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c )l?)ecr~ves

Shapes and Types of Tension Menlbers

3.2.1 3.2.2 General Classificatior~ Shapea of the Compound Section

3.3 3.4

Penrlissible Stresses 'Tension Member Connections Net Effective Area Ends 1.5.1 Koutld Bars and Rods with ~ireac1ed
3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.5.5 Ikductions for Holes Critical Section IWstrihution of Stress of Net Section Deductions fc>rU~lco~l~lected Legs


Slenderness Ratio Lug Angles Design of (Axially Loaded) Tension Members


3.10 Answers to SAQs

Definition: A structural member subjected to tensile pull at its two ends is called a tension n~tmhcr or tic.When the pulling force passes through the C. G. of the section aid the sectio~iis uniforndy stressed it is known as axial pull. For eccentric loads llie member has to be designed for the increased stresses caused by the eccentricity. to straightell However, in case of srnall eccetricities, there is a tendency of the il~eillber itself and adjust, so that the eccentricity is reduced and hence it lnay he neglected in design. The presence of holes, cracks, outstanding legs etc. seriously reduzes the capacity of tension niembers and these will be dealt with subsequently.

After reading this unit you should he able to design a simple steel tension member, design a conipound member in tension when the tensile force is large, and ,&sip the lug a~gles'and gusset plate colmections (weldedlriveted) of the tension member.


3.2.1 General Classification
The various types of tension members are: 1) Wires and Cables (Figure 3.1 (a)): They are made of wire bundles or wire n)pes and strands. They can only take tensile forces as they are too flexible to carry any bending moment or compressive force. They are used in suspension bridges, cable bridges or trans~nissiontowers.

Axially 1,oaded Mernl~ers


Bars and Rods (Figure 3.1 (h)): They are used for carrying srilallforces and where a light structire is recluireti. They are used in wind braciug system sag rods in purlins, in towel masts etc., atld also l'or hangers in suspeusiou bridges and arches. The: net area o f a rod with threaded cnds will be at Llie mol of the threading (See Tahle 3.1) which may he 20-25% less than the gross looped. So~%etimes turnbuckles are area. The ends inay also he somc~inles used in a bar or rod to adlust tlle tension in the members. Plates and Flats (Figure 3.1 (c)): Plates arrtl llats have larger cross-seclional areas than bars/rods, hence Uley limy carry intermediate range of lensile forces. They are used in Lloor systems, trans~iussionLowers 01. as a minor or lacing bars elc. tensile meniber in a coinposite structure e.g. batten pli~tes or as eye-bars in a pin-coluiec1ed structure. Single Rolled Steel Structural Members (Figure 3.1 (d) (e) (f) (g)): The lliosl commonly used rolled steel sections t ' c carrying ~ tcnsion are :uigles. tees or ctlarulcls. Rarely a light weight joist nlay he used when a very large tz~lsile force is to be carried. S i ~ ~ grolled le sections are no1 the most efficient types as beiidiiig stresses are introductions and also the whole :u-cais not l'ully stressed.




Th'reded -end9

Looped end

(dl Angle


5 ) Built-up Sestions: For carrying large tensile l'orces Llie most favoured
arrangement is a combiuation of angles or flats or channels ;uncl ilats. Some 01 these are shown in Figure 3.2.

3.2.2 Shapes of the Compound Section

Tensile nletllher can be arranged in various shapes. For example: i) Double angles or channels corlllected on either side of iI gusscl plate reduces the secondary bending stresses and are used In large-span or heavy loadecl roof trusses.

ii) The shape 3.2(b) is usecl as bracing in hridge trusses. iii) Shape 3.2 (c) and (d) arc used conunonly as diagonal hracings.

iv) Shape 3 2 (e) to ik) are multiple angles or chai~nels connec.~ed by lacing b:u\ or battens. They rcclulrc two gusset plates at thc~r ends rultl are user! 111double plane trusses and a\ bridge truss mcinbcrs wlicre re\lersal ot slresscs take pl ;rcc.


Sllapcs 3.2 (e) and (I) where tlaliges are tunled in are used in tll1.ougl1-typc bridges as they do nol illtertere with floor-sps~em.

vi) Shapes 3.2 (f) and (11) have t1:ulges lurncd out ant1 are user1 111 the lower-chord ol' deck-type hridges.

i a Foub angles

_rl l-~ ~ f FOU+ )

platas L+'onges kuvh*


mgIes +
[ k ) Four m y \ e s
w t ~ n plates


TWO plates o\an9es p,,tnad

( a




Double angle
w ~ Lacin h

CC> Fa*

ang! ea

c d ,

Four anden
ad p\&

w l h gusset


(g) G3uble c h a r i n e l W noub\e chahnel <oDoub\e chanhel




0 0 r

(f (ahcjes

w i t h (ortnj ($\on3es krhd

I " )

u) Fouk wg\es with t w ~ n 3

Figure 3.2: Curnpa)uod T r ~ ~ s i u hlcmbcrs(Huilt-up o Section)



I.S. 800-1984 allows a factor of safety of 1.67 LO the n1inirnu1~1 yield stress (f,,)of sleel lo recom~nend tllc permissible stress in axial tension ( on,). s o that

Table 3 1 gwes the yield htrcllgth alld tensile strengtll ot various gratles of structural slcel. Equ~valcrit clonpation yvcil b) tor samples of gauge length L, and cross-scctlonal area S IS

The value of CTnr ti)r a particular steel depcnds upon the no~ninal sizc o r thickmless of tllc n~c~nher. For example, for co~llnlon structural nuld steel (13. 22h- 1075) llle allownblt: stresses will he as follows: For thickness, t 5 20 nlnx otl/ = 0.6.f; = ISOMPa

For 20 < t 1 41) im : oclt= 0.6.1;. = 144 MPa

For t > 40 11~11; urlf= 0.6 .f; = 138 MPir

Adally Loaded blanbers

Table 3.1: Mechai~icll ('l'easile) Properties of Structural Steels Class of Steel Product Pll~re, Section Kr. Flats. B~US (round, square. 11exagou;ll) Rivet bars Noril~ilral Size or -l'hickness (inm) IS:22h-1975 Fe 410-S
(St 42 - S)
6 to 20

Type of Sted

Guaranteed , 'I'ensilc Minimun~ Yicld Stress Stl-eogth (NIIIIIII~) (~lnln~~) 250 240 230 250 240 2hO 250 240 4 10-530 410-530 410--5.W 410-520 410-530 610-531) 4 10-5.w 4 10-530

Percent Elongation E,, min. (Gauge Length 5.65

4 x 2
23 23 23
23 2< .

