Está en la página 1de 33

INDEX Subject B. Suez Shipyard Facilities C. Specific Remarks . !

ck "ariff Page 01 02 0# 10 11 12 1+ 1# 12 20 21 22 2+ 27 28 22 :0 :1 :: :+

$. "!%age & Pil!tage & 'as free Certificates F "a(k Clea(i(g

'. Ser)ices *. *ull "reatme(t ,. .. Sea sucti!( a(d ischarge -al)es /(ch!rs0 Chai(s a(d Chai( 1!ckers

3. *ull Cath!dic Pr!tecti!( 1. Rudder

4. "ail shaft0 Ster( tube a(d Pr!peller 5. Steel %!rk 6. Pipe %!rk P. 4ai( iesel $(gi(es 9. 4ai( "urbi(es R. 4ai( B!ilers S. C!(de(sers a(d *eat $;cha(gers ". Pumps <. $lectric 4!t!rs -. 'e(eral C!(diti!( f!r Repair


FLOATING DOCK 4ai( dime(si!(s 1e(gth !)erall 1e(gth !f the p!(t!!( Breadth !)erall Breadth bet%ee( the rails !f the ga(try cra(e 6uter breadth bet%ee( the side %alls !( the !utside ,((er %idth bet%ee( the side %alls !( the i(side Clear %idth bet%ee( the fe(ders *eight *eight !f the p!(t!!( !( the ce(tre li(e *eight !f the bl!cks raught !)er the bl!cks R!u(d !f beam p!(t!!( deck Freeb!ard p!(t!!( deck !( the ce(tre li(e Freeb!ard upper deck *eight bet%ee( upper deck a(d t%ee( deck *eight bet%ee( safety deck a(d t%ee( deck GRAVING DOCK 1e(gth Breadth !cki(g capacity $>uipped %ith 2 cra(es SYNCROLIFT 1ifti(g capacity Platf!rm le(gth Platf!rm %idth 5umber !f berths 200 t!((es =8 m 17 m = 10 & 1= t!((es 1+0 m 22 m :02.00 m 2#0.00 m #1.08 m #0.=0 m 77.=0 m =7.=0 m ==.00 m 21.:1 m 7.00 m 2.00 m 2.20 m 0.0= m 0.=0 m +.10 m :.20 m :.=0 m

1. /ll prices are gi)e( i( <S !llars.


"he prices sh!%( i( this schedule are f!r guida(ce !(ly. Firm price >u!tati!(s f!r specific repairs %ill be submitted !( re>uest. Prices are subject t! adjustme(t i( the e)e(t !f cha(ges i( the e;tra rate0 %age fluctuati!(s a(d )ariati!(s i( the c!st !f materials0 %ith!ut (!tice.


/ll rates >u!ted are0 %here (!t me(ti!(ed !ther%ise a(d %here applicable0 e;cludi(g rem!)als f!r access0 stagi(g0 clea(i(g0 rust freei(g0 testi(g0 pai(ti(g0 etc.


Prices are based !( carryi(g !ut the %!rk i()!l)ed %he( )essel is i(side the ?ard@s premises duri(g (!rmal %!rki(g h!urs "he e;ecuti!( !f the %!rk %ill be subject t! !ur: Genera C!n"#$#!n% &!r Re'a#r( Ma#n$enan)e an" Re)!n%$r*)$#!n !& Ve%%e %+.



?ard@s %!rki(g h!ursA Saturdays t! "hursdaysA 0#:0 hrs. t! 1200 hrs. 12:0 hrs. t! 1+:0 hrs. Fridays !ff

6)ertime %ill depe(d !( the %!rk l!ad a(d its (ature.


B!rk !rders shall be submitted t! the c!(tract!r directly by the 6%(er !r thr!ugh the c!(cer(ed age(cy sig(ed a(d i( c!(f!rmity %ith the items !f ge(eral terms !f repair0 t!gether %ith a che>ue c!)eri(g the ad)a(ce payme(t assig(ed f!r repair must be submitted bef!re d!cki(g.


,f0 i( c!urse !f the %!rk0 the 6%(er re>uires a(y m!dificati!( i( the %!rk !rders0 !r there is (ecessity f!r perf!rmi(g additi!(al %!rks re>uired by the super)is!ry b!dies !r due t! !ther re>uireme(ts0 a %ritte( %!rk !rder must be submitted a(d the 6%(er must pay all c!st !f such %!rk a(d the repair peri!d %ill be cha(ged acc!rdi(gly.


