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For Effective Intelligence Reform in USA

Valeriu Zamfir

Argument Paper; Writing and Research

Professor Andrea Potyondy- Smith
ENGL 2121-Section 51

Valeriu, page 1
For Effective Intelligence Reform in USA

Secrets and the cult of secrecy are older than human civilizations and
proliferated everywhere as the world evolved from simple to complex human
relations and modern societies. Freed from colonial taboos, a young USA
transformed its European roots into a distinct society that flourished from its
hard work and responsible freedoms, avoiding any invasive cults of secrecy under a
solid identity prompted against senseless dependences.
As Japan hit Pearl Harbor forcing USA to enter in World War II, the USA
armed forces nominated breaches of secrecy to explain their inability to react.
Adopting than secret developments that minimized or postponed valuable human
rights whenever their public exposure was avoidable, influent USA officials
declined to justify secret abuses.
The justification of secrecy and secret means is low, mostly rhetoric in
USA. Under total demands for unconditional public trust and compliance, a
frightening taboo set on fears and secret abuses shaped each secret apparatus
among its establishment ranks, to control governments and people through official
links and selected private sources alike.
Enlarged slowly to 15 Agencies at extensive proportions and discretionary
powers after World War II, the USA Intelligence become a demanding mammoth force
that set short cuts within any government ranks or private parties, after their
immense successes toppled the communism. Testing paranoid fears on terrorist seeds
that grew on secret labs from top methods and equipments before to spread in low,
depressive, and schizophrenic artificial symptoms as foxy effects of “mind and
human control” in USA, our world was shaken by totalitarian secret changes and a
cruel escalation in the use of secret arsenals.
So we need a real Intelligence reform able to restore the authority of a
government of the people for the people, to equally protect National Security and
the People, within firm Constitutional Provisions, abilities, accountability, and
law enforcement dedication.
I. From all USA Government only the Intelligence Groups were never fully
reformed because secretly and laboriously they crushed any opponents even against
legitimate forms of oversight. Top-secret means that dangerously surpassed a
nuclear bomb were used for mind and human control against anyone. Pledging
allegiance to a largely misinformed Congress, failing USA Intelligence Agencies
avoided essential reforms because they hide heavy errors and abuses behind
mystified claims of National Security.

Valeriu, page 2
Secret USA Forces deployed right from the top of the White House in 1968-
1972 surrounded secretly Mr. John Kerry, trying to shutter its public credibility
with all means!
Quote: “I think we have Kerry on the run, he is beginning to take a tremendous
beat in the press, but let’s not let him up, let’s destroy this demagogue… Let’s
try to move as many sources as we can…” are significant excerpts from the White
House report of an aide, reproduced at page 133 in the Biography of John F. Kerry
written by Boston Globe.
Speaking years after on the very USA Senate floor in Dec-08-2004, Mr.
Senator John Kerry questioned unbelievable intelligence failures and abuses,
reiterating why “it's long past the time that Washington should reform our
Intelligence System to end this sad chapter of delays and denial.” A real
Intelligence Reform in USA is long overdue…
Delays and denials become structural characteristics for generations of
Intelligence ranks, and molded secret efforts meant to mislead the USA Population.
Still, a downsized economy with more needs than resources cannot overspend for a
larger Secret Apparatus, and the People cannot allow its influent secret ranks to
pursue private objectives as an arbitrary secret power that manipulates influence
for political, social and financial gains.
In full control of governments and people but without a proper oversight
within their own affairs, the USA Intelligence failed any “Rules of Law”,
adjusting a secret grip of power over secure privileges used like mad dogs
controlled by a secret establishment. As accountability for secret means
and abuses is vastly a tragedy, their savage effects become costly secrets.
Fueling a secrecy taboo that eluded laws and accountability with every molecule of
human strength united by its establishment, a wider secret apparatus controls
private and government ranks to serve the self-sufficient and their private few.

The separation of useful and arbitrary powers within all sequences of

secret USA affairs dissipated unfortunately on partisan positions that emulated
and imposed a cult of secrecy preset against the law. Diminished to symbolic
effects whenever insidious secret matters transcended for real or travesty into
the variables of necessary public records, the USA Constitution become the witch-
hunt for too many secret quarters and illegal affairs.
Without benefits for the People, any cult of secrecy satisfy individuals
against huge losses for our mass populations, fueling the torch of secret abuses
that crushed generous provisions of the USA Constitution, to forfeit our essential
freedoms and human rights.

