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Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!

& 2'1#

The Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Emotional Freedom Technique in Upgrading Feelings of Happiness for Diabetics in Gaza
(r. Neamat Sh. )lwan1&(r. *uhair .+,.Nawa-ha2 1.)ssociate pro.essor o. /ental Heal )l )0sa uni1ersit2 3 4a5a 2.)ssistant pro.essor o. ps2chological 6ounseling )l )0sa uni1ersit2 3 4a5a !bstract 7he current stud2 tries to 1eri.2 the e..ecti1eness o. a training program 8ased on emotional .reedom techni0ue in upgrading the .eelings o. happiness .or dia8etics. 7he sample is (#" dia8etics enrolled in 9han :ounis camp clinic purposi1el2 selected and e0uall2 distri8uted into two groups. 7he researchers designed the stud2 tools (emotional .reedom training program& happiness scale . 7he stud2 .indings re1ealed the e;istence o. statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences 8etween the treatment and control groups in .a1or o. the .ormer. <urthermore& there were statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences 8etween the pre and the post measures o. the treatment group in .a1or o. the post measures. "ntroduction# Ps2chological and ph2siological health is the e1entual goal o. humans in their pursuit to lead a happ2 li.e .ree .rom illnesses. )s the 8od2 and ps2che constitute an integrated unit that a..ects and gets a..ected 82 each other& the stress.ul and traumatic e1ents encountered 82 a human 8eing& which incorporate traumatic and pain.ul e1ents& cause man2 sources o. pressure and ris= .actors that endanger all li.e aspects. 7his contri8utes to the emergence o. 1arious 8odil2 diseases. 7he present stud2 lies in the realm o. clinical ps2cholog2& which integrates science& theories& and clinical =nowledge with the aim o. understanding the nature o. an;iet2& pressures& disorders& ps2chological illnesses and d2s.unction resulting thereo. 8esides alle1iating the intensit2 o. these and coping with them 1ia in1estigation& diagnosis and medication. /oreo1er& it aims to promote the happiness o. indi1iduals and this secures progress on the personal le1el. (ia8etes is a dangerous and chronic disease that a..ects the personal& ps2chological and social 8eha1ior o. a dia8etic. It is the most rampant ps2chosomatic illness now as it represents the 8iggest challenge in the twent2.irst centur2 since it is an epidemic which >eopardi5es 8oth de1eloping and de1eloped nations a li=e 8ecause o. the complications resulting .rom it such as heart diseases & h2pertension& 8lood 1essels& amputations& =idne2 .ailure & and 8lindness. 6onse0uentl2& it causes disa8ilities and reduces li.e e;pectanc2. (7aher& 2'12& #'! . <or protection against dia8etic complications& the diseased person needs sta8ilit2 in his temperament to a1oid changes in glucose in 8lood& and the ph2siological changes resulting .rom its rise and a1oiding disorders in meta8olism in the 8od2 whether the causes are internal li=e 8odil2 and ps2chological e..ects& or e;ternal li=e heat& cold humidit2& e;siccation& wor=& and .ood. ?alance in .eelings is necessar2 .or a diseased person to shun disorders and to maintain the se1en .eelings o. @-o2& anger& sadness& preoccupation& .ear& horror& and depression@. 7hese emotions impact the .eeling o. happiness when the2 are o1eremphasi5ed (Sha8ee8& 2''!& 2A2 . Happiness is an internal positi1e .eeling e;pressed 82 a person either 1er8all2 or non-1er8all2 accompanied 82 internal and e;ternal ph2siological changes and has ph2siological& temperamental& and cogniti1e determinants such as health& hope in the .uture& .eeling o. .riendship and lo1e 8esides contemplating some situations and assuming some no8le characteristics and traits& and adopting some concepts. 7his .eeling results .rom the a8ilit2 o. an indi1idual to .orm a positi1e sel.-image& and some success.ul relationships li=e the relationship 8etween man and his ,ord 3 i.e. the relation with )llah& himsel.& others& and the en1ironment& which ma=es him en-o2 his wor= and time more& in addition to the attainments o. the person in di..erent wal=s o. li.e& and the .amiliar climate which pro1ides an indi1idual with tenderness& lo1e and understanding. (Salem& 2''12& "-7 . %eenho1en (2'''B#2 8elie1es that the concept o. happiness has two di..erent meaningsB the .irst is o8-ecti1e whereas the second is su8-ecti1e. 7he .irst meaning ma=es the happiness e0ui1alent to .reedom since happiness means that one li1es sa.el2 and .reel2 1ia the a1aila8ilit2 o. new appropriate conditions. $n the other hand& the second meaning is su8-ecti1e as it re.lects the personCs .eeling and estimate o. his sta8le li.e. 7here.ore& happiness is the total positi1e wa2 that a person contents to himsel.. <ran=in (2'1'BD# concei1es o. happiness as it is not a series o. temporar2 -o2.ul situations or hoarding mone2& or related to oneCs religious creed& rather& it as a continuous state e1en when one .eels 8ad. It is a li.e st2le that