/(y a(d all %!rks a(d ser)ices f!r a(d %ith relati!( t! ship repairs shall be u(dertake( by a(d perf!rmed i( acc!rda(ce %ith the 'e(eral C!(diti!(s f!r Repair0 4ai(te(a(ce a(d Rec!(structi!( !f -essels u(less !ther%ise agreed i( %riti(g bet%ee( the 6%(er a(d the C!(tract!r.


/( agreed date !f d!cki(g shall be subject t! adjustme(t due t! u(e;pected u(der%ater damages !r defects bei(g f!u(d !( !ther ships layi(g i( the d!cks !f %hich immediate a(d c!(ti(u!us repair is deemed i(dispe(sable f!r the )essel@s safety i( the !pi(i!( !f the C!(tract!r a(d the C!(tract!r reser)es the right t! gi)e d!cki(g pri!rity t! ships i( distress %ith!ut claim agai(st C!(tract!r f!r a(y e;pe(ses !r right !f rete(ti!(.


"he 6%(er shall keep the ship safe f!r d!cki(g a(d m!!ri(g. /ls! he has t! carry !ut the ?ard@s i(structi!(s c!(cer(i(g the l!(gitudi(al i(cli(ati!( !f the ship a(d the ha(dli(g !f the m!!ri(g r!pes.


,( case the u(it (eeds a(y special arra(geme(ts f!r d!cki(g0 6%(er shall pay the e;pe(ses !f such arra(geme(ts as %ell as the re(t !f the d!ck duri(g c!(ducti(g the preparati!(s.


/ pe(alty !f C#=0 as mi(imum %ill be charged i( case !f p!lluti!( !f the d!cks due t! !il as %ell as sludge etc. fr!m the ship f!r clea(i(g the d!cks. /dditi!(al pe(alties %ill be claimed by the C!(tract!r i( case harb!ur a(d !r sea %ater is p!lluted.

1+. Pil!ti(g the ship i(t! a(d !ut !f the d!ck shall be perf!rmed by the captai( !f the harb!ur.

Se)*r#$, an" %a&e$, -ea%*re% !& $.e "!)/% 1. /(y ship carryi(g e;pl!si)es0 acids0 !il !r a(y da(ger!us carg! a(d i(flammat!ry materials shall (!t be d!cked !r repaired. "a(kers are t! be empty !f gasses a(d must submit a gas free certificate emphasisi(g the p!ssibility !f usi(g flames duri(g repair !f ta(ks0 e(gi(es0 pumpi(g r!!m a(d a(y !ther c!(tami(ated parts. 2. Bhile i( d!ck0 it is strictly pr!hibited t! !perate pr!pellers !r cha(ge the %eight !r d! a(ythi(g that may cha(ge the l!(gitudi(al a(d latitudi(al bala(ce !f the ship DtrimE. ,( case !f (ecessity the captai( must !btai( appr!)al fr!m the ?ard0 pri!r t! adjustme(t a(d pr!)ided he retur(s the ship back t! it@s !rigi(al d!cki(g c!(diti!( pri!r t! u(d!cki(g.


6%(er is b!u(d t! the shipyard@s regulati!(s i( s! far as the safety !f the d!cks a(d ships are c!(cer(ed0 i( case !f breaki(g such rules0 the ?ard reser)es the right t! imp!se a pe(alty f!r such )i!lati!(.


"he !%(er is fully resp!(sible f!r the i(sura(ce !f the ship her cre%0 e>uipme(t0 passe(gers Dif a(yE a(d g!!ds !( b!ard agai(st all risks i(cludi(g fire.


Bhile the ship is d!cked !r m!!red0 the Captai( has t! take (ecessary precauti!(s t! pre)e(t fire a(d keep the fire fighti(g e>uipme(t pr!per a(d ready.


6(ce the ship is u(der repair al!(g the berth0 the Captai( is resp!(sible f!r it@s m!!ri(g a(d it@s fe(der f!r keepi(g it safe. "he ?ard is (!t resp!(sible f!r a(y

damage that arises due t! impr!per m!!ri(g a(d bad %eather. "he 6%(er has t! pay c!sts !f a(y repair t! the berth due t! a(y damages resulti(g fr!m such damages.