2 I to 40 ()ver upto 20 Over 20

h to 12 13 to 20 21 to 40

IS12062 - 1984 Fe410WA. FeA 10 WB Kr. Fe4 10 WC IS: 1148-1982 Rivet Steel

23 33 23

Shear strellgth = 330 N ~ I I U (1lIil1illlu111) ~~' IS: 96 1-1975 Fe 570-HT (St-58 HT) IS: 961- 1975 Ee541) W-HT (St-55 HTW) IS: 1149- 1082 HT Rivet Steel Plates Sections tli~ts and bars c>ttier than, rivets Sme2 1 s ibove
h to 28 29 to 45 46 to 63 over (1.3
h to 12 17 to32 -33 to 63 over (13

350 .34(J 320


570 570 570 540 540 540 5 10 490 4h( 460


'2) 20 2() 20 2( 20 20 20 22 22 22

350 340

280 400

Rivet bar

0 10 12 I2 to 20 20 to 40


tilti~ilritcSliear Strength = 370 ~ l i l i r n ~ (mininm nl)

Conversion factol: 1 N/~nm-= I MPn = IMNIms(, = cross-sectional area of t z s ~ pizcc (standnnlj


Co~ulecting clenieuts fgussets, splices etc.) often d e l e r o ~ i ~ Llie ~e usahlc strength of a te~lsion ~nenlber. Also it is important whetller the coniicctiol~ is a wel~lerl oile or riveted (holtetl) one. The proportioning o f tensio~i menlbers with welded coiu~ecliol~ is relatively simple and the welds may be easily designed its strong as tlie nienlber itself. The oiily ..onsicleratitnis are LO see lo it that: i) The nle~libcr for~lis or p o s i l i o ~ IS ~ 'arranged st ;IS to get good welding position, and ii) the centre ol' gravity of tlie welds should c o i ~ ide ~ with c.g. oft' the niember. However, (li design of telision mcnibers with bolted or riveled con~icctions is nlorc complicatcti .IS it leads to loss of cross-section of tlic iileliiber due to (Lie Iloles nude Solthe fastenel\. This is discussed in the ncxl section:

In the rivkted colulection of Figurc 3.3 (a) the gmset plate may hi1 ill, relaion on the ncl area a 11-a,while in the welded connection of Figure$.3 (c) it 11i;tyfail in tension alon:
the gross area a-a. h i o t h e r n ~ o d c of failure lilay be (in the rivett:il casc) (lie angle nlay be separated from the gusset plate by shear along line (:-(I co~ilhi~letl wilh tension along (1-e. This is shown in Figure 3.3(b). A sinlilar hilure in shown in Figure 3.3 (d) in thc case of the welded ctnuiectio:i. Such failures, i.e. cases (h) aiirl (<I)are called block-sheor,fuilurrsas tlistirict fro111the ,qu.sset plut~,/t/il~i~c~s.

c~ui~ utp- sections)





Figure 3.3: Failurn oiTension Meliiber Connections


In tension lnenlbers any loss i11 material reduces ~ t usable s strength. The area used in the calculation of a member capacity is called the net area (All),which is defined as the u s dedudlons (A,/) made for any loss ot mattrial. gross area (A,s)of the section ~ n i ~ l the Thus

The calculation for deductions are niade differently for different structural shapes uld is discussed in the following sections.

3.5.1 Round Bars and Rods with Threaded Ends

If the tensile ~llernber 1s a round threaded rtd the net area is the area at the root of the e cllective areas for thread. which nay be 20-25% less than the gross area. h ~ actual M ) ~ S of var~ous 1io111111aI diameters are give11111 Table 3.2. Thus due to the reduction in stre~lgtl~ of the threaded rod a lot of ~ilaterial is wasted. An attempt 1s 11l;ldeto save the material by up-setting (or e~llarging)the threaded ends. However, the cost of upsetting itself inay be consiclerahle.

3.5.2 Deductions for Holes

When tlle tension inernber is a tlat, tee, angle or chuuiel joined to a gusset plate by nlealzs of tasteners (whicli nlay he either rivets or bol~s), the net are:\ is tlle gross area nunus the deduction tor holes on the ~riticaI sectioil. T l ~ e deternlinat~on of the critical 111 sectio~l 3.5.3. section is cxplai~led Owirlg to the daniage caused during pu~~chinglcirillii~g, the actual si/c (,I' the boles is increased by 1.5 111111 tor all bolts and for rivets up to 25 nun dia. For rivets larger than 25 nun diameter the increase allowed is 2 nun. The number of deduc.lions for the various types of built-up tension ~nernhers are given in Table 3.3.

3.5.3 Critical Section

Holes for bolts or rivets in tension meinbers affects the members in lwo ways: 1)

they reduce the area of the cross-section, and h e y result in non-u~ufornl strain on cross-sections in the ncighhourl~ood o f tllc I~olc


(1 b\\~$ (of n\l\re\IMYhe 011sectinns m~rn~al to the : l x ~


tbe ~ l l e ~ ~ lOr ber


Axially Loaded M e ~ ~ ~ l ~ e r s Nominal Dia.