Valeriu, page 3
After several Congress examinations tried unsuccessfully to reform the
Intelligence apparatus until now, disloyal, dysfunctional and disparaging
Intelligence elements hide volcanic failures and secret abuses, to minimize any
tentative of “Intelligence Reform”. Serving under bad or corrupted orders, good
secret employees harmed innocent people and missed to serve National Security
objectives, because they followed abusive bosses.
Hundreds of thousands of abusive devices implants and obstructions to
Justice were overlooked during Congressional sessions prompted in over three
decades of implants, and so the Congress missed to evaluate the consequences
resulted from devices implants.
II. Top secret means perfected to achieve “mind and human control abilities”
miniature devices implanted secretly in the bodies of unsuspecting people, ravaged
the World during the last two decades. Invented by Germany and perfected by USA in
four groups of implants, such devices achieved multiple secret abilities from four
-The “miniature microphones” installed in groups of 3 to 5 into the flesh of
any oral
cavity are capable to capture total verbal communications without to create micro-
-Perfected miniature audio-transmitters used to torture people with
sounds, noises and emotional audio-scenarios were enhanced to influence the human
brain through complex and methodical audio-scenarios. Transmitted mostly on
sleeping schedules, or day-schedules that fit certain human characters,
preoccupations and abilities in order to produce diversions and attractive ideas,
clever scenarios achieved material goals for huge gains within the political,
military, social, economic, scientific, and religious fields…
-A third group of devices implants are able to torture long-term and
disrupt a person through small electrical shocks applied from the nerves of its
teeth along the “fifth cranial nerve ramifications”, and similar devices can be
placed in touch with any other human nerves. Potent secret organizations induce
diversions, discomfort, dysfunctions and pain along specific nerves, to change the
readiness, mood, and schedules at targeted people.
-As three devices evolved to miniatures implanted in oral cavities,
(activated as microphones, transmitters and torturing devices connected to a
living nerve) ears, and nerves, a fourth category was distinctly perfected to be
placed in specific nerves or into the human brain, and their latest capabilities
use the computation ability of all living cells

Valeriu, page 4 to process digital information’s. A special language interface

created to transform digital formats in direct transmissions received by the human
brain, has a proficiency of above 70%, and differs from audio formats because is
totally silent. So, digital transmissions to the human brain become very dangerous
communications because unsuspecting people may be controlled, to change behavior
and personality at remote criminal suggestions…
Becoming the chief problem for unsuspecting Nations and populations,
perfected devices implants are still unsolved in USA, even every year thousands of
secret victims are prisoners to warrant-less arrests, imprisonment in government
psychiatry facilities, secret mental and physical torture, gross falsifications in
their identity, social status and medical records, aberrant and outrageous
provocations, massive losses of property and property damages, the termination of
good human relations, but as well in temporary and permanent health deteriorations
that can handicap unsuspecting victims up to a life time.
Every generation of top-secret means were first tried, perfected, and
used on USA Populations, before to be used against the USA enemies. Dismissing the
existence of devices implants for mind and human control, fully aware that
unsuspecting individuals can be isolated, changed, and converted in multiple
personalities from remote influences, the USA Intelligence hide a deep source of
terrorism. Denying revelations about other Powers that use identical secret means,
to remain active in the World, our human control experts extend our secret
struggles with top enemies that hit USA through any 3rd parties.
Systematic audio and digital communications transmitted from very
closer instead of satellite systems may be set from the nearest street, house or
even a wall, making near impossible the efforts of sophisticated equipments to
detect such proliferations. Ignoring people, all mind controllers are stubborn to
repeat huge material gains and power control.
If inhuman practices as excessive inputs receives excessive reactions,
the Victims aware of their conditions tend to manifest restrain, but unsuspecting
people spark bursts of hatred that hit thousands of bystanders and the closers of
such Victim’s every year.
Richly worded to support human rights initially, the 2004 Congress talks
debated Intelligence failures without references to secret devices implants,
reissuing fears that give in to unconstitutional powers over an acid rain of scary
stories… Admitting for reorganization the USA Intelligence avoided responsible
reforms through disinformation:

