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I go forth this day in all things immersed wholly in God and Gods abundance.

The conquering Christ stands forth one with Gods abundance and in every activity of this day. Now I know that I am Gods supreme child. I move each moment of this day immersed in God and Gods divine love. God! God! God! The great flame of love flows through every atom of my whole being. I Am the pure golden flame of God. I pour this divine flame through my physical body. The conquering Christ salutes you, God, my Father, Peace! Peace! Peace! The great peace of God prevails! --God, my Father, the Divine Principle flowing through me, is all; and all that God is, I AM. I am the Christ of God, God-man. All that God my Father is, is for God-man to use; thus I AM is entitled to use all substance. In fact, God my Father is pressing out all substance to God-man in unlimited measure. God Principle is my Father; I AM the Christ of God; both in whole and complete union. All that God has, the Christ of God is. The first suggestion is to place in his mind the thought and word GOD, knowing positively that it is the one point from which and where all success originates, also from which all success emanates. Then fix that thought of success with the thought, God I Am success. Then the next thought, God I Am abundantly able to succeed in every effort that I truthfully designate. Your next statement will be, God I Am the exact knowledge that goes with the ability to succeed. Your next statement will be, God I Am the infinite love that attracts all substance to me that brings forth my success. Knowing also that love is the greatest cohesive power in the universe, your next statement will be: God I Am the intelligence that guides all of my success into the right and profitable channels. This will be followed by: God I Am the divine knowledge and the wisdom that gives the perfect to all of my success, followed with: God I Am the perfect trinity, God the Conquering Christ, God -man, the on focal point of all creation. We are now dealing with God cells which never lose or change in any way, thus man cannot change from Divinity.

It is not necessary to go around repeating the word God, God. Just send that word forth once with definite, sincere meaning and qualified with what that expression is intended to bring about and you will never have to repeat it. Why? Because you are right in that very sound track of vibration that sets up every response to your statement. It has been said that mans greatest mistake is in tryin g to become God instead of simply being. He has been looking for something that is right within himself. We dont try to become, we must simply be it; we are it, and we claim it definitely. If you dont really believe that, you try it some time, for say two weeks. I would suggest you say it once, and know it, and then go on and be it. It is yours. It is yours to command. Behold, our God is ONE. I AM abundance. I AM knowledge. I AM harmony. There is nothing but God in Gods perfect world. Each one of us is capable of mastering every one of the so-called difficulties we are working under and, the moment we let go of them, they cease to exist. That may seem incredible to many but it is an absolute fact. We bring these things upon ourselves by our own transverse thoughts. Negative words, feelings, conditions have absolutely no power except what we individually give to them. The moment we cease feeding our energy into them, they no longer have life, and thus they cease to exist

I Am God Power, I Am all Abundance, and so on, and Through this word of power I Am free from all limitations! CREDO God I Am united with universal life and power, and all of this strength is focused in my entire nature, making me so positive with God perfect energy that I send it out to every form, and I make it so positive that all may be transformed into harmony and perfection. I know that they are all in accord with infinite life and God freedom and peace.

My mind is fully polarized with Infinite Intelligent Wisdom. Every faculty of my entire body finds free expression through my mind and all humanity does express the same. My heart is filled to overflowing with peace, love, and joy of the conquering Christ. I see in every face that conquering Christ. My heart is strong with God love and I know that it fills the heart of all humanity. God life fully enriches my entire blood stream and fill my body with the purity of Divine Life. God is all life. I am inspired with life with every breath and my lungs take in life with every breath and it fills my blood stream with vitalizing life. God my stomach is the digestive energy of intelligent and almighty life. Every organ of my body is infused with health and harmony and my entire organism works in complete harmony. I know that all of my organs are infused with God intelligence. All are conscious of their duties and they work together for the health and harmony of my entire being. God I Am the energy that fills all space. I am constantly drawing in this energy from allpervading God life. I know that God is that all-wise and loving intelligence imparting to me the mighty God life and I realize the full dominion from God, the Indwelling Presence in my complete body form. I praise God within for the healing perfection of life. All is life and I allow all life to come into expression. The Conquering Christ says, My words are Spirit and they are life. and If a man keep My words he will never see death. The intelligent Christ, the Conquering Christ, sends forth abundance of love to the entire universe. Supreme Mind is everything. I Am Supreme Mind! I Am Supreme Wisdom, Love, and Power. From the very depth of my heart I shout the glad thanksgiving that I Am this sublime and exhaustless Wisdom and I demand that I draw it to myself and become completely conscious of this ceaseless Wisdom. Remember that THOUGHTS AND SPOKEN WORDS ARE THINGS! Shout the glad tidings of joy that you are free, completely free from all limiting conditions. Then KNOW that you are free and go forth triumphantly free!! I AM REBORN INTO THE PERFECT POWER OF THE SUPREME MIND OF GOD. GOD I AM. Try this, I Am of the noble God Mind and see it open the windows of heaven and let it pour out such a blessing that it fills completely every avenue of expression. All those who are faithful