Table 3.2: Diameter.and Area o ~ ~ o l tScrews s, ancl I<otls I S 0 Coarse Tlrrmd Pitch of Threocl, (mm) Effective Area, (~alu) IS( 1 Fine 'I'lrreud IJitchof TI~read. F;tTective Areid. (mnr) (11m) I .o

I (

4.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0

36.6 58.0 84.3 115 157 I92

39.2 6 1.2 92. I 125 I07



1.25 1.25 1.5

1 .i


18 20 22

1.5 1.5 1.5


303 353 45 9 501 694 XI7
9 76

272 373 3x4 496 621 701 865 1028

27 30 33 36

2.0 2.0


Rast~d or, IS: 1.((57-1967 (First Rrvisiori,

Table 3.3: Uuiit-up Teosio~r Members

1) Singlc augle 2) 1)ouble augles

( h e 110 lc One hole tro~ll each iulplc. Two 1lolt.s Cronl each weh. or one holc fron~ each Ilallpc whiclrever i h , "reatw.

4) Four rugles lilc~d' 5) Four angles with web

6) Two chanuels, laced

I One hole inun ex11 :aipic.

(hre Irolc Crom each allgle :urd two from web. Two holes fro~ll cilcl~ weh, or o11e flange wl~ichever is grcater. eaclr

7) Four angles fornling box

Two holes froin each ;urgle iuld one llole fronr every 150 mm widtlr crCl>l;~tes.

As per I.S. 800-1984 in all axially loaded tcnsion members the au-eah l o he deducted shall be the seclio~~al area of the maxi~llum number ot holuc in ally cross-section at right angles to the direction of stress. Thus 111 Figurc 3.-l(a) there hcit~g 3 lloles along section u-u, the failure will take place alotrg tliis secttot) rather tliari across the section b-O which has 2 holes only. However, in cases where bolt or rivet holes are staggerctl as shown ill Figure 3.4(h)the failure ]nay occur either along the path ubc:tl or aOc: or,/?rl whidlever i s sinaller. 1 1 1 staggered holes the di;stance ( g ) perpendicular to the lil~c of pull is calle~l tlie g u u g ~ distance, a~icl distance (s) in a liric parallel wit11 it is callcd the pirch the rivets. In case of staggered holes, the areas lo be deducted shall he the sum of the sectional areas



PLa tes

Figure 3 . 4

of all holes in the chain line extencliig progressively across the lnenlber less -tor 4Y each line extending hetwcen holcs at other tllall right angles to tlie cllrection of stress (that is for each inclined line). That chain line should he finally choscn wll~ch will protluce lnaxirnur~l anlornit of such deduclious. Thus
1 1 1 F~gure 3.4.(h)

S t .

along l ~ n e ahccl the net are A, will be give11hy


Wliilc aloilg line uhc or,frsrlit will he

A,, = A,<.- [It

where, A s = gross area oi' the member

1 = Lhickuess of

the lllelnber

(1 = (liarnet& of the hole

To :ic:count for additional holes in thc chain the procedure just desu ihed is continuetl fro~n one holc to tllc next.

The I.S. Codc has given rul example oT caliulidbi ti)r a non-planar sectioi (~111 angle section) I~avlng tlu-ee holes stikggered as sllowu in Figure 3.4(c). H e ~ c Llie gauge dlstaricc will he nieasurcd along Ihe crilical section (sliowi by the chain-dolled line)

Axially Loaded Meml,ers

which is al011g me ceulrt: tleductioii w~ll he:

01 UIC

u~rchesh 01 u~t:secuon I>eLweellllolc ccnlre\ Here Llle

Deductions = (sum of the area ot lioles B,C, aid D)

( 3 c-rr

3.5.4 Distribution of Stress on Net Section

According to llie theory of elasticity the distribution 01' stress OII 111t. IIL:I Lsctrlion of i~lfiilitely wide plate containing a llole at its ce~ltreli~ie is give11 hy
Tal~lc .3.4: Clsual Gauges for A 11gIes

Leg Size

1)ouble liow of Hivcts

Siagle HIW Rivets


h'lax. Rivet 1)ii

for Ilouble How


= stress that would exisl ~fthere were n o hole.

r = radius of Iiole, and

x = tlistru~ce fn)nl centre ol hole to ally poinl
011 llie

~riinsvel-se secrion

Because of the highly localized clihlurhancc in stress. Illis equallon CiUl bc applied with accuriicy to ii plate of finite wid111 iLS well. This equation is valid only if the srress at thc edge of the hole tlocs I I O ~cxceetl the proportional liilllt. If the load conrinues to increase afler the proporlional linut is reached the stress distribution will tlepencl upon the ai~turc o f t h ~ .strcsis-slrain curve. 111

any case the stresses at points away from the edge will be greater th;111 the values given by the above equation. Stress concentration at holes are usually neglected in structural design, and tlle stress is distributed over tlle net area of the calculated on the assuinplion tllat it is ullili)r~dy cross-seclion, which is justified due to the ductility of steel.
Example 3.1

Tension Me~nl>ers

Determine the net effective width for the 360 m n plate with 20 nun diameter rivets are shown in Figure 3.5.

Here pitch, ( p ) = 50 111111; gauge g = 60nm: Diameter of rivet hole d = 20 + 1.5 = 21.5 mrn Coilsidet-the following possible fracture li~res:

Line uhcd = 360 - 2 x 21.5

Line r;f;S/f = 360 - 2x 21.5

= 317mn = 31711m

Line c~l?&l? also efgcd = 360 - 3 x 21.5

502 += 4 x 60

305.9 nun


Figure 3.5

Axially Loaded Members

The slnallest of tl1esei.e.line yfl?gcdliavi~ig leligtll 294.84 nil11 will be the net effective widtli for calculatio~l of tearing of the plate.

Example 3.2
A 75 x 75 x 10 angle is connectetl to two gusset plates by both its legs through 5 rivets

as shown in Figure 3.6(a).

iti id the minimum net area for the angle.

The rivet diameter is 16 nun.

