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Below are dates of events relative to the histor of Christendo!" The are not #lai!ed to $e a##%rate" The are ta&en fro! vario%s re#orded histori#al events" The exact birth place and birth date of biblical Jesus is one example of the difficulty in exact dating. Calendars in different regions varied and many have changed over the millenniums, adding to the difficulty for scholars determining dates of events. There are many anachronisms.
1&49- 4rancis 5avier first missionar% to !a#an. 4irst #ra%er book of 6ing .d(ard 7I a##roved. 1&&3 8ar% 9ueen of Scots #ersecutes "eretics. - :a( concerning religion #assed during 6ing .d(ard;s reign annulled in 1arliament. 1&&4- <ll statutes against t"e 1o#e since during t"e reign of )enr% 7III are re#ealed. 1&&&- 1ersecuting statutes of )enr% I7 and 7 against "eretics revived. 1&& - -ardinal 1ole is made <rc"bis"o# of -anterbur%. - 1ersecution occurred. - -ranmer (as burnt at t"e stake. 1&&9- 1arker made <rc"bis"o# of -anterbur%. 1& 3- ,ook of 8art%rs a##ears, aut"or !o"n 4o=e describes s"ocking details of burnings at t"e stake. ,urning at t"e stake in .ngland is estimated b% some "istorians to be at least 2& t"ousand #eo#le in 2& %ears, causing fire(ood s"ortages. 1& 3 '"e '"irt% nine <rticles of t"e c"urc" of .ngland com#iled. 1&$0- 9ueen .li0abet" e=communicated b% 1o#e 1ius 7 ("o attem#ts to de#ose "er. 1o#e 1ius 7 issues a bull releasing .li0abet";s sub>ects from t"eir allegiance. 1&$1 1uritans in 1arliament #ro#osed alterations in -"ristian religion. 1&$1 )ol% :eague formed b% 7enice. 1&$1 1a#ac% counter 'urkis" ?8uslim@ su#remac% in t"e .ast 8editerranean. 1&$1- !o"n of <ustria defeated 'urks ?8uslims@ at :e#anto. 1&$1 )ungar% is regained for )absburgs b% anot"er )ol% :eague after %ears of fig"ting 8uslims. 1&$2 8assacre of )uguenots on St ,art"olome(;s Da%. 1&$ -at"olic :eague formed in 4rance to #revent an% concession to t"e )uguenots. 1&$ 2rindal became <rc"bis"o# of


1023 Saul became first king of Israel. 1000 David b.-c.1040, d.-c.9 0, became second king of Israel. David made !erusalem "is ca#ital after defeating t"e !ebusite in"abitants. 9$3 Solomon, a son of David became king for fort% %ears. 9&0 Solomon built a 'em#le in !erusalem. 933 Solomon died, "is 12 tribes s#lit into t(o grou#s, ten as a breaka(a% #ol%t"eist grou# and t(o ("o remained as )ebre(s. $22 Sargon ended t"e kingdom of Israel de#orts in"abitants. $&3 *ome establis"ed circa $&3 &+$ or &+ , or &+3, ,-. !erusalem attacked and destro%ed b% king /ebuc"adne00ar ("o took t"ousands of ca#tive )ebre(s back to ,ab%lon. &39 ,ab%lonia fell to 1ersians led b% -%rus. &3$ -%rus '"e 2reat, b.3 - d. &29,

6ing of 1ersia, &&9 &29 conAuered ,ab%lon c.&3+. -%rus allo(ed )ebre(s "eld in ,ab%lon since c.&+3 to return to !erusalem c.&3$. '"ree %ears later -%rus ordered t"e rebuilding of t"e )ebre( 'em#le in !erusalem. '"ere is some sc"olarl% doubt about "is ordering t"is event. &9+ /ebuc"adne00ar conAuered !erusalem. 334 <le=ander conAuered !erusalem.