Ph!t!graphi(g the site %here the )essel is repaired&placed is pr!hibited %ith!ut permissi!( fr!m the c!(cer(ed auth!rities.


"he ship shall be supplied %ith electric curre(t0 si(ce it is (!t all!%ed t! !perate the ship@s ge(erat!rs0 but i( case !f (ecessity a permissi!( must be !btai(ed fr!m the ?ard.


,t is pr!hibited t! d! the f!ll!%i(gA F fumigati!( i(side the ?ard F bu(keri(g F discharge a(y %aste0 !il !r a(y eleme(ts c!(tami(ated %ith !il. F usi(g drai( pipes !utside the ship duri(g pai(ti(g

10. "he C!(tract!r is (!t resp!(sible f!r a(y l!ss !r damage t! the )essel !r t! the carg! !( b!ard !r !f a(y pri)ate bel!(gi(gs !f the 6%(er !r his cre% members at a(y time a(d u(der a(y circumsta(ces.

11. "he 6%(er is resp!(sible f!r the death !r i(jury !f empl!yees !r passe(gers !( b!ard the )essel i( cause !f %!rk. /(y claims !r dema(ds i( this respect is als! the resp!(sibility !f the 6%(er.

12. "he Captai( !f the ship shall be b!u(d t! carry !ut all the ?ard@s admi(istrati)e rules a(d i(structi!(s %hile the ship is u(der repair.

C!-'*$a$#!n !& $.e 0!r/ 1a *e 1. B!rks carried !ut bey!(d (!rmal %!rki(g h!urs !r !( Fridays a(d public h!lidays %ill be charged e;tra !)ertime rates acc!rdi(gly.


/ll prices are gi)e( i( !ur tariff !( the basis that repairs are carried !ut %ithi( ?ard premises0 repair >uay0 tra(sp!rtati!( is e;cluded.


<p!( c!mpleti!( !f %!rk0 the 6%(er has t! sig( the %!rk stateme(ts a(d pay the related bills bef!re the ship lea)es the ?ard. "he ?ard reser)es the right t! re>uest the 6%(er t! pay the bill !f %!rk that has already bee( e;ecuted %ith!ut %aiti(g f!r the c!mpleti!( !f the %h!le %!rk.


"he ?ard has the right t! re>uest the cust!mer t! i(crease the ad)a(ce payme(t if the )!lume a(d )alue !f %!rk is larger tha( referred t! i( the %!rk !rder.


,( case the 6%(er disappr!)es !f the )alue !f a(y bill0 he has t! submit a letter !f guara(tee t! the ?ard issued fr!m !(e !f the $gyptia( ba(ks c!)eri(g the )alue !f the bill till a( agreeme(t is reached !r else the ship shall be retai(ed.

Ter-% !& 'a,-en$

=0G ad)a(ce payme(t =0G bef!re )essel lea)es the ?ard u(less a( agreeme(t has bee( c!(cluded bet%ee( the 6%(er a(d ?ard stati(g !ther%ise.


!ck dues are calculated i( <S d!llars as f!ll!%sA "ariff f!r 1st a(d last day each !r part there!f ,(cl. d!cki(g & u(d!cki(g L X B X 2.33 "ariff f!r f!ll!%i(g days !r part there!f 0 per day L X B X 3.43

-essel %ith carg! A <SC 0.=0 per t!( carg! %eight 4i(imum charge Fl!ati(g !ck 'ra)i(g !ck C:0000 C 800 C10=00 C +00 C 0.2= per t!( carg! %eight

1 D le(gth !)erall i( metersE H B D breadth e;treme i( metersE t! be take( fr!m the latest publicati!( !f 1l!yd@s Register !f shippi(g !r the Register !f the classificati!( s!ciety 0%here the )essel is classed.

C!n"#$#!n% 'er$a#n#n5 $! $.e "!)/#n5 !& %.#'%:


!ck dues are charged fr!m the time !f the )essel@s arri)al e(teri(g the d!ck u(til the time !f her lea)i(g the d!ck0 parts !f days %ill be charged as %h!le days.