The angle is shown opened out in Figure 3.6(b) along its centre-line Total widdl = 2 x 75 - 10

140 nmi
1 1 1 1 1 1

Distance hetween the holes = 2 x 45 - 10 = 80 Diameter of holes = 16 + 1.5 = 17.5 lrllli Area of the angles = 1402 nun'

For tearing plruie u1)c we havc only one rivet hole

. :

Effective area = 1402 - 17.5 x 10 = 1227 m n 1 1 i '


r 9 0 +

IT.2 c 4 ; ,










+ i

3 0






Figure 3.6

For tearing plane ab(i~ we have two rivets and one i ~ ~ c l i ~patlis ied

: . Effective area = 1402 - 2 x ( 17.5 x 10 ) +

Hence, the smaller value 1102 II~U? will be taken.

402 x 10 = I 102 m n 2 4 x 80

3.5.5 Deductions for Unco~lnected Legs

If angles or tees are co~mected through one leg or tlrulgc only and mother leg remains outstandi~~g (Figure 3.7 (a)(b) (c)) tlie stress distribution is uneven aid the connected lcg carries higher stresses. Hence the gross area of the unconnected leg is reduced hy a factor k as given below:




Figure 3.7

Case I: Single angle connrcted bv one 1 . 1 : (mlv (Figure 3.7 (a))

In this case the net effective sectional area shall be taken as


A I . = Effective cross-sectional area o P a tlle corlnected leg (after deductions for rivet holes etc.)
Az= gross sectional area of the uncn~mected leg And, k =

3 AI 3AI + A 2

...(3.8 (b))

Case 11: A puir qfungles buck-to-hack (or a single tee) conn~cted bv onc leg of thc angle (or b y the,flunge of the we) to the surtze side of the gus,rct (Figure 3.7(h) and (c))

The net effective ruea shall he taken as

where, k =
(A 1 and

5A1 5A1


have the same meaning as in Case I above)

Case Dl: For cfouble angles or tees'placed bacrk-to-buck and connectetl to c:tlt:l~ sirlc of u gussct or to each side of post of u rolled seaion (Figure 3.7 (d)).
No rleduction for nutstailding legs are made. Only deductions for holes are recluired for calculating the net effectlve area. Provided tacking rivets with solid tl~stance pieces, where the parts are separated rue provided at pitch line uot exccedins 1000 mnl.

1) 2)

If two angles placed back to hack arc. not properly tack-rivetedhveldd as st;~t~.d nhovr ~ x c h one shall he coos~dered ~5 connected by onc leg only, and the. effective area will I r calcl~lated fnr eacl> angle ;L- In case I.

If two terq 'we pI;tced back to hack. hut I l l c a r 11.

not properly tack rlvoted or w e l b d


~t;iti.iialmve. vhall he d e ~ ~ g n e d


7hr area of the ley of an angle shall he taken as k x ~ d u cof t th~ckness (11 1 and the lenptl~ from the outer corner (d) mlnus half the th~ckness tdRgure 1 8).

Area of the leg of a tee A

= 11 d - -


Axially Loaded Members

Figure 3.8

Example 3.3

Determine the tellsite strength ctf a 100 x 75 x10 r l m m anglc co~lncctetl to the gusset plate by a)

20 nml dia power-driven rivets colu~ectecl to longer leg.

11~11 welds. (

~ =r 150 MPa)


a) Nonlinal rivet diametcr = 20 mill Rivet hole clialneter = 20 + 1.5 = 21.5 11~11 Area of connected leg, A1 = 1f 1 0 - 21.5 -

10 7 Area of unconnected leg A2 = (75 - 1 ) x 10 = 700111111u

Net area of angle, A,, = A 1 + A1 k

= 735

+ 700 x 0.759

= 1266

z 180.9 k ~ ( ~ Figure e e 3.9 (a))

Strength of the angle =

. A,, = 150 x 1266 = 189900

Figure 3.9


Area of connected leg, AI =

Area of unco~ulectetl leg, A2 =

Net area A , = A 1 + A2k = 950 + 700 x 0.8028 = 1512 mnl2 Strengtll of the arigle = oar A,, = 1512 x 150 = 226800 N

= 226.8 kN (see Figure 3.9 (b))

Example 3.4 A tenswln member consisting of two 150 x '1 1 5 x 10 nlln IS. A~lgles are connected by heir lo11g legs to a gusset placc hy ~llear~s of 18 1 x 1 1 1 1 dia~neter rivets ill such a way that each angle section IS reduced by one rivet hole oiily.
Deterlnirie the tensile slrength ()I' the member,

m l gusset plate and tack (a) The angles are colinccled on the same side of a 12 m riveted.
(h) The angles arc collllcctcd on the opposite sides of a 12 nun gusset plate and tack riveted:
(c) The ailgles are not tack-riveted (oar= 150 MPa)

Nominal diameter of rivet = 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gross diameter of rivet hole = 18 + 1.5 = 19.5 11~11 Area of a 150 x 1150 x 10 111111 angles = 2552 nun2 Case (a) see Figure 3.10 (a). 10 Area of a m e c t e d legs, A1 = 2 x (IS0 - 19.5 - -) x 10 = 25 10 mal' 2
' 10 Area d unconnected Icgs, Az = 2 x (1 15 - -x 10 = 2200 nun' 2)

Net area, A,,

= Al

+ kA2 = 2510 + 0.8508 x 2200 = 4382 mln2

(a) with Tack Rlvets

Ib) with Tack R l v e b

(Connected to Oppnsite Side o f Gusset)

(e) with out Tnck Rivet

(Connected to Same Side of (;usset)

Figurn 3 . 1 0

xia ally Loaded Memhers

: . Tensile Strength of nlember = 4382 x 150 = 657301) N

b) As no deductions are to be nlade (Figure 3.10(h)) Net area = Gross Area - Area of rivet holes =2 >: 2552 - 2 x 19 5 10 = 4714 111111'


: .

Tensile strength of mneniber = 4714 x 150 = 707 1 00 N

If the angles are not tack-riveted they behave likc single ;ulglc. connected to a gnssec plate (Figure 3.10 (4).

