i*+le*ented of *akin!, ) in!, ellin!, offe(in! fo( ale and,o( *ethod fo( a)!*entin! a di(ecto(' -itho)t

conte*+o(aneo) in+)t.

JURISDICTION AND VENUE 2. 0hi Co)(t ha )&=ect *atte( =)(i diction ove( thi action +)( )ant to 4< U.S.C.

33 /11/ and /11<"a% &eca) e the action a(i e )nde( the +atent la- of the United State , 12 U.S.C. 33 / et seq. 8. 0hi Co)(t ha +e( onal =)(i diction ove( Defendant &' vi(t)e of it ' te*atic

and contin)o) contact -ith thi =)(i diction, a -ell a &eca) e of the in=)(' to Chinook and the ca) e of action Chinook ha (ai ed, a alle!ed he(ein. 5. Defendant i )&=ect to thi Co)(t> +ecific and !ene(al +e( onal =)(i diction

+)( )ant to d)e +(oce d)e to at lea t it

and,o( the Dela-a(e Lon!?A(* Stat)te, Del Code. Ann. 0it. 1, 3 1/6;, in thi fo()*, incl)din!. "i% at lea t a +o(tion of the

)& tantial &) ine

inf(in!e*ent alle!ed he(ein@ and "ii% (e!)la(l' doin! o( olicitin! &) ine , en!a!in! in othe( +e( i tent co)( e of cond)ct, and,o( de(ivin! )& tantial (even)e f(o* !ood and e(vice +(ovided to individ)al in Dela-a(e. <. Defendant ha cond)cted and doe cond)ct &) ine -ithin the tate of Dela-a(e,

di(ectl' o( th(o)!h inte(*edia(ie , (e elle( , a!ent , o( offe( fo( ale, ell , and,o( adve(ti e +(od)ct in Dela-a(e that inf(in!e United State Patent No. 5,6;5,;<4 "the #>;<4 Patent$%. :. In addition to Defendant> contin)o) l' and ' te*aticall' cond)ctin! &) ine

in Dela-a(e, the ca) e of action a!ain t Defendant a(e connected "&)t not li*ited% to Defendant> +)(+o ef)l act co**itted in the tate of Dela-a(e, incl)din! Defendant> *akin!, ) in!, i*+o(tin!, offe(in! fo( ale, o( ellin! +(od)ct -hich incl)de feat)(e that fall -ithin the co+e of at lea t one clai* of the >;<4 Patent. /6. Aen)e lie in thi Di t(ict )nde( 4< U.S.C. 33 /1:/ and /;66"&% &eca) e, a*on! )&=ect to +e( onal =)(i diction in thi Di t(ict, and ha co**itted

othe( (ea on , Defendant i

and contin)e to co**it act of +atent inf(in!e*ent in thi Di t(ict. Bo( eCa*+le, Defendant ha ) ed, old, offe(ed fo( ale, and,o( i*+o(ted inf(in!in! +(od)ct in thi Di t(ict. THE PATENT-IN-SUIT //. /4. 0he(e i one +atent at i )e in thi action. the >;<4 Patent. On Da' /8, 4668, the United State Patent and 0(ade*a(k Office "#USP0O$%

d)l' and le!all' i )ed the >;<4 Patent, entitled #A)to*atic di(ecto(' )++le*entation$ afte( a f)ll and fai( eCa*ination. Chinook i +(e entl' the o-ne( of the +atent and +o e e all (i!ht, title and inte(e t in and to the >;<4 Patent. Chinook o-n all (i!ht of (ecove(' )nde( the >;<4 Patent, incl)din! the eCcl) ive (i!ht to (ecove( fo( +a t inf(in!e*ent. 0he >;<4 Patent i valid and enfo(cea&le. A co+' of the >;<4 Patent i attached he(eto a EChi&it A. /1. 0he >;<4 Patent contain th(ee inde+endent clai* and eventeen de+endent

clai* . Defendant co**e(cialiEe , inter alia, *ethod that +e(fo(* all the te+ (ecited in one o( *o(e clai* of the >;<4 Patent. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACCUSED PRODUCT /;. H)l) i an online video t(ea*in! e(vice acce i&le via -e& ite on a co*+)te(

that hel+ +eo+le find and -atch video content. H)l) )!!e t content that a ) e( *i!ht -ant to -atch &a ed on +(io( ) e( activit' on the ite. 0he e )!!e tion a(e aved in a (e )lt di(ecto(' and di +la'ed to ) e( )nde( a #Feco**endation $ ta&. /2. H)l) &)ild a ) e( +(ofile fo( the ) e( incl)din! the ) e(> hi to(ical &ehavio(

and to+ic . H)l) ) e the ) e(> &ehavio(, )ch a the doc)*ent in a ) e(> hi to(' to !ene(ate a ) e(> +(efe(ence on to+ic . Said to+ic a(e ke'-o(d -hich a(e to(ed -ith (e!a(d to (elevance. 0h) , the (elevance of ke'-o(d i +(io(itiEed &' a ) e(> !ene(ated +(efe(ence .