Fitti(g !f special sh!ri(g0 keel a(d&!r bilge bl!cks0 alterati!(s i( the e;isti(g beddi(g !f keel bl!cks a(d&!r !ther special pr!)isi!(s t! be made %ill be charged additi!(ally. Peri!d !f e(gagi(g the d!ck duri(g maki(g ab!)e described arra(geme(ts %ill be charged acc!rdi(g t! tariff f!r f!ll!%i(g days.


F!r d!cki(g a(d u(d!cki(g !( a Friday !r !fficial h!lidays0 a( additi!(al charge !f =0G f!r !)ertime %ill be i()!iced a(d :0G e;tra f!r %!rki(g !)ertime !( (!rmal days.


"he d!ck dues are (et a(d (! c!st f!r tugs0 pil!ts0 b!at me( a(d !r cre%s are i(cluded.


,( the e)e(t !f )essels t! be d!cked %ith carg!0 (! resp!(sibility %hats!e)er ca( be accepted by the shipyard f!r damage that might be caused either t! the ship !r t! her carg! a(d&!r the d!ck resulti(g fr!m !r as a c!(se>ue(ce !f the )essel bei(g l!aded0 either c!mpletely !r partly.

S,n)r! #&$ F !cki(g a(d u(d!cki(g F Subse>ue(t lay day 8 <SC & meter !f 1.6./. : <SC & meter !f 1.6./.

7. #.

/ special tariff %ill be charged %he( a )essel !f a special type !r %ith a( ab(!rmal list a(d trim has t! be d!cked. <(less e;pressly !ther%ise agreed up!( i( %riti(g I"he ge(eral C!(diti!(s f!r Repair0 4ai(te(a(ce a(d Rec!(structi!( !f -esselsJ0 %ill i( all cases be applicable.



/(y fracti!( !f !(e lay day !f d!cked ship t! be c!u(ted as !(e fully lay day a(d d!cki(g peri!d less tha( t%! days shall be charged as t%! days.


"he rate prices are based !( %!rk carried !ut duri(g (!rmal h!urs0 d!cki(g a(d u(d!cki(g bey!(d these (!rmal h!urs0 Fridays a(d public h!lidays %ill acc!rdi(gly be charged e;tra rates f!r !)ertime.


,( case !f )essel is all!%ed t! be d!cked %ith carg! !( b!ard the carg! shall be added t! )essel@s gr!ss t!((age a(d e;tra charges shall be payable.


,( case !f )essel@s d!cki(g is f!r i(specti!( !(ly0 100G e;tra charge is applied.


Bhe( the )essel (eeds special arra(geme(t f!r d!cki(g0 e)ery day !f the arra(geme(t %ill be charged as subse>ue(t lay day f!r the ship i( additi!( t! the c!st !f the arra(geme(ts itself.


,f it is re>uired t! rem!)e a(y keel bl!cks !r side bl!cks additi!(al c!st isA <SC =0 & per each bl!ck rem!)al f!r )essel %ith gr!ss t!((age less tha( 1000 t!( a(d #=C per each bl!ck f!r )essel m!re tha( 1000 t!(.


Clea(i(g sy(cr!lift tracks Clea(i(g dry d!ck bef!re u(d!cki(g Clea(i(g fl!ati(g d!ck bef!re u(d!cki(g

1=0 <SC :=0 <SC 7=0 <SC

Ga% &ree )er$#&#)a$e% 'er !ne In#$#a a. Tan/er% U' $! 63(333 D7T Fr!- 63(333 $! 233(333 D7T Fr!- 233(333 $! 633(333 D7T A8!1e 633(333 LNG 9 LPG U' $! 4(333 D7T A8!1e 4(333 D7T 18= 22= 27= :00 F! !0#n5 100 120 1+0 170


by 6%(er by 6%(er

110 1#=

/b!)e prices d! (!t i(clude tra(sp!rtati!( !f the Chemist t! a(d fr!m /(ch!rage.


