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uo you own a buslness? uo you do any freelance work?

Lven lf you don'L own a

buslness, and are currenLly worklng for any buslness enuLy, Lhls presenLauon ls golng
Lo help you Lo undersLand why your buslness need Lo have slgnlcanL onllne
l am kCLau, Lhe auLhor of besLselllng book 1op Money 1lps for Malayslans. l do all my
buslness enurely, remoLely onllne and l hope Lo help you achleve Lhe same Loo so
LhaL you can have Lhe freedom of ume, money and moblllLy.
now, l am golng Lo show you Lhe 1op 10 lnLerneL 1rends LhaL AecL your 8uslness.
1he ls a charL showlng Lhe survey done on Lhe average ume spenL per day wlLh all Lhe
ma[or medla by unlLed SLaLes adulLs.
AL Lhe rsL glance you may noL nd anyLhlng lnLeresung. lL [usL looks llke Lhe Lrend ls
Lhe same every year. 8uL lf you look close enough Lo how Lhe dlerenL colours bar ls
movlng each year, you wlll nd Lwo Lrends hldden lnslde lL.
llrsL of all, people are sull spendlng more ume on 1v and vldeo consumpuon
comparlng Lo prlnung medla. 230 mlnuLes vS. 30 mlnuLes per week.
1hls shows LhaL ma[orlLy of people prefer vlsual klnd of enLerLalnmenL raLher Lhan
readlng a bunch of LexL.
WhaL l wanL you Lo see ls Lhe red bar. Look aL Lhe growlng Lrends. As more people are
spendlng less ume readlng magazlne, newspaper or book and less ume llsLenlng Lo
radlo, Lhey are spendlng more ume on Lhe lnLerneL.
1hls Lrends ls golng on and on for years. lL wlll conunue Lo do so because lf you look
aL Lhe 1v model nowadays, many has some sorL of smarL 1v funcuon LhaL allows
consumers Lo sLream vldeo Lhrough Lhe lnLerneL. My own 1v has an lnLerneL 8rowser
bullL ln. lL can also sLream ?ouLube vldeos [usL llke whaL you can do on your smarL
phone and LableLs.
LeL's look aL Lhe Lrends of Malayslan lnLerneL users. ln 2011, 38.8 of Lhe populauon
ls connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL. lf you compare lL Lo 2010, Lhere ls only 41 onllne users.
1he new generauons are born wlLh lnLerneL. MosL resLauranLs are equlpped wlLh Wl
servlce. Lven Lhe old folks nowadays use some klnd of smarL phones and LableLs.
8efore Apple lad ls launched ln Malaysla, l goL Lwo unlLs from Lhe unlLed SLaLes. Cne
ls for myself and Lhe oLher one ls sold Lo a good frlend.
?ou know whaL, aer a few days, when l asked hlm dld he en[oy Lhe new LableL? Pe
sald he no longer possess lL.
WhaL? lL's brand new! Was lL sLolen or broken? nooooooo. hls 60-year-old faLher-ln-
law wanLs lL.
So ln Lhe comlng years, l beL you'll foresee LhaL Lhe percenLage of lnLerneL users ls
golng Lo cllmb and cllmb.
So 1rend no.1 LhaL's golng Lo aecL your buslness ls LhaL people are spendlng more
ume onllne Lhese days!
uo your buslness have an onllne presence now? lf yes, ls lL puL Lo lLs besL? no mauer
whaL klnd of buslness you are dolng, even lf you don'L own a buslness, you goL Lo
have some klnd of personal brandlng or buslness presence onllne.
LeL's move Lo Lhe second Lrend l am golng Lo show you. lL ls sull Lhe same charL. 8uL
now, l would llke you Lo look aL Lhe dark blue bar.
WhaL's Lhe dlrecuon lL ls leadlng Lo?
?es. lL ls movlng up. WlLh Lhe lnLroducuon of smarL phones such as lhone, and oLher
brands LhaL runs on Coogle's Androld, whlch has Lhousands and Lhousands of Lhlrd
parLy apps, people are golng Lo spend more ume on Lhelr moblle phone.
uo you check emall uslng your phone? uo you respond lmmedlaLely Lo LexL messages
or SMS? uo you updaLe your lacebook sLaLus on your moblle phone?
uo you Lake plcLures wlLh your phone and upload Lo lacebook lnsLanLly? uo you play
games lncludlng onllne games LhaL's lnsLalled ln your moblle phone?
uo you nd LhaL you are spendlng more ume looklng, readlng and playlng wlLh your
moblle phone more frequenLly Lhan ever before? We used Lo only Lake ouL Lhe phone
when we wanL Lo conLacL and Lalk Lo somebody. 8uL now, we are dolng dozens oLher
Lhlngs, oLher Lhan Lalklng on Lhe phone.