T(E SE*TUAGINT + 'Tal!%d and Torah)

300 -irca 300 to 100 - during t"e 1tolem% d%nast% - #roduction of 2reek Se#tuagint ?Bld 'estament or !e(is" ,ible@ in <le=andria for 2reek s#eaking !e(s. It (as ado#ted b% earl% -"ristians ?reformist !e(s@ - but discarded b% !e(s and referred to as t"e <le=andrine 7ersion. 1 + <ss%rian Seleucid ruler <ntioc"us I7 declared !udaism illegal - desecrates )ebre( !erusalem 'em#le. 1 $- '"e famil% of t"e )ebre( #riest, <samonoios, commonl% kno(n as t"e )asmonean famil%, (ere later "onoured (it" t"e title of 8accabee ?'"e )ammer or e=tinguis"er@, and commonl% called t"e 8accabees. '"e 8accabees began organising 1alestinian Israelite resistance against occu#%ing S%rian forces under Seleucids. '"e first 8accabee books tell of t"ese events. '"ere is sc"olarl% doubt of aut"enticit% of later 8accabee books ?su##osedl% seven@. 1&0 .stablis"ment at 9umran c.1&0 ,-. of .ssene cult ?reformist )ebre(s@. Some references record 104 ,-.. 13 )ebre(s led b% 8accabees defeated S%rians - 1alestine became inde#endent. 3 2naeus 1om#eius 8agnus ?10 -4+ ,-.@ entered !erusalem signif%ing *oman occu#ation of 1alestine. && -aesar landed in ,ritain. &4 -aesar invaded ,ritain.

-anterbur%. 1 00 *oman -"urc" aut"orised burning ,runo to deat". 1 04 <ut"orised 7ersion of 6ing !ames ,ible. 6ing !ames #resses "ard for #ersecution of -at"olics. 1 0 1arliament increases severit% of la( against -at"olics. 1 11 <ut"orised 7ersion issued of ,ible. 1 19 4irst /egro slaves taken to <merica to 7irginia on t"e 2ood S"i# !esus. 1 20 1ilgrim 4at"ers sail 8a%flo(er found 1l%mout" and /e( .ngland 1 2& 1uritans launc" cam#aign to close t"eatres and rene(ed cam#aign in 1 32. 1 2+ 4rom 1 2+ to 1 40, 20,000 .nglis" 1uritans (ent to /e( .ngland in /ort" <merica. 1 29 4irst time (omen actors a##eared in ,lackfriars :ondon t"eatre (it" a touring 4renc" com#an%. 1 42 1uritans rage against t"eatres. '"eatres closed in 1 42 b% ordinance of 1arliament. '"eatres o#ened under -"arles II ?'"e 8err% 8onarc"@ - *eformation begins. 1 33 Cilliam :aud became <rc"bis"o# of -anterbur%. 1 3$ Scots resisted introduction of ne( :iturg% dra(n u# b% :aud. 1 41 8assacre of t"e Dlster 1rotestants. - In .ngland defacing and destruction of c"urc" images and monuments ordered. 1 43 2eneral <ssembl% of 1resb%terian and Inde#endent Divines at Cestminster 1 4& <rc"bis"o# :aud be"eaded. 1 4$ 1resb%terian -ommissioners from t"e 1arliament attem#t to disband arm% December -.. 1 4+ -olonel 1ride e=#els 1resb%terian ma>orit% from )ouse of -ommons. 1 &0 !e(s began entering .ngland and <merica in larger numbers. 1 4 '"e -onventicle <ct #assed- forbade religious assemblies ot"er t"an -"urc" of .ngland.

44 -aesar assassinated. 3$ *omans occu#% !erusalem became #art of *oman em#ire. 31 )erod a##ointed vassal king of !udea. 30 <ugustus became em#eror of *oman .m#ire. 20 8ar%, mot"er of !esus, bom c.20 ,-., most #robabl% in /a0aret" alt"oug" t"is is not verified. 4 or &, , $. ,-., ,iblical !esus su##osedl% born on one of t"ese dates. )e (as taken to .g%#t, and later returned to some("ere in 1alestine after )erod died. '"is event is #robable fabrication ?a#ocr%#"al@ designed to suit -"ristian dogma, as also is )erods sanguineous order to kill c"ildren. '"e stor% of biblical !esus is similar to ot"er religious stories including <bram.