Fre%. : Sa $ 7a$er $an/% Charge per 4etric t!( Capacity i( <.S. Salt Fresh = : = : = : F 2

Clea(i(g deep ta(k Clea(i(g d!uble b!tt!m ta(k Clea(i(g peak ta(ks Ceme(t %ash !(e c!at B*n/er an" *8r#)a$#n5 !# $an/%

Steami(g0 clea(i(g0 %ipi(g a(d rem!)i(g clea(i(g residual as f!ll!%sA T,'e !& !# iesel !il iesel !il iesel !il iesel !il *ea)y fuel *ea)y fuel *ea)y fuel *ea)y fuel 1ubricati(g !il Re-ar/% 1F 2F :F +F =F 7F #F 8F 2F Bipi(g d!%( !f ta(k %ith use !f chemical !r s!l)e(t additi!(al charge !f 7C & m t!( !f ta(k capacity. 4i(imum charge is 20 t!( capacity. Scaff!ldi(g i(side ta(ks 10G e;tra charge. $;pe(ses i(curred f!r clea(i(g a(d disp!sal !f sludge %ill be charged e;tra. -e(tilati!( f!r gas freei(g is 2=C & )e(tilat!r & day. $(gi(e r!!m spaces clea(i(g 7 <SC & m:. Rem!)al K refitti(g !f ma(h!le c!)ers 8= <.S. & $ach Rem!)al K refitti(g !f b!tt!m plugs 8 <.S. & $ach Fuel a(d !il ta(ks emptyi(g A F Pumpi(g !ut = <.S. & "!( F Pump c!((ecti!( K disc!((ecti!( 10FResidual rem!)al A F Fresh0 salt %ater ta(ks 17 <.S. & "!( F Fuel !r lub. 6il ta(ks +0 <.S. &"!(

Tan/ '!%#$#!n eep ta(k aily ser)ice ta(k !uble b!tt!m ta(k Bi(g ta(k eep ta(k aily ser)ice ta(k !uble b!tt!m ta(k Bi(g ta(k !uble b!tt!m ta(k C!fferdam

Pr#)e #n US; 9 $!n Tan/ )a'a)#$, #n -e$r#) $!n 7.00 & mt. 7.00 & mt. #.=0 & mt. 7.00 & mt. #.=0 & mt. #.=0 & mt. 2.00 & mt. #.=0 & mt. #.=0 & mt. 2.00 & mt.

1=0 <.S.

<.S. 1. a. b. c. 2. a. b. :. a. +. a. b. =. a. b. C 7. a. Fire precauti!( 1i(e c!((ecti!( K disc!((ecti!( 3eepi(g li(e u(der pressure per day Batch ma( assista(ce0 per ma(0 per shift D# hrsE Sh!re p!%er D:80-&=0*zE D++0-&70*zE Sh!re c!((ecti!( a(d disc!((ecti!( Supply !f electric curre(t0 per kBh *ire !f >uay 1ay day C!!li(g %ater supply $ach c!((ecti!( a(d disc!((ecti!( Supply per day Fresh %ater supply 1i(e c!((ecti!( a(d disc!((ecti!( Fr!m ?ard@s mai(0 per t!( Supply by barge C!mpressed air supply C!((ecti!( a(d disc!((ecti!( Supply per h!ur Cra(es !ck cra(e per h!ur 2 t!( m!bile cra(e per h!ur 2= t!( m!bile cra(e per h!ur :0 t!( m!bile cra(e per h!ur 7= t!( m!bile cra(e per h!ur 7 t!( f!rklift per h!ur 1=0 t!( ga(try cra(e per h!ur D,f (!t i(terferi(g %ith ?ard@s pr!grammeE 'arbage rem!)al Per day "eleph!(e Calls 0.2 fr!m subse>ue(t day 70&time 10 70

70&time 0.20

70&time :=

70&time : /s per agreeme(t 70&time 2=

#. a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

=0 20 2= +0 70 := 100

8. 2. a.

:= /t c!st


10. a. b. 11.

B!tt!m plugs Rem!)i(g a(d refitti(g0 per each Per each0 c!)ered %ith ceme(t Scrubber discharges Fitti(g a(d rem!)i(g %!!de( plugs %ith sta(dF!ff pipes0 each Ballast %ater supply 1i(e c!((ecti!( K disc!((ecti!( Supply per t!( Pumpi(g !ut bilges Pump c!((ecti!( K disc!((ecti!( Pumpi(g !ut0 per t!(
isp!sal !f !ily bilge %ater i(cl. c!(tai(er0 per t!(

8 10


12. a. b. 1:. a. b. c.