1rend no. 2: eople are spendlng more ume on moblle phone. lf LhaL ls so, can your
cusLomers buy from you Lhrough Lhelr moblle phone? uo your cusLomers recelve LexL
messages from you on Lhelr blrLhday, or belng remlnded Lo do buslness wlLh you ln a
regular basls?
now we've come Lo Lhe Lhlrd lmporLanL Lrend. 1hls charL shows Lhe medla ume spenL
versus adveruslng spendlng.
1he green bar show Lhe percenLage of ume spend on Lhe cerLaln medlas. 1he blue
bar shows Lhe percenLage of ad spend.
lL ls funny LhaL whlle people are spendlng less ume readlng magazlne and newspaper,
buslness are spendlng more money Lo adveruse on Lhls medlum.
lL ls Lhe same Lhlng wlLh 1v. 8elauvely more money ls spenL on 1v ad Loo.
8uL when you look aL Lhe lasL parL, where 28 of ume ls spenL on Lhe lnLerneL, Lhe
adveruslng budgeL spenL on Lhe lnLerneL ls noL Lallled aL all.
WhaL does Lhls mean Lo you? Are you spendlng adveruslng dollars on newspaper? lf
yes, do you also spend markeung budgeL on Lhe lnLerneL?
LeL's say lf you are spendlng 8M1000 on a local newspaper ad, you should be
spendlng aL leasL Lwlce Lhe amounL on Lhe lnLerneL.
8uL noL many buslnesses are dolng Lhls. 1haL's why Lhe medla ume spenL versus ad
spend ls sull ouL of whack, as presenLed here as 1rend no.3.
So Lhls presenLs a greaL opporLunlLy because your buslness compeuLors are noL dolng
lL. lf you are golng Lo bulld a beuer onllne presence now, you have less compeuLors
who are sull asleep and dolng Lhe prevlous Lradluonal way of markeung.
Lven Lhough Lhe adveruslng budgeL spendlng onllne ls sull noL ln sync wlLh Lhe
percenLage of ume spenL people are spendlng onllne, Lhe global lnLerneL ad revenue
ls sull grow aL a Lremendous pace.
ln 1993 when lnLerneL ls sull aL lLs lnfanL sLage, when all Lhe webslLes are sull bullL on
sLauc P1ML, when you're sLarung Lo learn a new word called emall", when
compuLers were sull connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL Lhrough dlal-up modem, when Lhere ls
only 6 mllllon people are connecLed Lhrough Lhe lnLerneL ln Lhe enure world, global
lnLerneL ad revenue aL LhaL ume ls only $33 mllllon.
lasL forward Lo 2009, Lhe global lnLerneL ad revenue has lncreased Lo $34 bllllon. 1he
number of global lnLerneL users has grown Lo 1.2 bllllon. lf you dlvlde Lhe ad revenue
by Lhe number of users, Lhe ad revenue per user ls $46.
1hls number ls golng Lo keep growlng. l wlll show you Lhe proof on Lhe nexL page.
1hls ls Lhe adveruslng revenue of Lhe largesL onllne adveruslng neLwork company,
?ou may geL Lo know abouL Coogle because of Lhelr magnlcenL search englne LhaL
allows you Lo nd anyLhlng on Lhe lnLerneL wlLhln a spllL second. ln facL, Coogle made
Lhelr money Lhrough provldlng adveruslng space Lo buslness who wanLs exposure Lo
Lhe eyeballs of lnLerneL vlslLors.
1helr revenue ls growlng aL an exponenual raLe. ln year 2011 alone, lL ls esumaLed
LhaL Coogle wlll make $33 bllllon.
lor your lnformauon, Lhe publlc llsLed glanL ln Malaysla, Maybank's markeL cap ls only
$21 bllllon.
lL ls a Lrend LhaL more buslnesses wlll be spendlng more adveruslng budgeL onllne
because lL ls where mosL people spend Lhelr ume nowadays.
Also, Lhere are oLher advanLages of onllne adveruslng llke easy Lracklng, speclc
demography audlence Largeung, aordablllLy, easy converslon measure eLc.
l know several bloggers who make a full ume lncome [usL from adveruslng revenue
Lhrough Lhe ad space found on Lhelr blogs or webslLes.
