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LEGAL VS ILLEGAL DRUGS: My updated list of over the counter equivalents to ille al dru s! Every sin le street dru has le al" co##ercial t$ins % che#ical relatives that produce the e&act sa#e results" % in #any cases even #ore po$erful! I decided to loo' at the che#istry of so#e easily availa(le over the counter dru s % found that #any co##ercial #edicines are equivalent to hardcore street % recreational dru s! )he reality is that so#e ille al dru s at one point in their history $ere for #edicinal uses" in so#e cases they $ere #ade ille al or re#oved to #a'e $ay for ne$ dru s for profit! )here are le al co##ercial #edicines even #ore po$erful than their ille al (rothers! *asically in a society of consu#ers % for profit phar#aceuticals there has to (e le al che#ical po$erhouses so co#panies can #a'e #oney off the over the counter #ar'et! So#e of these #edicines $ere #ade over the counter (ecause ne$ dru s $ere created % the old ones $ere do$nplayed" or patents ran out % a co#pany couldn+t #onopoli,e it any#ore so they needed to invent ne$ dru s for niche #ar'ets! Various doses of le al % ille al dru s produce each others effects as they #eta(oli,e! )he delivery #ethod: ta'in pills" in-ection" snortin " s#o'in " inhalin affects the euphoria % in so#e cases responsi(le for the co##ercially 'no$n reputation! *ut the overall #eta(olic effect % tri er is eventually the sa#e (et$een the le al % ille al dru s! )his is one of the (i est % foolish #isunderstandin s society has! Street dealers % phar#aceutical pushers .MDs/ all thrive on your i norance! )0ERE IS 12) 21E 1E3 DRUG LEGAL 2R ILLEGAL" MEDI4I1AL 2R RE4REA)I21AL )0A) 0AS15) *EE1 ALREAD6 I1VE1)ED % E7IS)S % READIL6 AVAILA*LE 2VER )0E 42U1)ER I1 A16 DRUGS)2RE 2R SU8ERMAR9E)! In (ioche#istry % especially dealin $ith #edicines there is a lot of un'no$ns fro# a #eta(olic point of vie$! )he co##ercial (rands are not fully understood % their full spectru# of effects is not pro#oted co##ercially! )he studies are li#ited % a lot of ti#es one sided % co#panies are an&ious to et the products out in the pu(lic % #a'e their #oney! So#eti#es a dru ori inally #ade for one condition or effect $ill happen to (e ood for other sy#pto#s % treat#ents! )here are a lot of dru s si#ilar to each other in their effects" (ut sli htly different in their che#ical #a'e up: :;< ele#ent differences here % there .for patent purposes/ (ut certain ele#ents to ether at certain ratios % co#(inations create 'no$n effects $ithin a certain =(allpar'= ran e! A lot of dru s are proteins: 4ar(on" 0ydro en" 1itro en % 2&y en" delivered via salts! 4ar(on" 0ydro en % 2&y en to ether create su ars! Add 1itro en % you have proteins! .All veno# % #any poisons are proteins % en,y#es/! Special cases li'e )04 in #ari-uana lac's 1itro en % so does Salvinorin;A .the #ost po$erful hallucino enic 'no$n to #an/" % are not technically al'aloids li'e #ost dru s! Also ter#s li'e =uppers= % =do$ners= are really incorrect" (ecause 1icotine $hich is a sti#ulant =upper= creates a =rela&ed feelin = in users #ore li'e a =do$ner=! 