70&time 0.=

1=0 = +0

Dmi(. charge 10 t!(E 1+. Se%age discharge li(e C!((ecti(g a(d disc!((ecti(g !( c!mpleti!(0 each Sludge rem!)al iggi(g !ut dep!sits DsludgeE i( ta(ks0 i(cl. disp!salA 0F=00 t!(s per t!( L =00 t!(s per t!( 4!t!r b!at ser)ice per h!ur i)er per h!ur



220 280 70 #=

17. 1#


H* ) ean#n5 escripti!( Charges& 42 <.S. 0.+0 0.72 1.2 1.2 8.00 0.80 1.2 1.2+ 7.00 2.+ 2.+ +.00 =.00 #.00 8.00 2.00 0.= 1.00

a. b. c. d. e. f. d. g. h. i. j. k. l. j. m. (.

*!si(g d!%( %ith fresh %ater *P %ater jet up t! 2#0 bar *P %ater jet fr!m 2#0 t! =00 bar
*P %ater jet up t! 2#0 bar %ith %ater temperature 2=) *P %ater jet D2000 up t! 2200 bar E

1ight scrapi(g t! rem!)e (!rmal sea f!uli(g *ard scrapi(g *ard scrapi(g f!r i(ter(als R!tary %ire brush Bash d!%( !il stai(s %ith chemicals *a(d hammeri(g f!r side shells K decks *a(d hammeri(g f!r i(ter(al spaces Sa(d %eep Sa(dblast F grade S/1 Sa(dblast F grade S/2 Sa(dblast F grade S/ 2.= Pai(ti(g per c!at Pai(ti(g per c!at f!r i(ter(als

Re-ar/% 2< 6< =< >< Pai(ts !%(er supply. "!uch up %ill be charged 2=G e;tra0 4i( area 10G !f t!tal area. Sp!t sa(d blasti(g Dmi(10G !f t!tal areaE e;tra charge 2=G. Scaff!ldi(g A M F!r )ertical b!tt!m a(d b!!t t!ppi(g e;tra charge =G. M F!r t!p side e;tra charge 10G. M F!r b!ats0 area ab!)e plims!ll mark e;tra charge =G.

Tan/ Trea$-en$ escripti!( Price&m2 <.S. *a(d Scrapi(g *a(d *ammeri(g Fresh %ater %ashi(g i(clude. ryi(g Sa(dblasti(g Sa(d s%eepi(g Pai(ti(g per c!at Re-ar/% : F F F F F Blasti(g !f !uble B!tt!m +0G !f blasti(g rates. Sp!t blasti(g additi!(al 20G. Rem!)als f!r access0 pr!tecti!(0 c!)eri(g a(d stagi(g additi!(al c!st. "a(k test D!( !%(er@s re>uestE & ta(k Scaff!ldi(g i(side ta(ks additi!(al 10G. 2=0 <.S. 2 +.= 2 17 2 1

Na-e%( Dra&$ Mar/%( H!-e P!r$( Free8!ar" Mar/%( e$). Repai(ti(g %ith !(e c!at !f 6%(er@s pai(t0 i(cludi(g access. Ve%%e 5r!%% $!nna5e U' $! 2333 a. Ships (ame a(d h!me p!rt b. Repai(t draft K plims!ll marks c. C!mpa(y (ame Re-ar/% Prices are based !( the assumpti!(A 1. 2. F Pai(ts are 6%(er supply. F 4a(ufacture a(d %eldi(g !f (e% draught marks. 10 <.S. & letter 100 70 100 6333 12= 80 12= 4333 1=0 100 1=0 O1er 24333 24333 2=0 200 2=0 :00 :=0 :00


Sea ).e%$

Gr!%% T!nna5e%

M!$!r 1e%%e % &!r !ne %ea ).e%$ U.S.D

U' $! 2333 6333 4333 23333 24333 63333 =3333 A8!1e =3333

=3 >3 43 ?3 233 263 2@3 2?3

N!$e% :
1F 2F :F +F F F!r steam )essels e;tra charge 20G. F Repair a(d re(e%als e;cluded. F Beldi(g !f lugs + <.S. &piece. F Scaff!ldi(g if (ecessary e;tra charge =G.