Afte( &)ildin! a ) e( +(ofile -ith to+ic +(efe(ence , the H)l) (eco**endation

' te* -ill ea(ch fo( doc)*ent that a(e i*ila( to the ) e(> +(efe(ence . A (ankin! *od)le -ill dete(*ine ho- (elevant a ho- i and *ake c)t a++(o+(iatel'. /5. H)l) al o ha a filte(in! *od)le to filte( o)t ho- that a ) e( ha al(ead' een.

If a econd doc)*ent *ake it th(o)!h the filte(in! and (ankin! *od)le , a (efe(ence to that doc)*ent i added to a (e )lt di(ecto(' that can &e vie-ed in ca(o) el , )ch a the #to+ (eco**endation $ ca(o) el. COUNT I INFRINGEMENT OF THE 482 PATENT /<. Plaintiff (e?alle!e and inco(+o(ate &' (efe(ence the alle!ation et fo(th in

+a(a!(a+h /?/5. /:. 0aken to!ethe(, eithe( +a(tiall' o( enti(el', the feat)(e incl)ded in H)l)> a co*+)te( i*+le*ented *ethod fo( a)!*entin! a di(ecto(' -itho)t (ecited in one o( *o(e clai* of the >;<4

-e& ite incl)de

conte*+o(aneo) ) e( in+)t that +e(fo(* the +(oce Patent. 46.

Defendant di(ectl' inf(in!e one o( *o(e clai* of the >;<4 Patent &' ) in! a

co*+)te( i*+le*ented *ethod fo( a)!*entin! a di(ecto(' -itho)t conte*+o(aneo) ) e( in+)t, -hich +e(fo(* the +(oce defined &' one o( *o(e clai* of the >;<4 Patent. Bo( eCa*+le,

-itho)t li*itation, Defendant di(ectl' inf(in!e at lea t clai* /8 of the >;<4 Patent &' ) in! H)l)> +(od)ct , incl)din! ) e &' Defendant> e*+lo'ee and a!ent , ) e d)(in! +(od)ct develo+*ent and te tin! +(oce e , and ) e -hen e(vicin! and,o( (e+ai(in! +o(ta&le co*+)tin! device on &ehalf of c) to*e( . 4/. H)l) ha indi(ectl' inf(in!ed and contin)e to indi(ectl' inf(in!e at lea t clai* /8

of the >;<4 Patent &' activel' ind)cin! it c) to*e( , ) e( , and,o( licen ee to di(ectl' inf(in!e ;

&' ) in! Chinook> +atented co*+)te( i*+le*ented *ethod fo( a)!*entin! a di(ecto(' -itho)t conte*+o(aneo) ) e( in+)t. H)l) en!a!ed o( -ill have en!a!ed in )ch ind)ce*ent havin! kno-led!e of the >;<4 Patent. B)(the(*o(e, H)l) kne- o( ho)ld have kno-n that it action -o)ld ind)ce di(ect inf(in!e*ent &' othe( and intended that it action -o)ld ind)ce di(ect inf(in!e*ent &' othe( . Bo( eCa*+le, H)l) ell , offe( fo( ale and adve(ti e the

afo(e*entioned *ethod in Dela-a(e +ecificall' intendin! that it c) to*e( &)' and ) e aid *ethod. A a di(ect and +(oCi*ate (e )lt of H)l)> indi(ect inf(in!e*ent &' ind)ce*ent of the >;<4 Patent, Plaintiff ha &een and contin)e to &e da*a!ed. 44. 9' en!a!in! in the cond)ct de c(i&ed he(ein, Defendant ha in=)(ed Chinook and

a(e th) lia&le fo( inf(in!e*ent of the >;<4 Patent, +)( )ant to 12 U.S.C. 3 45/. 41. a)tho(iEation. 4;. 0o the eCtent that fact lea(ned in di cove(' ho- that Defendant> inf(in!e*ent Defendant ha co**itted the e act of inf(in!e*ent -itho)t licen e o(

of the >;<4 Patent i o( ha &een -illf)l, Chinook (e e(ve the (i!ht to (eG)e t )ch a findin! at the ti*e of t(ial. 42. A a (e )lt of Defendant> inf(in!e*ent of the >;<4 Patent, Chinook ha )ffe(ed