2r Alcohol a =do$ner= can et people fired up li'e an =upper=" % too #uch can ive e# the sha'es ne&t day % $hen the alcohol converts to for#aldehyde then A)8 ener y as it #eta(oli,es" is it an upper or a do$ner> A lot of pain #eds actually tri er the adrenal lands" the oal is to (asically put a person in =fi ht or fi ht= #ode" % various stron #edicinal physiolo ical chan es happen! Also sti#ulants are used a lot for rela&ation % focusin purposes" it see#s contradictory (ut actually isn+t $hen the che#istry is analysed! A#a,in ly sti#ulant co#(inations % doses can even create sleepy effects! =?i ht or fli ht= #ode can tri er the adrenal" opiate" canna(inoid" central nervous % i##une syste#s for survival reasons! Various co#(inations of the ele#ents #a'in up the dru s@proteins accent one" several or all of those those syste#s! Dru co#panies #a'e dru s for profit (ecause all the dru s for all of #an5s needs have already (een created % patented in the last :AA years! *usiness $ould sta nate $ithout ne$ patents for profit that fuels industry in a consu#er (ased society! Every dru store" #ost super#ar'ets % even 3al#art have practically all the #edicines .includin vita#ins@en,y#es/ % over the counter cures % treat#ents for #ost hu#an needs % conditions" includin so#e #ystery diseases % cancers! It+s -ust a #atter of 'no$in $hat is $hat! In the process of co#panies #a'in dru s for #an'ind+s (enefit" so#e (eca#e used % eventually a(used for other purposes! 4B4ar(on" 0B0ydro en" 1B1itro en" 2B2&y en" *rB*ro#ine 4lB4hloride! )he nu#(ers represent ho$ #any of that ele#ent is in the protein" #a'in up the dru ! )he equivalent dru s are equal or close in #a'e up % (asically do $hat the controlled one does! .So#eti#es the dosa e" delivery #ethod" additives or ho$ % $here the ele#ents (ond to each other in the le al one that affect ettin e&act sa#e results or create an opposite effect fro# the 'no$n ille al result! So#e of the che#istry $ill also #a'e it cross the (lood (rain (arrier $hich can induce sleepinessBsti#ulants (eco#e sleep aids/! Dru s #i#ic" e&a erate or a#plify natural processes! Also for the user the place(o affect % (eliefs of the dru affect the results! All equivalents are le al over the counter alternatives unless noted CD! .I do not endorse dru use or reco##end the dru s used here for anythin other than $hat they $ere co##ercially #ar'eted for" % #erely put this here for educational % entertain#ent purposes! If you have an addiction" or $ish to supple#ent or et help" tal' to a professional % et counselin / E:F 424AI1E: 4:G" 0H:" 1" 2I! .0i her 2&y en has hi her anesthetic@nu#(in properties in so#e dru s! Sleepin pills are very close % #any cocaine users have co#plained that it actually #a'es the# sleepy % rela&edJ Unless #i&ed $ith #ari-uana or to(acco use" sti#ulants can actually produce the opposite effects of $hat they5re 'no$n or ta'en for/ Equivalents E:aF =*enadryl= Diphenhydra#ine: 4:G" 0H:" 1" 2! E:(F 8henyltolo&a#ine: 4:G" 0H:" 1" 2! E:cF =Uniso#= Do&yla#ine: 4:G" 0HH" 1H" 2! E:dF 2&y#eta,oline: 4:K" 0HI" 1H" 2!

