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Words of Knowledge and Wisdom for the Blackwoman in her quest to embrace Earth

Compiled and updated for 2007 by Queen Victorious Lanasia Earth (5th ed.)

Renewing Her-story 2007

Peace and Blessing to the Queen, Earth, Mother of Civilization, and Blackwoman with knowledge of self. Peace to those striving for knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. My name is Queen Victorious Lanasia Earth. I currently rest in Newark, NJ. Previously, I spent 8 years resting in Medina (Brooklyn), NY (Now Why) and have been conscious to this way of life since the summer of 1998. While in my first year of graduate school in Bridgeport, CT (See Truth) I met a God by the name of Shaheed Universal Allah who was deep in getting a music demo done and we soon became business partners and the best of friends. We would build daily on life, mathematics, and music. I refer to him as my enlightener, because he led me to the light of knowledge and gave me my first lessons. That light was the realization of my place in this universe as Queen, Earth, and Mother of Civilization. I recently found out that I have been called one of the First Born Earths of that area. In 99 I moved back to NY because I was eager to be at the root of civilization, where I would often travel to on weekends to attend parliaments and civilization class. The root of civilization is what we call Mecca in the Nation of Gods and Earths, which is located in Harlem. We call this Mecca because it is where the knowledge and wisdom of the original man started when the Nation of Gods and Earths was first founded by the Father Allah. After moving to Medina, it took me a while to reinvest myself into my lessons as well as the culture. I guess you can say that I backslid for a few months. Im not ashamed to speak on that because Im still here, building and adding on for the purpose of our babies, who are the best part of this culture. We are not perfect; however we strive for the perfection within ourselvesmeaning that no one can be me like I can. Just as no one can be you as well as you. Thus the faultlessness you find in yourself is whatever you choose to define as your faultless nature. In October of 2000, I met the God Hanif Islord Allah. I renewed history under his guidance as my educator. He has become one my closest friends and truest builders in this Nation. Our responsibilities are great, yet fulfilling in indescribable mounds. I knowledged 120 degrees on May 7, 2001 (Master Allah Why 15,087) and know that it takes a lot to build on the wisdom and understanding of 120, for I am just beginning. Over the years I have been involved with maintaining Earth Classes and a publication with The 14th Degree and Beyond, Inc. which I assisted in incorporated as a not-for-profit organization. I also started an online community called Peaceful Queens in March 1999 and currently has almost 100 members. In March 2005 I coordinated the first Peaceful Queens Reunion retreat. It was a very successful event of Earths coming together to build and relax. In 2007, over 40 Earths and babies joined together in the Pocono Mountains for the 2nd Peaceful Queens Retreat. I fast and build that the 2009 Blowout Retreat will be the biggest and best ever Soon after I knowledged 120, I would frequently by approached, emailed or in some other way contacted by sisters who were lost in the Wilderness, not clear on their path as a Black women who is striving to gain knowledge of herself. Therefore, I decided to compile this publication of builds, poetry, and other words of wisdom that I gathered on my journey through this knowledge from self and other Earths. Dont get me wrong, I am still a baby in this Nation, I am learning and growing everyday. So, dont take what you find here on face value. This information is merely a resource for you to take to the next level and find true and living builders in your area to add on with. In addition, I would encourage you to strive on building your own square. In other words, create your own thoughts, builds, insight, foresight, and substance. Know that you have gained knowledge of yourself in the Nation of Gods and Earths for the PLAN not the MAN. Too many times I have come across peace sisters who struggled with what they accepted because of the brother they were involved with, and what they accepted because they actually understood the power we hold within ourselves as Queens, and Earths. Join or start an earth committee or earth cipher in your area, attend or start earth classes in your area. Find the true and living builders so that you are always experiencing the BEST part of the Planet Earth. I hope this brings you focus, determination, encouragement, and strength in your journey. Peace and Blessings. Queen Victorious Lanasia Earth

Physical Nutrition During Pregnancy SciHonor Devotion, CD, CCCE, CPD Good health during pregnancy helps to ensure that your baby is healthy, intelligent, and resistant to infection. It also ensures that you are healthy as well not only during, pregnancy, labor and birth, but also the postpartum period while breastfeeding and recovering from labor. It also allows a woman to be able to better cope with some of the stresses that come along with parenting. It is known that a well nourished mother is likely to result in a healthy baby, while a poorly nourished mother is likely to experience complications during labor and delivery, and her baby is also likely to have problems as well, sometimes well into childhood and adulthood. People with limited incomes usually tend to cut back on nutritious foods in an effort to save money for other things. Unfortunately, they are doing themselves, their families and society as a whole a disservice since they are more likely to produce children with illness and even higher mortality, morbidity and congenital problems. Cutting back on nutritious foods is never the solution. Some foods to avoid are fast foods, processed foods, and foods that have empty calories such as bagels, sweets, soft drinks, butter and margarine that may seem to be less expensive but lack in nutritional value. Many people are under the assumption that vegetarian or organic foods are much more expensive than non-vegetarian or organic foods. When comparing the price of a gallon of cows milk with that of gallon of soy, rice, or organic milk or cows cheese or a box of cereal with that of an alternative cheese or organic cereal, Ive found that there is no significant difference. The first thing that a pregnant woman or a woman planning to conceive can do to be healthy is to actually commit to doing so. Every partner should commit to support this woman with her transition. It is not suggested though that those women make major changes in their diets during their pregnancies. For example, you would not go from eating a meat-dominated diet to now eating a raw foods diet and vice versa. Every pregnant woman deserves to eat without worrying about too much weight gain. However, choosing the optimal foods is the key. If we eat what we should be eating, then we probably wont gain too much weight during pregnancy. Study the foods that you crave for. Its almost guaranteed that the food that you want is not what your body needs but what that food may carry

in the form of vitamins and minerals. For example, you may be craving ice-cream, but what you body may really need is calcium. Following your intuition is an integral part of mothering and this skill is usually leading us in the right direction. We just have to know when to follow. We can take the challenge of writing down everything that we consume each day for a week and make adjustments to our diets as needed. Actually seeing the intake of foods can help us to realize how much is unnecessary and what actually is missing that needs to be incorporated. Some of the nutrients that pregnant women need are 1. Protein All body tissues depend on Protein to grow. Protein replenishes the bodys lost cells and tissues. It is one of the most common substances in our bodies next to water. Bones, muscles, skin, blood, hair, nails, organs, and connective tissues all depend on protein. Protein has a major influence on the babys hormones, growth, metabolism, and sexual development and is responsible for forming and maintaining a strong placenta and uterus. It also contributes to the formation of antibodies, which are necessary for fighting infection and making breast milk, the babys first food. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Toxemia, which is Pregnancy-induced hypertension, a dangerous condition that may occur during pregnancy. Symptoms may include elevated maternal blood pressure, swelling of ankles and hands, sudden weight gain and protein in the urine. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates (carbs) provide us with energy. They are needed for all body functions including digestion and all movement. They are also necessary for producing heat in the body, fuel for the brain, nervous system and muscle tissues, and more. Carbs are available in three main forms, simple sugars, complex carbs / starches, and cellulose/roughage, which is the indigestible part of fruits and vegetables that provide us with the fiber that we need for moving our bowels healthily. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy The body uses protein and fat for energy, which causes a dangerous chemical residue in the body called Ketones. If ketones are in the body in high amounts, it can be dangerous to both mother and child. Fats (lipids) Provide us with energy. Fats carry Vitamins A, D, E, and K. They help to absorb vitamin D, which makes calcium



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available to the bodys tissues. They also help to change carotene into vitamin A. They surround, hold and protect major organs. They also help to regulate body temperature. Fats are necessary for healthy blood, arteries, nerves, skin, organs, and the bile that helps to digest cholesterol. Cholesterol is needed to form sex and adrenal hormones, Vitamin D, and more. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Although rare, this can lead to health problems. Too much fat can also cause problems. Vitamin A Prevents and fights infection. It helps with healthy skin, mucous membranes, bones, blood, and eyesight. Vitamin A is necessary to digest proteins properly. Although it is an integral part of our diets, it is important not to take this vitamin in excessive amounts. In early pregnancy, it can cause permanent malformations in the developing baby. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy This vitamin is destroyed by light, stale and dry foods, and chemical fertilizers, and ingesting mineral oil. This vitamin is found in the outer layers of grains. When whole grains are refined, it is lost. Heat, oxidation and alkaline substances such as baking soda destroy it. Vitamin B1 / Thiamin This vitamin is necessary for a childs growth, a healthy nervous system, and good muscle tone in the organs. It helps glucose change to energy. Vitamin B2 / Riboflavin This vitamin helps with cell respiration, and the digestion of carbs, fats, and proteins. It contributes to healthy skin, nails, hair, and good eyesight. Vitamin B6 / Pyridoxine B6 contributes to a healthy nervous system. It also aids in the use of carbs, fats and proteins. It is needed for the production of red blood cells and antibodies. It aids in regulating body fluids, maintaining muscle formation and function and is associated with good hormonal balance. B6 is destroyed by heat and ultra violet light. Vitamin B12 This is needed for healthy nerve tissue, fetal brain development and the production of genetic material. It also aids in cell division. Unless plant foods have been fermented, they do not contain B12. B12 may be present on their surface though. Your own intestinal bacteria produce B12. Vegetarian sources include tempeh, miso and B12 fortified nutritional yeast. Our bodies require little B12 and it is stored in our bodies for years. * B Vitamin deficiency symptoms are digestive






problems, skin and eye problems, cracking at the sides of the mouth, trembling, urinary difficulty, hair loss, poor lactation, sluggishness, retarded growth, dizziness, bloating of body, constipation, loss of appetite, fatigue, apathy, memory loss, nervousness, nausea, leg cramps. Folic Acid Folic Acid helps with making red blood cells and antibodies that prevent infection. This is important for brain development. Also digestive, mental and emotional health all depends on it. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Anemia, miscarriage, premature birth and serious birth defects. Vitamin C This helps in forming the connective tissue in bones, ligaments, and skin. It also helps with making a healthy placenta, capillaries, and cell walls. It also helps to heal wounds such as cuts, burns, etc. It aids in preventing hemorrhage. It is helpful in preventing and healing illness/infections. It aids in allowing the body to use other nutrients. More than 2,000 mg each day should not be taken since it can lead to miscarriage or other complications with the newborn. Vitamin D This vitamin is mainly available through exposure to the sun. It aids in the formation of bones, and helps to maintain a healthy heart, nervous system, and more. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Bone deformations such as Rickets. Too much Vitamin D can lead to dizziness, nausea and weakness. These feel like how youd feel when out in the sun for a long time. Vitamin E The most common form of this vitamin is alpha-tocopherol, which literally means, the substance required to bring forth normal births. This vitamin prevents cells and nutrients from being destroyed. It helps tissues function with less oxygen and has been said to increase pain threshold. Too much Vitamin E can result in placental complications, and can be dangerous for women with heart or blood pressure issues. Calcium A developing baby needs calcium. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our bodies. Calcium does not only benefit the developing baby, but it benefits the mothers teeth, bones and tissues as well. Muscles cannot function properly without enough calcium in the body. Calcium is attributed with helping with maintaining healthy nerves, metabolism and a regular heartbeat. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy irritability, insomnia, and leg cramps.

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14. Iron Each living cell in the body consists of iron. Iron mainly teams up with hemoglobin and carries oxygen to all of the cells in the body. It helps to build the blood and increases resistance to stress and disease. It also has the job of helping with protein metabolism, respiration and preventing hemorrhage. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Anemia can be a result. Too much iron can cause intestinal upset and constipation, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Look into Floradix Iron and Herbs. This tends to be easier on the digestive system. 15. Iodine The thyroid gland depends on iodine to function. This gland is responsible for metabolism, balance, energy, nerves and bones, enhance reproductive capabilities, promote healthy hair, skin, nails and teeth, and keep the mind alert. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Your thyroid will lose its ability to function. This is called hypothyroidism. This causes fatigue, weight gain, dryness of the hair, slow metabolism, cold feelings, and decreased mental function. Too much iodine can cause iodine toxicity. Cough and cold medications usually have a lot of iodine in them. With hypothyroidism or Iodine Toxicity mothers can have babies that are born with hypothyroidism and/or mental retardation. 16. Phosphorus This mineral is needed for healthy growth of the cells in the baby, teeth, and bone development. Too much phosphorus foods is not considered toxic, but can decrease your stores of calcium. A deficiency in this mineral is rare in the Western / American diet but when it does occur, the result can be a loss of appetite, poor growth of bones and teeth, weight loss, anxiety and stiff joints. 17. Zinc This mineral is needed for normal immune function, healthy hormone 22. Nutrient





production, healthy reproduction and the release of Vitamin A from the liver. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy hair loss, acne, dermatitis, fatigue, poor appetite, and poor digestion. The body may also have a hard time healing itself. Sodium This mineral is essential for a healthy pregnancy. It is necessary for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance and preventing ailing muscles. Magnesium Magnesium is a very important mineral since it helps with several hundred enzyme reactions in our bodies. It acts as a natural tranquilizer that helps to relax muscles and lower blood pressure. During pregnancy if a woman develops preeclampsia / toxemia she may be given large amounts of magnesium which will lower her blood pressure and relax her muscles, which will prevent seizures. Result of Deficiency during Pregnancy Eating processed foods and sugars, boiling foods, consuming alcohol and caffeine can all lead to deficiency. Deficiency can cause fatigue, irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, rapid heart rate, twitching, and muscle tremors. Selenium This mineral is an anti-oxidant, which means that it prevents the development of cancerous cells, loss of tissue elasticity, and can improve immune response. A deficiency can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, certain cancers, psoriasis, eczema, cataracts, rheumatoid arthritis, and increase in infection and hypertension. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) These are necessary for brain development in babies. On a worldwide scale, the United States ranks one of the lowest in EFA content in breast milk. This shows that not only are the mothers deficient, but the babies are deficient as well.