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

ena8les one to meet his needs and secures one a 8etter human li.e. ,i=ewise& )l-:ah.o.2 (2''"B9A7 maintains that happiness depends on the e;istence o. three le1elsE a wide le1el which presumes the a1aila8ilit2 o. some .actors in the societ2 such as .reedom& -ustice& and wealthE the intermediate le1el relies on the ser1ices pro1ided 82 some institutions as spontaneit2 in wor= and caring institutionsE the smallest le1el o. happiness& which depends on personal attitudes li=e autonom2 and social s=ills. Happiness is a state o. .eeling that can 8e detected .rom the indi1idualCs temperament who can achie1e a higher degree o. happiness. It is a hea1enl2 8lessing. <eelings o. happiness 1ar2 and .rom one person to another& in the same person .rom time to time in accordance with the degree o. his 8elie. in 4od and results .rom doing the right and righteous deeds and a1oiding e1il& .alsehood& and wretchedness. <aith& when mature and strong& 8ecomes an e..ecti1e .actor& and assumes a permanent power 1ia oneCs relation with )llah. Spiritual 8elie. creates in man a .eeling o. content and happiness. 7his .eeling results .rom oneCs commitment to moral 1alues and ideals. )llah sa2s @It is those who 8elie1e. )nd mi; not their 8elie.s with Frong& that are trul2 in securit2& .or the2 are on right guidance ()l- )nam chapter& 1erse !2 . ?ecause o. the importance o. religion& it was added 82 the general assem8l2 o. Forld Health $rgani5ation as a .ourth dimension o. a general health which comprises 8odil2& ps2chological and social .actors 8esides the spiritual one. ()8u )l )5aim & 199A. 97 . In the same 1ein& +llison and 4lass (19!9 (6ited in >ames and /argaret& 1999& #2# argue that religion has positi1e impact on the .eeling o. contentedness with li.e as it pro1ides man with a .orm o. support li=e internal tran0uilit2. (iener et al.Cs stud2 (2''2& 129 concluded that religion is related to the .eelings o. happiness& health& and 1i1idness. ?2 the same to=en& 6laudia and FallisGs stud2 (2''A& 1" re1ealed that pra2ing and contemplation impro1e the happiness le1el 82 ( D1H among .emales and (#!H among males. 7here are some Islamic principles which ena8le people to attain happiness. 7he .ollowing are someB altruism& re1ering othersC rights& hate o. niggardliness& desire o. 8eing characteri5ed with good morals& .ighting 8ac= the spurs o. soul& stimulating will& preoccupation with integrit2& stri1ing to e;cel in doing good deeds& strengthening the spirit& su8limation& purit2& reliance on )llah& .ear o. )llah& doing people good& and contentedness ()l .aramawi& 1999B 222-22# . 7he pre1enti1e approach o. modern mental h2giene and ps2chological medicine .ocuses on dispelling an;ious thoughts and .eelings& .ear& .eelings o. insecurit2& and promoting .eeling happ2. 7his can 8e achie1ed 1ia preparing training programs designed .or this end. (ia8etes causes a 8ig trauma to the diseased person and his I her .amil2 as well& which is conduci1e to 8ig pressures& which in turn& lead to a signi.icant change in the li.e o. the sic= person and his I her .amil2. <eelings o. an;iet2& .ear& depression& and anger trul2 a..ect all wal=s o. li.e. 7he role pla2ed 82 ps2chological researchers is o. great importance as it ena8les dia8etics to restore .eelings o. happiness and e0uili8rium. 7his is a positi1e sensation needed 82 the sic= person to resist the intensit2 o. melanchol2& an;iet2& and tension that a..lict himIher in some li.e situations. Hence& see=ing .or remedies is more use.ul .or the diseased .inanciall2& ph2sicall2 and ps2chologicall2. $ne o. these remedies is the emotional .reedom techni0ue which is gi1en an alternati1e name o. treating with energ2. 7his techni0ue aims to help the a..licted person to get out .rom the c2cle o. his illness and an;iet2 in which heIshe li1es and helps them to 8egin to .eel happ2. 7he emotional .reedom techni0ue mainl2 .ocuses on the .act that the disorder in the energ2 s2stem causes great impact on the human ps2che and correction o. this disorder is achie1ed 82 tapping certain spots in the 8od2 @7his techni0ue would result in rapid reco1er2 i.e. the 8iggest part o. the pro8lem 1anishes in minutes@ ( Hmoud )l )ra8i& 2''A& # . +motional .reedom as a techni0ue means getting rid o. negati1e emotions. 7he theoretical underpinnings o. the techni0ue see that the cause underl2ing the .ormation o. negati1e emotions is disorder in the energ2 s2stem o. the 8od2& the 1arious mani.estations o. the energ2 o. which the techni0ue is part& helps in the treatment process. )n e;ample is the capacit2 o. trans.orming the negati1e energ2 into a positi1e one 1ia pra2ers and worshipping )llah. @7hese are capa8le o. causing reco1er2 and su8stituting temperature resulting .rom negati1e ideas and sensations with a cold energ2 which has a tran0uilling e..ect on the ner1ous s2stem. So energy as a term is wide enough to encompass 8iological& 8odil2& intellectual and spiritual energies@ ( Sha8ee8& 2''!& 2#7 . 7here.ore& the emotional .reedom contri8utes into reconstructing sel.-con.idence o. the indi1idual and increases his degree o. happiness particularl2 when he gets rid o. the s2mptoms o. the disease& and reco1ers .rom them. It also moti1ates him to success.ull2 accomplish his tas=s. Ro8th8ort and Posner (2'1'& 1'# 8elie1e that emotional .reedom is closel2 related to the ph2siological acti1ation s2stem which controls the 8rain wor= s2stem and e;changes in.ormation 8etween the indi1idual and his I her e;ternal en1ironment which would spur the indi1idual to achie1e certain tas=s when there are high le1els o. it and not accomplishing the tas=s when there are low le1els& howe1er. $wing to the spread o. dia8etes in all age groups& most o. the clinics& medical centers e;pended e..orts in order to contri8ute in the treatment o. this malad2 as it is a common responsi8ilit2 o. doctors&

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

a..licted people and the societ2 8ecause an2 carelessness in pursuing medication will result in ad1erse e..ects on the sic= personGs health& and cause cumulati1e complications in the diseased people the most ris=2 o. which is .oot amputation. It also ma2 cause poor e2esight and retina damage& and lac= o. 8odil2 acti1it2. ?ecause o. these temperamental disorders resulting .rom dia8etes& the researchers wanted to design a training program 8ased on the emotional .reedom techni0ue to contri8ute to assisting those in.licted to get rid o. the negati1e temperamental state which 1isits them regularl2 and to increase the le1el o. .eelings o. happiness in the diseased people. (ia8etics need special care as dia8etes causes a lot o. ps2chological pains and su..erings. Hence& wor=ing to raise the degree o. .eeling happ2 is one o. the indicators o. the 0ualit2 o. the health ser1ices pro1ided to dia8etics 8esides the contentedness& sensation o. wel.are& and desire in li.e $tatement of the problem# 7he stud2 pro8lem can 8e stated in the .ollowing ma-or 0uestion 7o what e;tent is the training program 8ased on the emotional .reedom techni0ue e..ecti1e in increasing the .eeling o. happiness in dia8etics in 4a5a 4o1ernoratesJ 7he .ollowing minor 0uestions emanate .rom the a8o1e ma-or oneB 1- )re these statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores o. the treatment group on the pre administration o. happiness scale and those o. the post administrationJ 2- )re these statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores o. the treatment group and those o. the control group in the post administration o. the happiness scaleJ #- )re these statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences 8etween the mean scores o. the treatment group on the post administration o. the happiness scale and those o. the .ollow-up administration o. the ScaleJ $ignificance of the stud%# 7he stud2 deri1es its signi.icance .rom the .act that it in1estigates an important issue as it attempts to 1eri.2 the e..ecti1eness o. a training program 8ased on the emotional .reedom techni0ue in increasing the le1el o. .eeling happ2 among dia8etics in 4a5a go1ernorates. 7his is important theoreticall2 and practicall2. 1- 7he stud2& to the 8est =nowledge o. the researchers& is 8oth new and original in the Palestinian en1ironment. 2- ).ter re1iewing the )ra8ic ps2chological literature& the researchers .ound that the studies that dealt with increasing the happiness concept are .ew and e1en rare. 7his pro1es that the concept is under- researched compared to the other ps2chological concepts. #- Part o. the stud2 signi.icance lies in the .act that constructing and using a training program 8ased on the emotional .reedom techni0ue is deri1ed .rom the Islamic thought. A- 7he stud2 contri8utes to related literature 1ia designing a happiness scale. D- 7he stud2 ma2 8e use.ul in increasing the degree o. .eeling happ2 among other groups than dia8etics. "- 7he stud2 ma2 pro1e use.ul in de1eloping social and emotional s=ills and competencies and upgrading the happiness le1el. &b'ectives# 7he current stud2 aimed to identi.2 the e..ecti1eness o. a training program 8ased on emotional .reedom techni0ue in raising the le1el o. .eeling happ2 in dia8etics in 4a5a go1ernorates and 1eri.2ing its continuous e..ect 1ia the .ollow-up measure. Terminolog%# Emotional freedom technique# 7he researchers de.ine it as a planned s2stematic procedure that in1ol1es a set o. drills o. tapping certain points using .ingers in com8ination with repeating a statement descri8ing the pro8lem 8esides using assumption that all negati1e .eelings are a result o. disorder in the course o. energ2 in the 8od2. Happiness# )rg2le (1997E 1' de.ines it as a .eeling o. contentedness and satis.action& tran0uilit2& and sel.-actuali5ation. 7he researchers de.ine it conceptuall2 as @the emotional state& in which the indi1idual .eels spiritual tran0uilit2& moderateness and sta8ilit2& lo1e and humanit2& which all ma=e him Iher emotionall2 sta8le@. Diabetes# ) chronic disorder in which insulin doesnKt e..ecti1el2 transport glucose .rom the 8loodstream or in which the 8odies donKt produce enough insulin and insulin must there.ore 8e in-ected. (elated studies# 7he researchers classi.ied pre1ious related studies in two sectionsB <irstl2B Pre1ious studies that manipulated emotional .reedom techni0ueE