1ontius 1ilates a##ointed *oman #rocurators in 1alestine. 2& t" 1ontius 1ilate a##ointed ?2& - 3 @ 2$ !o"n t"e ,a#tist killed. 29 -"rist crucified c.29-30, a##ro=imatel% 19 %ears after )erod;s deat". 3& 1aul, born of !e(is" #arents became a rabbi, t"en converted to -"ristianit%. 3$ !ose#", renamed 1"ilo !udaeua 4lavius !ose#"us, b.3$. !ose#"us became a )ebre( general and led a -. 2allilean )ebre( revolt against *omans. )e (as defeated and surrendered to *omans in . )e became a *oman "istorian. !ose#"us died in 9$ in *ome 43 -laudius begins conAuest of .ngland. 49 *ecorded celebration of t"e birt" of -"rist. 1aul ?Saul@ #ersuades 1eter and !ames to allo( non !e(s into members"i# of t"e -"ristian c"urc". -"urc" no longer e=cluded gentiles. <ll could be

1 $2 Duke of Eork received into -at"olic -"urc". 1 $3 1arliament forces 6ing -"arles II to (it"dra( Declaration of Indulgence. 1 $3 'est <ct is #assed, cro(n officials take sacrament.according to rites of t"e -"urc" of .ngland. 1 $+ 1o#is" 1lot - trials of -at"olics. 1 $9 In Scotland - 8urder of <rc"bis"o# S"ar# -ommons ,ill e=cluded t"e -at"olic Duke of Eork from t"e t"rone. 1 +3 'urks led b% 8u"ammad I7 (ere defeated at 7ienna. 1 +3 !o"n of <ustria defeated 'urkis" 8uslims at :e#anto. 1 +3 )ungar% (as regained for t"e )absburgs b% anot"er )ol% :eague after %ears of fig"ting 8uslims. 1 93 8uslims (ere finall% defeated b% t"e -"ristian 1olis"man, and "ero !an Sobieski. 1 +$ Declaration of Indulgences #ublis"ed in .ngland sus#ending #enal statutes against *oman -at"olics and 1rotestant dissenters. 1 +$ !ames receives #a#al nuncio. 1 +$ Islam 'urks driven out of )ungar%. 1 +$ B=ford and -ambridge attacked b% .cclesiastical -ommission. 1 ++ !ames II orders Declaration of Indulgences to be read in c"urc"es. 1 +9 '"e 'oleration <ct #rovided greater freedom of (ors"i# to 1rotestant dissenters. Dnder ,ill of *ig"ts #a#ists not allo(ed to #ossess -ro(n. 1 92 Ireland, severe la(s #assed against -at"olics. 1 94-----,ank of .ngland establis"ed b% !e(is" goldsmit"s. 1 9& -ensors"i# of #ress e=#ired and never rene(ed. 1 9$ 1rince .ugene of Savo% routed 'urks at Fenta 1 99 '"e treat% of -arlo(it0 ?t"e first bet(een -"ristians and 'urks@.

saved from "ell. *oman c"urc" became cat"olic ?universal - not onl% for ;c"osen fe(; - !e(s onl%@. && '"e '"omas or Did%mus ?t(in@ gos#el (ritten c.&& a##eared as (ell as some ot"er gos#el stories ("ic" ma% "ave been (ritten earlier, #ossibl% c.30 -.. 1 *oman conAuest of Druids of 8ona 2 <ccording to *oman "istorian !ose#"us, !ames, brot"er of !esus (as stoned to deat" c. 2 4 /ero, successor to -laudius initiated #ersecutions of -"ristians including Simeon, renamed -e#"as or 1eter, meaning rock. 'radition "as, it "e (as "ung u#side do(n. '"ere also is doubt t"at "e (as ever in *ome. It is recorded 1aul ?Saul-e= *abbi@ (as also killed, 1aul ma% "ave esca#ed to S#ain. & 8ark gos#el (ritten. Some sc"olars t"ink it (as collated -. &0. !e(is" revolt. *omans begin murdering !e(s in 1alestine - -arnage continued for four %ears. Dead Sea Scrolls #robabl% "idden in t"is #eriod b% .ssenes, a##arentl% a )ebre( sect. $0 *omans destro% !erusalem. +0 8att"e( gos#el (ritten c.+0. +1 Domitian rene(s -"ristian #ersecutions and a line of forts built bet(een -l%de and 4ort" in .ngland. +& :uke gos#el (ritten c.+& 90. 90 !o"n gos#el (ritten c.90

90 *evelations com#iled c.90 100. 100 .stablis"ed -"ristian communities are recorded 10$ 8art%rdom of Ignatius. 121 )adrian;s (alls built, also called 1ictis" (alls.