NonPregnant Lactating Food and Herbal Sources pregnant Women Women Women 2200 800 2500 800 2600 1300 Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes), dark green vegetables, apricot, cherry, mango, peach, papaya, spinach, broccoli, seaweed, pumpkin, squash, dairy products, fish liver oil, eggs, liver, alfalfa, watercress, nettle, red raspberry leaves, dandelion, comfrey, nori, yellow dock, and lambs quarters

Kilocalories Vitamin A (micrograms=mcg)

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Vitamin B6 (milligrams=mg)




Egg yolk, soybeans, dried beans, peanuts, walnuts, banana, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, prunes, avocados, brown rice, wheat bran and germ, blackstrap molasses, nutritional yeast, salmon, and organ meats (1 banana .90 mg has more than 3 oz. of beef .71 mg or chicken.45 mg) tempeh, miso, fortified nutritional yeast, dairy products (except butter), some sprouts may have B12 producing bacteria on their surface, foods fortified with B12 such as cereals, vegetarian meat substitutes, cottage cheese, eggs, cheddar cheese Cantaloupe, kiwi, red pepper, strawberries, cauliflower, broccoli, green bell pepper, tomato, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, alfalfa sprouts, rose hips, watercress, dandelion greens, red clover, burdock, nettle Type 1 animal derived Type 2 made in the skin when you come into contact with ultraviolet rays of the suns. Type 3 Synthetic form used to fortify milk, some breakfast cereals, and other foods. Vegetable oil, wheat germ oil, legumes, green leafy vegetables, nut butter, butter, egg yolks, cow milk fat Most Vitamin K is found in plants. Like Vitamin B12, Vitamin K is also made in the body. There are 2 kinds. Type 1 comes from plant and animal sources Type 2 The best source comes from good bacteria living in the intestines. Soybeans, tofu, blackstrap molasses, all-bran cereal, broccoli, yogurt, cow milk, hard cheese, salmon, chicken breast, almonds, sea vegetables, alfalfa, red clover, red raspberry leaves, nettle, chamomile, dandelion, kelp, dulse. (1/2 cup firm tofu 258mg. has more than 3 oz. salmon with bones 203mg) Green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, eggs, whole grains, lentils, nuts, cow milk, navy beans, almonds, enriched cereal, banana, chicory greens, spinach, brussels sprouts, romaine lettuce, beef, chicken. (1/2 cup almonds 78 mcg has more than 3 oz. Chicken 3 mcg) Kelp, seaweed, watercress, dulse, irish moss, all plants, saltine crackers, lima beans, eggs, cow milk, iodized table salt, saltwater fish (3 oz. salt water fish 250mcg. has more than 6 saltine crackers 200 mcg but less than 3 oz. wakame seaweed 500+ mcg) Green leafy vegetables, dried fruits raisins, apricots, black mission figs, prunes, currants, and cherries, blackstrap molasses, sea vegetables, died beans, legumes, whole grains, eggs, lentil, chickpeas, all-bran cereal, lima beans,

Vitamin B12 (mcg)




Vitamin C (mg)




Vitamin D (mcg)




Vitamin E (mg TE) Vitamin K (mcg)

8 55

10 65

12 65

Calcium (mg)




Folate (Vitamin B9) (mcg)




Iodine (mcg)




Iron (mg ferrous iron)




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prunes, broccoli, avocado, asparagus, chicken, chicken (1 cup of lentils 6.6mg has more than 4oz of chicken 1.2 mg or beef 3.5 mg) Magnesium (mg) 280 355 355 Green vegetables, nuts, seeds, soy products, mineral water, okra, brazil nuts, almonds, wheat germ, dates, dried figs, prune juice, corn, cow milk, beef, salmon (1 ear of corn 28mg has more than 3oz. of beef 28mg) Peanuts, dry beans, peas, wheat germ, whole grains, enriched breads, avocados, dates, figs, prunes, cow milk, eggs (the baby changes the tryptophan in eggs to niacin) Alfalfa, red raspberry leaves, dandelion leaves, watercress, caraway seeds, comfrey, seeds, nuts, grains, yeast, wheat germ, bran, hummus, baked beans, firm tofu, cashew butter, beef, chicken, most fruits and vegetables have some phosphorus (1/2 cup all-bran cereal 294 mg. has about the same amount of phosphorus as 3oz. beef 298 mg. Tofu, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, peanut butter, wheat germ, carob, oat bran cereal, tempeh, lima beans, white beans, whole wheat pasta, beef, chicken (1 cup of firm tofu 40gm has just about the same amount of protein as 4oz. roasted chicken 30-42 gm) Brewers yeast, seaweed, wild rice, dried peas, beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, dark leafy green vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, avocado, miso soup, eggs, cottage cheese, cow milk, organ meats Wheat germ, whole wheat, enriched flour, brown rice, spinach, cauliflower, nuts, sunflower seeds, beans, peanuts, peas, avocado, many dried fruit, blackstrap molasses, oatmeal, seminola, walnuts, pistachio nuts, green peas, soy milk, soybeans, salmon (1/2 cup of sunflower seeds .65 mg has more B1 than 4oz. salmon .31 mg) Pumpkin seeds, tofu, beans, brazil nuts, green peas, peanuts, beets, beef, chicken (4 oz. pumpkin seeds 4.5 mg. has more than 4 oz. chicken 2.3 mg) Foods to Avoid: Raw meat such as sushi, seafood, rare or uncooked beef, or poultry because of the risk of contamination with coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella. Raw eggs, or foods containing raw egg such as Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream or custard, unpasteurized eggnog, or Hollandaise sauce because raw eggs may be contaminated with salmonella. Soft cheese such as blue cheese, feta, Brie, Camambert, and Latin-American soft white cheeses such as queso blanco and queso fresco because they may harbor harmful bacteria. Fish containing accumulated levels of mercury in their fatty tissues such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish. When a pregnant woman consumes large amounts of mercury, her baby may suffer brain damage resulting in developmental delays (for example, delays in learning to walk or talk). Fish containing high levels of an industrial pollutant called polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in their fatty tissues such as bluefish and striped bass, and freshwater fish such as

Niacin (mg NE)




Phosphorous (mg)




Protein (grams=g)




Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) (mg)




Thiamin (Vitamin B1) (mg)




Zinc (mg)




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salmon, pike, trout, walleye from contaminated lakes and rivers. According to the March of Dimes, consumption of large amounts of PCBs by pregnant women is linked to decreased attention, memory, and IQ in their babies. Check with your local Health Department to determine which fish in your area are safe to eat. Exercise Caution with these foods: According to the March of Dimes, deli meats have led to outbreaks of a form of food poisoning called Listeriosis, which is particularly harmful to fetuses. While the risk is low, you may want to thoroughly reheat deli meats to an internal temperature of 165 degrees (including hot dogs) or avoid them altogether. Minimize the amount of liver you eat. According to the March of Dimes, animal liver contains very high levels of vitamin A. While vitamin A is good for you, women who consume too much may risk a higher incidence of birth defects in their babies (however, studies are not conclusive). Since you're probably already taking prenatal vitamins and eating other vitamin A-containing foods, it's better to be safe and not consume liver on a regular basis. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended has that pregnant woman maintain their vitamin A intake around 8,000 IU and that vitamin A be taken in the form of beta-carotene, which is not considered toxic. According to a 1999 U.S. Health and Human Services press release, raw sprouts have led to some incidents of salmonella outbreaks. They advise that pregnant women eat sprouts that are cooked, or avoid eating them altogether. Sources: Food and Drug Administration, Clemson University Agricultural Extension, March of Dimes 4.


6. 7.





Suggested Herbs This is only a partial list 1. Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa) High in protein, vitamins A, D, E, B6, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, trace minerals, and digestive enzymes. High is chlorophyll and carotenes. Burdock Root (Arctium Lappa) Mineral rich, liver strengthener, supports urinary organs, helps balance blood sugar since it stimulates digestion and pancreas, gentle laxative reduces skin itching, promotes strength and uterine tone after birth. Chamomile (Anthemis Nobilis / Matricaria Chamomilla) Eases digestion and nausea,


13. 14.



relieves heartburn, reduces insomnia by promoting relaxation, provides calcium, prevents constipation and urinary tract infections, and improves appetite. * Note Do not have more than 1 cup per day if you have a history of miscarriage, or have been spotting and are within the first 4 months of pregnancy. Dandelion Root and Leaves (Taraxacum Officinale) liver, kidney, and bladder strengthener, aids with digestion, regulates blood sugar and pressure, helps to make iron in the body, helps with nausea and itchy skin, prevents gallstones, indigestion, fatigue and may contribute to helping with toxemia. Ginger Root (Zingiber Officinale) helps with nausea and vomiting, helps with circulation, diarrhea, reduces respiratory congestion with colds. Can really stimulate circulation in the pelvic area and cause menstruation. It is safe to sip a cup a day. Kelp and other sea vegetables (Laminaria SPP.) Rich in vitamins and minerals Lavender (Lavendula Officinalis) Relaxing. Reduces stress and aids in ability to rest. Relieves gas and indigestion. Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis) Calming, relaxing, tension reliever. Aids in digestion. Motherwort (Leonurus Cardiaca) Reduces stress, can help reduce hypertension with assistance from your health care provider Nettle (Urtica Dioica) High in vitamins and minerals, helping with kidneys, strengthening blood vessels, reducing varicose veins, reducing the chance of hemorrhage after birth, prevents anemia by nourishing the blood. Oatstraw (Avena Sativa) Rich in calcium and magnesium. Relaxes nerves, helps manage pregnancy discomforts. Red Raspberry Leaves (Rubus Idaeus) Vitamin and mineral rich, tones uterine muscles, high in iron so it is said to prevent hemorrhage, Rose Hips (Rosa Canina) High in vitamin C, boosts immunity and circulatory system. Squaw Vine - Aids in pregnancy and childbirth. It is considered on of the best herbs for nourishing and toning the uterus. It is often combined with red raspberry leafs to make an excellent pregnancy tea. It stimulates and regulates the amount of contractions necessary for a safe and easy delivery. It is recommended that you mix this herb with equal parts of red raspberry leaves. This should be taken at least 2-4 weeks before your due date. Squawvine was

Embracing Earth 2007

used to treat other uterine problems such as painful menstruation and threatened miscarriages. It will relieve congestion of the uterus and ovaries. It encourage the kidneys to eliminate and for correcting diarrhea. It has been used for urinary diseases and is a valuable diuretic, tonic and alterative. 15. Yellow Dock (Rumex Crispus) High in iron and other minerals. Liver support, prevents and helps constipation, helps with digestion, hormone balance, stimulates liver to make more iron thus reducing chance of anemia, good for healthy skin. Contraindicated Herbs This is only a partial list 1. Aloe Vera - The leaves are strongly purgative and should not be taken internally. 2. Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosus) - May lead to premature contractions; avoid unless under professional guidance. Safe to use during childbirth. 3. Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) - A uterine stimulant that in quite small doses also causes vomiting. 4. Blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) A uterine stimulant to avoid unless under professional guidance. Can be used during childbirth. 5. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) - Contains toxic chemicals that will cross the placenta; do not take internally. 6. Dong quai (Angelica polymorpha var. sinensis) - Uterine and menstrual stimulant, best avoided during pregnancy; ideal after childbirth. 7. False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) A hormonal stimulant to avoid unless under professional guidance 8. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) - Uterine stimulant; may cause premature contractions. 9. Golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis) - Uterine stimulant; may lead to premature contractions but safe during childbirth. 10. Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) - A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects; avoid unless under professional guidance. Also avoid when breastfeeding. 11. Peruvian bark (Cinchona officinalis) Toxic; excess may cause blindness and coma. Used to treat malaria and given during pregnancy only to malaria sufferers under professional guidance. 12. Pokeroot (Phytolacca decandra) - May cause birth defects.

13. Pulsatilla (Anemone pulsatilla) - Menstrual stimulant best avoided during pregnancy; limited use during lactation. 14. Rue (Ruta graveolens) - Uterine and menstrual stimulant; may cause premature contractions. 15. Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) - A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects. 16. Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) A uterine stimulant; use only during or after labor with supervision from a professional. 17. Wild yam (Diascorea villosa) - A uterine stimulant to avoid unless under professional guidance. 18. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthum) - A uterine stimulant that may also cause birth defects; avoid unless under professional guidance. Also avoid when breastfeeding.

Recipes Nourishment Tea

2 parts red raspberry leaf Mix all of the dried herbs together and store in an airtight container away from heat and light. To make the tea, put cup of the mixture in a quart sized jar. Add boiling water to fill the jar and cover it. Let this sit for about hour 2 hours. Strain the herbs, sweeten the tea to your likeness and enjoy. 2 parts nettle 1 part oatstraw part alfalfa part rose hips part red clover part spearmint leaf

Spirulina Smoothie
Blend 1-cup yogurt (dairy or vegan), 1 Tablespoon of spirulina, 1 or 2 bananas, 1Tablespoon peanut, almond, or sesame butter, and some berries, blueberries and/or strawberries. Blend and Enjoy!