Area of co~ulected leg, A A Area of uncnnnected leg, Az Factor, k =


1150 - 195 -I"\ x 10 = 2s l o llull' 1 115 - - x 10 = 2200 nlm'


~ A I= 3 x 7,510 = 0.7779 3AlxA2 3 ~ 2 5 1 0 + 2 3 0 0


Net area A,, = 2510 + 0.7739 x 2200 = 421 2 nin~"

: .

Tensile strength of menlher = 4212 x 150 = (33 1500 N

1) What are the vanous types of deductions made In the gi-oh\ \CCIIOII;II ;\Tea 01 tension member'? Give briefly the reasons for \uch Ileduccio~~z,


2) Do the following problein

a) Deterinine the net area of a plate section 250 x 20 Iilm \i/c with twc) ro\v\ of hnles in a straight chain (parallel to thc line o f pi1 11). Thc nvztx arc 1 A m m dia and the edge distance is 30 nmi.



b) Determine the net area of a11 angle sectioil ISA: 200 x 100 x 10 wherc the longer leg is connected to the gusset by two rows 01' I h I I U I ~ diit rivets. 70 and 150 imn fro111the comer respectively.
c ) Determine the net area of a 150 x 16 1m1iplate havilig two zig-zag rows


of 16 lruii dialneler rivets as sliown in Figure 3.1 1 .

Figure 3 . 1 1

3) Determine the net area of the clialmel ISMC-200 wlth the wzh conncclecl by two rows of 20 lmn dialueter bolts and tlie lla~rgcs its outsta~ding Icps.


Slellderiless ratio (A) of a nlcmnber is lhe ratio of unsupported length (1) to its least radius o f gyration (I-).

NormaIly it is not important in the design of tension nlclnbers L o 1111111 tlre vztlue 01 slendeniess ratio as the lnelnber tends to straighten uilclcr tlie actloll of tlic lorce ot pull. However, in a few cases which arc listed below sl61lder1iess ratio ot tenslon members ix

limited in order to provide sufficient elastic stability in case of dynamic loads or vibrations and also to prevent large lateral deflections.
Table 3.5: Slenderness Ratio of T e n s i o ~ Members ~
S1. No.


Maximum Sle~~dcroess Ratio

1 )

Tension inemher (other than pre-tensioned nxmher)

A me~nher nomlally acting a s a tie in a roof truss of a bracing system hut subject to a pssi1,le reversal of



stress resulting from the actiot~ of wmti or eartcluake forces


A tensloll memher in which a reversal of direct stress wind or seisnuc torces occurs due to 1o;lds other t h a u ~



Lug angles are angle pieces attached to the tension member by one leg and L o Ulc gusscr plates by the other. These are used to reduce the length of the conncclions as ~t acconunodates a part of the connecting rivets or welds. The lug angles can be used both w ~ angle h ~rle~nber or chrunlel members (Figure 3.12 (a) and (b)). Lug anglcs con~~ecting the flanges of a channel shaped ~ne~llber shall as far as possible, be disposed syininetrically with respect to the section of the member. In case of angle members Figure 3.1 2 (a), the rivets conn&ling the gusset plate with the lug angle is expected to share less load than the rivets connecting the main membcr. The 1S:XOO-1984prescribes that the lug angles and their connectio~~s to the gusset (or other supporting member) shall be capable of developing a strength not lcss t11a~11 20% in excess of the force in the outstanding leg of the angle. Also the a~tachmcn~ of the leg angle to the angle inember shall be capable of developing 40% in excess of' this force. to the In case of charnel inembers (Figure 3.12 (b)) the lug aigles and their coiulcctio~~ gusset (or olher supporting meinher) shall be capable of developing a suength of not of the less than 10% in excess of the force not accourltetl for by the direct com~ection member. The attachment of the lug angles to the member shall be capable of devr:loping 20% in excess of this force.



(a) Lug Angle with IS-angle Menlher (h) Lug Angle with IS-ehan~~c-l Member Flgure 3.12: Lug Angles

Fewer than two bolts should not be used in any case for attachmeill o f this lug angle to the gusset (or other supporting member).
As the outstanding leg of the lug angle is liable to deformations, its el'i'ective comiections shall. as far as possible terminate at the end of Ule member conllected. The fastening ot-the lug angle to the member shall preferable start in advance of the direct conriection of the ineinber to the ~wsset (or other supporting member).

Axially 1,oarIrd

Where lug angles arc usetl l o conni'ct an an_eleme~iihut. (lie wliolc alc<t01 Lhu ~ n c m h c ~ shall he taken as effective (minus the are21 ol [lie lioleh) Example 3 . 5 Deslgil a suitable rlveted crld coli~icctlon u w g lug ,untrlc lor iui ISA mnenlber. Perilusslhle stresses arc Slicar stress in rive1 (t,,f) = 100 MP;I Bearing stress in rivets (nl,f) = 3oU MPa ~llowable lensile slruss (or,,\= 500 MF'a Use 20 nuii nominal dia rivets. Assuinc
10 mlil
! I N ) v 100

- I?

tI11c.k puu\cl plat(.

Rivet holc = 20 + 1.5 = 21.5 mm. Grohs ar;.d of ISA 100 x 100 x ! 2
As = 2250 lnln7

Min~muni dctluction tor ollc rlvct holc = 21.5 x 13 = 25S Ncr area ot member = 2239 - 2.58 = 2001


Capacily ot ~nc~lihcr = 2001 x 150 = 300150 N

W itltll 01 unconnected leg = Y 00- 12 = XX

Strength of uncoluiected lcg =


+ 100

x '3001.50

140iOO N

SlraigUi of connected leg = 300 150 - 1405(M)= 1 50050

: . S lrength of lug angle = 1.2 x 140500

(20% higher than that oi'unco~~nectcd leg).


16 X O O O : . Net area of lug angle required = = 1114 niiii'


Use ISA 100 x 100 x 8 giving a liel area of 1535) - 21.5 xX = 1167 ,I 124 . : O.K.

