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Getting Started with SalesForce CRM Administration

Hands-on Guide for Manage Users

BISP is committed to provide BEST learning material to the beginners and advance learners. In the same series, we have prepared a complete end-to end Hands-on Beginners G ide !or Sales"orce. The doc ment !oc ses on ser, gro p administration, prede!ined roles, bac#ing p and restore sers$gro ps and migration sers$gro ps. %oin o r pro!essional training program and learn !rom e&perts.

Version Date 0! 0! '0!( Description Change "nitial Draft )e*ie+,! Author Chandra Pra#ash $har%a A%it $har%a Publish !0th &uly '0!( !0th &uly

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)ontents....................................................................................................................... * +anage ser pro!iles in Sales"orce ),+.........................................................................)reating new sers ...................................................................................................... )reate m ltiple sers .................................................................................................. / 0elegation o! ser management ................................................................................. / )reating pro!ile +anage 1sers permission ..................................................................2 0elegated administration ............................................................................................ 2 0eactivating sers ....................................................................................................... 3 Password management ............................................................................................... 4 Tro bleshoot ser login iss es........................................................................................ 4 "orgot 'o r password ............................................................................................... 4 E&piring passwords ................................................................................................. (5 Password policies ...................................................................................................... (5 +a&im m invalid login attempts ............................................................................(( Password e&pired6 7ell prompt 'o to change 'o r password .............................(( Grant 8ogin 9ccess .................................................................................................... (* )reating c stom ser !ields in S9les" .........................................................(* Set p )hatter "ree and )hatter e&ternal sers............................................................(: )hatter is ",EE !or 'o r whole compan' ................................................................(: There are three wa's Sales"orce admin can help get ever'one on chatter ...........(: )hatter e&ternal sers ............................................................................................ (: 0e!erent between )hatter "ree and )hatter e&ternal sers ......................................(/ 1ser +igration .............................................................................................................. (/ Installing the " +igration Tool......................................................................(/ 1ser$Gro p Bac# p ,ecover ......................................................................................... (4 Bac# p m' Sales"orce ;rgani<ation .........................................................................(4 1ser$Gro p Bac# p .................................................................................................... (4 How to ta#e E&port data in Sales"orce ...................................................................(4 E&port =ow in Sales" *5 Sched le E&port in Sales"orce................................................................................ ** 1ser$Gro p ,ecover B' sing Bac# p ......................................................................*> 1sing Import 7i<ard . ............................................................................................. *> How To import data b' Import 0ata 7i<ard ...........................................................*> ,estore o r Sales"orce metadata ob?ects ..............................................................*2 Prede!ined roles$privileges............................................................................................ *3 ;verview o! ,oles ...................................................................................................... *3 9dministrator privileges ......................................................................................... -5

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Manage user profiles in $ales-orce C)M

Sales"orce sers in 'o r organi<ation access to Sales"orce ),+ b t re@ ire a sername, an e-mail address, a password, and a pro!ile along with an active ser license. 'o r organi<ation has p rchased depending on !eat res, have 'o ser options s ch as Service )lo d, Sales, and +obile, which give partic lar sers the abilit' to access other !eat res that are onl' available with a speci!ic ser license. 9 ser can be assigned to one or more o! these options. Ho+ .o Go User : $etup A Manage User A User

Creating ne+ users :

!ollowing steps !or creating a new ser . i. )lic# on =ew 1ser b tton. ii. Enter !ields in the General In!ormation and 8ocale Settings. iii. )hec# the bo& Generate new password and noti!' ser immediatel'. iv. )lic# on Save b tton !or save the new ser details. .o create ne+ user account : $etup A Manage Users A User, )lic# on /e+ user b tton.

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7e loo# top section o! the =ew 1ser page, This page is General In!ormation section.