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High-Calcium Tea
Mix 1 oz. of nettle and 1 oz. red raspberry tea with oz. alfalfa and 1/8 oz. slippery elm. Boil 1 pint of water and add cup of the herbal mixture. Let sit for about 1 hour, sweeten and enjoy. For more information, please read 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation Worthington-Roberts / Williams Your Vegetarian Pregnancy Dr. Holly Roberts The Natural Pregnancy Book Aviva Jill Romm Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year Susan Weed Hygieia: A Womans Herbal Jeanine Parvati (Parvati-Baker)

learn about our nation, which is still in existence today. In keeping with her strengths, SciHonor is the creator of the Wise Wombs Ceremony: Blessing the Way for Mothers-to-be ceremony, The Power of the Spoken Word: Affirmations for Earths, A Sacred Cipher for Letting Go, A 1:20 Thought (Mecca Time), which is when all Queens participating will take a moment at 1:20 p.m. Mecca time to think about their sisters all over the globe who share this culture, manifesting positive thoughts to strengthen our bonds as sisters, and her most recent accomplishment for the whole family, The Nation of Gods and Earths Jeopardy (NGE Jeopardy). SciHonor can be contacted at (212) NY-MOM-01

About the Author

SciHonor Devotion is a certified Labor Doula, certified Postpartum Doula, certified Childbirth Educator and Homebirth Midwife Assistant. She is a homeschooling mother of two children. Originally from the Desert, she and her vegan family now rest in Pelan, Now Why. SciHonor is a co-founder of the Uhuru Homeschool Hut in Pelan, where parents who have decided not to send their children to institutionalized schools but to educate them on their own can come together for one common cause, which is to educate the babies. She is the co-founder of Earths Natural Touch Birthing Services providing, labor support, postpartum support, childbirth education, prenatal yoga, belly casting, holistic maternal retreats, sacred seminars for women and girls and more. She is member of the International Center for Traditional Childbearing, Doulas of North America, and the Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association. She is also a board member for Sistahs for Better Birthing which is a local chapter of The International Center for Traditional Childbearing (ICTC) providing education, service, and networking to those interested in childbirth, and parenting, specifically reducing premature births, infant mortality, promoting breastfeeding, and assisting women who want to become midwives and practicing midwives. One of SciHonors goals and strengths within our nation is to strengthen the bonds between righteous women. She was a member of the 14th Degree and Beyond organization, which held classes/workshops and the co-editor/ writer for the magazine which ran for over 3 years. SciHonor followed that by creating the Positive Pen Pal Project for women in our nation and women who want to

Regal Garments: Purdah and its various manifestations amongst women of different cultures, religions and ethnic groups worldwide in a historical and contemporary context
By CBS ALife Allah Purdah is an Urdu (a derivative of Persian) term that means veil. The word purdah is derived from middle Persian word pardak which in turn is derived from the old Persian word paridaka which means to place over or around.i The term has been identified with Muslim and Hindu practice of sex segregation. Specifically it has been utilized to refer to the seclusion of women and those practices that promote said separation.ii For the purposes of this article purdah shall refer to the specific aspects of purdah that have to do with the conscious covering of approximately s of a womans body along with head covering. In this article we will examine whether purdah is misogynistic and reflective of self loathing or an expression of a cultural standard and a manifestation of self confidence. The Relevance of Clothing In Western Society the value of being different appears to be the cultural norm. I state appears to be because after careful analysis one will see that what is meant by being different just encompasses being unalike the majority of the worlds population. When one examines being different WITHIN the parameters of Western Society one will see that there is an actual conformity to Western style. Thus, in advocating diversity there is actually an underlying theme of compliance to current trends in clothing. In Western Society it is easy to forget that clothing is a subset of culture that historically has been used to identify ones culture, ones profession, or even ones religion. It is easy to forget the relevance that clothing still plays on the majority of the planet, the

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role that it has played in our past in the West, and the role that it still plays here in West. For example, depending on the name brand or lack of name brand that a person is displaying on their clothing one is able to approximate their income, the relative location of their shelter in the city, what civic organization they belong to, what 'gang' they affiliate with and how in tune they are with the media (in reference to clothing trends and fashions). Choice of clothing can reveal confidence or lack of confidence. Clothing reveals hygiene, masks bodily flaws, and accentuates the bodys natural form. Clothing historically was first a means to protect ones physical body against the elements. The functionality of the clothing was in keeping one cool, warm, dry, etc In time we also realized that it was a means of adornment and a means to communicate various concepts and ideas. The marriage of both concepts took hold in most ancient societies. When you examine the TRADITIONAL garb of aboriginal people worldwide you will see that it meets both criteria.iii Western society as a whole is a society which was founded on a nomadic ice age value system.iv Even though Western society studied many established ancient civilizations (Middle Eastern, Indian, Ancient Egypt, etc) all that ended up happening in the long run was a veiling of the nomadic ice age value system. The manifestation of this value system is recorded in history as the worldwide exportation of white supremacy, colonization, and slavery that is the legacy of the European countries. It therefore comes as no surprise that coming through this system many exploited people have adopted its morales, mores and practices as their own. Some of the adoptions that they have taken upon their selves is their ignorance in the realm of clothing that endangers their physical health, admonishing the cultural clothing standards of other original people without even examining their own, and ignoring the historical precedent of clothing in this society. One of the byproducts of the above is the perversion of traditional Purdah in various countries. What you have is after the incursion of Aryan tribes throughout northern Iran into Iraq and Afghanistan especially is a type of overly restrictive Purdah which seeks not only to seclude the woman. It attempts to remove all sense of her femininity from her. It still exists amongst groups in India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan in the sense of the burqa and chadorv . This is related to the concept of pederastyvi where the female is devalued due to the focus of men loving each other. Ironically pederasty entered into Asia Minor and the Middle East from Greece. It still exists there in the midst of Al-Islam in isolated pockets. The byproduct though is prevalent throughout the region.

Health is not a term that is usually identified with clothing. It is usually identified with ones diet, ones lack of exercise, or ones genetic predisposition. One of the first reasons that was given for clothing was that it is a means of protecting oneself against the elements of nature. Thus ones clothing should complement the weather working in tandem. If one examines the landscape nowadays one will find anything except complements. You will find people wearing fabrics that dont breath during the summer time (that encourage fungal growth, rashes, etc). You will find people wearing tight/restrictive clothing that hinders proper blood circulation. You will find people wearing furs during the summer and next to nothing during the winter. All of this disrupts the optimum working of the body. Western society tends to also pass judgment on the clothing practices of other cultures without objectively observing its own. Ironically, some of the harshest critics of womens clothing in original cultures are women from Western society. Oftentimes though they do not examine the clothing practices of their own society. For example, the hijab of muslim or muslim influenced countries is often touted by American Feminist as the height of misogyny. The ancient practice of Chinese foot bindingvii is often discussed in the same light. My intent in mentioning these two practices is not to condone or condemn either one. My purpose is to show that they are often discussed in Western literature without a cultural context while the writer ignores similar examples in Western society or the writer states that the western context is freedom viii. The corset and bustle grew as high fashion products of Victorian England which sought to emulate the Venus Hottentot ixwhom was touring the country in that era. Being that she had an ample posterior and breasts the women of that time and place developed clothing that would allow them to copy her physical appearance. x In history texts the corset and bustle are spoken of as fashion or a fad. They are never spoken of as aberrations of patriarchal society. The corset actually broke ribs and restricted breathing. This is the root of the whole history of fainting spells in Western society amongst women. Another piece of clothing that hits close to home is the bra. There has been a lot of research to show that it causes some health risks in terms of breast cancerxi. When asked why they wear bras many women will say it is proper, we dont want to be hanging out, etc. Even when faced with information that it may be a health risk they still expet their option to make a free choice to wear a bra. In fact, the reasons given on why many women wear a bra are often IDENTICAL to the reasons that muslim women give for wearing a Burqa or Chador.

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The final piece of Western womens clothing that we will examine are high heels. Chinese foot binding is often strongly criticized by Western women. They state that it damages the feet of the women, it is humiliating, and it objectifies women. High Heels made their appearance in the Americas via New Orleans. They were introduced to the United States via France. The prostitutes in New Orleans started wearing high heels. The Madames of that era noticed that the prostitutes that wore high heels got more business so they made all of their prostitutes wear them. The women of New Orleans noticed that high heeled prostitutes were attracting a great amount of men so the fashion crossed over from prostitutes to the common womanxii. Now today women in Western society will state that heels are a part of professional wear or formal wear. They will state this without knowing the origin of the heels in the Americas and without acknowledging that there is some degree that they are wearing heels (from a historical or present day context) due to man. Might I add that Western women nowadays have surgery that is related to damage that is done to their feet from wearing high heels, they have surgery to fit in certain shoes, and the wearing of high heels over a period of time tilts the spine and uterus which interferes with childbirth.xiii The current 'stripper heels' that are popular (as a direct result of porno and strip club 'chic') with the 2 inch heel and platform bass figure in the fetishes of men for the SAME reason that Chinese foot binding was 'attractive.' It limits and restricts the movement of the woman. She cannot 'run' away. She can hardly walk. Thus they are rooted in the same 'oppressive reason.' There are many other practices in Western Society that could be examined as to whether they were acts of freedom or societal coercion.xiv Western society also has cultural amnesia. If one was to examine the cultural landscape of the United States just a century or two ago one would find several instances of purdah which was a normal part of this society: -women wearing long skirts or dresses -women covering their hair with a hat or bonnet (which survives on the books as a point of etiquette) -women not wearing pants -cleavage not showing All one has to do is watch Little House on the Praire or any film of WWII through the 50s. Historical Cultures which are adorned in Purdah There are many cultures and socio-religious groups that practice some form of Purdah. It is not, despite

popular belief, just a Muslim thing. In fact, the root of Purdah in the Muslim context is actually outside of the religion of orthodox al-Islam. Some of the most well known groups that practice Purdah are some sects of Hebrews, Christians, Muslims, Rastafarians, and the Earths of the Nation of Gods and Earths. The most well known group that practices Purdah are Muslims. This form of cultural clothing has been seen as synonymous with Orthodox Al-Islam since very close to its manifestation aprox 1400 years ago. Muslims, whom dont acknowledge any historical relevance or precedent before Muhammad ibn Abdullah, wear Hijab strictly because Allah commanded them to do so in the Koran.xv There are many words that are synonymous with the clothing of Purdah (burqa, chador, hijab) within Islamic countries or countries that have a large population of Muslims. Ironically though, most of the words used to describe the clothing are NOT Arabic words. In fact, a large amount of them are ancient Persian words. This is not surprising when one realizes that Persia (including ancient Mesopotamia)xvi as well as the Byzantine Empirexvii practiced Purdah. In both societies women wore veils, s clothing, and head coverings as signs of station. It was proper and a sign of proper societal etiquette. In both societies prostitutes were not allowed to wear the veil and/or head covering. It is first mentioned in an Assyrian legal document from the 13th century. This prohibition found its way into the religion of Persia at the time; Avesta/Zoarastorism. You can observe it today amongst its practitioners. The Iranian/Byzantine influence of Purdah was worn in Persia and pre-islamic Arabia. When Muhammad ibn-Abdullah came on the scene he enforced it and reinstated it within some areas. It was latter reinstated again under the Abbasid dynasty in the 8th century to distinguish muslim women from slaves and prostitutes. The ancient Hebrews spent several centuries amongst the Babylonians. It is not unlikely that they would pick up some of the practices of the Babylonians (modern day Iraq) and translate them into a Hebrew context. One of these practices may have been the practice of Purdah rooted in the Persian tradition. It is difficult to see the Hebrew tradition of Purdah in the pluralistic Western society that has orthodox, reform, humanistic, and several other types of jews. When one examines the commentary of some of their Rabbis one is able to get some insight into Hebrew Purdah. According to Rabbi Dr. Menachem M. Brayer (Professor of Biblical Literature at Yeshiva University) in his book, The Jewish woman in Rabbinic literature, it was the custom of Jewish

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women to go out in public with a head covering which, sometimes, even covered the whole face leaving one eye free. He quotes some famous ancient Rabbis saying, " It is not like the daughters of Israel to walk out with heads uncovered" and "Cursed be the man who lets the hair of his wife be seen....a woman who exposes her hair for self-adornment brings poverty." Rabbinic law forbids the recitation of blessings or prayers in the presence of a bareheaded married woman since uncovering the woman's hair is considered "nudity".xviii Dr. Brayer also mentions that "During the Tannaitic period the Jewish woman's failure to cover her head was considered an affront to her modesty. When her head was uncovered she might be fined four hundred zuzim for this offense." Dr. Brayer also explains that veil of the Jewish woman was not always considered a sign of modesty. Sometimes, the veil symbolized a state of distinction and luxury rather than modesty. The veil personified the dignity and superiority of noble women. It also represented a woman's inaccessibility as a sanctified possession of her husband.xix The veil signified a woman's self-respect and social status. Women of lower classes would often wear the veil to give the impression of a higher standing. The fact that the veil was the sign of nobility was the reason why prostitutes were not permitted to cover their hair in the old Jewish society. However, prostitutes often wore a special headscarf in order to look respectable [79]. Jewish women in Europe continued to wear veils until the nineteenth century when their lives became more intermingled with the surrounding secular culture. The external pressures of the European life in the nineteenth century forced many of them to go out bare-headed. Some Jewish women found it more convenient to replace their traditional veil with a wig as another form of hair covering. Today, most pious Jewish women do not cover their hair except in the synagogue [80]. Some of them, such as the Hasidic sects, still use the wig [81].xx The most obvious form of Purdah amongst Christians are nuns.xxi They wear a full burqa-like garment (and arent chastised by Feminist as being a tool of the Patriarchy) and keep their hair covered at all times. They also practice Purdah in the form of being separated from men during their sleeping, eating, and the majority of their day. The practice of Purdah in Christianity is not just limited to Catholic nuns. Prior to the Second Vatican Council, it was customary in most places for women to wear a head covering in the form of a scarf, cap, veil or hat when entering a church. In countries and services that favor the pre Vatican II liturgy it is still done, especially in Spanish

and Latin countries. So you will see Spanish and Latina women do it as a matter of etiquette, courtesy, tradition or fashionable elegance than of religion. It is actually a part of the New Testament, thus by extension a part of CHRISTIAN doctrine. St Paul said this in I Corinthians 11:3-10: "Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonours his head. And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head - it is just as though her head were shaved. If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or shaved off, she should cover her head. A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head" Mary C. Ali, a muslim woman who addresses womens issues in Islam had this to say in reference to the above verses in the New Testament. St. Paul's rationale for veiling women is that the veil represents a sign of the authority of the man, who is the image and glory of God, over the woman who was created from and for man. St. Tertullian in his famous treatise 'On The Veiling Of Virgins' wrote, "Young women, you wear your veils out on the streets, so you should wear them in the church, you wear them when you are among strangers, then wear them among your brothers..." Among the Canon laws of the Catholic church today, there is a law that requires women to cover their heads in church [82]. Some Christian denominations, such as the Amish and the Mennonites for example, keep their women veiled to the present day. The reason for the veil, as offered by their Church leaders, is that "The head covering is a symbol of woman's subjection to the man and to God", which is the same logic introduced by St. Paul in the New Testament [83]. Though the above three/four groups are rooted in ancient traditions there are many modern day manifestations of this same tradition who deserve to be addressed. Some notable modern day practitioners of Purdah are the women of Rastafari, the Earths of the Nation of Gods and Earths, and africentric women whom wear a gelee. Two other lesser referenced points of this dress code are the way women dress during weddings and how Black women rock hats in church.