1$02--- .nglis" 1arliament #assed ,ill to u#"old 1rotestant succession. 1$03 Scottis" 1arliament resolves t"at 1resb%terianism is onl% true -"urc" of -"rist. 1$10 St 1aul;s cat"edral com#leted. 1$12 :ast .nglis" (itc" trial at )ereford of a (oman ("o (as not killed. 1$29 2ott"old .#"raim :essing, b. !anuar% 22 1$29-d. 4ebruar% 1& 1$+1 )e (as a #rominent 2erman critic of -"ristian bibles and fluent in 2reek, )ebre( and :atin. 1$39 Cesle%;s <#ostolate begins 8et"odism. 1$$2 -"ief !ustice rules. 1$$2 Slaves on .nglis" soil are freed. 1$$+ Sir 2eorge Savile #asses "is measure for t"e relief of -at"olics in .ngland. 1$+0 )a%m a !e(is" financier (as #rinci#le su##orter of t"e Solomon revolutionar% arm% in D.S.< ("ic" defeated ,ritis" arm% at Saratoga, t"e last main resistance of t"e ,ritis". 1$+0 !e(is" financiers su##ort 4renc" revolution and /a#oleon ,ona#arte. <fter t"e failure of ,ona#arte, several financiers s(itc"ed investment finance to t"e /e( Corld ?<merica@. 1$+0 In !une, :ord 2eorge 2ordon ?1$&1-93@ failed to re#eal clauses in -at"olic *elief <ct, <nti -at"olic riots follo(ed in :ondon. 1$92 4renc" trial of '"omas 1aine a noted -"ristian bibles critic. 1$99 /a#oleon ,ona#arte fails to take <cre from t"e 'urks ("o are "el#ed b% ,ritis" s"i#s under Sir Sidne% Smit". 1$99 4rance takes 1o#e 1ius 7I #risoner and set u# a re#ublic in 1a#al States. 1+01 1itt #ro#oses to #ass a measure in .nglis" 1arliament for t"e relief of -at"olics. 1+0$ <ttem#t to #ass a ,ill relieving -at"olic officers of disabilities causes fall of ministr%. 1arliament is dissolved. 'or% and anti -at"olic ma>orit% returned. 1+23 In Ireland, t"e -at"olic <ssociation is formed.

1&0 /e( 'estament scri#tures a##ear su##orting oral traditionG t"e (ritten (ord is establis"ed as t"e foundation of -"ristianit%. 1 1 Increased #ersecution of -"ristians under t"e rule of 8arcus <urelius, :ucian (rote "is sce#tical dialogues. 249 Dicius endeavoured to destro% -"ristianit% -. 300 *oman -"urc" -ouncils declare doctrine of anti #aganism state and em#eror not recognised above la( of -"ristian godHs. 303 <ncient <rmenia - first countr% to declare -"ristianit% a State religion. 30 -onstantine a##ointed em#eror of .ast *ome u#on deat" of "is fat"er in .ngland. 313 -onstantine issues 8ilan edict declaring
tolerance of -"ristians

1ol%t"eism still reigned dominant.

323 -onstantine declares -"ristianit% "as State legal status. -"ristianit% gained eAual Status (it" #ol%t"eists. 32& '"e a##earance of controversial 'rinit% ideas of ,is"o# <rius ?born in :%bia c.2&0 -died 33 in -onstantino#le@, caused discord. -onstantine called t"e -ouncil of /icea ?/ice@. It #roclaimed eAualit% of t"e t"ree
#ersons of t"e 'rinit%. '"e divinit% of biblical !esus is defined.

32$-2$ ,ooks of /' finall% listed b% <t"anasius, ,is"o# of <le=andria as e=clusivel% -anonical. - :ater in 39$, t"e% (ere formalised b% a s%nod at -art"age. 330---- -onstantine built ne( *oman ca#ital at ,%0antineG -onstantino#le. - -"ristian (orld is s#lit east and (est 33$ -onstantine died. 340 St !erome b.- c.340-d.- 420 ?.usebius )ieron%mus !erome@ - Brdained 3$9 'ranslated -"ristian ,ible from 2reekH)ebre( into :atin. '"e 7ulgate ,ible - It became t"e aut"orised version of *oman -"ristian c"urc".

