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TALIBAN PROPAGANDA WATCH (RC South) – 212320UTC Sept 09 Pages
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NOTE: This material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban
spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof. Posting of this material neither confirms nor Search
endorses any of its content – it is shared for information only. When material translated into English is not search site archives
available, Google Translate is used to translate the original (indicated by “GoogEng”) – this is only a machine
translation, NOT an official one.

Tank of invaders blew up near Kahndahar city 21/9/09 (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation
The bombing of a tank of the occupying forces improvised explosive device near Kandahar City
Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi Canada-Afghanistan Blog
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of dawn in the ninth hour of the morning (2009-09-21) an explosive
device planted in a military tank belonging to the Crusader occupation forces on the road to Herat in
the mandate of the Cochran in the share of Eastern city of Kandahar. The blast destroyed the enemy
tank is full and five soldiers were killed by the occupiers on the spot. In other words people of the
region: After the accident, were transported the bodies of enemy soldiers to their positions and that SIPRI Afghanistan Blog
the tank destroyer is still in the area until the age now. Small Wars Journal blog
The Torch
Foreign Invaders Destroyed in Nawa.
Monday, 21 September 2009 14:35 Q. Y. Ahmadi Helmand

Mujahideen in Helmand province destroyed a military tank of the foreign invaders at Mangalzo Area Archives
of Nawa district by detonating a land mine. All the crew on board was killed as a result of the blast September 2009
but later enemy helicopters airlifted the dead bodies.
August 2009

Explosions killed and wounded british invaders in Girishk, Helmand 21/9/09 (Original in Arabic) – July 2009
Google English translation June 2009
May 2009
Explosions to inflict losses Britons killed and injured in Helmand province
April 2009
Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi
March 2009
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of dawn at about the tenth morning (2009-09-21) an explosive device
on a foot patrol of soldiers occupying British forces in the Directorate of De Adam Khan Gereshk in February 2009
Helmand, killing three enemy soldiers and wounding two others. After the incident, a quarter of an October 2008
hour, blew up a tank for the occupiers to an improvised explosive device in the Zembli this January 2008
Directorate, when they were traveling from headquarters to headquarters. Local Mujahideen says: The November 2007
result of a powerful bomb blast destroyed the enemy tank is full and kill all the troops occupiers.
October 2007
According to another report, one of the Mujahideen sniper in the eleventh hour of the afternoon, two
September 2007
soldiers of the Army of the client by the sniper weapon, where they were standing in front of the
military based.
Two Military Tanks of the Invaders Destroyed in Tarinkut Afghanistan, Kandahar
Monday, 21 September 2009 14:39 Q. Y. Ahmadi
Mujahideen ambushed a military patrolling party of the enemy at Mari Abad valley, near the provincial Media
capital Tarinkut and destroyed two tanks. All crew aboard the tanks have been killed. The enemy Military Ethos
troops pulled out of the area after the explosion, leaving their destroyed tanks on the site. Not Just Military
Opposition & Protest

PDF version of this page also available Public Diplomacy

at non-terrorist site here. taliban
Taliban propaganda
The Fallen and the Injured
The Political Circus
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Written by milnewsca Posted in Afghanistan, Kandahar, Taliban propaganda Meta

21 September 09 at 19:22 Tagged with Afghanistan, Gheresk, Helmand, Kandahar, Kandahar City, Mangalzo,
Nawa, Taliban propaganda, Voice of Jihad
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