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The women of Rastafari model theirself after women in the Old Testament. They also adhere to several of the rules and regulations given in the New Testament. They conform to many of the standards of modesty that are a part of traditional Christian value systems amongst Black people in the West. Some of the commonalities amongst Rastafarian womens wear include: -wearing natural fibers -wearing long skirts -not wearing pants -frequently wearing some type of head covering such as a headwrap The Earths of the Nation of Gods and Earths have a legacy from the muslims of the Nation of Islam yet their interpretation of Purdah is more open ended. This is not surprising in that they do not define their selves as muslims adhering more to a self definition as civilized or righteous women. In fact it was the Earth's who decided what 3/4's was. xxii Some of the commonalities amongst the purdah of Earths are: -long skirts with multiple prints with head wraps. - If you don't not wrap your hair you should at least cover all "hills and mountains" (T & A) especially so that your "diameter" /diamond/belly could not be seen. -if pants are worn head wrapped; -if arms or legs are exposed head wrapped; -if skirts are floor length and arms not exposed can wear our hair out. -emphasize non restrictive clothing (not tight or form fitting)

history of the bride on this day she adopts an accepted presentation of femininity. This is purdah. In a sense she has set herself aside for the groom. As a corollary to this notice Black women in the same church. You will RARELY see them without a distinctive hat.xxiv This is a manifestation of Purdah also. Finally sheer veils are worn by many women during a period of mourning. Reasons that modern practitioners of Purdah give for adhering to Purdah In interviewing several women who practice some form of Purdah many reasons for following Purdah were given. Even those who wear Purdah for religious reasons often gave a secular corollary as to way they wore Purdah and how it benefits them in Western Society. Cross culturally and interreligiously many of these secular rationales were similar if not the same. The reasons that we will concentrate on are modesty as protection, liberation, and identity. o Modesty as Protection When one mentions that dressing modestly may be a form of protection for women they may be ridiculed at first. It is mentioned that no matter what the clothing that objectification and sexual predatory practices will still take place. What is not often recognized is that though the message is that women can wear what ever they want they are still being judged by what they are wearing. When a woman is raped one of the first questions asked is what she was wearing. The question is never whether a woman can wear whatever she wants or not. The real question what is appropriate to wear according to cultural standards and what are the consequences from wearing particular types of clothing. The observable reality is that frequently there is a direct correlation between how much respect is given to a woman that is inversely proportional to how much of her body she is displaying. This can be easily observed by going to places where there are large amounts of women whom are displaying a great proportion of their flesh (the club, the beach, etc.) and watching the interaction between man and woman. Katherine Bullock makes the following commentary on modesty as protection: Some people, especially in the West, would tend to ridicule the whole argument of modesty for protection. Their argument is that the best protection is the spread of education, civilized behavior, and self restraint. We would say: fine but not enough. If 'civilization' is enough protection, then why is it that

The wearing of the gelee amongst afri-centric women took off in the United States around the same time as the Black Power movement. It was utilized as a means to identify oneself with Black people on the continent of Africa. As black nationalistic consciousness ebbed and waned amongst Black People in the United States so has the wearing of the gelee. It has and does remain though a prominent statement of cultural identification amongst Black Nationalist or Black Culturalist. Within the wearing of the gelee amongst different Nations on the continent of Africa there are many different reasons for wearing a gelee. Some include showing that you are married, showing that you aren't married, identifying which Nation you belong to via the print of the cloth, etc. There is also research showing that the manner in which the stereotypical 'head handkerchief'' (immortalized on 'mammies and such) has a connection to sub-saharan Africa.xxiii You will rarely see a bride in a mini skirt. The majority of bridal gowns are dress with trains so long that they have to be carried. An addition to the whole bridal outfit is the veil. No matter what the previous

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women in North America dare not walk alone in a dark street - or even across an empty parking lot ? If Education is the solution, then why is it that a respected university like Queen's has a 'walk home service' mainly for female students on campus? If self restraint is the answer, then why are cases of sexual harassment in the workplace reported on the news media every day? A sample of those accused of sexual harassment, in the last few years, includes: Navy officers, Managers, University professors, Senators, Supreme Court Justices, and the President of the United States! I could not believe my eyes when I read the following statistics, written in a pamphlet issued by the Dean of Women's office at Queen's University: In Canada, a woman is sexually assaulted every 6 minutes", 1 in 3 women in Canada will be sexually assaulted at some time in their lives", 1 in 4 women are at the risk of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime", 1 in 8 women will be sexually assaulted while attending college or university, and A study found 60% of Canadian university-aged males said they would commit sexual assault if they were certain they wouldn't get caught." Also, ironically, when the veil first appeared in Western consciousness via the literature of the Orientalist it was a symbol of eroticism and romanticism. o Liberation Many women accentuated the fact that the wearing of Purdah, in all of its various manifestations, liberated them.xxv In fact progressive Arab women of the 1970's went back to donning veils. This at first seems to go counter against every Feminist argument that one could think of. Each of these women were conscious that the enlightened West is rooted in the Nomadic Ice Age value system that was mentioned above. In addition to the values mentioned they added that its misogynistic nature is rooted in a racist/ethnicist oppression of women that manifests itself as a Western form of Patriarchy that utilizes slavery, colonization, demonization, etc. as its primary tools. They see donning Purdah as a means of liberation from colonial legacies. They stated that the wearing of Purdah allowed them to be assessed for their intellect and expertise rather then their physical looks or overt sexuality. In this manner they are able to approach and interact with men on a more level playing field. Purdah is not merely a covering dress but more importantly, it is behavior, manners, speech and appearance in public. The fruit of liberation is dignity and self esteem. A woman whom is covering herself is not necessarily hiding herself. She may be concealing some aspect

of her sexuality yet many times this allows her femininity to be brought out. Sexuality just concentrates on the objectification of her physical body while femininity integrates body, brain, demeanor, etc. into one whole. o Identity The desire to not be identified with the pervasive value system of Western Culture (it being an offshoot of the Nomadic Ice Age Value system) was a common theme amongst all women interviewed who wore Purdah. They each stressed the need to exemplify their own value system by being a living representative of that value system whether it is rooted in a religion, culture or philosophy. None of the women interviewed wanted to look like the average woman. They wanted to be a standard of respect for all women. None of those interviewed wanted to alienate their peers yet they wanted to present an alternative to Western Culture that was logical, comfortable, and non-confrontational. o The various religions and cultures examined all mentioned a reverence for their value system as expressed through symbolism. The very act of Purdah and whether the bosom is covered, there is head wrap, or whether or not pants or worn are all acts of symbolism. Symbols serve as place markers for a particular value. The adherence to symbolism and the permutation of various symbols can lead to a greater understanding of many value systems. In fact, many owe their initial attraction and comprehension of a particular groups value system to how well that group utilizes symbolism. Amongst many women who adhere to Purdah in the West it has become a political symbol to rebel against the current status quo. Conclusion Western Society as a whole ridicules other cultures standards. One of the easiest targets for them has been Purdah. It has always been presented as an outdated expression of oppression rather then being examined as a cultural expression that allows a society to function in a proper manner. This is the manner in which the majority of the world who utilizes this practice frames it. In addition to the examples of Purdah mentioned in the essay there were many others not mentioned such as amongst various groups of Indians (the Salwar Kameez and Dupatta), amongst the those who practice Ifa, and just the general legacy of Western Etiquette values (For centuries up until the Tudor period (1485), European women wore veils which covered the hair, and sometimes the neck and chin,

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but not the face. Also it is proper for a woman to wear a hat inside a building yet not a man).. When examining cultures one needs to be cognizant of their own cultural perspective and factor it in to their observation of other cultures. Many in the West do not do this. What ends up happening is a skewed presentation of another culture that is not in tune with the reality of the situation. The tone of how Purdah is referred to is subject to the perspective of the author using the term and the context in which it is used.

The Science of Hair Perming/Relaxing

Written and researched by Maternal Luminous Earth Peace, I really wanted to build for a second on the science of perms. I am speaking from one who used to "perm/relax" my hair to now one who does not. Was it easy? Absolutely not. I was used to "frying" my hair so it would be more manageable. So it would look shiny. The list goes on. I never once figured I was damaging my hair, or that there was more to why women perm their hair. So first, I looked up the definitions: Perm (a.k.a Permanent) 1. existing perpetually; everlasting, esp. without significant change. 2. intended to exist or function for a long, indefinite period without regard to unforeseeable conditions: a permanent employee; the permanent headquarters of the United Nations. 3. long-lasting or nonfading: permanent pleating; permanent ink.

Relaxers 1. One that relaxes, as a chemical solution used on tightly curled hair to soften or loosen the curls.

Now I ask you, how does this chemically created hair product fit the definitions listed above? It doesn't. By the definition of a perm/relaxer, you would think that when you get this hair product it will keep your hair straight forever without any "significant change". That's laughable. PERMING FACTS: IT DOES NOT LAST LONG (MAYBE 6 WEEKS) IT BURNS YOUR SCALP, THAT IS A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE TO YOUR HEAD IT DOES MORE THAN "LOOSEN" CURLS, IT DAMAGES THE HAIR ROOT.

Should you Relax or Perm?

(reprinted from

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length and manageability in one easy process. Submitted by Jenny Andrews *I am going to underline the parts to pay special attention to* If you like the look of a perm and don't color your hair, you should get a perm. If you do color your hair often, perhaps you should try out some different thermal curling tools to minimize the damage done to your mane.

Not everyone is blessed with hair that falls perfectly into place. Some need to coach their hair a little to get the look they want and others fight a neverwinning battle when it comes to taming their tresses. In order to help in this battle, many turn to chemical relaxers and perms to make their job easier. Should you? The first thing to remember when choosing to perm or relax your hair is that chemical processes can cause damage to your hair. This is important because choosing the wrong procedure at the wrong time can leave you with a mess that's harder to deal with than what you currently have. So, before you decide to perm or relax, make sure your hair is in the condition to handle it. Another thing you should think about is all of the state-of-the-art ceramic thermal flat irons and curling irons that are on the market. If you can achieve your look with one of these, you might be able to pass on the chemical process. And with the new ionic technology available, even the kinkiest hair can be sleek and shiny. So, when should you relax or perm? Follow these guidelines: If your hair is stubbornly kinky curly or coarse and straight, getting a relaxer or perm can make your hair more manageable. A relaxer will change the texture of your hair and make it easier to work with. A perm will help break down your hair so that it is easier to curl and style. If your hair is fine and limp and there is not much of it, a perm can give you muchneeded body. Wearing a perm will make your hair appear thicker and fuller than it does straight. If you have ethnic hair, it is almost always a good idea to relax. Extremely curly black hair can be a hassle to deal with. It gets tangled easily and is impossible to comb. It also never gets longer, just bushier which limits your hairstyles dramatically. By getting a chemical relaxer, you can get

The bottom line is this: choose a chemical process when it is in the best interest of your hair's health. If the process would cause more damage than do good, maybe you should wait. Jenny is a hair expert, and the author of an incredible free minicourse, that explains how to find your unique style, how long or short you should have your hair, how to find the right hair color for you, how to find the right salon, and a lot more.

******************************************* Did you pay special attention to the parts underlined? Notice how "Jenny" makes it seem like she is concerned about who's reading by stating that it can be harmful to your hair, BUT in the same sentence say you can be left with a mess that is worst than your current situation. She is playing mind games with you. She probably would get most people on line 1 with the whole you might not be "blessed" to have hair that is "perfect". And they call her an expert! She is NOT an hair expert. In the middle of her article, she'll have you thinking that a perm can make your hair appear thicker and fuller. I say, if you don't perm your hair, your natural hair would do the same thing. All the times I "permed" my hair, it never appear thicker and full of life. It was always straight. She left the part of explaining that if you perm your hair, it will burn your scalp. Sometimes even to the point where your hair sticks to your scalp from dried up blood. Yes, the process can disgusting all for the price of what? Permanent beauty? Just to do it again in 2-3 months. I know you may be reading this thinking, oh well, it's worth it. I talk to some of my "friends"/family/coworkers now about perms and they look at me like I have lost my mind. Since I stopped "perming" my hair, I love it! For the first time in my life, I am able to feel how my hair really is naturally. My hair was permed since I was 3 and I stopped last year (2006).

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Ladies, don't be ashamed at how you are. If someone doesn't like it, then they don't like you. Self-hate is all too popular these days, don't be the majority. Stand will love the results. Peace.

"Don't remove the kinks from your hair! Remove them from your brain!"
Marcus Mosiah Garvey

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Wholistic Living
By Shawntell Muhammad Eating wholistically is more than just a diet, it is a lifestyle. Shifting from the "Standard American Diet" to an organic, vegetarian diet first starts in the mind. Once someone makes a commitment to themselves to start eating healthy and understand why choosing a vegetarian diet is best, then the transition can take place. Whereas the S.A.D. consists of meat, fried food, and fast food, the wholistic vegetarian diet, does not. The vegetarian diet consists of but is not limited to; beans, wheat pasta, organic fruits and vegetables, lentils, and more. During the process of researching the vegetarian lifestyle, you will come across information and people that along with being health conscious, environmental issues are a core factor of life, as well. Issues such as, the dangers of using conventional (chemical) household cleaning products, global warming, conflict (blood) diamonds, and many more pertinent issues surfaces. According to, "A plant-based diet has long-term benefits, too. It protects us against some of the leading killers in America today. Research has shown that vegetarians are 50 percent less likely to develop heart disease, and they have 40 percent of the cancer rate of meat-eaters. Plus, meat-eaters are nine times more likely to be obese than vegans are." The website also goes on to say, "A meat-free diet rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber, omega3 fatty acids, the vitamins, for and for minerals and provides adults, that optimal forming nutrition both children dietary

organizations agree that balanced plant-based diets are healthy and provide protection against numerous diseases, including our countrys three biggest killers: heart disease, cancer and strokes. The American Dietetic Association states that vegetarians have lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer and that vegetarians also tend to be slimmer than meat-eaters. Vegetarian foods provide us with all the nutrients that we need, minus the saturated fat, cholesterol, and contaminants found in meat and dairy products." Meat lacks enzymes unlike fruit and vegetables, so therefore, meat inhibits the digestive process by sitting in the colon (causing constipation) and just rotting and putrefying. Nothing causes fouler flatulence (gas) and stools than meat does. Meat sits in the colon and rectum and just rots and decay. This process causes the cells to become abnormal and the result is cancer of the colon and/or rectum. A meat eater, would be very wise to periodically perform enemas and go get a series of colonics (hydrotherapy) performed to help flush the intestinal tract of decayed animal flesh (meat), mucoidal plaque, and worms and parasites. BEFORE the making of the white man the Black Man did not eat animal flesh. After the removal of the white man, there will be no more eating of this type of meat (animal flesh or even fowl). There will be a complete stoppage and practice of the eating of land flesh regardless to whether it is animal, beast or fowl. The people will live a thousand years without eating them....excerpt taken from "How To Eat To Live" Book Two, Page 134, by the Hon. Elijah Muhammad.