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

1. FellCs et al.Cs stud2 (2''# e1aluated the e..ecti1eness o. an inter1ention 8ased on emotional .reedom techni0ues and internal release to limit the pho8ia o. small animals. 7he stud2 su8-ects were (1! sic= people who were indi1iduall2 treated .or #' minutes using the emotional .reedom techni0ue. )nother group o. (17 people were treated using the internal gi1ing 1ent. 7he stud2 .indings re1ealed that the emotional .reedom techni0ue pro1ed highl2 e..ecti1e compared to the internal release techni0ue. 2. ?a=er and SiegelCs stud2 (2''D . 7he stud2 aimed to identi.2 the e..ecti1eness o. emotional .reedom techni0ue in increasing the a8ilit2 to e;press happiness and getting rid o. an;iet2& pain& and depression. 7he stud2 used an e;perimental group .rom the .acult2 o. medicine in 7oronto Lni1ersit2. 7he stud2 concluded the impact o. emotional .reedom techni0ue on studentsC per.ormance and alle1iating the intensit2 o. pain& depression& and an;iet2. #. 6hurch and 4eronillaCs stud2 (2''! aimed to 1eri.2 the e..ecti1eness o. emotional .reedom techni0ue in alle1iating the intensit2 o. ps2chological s2mptoms o. an;iet2& depression and compulsi1e o8session& hostilit2& pho8ia and sel.-aggrandi5ement in a sample o. (7 1eterans returning .rom Ira0 and ).ghanistan. 7he stud2 re1ealed that the intensit2 o. the target s2mptoms decreased greatl2. 7he .ollow up measure highlighted the continuit2 o. decrease in the targeted ps2chological s2mptoms. A. 9aratias et al.Cs stud2 (2'11 aimed to 1eri.2 the e..icienc2 o. emotional .reedom techni0ue in treating post traumatic disorders. 7he stud2 sample consisted o. (A" e0uall2 distri8uted into two groupsE e;perimental and control groups. 7he inter1ention lasted .or (! wee=s and a dela2ed period .or .ollow-up purposes o. (# months. 7he .indings showed that the emotional .reedom techni0ues were highl2 e..ecti1e. D. >ain and Ru8inoCs stud2 (2'12 aimed to identi.2 the e..ecti1eness o. emotional .reedom techni0ue in mitigating e;am an;iet2. 7he stud2 sample consisted o. (1D' uni1ersit2 students who were randoml2 selected and distri8uted into (# groups. 7he .irst group was administrated the emotional .reedom techni0ue& the second used the internal gi1ing 1ent techni0ue& whereas the third was used as a control group. 7he stud2 .indings showed the impact o. the emotional .reedom techni0ue in molli.2ing an;iet2. $econdl%# $tudies that dealt )ith variables connected to the concept of happiness* 1. )l <i=arGs stud2 (2''! aimed to identi.2 the e..ecti1eness o. a training program o. wal=ing and -ogging in 8lood circulation in the lim8s& 8od2 weight& 8lood pressure& and glucose le1el in the 8lood. 7he stud2 sample consisted o. (19 lad2 purposi1el2 selected o. non-wor=ing dia8etics. 7he stud2 results re1ealed the e;istence o. statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in .a1or o. the posttests o. the treatment group in weight reduction& cholesterol& reduction in 8lood pressure& and le1el o. glucose in 8lood. 2. Shwi=hGs stud2 (2'1' aimed to identi.2 the e;tent o. 1ariations o. percei1ing ph2sical s2mptoms related to old age with the 1ariation o. three dimensions o. wisdom& happiness& and e1aluation o. general health. 7he sample consisted o. (1D' senile people o. which (7! were males and (!2 were .emales. 7he stud2 tools were wisdom scale designed 82 /enica& $;.ord happiness list& and general health e1aluation scale& perception o. 8odil2 s2mptoms related to senilit2 scale. 7he stud2 disclosed the e;istence o. a statisticall2 signi.icant relation 8etween the three dimensions o. wisdom& happiness& and general health e1aluation on one hand and the perception o. 8odil2 s2mptoms related to senilit2 on the other hand. #. )l Sa8ah and )l NamarCs stud2 (2'1' aimed to unco1er the di..erences 8etween dia8etic children and health2 ones o. 8oth se;es in anger& depression& happiness and li.e 0ualit2. <our tests were administered anger list& happiness list& depression scale& and li.e 0ualit2 scale. 7he stud2 sample consisted o. (1"' child o. whom (!' were dia8etics and (!' were normal. 7he stud2 results indicated that the mean responses o. the health2 on li.e 0ualit2 and happiness scales were signi.icantl2 higher than those o. dia8etics whereas the responses o. dia8etics on anger and depression scales were signi.icantl2 higher than those o. the normal children. A. >ones& 7horston& and )ndrewsC stud2 (2'11 aimed to identi.2 the e..icac2 o. emotional .reedom techni0ue in treating social pho8ia. 7he stud2 sample consisted o. (#" 1olunteers su..ering .rom speech deli1er2 an;iet2. 7he sample was e0uall2 di1ided into control and e;perimental groups. Post comparisons re1ealed the impact o. emotional .reedom techni0ue on reducing the intensit2 o. social pho8ia in the treatment group. D. )l-)tarGs stud2 (2'11 aimed to re1eal the e..ecti1eness o. a program 8ased on musical acti1ities in impro1ing happiness concept. 7he su8-ects were ("' children& who were e0uall2 di1ided into an e;perimental and control groups. 7he stud2 concluded that the program 8ased on musical acti1ities such as listening to& singing& and pla2ing music was e..ecti1e in promoting the happiness concept and its dimensions related with lo1e& social supporter& optimistic personalit2 trait& and ph2sical health. ". /a=awiGs stud2 (2'12 was aimed to identi.2 the relation o. ps2chological energ2 with li.e meaning in a sample comprising (1#' students who participated in 2Dth >anuar2 re1olution. +ight2 o. the sample was males and D' were .emales. In order to test the h2potheses& the researcher prepared and used ps2chological energ2 scale& li.e meaning scale. 7he stud2 .indings unco1ered that the there was a relation 8etween acti1e ps2chological energ2 and li.e meaning. ?esides& there were no di..erences 8etween males and .emales on the scale o. acti1e ps2chological energ2 and li.e meaning scale.