Valeriu, page 5
“The hard truth of the matter is that only a few hundred courts warrants are
issued every year” and “the practice of illegal bugging or wiretapping by law
enforcement personnel is known as wildcatting”. The Intelligence and law
enforcement use illegal wiretaps up to listening devices implanted in human
bodies, and “if usable information is turned up” the collecting personnel acts
upon it without to ever mention that they processed and used information’s
obtained illegally through sophisticated monitoring devices like implants, even
the present USA laws made it a crime to just posses equipments designed for
eavesdropping! (Ref. #3, page 3 from “How to Get Anything of Anybody”)
“State of the art miniature devices today can be a unit the size of a finger
nail or even a grain of rice”. As official reports and statements would adamantly
deny that USA ever implanted miniature devices in people that are completely
unsuspecting of the devices implanted in their body, PK Electronics stated and
advertised themselves ordinarily as producers and “the largest supplier of
surveillance equipment in the world” selling most products just to certain
governments and their various agencies. (Reference #3, page 4)
The same PK Electronics has factories in Hamburg-Germany and New York-USA,
proving by display that Germany preceded USA in manufacturing the special “grain
of rice transmitting devices” that collects and transmit communications as
microphones or transmitters implanted secretly in unsuspecting individuals all
over the World.
“PK packages their components in some unique ways… and in one thing that is
eloquently known as a grain of rice transmitter”, represent the key statement
(page 215) because undoubtedly the authors confirmed that “PK Electronics”
supplied their top performance, eloquent “grain of rice transmitters” at least for
USA and German sources!

Limping at secret crossroads in search of new profits, our Intelligence

Apparatus is not honest about the existing means of mind and human control.
Printed as “Commission Studies for “Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance in
1976” the reviews for Federal and State Laws delivered by a National Intelligence
Commission to the USA Congress, become the main legislative guidelines for the
surveillance regulations adopted in 1978.
The surveillance reviews text of 1976 is top evidence, proving that USA
decided to implant miniature devices in humans: “Following these developments
could be personnel tagging and surveillance devices which can be surgically
implanted and used for medical

Valeriu, page 6 purposes or consensual tracking”, it was specified in Ref. #4,

page 64 “Commissions Studies”, printed as a comprehensive moratorium for
Intelligence regulations in 1976.
Earlier in 1972, Dr. Robert G. Heath of Tulane University, “has implanted as many
as 125 electrodes in a human being’s brain”. His experiments revealed that he was
able to control the memories, sexual arousal, fears or pleasure, and caused
hallucinations in his patients. The 2Nd page of Ref. #13, “Mediaeko, 1996
Investigative Reporting” for “Radio Implants and Remote-Controlled Humans” proved
so to be a top secrecy break-through.
Widely available, new scientific descriptions broke the code of infinite
Intelligence silence in devices implants. As a ‘Popular Science’ article from
Sept-2007 revealed that implanted devices capture and send human thinking
influences at the computers of a prosthetic arm to activate the arm wirelessly,
another article in 2006, confirmed digital communications to the brain after it
explained the computation abilities of all living cells.
Under an self revealing title, the Popular Science article noted,
“Engineers develop a
mind-controlled prosthetic arm dexterous enough to play piano” and confirmed
latter a remarkable scientific progress toward the perfection of mind control:
“Researchers are experimenting with injectible myoelectric sensors, [IMES] that
detect muscle activity and wirelessly transmit commands to the prosthetic arm.
This setup eliminates the bulky electrodes glued to the chest. A wire coil wrapped
over the shoulders supplies wireless power to the implants, and relays signals to
computers in the prosthetic arm that decipher commands and tells the arm to move.
The team is also considering implanting electrodes directly on nerves or in the
brain itself to achieve a more natural neural control by 2009”.
Transcending to light from obscure Intelligence dots, because the USA
Agencies retain secrets for as long they are not forced to explain them in any
legislative forum, the practice of devices implants reach dramatic effects that
proves decades of secret abuses.
People of any social conditions are secretly oppressed after they become
victims of miniature devices implants. Set as maximum profit-material
applications, most devices implants induce cash and power motivations that return
way above the costs of cumulated expenses conducted to manage the people implanted
for remote control purposes. Cruel implants and related applications, revealed
harsh levels of secret torture and abuses that setup an ultramodern slavery,
demanding accountability and Intelligence Reform in USA.