Shawntell Muhammad is a freelance journalist, residing in Chicago, IL. For questions/comments, she can be contacted at

support a lifetime of good health. Leading medical

Embracing Earth 2007


Peace, The 13 Platforms of the Nation of Gods and Earths was utilized back in 1979 at a meeting in Far Rockaway NY between the 5%'s and the police department heads and presented to the police department as part of a package for Gods and Earths to have a seat at all Police Board meetings and to conduct roving patrols for neighborhood safety. We were successful in our endeavors. This was sanctioned by the Nation in all boroughs of NY at that time and hung in the school in Mecca prior to the firebombing of the school. The God and I kept a copy, which is now yellow from age from 1974. For those Queens who visited my home the bedroom next to my office had it hanging on the wall. Close your eyes and open your third may remember seeing it hanging over the bed. Please Educate All Children Everysingleday, 1037 1/3 Queen Shamika Lakia Earth reflecting the light of Zyhier Allah

Peace. We also teach the people that God is unity and the Black Nation is One with Allah. 8. We teach that the Universal Creator is One, whose proper name is Allah. And we teach the Black people to Build for Self. 9. We teach that our Black women should be respected and protected as the women of other nationalities are respected and protected. 10. We teach that there is no mystery God. We teach that we are the sole controllers of our destiny. 11. We teach the advancement of the moral and educational development of our Nation, and the development to build for ourselves. 12. We teach our members to strive for academic and vocational excellence, not for the purpose of selfish material gain, but to prepare ourselves for a lifetime of production and productive service for the elevation and advancement of the Five Percent (5%) Nation of Islam. 13. We teach the people the science of positive Black-achievement within the community of our Nation.

PLATFORM OF THE FIVE PERCENT NATION 1. We teach our people the knowledge of themselves, meaning who they really are and their origin in this universe and of this world. 2. We teach the people that the Wisdom is wise words being spoken by a wise person, and that wisdom is the way to the understanding. 3. We teach the people that the understanding is to see things as they really are. We also teach that the understanding are the babies and they are the cream that rises to the top. 4. We raise all children of our Nation and of our communities on the foundation of education, recreation, self-employment and the science of traveling to broaden their scopes of life; also that crime is not great - the greatness is in education. 5. We teach the people that justice must be applied equally to all, regardless of creed, class or complexion. 6. We teach the people that equality means to be equal in all opportunities and sciences of life. 7. We teach the people that Islam is a way of life, taught in the form and science called

Got Tired of Wearing the Mask

We wear the mask that grins and lies. It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes. This debt we pay to human guile; With torn and bleeding hearts we smile. And mouth with myriad subtleties. Why should the world be over-wise, In counting all our tears and sighs? Nay, let them only see us, while We wear the mask. We smile but our cries To thee from tortured souls arise. We sing, but oh the clay is vile. Beneath our feet, and long the mile. But let the world dream otherwise, We wear the mask! -- Paul Lawrence Dunbar, c. 1896

Embracing Earth 2007


The Wealth of an Earth

By Born Justice Allah The Earth is the original black woman, who has been drawn up to her fullest equality by her Blackman (God) the knowledge of god allows her to build on the positive and destroy the negative in her cipher so that he and her can build a heaven on earth to bring balance to their universe which is peace and love, she does not cause confusion, lie, steal cheat or try to master the original man she comes to build and to add on to the cipher of life the earth is worth more then gold diamonds and pearls these are jewels that come from the earth (the planet) so if they come from her then she is greater then the jewels that came from her, her jewels are (knowledge-wisdomunderstanding) knowing how to raise her children how to keep her god (man) how to keep their home how to cook sew and in general how to act at home and abroad, she is wise in the way of education, business and other life skills that she needs to build(survive) in this day and time not to be bear foot and pregnant and always in the kitchen like the slave master taught the black men and black woman to be during the time of slavery we are free and as a free people we need to know the wealth of the earth (black woman) is priceless.

be the earth strong in her knowledge of her God (17) the wealth of the earth is priceless. The duty of the Earth is to reflect Gods knowledge by teaching knowledge and wisdom to those who are un-civilize this is done by the God building within the earths mind not her body(sex) the mind of the earth when building with supreme knowledge is better then having sex with her body because her mind is more fulfilling when she gives you back what you give her mental stimulation you Gods try it some time just create a peaceful evening with a little soft music burn some incense and ask her earth whats on your MIND? Why dont you check out her mind you will be surprise at what you may find The Wealth of your Earth is priceless! Peace, your brother

The earth is a black woman like no other woman on this plant her duty is to reflect the knowledge (light) of her god and to teach the babies the righteous way of life which is to teach them how to live out the supreme mathematics(life) the earth is a black woman who loves to do her duty which is to help bring peace and balance to the universe (home) you think you know what it takes to be a good earth some of you have no idea you must understand that this earth has a big job to do some of you Gods do not treat the earth as she needs to be treated like she is gods gift in our universe (life) some of you cant hold the weight of the earth six sex trillions tons a unit follow by 21 ciphers because you cant hold your own weight by teaching her to be your help mate not your footstool by teaching her to learn 120 degrees to build within the 120 degrees and to show and prove that her Blackman is the true and living god that he said he is show her how to make her mathematics walk and talk dont be fearful to teach her what she needs to know because when your not around she has to reflect you (light) in your absent, not to be a god but to

"The Original Woman is the Asiatic Black Woman, the Bearer and Receiver of Life, Mother of Civilization and Queen of the Planet Earth!"

Embracing Earth 2007


About Earth Lessons

Peace I hope this understanding will come to you NOW about the earths in this NATION or END up receiving the Understanding in your future development. The 120 DEGREES IS ALL WE NEED said ALLAH to Shaamgaudd, and if they were sincere they would get 360 which of course is memorizing them (120), reciting them (120) then drawing them up to this day and time (120). This is why I call the 1st degree of student enrollment the ROOT DEGREE because it is the foundation just as MAN is the foundation in building a family structure (8 points on the SUN of man coinciding with the 8 lessons Allah saw fit for our development as a Nation). Do man NOT possess 2 germs? Isn't it the X and Y? If so then when asked "Who is the Original Man?" then don't you have to look within yourself just as Allah did when the woman was created from himself and bring that EARTH LESSON out of him? So therefore when you look at that degree all you have to do is study YOURSELF and see that there is another germ there which is WHO IS THE ORIGINAL WOMAN? Those earth degrees are nothing but SOMEONE ELSE'S UNDERSTANDING! Get your OWN! Doesn't God own what he makes? Indeed he does. So take those 120 degrees which is in a MAN content and search within those degrees and find the X as see what you can MAKE out of those degrees. Many need to take HEED when the Father said all you need is 120. Anything else is just ones UNDERSTANDING of the 120. So just draw out the X in those degrees and throw those other lessons away. As Black Messiah once said "Plus degrees is getting your G.E.D. and taking up a trade...NOT QUOTING." So ANYTHING other than 120 or what the first borns or elders have recorded as far as breaking down degrees (such as literature by Al'Jaa'mar, National Statements by Dumar Wa'de, Sun of Man issues by Shaamgaudd or Gykee Mathematics, etc.) and the history of this nation THROW THEM AWAY! Peace Sun Ruler Allah

Peace 17's, I am still delighted to read the many, many emails and am happy that you all are still striving to master this way of life. Just to shed some "old-head" light on the lessons in question. We the Earths had decided back in the early 1970's to destroy those so called Earth lessons. They were actually a plus lessons written by a brother, whose name I will not mention, that was not very satisfied with his woman. Some of the lessons were offensive and demeaning to those women who were living a righteous way of life. I cannot fathom anyone wanting to study these lessons. Parts that I recall most offensive was that because the Earth's number is 6 and the devils number is 6........(fill in what was presumed to be for self). Our supreme equality as Queens, those who knowledge who the true and living God and Earth are write their own plus lessons - this is the freedom and freewill along with our creator supplied intuition that makes us who we are. For the young sister striving to understand this way of life peace and blessings be upon you. You are on the road to studying hard and strong for the rest of your life. For all be strong in the foundation you choose whether it is within the 5% Nation or as a Rasta, Muslim, Black Hebrew or Pan Africanist. Study the principles of your chosen foundation first and be strong in them. Know your history and lessons before moving into other directions or great studies. It will keep you grounded - so when the lightening strikes you will not be shocked physically, you wil not be stunned mentally or challenged universally. Much Peace, Much Love on this day

Queen Shamika Lakia Earth reflecting the Honorable Light of God Zyhier Allah

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Lessons, and how its pertinence relates to you and I

Definition of Justice Fairness, impartiality, or rightness in the treatment of the people; the moral principle determining proper conduct; the administration of law; the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity; conformity to truth, fact, or reason Etymology of Justice, Old French The exercise of anything in vindication of right by assigning reward or punishment; righteousness, equity; upright, just Persons must be justified and morally right if they are to count as just. ~Wikipedia: Understandings of Justice Knowledge Cipher is the first and the last principles of Supreme Mathematics. It is insight on the whos, whats, and wheres around you, that which affects your way of life and person (directly or indirectly) or, those whom which your ways and actions have an effect. If I speak on a sisters personal business that she relayed to me in confidence, without her knowledge or permission, my doing that will inevitably come to light and have an adverse effect on the relationship that the sister and I share. Be it the demise of our bond, or that the sister decides to keep up communications with me while holding a sword above my head, there are consequences that will have to be faced due to the inappropriate action. Those consequences will be my justice, or just punishment. On the flip side, if my sister confides in me that her family is struggling financially and shes at a loss for wisdom and guidance in regards to how to save her self from that trying situation, it behooves me, if I have the means, to bring relief to my sisters aid by sending her some gold and helping to carry some of her heavy load. This action would be taken not for the expectation of any payback or praise, but for the pleasure and purposefulness that comes from doing for others selflessly. The act itself, of giving and uplifting another, is in itself the reward. That too is justice. Our lessons state that Islam (I Self Lord Am Master / I Sincerely Love Allahs Mathematics) has no birth record;

some peoples born degree of the Student Enrollment specifically says, The Nation of Islam has no birth record. In researching the etymology of the word Islam and its original meaning I found that Arabic words often have several forms. In its first form, Islam derives from the triconsonantal root sin-lam-mim, and roughly translates in English as to be safe and at peace. In its second form, Islam originates with istislam, which derives from silm meaning submission or to surrender. Islam (alif-sin-lam-mim) means submission to the God (Allah). This being true, all of civilization having been born from the original Black man, who is God, and all ideas born from his mind which possesses infinite intelligence, there truly is no beginning, because the capabilities of the mind cannot be measured. As infinite intelligence deems that there is no beginning or ending to it. Dealing with the latter, in stating the Nation of Islam the lessons are referring to the population of original people on the planet Earth (3:10), as pointed out in a build by True Wise Allah. The head of this universal family is the Blackman of Asia, and us women and children submit to His will by abiding by the law of Supreme Mathematics and living to bring Allahs world manifest into being. Man has been ever evolving from the universal particles that envelope the cosmos, to atoms, to the molecules that make up living matter and construct our physical being. As stated above, all of civilization was born from the original mind and man through this process, which has no beginning or ending because, as the First Law of Thermodynamics states, Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. What does this have to do with justice? Well, it proves that when original people adhere to said Nations other than Islam (10:10) we go against the peace and order that was originally established by Allahs world manifest. Thus, chaos ensues, as seen by the wars and terrorism brought forth by religious extremists (Christian, Muslim, and Hindu), and also, the inability of positive philosophies to help original people in this present date and time overcome their pain, suffering, and oppression (Buddhism). This is the just punishment of those who act other than their own self. Unfortunately, many of us original people living within western so-called civilization do not know our true

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self or culture. So we believe in the 10% on face value. Many Christians are unaware that the religion they follow is man-made, and was specifically devised by Emperor Constantine I, at the urging of Hosius of Cordoba (the author of the Nicene Creed), at the First Council of Nicae (325 AD) to deceive the people into believing in him and remaining loyal to the Roman Empire; threatening the people into conforming to a belief in a mystery God, otherwise be judged a heretic (a dissenter from an accepted belief or doctrine) and suffer the consequence (often exiling or beheading in that time). The insistence that the people profess their faith and belief in an unseen being tells us that the Council of Nicae intentionally wanted to keep the people ignorant so that they could use them as tools and slaves for the benefit of the Emperor and Empire. This misrepresentation of Jesus teachings of freedom, justice, and equality continue daily, and keeps todays original man and woman blind to their true selves God and Earth. The European mans mastery over us, has kept our people lost in a mental death; because they do not know that their origin is with the Nation of original people throughout the Diaspora, they believe in the 10% on face value (that mystery god), un-accepting of the teachings of the 5% that beliefs must be justified as well as true, if they are to count as knowledge and empower one with the ability to save themselves with knowledge of self. Buddhism, many are unaware, was born from Hinduism in India. Hinduism being a religion based in the belief of Brahman (origin in Sanskrit meaning to grow or development), both the principle creator of all and sum totality of the universe and cosmic phenomena. Hindus, who study the Vedas and the Upanishads, believe Brahman returns to earth in many forms, thus the deities Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti (among others). The culture is founded in ethics and obligations, reincarnation, right action (karma), and salvation for every soul. Although, their life principles are righteous, because they are applicable and aid in ones refinement, their polytheistic beliefs are unfounded, and without any regard to science at all, thus worse than Christianity in the sense that the followers of the faith are urged to worship and grant offerings to many mystery Gods rather than one. Buddhism, however, is a non-theistic culture based in the fundamental practices of the Four Noble Truths (moral and meditative guidelines) and the Noble Eightfold Path (focusing on suffering and ignorance and the attainment of enlightenment to bring an ending to

this). Although, Buddhists study the teachings of Guatama Buddha, the purists (generally, 5% of the population) do not worship him and discourage the practice. They consider anyone worshipping him as an idol, or any mystery god, to be purely ignorant. Unfortunately, the 10% within places like China and Thailand have found that they can make money from western tourists who have converted to Buddhism by erecting statues in Buddhas likeness, thus an 85% population was born from the 10%s desire to make slaves out of all that they can so they can rob them and live in luxury (9:40). The ideal goal of Buddhism is to achieve Nirvana (an end of suffering and achievement of happiness) through enlightenment gained by mind purification. This end to a perpetual state of suffering is only achieved once awakened from the sleep of ignorance and having an understanding of the true nature of all things. Sound familiar? This is in tune with our goal as poor righteous teachers to gain knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture, and refinement through the studies of the sciences of everything in life and application of Supreme Mathematics in turn, once we ourselves are enlightened, we take on the duty of awakening the minds of the mentally dead. The unfortunate aspect of Buddhism is, as True Wise Allah pointed out, that although it has a high philosophical quality it has a low relevance for solving the modern problems that Blacks are faced with at this present date in time. Whereas Christianity spread the belief in a mystery god, Buddhism doesnt recognize the existence of God at all. These are both out of accord with our culture in the sense that neither teaches us to see and hear the true and living, which means, through these respective religions and cultures we will still be out of tune with our original self as God and Earth, and the general population will continue to lack understanding of the reality of God as the original Blackman of Asiatic descent. Therefore, if we adapt the principles of Buddhism into our way of life, without the application of Supreme Mathematics, we will still be doomed to go through hell and suffering because we wont know who Allah God truly is the self, for the brothers, and He who gives you light and life, for the sisters. Just as, if we accept Jesus as our lord and savior and sit-up waiting for relief to come to our aid, rather than saving self, the just consequences will be hard times, hunger, nakedness, and out-of-doors. The just reward of peace and happiness can be achieved, however, by choosing the best part of the