Enter the serBs !irst name, last name, alias, e-mail address, 1ser =ame, =ic#name. Select 1ser license, Pro!ile in dropdown list. chec#ed 9ctive )hec# bo&. Co can enable additional !eat res b' chec#ed chec# bo& . +ar#eting 1ser www.bispsol Page > www.h'periong r .com

;!!line 1ser Dnowledge 1ser " "low 1ser Service )lo d 1ser P blisher 1ser +obile 1ser Ei! 'o p rchase this licenseF. Sales"orce ),+ )ontent 1ser Select Email Encoding option in dropdown list. At the botto% of the page0 there are %any sections : +ailing 9ddress, Single sign on in!ormation, 8ocale Settings, 9pprover Settings. 'o can see below.

9!ter Saving this page, 'o can Edit this page !ollowing read-onl' !ields and related lists can be seen.

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Create %ultiple users :

The 9dd + ltiple 1sers Sales"orce provides a wa' to @ ic#l' add sers to 'o r organi<ation. 0epending on the n mber o! available licenses, 'o can create p to (5 sers. 7ith this page this depend on license , 'o speci!' the minim m in!ormation needed.

Delegation of user %anage%ent :

0elegation o! ser management allows 'o to !oc s on tas#s other than managing sers !or ever' department or str ct re that 'o r compan' has within Sales"orce. This provides ! rther bene!its !or

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global organi<ations that enco nter time <one and c lt ral di!!erences as it allows a ser based in that region with local #nowledge to create the sers, which saves time and res lts in a better ser e&perience.

Creating profile Manage Users per%ission :

9llows a m ch greater range o! s'stem administration ! nctions to be carried o t b' the ser. +anage 1sers permission allows the ser to per!orm the !ollowing . E&pire all passwords. )lone, edit, or delete pro!iles. Edit or delete sharing settings. Edit ser login ho rs.

Delegated ad%inistration :
In Sales" delegated administration is a more sec re method !or providing delegated ser management access as it allows 'o to assign limited administrative privileges to the selected non-administrator sers in 'o r organi<ation. Ho+ to Create Ad%inistration Delegated : $etup A Ad%inistration $etup A $ecurity Controls A Delegate Ad%inistration, )lic# on /e+ b tton.

7e loo# at the e&isting gro p that has been named 9dmindelegate .

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Deacti*ating users :
In Sales" Co cannot remove sers !rom the ;rgani<ation, b t 'o can deactivate ser pro!ile. -or deacti*ate users : $etup A Ad%inistration $etup A Manage Users 1 Users, )lic# on 2dit b tton. 0isable the 9ctive chec#bo&, and then clic# on Save. 'o can see below. 7hen 'o 1nchec# 9ctive chec#bo& 'o get one pop p message. clic# on o# b tton and Save this pro!ile.

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Pass+ord %anage%ent :
Co have the !ollowing two options !or resetting passwords. "orgot passwords E&piring passwords

.roubleshoot user login issues

Sales! provide to eas' login to the service and to change 'o r password, b t 'o ma' man' time !ace iss es o! login in Sales", i! 'o !orget 'o r sername or password, or i! 'o re loc#ed o t !or too man' attempts to log on with the wrong credentials. The password policies set p b' 'o r administrator determine how man' !ailed logins are allowed, how long loc#o t periods last, and password re@ irements s ch as minim m length. 7e recommend changing 'o r password time to time protect the privac' o! 'o r data. I! 'o r administrator speci!ies that ser passwords e&pire on a periodic basis, 'o ll be prompted to change 'o r password at the end o! each period. "orgot 'o r password6 8oc#ed o t6 7ait ntil the loc#o t period e&pires and tr' again, or contact 'o r administrator. Password e&pired6 7ell prompt 'o to change 'o r password.

-orgot your pass+ord :

(. ;pen Sales! web site then clic# on login b tton. and all so 'o can tr' direct lin# https.$$login.sales! *. )lic# "orgot 'o r password6 lin#.

-. Enter 'o r sername and clic# )ontin e. Co ll receive an email at the email address speci!ied on 'o r Sales!

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>. )lic# the lin# provided in the email, answer 'o r password @ estion, and clic# )ontin e. 9 temporar' password is a tomaticall' sent to 'o r email address. :. )lic# the lin# to login sing the temporar' password. 7hen prompted, enter a new password.

