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Create a TeacherWebQuest
WebQuests are free on TeacherWeb, and must meet the following conditions: 1. Website content must pertain to an Internet-based e ploration of a topic. ! WebQuest is designed to be a group effort, containing different "#oles" for the different members of the group, all contributing uni$uel% to the pro&ect. It is not merel% the posting of an indi'idual student assignment that utilit(es the internet for research. ). !ll materials for completing the WebQuest must be a'ailable on the site or through the internet lin*s. The site must be full% usable b% teachers from an% school. +. Website content ma% not be used to post classroom assignments, due dates or an% other teacher or classroom-specific information. ,. Website content must contain internet lin*s, and incorporate them as an integral part of the "$uest". It ma% not be used to post pro&ects unrelated to the internet. -. Website content must include a Tas* and a .rocess towards a clear student deli'erable. It cannot be used merel% a means to post a list of lin*s. /. Website content must meet all TeacherWeb Terms and 0onditions.

These web pages are created with some suggestions and guidelines for teachers creating a WebQuest. These comments should be deleted when the web is ready for viewing. The Introduction is the most important part of the WebQuest!! The purpose here is to gain the attention of your students and introduce the activity. You want to make this as relevant to the learners as possible, so authentic tasks, or real life problems is your ultimate goal. The essential, or guiding, uestion should be included here The students are the intended audience, so remember to write the introduction accordingly. You want to engage your students in real world problem solving and try to get them to use their higher order thinking skills. The links given below are e!amples of good Introduction pages. http"$%#&ary'elpof(hristians)cademy#The(apulet*all#h+.stm http",-.#-pace#h+.stm http",'#0reatWhite-hark)ttack12actor2iction#h+.stm

1 ample of good Introduction Introduction 2a'e %ou e'er wished %ou were a part of the magic of #omeo and 3uliet4s first meeting at the 0apulet mansion5 Thin* about how luc*% %ou would be to witness the famous couple falling in lo'e at first sight and to catch a

glimpse of all the glamourous guests, gourmet food, ornate decorations, and music that the #enaissance brought to life6 It is comparable to wal*ing down the red carpet at the 7scars and seeing those mo'ie stars that %ou &ust lo'e...undoubtedl% a remar*able e perience that could onl% happen in %our dreams right5 Well, I beg to differ because %ou, %es %ou, ha'e &ust been called upon b% the rich and might% 0apulet to cater, decorate, entertain, and design costumes for his famil% and all of his guests that are coming to the 0apulet 8as$uerade ball6 When %our &ob is finished, 0apulet has e'en e tended his in'itation to %ou6 "9ou4re in'ited6 0ome and crush a cup of wine6"

The Task is the motivating force behind all of the activities involved in the WebQuest. This part will discuss the different roles or perspectives the students will take on and what the end result or product should be. This is not the step1by1step process. Its purpose is to e!plain the clear deliverable towards which students in the different roles will work together to create. The links given below are e!amples of good Task pages. http" http"$Y#&assape ua'igh-chool1)mes(ampus#You)reWhatYou5at#h4.stm

1 ample of good Tas*

Your nutrition team will consist of 4 experts. Needs Analysis Team +. 5!ercise 6hysiologist 1 You are to research about the physical demands of the sport. 2or e!ample" Is it anerobic, aerobic, both7 What energy systems are used7 What kind of e!ercises whould they do7 .o all the athletes on the team have the same physical demands#do they vary position to position7 4. -pecial $eeds $utritionist 1 You are to research about the special needs of athletes. 5!amples may be athletes who are diabetic, have food allergies, may be vegetarians, have celiac disease, lactose intolerant, are overweight#underweight etc. 8. -cientific $utritionist 1 You need to gather information about athletes caloric re uirments, the nutritional information on the foods you will use to

feed your team 9calories, food labels#carbs, protein, fat, fiber, water, vitamins, minerals...:, and special needs of those athletes who need to lose weight#gain weight. ;. &arketing .epartment#6ublicist 1 You have 8 main <obs to do. 2irst, you are to to design and distribute information brochures to hand out to your athletes. -econd, you also will design posterboards to hang up in the cafeteria that contain useful dietary information. 2inally, you will design individual nutrition tracking cards 9include daily = weekly:for the athletes to keep track of and evaluate their meal choices with the nutrition staff. )fter you have completed your needs analysis, your group will design a meal plan for your sports team. +. .esign a multimedia presentation to give to your sports team. 4. .esign an +1 off1season = in1season meal plan> 41 pre1contest nutritional program> 81 -ample menus for your athletes for their meals. 8. .esign both a resource guide and an educational pamphlet for your team. ;. .esign evaluation tools to improve the program.