1+2& '"e -at"olic <ssociation is su##ressed b% a ,ill in #arliament. 1+2& ,urdettes -at"olic *elief ,ill #assed in -ommons, it (as re>ected b% :ords, t"e Duke of Eork o##osed it. 1+2& Sout" Seas -om#an% cras" - great mone% #anic in ,ritis" .m#ire. 1+2 Sultan 8u"ammad II sla%s "is guards. 1+2+ Ireland, -at"olic <ssociation revived. 1+29 -at"olic *elief ,ill is carried in t"e -ommons 8arc" &. 1+33 -"ristian *ussia aids 'urke% against rebel 8u"ammed <li-1as"a of .g%#t. 1+3 *oman -at"olic -"urc" renames its )ol% InAuisition The Vati#an Con-re-ation for the Do#trine of the Faith" 1+40 8u"ammad <li rebels again. 1+&0 <fter a strong offence and defence b% t"e Italian 2eneral, 2aribaldi, t"e 4renc" (ere de#osed from t"e 1a#al States and t"e 7atican in *ome ("ic" "ad been taken earlier b% t"e 4renc". '"e 1a#ac% (as restored. 1+&4 *oman -"urc" Doctrine, 8ar% "ad no original sin, "er Immaculate -once#tion "as been *oman -at"olic dogma since 1+&4 ?"%#erdulia latria@. 1+&+ !e(s admitted to sit in .nglis" 1arliament. 1+ 9 Iris" -"urc" <ct disestablis"es -"urc" in Ireland. 1+$0 7atican -ouncil decreed t"e Infallibilit% of t"e 1o#e. 1+$1 B=ford and -ambridge o#ened to non conformists and -at"olics. 1++2--- 1as"a;s forces in 6assassin, .g%#t and <rabi (ere defeated b% .nglis" militar% forces under 2eneral 2ordon, leader of t"e .nglis" militar% forces in Sudan. 1++& 2ordon (as killed b% 8uslims led b% 8a"idi t"is (as t"e same %ear t"e colon% of 9ueensland anne=ed t"e Sout"ern "alf of /e( 2uinea. 2erman% "eld t"e to# "alf. 1+90 ,et(een 1+90 and 1920, 2,&00,000 *ussian !e(s entered D.S.<. 191$-----'urkis" 8u"ammadans ?8uslims@ surrendered !erusalem.

3&4 St <ugustine born at 'agaste, /umidia, fat"ered a son before "e (as 1+ %ears old. )e became a -"ristian in 3+ or 3+$. )e (as ordained a #riest in 391 (it" "is son, and made bis"o# of )i##o in 39 . )e died in 430 during a vandal siege. )e gave great (ealt" to t"e *oman -"urc" 39-------.g%#t, S%ria, !erusalem (ere occu#ied b% 8uslims. 1$9+ 4renc" forces defeated 8uslims. C"en /a#oleon (it"dre( "is armies, 8uslims regained .g%#t. $3 '"e first sei0ure attem#t of -onstantino#le b% 8uslims occurred. $32 -"ristian -"arles 8artel, grandfat"er of -"arlemagne ?-"arles '"e 2reat@, defeated Islamic forces at 1oitiers, #reventing s#read of Islam religion t"roug"out Cestern -"ristian domain. $$1 -"arlemagne Iencouraged; t"e -"ristianising of t"e 4rankis" .m#ire. '"is (as a ma>or move to(ards -"ristianising t"e kno(n (orld. $& 1+$0 1a#al States under #a#al sovereignt% given b% 1e#in t"e S"ort to 1o#e Ste#"en II. '"e% (ere consolidated b% -"arlemagne in $$4. <fter numerous conflicts (it"in t"e 1a#al States t"at e=#anded and contracted and (ere dis#uted, '"e :ateran 'reat% of 1929 created t"e 7atican as a se#arate State. $+$ -"arlemagne ?-"arles t"e 2reat@ conAuered most of S#ain, defeating Islamic forces. +00 -"arlemagne a##ointed b% t"e 1o#e, .m#eror of t"e Cestern -"ristian .m#ire on -"ristmas da%, +00. .uro#e (as almost totall% -"ristian, e=ce#ting :it"uania and 1russia. '"e% avoided -"arlemagne;s earlier attem#ts to embrace t"em in "is Cestern -"ristianised .m#ire. 1031 8oors establis"ed a kingdom in Sout"ern S#ain. 10$1 8uslims ?'urks@ establis"ed #o(er t"roug"out Cestern <sia. 10+& 'oledo retaken b% -"ristians and Islam #o(er in S#ain declined.