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

+ommentar%B Re1iewing the pre1ious studies& the researchers concluded the .ollowingE studies o. the .irst domain aimed to test the contri8ution o. emotional .reedom techni0ue into the a8ilit2 to e;press happiness &getting rid o. an;iet2& pain & depression & social pho8ia & compulsi1e o8session & sel. 3 aggrandi5ement & post traumatic disorders & and test an;iet2 . 7hese studies concluded that the treatment groups superseded the control ones 7he pre1ious studies used di..erent samples li=e children& students and soldiers. 7he studies o. the second domain aimed to 1eri.2 the e..ecti1eness o. 1arious training programs in upgrading the degree o. .eeling happ2. 7he results o. these studies displa2ed the e;istence o. a relation 8etween acti1e ps2chical energ2 and li.e meaning. /oreo1er& the .indings showed the e..ecti1eness o. -ogging and music in increasing the degree o. .eeling happ2. H%pothesesB 1. 7here are statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores o. the treatment group in the pre and post measure o. happiness scale in .a1or o. the latter. 2. 7here are statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores o. the treatment group and that o. the control group on happiness scale in .a1or o. the .ormer. #. 7here are no statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores on the happiness scale in the post and .ollow up measures. Procedure ,ethodB 7he researchers used the 0uasi +;perimental approach to displa2 the e..ecti1eness o. a training program 8ased on emotional .reedom techni0ue in upgrading I raising the degree o. .eeling happ2 in dia8etics in 9han 2ounis go1ernorate. Fe depended on the post and .ollow up measures. Population# 7he stud2 population comprises all dia8etics enrolled in LNRF) 6lin=s in 9han :ounis go1ernorate in 2'1# whose total num8er is (D#'' . $ample# 7he researchers selected a purposi1e sample o. (#" with high dia8etes that ranges 8etween(2D'MA'' and registered in 9han :ounis camp LNRF) 6lin= .7he2 were e0uall2 di1ided into treatment and control groups . 7o control e;traneous 1aria8les the researchers selected su8-ects whose age ranges 8etween (AD -D' and li1e in the same camp& there.ore& ha1e the same socioeconomic status. 7o ensure the e..ecti1eness o. the independent 1aria8le (the training program in raising the degree o. .eeling happ2 among the su8-ects& the researchers ensured the e0ui1alence o. the two groups 82 using /ann Fhitne2 test in the pre measure. <igure no (1 shows the di..erences 8etween the mean scores o. the treatment and control group on the pre 3 administration o. the happiness scale. Figure -./ (an0 means1 total ran0s1 z value1 significance value1 and significance level of happiness scale to identif% the differences in the mean scores of the e2perimental and control groups before intervention +;perimental group 6ontrol group (imensions 1alue * Sig le1el Ran=s sum Ran=s mean Ran=s sum Ran=s mean 7ran0uilit2 #AD.'' 19.17 #21.'' 17.!# .#!7 .719 non sig /oderation #A2.'' 19.'' #2A.'' 1!.'' .77# .719 non sig ,o1e #"7.D' 2'.A2 29!.D' 1".D! .2"7 .279 non sig 7otal score 171.'' #.D' 1''D.'' ##.D' .#A1 .#DD non sig 7he results in .igure (1 show the a8sence o. statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences 8etween the mean scores o. the control and treatment groups. 7his shows the e0ui1alence o. the two groups. $tud% tools# <irstl2E Happiness scale 7he researchers re1iewed the related ps2chological literature li=e $; .ord Happiness In1entor2 designed 82 )rg2le& /artian& ,u (199D & which was )ra8i5ed 82 )8dul =halig et al (2''# & and Happiness In1entor2 prepared 82 /admar2iah(2'12 . 7he .inal 1ersion o. the scale comprised (#' items in .ront o. which the .ollowing phrases appear (occurs alwa2s& sometimes occurs& Ne1er occurs . Fhich are assigned the .ollowing scores respecti1el2 (#-2-1 . 7he respondent is re0uired to tic= the option that descri8es his state. 7he scale was distri8uted to a group o. e;perts o. ps2cholog2& and measurement and e1aluation in the Palestinian uni1ersities to assess the clarit2& suita8ilit2& and %alidit2 o. wording o. the items. 7he items were unanimousl2 appro1ed 82 the ar8itrators. 1'

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

- 7he researchers administered the scale to a pilot stud2 sample o. (D' dia8etics to 1eri.2 the 1alidit2 o. the scale in the Palestinian en1ironment 1ia computing the internal consistenc2 1alidit2& showing the correlation o. e1er2 item with the total score o. the domain& and the domain with the total score o. the scale. 7he researches ensured the 1alidit2 82 computing the coe..icient correlations 82 using Pearson correlation coe..icient. 7he .ollowing ta8le shows this. Figure -3/ correlation coefficients and significance level of the items and the total score of the domains to )hich the item belongs Tranquilit% ,oderation 4ove no +orrelation $ig no +orrelation $ig no +orrelation $ig coefficient level coefficient level coefficient level 1 ."'7' '.'1 11 .7"#' '.'1 21 '.7#! '.'1 2 ."AD' '.'1 12 '.D"D '.'1 22 '.D!" '.'1 # .D9!' '.'1 1# '."DA '.'1 2# .DD#' '.'1 A .DA'' '.'1 1A .D'7' '.'1 2A .7A'' '.'1 D .D#'' '.'1 1D .D2#' '.'1 2D .72D' '.'1 " .D!D' '.'1 1" .D#2' '.'1 2" .D1'' '.'1 7 ."''' '.'1 17 ."A'' '.'1 27 '."1A '.'1 ! .D99' '.'1 1! .DA2' '.'1 2! '.7#" '.'1 9 ."'#' '.'1 19 ."##' '.'1 29 '.D"7 '.'1 1' ."!A' '.'1 2' .!'"' '.'1 #' ."""' '.'1 7he ta8le a8o1e shows that all the items o. happiness scale are signi.icant at the le1el '.'1 .7his asserts that the scale has a good degree o. internal consistenc2. Figure -5/ correlation coefficients of the happiness scale domain and the total score domain Tranquilit% moderation love Total score 1 .D21(NN ' ."!"(NN ' .!"D(NN ' Tranquilit% .D21(NN ' 1 .D"A(NN ' .!1!(NN ' moderation ."!"(NN ' .D"A(NN ' 1 .!7D(NN ' love .!"D(NN ' .!1!(NN ' .!7D(NN ' Total score 7he ta8le a8o1e shows that all the items with e1er2 domain in isolation is statisticall2 signi.icant at ('.'1 and the domain with the total score o. the scale is statisticall2 signi.icant at ('.'1 . 7his pro1es that the scale is highl2 consistent. 7he researchers ascertained the relia8ilit2 o. the scale 82 using the split 3 hal. techni0ue and RO ('."9D which& a.ter modi.2ing it 82 using Spearman 3 ?rown e0uation& 8ecame ('.!2' . 7his 1alue is statisticall2 signi.icant ('.'1 which indicates a good degree o. relia8ilit2. 7he researchers esta8lished the relia8ilit2 o. the happiness scale 82 using )lpha 3 6ronach e0uation. R 1alue was ('.!'# which is statisticall2 signi.icant at ('.'1 . 7his shows that the scale is highl2 relia8le. $econdl%# The emotional freedom program 7he program is aimed to promote the cogniti1e structure o. the su8-ects& help them how to implement the emotional .reedom techni0ue& upgrade the degree o. .eeling happ2 1ia administering a training program 8ased on using emotional .reedom techni0ue. (See appendi; I - 7he researchers in preparing and designing the emotional .reedom techni0ue depended on the emotional .reedom memoir prepared 82 6raig (2''A and translated into )ra8ic 82 )l )8ri. 7his techni0ue is 8ased on sel. relie. .rom the negati1e .eelings and getting rid o. an2 8arriers that ma2 pre1ent the indi1idual .rom proper .unctioning commensurate with hisIher a8ilit2 and capa8ilit2. It also relies on unco1ering the disorder in the energ2 s2stem which causes deep e..ects on oneCs ps2che 8esides correcting this disorder which can 8e attained 82 tapping certain points in the 8od2& as this would lead to a rapid reco1er2. 7he + < 7 can 8e de.ined as the patientCs tapping certain parts o. his 8od2 82 using his I her .ingers accompanied 82 reciting Puaranic 1erses & prophetCs sa2ings & pa2ers I in1ocations and glori.ication o. 4od on energ2 sources in the 8od2 as shown in the training program . ()ppendi; (1 . /oreo1er& +<7 is 8ased on the assumption the 8oth negati1e emotions and .eelings result .rom disorder in the energ2 path in the 8od2 and this im8alance in the 8od2 energ2 impacts on the ps2chological & health2 state o. the 8od2 and implementing +<7 on certain pathwa2s o. the energ2 8rings a8out 8alance and sta8ilit2 o. the patient . 7he researchers ascertained the e..icac2 o. the training program 1ia re.ereeing it 82 dia8etic and ps2chological e;perts. 7his process reassured the researchers o. the 1alidit2 o. the results the2 ma2 reach