23piring pass+ords :
Co can e&pire passwords !or all sers an' time to en!orce e&tra sec rit' !or 'o r organi<ation. 9!ter 'o e&pire passwords, sers ma' need to activate their comp ters to s ccess! ll' log in to Sales! Ho+ to set 23pire Pass+ord : $etup A Ad%inistration $etup A $ecurity Control A 23pire All Pass+ord, Select the E&pire all ser password chec#bo& and clic# Save b tton.

Pass+ord policies :
In Sales" several password and login polic' !eat res that help 'o to improve 'o r organi<ationBs sec rit'. -or set Pass+ord policies : $etup A Ad%inistration $etup A $ecurity Controls A Pass+ord Policies. Set the re@ ired settings and then clic# on $a*e b tton.

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Ma3i%u% in*alid login atte%pts :

Sales" provide n mber o! incorrect login attempts allowed b' a ser be!ore the' become loc#ed o t. The options are =o limit, *, -, :,/ and (5.

Pass+ord e3pired4 5e6ll pro%pt you to change your pass+ord :

(. 7hen prompted, select how 'o wo ld li#e to get the to#en. $M$ .e3t Message Co r administrator enabled S+S identit', this is the de!a lt option. Co re prompted to enter 'o r mobile phone n mber when logging into Sales"orce. 9dding 'o r phone n mber here veri!ies 'o r mobile n mber and enables this option when 'o re challenged. 2%ail I! 'o are o t o! mobile veri!ication and have not added a time based to#en, this is the de!a lt option. )lic# Email me a veri!ication code when prompted d ring login. Sales"orce sends an activation email to the email address speci!ied on 'o r ser detail page. www.bispsol Page (( www.h'periong r .com

The code can be sed !or p to *> ho rs !rom the time 'o re@ ested the veri!ication code. *. Enter the to#en or veri!ication code in Sales! -. )lic# on Galidate and 8ogin.

Grant 7ogin Access :

There are man' occasions when it is se! l !or 'o to log in as one o! the sers in 'o r organi<ation. To assist 'o , 'o r administrator or a c stomer s pport representative ma' need to log in to the application sing 'o r login. Co can grant access to them !or a speci!ied d ration. "or sec rit' reasons. Ho+ to $et Grant 7ogin Access : $etup A My $etting A Personal A Grant Account 7ogin Access

Creating custo% user fields in $Ales-orce co% :

Co can create c stom !ields !or sers and set c stom lin#s that appear on the ser detail page. Ho+ .o Create Custo% -ields : $etup A App $etup A Custo%i8e A Users A -ields, Then scroll down to the 1ser ) stom "ields section.

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$tep ! : )lic# on /e+ b tton and select an' !ield clic# on /e3t b tton.

$tep ' : "ill all !ields and clic# on /e3t B tton.

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$tep ( : )lic# on =e&t b tton. $tep 9 : )lic# on $a*e b tton.

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$et up Chatter -ree and Chatter e3ternal users

Chatter is -)22 for your +hole co%pany :
)hatter application li#e an' social networ#, is better i! more people are sing it. ever' Sales"orce c stomer nlimited !ree )hatter licenses. It doesnBt matter a compan' small with -5 emplo'ees or a large$ global organi<ation with :55,555 emplo'ees. )hatter is !ree !or ever'one in 'o r compan'.

.here are three +ays $ales-orce ad%in can help get e*eryone on chatter :
! Add all e%ployees to Chatter 1se the 0ata 8oader to add all 'o r emplo'ees to )hatter at once. $etup A Ad%inistration A Data Manage%ent A Data 7oader, a!ter that !ollow the instr ctions. ' Add ne+ users one at a ti%e I! 'o want to add emplo'ees one at a time, )lic# on $etup A Ad%inistration A Manage Users A Users A clic# on /e+ User b tton. ( .urn on in*itations T rn on )hatter invitations to let emplo'ees invite cowor#ers. Invitations are limited to the domains 'o approve. To t rn on invitations, $etup A Custo%i8e A Chatter A )lic# on $ettings, there 'o can manage chatter setting. clic# on 2dit B tton.