Isa- \ O D x 100 x 1 % W 6 1 h k n s i o n member

Strength of a Rivet

In shear = - ( 21.5)~x 100 = 36305 N



In bearing on 12 lilnl plate = 21.5 x 12 x 300 = 77400N

iii) In bcaring on 8 111111 plate = 21.5 x 8 x 300 = 51600N

: . Rivet value R = 36305 N


a) Nuniber of rivets required for conrlecting nienlber with gussel plate = 36305
= 4.4 (say 5 rivets)


Do. required for colmectilig member leg with lug angle =

1.4 x 14C)500 36305

= 5.4 (say 6 rivets)

C) DO. required for connecting leg angle with gusset plate = (say 5 rivets). These are shown in Figure 3.13. 1.2 x 140500 = 4.6 36305

Example 3.6
Design a su~table end co~mectioii for an lSMC 250 clialmel using lug angles and 20 nun diameter black bolts of grade 4.6 (Assunie,f, = 250 MPa) Use two rows of lioles in channel web and one row in the flanges.

Shear value crf bolt (Rs) = q

(20)' x 80 = 25130 N

Bearing value of bolt on 6 inn1 plate (Rp) = 20 x 6 x 250 = 30000 N

: . Bolt value, R = 25130N

For ISMC 250 @) 306 N/m Gross Area (Ag) = 3900 mm2 Flrulge width (B) = 80 tmu Flange thickness (rf) = 14.1 nmi Web thickness (tf) = 7.2 inm Net coluiected arca (web) = (250 - 2 x 2 1.S - 2 x 14.1) x 7.2 = 1287.4
Net flange area (botli tlanges ) = 2 x (80 - 2 1.5) x 14.1 = 1649.7 nlm2

Force in each flange =

1649.7 x (0.6 x 250) 2

123700 N

Adding 10%to the a h v e

Force in each lug angle = 123700 x l . 1 = 136000 N

Axially Loaded Members

Figure 3.14

136000 . : Number of bolts required joining lug to gusset plate = = 5.4 ( say 6 bolls) 251 30 Adding 20% to the flange force, Number of bolts to connect channel flange with lug mgte = 123700 x 1.2 25 130

= 5.9 (say 6 holts)

Number of bolts connecting channel web to gusset plate

- 1287.4 x (0.6 x 250)


7.7 (say 10 bolt? = 5 in two rows)

Design of Lug Angle

Net area required = 0.6 x 250

$106.7 r$

906 7 Gross area (increasing by 33%) = -= 1209 nm2 0.752 Select 2 ISA - 80 x 80 x 8 ==>Area = 1221 rnn12 Net area of unconnecfed legs = 2 x (80 - 4 - 21.5) x 8 = 872

This is 4% less than the required net area 906.7 lnm2 aid may be accepted Adopt, pitch = 100 iiu11< 16 x 7.2 Keep end distance = 50 nur~ Details shown in Figure 3.14

: .




The process of design can be carried out in the following steps.

Step I: The net area required to carry the design load P is calculated by tlie following equation


where, oa is the perinissible tensile stress in steel Step 11: The net area is then increased suitable (by 25%-40%) to get the required gross sectional area (A,).
A, = 1.3 An (say)

With reference to I.S. Handbook 1 (Structural Steel Sections) you can get a suitable section (or more than onc section if Ag is quite large) corresponding to the required area. Step 111: Design of Connections a)

In case of riveted (bolted) joints: The diameter and number of rivets (bolts) required for the connection is calculated and a'suitable arrangement of rivets is made. In case of welded joints the length and size of welds has to be calculated.


Step JV: The deductioils for rivet(bo1ts) and outstanding legs are made as per 3.5 above, 'and the final net area thus obtained (A,,) is checked with the liet area required at step I above. Step V: If the value of A , thus obtained coiilcitle within acceptable linlits ($lo%) the section selected is accepted. If it falls less than the calculated value or niore than 10% of this value a redesign is to be done. Step VI: Finally a check for the slenderness ratio is inade arid verified that it is within the linlits reconmlended in Table 3.5. Example 3.7 Design a suitable I.S. tlat as a tension mciiibcr in a truss to carry a load of 300 kN. The effective length of the ~r~enlber is 0.9 1 1 1 . Permissible stresses in hand driven rivets: Axial tension (Gat) Shear

80MPa 80 MPa

( ~ , f l=

Bearing (opf)= 250 MPa Yield stress of steel ( f , ) = 250 MPa Solution Pemlissible stress in steel, Gat = 0.6 fy= 0.6 x 250 = 150 MPa Net area of I.S. flat required =

o a t

300000 - 2000 mm2


Adding 20% for deductions, gross area Ag = 2000 x 1.2 = 2400 nun2 Hence provide 300 x 8 lnm I.,S. Flat. Diameter of rivets by Unwin's formula = 6.01 d-f Provide 18 nlrn dia hand driven rivets; Rivet hole dia. = 18 + 1.5 = 19.5 m r n

6.01 4-8

17 mm

Axially 1,oaded Members

Value of a rivet in shear = 4d

T,I =

4 x ( 19.5 ) x 80

23892 N

Value of a rivet in bearing = t . (1. o,,f= 8 x 10.5 x 250 = 39000 N

: . Rivet value (R) = 23802 N

30().0(H' - 11.5 Nu~liber of rivet required = - = -



Say I 4 Ilrel\ rrlmged


shown in Figure 3.15.

Figc~rr 3.15

To determine the most likely line o f fracture, Consider tile four cases given belc )w (See Figure 3.15) Deducticm along line n
(1' (1"

a"' = 2 x 10.5 = 39 mm

60 Deduction along line o of h" h"' = 3 x 19.5 - - = 45.64 nlnl 4x70

00 Detluction along line n a' c' c" = 3 x 19.5 - 2 x - = 32.78 nun 4 x 70

Deduction aloli~ line (1 a' tl' (I" = 4 x 19.5


60' = 30.42 111111 4 x 70


Hence the maxiil1um deduction of 45.64 rilnl alo~ig the line (la' I>' h"

is made

: . Effective width hcff= 300 - 45.64

: . Minimunl net area available = 254.36 x 8

254.36 nun


And load carrying capacity (P) = 2034.88 x 150 = 305232 N > 3OOO()O N ( : . 0.K)

Checkfor Slcntk~mrss Rurio (A)

Effective length. I = 900 imn

... --



= 300

< 400

: .