need sayGod I Am the knowing principle of all things. This opens the eye to the universal abundance that never fails. Try it, knowing positively that you must succeed. As Elijah did, hold out the cup until it is filled to running over. Never doubt the capacity of the One Mind. It is always ready to bring forth these wonders, as humanity aligns itself with God Mind. The moment that you realize within yourself that abundance already exists for you, at that very instant the condition manifests for you. Then you do not need outside suggestion. You are in perfect harmony with Principle. The instant you think of any condition you are one with it. You will find that if you stand definitely with a situation, you will never need to repeat a petition. It is finished before you ask. Jesus said, While they are asking I have heard. Then He went right on and said, Before it is spoken it is already accomplished. Do we need to go on asking for a condition that is already accomplished? How many times can a condition be completed? Need we beg for something that is already ours? No! You can trace the lives of our greatest men and see how they accepted accomplishment. Deep in the subconscious the way of accomplishment already existed. With freedom from any sense of limitation they were able to express that which already existed.

This direct knowing is also direct manifestation. If we would accept the fact which is revealed in Principle, that fact would become immediately manifest to us. It is just that easy. The Westerner has simply submerged it in complexities. The first step is fully and completely to control all outer activities of thought, mind, and body, with the thought always uppermost that you are cultivating the habit of perfection, the God habit, the Christ-of-God habit. Do this wherever you are, every time it comes to you during your working or resting hours. See this perfect presence within you. Get

into the habit of seeing this perfect presence as your real self, this Christ-of-God presence. Then go a little further. See a Divine White Light, dazzling in purity and brilliance emanating forth from the very center of your being. See it shining forth with such brilliance and glory that it emanates from every cell, fibre, tissue, muscle, and organ of your whole body. Now see the true Christ of God standing forth, triumphant, pure, perfect, and eternal. Not the Christ of me, but your own true Christ of God, the only begotten of your Father God, the only true son of God, the triumphant and all conquering Godhead. Step forth and claim this as your divine right and it is yours.

As Jesus began speaking, a perfect calm came over the entire village and its inhabitants. These are His words, translated into English by Jesus Himself. My most fervent prayer will always be that I shall never forget them, though I live to be ten thousand years. THE LIGHT As I stand alone in Your great silence, God my Father, in the midst of me there blazes a pure light and it fills every atom of my whole being with its great radiance. Life, Love, Strength, Purity, Beauty, Perfection, stand forth in all dominion within me. As I gaze into the very heart of this light, I see another light liquid, soft, golden-white and radiantly luminousabsorbing, mothering and giving forth the caressing fire of the Greater Light. Now I know that I am God and one with Gods whole universe. I whisper to God my Father and I am undisturbed. STILL IN THE SILENCE Yet in this complete silence there exists Gods Greatest Act ivity. Again, I am undisturbed and complete silence is all about me. Now the radiance of this light spreads to Gods vast universe and everywhere I know there is Gods conscious life. Again, I say fearlessly, I am God; I am silent and unafraid. I lift the Christ high within me and sing Gods praise. In the tones of my music inspiration hums. Louder and louder within me the Great Mother sings of new life. Louder and clearer with each new day, inspiration is lifting my

conscious thought until it is attuned to Gods rhythm. Again, I lift the Christ high and give close ear that I may hear the glad music. My keynote is harmony and the theme of my song is God and God seals my song as Truth. BEHOLD I AM BORN ANEW, A CHRIST IS HERE I am free with the great light of Your Spirit, God my Father, Your seal is placed upon my forehead. I accept. I hold your light high, God my Father. Again, I accept. "Some may express the Christ by seeing the Christ enthroned just back of the heart, the seat of love. From this throne see the Christ directing every activity of your body in perfect accord with God's immutable law and know that you are cooperating with Christ in the ideals received direct from the Divine Mind. Then see the Christ seated on His throne, expanding and including every atom, cell, fibre, muscle, and organ of your whole body. In fact, He has expanded until your whole body is the pure Christ, the only begotten Son of God; the pure temple where God is at home and loves to dwell. From this throne you can call upon every center of your whole body. You can say to those centers that you are positive, loving, powerful, wise, fearless, a free spirit. You are pure with the purity of Spirit. No mortal thought or desire or impurity can come near you. You are immersed in the pure Christ. the Spirit of life in the Christ makes you the pure temple of God. Here you may pause and say, `Father, in this as well as in all things, reveal the Christ, Your perfect Son to me.' Then bless the Christ. "When you have realized the Christ, you may hold out your hand and, if it is gold you want, the gold will be there." Here he held out his hands and there was a circular disc of gold somewhat larger than an English sovereign in each hand. He passed them to those sitting at his right and left and they, in turn, passed them on until the discs had made the "We will suppose it is ice you desire. Would you begin by speaking out the word, `ice,' all about you indiscriminately? If you did, you would scatter your forces in all directions and nothing would come to you. You should first form a