Chatter e3ternal users :

)hatter E&ternal is 0esigned to allow c stomers in )hatter gro ps. ) stomers are sers o tside o! 'o r compan'Bs email domains. The' have ver' limited )hatter access and can onl' see gro ps the'Bre invited to and interact with members o! those gro ps. www.bispsol Page (: www.h'periong r .com

Ho+ to create 23ternal user : $etup A Manages Users A Users clic# on /e+ User b tton. i! 'o have created ser alread' clic# on 2dit lin#.

9!ter then clic# on $a*e b tton.

Deferent bet+een Chatter -ree and Chatter e3ternal users :

Chatter -ree Chatter -ree application is Designed for Unli%ited0 2nterprise0 and Professional 2dition if users that don:t ha*e $ales-orce licenses but need access to Chatter .hese users can access standard Chatter people0 profiles0 groups0 and files Chatter e3ternal )hatter E&ternal is 0esigned to allow c stomers in )hatter gro ps. ) stomers are sers o tside o! 'o r compan'Bs email domains. The' have ver' limited )hatter access and can onl' see gro ps the'Bre invited to and interact with members o! those gro ps.

User Migration
"nstalling the -orce co% Migration .ool
"irstl' will need %ava and 9nt installed on 'o r local machine "or install the " +igration Tool. 9!ter then 'o can download the " +igration Tool !rom a Sales"orce organi<ation. .o use the -orce co% Migration .ool : (. Install &a*a &D;, Gersion /.( or greater on the deplo'ment machine. *. Install Apache Ant, Gersion (./ or greater on the deplo'ment machine. -. Set p the environment variables H9=TIH;+E, %9G9IH;+E, and P9THJ. 23a%ple A/.<H=M2 :- ;pen cmd and write, set pathKL9=TIH;+ELMbinN 23a%ple &AVA<H=M2 :- ).MProgram "ilesM%avaM?d#(.2.5I>: >. "or Geri!' %0D or 9=T version . %0D . ?avac -version 9=T . ant version www.bispsol Page (/ www.h'periong r .com

:. login Sales"orce then clic# on $etup A de*eloper A .ools, then download -orce co% Migration .ool

/. 1n<ip the downloaded " +igration Tool, The " +igration Tool contains the !ollowing. - ,eadme.html !ile that e&plains how to se the tools - %ar !ile containing the ant tas#. ant-sales!orce.?ar - open sample !older In this !older !ollwing list. - codep#gMclasses !older that contains Sample0eplo')lass.cls and Sample"ailingTest)lass.cls - codep#gMtriggers !older that contains Sample9cco ntTrigger.trigger - m'p#gMob?ects !older that contains the c stom ob?ects sed in the e&amples - removecodep#g !older that contains O+8 !iles !or removing the e&amples !rom 'o r organi<ation www.bispsol Page (2 www.h'periong r .com

- sample b !ile that 'o m st edit, speci!'ing 'o r credentials, in order to r n the - sample ant tas#s in b ild.&ml. - sample b ild.&ml !ile, that e&ercises the deplo' and retrieve9PI calls. 2. )op' the ant-sales!orce.?ar !ile into the ant lib director'. The ant lib director' is located in the root !older o! 'o r 9nt installation. 3. ;pen the sample s bdirector'. 4. Edit the build properties !ile.

(5. Enter ant deplo')ode. This r ns the deplo'9PI call, sing the sample class and 9cco nt trigger provided with the " +igration Tool. The ant deplo')ode calls the 9nt target named deplo' in the b ild.&ml !ile.

((. To remove the test class and trigger added as part o! the e&ec tion o! ant deplo')ode, enter the !ollowing in the command window. ant ndeplo')ode. ant ndeplo')ode calls the 9nt target named ndeplo')ode in the b ild.&ml !ile.