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# 2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

7he researchers used 1arious techni0ues in presenting the program such as acting& imagination& instructions& lecturing& discussions and dialogue & role pla2ing & modeling & preaching and .eed8ac= . Illustrati1e pictures o. tapping places were displa2ed 1ia slides in order to enhance the patientCs a8ilit2 to listen and to draw their attention. 7he researchers de.ined the period needed .or implementing the program& place and time o. the sessions and code o. 8eha1ior. $tatistical Techniques# 7o 1eri.2 the stud2 h2potheses& the researchers used a num8er nu o. statistical techni0uesB - Pearson correlation to ensure the relia8ilit2 o. the measures used and modi.2ing the correlates 82 using Spearman -?rown e0uation /ann 3 Fhitne2 L 3 7est .or independent samples . Filco;on M signed Ran=s M * test .or related samples. +ta s0uare to identi.2 the e..ect si5e 3 Findings# 7esting the .irst h2pothesis which en0uires whether there are statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores o. the treatment group in the pre and post measure o. happiness scale in .a1or o. the latter. 7o 1eri.2 the 1alidit2 o. the h2potheses& the researchers used Filco;cn signed ran=s 7est. 7he .ollowing ta8le shows this. Figure -6/ statistical differences in mean scores of the e2perimental group in pre and post administration of the happiness scale. (an0 $um of Effect dimension ran0 no 7 value $ig level E7value mean ran0s size negati1e ' .'' ''. '.''' positi1e 1! 9.D' 171.'' #.7#1 '.!79A'D Tranquilit% large sig e0ui1alent ' ' negati1e ' .'' ''.' '.''' positi1e 1! 9.D' 171.'' #.7#1 '.!79A'D moderation large sig e0ui1alent ' negati1e ' .'' .'' '.''' positi1e 1! 9.D' 171.'' #.729 '.!7!9#A love large sig e0ui1alent ' negati1e .' .'' .'' '.''' Total score 4arge positi1e 1! 9.D' 171.'' #.72D '.!77991 sig e0ui1alent .' 7he ta8le a8o1e shows that computed @*@ %alue is statisticall2 signi.icant on the happiness scale which shows the e;istence o. staticall2 signi.icant di..erences 8etween the mean scores o. the treatment group on the pre and post measures in .a1or o. the post measures. Regarding the e..ect si5e& the researchers computed it using the .ollowing e0uation

7he second h2pothesis which en0uires whether there are statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores o. the treatment group and that o. the control group on happiness scale in .a1or o. the .ormer.


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

To test the validit% of the h%pothesis1 the researchers used ,ann 8hitne% Test for t)o independent samples The follo)ing table sho)s this# E2perimental group/ .:- +ontrol group n9-.: value u $ig level n9 Dependent (an0s (an0s sum Total mean (an0s variable mean sum 27.D' A9D.'' 9.D' 171.'' D.1A9 tranquilit% ; ;;; $ig moderation 27.D' A9D.'' 9.D' 171.'' D.1A" ; ;;; $ig lo1e 27.D' A9D.'' 9.D' 171.'' D.1A7 ; ;;; $ig 7otal score 27.D' A9D.'' 9.D' 171.'' D.1## ; ;;; $ig <rom the a8o1e ta8le& it is clear that @L@ 1alue on the happiness scale is statisticall2 signi.icant which means that there are statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences 8etween the mean scores o. the treatment and those o. the control group in the scale in .a1or& o. the .ormer . 7his indicates the program is highl2 e..ecti1e. 7he third h2pothesis which en0ui#21res whether there are no statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores on the happiness scale in the post and .ollow up measures . 7o 1alidate the h2pothesis& the researchers used Filco;on signed ran=s test. Figure -</ points out the significance of the differences bet)een the mean scores of the treatment group on post and follo)s up measures on happiness scale# Total (an0s $ig level Dimension (an0 no z =alue mean sum negati1e Tranquilit% ' .'' .'' 2.'7' '.#! sig positi1e D #.'' 1D.'' e0ui1alent 1# negati1e ' .'' .'' /oderation positi1e 2 1.D' #.'' 1.#A2 1!' non sig. e0ui1alent 1" negati1e ' .'' .'' ,o1e positi1e " #.D' 21.'' 2.2#2 .'2" sig e0ui1alent 12 7otal score negati1e ' .'' .'' positi1e 11 ".'' "".'' 2.971 #'.'' sig e0ui1alent 7 It is clear that the computed @*@ 1alue on the happiness scale is statisticall2 signi.icant which asserts the e;istence o. statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores o. the treatment group on the post test and those o. the .ollow up test in .a1or o. the .ollow up measure. 7his shows the continuous e..ect o. the program on the e;perimental group su8-ects. Discussion 7he stud2 .indings highlighted the e;istence o. statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences 8etween the treatment and control groups on the happiness scale in .a1or o. the .ormer 8esides the e;istence o. statisticall2 signi.icant di..erences in the mean scores o. the e;perimental group on the post measure and those o. the .ollow up measure in .a1or o. the latter. 6onsidering this result& we .ind that the techni0ues used in the training program ha1e e..ecti1el2 contri8uted into raising the degree o. .eeling happ2 among the treatment group su8-ects. 7his result is con.irmed 82 what D' reports ha1e shown which ascertained the positi1e e..ects o. tapping in helping the a..licted to get rid o. negati1e .eelings & treating pains related to ph2sical illnesses & headaches & pho8ias &an;iet2 &.rustration & lac= o. con.idence & internal in-uries dangerous chronic diseases such as swellings & accident & smo=ing & corpulence & womenCs diseases and pro8lems &.ailure in learning & and learning di..icult2 .7here.ore & this treatment techni0ue has 8een adopted as a ps2chological remed2 82 the )merican ps2chological association di1ision12 Esociet2 o. clinical ps2cholog2 .7he +<7 is 8ased on the 8elie. that the cause o. all negati1e .eeling is the disorder in the pathwa2s o. energ2 in the 8od2. 7his im8alance in the energ2 s2stem in the 8od2 impacts 8oth the health and ps2chological state o. the 8od2. Fhen appl2ing +<7 on certain pathwa2s o. the energ2& this disorder gets corrected 8ecause our 8odies contain an electric energ2 s2stem. +;stein (192' asserts that e1er2thing on earth& including our 8odies& is composed o. energ2 and this energ2 s2stem has the same 8iolog2 .ound in di..erent parts o. the 8od2. 7his energ2 is imparted 82 the e2e or the human 8od2. ItCs an in1isi8le 1i8ration that penetrates all 8odies whether li1ing or passi1e. ItCs an energ2 that