Example 3.8 Design a n)of t111sstie n ~ e ~ l ~made h e r up of a si11gleanglc cor111~:r:tctl to 1 0 1111x1 ~ U S S C I plate 2nd ca~-~yirig a load of 200 kN. Take separately Ihc follow~~rg two corrditions 01 joinl collnectious: a) h) Solution using a siuglc row 01 power drive11rivets: using 5 111111 fillet welds.

off = 100 MPa :

.tuf =

100 MPa : a I , f

= 300 MPn
111111 (say

Ucnrg Unwur's torlilula. nvet diameter = 6.01 d-10 = I0

20 illni dia

n ( 21.5 )' . 100 Value of a rivet in single sheer = - rl2 TI:, = 3 3

Value of a rivet in hearing = I.(/ a f , .: Rivet value, li = 30.105 N
= 21.5

30305 N N

x 10 x

= (4305

and number o f rivets required, n


= 2m R 1C130.5

5.5 (say (3 rivels)

Figure J.I(I(P)

Assume yield slrcss of steel, f , = 250 MPn => 200.00O Net area ot ~nelnber required = 150

orrf =

0.0 x 250 MP:I = 150 MP;I

1330 nim3

Atlding 30%for deduct~on, gross, area (A,) = 1 4 x 1333 = I X o o Atloptin2 125 x 75 x 10 inm aide. area

1962 mm'

Tlie longer Icg in com~ectcd t o Ule gussel plate hy the sillglc row ot nvets as sl!owi ill Figure 3.1 t, (a).

al h)

Deduction for lioles; area= 2 1.5 x 10 = 215 m u 2 Dcrluclio~l for uncouuectcd leg:

10 Nel area o f collllected leg ( A1 ) = ( 125 - 2.1.5 - -) x 10 = 085 :un? 2

Axially Loaded Members

Area of u~lco~mected leg ( A2 ) = 1962 - 21.5 x 10 - 985 = 762 mm2

: .

Load carrying capacity = 159 x 150 = 238650 N > 200000 (:.


Case 11: Weltled Connections

As there are no rivet holes to be deducted ~ r e a o f & e c o m e c t e d l e ~= (~~)
x 1 0 = 12001nn12
= 762

Area of the unconnected leg (A 1 ) = 1962 - 1200


: . Net area A1 + kA2

= 1200 + 0.825 x 762 = 1828 1 1 1 1 1 1 '

: .

Lwad carrying capacity, P = 1828 x150 = 274200 > 200000 N


As PC,[ = 1.37 Yrqn i.e. 37 4, in excess we may adopt a slnaller sectitnl, say 100 x 75 x 10 ISA angle having a gross area of 1650 nun3 [see Figure 3.16 (b)].

Net area, A , = A 1 + M 4 ;2 = 050 + 0.803 x 700 = 15 12 1 1 m 2 and load carrying capacity P = 15 12 x 150 = 226800 N >200000 N

Design of Wcliicd Connection

Assuine allowable stress h~fillet weld = 150 MPa Throat thicluless of 5 m n weld = 0.7 x 5 = 3.5 nun

. :

Strength of weld per m n m length = 150 x 3.5 = 525 N

As c.g. of weld is 3 1.9 illm from corner 20000 ( 100 - 31.9 ) Force resisted by lower comer side of weld = 100 Force resisted hy upper side of weld = 20000 x 31.9 = 63800 N 100

'Teasiui~ Members

. : Leilgll~ d lower corner weld = ------- = 260 nlnl 525

and length of upper weld =
Example 3.9 Desi~n a suitable I.S. angle as a tensile rnember to carry a load of 320 kN. (Assume yield stress (:f steel,,f, = 250 MPa) 63800 = 122 mm (See Figure 3.1 6 (b)) 525


Adopting (i) 22 mm diameter power-driven rivets (oq = 100 MPa : 'rvf = 100 MPa) : o,f = 300 MPa Arid (ii) An ISA-150 x 115 x 12 angle. (o,,t = 0.6 x 250 = 150 MPa) Gross area of angle = 3038 mm2

I)e.vign qf Rivrtetl Connet'tion

Selecting a gusset plate of 12 n m thickness, By Urlwin's rule diameter of rivet = 6.01

a = L0.3 ilml (say 22 null)


: . Diameter of rivet hole = 22 + 1.5 = 23.5 i m

Value of rivet in single shear = - d2'rPf = - x ( 2 3 . ~x ) 100 ~ = 43374 N 4 4 Value of rivet in bearing = t.d.opf = 12 x 23.5 x 300
= MhOO

. : Rivet value (R) = 43374 N

3%000 Nurliber of rivets required = -"---- = 7.3 (say 8 rivets) 43374

in Figure 3.17. Provide X rivets in two staggered rows at a pitch of 80 nun as sliow~i

The tollowhg two possihle fracture lines are coxlsidered:

Axially I.oatletl Mel111)c.r~


Fraclurc li11e n o'


dctluction 1 0 1 Iiole= 21.5 x 12 = 2x2


(ii) Fraclurc linc (1 (I' 0' b" : rlaluctiolr tor hole\

Hcllce the Lracturc line tr


h h" c.auxiilg grcatcr-tlc(111~ Ilo1l M ' I I I I N


Net ilrcit O [ co~~lrcIe(/ leg ( A 1, = I ? x


150 -


3 j

-Lh4 = I 24 ! 111111) -

Arca ot utlcoonected leg A? == '1018- ( 1234 4x4

13 lo


And net effcc~ive are;r o f t.l~e ar~yli~ s~iii= oA ~ I~+ k.4: =I244

: . load carryi~~g capacity o l ' l ~ ~ ~ ~ l l1' l l ~ 221.1 cr. x

+ 0.7-1 x I


2213 111111-

1 i O = '.1 103) ... .3?.i)(!(K) N


01 l A I I ~ I ISA L , ~ I00 x ( r i x X = 4 x 1157 - 502S Inll, -

Al~a 01 2

500 x 8 [>latch = SOOO Inm


Total gross area = 130%

Uianrlccol r~vcts (by Ullwin's rule) = 6.01 1 X = I7 ildol'lcd)

111111 (say

10 111111 cli;l S I V Z I ~

Valuc o C olle rivet in txari~lg ou plates -; X x21.5 x 3 0 0 = 1,1600 N

: . Rivet value ( R )= 3h305 N.