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User>Group ?ac#up )eco*er

?ac#up %y $ales-orce =rgani8ation :
In Sales! are !o r wa's to bac# p 'o r ;rgani<ation depending on 'o r needs. ;nce 'o login to 'o r ;wn Bac# p acco nt, 'o sho ld add one Hor moreJ o! these services, according to 'o r needs. Bac# p o! 'o r Sales"orce data Hincl ding c stom tables, c stom !iles, attachments and chatter attachmentsJ. Bac# p o! 'o r Sales"orce metadata H7or#!lows, 8a'o ts, 9pe& Pages, ,eports, etc.J Bac# p o! 'o r Sandbo& metadata. Bac# p o! 'o r Sandbo& data.

User>Group ?ac#up :
0ata E&port !eat re is available on Sales"orce, In sales! 'o can prepare a cop' o! all 'o r data . on this page 'o can start the e&port process man all' or sched le it to r n a tomaticall'. when e&port is read' !or download, 'o will receive an email containing a lin# that allows 'o to download the !iles E&port !iles are available on this page !or >3 ho rs, a!ter that the' are deleted itBs available onl' .)SG !ormat.

Ho+ to ta#e 23port data in $ales-orce :

)lic# $etup -A Data Manage%ent -A Data 23port

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9!ter clic# on Data 23port 'o can see new page there is two option is available 23port /o+ and $chedule 23port 'o can see below.

23port /o+ in $ales-orce co%:

The E&port =ow option prepares 'o r !iles !or e&port immediatel'. This option is onl' available some time that store onl' last e&port record. )lic# on 23port /o+ b tton then 'o can seen new screen, 'o can see below

$tep ! : I! 'o want to e&port all data chec#ed the "nclude all data chec# bo&, and 'o want some limited data select 'o data b' chec#ed chec# bo& and clic# to Start E&port b tton.

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9!ter clic# on Start E&port !ew second ta#e 'o got one new screen and send lin# 'o mail id 'o can see below. and all so chec# 'o r mail id.

$tep ( : 9!ter that 'o can ,e!resh 'o r page 'o can see that lin# available on page clic# to given below lin# and download e&port data. downloaded !ile is available in <ip !older.

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$chedule 23port in $ales-orce:

Sales"orce provide to 'o Sched le E&port option its allows 'o to sched le the e&port process !or wee#l' or monthl' intervals, and 'o can E&port b' start date and end date. Co can sched le e&port data an' da' o! month, an' wea# o! month, and all 'o can choose Start date to End date !or sched le e&port data. 9!ter sched le 'o can clic# on Save b tton.

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9!ter clic# on Save b tton 'o can see one message in message some write /e3t $chedule 23port 'o can see below. 'o get a remainder on this date ever' month.

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User>Group )eco*er ?y using ?ac#up :

Using "%port 5i8ard :
The 0ata Import 7i<ard provides a G1I Inter!ace, Easil' import data on Sales"orce. It is a web based tools. 0ata Import 7i<ard provides a ni!ied inter!ace thatBs 'o import a n mber o! standard Sales"orce ob?ects, sol tions, leads, contacts, and incl ding acco nts. The wi<ard also lets 'o import c stom ob?ects. "%port data in three easy steps :

Ho+ .o i%port data by "%port Data 5i8ard

)lic# to $etup -A Data Manage%ent -A Data "%port 5i8ard clic# on this lin# then 'o can see 0ata Import 7i<ard on this page go to down and see 8a nch 7i<ardP b tton clic# on this b tton.

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9!ter clic# on 7aunch 5i8ard@ b tton, then 'o have seen new screen there is two option (. Standard ob?ect *. ) stom ob?ect - )lic# on Custo% =bAect a!ter then 'o can see c stom ob?ect Tab list -. choose c stom tab an'one. - 9!ter clic# on ) stom Tab then 'o can see new list >. there is three option select an' one, H"or e& .- I will select 9dd new ,ecord J - 9!ter clic# on Add ne+ records lin# 'o can see new list :. There is three option select an' one, HI will select )SG !irst optionJ

Then select )SG option and clic# to ?ro+se b tton and select 'o r .)SG !ile. and clic# to /e3t b tton.

