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Section I 1.

Each driver and fore-seat passenger of a motor vehicle (age 6 and above) are required to wear rear safety belts while driving in I roadways. !iolators are sub"ect to # a. b. c. d. $uspension of their driver%s license. & '() fine plus court costs. & '*( fine plus court costs. None of the above.

*. +hen driving along the highway, and the front right wheel of your vehicle runs off the pavement, you should# a. Grasp the steering wheel tightly and swing back onto the accelerator. b. &pply the bra-es immediately and swing bac- onto the pavement quic-ly. c. .uic-ly swing bac- onto the pavement at your normal speed. /. +hen there are flashing signals at a railroad crossing and the train clears the crossing. 0ow should you proceed1 a. 2ust as soon as the train clears the crossing. b. After you check to make sure another train is not approaching on another track. c. 3ollow the vehicle ahead of you. 4. +hen headlights are required they should be dimmed at least ()) feet before meeting and /)) feet before overta-ing another vehicle. [True 53alse6 (. +hen a school bus is stopped on a two-lane highway and its red warning lights are flashing and its stop signal arm is e7tended you must# a. $low down, sound your horn and pass the bus with caution. b. 8ass the bus on the left if there are no vehicles approaching from the opposite direction. c. Stop your vehicle before reaching the bus. 6. +hen a right turn against a red signal light is always flashing, it most proper way to ma-e the turn is to# a. 9urn quic-ly to get out of the way of other traffic. b. Stop! give right of your way and complete the turn safely. c. $top, sound your horn to warn other traffic then ma-e your turn. :. +hen you come to a stop sign, you must stop your vehicle# a. &s close to the stop sign as possible.

b. At a marked stop line! before entering the cross walk! or before entering to the intersection if there is no cross walk. c. &t a place near the intersection providing you come to a complete stop. ;. +hen passing another vehicle, you should not cut bac- into the right lane until you can see the vehicle that you "ust passed in your rear view mirror. [True 53alse6 <. +hen a two-lane pavement is mar-ed with a single, solid yellow line on your side of the center line# a. =ou must slow down and proceed with caution. b. >onstruction wor- is going on ahead slow down. c. "ou must not cross the yellow line to pass another vehicle. 1). +hen an authori?ed emergency vehicle which is using its siren and flashing lights approaches your vehicle, you should# a. Increase your speed. b. >ontinue at the same speed. c. #ull over to the right hand edge of the highway and stop! if possible. 11. It is unlawful for any person to leave the roadway and travel across private property to avoid an official traffic control device. [True 53alse6 1*. 9he law does not require you to flash your right or left signals whenever you change lanes. 59rue6 [$alse 1/. If you @A$9 drive during foggy weather, you should turn on the low-beam headlights and# a. %rive at a speed that will allow you to stop within your field of vision. b. 3lash your lights routinely. c. Beep your foot on the bra-e pedal so your tail lights will be seen more easily. 14. =our driving privileges will be revo-ed in the $tates of I if you are convicted of# a. Crag racing b. Criving of being in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs (including prescription drugs which may impair driving ability) andDor combinations, thereof. c. All of the above. d. Eone of the above.

1(. =ou are waiting at an intersection and the traffic signal light changes to green you may then go ahead# a. Immediately b. +hen you thin- it is safe to do so. c. After first yielding the right way to any persons or vehicles which are within the intersection. 16. @otorcycles, though smaller and lighter in weight have the same right of way privileges as other vehicles. [True 53alse6 1:. +hich of the following is the single greatest factor in fatal motor vehicles accidents1 a. Alcohol b. Fad road conditions c. Fad weather conditions d. @echanical problems 1;. +hen driving on a slippery road and the rear end of your vehicle starts to s-id. =ou should# a. Turn the front wheels in the direction of the skid. b. 0old the wheel firmly and steer straight ahead, bra-ing gradually. c. &pply the bra-es immediately. 1<. & person who refuses to submit to a chemical test or test of hisDher blood, breath or urine for the purpose of determining the level of alcohol andDor drug content# a. +ill receive a driver%s license suspension for 6 months on first offense. b. +ill receive a driver%s license suspension for 1* months for second or more refusals with a (-year period. c. @ay have this used as evidence against himDher in court if charged with CGI!IEH AECEG 90E IE3 AEE>E of alcohol andDor drugs (CAI). d. All of the above. *). 9he I*-second GuleJ wor-s li-e this# when the vehicle ahead of you passes a fi7ed ob"ect li-e a tree, etc., if you begin counting, IKne thousand one, one thousand twoJL then if you M [True 53alse6 *1. & flashing red traffic signal light at an intersection means# a. =ou should be careful when going through the intersection. b. &'actly the same thing as a stop sign. c. &n emergency vehicle is approaching from you rear. **. +hen you are driving and one of your tires has a blowout, you shouldL a. &pply the bra-es quic-ly to reduce speed.