Nui~lhcr of rivets recluircd =

I sorwoo 70 305

41.3 (say 41 r'~\~c'l.;)

Arnrngr 7 rivets in 3 rows us .vhovn in Fi,pur-c~ .?, 18.

Cllrck,fi)~Nct C ( J c ~ l i \ AWU ~p

The net cffeaive i L : e a after all deductions for holes is as follows:

Ner area o C each ailgle (deducting for one rivct hole) = 1257 - 21.5 x 8 = I085

Net area of each plate (cleducting for seven rivel holes) = 500 x 8 - 2 1.5 x X x 7 nun2 = 2796
. : Net area of four angles + Lwo plates = 4 x 1085 + 7, x 2796 = 9912 nlm'
A\; [he difference 1s less th:m 1% thrs may be accepted (otlierwise a rex-cicsignIns to he donc)

C1lc.i.k for- S1~ntl~rnes.v Rutin

I 1 1 order thal Lhe moment of inertia aboul boll1 axes .w a~ld y y bc equal wc havc to calculate Lhe M.I. of the compound section about these axes and equate. (Sce Figure 3.1X (d)) For l S A 100 x 65 x 8
, A =

1257 mn2

For the coinpow~d section


1250000 x 4 + 1257 ( 250 - ?2.8)2 x 4 +

8 x 500'

x 2 = 408.902.700 111m4

Axially Loaded Members


equating .the two and solving for (1, we get d = 670 m m Total area of section, A A 4 41257

+ 2 x 4000 = 13028


: . O.K.
Example 3.11

Determine the size of a sag rod for a tensile force of 20 kN, the purlill spacings are 2 m centre to centre (oat = 150 MPa)

Net area of red ( An), =

20000 10s

133.33 mm2

133.33 Gross area, (Ag) = -= 178 mm2 0.75

Adopt dia of rod 16 m m (say)

If IS0 coarse threads are used the effective area of 16 m m dia rod from Table 3.2 is 157 mmL > 133.3 mm2

( : .


Hence adopt 18 mm diameter rod.

SAQ 2 1 ) A tension member consisting of 4 (four) IS angles 100 x 100 x 10 is .coimected to the 12 mrn gusset plate by 18 i m diameter rivets, as shown in Figure 3.19.


Find the permissible load in the member when a). angles are tack-riveted along a,b,c,d; b) c) d) 2) angles are tack-riveted along c and d only; angles are tack-riveted along a and b only; angles are not tack-riveted. (Yield stress of steel = 250 MPa) Find the load carrying capacity of a tensile inember coinposed of two battenetl channels as shown in Figure 3.20.

Give sketches showing the size of the batten's and distance between the channels. etc.

Design suitable
Figure 3.20


riveted connectioii to gusset plates


- -


wklded coilnection with 5 mrn fillet welds.

Tension Members

Give neat sketches for the connections. 3)

A tension lneinber carrying a tensile load of 300 kN consists of an unequal angle connected to a gusset plate through the longer leg,

a) b) c)

by means d two (staggered )' rows of 18 ma11 diameter rivets: by similar riveted connection as in (a) but wjth a lug iu~gle: by a 5mm size fillet weld.

giving Find out a suitable size of the angle and design the co~mections sketches in each case.

Tension members or ties are one of the basic elements in all structures, as they form part of trusses, floor systems, bridges, transmission towers etc. hi this unit you have studied the behaviour and failure mechanism of tension members. You also learn tllat any reduction in diameter or size caused by threads or rivet (or bolt) Iloles etc. causes reduction in the effective area of a tension members. Also a leg connected to a gusset plate can cany more stress than an outstanding leg for which deduction in area are to he made. Thus connections form an important part of tension members. If the leilgth of the connections are too long lug angles are used to reduce the length. Tlie iterative process of design by trial and error method is explained in detail.


Refer text and example given in the text

1) Refer Section 3.5 2)

a): Gross area of plate = 250 x 20 = 5000 lnm2 Diameter of rivet hole = 16 +1.5 = 17.5nun Area of two holes = 2 x 17.5 x 20 = 700


-4 Lo
Figure 3.21

Net area of plate = 5000 - 700 = 4300 mm2 ( ~ i ~ u r3.21) 'd b) Gross area of angle = 2921 mm

Area of outstalcliug leg = (100 - 15) x 10 = 950 mm' Area of holes = 2921 - 050 = 1971 nun2

. : Net area ot unmected leg = l'n 1 - 350 = 1621 nun2

Net area of angle = 62 1 + 0.825 x 050 = 3405


(Figure 3.22)

Figure 3.22

c) Gross area of plate = 150 x 16 = 2400 11un'

Chain uhc : Area of holcs = 17.5 x I b = 280


Figure 3.23

Chain a/)dr : Area of holes = ( 2 x 17.5 - 10.4 ) x 1 0 = 3'14 nu~i'

.: Chain ubde has the larger deducrio~is

. : Net area = 2400 - 394 = 2006 nmi' (Figure 3.231


Uilconnectetl area, A2 = 75 x 11.4 x 2 = 1710 1 m 1 2

: . Net area, A,, = A 1 + X;42

= 818.6 +

0.705 x 1710 = 2035 ~nni-(xcc Figurc 3.14)

12-21-56 rivet holes

liiorrr~? 7 4

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