E:eF =4hlortri#eton= 4hlorphena#ine: 4:K" 0:L" 4L" 1H! E:fF De&o(ro#phena#ine: 4:K" 0:L" 1" 2M! E: F )riprolidine: 4:L" 0HH" 1H! EHF ME)0AM80E)AMI1E: 4:A" 0:N" 1! Equivalents EHaF =Vic's Sine&= Levo#etha#pheti#ine: 4:A" 0:N" 1! EH(F =Sudaphed= 8seudoephedrine: 4:A" 0:N" 1" 2! EHcF 1icotine: 4:A" 0:I" 1H .S#o'in is sa#e as doin Meth/! EHdF =Mucine&@Ro(itussin= Guaifenesin: 4:A" 0:I" 2H! CHeD Ecstasy: 4::" 0:N" 1" 2H! .Ecstasy effects not #uch different than s#o'in ci arettes" doin Meth or Sudaphed/

EMF AM80E)AMI1E: 4L" 0:M" 1! Equivalents EMaF 8henylpropanola#ine: 4L" 0:M" 1" 2! EM(F 8henylephrine: 4L" 0:M" 1" 2H! EMcF 1icotine: 4:A" 0:I" 1H! .)o(acco use is (asically in (et$een Metha#pheta#ine % A#pheta#ine/! EIF 0ER2I1: 4H:" 0HM" 1" 2N! Equivalents EIaF Ouinine: 4HA" 0HI" 1H" 2H! .in )onic 3aterJ/ EI(F 4etiri,ine: 4H:" 0HN" 4l 2H" 2M! EIcF =)avist= 4le#astine: 4H:" 0HK" 1" 2! EIdF =4laritin= Loratadine: 4HH" 0HM" 4l" 1" 2H! PIeP Salvinorin;A: 4HM" 0H<" 2<! EIfF 4apsaicin: 4:<" 0HG" 1" 2M! .)he che#ical that ives hot peppers their po$er! 4apsaicin is #olecularly in (et$een 0eroin % 848/ ENF )04: 4H:" 0MA" 2H! .)04 use is steroid use! Many are not fa#iliar $ith the idea" (ut is e&actly that! )he #olecular structure is identical to so#e very co##ercial % easily availa(le steroids % the effect on the (ody is the sa#e/ PNaP Salvinorin;A: 4HM" 0H<" 2<! EN(F Meclo,ine: 4HN" 0HG" 4l" 1H! .9no$n to control nausea li'e )04/ ENcF 4ortisol: 4H:" 0MA" 2N! .Identical to )04 % even #ore po$erful pain relief (ecause of the hi her 2&y en/ ENdF 4ortisone: 4H:" 0H<" 2N! ENeF 8rednisolone: 4H:" 0H<" 2N! EKF 848: 4:G" 0HN" 1! Equivalents EKaF QMucine&@Ro(itussin= De&ro#orphan: 4:<" 0HN" 1" 2! .Doin Mucine& or Ro(itussin since they have Guaifenesin" is li'e doin Meth % 848 to ether! De&tro#orphan $as perfected (y the US overn#ent $hen studyin 848 to eli#inate it ne ative effects! All they did is add one e&tra 4ar(on % 2&y en #a'in it #ore po$erful/ EK(F 4apsaicin .In hot peppers/: 4:<" 0HG" 1" 2M! EGF DM): 4:H" 0:K" 1H Equivalents EGaF Melatonin: 4:M" 0:K" 1H" 2H! .Melatonin % DM) are produced naturally in the (ody! Melatonin #eta(oli,ed into DM) % produces its effects/

If you analy,e the various types of dru s its visi(le that there are certain ran es of co#(inations of the ele#ents that ive the# their properties! ?or dru s to do their thin they do not have to (e e&act li'e one another (ut (e $ithin a certain ran e" there are para#eters % a#ount of ele#ents that #a'e the# $hat they are" especially as they (rea'do$n! Each =for#ula= #ay ive so#e specific or sli htly different featured effect % the sli ht differences are for patent purposes! Most of the differences are on purpose (ecause each #anufacturer #ust patent his unique for#ula and or have so#ethin special or peculiar for #ar'etin " e! ! 1a(ilone is a synthetic )04 product that tri ers the e&act )04 #ari-uana receptors % it+s for#ula is 4HI" 0MK" 2M! )he ele#ents are sli htly #ore than re ular )04 4H:" 0MA" 2H (ut the 1a(ilone is $ithin ran e (ecause it #eta(oli,es do$n as the #olecules (rea' apart % creates the correct tri erin co#pound! Also the fancy difficult na#es are so#eti#es (ecause of the $ay the co#pound $as #ade or various other factors of the #anufacturin process $ith the che#icals #ade in sta es alon the $ay to $hat is eventually conceived! So#eti#es the ri ht co#(inations of ele#ents co#e fro# different sources e! ! Ephedrine fro# Ephedra % 8seudoephedrine fro# De&trose su arJ *oth are the sa#e che#ically (ut derived fro# co#pletely different #ethods!

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