b. Grip the steering wheel firmly! take your foot off the gas pedal! and let the vehicle slow down before you drive onto the shoulder. c. .uic-ly steer onto the right shoulder. */. +hen approaching a rail road grade crossing which does EK9 have &E= warning system (such as electric flashing lights or gates) you should# a. Increase speed and cross trac-s as quic-ly as possible. b. >ontinue at your normal speed. c. (ook! listen! slow down in case you have to stop! and proceed when safe to do so. *4. It is permissible for you to pass on the shoulder of the road. 59rue6 [$alse *(. 9he road surface of a bridge may be dangerous in winter because# a. There may be ice on bridges even when other pavements are clear. b. 9he bridge is warmer. c. Eeither of these. *6. & driver moving out of an alley, private road, or driveway within an urban area must# a. $top only if there are vehicles coming down the street. b. Stop before reaching the sidewalk and yield to pedestrians and vehicles before proceeding. c. $ound your horn and e7it quic-ly. *:. =our drivers license will be suspended if# after being arrested for Criving under the influence of alcohol andDor drugs (CAI) a. "ou take a chemical test )breath! blood or urine* and register an amount e+ual to or over the legal level of into'ication. b. =ou refuse to ta-e a chemical test (breath, blood or urine) c. &ll of the above. *;. Anless posted otherwise it is permissible for drivers on a one way street to turn left on a red light into another one way street that moves traffic to the left ma-ing a proper stop and yielding to traffic or pedestrians within the intersection. [True 53alse6 *<. & person may never drive a motor vehicle (even if borrowed or rented fro a short period of time) unless the operator holds a valid drivers license which is property classified for that -ind and type of vehicle. [True 53alse6

/). +hen a traffic light shows both a red light and a green arrow in the direction you wish to turn, you# a. @ust stop and remain stopped until the red light has changed. b. 0ave the right-of-way over pedestrian in turning in the direction of the arrow. c. ,ay proceed in the direction of the arrow with caution. /1. In order to reinstate full driving privileges after a Criving Ander the Influence (CAI) revocation, a person must# a. $ubmit a professional assessment of alcohol andDor drug use and attend a remedial or rehabilitation program. b. >arry high ris- auto insurance for these years. c. Fe approved for reinstatement by a $ecretary of $tate 0earing Kfficer and pay a '6) reinstatement fee. d. +ait a minimum of one year. e. All of the above. /*. If you are stranded in bli??ard conditions, your chances for survival are better if you stay inside your vehicle and wait for help until storm is over. [True 53alse6 //. If you are within an intersection waiting to ma-e a left turn and the traffic signal light turns red you should# a. Gemain until the light changes to red. b. Fac- up so you won%t bloc- traffic. c. -omplete the turn when safe to do so. /4. @otor cycles are entitled to use the full width of a traffic lane, the same as a vehicle. 9herefore, when you are driving a vehicle and want to pass a motorcycle, you should# a. >autiously pass the motorcycles, sharing the same lane that it is using. b. 3ollow the motorcycle without passing it. c. %o not pass motor cycle in the same lane. /(. +hen ma-ing a left or right turn in a business or residential district, a continuous signal to turn must be to give# a. Not less than .// feet before turning. b. &t least () feet from the intersection. c. Knly when vehicles are coming towards you. /6. +hen approaching a blind pedestrian carrying a white cane or accompanied by a guide dog# a. =ou may pass it there are no vehicles approaching from the opposite direction. b. =ou may pass if you slow down and sound the horn. c. "ou must yield the right of way.

/:. &fter consuming alcohol, time is the only effective way to remove alcohol from the body. [True 53alse6 /;. If your vehicle starts to s-id on water (hydroplane) you should# a. 9urn your wheel slight to the right and bra-e gently. b. 9urn your ignition off and coast to a stop. c. Take your foot off the acceleration and let your vehicle slow down. /<. @ost rear end collisions are caused by# a. 9he vehicle in front stopping too fast. b. The vehicle in back following too closely. c. Cangerous road conditions. 4). If you are convicted of passing a school bus that is receiving or discharging passengers, you may lose your driver%s license for at least /) days. [True 53alse6 Section II Identification of $igns N .. -01SS01A% 2. ,&0G& 3. 0&%4-TI1N IN (AN&S 5. N1 #ASSING 61N& 7. "I&(% 0IG8T 1$ 9A" :. N1 4 T40N :. G&I GK&C +&GEIEH ;. N1 0IG8T T40N <. 9IN%ING 01A% 1). $ K+ @K!IEH !E0I> E ... ST1# .2. #&%&ST0IAN -01SSING .3. 01A% -1NST04-TI1N AN% ,AINT&NAN-& A0&A .5. SIGNA( A8&A% .7. %1 N1T &NT&0 .:. S-811( 61N& AN% S-811( -01SSING .=. SI%& 01A%

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