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teachings of the prophet Jesus righteousness in equality and the scholar and philosopher Guatama Buddha recognizing suffering in order to cease it; and displaying wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline; all while still adhering to the highest order and guiding principles that are Supreme Mathematics. When we prove ourselves to be truly wise, it is because we show that we are able to study the various life sciences and choose the best part of them for ourselves, without facing the punishment of falling victim to the devils civilization. One who knowledges the true and living God will murder the devil because death is his justice for bringing pain and suffering to others. Whether that death is a mental one stripping him of his power over and mastery of the original man, woman and child or a physical one. The 37:40 degree tells us Allah is God in the earth and in the heavens above and is just and is true, for there is no unrighteousness in him Which, according to my understanding of Allah that he is the original man with knowledge of self - the original man and woman with KOS who understand their origins in this world cannot be a devil because there is no unrighteousness in him. However, original men and women without that knowledge or understanding, though their nature is as God/Earth, that nature hasnt been activated into kinetic energy. Therefore, through misteachings and negative environments, many are being grafted mentally into devil, and have fallen victim to his civilization and thus go through the labor of trying to learn and do like the un-original man. So, in determining whose head we are to take in the 10:14 degree, the 37:40 would tell us this degree is referring to he who is a real devil as explained in 33:40 any grafted live germ from the original. Now, in this day and age, can we go out and take the physical heads of Yacubs grafted devil, or any Black man or woman grafted from their original state? Emphatically not! Lest we face time in the injustice or physical death by lethal injection. Though, we can choose to disassociate from them, even seeking personal sovereignty as some have done. Looking at this symbolically, however, we can also show forth the power of God by taking them off the planet by showing that our self-mastery destroyed their mastery over us, thus he no longer has the power to rule the earth (our home/kingdoms and bodies) or the heavens above (our minds and degree of intellect we aspire to attain). In regards to the original man and woman who have become other than their own selves,

we know that there is always a chance to return from a mental death, so we do our duty to build with them and in turn destroy the devil mind state and behavioral traits that keeps them dealing with their lower self. Of course, there are those among the original people of Asia who, even after gaining knowledge of self, have fallen victim to the devils civilization (or aspects of that civilization), and they too need those negative influences taken off of their planet to avoid digression into savagery (the ways and actions of a person who had found and now lost the knowledge of themselves). We can either knowledge for self that which hinders our growth and development, or accept the correction given by those who are the best knower and see when our ways and actions are not in tune with Allahs mathematics. Either way, it is up to self to choose the best part and heed the warning given by those righteous observers to those not on the square of truth - that they will inevitably suffer a severe punishment if they dont steer from their wicked way (St. Luke 3:18) and save their own lives. Either straightening up to fly right or death in your own iniquity will be the reward or punishment in conjunction with the choice one makes in this scenario. The penalty or reward dealt is based on the actions I, or another, chooses to take or ignore of our own accord. Either outcome is sufficient and proper justice. There are many examples of just rewards and penalties being assigned throughout the 120 Lessons. The wisdom build or destroy degree of the English Lesson C One says Yes, the trader made an inter-orientation that they would receive gold for their labor, more gold than they were earning in their own country. The original people of Asia took the traders word for truth, on face value, and suffered the fate of kidnapping, abandonment, enslavement, rape, homelessness, and cultural degradation for it. The 28:40 degree speaks on Yacubs first rules and regulations given to his followers, and the following degree informs us of the penalty faced if they did not carry out the law as it was given to them a physical death. The understanding God degree of the 1-40 says Allah is just and true with no unrighteousness in him. In times of disobedience on my part, I recall that I have at times blamed the bringer of justice rather than own up to my own error. Doing the knowledge to justice, taking my studies of that principle from knowledge (thought) to born (completion) Ive come to understand that even when serving a punishment, as

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harsh as it may be (exilement to a prison house, symbolic to solitary confinement, or beaten with many stripes, equating to a verbal lashing), Allah is still God in the Earth and thus serves the punishment to clean up his home planet and bring out my best qualities in their purest form. How the knowledge cipher degree of the 1-40 relates is, once the original man learns that he is the sole controller of his universe, the only determining factor of his destiny, he halts that search for a mystery god, now knowing that he is that true and living God. Yes, his justice for believing in a mystery on face value to begin with is that he lost much time in a search for that which doesnt even exist. Though, because he saved him self from that falsification, by seeing that his acts and deeds brought to life his determined ideas, not prayer, he rewarded himself with the title God, the family name Allah, and a beautiful universe his for the making. He is rewarded with true freedom. As my brother, Hanif Islord Allah, reminded me, Newtons Third Law of Motion states - with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. He said, This applies to not just motion, but reality itself this is your justice the outcome and consequence of your words, ways, and actions. So, in considering whether or not I want my life overshadowed by periods of being in the solitude of a selfmade prison house due to actions unbecoming of an Earth, or if I want the reward of being amongst the true and living who are my examples of righteousness and civilization I ask myself these questions posed in the article Ethics and Virtue What should I do? in conjunction with What kind of person should I be? Bring the truth by reflecting the light of the true and living God, is clearly what I should do. However, should I be the kind of person who brings the truth with fire and ice, or one who brings the truth with a warm and docile current and temperament that may be more conducive to the learning and acceptance of others? One who is all wise and right? Or, one who is virtuous in her wisdom and righteousness? Dependant upon my audience and the scenario I find myself in at the time either of the actions and traits mentioned could be applied. In being swift and changeable, adaptable to any given situation, one must be precise in determining how their wisdom should be stated and enacted in order for their intentions to be seen and heard, and understanding gained by the audience of the knowledge shared. The article also points out that the Greek philosopher Aristotle said, a good character could be corrupted by repeated self-indulgence,

while any person can improve his or her character by practicing self-discipline. Many of us fast to practice discipline, we meditate, and we study, we refrain from our desires and focus only on the maintenance of our needs, we act for the common good of all. As all of these actions are true, right, and just, the understanding brought forth through the wisdom is as well. The display of these virtuous traits helps make us stronger, wiser, balanced, and at peace this helps us to evolve from student to Master by becoming in tune with the root of civilization knowledge of self. This is our just reward. Finally, being an Earth, I have to take this build on justice to the knowledge cipher degree of the Actual Facts The Earth is 93,000,000 away from the Sun. So often I hear my sisters distress over needing more time with their God, of needing more closeness to their God, of the God spending more energy on others than he does her. And yes, I have fallen victim to this thinking myself (I wont front). Why, because we, the sisters, are not accepting and respecting of our proper place to the Sun, nor wholly observant and respectful of our mans responsibility as God of the Universe. We want to hold the title Earth, but not bear the weight that comes with this grand name. Our fear (planted in us as little girls) is being assigned the post of Pluto; too cold, and too far from the Sun to bear life, thus frozen at 32 degrees, not satisfied that, at the least, we still exist within his solar system. This fear can cause us to question the Gods wisdom and righteousness, to lack trust in his sincerity, his ability and desire to lead us in the right direction, and to take on the responsibility to power our elevation. This fear could possibly lead to the penalty of being defunct just like that now dwarf planet Pluto. The planet Earth has been strategically placed at 93 million miles from the Sun because that distance provides the right and exact amount of light and heat to hit her atmosphere and soil, enabling rain to fall, crops to grow, oxygen to circulate, and, quite simply, life to be born. The Sun is the life-giver, the Earth, the life-bearer. Their duties are not the same, and this must be known and understood by all parties so that each masters their respective responsibilities; this is needed for the universe to sustain and remain balanced. Equality is to ascertain ones purpose, to ensure that your duty is done. The just reward of the Sun and Earth working uniformly is that they born an orderly, fruitful universe in which each celestial (and terrestrial) being plays its position, remaining balanced and in harmony with each

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other. His reward for sustaining her rotation around him by providing the exact amount of light, warmth, and water (lifes necessities) needed to power her mental elevation and physical refinement will be her dutifulness, her loyalty and dedication, and her willingness to serve and support him in bringing his determined ideas into being. For holding her full 6 sextillion tons, for continuing to travel at that terrific speed of 1, 037 1/3rd mph, for maintaining her proper distance from the Sun, her reward will be light and life knowledge and understanding she will have proven that she has mastered her self (thoughts, ways, actions, and emotions all inclusive). This is understanding this is love the supreme reward! In Love & Peace, Eboni Joy Asiatic Earth Sources: Book The Unknown Life of Christ the Essene Teacher of Righteousness, Apollonius of Tyanna, Who in the Year 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicea was replaced by a fictitious Messiah called Jesus Christ by Dr. D. Raymond Bernard Book The History of Jesus Birth, Death and What It Means to You and Me by Elijah Muhammad

In the Name of ALLAH! By Eboni Joy Asiatic Earth Original Asiatic Blackman fanatic Gravitatin tha Gods Utilizin selfs kinetic With my magnificent magnetic Attraction prowess Representin to tha fullest As Earth / not-goddess Universally blessed With the power to manifest Any determined idea Into a physical conquest Offerin sistas some relief By ceasing popular belief In the limitations of us Queens Understanding what it means To rock a 17 Wallowing in the wealth Of knowledge of self That irrevocably taught me My culture is free And the dome is the key To destroying mystery By borning the infinite mind into existence For all us to witness The coming of the Son of Man Known better as --no other than Arm Leg Leg Arm Supreme Head a.k.a. ALLAH!

Embracing Earth 2007


Peace, Keep this in mind, the next time you want to have your nails polished. Toxic Nail Polish Q: Is there any substitute for nail polish? I really like to have my nails done, but the fumes bother me. A: The fumes from the solvents in nail polish can be overwhelming, and they are not good for you. Unfortunately, there are no environmentally safe nail polishes or nail polish removers on the market. Almost all contain toluene (toxic) and formaldehyde (a known carcinogen). There are some toluene-and formaldehyde-free varieties, but there are none without petroleum solvents of some sort. Petroleum solvents are long lasting in the environment, and they are stored in body fat and passed on in breast milk. Nails can be beautiful without polish. The Natural Manicure 1. 2. 3. File, wash and soak nails, soften cuticles, clean and shape cuticles File in one direction only, and always do this when your nails are dry. Wash your hands and soak in warm water or a fruit acid solution such as buttermilk or organic apple cider vinegar, before applying a cold-pressed fruit or nut oil into the cuticle area near the halfmoon at the base of the nail. 4. Use the blunt end of an orangewood manicure stick to gently push the cuticles back from the nails. 5. Dry your hands completely. Sand and polish the top of each nail with a fine pumice-stone sand stick to remove any ridges. Do the same thing with a fine-grit block. Once the ridges are removed, smooth the top of the nail with a smoothing file and a buffing chamois. You'd be amazed at how shiny your nails will look following these steps, almost as if you were wearing a clear polish. Moisturize 6. Massage your hands with a moisturizing cream or lotion. Peace, Shawntell Muhammad

RECOMMENDED READING LIST The Goddess BlackWoman: Mother of Civilization by Akil Black Women in Antiquity by Ivan Van Certima Let it Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters (Age 9 12) Like a Natural Woman: The Black Woman's Guide to Alternative Healing by Ziba Kashef Sacred Women: A Guide to Heal Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit by Queen Afua And Not Afraid to Dare: The Stories of Ten AfricanAmerican Women by Tonya Bolden (ages 1218) Young, Black, Determined: A Biography of Lorraine Hansberry by Fredrick McKissack and Patricia McKissack

Embracing Earth 2007


Whats the difference between Earths now and 30 years ago?

There is not much difference in the Earth, however many sisters have asked me your question. Culture years ago we had Queen Cipher (17 360) on a conference call with many sisters in Region 6 (Canada, Pittsburgh, Ohio, Buffalo NY) asking this very question of the both of us and also asking what is, if any, the differences between todays Earth and the Earths from over 30 years ago. We both found it interesting mainly because we did not have elders to ask questions of when we were young in this Nation. We were babies - all of us and within a blink of the eye we became "elders". (smile)

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economic and educational institutions This improvement I can cee.

Our media and public relations have improved. Our newspapers are famous (the 5% and Sun of Man) and our PR department is headed up by a God & Earth that are masters and have degrees in this area. This is another improvement.

Many of us studied the high sciences of There are some differences in how things are now. Earths do not wear 3/4ths the way we had to. Covering the head and body is not the same as it was when we were younger. I used to go to any city and be able to distinguish the Earth from any other women - mostly because we set the styles and trends. Now I have to ask who is the Earth in the cipher? When we go to Parliaments we would dress our children and ourselves in the best fabrics and to this day when you see the elder Queens in this Nation look at their appearance. It is usually fine, refined and immaculate. The one thing we had to improve upon as "elder" sisters in the Nation was to realize that all you young queens are our As far as improvements in the Nation - The growth and development process is a great add on. I can remember 4 cipher Akbar (Old man Justice) telling me "to heed the word of Allah and finish as much school as I could to help build a Nation". Many of us did just that. A-alike however you are not our peers. We have to have standards - so we do the 1,2,3 on not only ourselves but also those young queens who are never letting the torch go out and carry that same fire as we do. nutrition and herbs but now we have taken studies it to a the higher degree by incorporating both traditional medical with alternative medical studies we mastered many years ago. This has improved on our teachings by taking into consideration the holistic view of the person before suggesting taking any herb; understanding the sciences of what may harm one person may be good for another holistically.