'ere you will provide the step1by1step instructions and guidance for the students in order to complete this task. 3emember that other teachers may see this WebQuest, so you will have to be as detailed as possible, but also remember to write it for the students. &aking a list is acceptable here. The links given below are e!amples of good 6rocess pages. http"$Y#(ayuga'eights5lementary#$Y?acationWeb uest#h8.stm http"


I don4t get it5 I don4t understand5 2uh... What5 ;T1.1. The first thing %ou will need to do in %our group is decide which role each person is going to ta*e. ;T1.). 7nce this is decided, go to %our indi'idual role pages to get

further instructions and web pages for %our role. 9ou will ha'e to *eep a &ournal of all the information %ou gather in %our role that will be turned in at the end with %our itinerar%. ;T1.+. 7nce e'er%one has compiled their information, %ou will gather bac* together as a group and discuss what e actl% %our mone% will be spent on. 9ou need to ma*e sure %ou ha'e a mode of transportation to %our destination, a place to sta%, mone% for food, and things to do <acti'ities=. 9ou cannot go o'er %our assigned budget, so some tough choices ma% need to be made. ;T1.,. !fter %ou ha'e decided what e actl% %ou will spend %our mone% on, %ou will need to write up an itinerar%. This must include all the things in step three. 8a*e sure to ha'e the prices listed and a grand total for %our trip. ;T1.-. 9ou will then need to de'elop a presentation to gi'e the 8om and >ad <as well as the class=. It can be whate'er %ou want, some e amples are a power point presentation, a commercial, persuasi'e speech, etc.

'ow will the students be evaluated7 will you be using7 What assessment tool#rubric

The links given below are e!amples of good 5valuation pages. http"$#,of&#(ensorshipWebQuest#h;.stm http"$Y#6ioneer(entral-chool#*eachWeatherWebQuest#h;.stm

1 ample

-tudents will be evaluated on their 6ress 3eleases and an Individual 3eflection. -ee the teacher if you have any uestions. 0AA. @,(B and ')?5 2,$! 5/65(T)TIA$- = -(A3I$0 3,*3I(" CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

D6ress 3eleases must contain" +: )n outside source relevant to their assigned stance. -(A3I$0" 8 6AI$T-. The outside source must be plausible for your specific role.

CCCCCC 4: Introduction and conclusion paragraphs, supported by at least T'355 98: specific points. 9It should be bewteen 81E paragraphs:. -(A3I$0" +F 6AI$T-. This is the body of the statement. It should be clear and be between 81E paragraphs. CCCCCC 8: The release should have very few spelling mistakes. -(A3I$0" E 6AI$T-. Ane point marked off for every spelling mistake. CCCCCC ;: 6roperly cited sources. 9-ee handout from class: -(A3I$0" 4 6AI$T-. CCCCCC E: The press release shall be typed, +4 point font, and have one inch margins. -(A3I$0" E 6AI$T-, for including all three criteria. CCCCCC DD4E 6AI$T- TAT)@DD for the 6ress 3elease"CCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DIndividual 3eflections must" +: *e between +14 pages in length and have your name at the top. -(A3I$0" E 6oints. 5asiest E points available. CCCCCC 4: 'ave your opinion on the issue, and why. -(A3I$0" +E 6AI$T-. *ody and most important part of the 3eflection. 6oints will be based on the strength and clarity of your opinion. +E ptsGe!cellent, +;1++G uality, ,nder +FGlacking important ideas and concepts. CCCCCC 8: (ite outside sources properly. 9-ee handout from class: -(A3I$0" 8 6AI$T-. CCCCCC ;: -hould use at least 4 valid outsides sources. -(A3I$0" 4 6AI$T-. Ane point for each. CCCCCC E: Include a paragraph e!plaining how your group worked together, and your feelings on the WebQuest. -(A3I$0" +F 6oints. &ust answer both parts clearly for all the points. CCCCCC H: 'ave very few spelling mistakes.

-(A3I$0" +F 6AI$T-. Ane point marked off for every spelling mistake. CCCCCC I: The press release shall be typed, +4 point font, and have one inch margins. -(A3I$0" E 6AI$T-, for including all three criteria. CCCCCC DDEF 6AI$T- TAT)@DD for the Individual 3eflection"CCCCCCCCCC


This is the summary of or reflection on the WebQuest. 2inal thoughts or uestions to be answered could be included here. )ny e!tension of the lesson should be included here, or any additional resources might be included here also. The links given below are e!amples of good (onclusion pages. http"$#6urdue,niversity$orth(entral#$atural.isasters#hE.stm http"$#TT,#$utritionWebQuest#hE.stm

1 ample 0onclusion
You have learned about the 2ood 0uide 6yramid and how it is used to make intelligent food choices. Whether you are eating at a fast food restaurant or at home the 2ood 0uide 6yramid is a useful tool. You now have the knowledge to make better food choices to ensure good nutritional habits. If you would life to e!pand the work you have completed with this Web Quest, you may choose on of the following pro<ects" +. .esign the interior of the restaurant you created 4. 5stablish the prices for the menu in the restaurant 8. (reate a food pyramid for pregnant females ;. (reate a food pyramid for older adults;chool/1ducation1/h/.stm

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