*oneta(' da*a!e and i entitled to a *oneta(' =)d!*ent in an a*o)nt adeG)ate to co*+en ate fo( Defendant> +a t inf(in!e*ent, to!ethe( -ith inte(e t and co t . 48. Chinook -ill contin)e to )ffe( da*a!e in the f)t)(e )nle Defendant>

inf(in!in! activitie a(e en=oined &' thi Co)(t. A

)ch, Chinook i entitled to co*+en ation

fo( an' contin)in! o( f)t)(e inf(in!e*ent )+ )ntil the date that Defendant i finall' and +e(*anentl' en=oined f(o* f)(the( inf(in!e*ent.

45. )nle

Chinook ha al o )ffe(ed and -ill contin)e to )ffe( eve(e and i((e+a(a&le ha(*

thi Co)(t i )e a +e(*anent in=)nction +(ohi&itin! Defendant, it office( , di(ecto( ,

a!ent , e(vant , e*+lo'ee , atto(ne' , affiliate , divi ion , &(anche , +a(ent , and tho e +e( on in active conce(t o( +a(tici+ation -ith an' of the* f(o* di(ectl' o( indi(ectl' inf(in!in! the >;<4 Patent. DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 4<. Chinook de*and a t(ial &' =)(' of an' and all ca) e of action. PRAYER FOR RELIEF Chinook (e +ectf)ll' +(a' fo( the follo-in! (elief. A. 9. 0hat Defendant &e ad=)d!ed to have inf(in!ed the >;<4 Patent@ 0hat Defendant, it office( , di(ecto( , a!ent , e(vant , e*+lo'ee , atto(ne' ,

affiliate , divi ion , &(anche , +a(ent , and tho e +e( on in active conce(t o( +a(tici+ation -ith an' of the*, &e +(eli*ina(il' and +e(*anentl' (e t(ained and en=oined f(o* di(ectl' and,o( indi(ectl' inf(in!in! the >;<4 Patent@ C. An a-a(d of da*a!e +)( )ant to 12 U.S.C. 34<; )fficient to co*+en ate

Chinook fo( Defendant> +a t inf(in!e*ent and an' contin)in! and,o( f)t)(e inf(in!e*ent )+ )ntil the date that Defendant i finall' and +e(*anentl' en=oined f(o* f)(the( inf(in!e*ent, incl)din! co*+en ato(' da*a!e @ D. An a e *ent of +(e?=)d!*ent and +o t?=)d!*ent inte(e t and co t a!ain t

Defendant, to!ethe( -ith an a-a(d of )ch inte(e t and co t , in acco(dance -ith 12 U.S.C. 34<;@ E. 0hat Defendant &e di(ected to +a' enhanced da*a!e , incl)din! Chinook>

atto(ne' > fee inc)((ed in connection -ith thi la- )it +)( )ant to 12 U.S.C. 34<2@ and

B. +(o+e(.

0hat Chinook have )ch othe( and f)(the( (elief a thi Co)(t *a' dee* =) t and

Dated. Han)a(' 46, 46/; OB COUNSEL. E)!enio 0o((e ?O'ola BEFFAIUOLI LLC 44/ PlaEa 2th Bloo( 44/ Ponce de LeIn Ave. San H)an, P)e(to Fico 66:/5 "5<5% 588?5666 eto((e Jfe((ai)*

9AKAFD, P.A. /s/ Stephen B. Brauerman Ficha(d D. Ki(k "(k6:44% Ste+hen 9. 9(a)e(*an " &;:24% Aane a F. 0i(adente "vt21:<% Sa(a E. 9) ie(e " &2542% 444 Dela-a(e Aven)e, S)ite :66 7il*in!ton, DE /:<6/ 164?822?2666 (ki(kJ&a'a(* &(a)e(*anJ&a'a(* vti(adente J&a'a(* &) ie(eJ&a'a(* Attorneys for Plaintiff Plaintiff Chinook Licensing DE, LLC

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