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Department of Energy and Climate Change 3 Whitehall Place London SW1A 2AW Your reference T 2!

13"23#12 Dear $r Da%ey& Than' you for your reply of 12th Decem(er& )ent on your (ehalf (y a $r *arl +oliland, hope that the content) of the letter repre)ent $r +oliland.) o/n %ie/) and not tho)e of your Department& (ecau)e they are far from comforting and do not con%ey a )en)e that any rigour accompanie) DECC.) approach to our changing climate, $o)t of the letter i) populi)t /affle and - do not intend to /a)te any time con)idering it, /ill confine my)elf to a fe/ particular point), The third paragraph )ay) that 0mar'et failure)1 are (ehind the go%ernment.) )upport for emerging technologie), - do not 'no/ /hat a 0mar'et failure1 i), -f it tran)pire) that there i) no demand for high co)t energy /hen there i) a plentiful )upply of relati%ely lo/ co)t energy& then the mar'et i) /or'ing, Al)o& /ind tur(ine) can in no /ay (e con)idered an emergent technology )ince the fir)t recorded in)tallation /a) nearly 13! year) ago, 2ecau)e of your )o3called mar'et failure)& the much3%aunted 0green 4o()1 are )upported (y le%y& not (y any mar'et demand, They are therefore a co)t on )ociety and are not /ealth generating, 5u)t to clarify )omething in your o/n mind6 you /ill not (e increa)ing )upport to lo/ car(on electricity 0year3on3year to 78,9 (illion1 3 /e& the electricity (ill payer) /ill& and /e /ill ha%e no choice in the matter, 2a)ing your approach to energy policy on an alleged con)en)u) i) tantamount to )aying that a (ig )cienti)t done it and ran a/ay, 2y appealing to thi) famou) con)en)u) you ha%e a(rogated any re)pon)i(ility for your o/n policy and left your)elf open to charge) of irre)pon)i(ility in pu(lic office, When you only tal' to people /ho )upport your 'no/n and profe))ed po)ition it i) no )urpri)e that your %ie/ of a con)en)u) i) continually reinforced, The t/o paragraph) (eginning /ith 0The o%er/helming )cientific con)en)u)1 are intere)ting for the a)tounding num(er of )imply /rong a))ertion) they contain, You mention increa)ing amount) of greenhou)e ga)e)& including C 2& (eing 0%ery li'ely re)pon)i(le for the increa)e in glo(al temperature) )een )ince the -ndu)trial :e%olution1 ;my capital)<, The -ndu)trial :e%olution i) u)ually dated (et/een a(out 188! and 1=>!, Temperature) )tarted to ri)e in a(out 1=#!& a) /e emerged from the Little -ce Age and ha%e ri)en and fallen in )e%eral pha)e) )ince then& e%en a)

atmo)pheric C 2 ha) continued to increa)e )teadily in concentration, -t appear) that you no longer con)ider C 2 to (e the main cau)e of /arming, -f thi) i) not the ca)e& then /hat i)? The la)t )ignificant )urface /arming mea)ure) /a) o%er )e%enteen year) ago& not 4u)t 0the la)t decade1, You tal' of a pau)e in /arming& /hich )ugge)t) that you are certain that /arming /ill re)ume, When /ill thi) (e? +o/ can you (e )ure that thi) i) not in fact a precur)or to a decline in temperature? Arctic )ea ice i) not in retreat, Antarctic ice ha) recently reached it) greate)t e%er recorded e@tent and the lo/e)t temperature) e%er found on Earth /ere recorded in the Antarctic a fe/ /ee') ago, Alacier) /orld3/ide are indeed in retreat, Alacier) /orld3/ide are al)o gro/ing, They do thi) all the time 3 it 4u)t depend) /here you loo', Alo(al )ea le%el) ha%e (een ri)ing for many thou)and) of year)& e%er )ince the end of the la)t -ce Age, :ecently the mea)ured rate of ri)e appear) to (e a(ating, -n )ome place) the )eal le%el i) retreating (ecau)e of effect) )uch a) tectonic drift and glacial re(ound, - do not 'no/ /hat glo(al change) in the hydrological cycle ha%e (een o()er%ed apart from an increa)ing precipitation in the Sahel& /hich i) impro%ing agricultural condition) in )u(3Saharan Africa, There i) no 'no/n lin' (et/een increa)ing temperature and the increa)ing ri)' of e@treme /eather e%ent)& (ecau)e there i) no 'no/n increa)ed ri)' of e@treme /eather e%ent),