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

lin=s 8odies with each other and .lows smoothl2 .rom one 8od2 to another. 7he techni0ue o. treating 82 energ2 assumes that our ideas continuousl2 create electric energ2 that leads to the emergence o. neurons& hormones& and other chemical materials in the 8od2 which we .eel in the .orm o. negati1e sentiments. In case this dela2 continues& it ma2 cause emotional torture which ma2 end up with ph2siological and ps2chological pro8lems. ?ut when this dela2 is mo1ed& a person restores hisIher emotional and ph2sical health again. 7his energ2 is called C6hiC and .lows in in1isi8le certain channels and lines and connected with each other. 7hese lines are called meridian lines and lie in the sides o. the 8od2. 7hese lines are connected with all the 8od2 parts and lim8s. 7hese lines con1erge on the sur.ace o. the 8od2 in di..erent 8ut speci.ic points =nown as energ2 points. 7his theor2 supposes that change in .ood & crises & 8odil2 harm & in.lammation & and all the passi1e .actors o. nature such as winds & cool & .ire & humidit2 & dr2ness & temperature& all ha1e a negati1e impact and cause im8alance in the .low o. chi and this conse0uentl2 causes ph2sical and ps2chological disorders . Fhen meridian points are acti1ated& chi returns to normal .low and hence reco1er2 occurs a new. )s a result& 8alance ma2 start 82 itsel.. 7he techni0ue used in the program wor=s when the patient puts hisIher hand and taps the point o. pain while reciting reco1er2 hol2 Puranic 1erses (11 ( 6ures the chests o. 8elie1ers &(2 (CitC a cure .or what is in the chest (# (in it there is cure .or people (we re1eal 1erses o. the Puran wherein there is cure .or 8elie1ers (A (when I get sic= He cures me (D (sa2 it is guidance and cure .or 8elie1ers . 7hen the patient sa2s )llahCs most 8eauti.ul names as man2 times as he Ishe can and repeats this till )llah cures his pain and illness. )s the patient rehearses these 1erses& he li1es with his ,ord & waits with con.idence & directs his .ace to his ,ord with lo1e & he descri8es him as i. he sees Him & .eels His 8lessing and .a1ors upon him . It is the a8solute surrender with tran0uilit2& com.ort& con.idence& and certitude to his ,ord. 7he researchers attri8ute the e..ecti1eness o. the program in increasing happiness among dia8etics to the integration o. Islamic rituals in discharging the electromagnetic power .rom the 8od2& and treating ps2chological disorders& negati1e .eelings& pain.ul memories& irrational ideas through pra2ers. 7he 8est mean .or curing these disorders and discharging the energ2 is prostration on the ground. )llah en-oined pra2ers .i1e times a da2 on his sla1es. 7his indicates that the continuous treatment is round the cloc= 8ecause o. the things that a..lict the 8od2 and the ps2che as pra2ers are a com.ort and relie. .rom li.e chores. 7he prophet /ohammed& Peace 8e upon him& used to as= (2 ?illal to call .or pra2er in order to relie1e oursel1es 82 pra2ers. )8lution and pra2ers create tran0uilit2& 0uiet in the human ps2che& and organs su8mit. (# )8u Hurrira narrated that the prophet /ohammed & peace 8e upon him & said E when 2ou want to pra2 &do per.ect a8lution & then turn 2our .ace to =i8lah ((irection to /ecca & sa2 )llah )=8ar &( )llah is 4reat & read some o. the 9oran 1erses then 8end & stand straight& prostrate &rise& then prostrate & and do all these mo1ements all 2our pra2ers . (I8in/a-a& 1.l P##"B sa2ing no 1'"' .?esides& the 8odil2 mo1ement changes the posture o. the one who e;periences strong emotion. In this change& there ma2 8e some help in altering simultaneousl2 the 8iological aspect. 7he more a person is distant .rom a standing position& the more heIshe is remote .rom the power position induced 82 the emotion o. anger. 7he one who .eels angr2 should sit down i. he is standing and lie i. he is sitting. 7he prophet& peace 8e upon him& said (anger is an em8er 8urning in a personCs heart& donKt 2ou see the redness o. his e2es and the swilling in his chee=s. I. an2 o. 2ou encounters such a thing& he must sit down or lie on the ground ()l 7irmi5i & %o A & p A!# B sa2ing No 2191 . /oreo1er& a8lution a..ects the energ2 regions in the 8od2. 7hrough this & the essential regions that e;ist in the energ2 networ= & in the .ace& arms & head and .eet get massaged& which leads to permanent acti1ation in the those parts o. the 8od2 . It is 8etter .or massaging to 8e gi1en all the da2 (%ia a8lution which is done 82 /uslims .i1e times a da2 . Lsing water changes the situation o. an indi1idual 8esides its impact on all parts o. the 8od2 which& in turn& e..ects change in the ph2siological state resulting .rom anger. 7he prophet& peace 8e upon him& said ()nger is .rom Satan& and Satan was created .rom .ire& and .ire is e;tinguished 82 water. 7here.ore when one gets angr2& he must do a8lutionC. )l (arami narrated sa2ing that (7he prophet used to ma=e a8lution .or e1er2 pra2er. In contrast& in the da2 in which /ecca was in1aded he pra2ed with one a8lution and wiped his shoes. $mar said oh prophet I see that 2ou do something 2ou ha1enCt done 8e.ore.7he prophet saidB I deli8eratel2 did this .$ne o. the 8ene.its o. a8lutionC is that it dri1es awa2 Satan. ),?u=hari narrated a sa2ing .rom )li ?in )l Hussein a8out the prophet who said @ Satan runs in the human 8od2 in the 8lood %eins Fhen the program sessions ha1e 8een administered to the e;perimental group su8-ects& the2 e;pressed their happiness and satis.action with the program. 7he participants than=ed the researchers .or the good demonstration o. the training procedures represented in using realistic tales showing the e..icac2 o. +<7 in treating 1arious ps2chological disorders and ph2sical diseases. 7he implementation steps o. the program were displa2ed on 1ideo

1. 7he num8ers .rom 1 to " to a rough translation o. some Pouranic 1erses. 2. ?illal is a well-=nown /uslim .igure who used to call .or pra2ers. #. )8u Hurrira is a 1er2 eminent /uslim who narrated man2 o. the prophetCs sa2ings =nown in )ra8ic as )haadith