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$tep ' : 9!ter )lic# to =e&t b tton Then 'o can see new page it called 2dit Mapping page, i! 'o want to mapped 'o r !ields ,i! need to change mapped !ield clic# on Change lin# a!ter that open new pop bo& select 'o r mapped !ield and clic# to %ap b tton. Then 'o clic# on /e3t B tton.

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$tep ( : 9!ter that 'o can see, 'o r selections list, 'o r import will incl de, and mapping list. 9!ter then clic# on $tart i%port b tton.

$tep 9 : 9!ter )lic# on Start import b tton then 'o can see +essage bo& clic# on ;# b tton

)estore our $ales-orce %etadata obAects :

;wn Bac# p bac#s p 'o r metadata ob?ects via the metadata 9PI. 9s s ch, the bac#ed- p data are compatible with the data that is available to 'o via the " www.bispsol Page *2 www.h'periong r .com

I0E. "ollow these steps to get 'o r metadata bac# p and se 'o r " I0E to deplo' it bac# to 'o r Sales"orce organi<ation . 8ogin to 'o r ;wn Bac# p acco nt. Select the Sales"orce metadata archive and snapshot 'o wo ld li#e to restore !rom. 0ownload the Qip !ile containing 'o r metadata ob?ects bac# p. E&tract the <ip !ile to a !older on 'o r comp ter. Each s b-!older contains a di!!erent metadata ob?ect. The !iles inside each !older contain the individ al metadata elements in their native !ile !ormat. 1se the " I0E to view and deplo' the bac#ed- p elements.

Predefined roles>pri*ileges
=*er*ie+ of )oles :
User Per%issions /eeded .o create0 edit0 and delete roles +anage 1sers .o assign users to roles +anage 1sers In Sales! ;verview o! ,oles 0epending on 'o r sharing settings, roles can control the level o! visibilit' that sers have into 'o r organi<ations data. 1sers at an' given role level can view, edit, and report on all data owned b' or shared with sers below them in the hierarch', nless 'o r organi<ations sharing model !or an ob?ect speci!ies otherwise. Speci!icall', in the ;rgani<ation-7ide 0e!a lts related list, i! the Grant 9ccess 1sing Hierarchies option is disabled !or a c stom ob?ect, onl' the record owner and sers granted access b' the organi<ation-wide de!a lts receive access to the ob?ectBs records. 5or#ing +ith )oles : Giew and manage 'o r organi<ationBs roles, !rom $etup A Manage Users A )oles.

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$ho+ in tree *ie+ : )lic# E&pand 9ll to see all roles, or )ollapse 9ll to see onl' top-level roles. To e&pand or collapse an individ al node, clic# the pl s HRJ or min s H-J icon. $ho+ in sorted list *ie+ : I! 'o r organi<ation has a large n mber o! roles, se this view !or eas' navigation and !iltering. To show a !iltered list o! items, select a prede!ined list !rom the Giew drop-down list, or clic# )reate =ew Giew to de!ine 'o r own c stom views. To edit or delete an' view 'o created, select it !rom the Giew drop-down list and clic# Edit. $ho+ in list *ie+ : The col mns are not sortable. This view is not available !or hierarchies with more than (,555 roles. To create a role, clic# =ew ,ole or 9dd ,ole, depending whether 'o are viewing the list view or tree view o! roles, then edit the role !ields as needed. Co can create p to :55 roles !or 'o r organi<ation. Edit a role, clic# Edit ne&t to a role name, then pdate the role !ields as needed. 0elete a role, clic# 0elete ne&t to the role name. 9ssign other sers to a role, clic# 9ssign ne&t to the role name.

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Giew detailed in!ormation abo t a role, clic# a role name. I! 'o are a Sales"orce Dnowledge ser, 'o can modi!' categor' visibilit' settings on the role detail page.

Ad%inistrator pri*ileges :
;ne or more individ als in 'o r organi<ation who can con!ig re and c stomi<e the application. 1sers assigned to the S'stem 9dministrator pro!ile have administrator privileges. administrator can create ser, delete ser, Giew ser list and mange all organi<ation data, de!ine role etc.

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