mental picture of what you desire, hold it directly in thought just long enough to get the image, then drop the image entirely and look directly into the Universal God Substance. Know that that Substance is a part of God and, therefore, a part of you and in that Substance there is everything you need; that God is pressing that Substance out to you just as fast as you can use it; and that you can never deplete the supply. Then know that everyone who has created that supply has brought forth from this Substance, whether they have done it consciously or unconsciously. Now with your thought and vision fixed on the one central atom, God, hold that atom until you have imprinted your desire upon it. You will lower the vibration of that atom until it becomes ice. Then all the atoms surrounding that one will hasten to obey your desire. Their vibration will be lowered until they will adhere to the central particle and in a moment you will have ice. You do not even need any water about you. You need only the ideal." Say, "From the Lord God of my being, I now know all there is to know in this moment. So be it," and await the answers. Whether or not you realize at that moment what you desire to know, saying "I know" opens the door for that realization to occur. That is all you have to say, and the knowledge will come forth. If you will say steadfastly, "From the Lord God of my being, I now know the answer to this and am in a state of receivership for it. So be it," that calls forth the knowingness into a resolve

I now know. I am absolute. I am complete. I am God. I Am. If there were no other words but those, you would no longer be limited to this plane I now realize that there is within me a spiritual joy-body ever young, ever beautiful. I have beautiful, spiritual mind, eyes, nose, mouth, skinthe body of the Divine Infant, which now, tonight, is perfect.' Conscience and energy creates the nature of reality.

Conscience and energy are inestricable combined. Every wave of energy caries a potential event. The event is calibrated by the time flow that it occurs in. What determines time? Time, distance and space which is made up of energy, can only exist as a measurable fenomen between 2 points of conscience. God -primary conscience, secondary conscience Son of man manifest through emotional reaction, the daughter manifest through pure knowingness. In God, past, future and present exist simultaneous.

Masters, they sit and they think about being this and being that, and then if they are not that in the next second, they give up and they are frustrated. They have no patience, for the thought must transcend itself into emotion and the emotion must carry through the entire physical arrayment. That is how.

What it takes is accepting it, accepting it: You know it. There is no doubt. You know it. That is what creates the emotion in the soul that brings forth the change in the physical structure, and it occurs.

Become you, but know who you are. Look at your thoughts. Look at you. Converse with the wind. Dance in the moonlight. Love the dawn. They will teach you everything there is about life, for they are it and they will live on when all of this dies. Contemplate what I have told you.

Think of those words, how broad, how deep, how high is the level of your acceptance, because that is what belief is. You can never, ever manifest in your life that which you do not accept. You only manifest that which you accept. So how

broad is your acceptance? Is it greater than your doubt? What are the limitations of your acceptance? Is that why you are sick? Is that why you are old? Is that why you are unhappy, because the level of your acceptance is unhappiness? That is all you get, you know. You don't get anything greater than that because everything that is greater than that lies in the Spirit. So your Spirit is making you unhappy because you are telling it to.

You get exactly what you want. Consciousness and energy creates reality Consciousness and energy and a brain create mind The brain creates thought Mind is equated by one thought.

o my beloved God, I call forth that which I learn this day. I expect to experience it. God bless my life. So be it. To life.

the Void. One vast nothing materially, all things potentially,

o my beloved God, that which has created me

and given unto me life, awaken in me my passion to know. Give back my power, that I may manifest a Journey, a path, to enlightenment. So be it. To life.

Moreover, it doesn't do any of you any good to say you want to be wealthy. If you want to be wealthy, sit down and create a card and a picture of fabulous wealth and focus on it for an hour each day until your focus turns to being it. That is all you 210 EFFECTS OF THE TEACHINGS ON THE STUDENTS OF THE GREAT WORK have to do. Then you get it. Now what you do with it, that is another focus. But unless you use it, it doesn't work and it is not going to be the truth.

But the same energy that caused destruction - it is the same energy; it is not new energy - the same energy that causes destruction can release the destruction the moment the mind releases

the focus on it. When the mind changes its mind, the energy falls apart and reconvenes as radiant health, same energy. How many of you understand? So be it.

o my beloved God, I do decree that that which I focus upon I surely want. Manifest it straightaway. So be it. To life.

To manifest your desires, all you have to do is feel whatever you desire, and the feeling is sent back to the Father to fulfill your desires. That is all there is to it. Too simple? You want it more complex?

Of all the words ever created, there is one that most fits this teaching, and that is called being, being. And what does that mean? It means allowing yourself to be however you are and wholly loving yourself for being that. It is feeling whatever you are feeling and living that emotion. Being is living wholly in the moment because you know that the Now is all there is. It is doing whatever you want to do, living the adventure that your soul urges you to pursue.

Fund ridicat Coloana dreapta Fund si abdomen incordat Triunghi, blow void, blow word There has never been anything outside of you, I heard. Its all a dream in the eye of the Buddha. There has never been anything outside of you. Nothing at all.

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