1929--- '"e :ateran 'reat% - 7atican -it% declared se#arate State. It lost all 1a#al States. 194$ !erusalem "as been foug"t over several times including t"e #eriod of 6ing David. It came under t"e control of 8uslims until 191$ ("en it came under ,ritis" 8andate. '"is "el#ed !e(s to return in greater numbers in 194$. Dntil t"en, !e(s "ad no "omeland since t"eir great dias#ora in $0 -.. It "as taken t"e !e(is" #eo#le nearl% 2000 %ears to regain ("at t"e% regard as t"eir "omeland. <fter violent conflicts t"e !e(is" forces establis"ed t"eir #osition b% 194+. 19& -- Bral *oberts - <merican evangelist visited <ustralia. 19 4 1o#e !o"n 1aul II declares evolution is fact. 19 & *oman -at"olic -"urc" declared !e(s not guilt% of killing !esus and !e(s are not re>ected b% t"eir god ?fat"er of -"ristian god@. 19 $ !e(is" forces conAuered more of 1alestine after 8uslim <rabs attacked !e(s in order to kee# 1alestine a 8uslim state. 1992-----"ristian S#anis" government in 4ebruar% s#onsored ceremon% to formalise recognition of t"e rig"t of !e(s to be citi0ens of S#ain. 199+ 1o#e !o"n 1aul II a#ologised to !e(s for official -at"olic -"urc" lack of "el# to !e(s during.t"eir #ersecution b% t"e /a0i regime. < documentar% released in 199+ revealed t"at t"e *oman -at"olic -"urc", and some influential <merican and <rgentine #eo#le "el#ed /a0i (ar criminals esca#e to <rgentina. '"e 1o#es offered a#olog%, !e(is" leaders claimed, did not go far enoug". 1999 and in 2000, 1o#e !o"n 1aul II continues to a#ologise for sins of "is c"urc" and treatment of (omen. )o(ever, (omen are still not treated as eAuals b% "is c"urc".

1094 '"e 4irst -rusade began, ending in 1099. 1204 '"e 4ourt" -rusade began. 121 '"e 4ift" -rusade began ending in 1220. <ttacks on 8alta b% 8uslims (ere re#elled for mont"s b% 6nig"ts of St. !o"n and ot"ers until t"e arrival of t"e fleet of 6ing 1"ili# II of S#ain. 8uslims retired defeated. < -"ristian nav% under t"e command of Don !o"n, of &0,000 ro(ers and 30,000 soldiers ("o (ent into action against 8uslims in a great naval engagement. Don !o"n defeated t"e 8uslims. '"e -rusaders (on t"is great battle. +,000 .uro#eans "ad been killed and 2&,000 8uslims. 1&,000 -"ristian slaves ("o "ad been ro(ing in t"e 'urkis" galle%s (ere liberated. 1244 8uslims ?8u"ammad@ again took !erusalem. 1291-----8uslims ca#tured <cre t"e last -"ristian strong"old in 1alestine. 132 - '"e deat" of Bt"man ?Bttoman@, founder of 8uslim em#ire of Bttoman 'urks occurred. 13 1 Islam #o(er s#read over Serbia ?Servia@ and ,ulgarian regions. 8uslims and -"ristians remain in conflict t"ere. 13+9 -"ristians -rusaders (ere defeated b% 8uslims in t"e ,alkans in t"e ,attle of 6osovo. 13+9-- -"ristian -rusaders sent to sto# t"e 8uslim s#read into .uro#e (ere defeated at 7arna. 1400 S#ain banis"ed t"e 8oors ?8uslims@. 14&3 Islam 'urks ca#ture and make -onstantino#le ?t"e old *oman .m#ire ca#ital@ t"e ca#ital of t"eir Bttoman .m#ire. '"is old *oman centre of t"e :atin -"ristian .m#ire lost to Islam #ermanentl%. It is no( called Instanbul. 14& -- !anos )un%ad% reca#tured ,elgrade. '"e )ungarian 1rince, !anos )un%ad% ?c.13+$-14& @, s#ent "is life crusading against 8uslims. )e defeated t"em in man% militar% cam#aigns. 1&1$ 8artin :ut"er declares against Indulgences. 1&21 Sule%man t"e 8agnificent ca#tured ,elgrade. '"e follo(ing %ear in 1&22 "e defeated t"e 6nig"ts of St. !o"n in *"odes.