1rend no.4: lncreaslng onllne ad revenue shows LhaL more buslnesses are buylng
onllne Lramc, leads or prospecLs Lo grow Lhelr buslness. Are you dolng Lhe same
1hls Lable shows Lhe Lop onllne properues by unlque vlslLors ln AugusL 2011 ln
1here are 10 bllllon unlque vlslLors Lo Coogle's webslLes ln LhaL slngle monLh.
Come ln Lhe second place ls lacebook, followed by ?ahoo! SlLes, Mlcroso SlLes and
many oLhers.
ln Malaysla, Lhere are 16.9 bllllon lnLerneL users ln 2011. WhaL are Lhese fellow
Malayslans dolng when Lhey are connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL?
1hls Lable shows whaL Lhey are mosL llkely dolng!
llrsL of all, whaL do you do when you go Lo Coogle's webslLe?
1. ?ou may be searchlng for someLhlng: Coogle SLA8CP
2. ?ou may be uslng Lhelr emall servlces: CMAlL
WhaLever lL ls, Coogle had successfully educaLed us LhaL we can easlly search for
someLhlng on Lhe lnLerneL.
Coogle" ls even known as a verb. ?our acuon of searchlng for a plece of lnformauon
onllne ls call googllng".
When Lhere are more searches onllne, ls your buslness searchable"? Can people nd
1he same observauon also reveals LhaL more people are spendlng ume on soclal
neLworklng. So Lhere ls one more verb belng creaLed - lACL8CCklnC.
lL ls reporLed LhaL 1/3 of all ume spenL onllne by Malayslan lnLerneL users ls on soclal
neLworklng slLes, malnly
1here are people dolng markeung aggresslvely on lacebook. ?ou mlghL have Lhe
experlence of recelvlng a noucauon emall from lacebook saylng LhaL you are belng
Lagged ln a phoLo LhaL your frlend uploaded. When you cllcked over Lhe llnk Lo vlew
Lhe phoLo solely based on curloslLy, wonderlng how do you look ln Lhe plcLure, you
found LhaL lL's [usL a buslness posLer. 1o your dlsappolnLmenL, Lhls ls consldered a klnd
of spammlng Loo.
l [usL wanL you Lo reallze LhaL Lhese people dolng Lhls klnd of sLu knows LhaL Lhelr
posLer or buslness yer wlll be exposed lnsLanLly noL only Lo you, buL Lo Lhe frlends
connecLed Lo you as well.
Some of Lhe sLu LhaL happen Lo be shared wldely ln lacebook lncludes funny vldeos,
plcLures and some vlral news.
When all Lhese Lhlngs are golng on, do you have a lacebook page for your buslness?
Are cusLomers connecLed Lo you Lhrough Lhese soclal neLworklng slLes?
1hls ls 1rend no. 6: More ume ls spenL on Soclal neLwoklng.
now l would llke you Lo pay auenuon Lo a webslLe called lL ls Lhe mosL
vlslLed onllne classled webslLe ln Malaysla.
1hls webslLe allows anyone Lo buy and sell ln hls or her reglon convenlenLly ln a very
slmple manner. CLher Lhan lemng buyer and seller Lo connecL dlrecLly Lhrough Lhelr
plauorm, also oer pald servlce for professlonal adverusers LhaL leL small
medlum enLerprlse and home based buslnesses Lo adveruse Lhelr producLs and
servlces Loo.
1rend no.7: 1here wlll be more onllne classled ads.
?ou can nd a loL of real esLaLes and vehlcles for sale aL ?ou can nd noL
only properues llsLed by owners, buL also from many real esLaLe agenLs who used Lo
adveruse on newspaper only.
lL ls no doubL a Lrend LhaL when more classled ads go onllne, more deals wlll be
done onllne, or aL leasL connecLed onllne before buyer and seller meeL ln person Lo
close Lhe deal.
Are you Laklng advanLage of gemng Lhls new found exposure for your producLs and
1rend no.8: 1here wlll be more onllne vldeo vlewlng.
Accordlng Lo, Lhere are 9.3 mllllon onllne vldeo vlewers ln Aug 2011,
up 8 from prevlous year.
