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Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses.

Effects of deforestation Forests are complex ecosystems that are important to the carbon and water cycles that sustain life on earth. When they are degraded, it can set off a devastating chain of events both locally and around the world. Loss of Species/ Biodiversity: Seventy percent of the worlds plants and animals live in forests and are losing their habitats to deforestation. oss of habitat can lead to species extinction. !his is not only a biodiversity tragedy but also has negative conse"uences for medicinal research and local populations who rely on the animals and plants in the forests for hunting and medicine. Carbon Emissions: #ealthy forests help absorb greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions that are caused by human civili$ation and contribute to global climate change. Without trees, more carbon and greenhouse gasses enter the atmosphere. !o make matters worse, trees actually become carbon sources when they are cut, burned, or otherwise removed.!ropical forests hold more than %&' gigatons of carbon, and deforestation represents around &( percent of greenhouse gas emissions, Water Cycle: !rees play an important part in the water cycle, grounding the water in their roots and releasing it into the atmosphere. When forests are
destroyed, the atmosphere, water bodies and the water table are all affected. Trees absorb and retain water in their roots. A large part of the water that circulates in the ecosystem of rainforests remains inside the plants. Some of this moisture is transpired into the atmosphere. When this process is broken, the atmosphere and water bodies begin to dry out. The watershed potential is compromised and less water will run through the rivers. Smaller lakes and streams that take water from these larger water bodies dry up.

Soil Erosion) Soils (and the nutrients in them) are e posed to the sun!s heat without tree roots to anchor it. Soil moisture is dried up, nutrients evaporate and
bacteria that help break down organic matter are affected. "ventually, rain

washes down the soil surfaces and erosion takes place. Soils never get their full potential back. Climate Change # $lants absorb %arbon &io ide %'( (a greenhouse gas) from the atmosphere and uses it to produce food (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that make up trees). )n return, it gives off ' ygen. &estroying the forests mean %'( will remain in the atmosphere and in addition, destroyed vegetation will give off more %'( stored in them as they decompose. This will alter the climate of that

Life Quality: Soil erosion can also lead to silt entering the lakes, streams, and other water sources. !his can decrease local water "uality, contributing to poor health in the local population. *ll of these factors can have adverse effects on local economies. +ncreased flooding, lack of "uality water, and inability to produce their own food causes many locals migrate to cities that lack infrastructure for them. ,r, they work on plantations, worsening the deforestation problem and at times being sub-ected to inhumane working conditions

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