Valeriu, page 7
The physical and mental torture effects related to miniature devices
implants are best revealed in the case of Mrs. Julia, (first wife of Senator John
Kerry) implanted by USA secret sources around 1980, because Mr. Kerry protested
eloquently against the Vietnam War. The secret means of torture inflicted upon Mr.
Kerry and his first wife Julia have origins in large arsenals produced, deployed,
and perfected against the racial desegregation movement from USA, and her books
represent a testimony of helpless victims of devices implants that are tortured
audio and by secret aliments contaminations!
Believing that she suffered of depression instead of secret torture
effects, even by all medical standards depression do not produce pain, Mrs. Julia
revealed a powerful account of secret torture induced to set mental and physical
handicaps: “Julia meanwhile, fell into a bout of undiagnosed clinical depression…
During this period, Julia also suffered an inexplicable paralysis that forced her
to use crutches.” (Ref. #1, page 176)
Hit systematically by extensive periods of audio transmissions and
painful effects of secret aliments contaminations, Mrs. Julia felt overwhelmed on
Feb-1980. Boston Globe restated her wording into their “John Kerry Biography” at
page 176: “My mind ravaged by corroding voices, my body defeated by bone rattling
panics, I was on the edge of my bed minutes from taking my life. For weeks I
believed I was a failure. I could no longer pretend that I was useful to my
husband or my children. I was too tired. I needed to lie down, curled up, never to
wake again.” She died suspiciously of kidney cancer in 2006.
Corroborating such symptoms with essential descriptions from two
intelligence specialists introduced in their 2001 book of “Secret Weapons”,
published along a true story of “mind and human control” about two sisters named
Cheryl and Linda Hersha abducted by Intelligence at 3 and 4 years old under a
secret program, we find at pages 339-341 that years of CIA researches produced
arsenals of substances able to handicap unsuspecting People. As the same book
revealed full experiments with mind-altering substances on children, preparing
them to become involuntary assassins candidates, (see pages 359-361 from “Secret
Weapons” printed by ex-Intelligence employees Dale Griffis and Ted Schwarz, beyond
many other self evident passages from the same book) the case of Mrs. Julia Kerry
become a work in progress able to vividly describe monstrous secret arsenals, and
modern, ultra-secret cruelty: “Substances that produce shock and confusion

Valeriu, page 8
over extended periods of time, substances which produce physical disablement such
as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia…, that alter personality structure, …that
enhance the dependency of someone upon another person, that lower the ambition and
general working efficiency …under undetectable substance amounts, or substances
which will promote weakness and distortion of eye sight, hearing abilities,
knocking pills for maximum amnesia, a material that in small amounts will make
impossible any physical activity in a person, etc.,” are just several clear secret
abilities for which we are deeply grateful to the humane ex-CIA agents that
authored this true story of “secret weapons”!
IV. All intelligence abuses produced before Sept-11-2001 must be fully
reviewed outside the legal protections introduced to help Intelligence against
terrorism. As mind and human control procedures rely on social factors, miniature
devices implants, and bio-chemical arsenals able to set devastating Intelligence
tasks, the Congress must formulate, deliberate and adopt honest legal
prescriptions, to clearly identify, condemn and punish separately and together,
the factors used as corroborative means of abusive mind control:
1. –Illegal influences from human relations, social positions and financial
relations that induce, enhance and condone planning, procedures and conditions
related to the “Methods of Mind and Human Control” and another illegal
2. –Unwanted Devices Implants identified as microphones, proteases for
electrical shocks torture, radio and digital transmitters, as well the effects,
procedures and applications used to monitor, torture and control people without
Court Orders;
3. –Military and Intelligence bio-chemical arsenals, but as well public
used criminally to influence people and their habitats directly and
indirectly in
negative ways. The use of ‘Governments Arsenals’ must be severely punished
at the United Nations, whenever such means are used against common citizens.
Revealing why such mind altering substances and unhealthy bio-chemicals
induce untraceable methods of torture, crimes and public nuisance along expensive
disruptions that become National threats in USA, harsher secret abuses demand
Intelligence reforms;

V. After the 2004 final documents missed to “Reform Intelligence” and allow
human rights protections, conceding discretionary powers to a largely corrupted
secret Apparatus

Valeriu, page 9
without to legally examine previous Intelligence abuses in order to curb future
abuses under a real reform, we need once and for all a competent Intelligence
Reform in USA!!!
Recent testimonies from Intelligence perpetrators, and scientific
revelations that confirmed the latest miniaturization performances adopted for
digital transmissions into a language programmed to deliver wirelessly digital
information loads directly to the human brains, maximized concerns about abusive
devices implants. Asked what tools he liked to use from its secret job inventory,
a self described intelligence perpetrator stated:
“I like the walkman, as we've come to call it. An operative will carry what
looks like a standard walkman-radio. It is in fact a radio-transmitter tuned to a
specific subject. We can send thoughts, sounds and images to the subject on the
fly as it were, and no one can suspect a thing. If you see, hear, and smell
something odd and there is someone with a walkman-type player, they may be sending
you the information. Asking them about it is pointless since with the flip of a
hidden switch, it will work like a standard-walkman.”
Self-relevant for digital audio-transmissions produced toward unsuspecting
people trapped by cruel and deceiving miniature devices implants effects, the
above passage represents a honest reply from a perpetrator that still have its
hard beating a humanity language, but vast numbers of secret abusers are fully
content with multiple pay checks…
Not all intelligence perpetrators described in text knows in full what
effects are directed against victims of devices implants, but their revelations
are unique and useful, thankfully to the internet site that published such unique
bursts of sincerity: Honestly,,
changed and saved oppressed lives.
VI. We need to restore Intelligence for peacetime efforts under honest legal
frames, and to replace the emergency provisions of 2004, setup to support the USA
in two wars!
Arguments Opposing Intelligence Reform in USA:
I. Throughout all their existence the USA Intelligence urged for stringent
claiming needed protections against foreign organizations or hostile espionage