The Growth & Development process began with 5 areas of focus in 2001 - Security, Health, Public Relations, Economics and Communication. The Goals are specific; 1 - to further develop, expand and report to the Nation local and regional initiatives and

There are cities such as Richmond VA with young Gods and Earths that are phenomenal. They are doctors, lawyers, nurses, educators (college, high school and elementary). What a wonder they are. What an improvement.

Embracing Earth 2007


The Power of Why

You have young Queens such as Shamei Nurture Earth who will be setting the kinetic motion for a charter/boarding school for this Nation. What an improvement.

You have young Queens such as Mecca Wise Reflection who is a research scientist at the University improvement. of Pittsburgh. What an

You have young Queens such as I-Asia Azania Earth from South Africa who is there for the month teaching this way of life and will be returning soon to continue teaching entrepreneurship. She has many students

that she brings to Parliaments ages 1215yrs. What an improvement.

You have elders such as Queen Gemisa in Virginia who continued to build in the belly of the beast and refused to turn against her Blackman no matter what. She is now traveling and teaching on the regular on the East Coast. What an improvement.

We are taught that our history is renewed every 25,000 years and based on this knowledge we improve with every renewal of history or we would no longer exists.

Cognition is the mental process or faculty of knowing, including awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. This is also knows as higher order thinking. The first thing we learn in learning and knowing about ourselves is dealing with knowledge. Knowledge is the basis or the substance in which we use the higher order thinking tool to process the knowledge and make an educated decision. Knowledge many of us know to mean to look, listen, learn, observe, and respect. We can use cognitive skills to determine IF we will accept that knowledge, HOW we will accept, and how SIGNIFICANT that knowledge is to our building process. We deal with this when we do research, ask questions, dont take information on face value. Many of us have a basic idea of cognizance, and some even with sharp skills in putting this faculty to great use, but some of us do not know how to follow the process or understand what and how the process works to bring the results we are seeking. We clearly experience cognition for the first time in the Supreme Alphabet in the wisdom power degree, WHY. Why is the question asked in regards to what purpose, reason, or cause; with what intention, justification, or motive of an underlying situation or action. Why is cognizance. Throughout our lessons, we are indirectly learning the skills of cognizance through the power of why. Throughout the lessons, the question WHY is asked where many of us have never asked these questions to ourselves in the past before blindly accepting whatever beliefs we dealt with as the mentally dead. In each of the 120 degrees we learn, using cognition, we can take each lesson through the cipher of cognition and determine the factual nature of each lesson. Once weve made the decision of that knowledge, we are better able to internalize those lessons to our Selves and apply them to our daily process of life. As I said, cognizance is a greater way of thinking. It enables us to process and understand what we read, hear, and see. It is the act of CLEARLY knowing or perceiving all the data that enters our minds. There are three (understanding) skills that are associated with cognizance:
Literal skills Literal skills helps up to identify the basic meaning of things. That includes knowing what the words mean and in what context they are used in the statement. If I say, The Original Man is God, we must first think literally. What does Original, Man and God mean?

Peace & Love Queen ShamikaL6 reflecting the light of Zyhier Allah

Embracing Earth 2007

Once you establish that you can move on. Inferential skills these skills teach you to "read between the lines" and to infer, or reason, where the hidden truth is. That hidden truth comes within the definitions of Original and God. We know Original to be the Blackman and Blackwoman from the East who was first to walk the earth, the FIRST. We know God to be the true and living Blackman with knowledge of self, not that mystery spook that cannot be seen. That hidden truth can be established in many forms depending on how you see the literal meaning. Evaluative skills - help to formulate opinions and make intelligent decisions after analyzing the data given to you. Once you establish the literal meaning of a statement, and then infer the hidden truth within that statement; you now are equipped to give an educated evaluation of that statement or knowledge.

For hundreds of years our people were miseducated, mis-informed, mis-treated, mis-placed, and mis-understood. As righteous individuals with knowledge of ourselves, we are in the position to break those cycles of just because generation that some of us grew up in; by continuing to teach TRUTH. When we teach truth, our babies are better able to handle the truth as well as the responsibility that comes with sustaining it. Peaceful Blessings, Queen Victorious Lanasia Earth

To Be or Born the Earth

By Eboni Joy Asiatic Earth Earth is a title unique to women of the Nation of Gods and Earths. We Earths refer to ourselves as such because as the original (Indigenous) women of this planet all human life was spawned from our womb; just as all life on the planet earth was born from her habitable properties an extended water supply that is drinkable, oxygenated, and supports the generation and stability of cellular structures, large land masses, moderate temperatures, a breathable atmosphere, volcanic conditions, and gravitation. These characteristics of our home planet can all be either literally or figuratively applied to the first home of man his mother because we original womens bodies are naturally created suitable for habitation, as is the land and water of the planet Earth. This is why we honorably carry the same name, because we bear many of our home planets traits and shoulder many of the equal responsibilities. There are 75 billion tons of biomass (living matter) on our planet, including humans, plants, animals, fungi, protests, archaea and bacteria. The total weight of the planet is 6 sextillion tons (6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). The planet Earth reflects, refracts, and absorbs the light of the sun. There are seven continents (large divisions of land mass) on the planet and five oceans (large bodies of salt water that cover nearly three fourths of the earths surface). Of the planets entire mass, 57,255,000 square miles of it is land, and 139,685,000 square miles are water. With all of these terrestrial beings and objects inhabiting the planet a great weight of responsibility comes with it. The planet is accountable for maintaining the rotation of its satellite, the moon, through the reciprocal gravitational pull of both celestial bodies, as the planet itself is attracted to the sun due to it having the most powerful gravitational force in the solar system. The earth is responsible for continuing to rotate around the sun while rd simultaneously traveling at 1,037 and 1/3 mph on its axial rotation. And the planet earth must also

These skills are developmental in that many of us naturally are able to be cognizant on the first level, the literal level, yet seldom or never process on the inferential or evaluative level. This is not something that has always been this is something that was TAUGHT to us when we were babies. We learned how to eat many wrong foods from our parents, who learned from their parents, who more than likely learned from the trader. As a child growing up, it seemed that every question I asked had a fantasy holiday character, greek mythological story, or Christian reference attached to it as an answer. And like many of us, as a child I accepted these things as fact. Born u Truth, as a naturally developmental characteristic of children, the question of why begins to seep through the smoke and mirrors answer that seemed to be good enough in the past. That is where we get the How, What, When, and Where from. If Santa Claus exists, how can he delivers billions of toy around the world in just one night? If lightening is supposed to be God taking family pictures, why do people die from it? What does a rabbit have to do with Easter? What does God look like? The questions go on and on. Then what happens? Our parents run out of stories to tell. And sooner or later, we get it. But in the process, there is also a period where we are told to stop asking questions, or dont worry about it, because the bible tells me so or it just is. I know I have heard them all. At the developmental stages, these lies confuse our babies, and subliminally stifle their desires to think on a cognizant level and just begin to take things on face value because its easier, or less hassle.

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shelter its organic life within an atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet solar radiation, in which temperatures remain relatively moderate, and an atmosphere in which water that evaporates cannot escape the troposphere, and instead, distills back to the planet as water or ice to replenish her natural resources. So how is it that a mortal woman can define herself as one as mighty as our home planet? I understand we original Asiatic Black women to be Earth because we possess a womb perfectly organized to house eggs, release them monthly, receive sperm for the purpose of the eggs fertilization, gestate embryos for nine months, and give birth to humanity. Our life-bearing properties dont stop there, however. Before producing milk, our breasts secrete colostrum that provides our children with the immunoglobin, an antibody needed to fight bacteria and viruses until their own immune system becomes fully functioning, colostrum also coats their gastrointestinal track to help expel meconium (an infants first stool composed of materials ingested while in the uterus) and prevent jaundice. Soon, our breast milk flows, and that provides every nutrient needed to sustain a growing infants life, including protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, and hormones. Breast milk is also a natural vaccination, providing antibodies that help infants and toddlers resist infection. In the meantime, while nurturing our children with their first nutritious meal, we are getting them acclimated to the world around them teaching them all about their environment and how to survive in it with a high quality of life. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, A nation can rise no higher than its woman. That is because women are the first teachers of the seeds, and what we know to be valuable, right, and just, we instill in them, ensuring a bright future for our nation collectively. We are inherently nurturing and empathetic, which makes us superb caretakers; promoting our childs physical growth and development, the enhancement of our babys gross and fine motor skills, and ensuring their healthy psychological, emotional, cognitive, language, and social development. We first instill in our children the basics knowledge (reading, writing, and arithmetic). Then we teach them how knowledge is functional and should be applied in their lives so that it is made useful and they become wise. Then, based on the repercussions of their words and outcome of their actions, we teach our seeds critical thinking skills, so that with thorough examination they develop for themselves an understanding of the whos, whats, wheres, whens, whys and hows. With knowledge as their foundation and understanding as their guide our children begin to be molded into their own image and likeness, they become their own person, choosing their culture and determining how to live it of their own free will. Through acts and deeds, whether right or wrong, we see our childrens display of power as they use their strength-of-will, self-awareness, and confidence to test the boundaries between the rules and regulations we enforce on them and those they desire to set for themselves, make ethical choices for themselves, and become influential among their peer group. As they begin to live in accord with their truth, what they know through experience and observation to be right and just, our children become sole controllers of their own

destiny, elevating to their fullest equality infinity if they so choose as they judge themselves and others, enact justice, and face their just rewards and penalties maturely. Standing on their own square, founded in whats true, right and just, they become God, and reflective of God, through righteous act and deed, not merely by nature. They become their own man and woman, and we see God and Earth lived through them as they concurrently hold their post in building Allahs World Manifest and destroying the devils civilization that exists all around and would seek to hinder them. As mothers of civilization, we see our children borne into fathers and mothers of civilization because of all the right foods, sustenance, and nurturance we instilled in them. By choosing to be righteous and live righteously, we see our daughters become mothers of civilization in their own right, and watch our boys grow into men, and as the late, great Nina Simone said Man becomes his God. As sisters with knowledge of self, who are aware of our origins in this world and labor to regain our civilization, our role of Earth is greatest displayed in our rearing of the babies, however, it is not limited to that role alone. We are held accountable for living in accord to Supreme Mathematics and the moral, ethical principles that the math entails. By living the math, portraying it in our ways and actions, verbalizing it in our wise choice of words, we become living examples of earthliness and show forth the power of God by reflecting knowledge of self in the physical, as stated above, through wise words, ways and actions, and in righteous deeds. We reflect God, the Asiatic Black man with knowledge of self, as the moon reflects the light of the sun, showing that the sun always shines by teaching knowledge of self and the science of life to those who have yet to be mentally born. An Earth is a teacher to the physical seeds, our babies, and the mental seeds, those brothers and sisters who are not yet as intelligent and wise as we. Yes, we original women with knowledge of self bear life physically, though we also present the truth to and exchange knowledge and wisdom with all human families, birthing them out of a mental death, thus we are life-bearers in the mental sense as well. There are some who believe that being an Earth in the Nation of Gods and Earths means wearing a headwrap to shield our bad hair days and a burlap sack to cover our hills and mountains (feminine curves). Some also believe that quoting 120 is a requirement of an Earth, as is submitting blindly to ones God, speaking only when spoken to, walking two steps behind your man, refraining from swine, and being all natural. Earths are stereotyped as mumu wearing, incense burning, barefoot babymaking drones. When in truth, being an Earth means being the best woman that you can possibly be, being a mother to the young, a role model to those yet to reach their full maturity, and first and foremost a student, sister, and wife to Allah God the original (Indigenous) man with knowledge of himself as the supreme being in the universe and who lives in agreement with that truth. Sisters live

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out the culture of Supreme Mathematics in many different ways. We, as a nation, have our agreed upon restrictions no pork, no marrying/mating with Caucasians. Outside of that, we are free to live our culture through the proper application of the math. How I choose to be Earth in comparison to how my sister chooses to be Earth may be vastly different. In having knowledge of self we are required to see and acknowledge our best parts, poor parts, and worst parts refine the poor parts into useful land and destroy the worst parts of our character and behavior, being re-born as a true and living Earth. I asked some sisters awhile ago, as Earths, what their 6 sextillion tons (a unit followed by 21 ciphers) represents. TrueAsia Eternal Earth of Medina (Brooklyn) said she saw her 21 ciphers as my wise dome doing the [knowledge] to information that is given to me and [people] within my circumference. Medina Refined Kinetic replied I see a unit followed by 21 ciphers as expressing my knowledge so that it's understood in any cipher environment [or] situation I enter [or] person I interact with [and] always grounded in a firm foundation. No matter what the cipher, I represent and express myself to be understood, but my foundation is always first and always the same. I see six sextillion tons as dealing in equality while always striving to uphold the weight of what I represent. I Asia Azania Earth of Power Born (Pittsburgh) stated, My 21 Ciphers are the endless components to my universe. The connection has been established due to us learning how to use the universe to liken ourselves to the physical light and reflecting potential we have. 21 ciphers enables me, like you, to deal in equality so that the sharing is meaningful, and an asset to all those amongst you. Wisdom Crescential Understanding of CMedinas response was the 21 ciphers deals with the manner in which the woman brings about her equality, either through wisdom knowledge where she uses her sexuality to control and manipulate, or by wisdoming knowledge in which she takes her proper place in the universe by doing the knowledge first. Taking her proper place at 93 million miles she is able to born, [through] sex on a mental and physical plane, an understanding with the Sun of man. My goal is to give you knowledge of the Earth in our own words, so that you can forge an understanding of us in all our diversity. Some sisters expression is short and sweet, others is long and detailed. Some of us tend to be warm currented, some of us frosty. Some sisters see their duty being only to their God and children, others see themselves as responsible for their sisters and all children, while others hold themselves accountable for the growth and development of our nation, universal family, in its entirety. As the tree outside my window has infinite amount of leafing to it, so the Earths collectively have a vast array of ideals, principles, and standards that we live by. In answer to my question about carrying 21 ciphers, ReMekqa Ceani Earth of Allahs Garden (Atlanta) said I see my wisdom knowledge ciphers as the places in which I choose to express what I know, or reflect my radiance. There are some graves I wont go in. Also, there are places to be a teacher and places to be a student. I also see them as an obligatory knowledge base, like awareness of your biological family and what