1954 Cairo. '"e main (orking unit%

bet(een various global mainstream religions (as t"e #ublic act of t"eir collusion at t"e -airo -onference. It e=cluded (omen from "ierarc"% #ositions and forbade (omen "aving access to all or an% famil% #lanning met"ods. 2000 Corld #o#ulation of a##ro=imatel% one billion #lus 2000 Corld #o#ulation of a##ro=imatel% one billion #lus 2000-- Corld #o#ulation of a##ro=imatel% 9&0.000.000 204 Corld #o#ulation a##roac"ing one billion 2004 Corld #o#ulation a##ro=imatel% 14 million -"ristians 8uslims ,udd"ists of )indus of !e(s

/oteJ 8uslims are still #ressing for domination of some regions, ("ic" are actions embedded in t"eir conAuer t"e (orld #rogram. 8uslims are emulating t"e -"ristians ("o did t"e same for centuries. 8uslims (ere mainl% res#onsible for sto##ing t"e entire (orld from becoming -"ristianised. 8uslims "ave not "ad it all t"eir (a% >ust as t"e -"ristians "ave not. '"ere (as t"e im#ortant sea battle (on b% -"ristians in Bctober 1&$1, ("ic" occurred at :e#anto in t"e 2ulf of 1atros 2reece. '"is "eld back t"e advance of 8uslims in .uro#e. COMMENTJ C"en t"ese internecine religious conflicts are anal%sed, t"ere is al(a%s t"e "idden agenda. It usuall% involves strategic territor% for a militar% advantage, and t"e gaining of resources and trade for t"e #ur#ose (ealt" and #o(er. .conomic com#etition is a eu#"emism for economic (ars ("ic" lead to #"%sical (ars. 8one% and #o(er su##orting greed #la% t"e ma>or role, no matter "o( obfuscated it is in t"e "istorical accounts of so-called religious (ars. '"ere is no need for conflicts bet(een #eo#le including religious #eo#le. *ational reason,

1&22 Sultan Sule%man, '"e 8agnificent, b.1490-d.1& , (as overt"ro(n. 8ost of .uro#e saved from Islamic conAuest. 1&2 8uslim Sule%man defeated t"e )ungarians. Sule%man attacked 7ienna but did not conAuer it. 8uslims continued attacking 7ienna. 1&2 Sultan Sule%man killed :ouis of )ungar% and most of )ungar% >oined t"e Bttoman .m#ire. 1&29 Sultan Sule%man (as defeated at 7ienna and -"ristian .uro#e is saved from Islam rule. 1&32 -ranmer became <rc"bis"o# of -anterbur% - an <ct for restraining all a##eals to *ome is #assed. 1&34 or 1&3&, )enr% 7III declared t"e su#reme "ead of t"e -"urc" of .ngland ending 1a#al !urisdiction after almost 900 %ears. '"e *eformation traditionall% ended 1 2 (it" t"e <ct of Dniformit%. <n <ct in 1&34 forbidding #a%ments of annates to *ome is #assed. - .=ecution of t"e /un of 6ent took #lace. <n <ct abolis"ing t"e aut"orit% of t"e 1o#e #assed. !esuits founded b% St Ignatius :o%ola - a##roved b% 1o#e 1aul III in 1&40. 1&3 <n .nglis" translation of t"e ,ible is #laced in t"e c"urc"es. 1&39 <ll monasteries in .ngland dissolved. - '"e <ct of t"e Si= <rticles inflicting severe #enalties for den%ing -at"olic doctrines is #assed. 1&4$ '"e use of .nglis" in c"urc" services ordered. - Images (ere #ulled do(n.

tolerance and modus vivendi can be ac"ieved if #o#ulations can ac"ieve freedom of e=#ression and learn of t"e trut" of "istor%. KK

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