1here are many compelllng reasons LhaL people spend more ume on Coogle's
webslLe, lncludlng Cmall and ?ouLube. Cne of Lhe reasons ls LhaL you can easlly
perform Lhe search" funcuon on Lhose slLes. AL ?ou1ube, you can baslcally waLch
anyLhlng relevanL Lo you [usL by slmply Lyplng Lhe keyword ln Lhe search box.
l have an lad, lhone, a few compuLers and also a smarL 1v LhaL can connecL Lo
?ouLube and sLream Lhe vldeo les Lhere lnsLanLly. WlLh Lhe growlng speed of
broadband servlce, waLchlng vldeo onllne has become a ma[or Lrend as well.
lsn'L lL beuer lf you can communlcaLe wlLh your cusLomers uslng vlsual, sound,
anlmauon and noL only conned Lo prlnLed medla only whlch lL used Lo be when you
don'L have budgeL Lo adveruse on 1v? ?ou can ln facL do lL now. As more people are
waLchlng vldeos on Lhese webslLes, do you have any vldeo hosLed Lhere LhaL Lell Lhe
sLorles of your producLs and servlces?
1rend no.9: now, Lhe cusLomer's volce do mauer Lhan ever before.
nowadays, consumers has greaL power Lo geL Lhelr volce heard. lf Lhere ls one
cusLomer LhaL haLe your sLu or your servlce, he can do a loL more damage Lhan ever
lor example, lf l boughL a lousy producL, l can wrlLe a blog posL abouL lL. 1hen my
readers wlll learn Lo avold from buylng LhaL parucular producL. l can also wrlLe a
revlew on Lhe slLes LhaL sell Lhls producL, such as Amazon. l may also complaln abouL
lL on lacebook Lhen all my frlends who commenL on my grumbllng are golng Lo alerL
Lhelr frlends as well.
8uL before we have all Lhese convenlenL Lools, we used Lo only Lell our close frlends
or famlly members. Maybe aer a few days of grumbllng, you may sLarL Lo cool down
and forgeL abouL Lhe mauer all LogeLher. lL ls dlerenL when you do Lhe damage
onllne. A blog posL and an onllne revlew sLay Lhere forever and l beL LhaL lL can be
found easlly when you Lry googllng" lL.
uon'L worry abouL Lhe bad apple. 8uL l see Lhls as an opporLunlLy for you Lo leL Lhe
good word of mouLh Lo spread even more easlly and fasLer ln Lhls klnd of onllne
envlronmenL. uo your cusLomer Lalk abouL you? uo you make lL easy Lo leL Lhem Lalk
abouL you, especlally onllne?
1rend no. 10: More people are shopplng onllne
Accordlng Lo a sLudy by nlelsen's survey, 86 of onllne user had made aL leasL a
purchase onllne.
WhaL more do l need Lo say?
?ou can seal a deal onllne.
?ou can denlLely sell your producLs or servlces onllne.
?ou can geL your prospecLs Lo pay you Lhrough credlL card onllne or Lhrough onllne
WhaL do all Lhese Lrends mean Lo your buslness?
1ry answerlng Lhese quesuons.
lf yes. CongraLulauons! ?ou are way ahead of many of your compeuLors. And l Lhlnk
LhaL you can even do beuer.
lf mosL of your answers Lo Lhe above quesuons are nC", Lhen you are sull noL Loo
laLe. ?ou can geL everyLhlng seL up preuy fasL lf you know how.
1hls ls why l creaLed Lhls course aL, whlch ls Lo asslsL you Lo geL
your buslness onllne nCW. lf you are yeL Lo opL ln your emall Lo recelve Lhe fuLure
announcemenL, please vlslL Lo enLer your name and emall. l
wlll keep ln Louch wlLh you soon.
See you Lhere! 1hank you.
!"#$! &'()*"+
1he ubllsher has sLrlved Lo be as accuraLe and compleLe as posslble ln Lhe creauon
of Lhls reporL, noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe facL LhaL he does noL warranL or represenL aL any
ume LhaL Lhe conLenLs wlLhln are accuraLe due Lo Lhe rapldly changlng naLure of Lhe
Whlle all auempLs have been made Lo verlfy lnformauon provlded ln Lhls publlcauon,
Lhe ubllsher assumes no responslblllLy for errors, omlsslons, or conLrary
lnLerpreLauon of Lhe sub[ecL mauer hereln. Any percelved sllghLs of speclc persons,
peoples, or organlzauons are unlnLenuonal.
ln pracucal advlce books, llke anyLhlng else ln llfe, Lhere are no guaranLees of lncome
made. 8eaders are cauuoned Lo reply on Lhelr own [udgmenL abouL Lhelr lndlvldual
clrcumsLances Lo acL accordlngly.
1hls e-book ls noL lnLended for use as a source of legal, buslness, accounung or
nanclal advlce. All readers are advlsed Lo seek servlces of compeLenL professlonals ln
legal, buslness, accounung, and nance eld.
?ou are encouraged Lo prlnL Lhls e-book for easy readlng.

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