aspects of society influenced them to be the way they are/were (85 or otherwise), knowledge of that influence over you and what aspects are a part of your family bond, so that if possible they can be maintained. [The 21 ciphers represents] reading comprehension, values, principles and basic cultural practices of our nation and Original people in general, how an economic situation can be changed in a positive way or a negative way, how to plan, [knowing that] being yourself is just as important as someone else being themselves (note: Euro centric values are not your own self). [Carrying that weight is knowing that] elders are here to influence the young along their way; listen to them and remember, to somebody you are an elder in your own right. Six sextillion tons is heavy, but you can carry it with grace, dignity and tolerance. And finally, my sister SciHonor Devotion of Pelan (the Bronx) answered, I see my 21 ciphers as being my path. The path that I am on as a result of genetic memory and my personal experiences due to those who have come before me. Because I am active in the field of childbirth, I can't help but to see my grandparents, their grandparents and those grandparent's before them who walked the path of knowledge (1) and wisdom (2), and borned life constantly, mentally and physically, successfully, so that I can gain my understanding (3). In other words, I see the understanding that I have (3) as being a result of what they have done (2+1) 3=2+1 for me. We say that understanding is the best part. Therefore, I am their best part and they are mine because no matter how you look at it, on both sides of that equal sign, you have 3 3 and 3 is equality; the balance and equality between us and those to follow. And so it is my job to keep adding bricks (ciphers) to that path, and when that day comes when I cross over to the other side, I will only be on the other side of that equal sign and my children and those who I have taught on my path will be on this side of the equality. That's balance. Providing insight into the minds of Earths other than my own self shows how we are all connected, it displays our shared knowledge thats developed into like understandings, and how there is, as they say no new idea under the sun, and, as our lessons say no beginning and no ending. Yet and still, being that we all are empowered with our own self-styled wisdom, we express our thoughts and ideas in original ways. The truth is the truth indeed, though there are many avenues one may go about expressing it through action or verbalization. My 21 ciphers is the wisdom Ive either knowledged through observation or lived myself; the cumulative powers of this wisdom is what molded my Earthly qualities, so that I would achieve equality infinite elevation in the understanding that my inherited traits and self-assigned duties are what led me to Supreme Mathematics, and this culture is what has powered my evolution into an upright, righteous, moral, humanitarian and purposeful Black woman an Earth. In January of 1997, a sister-friend of mine not of the NGE first showed me the Supreme

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Mathematics. She had written down the principles and their basic meaning, her unique understanding of them in regards to her personality, emotional state, and also related them to her zodiac sign. I was immediately attracted to the math. In retrospect, I know it was because the principles that compose it had been ingrained in me throughout my childhood. They fell right in line with my own inherent and learned value system, and quenched my undying thirst for knowledge. I copied the Supreme Mathematics into my own journal, lookedup the principles in a dictionary, and added my own understanding to the dictionarys basic explanation of each axiom. I meditated on each word, to see how the axioms could collectively help to enlighten me and strengthen my moral code. This attraction to the truth led me, on the born day of February in that same year, to the Gods in C-Medina, who aided in my growth and development into a true and living Earth. My desire to be the best woman I could be, one knowledgeable of history and culture, and wise to my role as a Queen, is what compelled me to study my lessons so that I could learn, live, and understand the purpose they served. My stance as an atheist for 7 years leading up to my meeting the Gods, promoted my ability to accept the reality of God in person as the original Asiatic Black man. My educator, Cincur Allah, provided me with the Supreme Alphabet after testing my mastery of the Supreme Mathematics. He continued to test my knowledge and understanding as I progressed through my studies of the 120 Lessons, never holding my hand, ensuring that I was about this culture for the message, not the messenger, for knowledge and understanding of self, not to master the Black man. He did, however, remain a constant guide and source of reference through my journey into Earthdom. The Gods I was around allowed me to be a self-evaluator, and to refine in my own due time, once my I saw that certain aspects of my physical (be it dress or actions abroad) were not on the same level as my mental development. It was me who determined when the time was right to evolve from civilized to completely righteous, wearing headwraps and three fourths of cloth. Not a single God told me to wrap my head; it was a conscious choice of my own making. And none of them had to suggest that I go natural because my hair had been chemical free for 3 years at the time I started living this culture. I didnt have to be convinced not to eat pork, because I had been a vegetarian for almost 5 years when I came into the knowledge of Supreme Mathematics and started dong my part to build Allahs World Manifest. My interests were Black history, Indigenous cultures (socalled Indians), holistic health, and the book I was reading when I met the Gods was the Metu Neter. You see, I had Earth in me from the start, as all original women have the potential for greatness by realizing the Earth in them. However, what the Gods saw was my receptiveness to gaining the knowledge of who the true and living God is and insight into our natural way of life, they saw my interest in the science they were sharing with me and my appreciation for the knowledge of self they were instilling in me. All of the above tells me that the universe aligned itself perfectly for me to come into the knowledge of the culture of Supreme Mathematics at just the right time, among the right people. As this was, and still is, the culture thats right for me, supports

my ideologies, my moral code, my interests, this culture encouraged and strengthened my love for and dedication to all original people, and provided the necessary motivation to keep me ever-focused on my refinement and mental elevation. I have had my hell in this, crossed paths with devils in disguise as God, using the name of Allah to shield their dirty religion; had to send back sisters who were God groupies and amongst us for the man rather than the plan. However, I chose to keep the best part preserved for myself knowing that there is no unrighteousness in the true and living. I kept my focus on being among those brothers and sisters who I could study amongst, learn from, and manifest with. My constant goal in having knowledge of self has been the achievement of supreme enlightenment, and knowing the truth of God has enabled me to continue being led in the right direction, never misled by outside forces. I traveled among the Gods and Earths, and with knowledge of self was born again as an Earth for the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that Supreme Mathematics and 120 Lessons presented to me. This culture and our lessons have led me to the study of so many other sciences, cultures, and righteous aspects of life, that I can confidently say I know what the meaning of life is because I know and understand who I am a Nation Builder adding to positive productivity of the collective; a Poor Righteous Teacher leading by example with the knowledge of when to be the teacher and when its time to take the role of student, maintaining a chaos-free existence by treating people how I want to be treated; and a True and Living Earth true, because I heed the truth once aware of it, also because Im honest to others and myself (even if it means seeing the poor parts of me); living, because to be living is to be seen and heard and everything from my topics of conversation and intonations, to my dress, hair style, lack of make-up, my vegan diet, continued studies of Indigenous people throughout the Diaspora to show and prove our likeness and destroy the differences that have perpetrated our division all of this is how I live my culture as an Earth. Sources: y_earth.html

Embracing Earth 2007


2 cups shredded lettuce 8 tomato slices

APPLE-CARROT ZINGER Serving size: 2 cups

Ingredients 1 1/2 lbs. carrots, washed well 3/4 lb. apples (approximately 2 large), washed well 1-inch piece ginger Preparation Begin by trimming the ends off the carrots and then cut them into 4-inch pieces that will fit through your juicer. Next, core the apples, discarding the seeds, and cut the apples into pieces that will fit through your juicer. Remove some of the peel from the piece of ginger. Turn on your juicer, and juice in the following order: half of the carrots, the piece of ginger, all of the apple, and then the remaining half of the carrots. This will allow the flavors to blend while juicing. Serve immediately to retain as many of the nutrients as possible. If necessary, store the juice in an airtight container in the refrigerator, and use within 2 days. Preparation Place eggplant slices in colander and sprinkle the slices with salt. Place colander in the sink and leave the eggplant slices to drain for 1 hour. Rinse the salt off the eggplant slices and pat them dry. On a large plate, stir together the flour, cornmeal, and Creole Seasoning, and set aside. In a shallow bowl, stir together the soy milk and mustard, and set aside. Line a cookie sheet with a piece or parchment paper or aluminum foil, lightly oil with vegetable oil of choice, and set aside. Coat the eggplant slice on both sides with the flour mixture, dip the slice into the soy milk mixture, place the eggplant slice back into the flour mixture and coat evenly on both sides, dip the eggplant slice back into the soy milk mixture, and then back into the flour mixture to evenly coat on both sides again. Place the breaded eggplant slice on the prepared cookie sheet. Repeat the breading procedure for the remaining eggplant slices. This 5 step breading procedure will provide a nice crisp crust for the eggplant slices. Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until crust is crisp and lightly browned. Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and set aside. Cut the French bread into 4 even pieces and then split each piece in half lengthwise. To assemble the Eggplant Poor Boys: open the piece of French bread, generously spread the Non-dairy Remoulade Sauce on each half of the French bread. On the bottom half of the bread, place 1/2 cups shredded lettuce and 2 slices of tomato, then place 2 slices of the breaded eggplant, and replace the top piece of French bread. Repeat the assembly procedure for the remaining Eggplant Poor Boys. * Note: The breaded eggplant slices can also be fried in oil, if desired, and drained on toweling before serving.


Ingredients 1 large eggplant, sliced into 8 rounds salt 1 cup unbleached flour 1/3 cup cornmeal 2 t. Creole Seasoning 1 cup soy or rice milk 1 T. Dijon mustard 1 - 20-inch French bread 1 recipe Non-dairy Remoulade Sauce

Embracing Earth 2007



Earthly Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 1. Monthly events held for the children 3. Diet that contains no meat 5. Not artificial 6. The Universal Greeting 9. Support sister in a natural birth 12. One of the First born Earths 13. 360 degrees 14. 1037 1/3 mph 18. The Nation's Anthem 20. travels at 1,120 feet per second 21. One who teaches you knowledge of 120 22. ______ of the Planet Earth is covered in water

DOWN 2. Used to cover our hair 4. We are the first teacher of them 7. At the Holy City of Mecca 8. Man, ________, and Child 10. One who supports her King and refines herself as the original black woman 11. Nation of Gods and _________ 15. Comes second to Knowledge 16. The 14th Degree and ___________ 17. Weekend getaway for Earths 19. ________ Queens Yahoo Group

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Show and Prove 2007 Word Search



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Embracing Earth 2007


Embracing Earth 2007



Save the Dates March 27-29, 2009

Embracing Earth 2007


The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000. The traditional terminology that is utilized for the dress code aspect of purdah is hijab. Hijab: 1. The headscarf worn by Muslim women, sometimes including a veil that covers the face except for the eyes. 2. The institution of protection of women in some Islamic societies through veiling or seclusion. Etymology: Arabic ij b, curtain, veil, from ajaba, to cover. In order to reiterate that the insitution of conscious covering is not limited to the Arabic culture in this article we will be utilizing the term purdah. ibid Georgia Scott: Headwraps: A Global Journey. This book has beautiful pictures reflecting headwraps world wide. It accents the point made above of functionality and beauty. Sha-King Allah, Who is the Colored Man, unpublished article. Burka: an all-over garment with veiled eyeholes, worn by some Muslim women. Etymology: Mid-19th century. Via Urdu or Persian bura from Arabic buru.(Encarta World English Dictionary [North American Edition] & (P)2004 Microsoft Corporation). Chador: A loose, usually black robe worn by Muslim women that covers the body from head to toe and most of the face. Etymology: Urdu ch dar, cover, cloth, from Persian, screen, tent, from Sanskrit chattram, screen, parasol. Pederasty is the notion of age of age structured homosexuality where a younger man is mentored by an older male and has a sexual relationship with. This was an accepted part of Greek society. A recent book, The Chinese Century, describes the origins and spread of footbinding: "Footbinding was introduced in the eleventh century and spread from the ranks of the wealthy to those of more modest means (such as these two women [in the picture]) and even to much of the peasantry. Girls as young as three or four would have their feet bound tightly with bandages, folding all the toes except the big one under the sole to make the foot slender and pointed. After a couple of years, the big toe and heel were brought together, bending the arch, causing constant pain and hindering free movement. The sight of a woman teetering on her little points moving her hips from side to side 'like a tender young willow in a breeze' to balance herself was believed to have an erotic effect on men. In defining the freedom of Western Society it is implied that all women in Western Society choose to wear such clothing. Ironically when women in other societies say that they are exercising the same freedom to wear various items of clothing in their society Western Women state that the other women have been brainwashed by Patriarchy. The Venus Hottentot was Sara Bartman. She was a Khoi Khoi woman whom was taken from Cape Town, South Africa in 1810 and brought to Britain to be the foundation of European notions about Black Womens sexuality. She was amply proportion in her breast and buttocks in comparision to the typical European female. Even after she died the next year in France her genatelia and brain were displayed in a French museum up until 1985. Iceman Inheritance : Prehistoric Sources of Western Man's Racism, Sexism and Aggression by Michael Bradley In the 1994 book Dressed to Kill by Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijerin, they suggested that wearing bras may inhibit the normal function of the lymphatic system in and around the breast. The result is a decreased removal of toxins from the breast and an increased occurrence of breast cancer. Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices by Brenda Love There also has been large documentation that the consistent wearing of high heels produces extensive wear on womens knee joints. Tongue piercing whose appeal has been documented as the flaunting of oral sexual taboos. Cosmetic plastic surgery which is directly proportional to Western cultures beauty norms. "O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed..." (Qur'an 33:59) Fadwa El Guini, Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance Purdah in the Byzantine Empire is a result of ancient Greece Culture. In fact the Greek word for the veil was tegidion which means 'a little roof'. Thus it fits the whole foundation of Purdah as seclusion or set aside. Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, Aphrodite's Tortoise: The Veiled Woman of Ancient Greece The Jewish woman in Rabbinic literature by Rabbi Dr. Menachem M. Brayer ( Ibid Mary C. Ali, Womens Liberation Through Islam Elizabeth Kuhns, Habit: A history of the clothing of catholic nuns I-Medina Peaceful Earth, Helen Bradley Griebel, The African American Woman's Headwrap: Unwinding the Symbols Michael Cunningham and Craig Marberry, Crowns Fadwa El Guini, Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance

Embracing Earth 2007


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