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

and other 1arious technologies that contri8uted into the program success. 6ooperation& understanding and e..ecti1e participation on the part o. the participants were o81ious. (ecommendations# In light o. the stud2 .indings& the researchers pro1ide the .ollowing recommendationsB 1. Including +<7 in the remedial plans adopted 82 health institutions as it contri8utes in to treating the de.ects ensuing .rom chronic illnesses such as dia8etes& 8lood pressure& and remo1es pho8ias and a1oids ps2chological disorders& and increases the degreed .eeling happ2. 2. Recruiting a clinical e;pert in all heath institutes interested in treating chronic diseases. #. 7raining heath care 3 gi1ers o. chronic illnesses to use the acti1ities and procedures o. the +<7 program. A. Holding training courses .or the .amilies with a chronic patient on how to implement +<7 to upgrade the happiness concept among them. D. Raising the dia8etics C awareness& through mass media& o. the importance o. 8eing trained to use the acti1ities included in the +<7 used in this stud2. Further studies 1 )dministering the program in studies in1estigating patients o. other chronic illnesses. 2 6onstructing and in1estigating the e..ecti1eness o. a religious 3 ps2chological program to upgrade optimism and hope among patients o. chronic diseases. # 6onducting .urther studies dealing with guidance programs to increase energ2 le1els o. those su..ering .rom ps2chological disorders& pro8lems& and di..iculties. A 6onducting a stud2 entitled@ Ps2chological energ2 and its relation with li.e 0ualit2@ . (eferences# 1. )8u )l as aim& >amaal C(199A 7he 9oran and /ental HealthB contemplating 9oranic 1erses 2. )l >aish & :oursel. &:ounis I8rahim .and )l Hello & /ohammed (2''7 ps2chological pro8lems and their Impact on li.e 0ualit2 among dia8etics in 4a5a go1ernorate . Proceedings o. the .irst Nursing international con.erence& held in the Islamic uni1ersit2 o. 4a5a . #. ), =radawi & :ousi. (19!! <aith and li.e & ?eirut & ), Rissala printing and pu8lishing House . A. )rg2le& /ichal& 1997 C ps2cholog2 o. Happiness. 7ranslated 82 <aisal )8dul =adir 2ounis 6airoE 4haree8 printing House. D. ), sa8wah & /ohammed & and ), Namar & Shaha (2'1' (i..erences in anger & depression & happiness & and li.e 0ualit2 8etween 6hildren o. 8oth se;es with dia8etic and no dia8etic children & Regional con.erence o. ps2cholog2 & +g2ptian ,eague o. ps2chological +;perts . pp A"9 3 D'9 . ". ), :aha.o.2 & Na-wa (2''" BHappiness & (epression and their Relation with some (emographic %aria8les among the students o. ,e8anese uni1ersities & )ra8ic studies in Ps2cholog2 >ournal & %o (D & No (A pp9AD 3 972 . 7. ?a=er& ). H.& Q Siegel& ,. S. (2''D . 6an a AD minute session o. +<7 lead to reduction o. intense .ear o. rats& spiders and water 8ugsJ33) replication and e;tension o. the Fells et al.&s (2''# la8orator2 stud2. Paper presented at the Se1enth International )6+P ()ssociation .or 6omprehensi1e +nerg2 Ps2cholog2 con.erence& ?altimore. !. ?ra2& I. and 4unnell& ( (2''" . Suicide rates& li.e satis.action and happiness as mar=ers .or population mental health. Social Ps2chiatr2 and Ps2chiatric +pidemiolog2& A1(D D& ###-##7. 9. ?ashir& /oa C maria (2'12 Standardi5ing Real Happiness list on )lgerian samples& >ournal o. )ra8 Ps2chological Networ=& (#2 - ## pp 121 3 1#2. 1'. 6hurch& (.& Q 4eronilla& ,. (2''9 . Ps2chological s2mptom change in 1eterans a.ter si; sessions o. +<7 (+motional <reedom 7echni0ues B an o8ser1ational stud2. International >ournal o. Healing and 6aring& >anuar2& 9B1. 11. 6laudia Fallis (2''A . Fhat ma=e the human heart singJ Researchers are ra=ing alas loo= what the2&1e .ound ma2 surprise 3 the new science o. happiness courtes o. the time maga5ine .1ol (# & no (1A .p 1". 12. (iener& +. Ro8ert ?iswas .(2''2 will mone2 increase su8-ecti1e well 8eing J Social indicators. Research 1D7- 119-1"9. 1#. +l .aramawi & Hamdi B (1999 ,i.e 0ualit2 in the +ssence o. /an C the si;th Rinternational con.erence o. ps2chological counseling centers B )in shams uni1ersit2 pp21D -22". 1A. <rancis& ,.& Hans& ,. and ,ewis& ). (2''# @7he relationship 8etween religion and happiness among 4erman students@. Pastrol Ps2cholog2& D1(A & 27# 3 2!1. 1D. <ran=lins. S. (2'1' . 7he Ps2cholog2 o. happiness. New :or=B 6om8ridge Lni1ersit2 Press. 1". >ain& S.& Q Ru8ino& ). (2'12 . 7he e..ecti1eness o. +motional <reedom 7echni0ues (+<7 .or optimal test per.ormanceB ) randomi5ed controlled trial. +nerg2 Ps2cholog2B 7heor2& Research& Q7reatment& A(2 & 1#-


