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Republica bolivariana de Venezuela Universidad del Zulia Facultad de Ciencias Econmicas y Sociales Divisin de extensin para graduados en maestra

en Gerencia Publica Catedra: Ingles Instrumental

Integrantes: Fernndez Mailliu C.I: 21.421.923 N lista 7 Correo Lpez Saina C.I: 9.752.759 N lista 11 Correo: Prez Yolanda C.I: 18.571.931 N lista 24 Correo

Maracaibo, Noviembre 2012.



Banks were developed to keep people's money safe and to make it available. When they need it. Since money was invented, people have been borrowing and leading it. Italy had famous money lenders. In facts, the word bank comes from banco. The Italian word for bench the money lenders used to sit on benches. Before there were banks. These services were provided elsewhere. For long ago some people took their treasures to the temples for safekeeping. Jewelers also took valuable objects for safekeeping, and when people needed money, they could borrow from them. But some people did not trust others to keep their money. When they had more than they needed, they bought land. Still other bought valuable jewels and objects of gold and silver. A modern bank accepts people's money for safekeeping. It also lends money and offers many other services. The experience of a businessman will show some these. James Jones has a furniture store and buys his goods from different parts of the country. It isn't convenient for him to send money through the mail, and he doesn't want to keep big sums of money in his store or in his homes. So he goes to the bank and opens a checking account. He puts money in the bank regularly, and the bank keeps it until he writes checks for the amount. When Mr. Jones orders furniture from another city, he simply writes a check which looks like the one on the following page. This check is as good as money to the owner of the modern furniture company. He can take it to his bank and cash it, that is, He can get money for it.

PART A: Reconocer en un prrafo las palabras de contenido y de function. Write the correct form and classify if these are contents or functions words Pronouns Nouns Verbs Adverbs Adjectives
Ejercicios B: Identificar: 1 Cuantos prrafos? 2 Cuantas oraciones? 3. Cuantas palabras hay? 4.- Cuantas lneas hay en casa prrafo? Largo / Corto

Frase nominal Frase Verbal

Oracion del Primer Parrafo

Banks were developed to keep people's money safe and to make it available Tiempo Verbal: Pasado Simple Palabras de Contenido: Bank, Developed, keep, people, safe, money, make, available. Palabras de Funcion: Were, To, and, it.

Oracion del Segundo Parrafo

But some people did not trust others to keep their money Tiempo Verbal: Pasado Simple Palabras de Contenido: Some, people, trust, keep, money Palabras de Funcion: But, did, not, others, to, their

Oracion del Segundo Parrafo

James Jones has a furniture store and buys his goods from different parts of the country

Tiempo Verbal: Presente Perfecto Palabras de Contenido: has, Forniture, store, buys, godos, different, parts, country Palabras de Funcion: a, and, his, from, of, the

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