II. The USA Intelligence denies adamantly the existence of devices implants, and

a conspiracy of government employees covers them through shocking psychiatry

III. Multiplying unwarranted secret restrains under plausible cults of secrecy
Sept-11-2001, intelligence factors downplayed any secret responsibilities for the

Valeriu, page 10
IV. Offering formal apologies for abuses made before Sept-11-2001, Intelligence
factors barely reviewed any secret files from their abuses, to deny Intelligence
V. 16 USA Agencies got unlimited powers to induce the best Wars strategy under
favorable Congress reactions, but adopted solutions outside any secret implants
VI. Executive and Intelligence factors from the 2004 emergency reforms preferred

a solid USA presence in Iraq, exaggerating Iraq as a successful strategy against

Conclusion: Because the destructive effects of “devices implants set for mind
control” surpassed the nuclear bombs, USA needs to adopt a honest Intelligence
reform under full Congress evaluations that can expressly inform the American
people, to interdict future secret abuses that are induced, mediated, conducted,
or condoned through secret quarters:
“Mind and Human Controls” are unsuspected influences induced by outside
sources that modify the perception, thoughts, and actions of another person
without its awareness.
After World War II, secret German scientists held in prison camps by
allies and USSR, become the nucleus of several research programs for mind and
human control. In 1946 President Truman authorized “Project Paperclip” to use
German scientists and their experience in human control for USA, in order to deny
USSR geographical expansion. And so, ardent Nazis become secret resources in the
Cold War efforts activated for USA and Canada, after they tortured and murdered
record numbers of people in cruel medical experiments, proliferated throughout
deadly labor concentration camps and death-camps.
Into a 1999 special report for the USA Congress it was confirmed that 765
German scientists, engineers, and technicians, were brought in USA from 1945 to
1955, to use their skills in secret Mind and Human Control Programs that are
similar with “Paperclip”.
Than, growing expenditures from the live or die Cold War reality chilled
the already dark atmosphere fuelled by Nazis-insensibility into the initial Mind
and Human Control Programs from USA, and very few honest Americans tested their
specialization. But to employ up to us secret specialists sorted over the screams
of dying mothers and children silenced into the Nazis death chambers, for Mind and
Human Control Programs that rewrote the status of their victim’s as variable
resources suitable to bring systematically illegal cash and benefits for secret
men, the USA Intelligence induced Slavery Regimes.
Valeriu Zamfir, May-14-2004
Research and Resources:
1. 2004 book, complete Biography of John F. Kerry, by Boston Globe Reporters;
2. 2001 book “Secret Weapons” by Cheryl and Lynn Hersha, Dale Griffin, Ted
3. 1991 book “How to Get Anything of Anybody”, by Lee Lapin;
4. 1976 book “Commission Studies” for Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance;
5. 1992 book “Don’t Bug Me” by M. L. Shannon;
6. 2004 book “Confession’s of an Economic Hit Man”, by John Perkins;
7. 2004 book “Broken” by Richard Gid Powers’
8. 2004 book “Cover Up” by Peter Lance;
9. 2001 book “Body of Secrets” by James Bamford;
10. 2006 book “Triple Cross” by Peter Lance;
11. 2005 book “Reading the Enemy’s Mind” by Paul H. Smith;
12. 1993 book “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” by Julia Thorne, ex-Kerry;
13. Internet article “Mediaeko, 1996 Investigative Reporting” for Radio Implants
and Remote-Controlled Humans;
15. USA Senate Records;
16. Scott Vollum and Chris Hale, "Electronic Monitoring: A Research Review,"
Corrections Compendium, vol. 27, July 2002. Copyright © 2002;

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