ne of the ma4or o(4ection) to the (elief that temperature ri)e i) a con)eBuence of ri)ing C 2 i) the oft3o()er%ed effect of C 2 increa)e follo/ing temperature ri)e, Thi) /a) one of the ma4or error) in Al Aore.) film 0An -ncon%enient Truth1& a film )o (adly fla/ed that it i) no longer allo/ed to (e )ho/n in 2riti)h )chool) /ithout a prior e@planation of it) many error), You cite in )upport of the alternati%e contention that temperature ri)e ha) follo/ed increa)ed C 2 the 2!12 paper (y Sha'un et al, -f you had )tudied of that paper than 4u)t it) accompanying pre)) relea)e you /ould 'no/ that the correlation (et/een temperature and C 2 can (e demon)trated only a) long a) the temperature record i) halted prior to the modern era, -f all of the a%aila(le data i) con)idered& the correlation fail) at a(out 9&!!!2C& de)troying any point that the paper /i)hed to ma'e, Cothing in your letter i) at all con%incing, - had hoped for (etter from DECC (ut it appear) that your policy i) (eing de%eloped (y mean) of uncritical reading of Auardian article), Thi) i) not nearly good enough, Plea)e an)/er the follo/ing Bue)tion)6 When /ill glo(al /arming re)ume? +o/ long /ill thi) e@pected ne@t period of /arming la)t (efore another pau)e? -) atmo)pheric car(on dio@ide the predominant factor in climate )en)iti%ity? -f )o& /hat i) the climate )en)iti%ity? -f not& /hat other thing) play )ignificant role)& and /hat i) their contri(ution to climate )en)iti%ity? What pro4ection) ha%e (een made to model the relati%e effect) on mortality rate)

gi%en a reduction in )e%erely cold temperature) and a ri)e in ma@imum temperature)? Drom /here ha) come the (elief that e@treme /eather effect) ha%e increa)ed or may increa)e? -) Ed Da%ey per)onally a/are that he may (e open to a charge of murder in Scotland?

-n addition to the main thru)t of my la)t letter that cold temperature) endured (y poor people /ho cannot afford to heat their home) properly /ill cau)e premature death)& t/o other potentially fatal effect) ha%e (ecome apparent, Dir)tly& many home) are no/ (ecoming damp (ecau)e they are in)ufficiently heated, Thi) damp /ill gi%e ri)e to re)piratory pro(lem)& po))i(ly cau)ing )eriou) %a)cular condition), Additionally& the damp /ill cau)e )tructural damage to /hat i) primarily pu(licly3o/ned property, Secondly& po/er cut) re)ulting from a lac' of grid electricity /ill them)el%e) (e dangerou) to life, Le)) lighting& machinery )topping and )tarting une@pectedly and cold due to heating )imply not (eing a%aila(le at any co)t are all dangerou) to health, - 'no/ a(out ST : and do not (elie%e that it /ill (e )ufficient to fully replace the (a)e load lo)t due to the decommi))ioning of ma4or generating plant, - a/ait your reply& (ut - mu)t /arn that - /ill not /rite many more time) (efore ma'ing a complaint to Police Scotland, Plea)e do not in)ult me or the reader) of tpdr)l,org /ith another anodyne letter, Your) )incerely&

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