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

2A. doiB1'.97"9.+P>.2'12.A.2.S> 17. >ames&R.Q/argaret&/.(1999 B Religiosit2 and ,i.e Satis.action )cross 7he ,i.e 6ourses& >ournal o. Social Indicators Research& %ol. A!& No.#& P#2#. 1!. >ones& S. >.& 7hornton& >. ).& )ndrews& H. ?. (2'11 . +..icac2 o. +motional <reedom 7echni0ues (+<7 in reducing pu8lic spea=ing an;iet2B ) randomi5ed controlled trial. +nerg2 Ps2cholog2B 7heor2& Research& Q 7reatment& #(1 & p ##-A2. 19. 9arat5ias 7& Power 9& ?rown 9& /c4oldric= 7& ?egum /& :oung >& ,oughran P& 6houliara *& )dams S (2'11 B ) controlled comparison o. the e..ecti1eness and e..icienc2 o. two ps2chological therapies .or posttraumatic stress disorderB e2e mo1ement desensiti5ation and reprocessing 1s. emotional .reedom techni0ues. > Ner1 /ent (is.No(" . Pp 199- #72. 2'. /a=awai & Salah & )nd Hasee8 )8dul /inim (2'12 7he e..ecti1eness o. counseling with meaning and its relation with li.e 3 meaning in uni1ersit2 unemplo2ed :outh & >ournal o. Reading and 9nowledge. 21. /a=awai & Salah (2'12 +..ecti1e Ps2chological energ2 among Lni1ersit2 :outh Participating in 2Dth o. >anuar2 Re1olution& ?anha +ducation Studies >ournal& no (2" pp#'1-#A2. 22. Nillie & ), )tar & (2'11 & 7he e..ecti1eness o. a program 8ased on musical acti1ities in impro1ing happiness concept in =indergarteners o. (D-" :ears old & 6hildren and +ducation >ournal (=indergarten .acult2 3 )le;andria Lni1ersit2 3 +g2pt& %ol (# issue (" pp 217 -#'!. 2#. Nuha& 7ahir (2'12 B 7he +..ect o. treatment 82 music in reducing 8lood pressure among dia8etics C >ournal o. +ducational and Ps2chological Research & no (#D pp #'! 3 ##1. 2A. Posner& /B Roth8art& / (2'1' B 7he concept o. energ2 in ps2chological theor2B 6ogniti1e science program& technical-)merican Ps2chologist& 7D (u 1'' 3 121. 2D. Salem& Suhair (2''1 BHappiness and its relation with some 1aria8les. 2". Sh8ai8& l1adia (2'1' B 8iological energ2 treatment & Patar +ducation -ournal & %ol #7# & issue (1"7 pp2#" 2AD . 27. Shwie=h& Hana (2'1' Reali5ing ph2sical s2mptoms related to old ageB ) predicti1e stud2 in light o. wisdom& happiness and general health assessment& )la8ic studies in Ps2cholog2 -ournal& %ol 19#& issue (" pp1"7 3 21'. 2!. Suhair &Salem (2''1 BHappiness and its relation with some %aria8les & unpu8lished /.ed thesis & 7he institute o. research and studies & 6airo uni1ersit2 . 29. Shimai& S.$ta=e& 9. Ltsu=i& N. I=emi& ). and ,2u8omirs=2 S. (2''A . @(e1elopment o. a >apanese 1ersion o. the su8-ect happiness scale (SHS & and e;amination o. its 1alidit2 and relia8ilit2@. Nippon 9oshu+isei*asshi& D1(1' & !AD 3 !D#. #'. Singh& 9. and >ha& (. (2''! . Positi1e and negati1e e..ect and grit as predictors o. happiness and li.e satis.action. >ournal o. the Indian )cadem2 o. )pplied Ps2cholog2. #1. %eenho1en& R.(2'' B <reedom and happinessB a comparati1e stud2 in .ort2 .our nations in the earl2 199's. In (iener and Suh& culture and su8-ecti1e well 8eing /assachusetts Institute 7echnolog2& 2D7 3 2!!. #2. Fells& S.& Polglase& 9.& )ndrews& H. ?.& 6arrington& P. Q ?a=er& ). H. (2''# . +1aluation o. a meridian8ased inter1ention& emotional .reedom techni0ues (+<7 & .or reducing speci.ic pho8ias o. small animals. >ournal o. 6linical Ps2cholog2& D9B9& 9A#-9"". ##. 7a8ara & ).i. (2''1 B 7he +ssence o. Islam & second print & (ar +,- ilm ,ilmala2in & ?eirut. )hmad& )8d )l=hali0 (2''# ,e1els o. happiness among di..erent age groups in 9uwait societ2& Ps2chological Research >ournal& 1ole (1# &( no (A . #A. *u )l <i0ar & Reem B (2''! 7he +..ecti1eness o. a training program 8ased on aerial wal=ing and -ogging on 8lood circulation in the lim8s o. some .emale dia8etics o. the t2pe I I . 7he third International scienti.ic con.erence in +g2pt& secand1ol& p277-297. !ppendices# $ummar% of the theoretical part of the program content session content 1. 9nowing each other. )greeing on a code o. 8eha1ior that 8inds 8oth parties (researchers and participants& and .amiliari5ing participants with the program. 2. (emonstrating the nature o. the program and getting to =now the energ2 regions in the 8od2. #. 7raining patients on how to use +<7 techni0ue and how to get rid o. negati1e .eelings. A. It getting to =now the 8ene.its o. +<7 and clari.2ing how to dri1e awa2 (get rid electromagnetic energ2 the 8od2 %ia some practices such as pra2ers ..rom


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1!& 2'1#

$ummar% of the practical part of the program content session content +;plaining the goal o. emotional .reedom& what is meant 82 energ2 pathwa2s& disclosing 1. the ps2chological s2mptoms the e;perimental group su8-ects .rom. Preparation stage in which a sel. 3esteem scale is administered. Num8er 1' re.lects the 2. intensit2 o. the negati1e .eeling o. the su8-ect .7he preparation posture is represented 82 the person putting hisIher .inger on the spot o. pain and training them to sa2 the con.irmation statement& which is a =oranic 1erse. 7he se0uence stage which re.ers to pressing a point on top o. the head. 7his comes 8e.ore #. the preparation stage which was mentioned earlier in the pre1ious stage. Fhen pressing the .ontanel a =oranic 1erse is rehearsed. Impro1ement is accessed %ia a 1'- point scale. A. In1ol1es pressing the e2e8row& the e2e side& and a place under the e2e. ?e.ore in the 8eginning& a scale .or measuring the pain si5e is administered. ).ter that pressing the a8o1e mentioned points occurs with a com8ination o. rehearsing the con.irmation statement& which is one o. the sa2ings o. the prophet& peace 8e up on him. 7hen the impro1ement is measured. Pressing a point under the nose to where the pain si5e is measured on a sel. 3 report scale. 7he su8-ects are as=ed to press a point under the nose 82 using their right hand and rehearsing the con.irmation statement& which is a =oranic %erse. 7hen a sel. report scale .or assessing. 7he pain is administered to identi.2 the resulting impro1ement. Pressing a point under the lip. 7his in1ol1es identi.2ing the pro8lem .aced 82 a su8-ect and assessing the pain si5e on a sel.- report scale and pressing a point under the mouth. 7hen the sel.- report scale is administered to assess the impro1ement. Pressing cla1icle Fhere the researchers speci.2 a region in the 8od2. 7he su8-ects are as=ed to speci.2 the point and si5e o. pain on a sel. report scale .7hen pressing the collar8one using the .inger o. 8oth hands while rehearsing the con.irmation statement which is a =oranic 1erse. 7hen the sel.-report set scale is implemented to assess the resulting impro1ement. Pressing the =arate 8low point. 7he point and si5e o. pain is identi.ied and a sel.-report scale. 7he tapping the =arate 8low point 82 using the tips o. the inde; and the middle .inger while rehearsing the con.irmation statement and then measuring the resulting impro1ement. Pressing the .ingers and identi.2ing the pro8lem and pain si5e hand. 7hen pressing the .ingersS points while glori.2ing )llah. 7he gamut and the nine procedure stage. It is a region on the sur.ace o. the right and le.t hand. It can 8e speci.ied 82 putting a .inger 8etween the -oints o. the pin=ie and the ring .inger& pressing& and mo1ing towards a point one centimeter towards the wrest. In e1er2 stage the participants are re0uired to implement the preparation stage which in1ol1es speci.2ing the point and si5e o. the pain on a sel.-report scale. 7he .irst step starts with pressing the gamut with e2es open& then pressing the same point with e2es closed& pressing and .i;ing the head mo1ing the e2es to the le.t side& .i;ing the head and mo1ing the e2es to the right side& then mo1ing the e2es in the cloc=wise direction& mo1ing the e2es in the anticloc=wise& counting .rom 1 to D in 1er2 step mentioned a8o1e 8esides reciting pu8licl2 some 0uranice 1erses . ).ter that the sel.-report scale is implemented to assess the impro1ement 6oncluding stageB it is the stage o. post application o. the happiness scale where an2 in0uiries 82 the participants are answered. 7he researchers listened to the participants& comments and agreed to re-administer the happiness scale a.ter 2 months as a .ollow up measure .





9. 1'.


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