'l!be0 a(gle a(d (!( retur( )al)es 2= := =0 7= 80 20 100 11= 1:0 1=0 1#0 180 200 2:0 270 :10 :70 =8= 7:+ 7#0 #20 810 218 10++ Charges i( <.S. 'ate -al)es Butterfly -al)es := =0 +0 70 70 #= 80 100 100 120 10= 1+0 120 1=0 1:0 170 1=0 200 170 220 180 2:= 210 220 220 :10 2+0 ::= :=0 +#0 +00 =:0 +=0 700 70: #22 777 801 #02 87+ #=7 2+= 8== 11=2 27# 1++0 1082 1=:0

6pe( up0 clea(i(g0 gri(di(g a(d repack i( placeA -al)e diam. ,(ch <p t!1 2 : + = 7 # 8 2 10 12 1+ 17 18 20 22 2+ 27 28 :0 :2 :7 +0 ++ Re-ar/% 1. 2. :. +. =. 7. #. 8. Bhe( )al)e is rem!)ed t! sh!p0 price is i(creased :0G. Repair0 re(e%al a(d access %!rk e;cluded. redger gate )al)es =0G additi!(al charge. Stagi(g =G e;tra charge if (ecessary. -al)es i( pump r!!m :0G e;tra. -al)es i( c!fferdams a(d ta(ks 20G e;tra. Spare parts !%(er supply. =0G reducti!( !f butterfly charge %ill be applicable i( case !f clea(i(g K i(specti!( !f butterfly )al)es thr!ugh sea chests.


aE Ra(ge a(ch!r cables K reFb!ardi(g bE Clea(i(g K pai(ti(g cE Calibrati!( !f b!th chai(s a(d rep!rt readi(gs. dE 1i(k pi(s fasti(g by %eldi(g per each Dmi(. 10 (!sE. eE isc!((ect e(d at chai( l!ckers0 e;cha(ge first sh!t a(d rec!((ect. fE Chai( l!cker clea(i(g K pai(ti(g D"%! C!atsE.

'r!ss "!((age <p "! =00 1000 2000 =000 10000 1=000 20000 :0000 /b!)e :0000 5!tes A 1F 2F :F +F =F 7F F Pai(t !%(er supply.

DaE <.S. 110 1+= 200 2:= 2#0 :+= :20 +:0

DbE <.S. 110 1+= 200 2=0 280 22= :10 :+=

DcE DdE <.S. <.S. +0 : =0 :.= 7= = #= 7 8= # 20 8 2= 10 10= 12 /s per agreeme(t

DeE <.S. 210 2=0 :20 :80 +80 =70 7+0 #+0

DfE <.S. 110 1:= 180 210 2:= 2=0 22= :2=

F Rem!)al fr!m d!ck b!tt!m0 repair !f shackles a(d a(ch!r %ill be charged e;tra. F Price based !( t%! a(ch!rs D!(e !( each sideE. F Rem!)al !f grati(g a(d fl!!r plates f!r chai( l!cker are e;uded. F Rem!)al !f mud fr!m chai( l!cker additi!(al 17 <.S. & t!(. F Pumpi(g !ut e;isti(g %ater fr!m chai( l!ckers if re>uired <.S. :&t!( F Pumpi(g c!((ecti!( K disc!((ecti!( <.S. 1=0



Re(e%i(g hull a(!des0 6%(er@s supply.

F Fitti(g !( !utside hull F zi(c a(d sea chests Clampi(g Beldi(g F Fitti(g zi(c a(!des i(side ta(ks Clampi(g Beldi(g Re-ar/% 1. 2. :. +. =. 6%(er supply a(!des F price based !( (!rmal type. Scaff!ldi(g e;cluded. /ccess %!rk e;cluded. Fitti(g i( ta(ks F price based !( mi(. 100 a(!des & ta(k. Ni(c a(!des F 6%(er supply !r as agreeme(t 2.0 <SC & kg 1.= <SC & kg 1.= <SC & kg 1.0 <SC & kg


C.ar5e% #n U.S. D! ar Repack Rudder isc!((ect gla(d steeri(g gear D6%(er@s packi(gE s!ck up 7= :20 80 +00 100 700 1=0 800 200 2=0 280 1+=0 :20 1800 :02 +110 :82 =#20 =:: #200

Gr!%% T!nna5e% <p t! =00 1000 2000 =000 10000 20000 2=000 =0000 100000 /b!)e 100000 N!$e% :

Pi(tle Cleara(ce& beari(g +0 =0 80 100 120 180 210 :02 :82 =::

<(ship rudder i( d!ck f!r e;ami(. +00 =00 1000 1=00 2200 2200 :700 Case by case Case by case Case by case

1F Rem!)al a(d refitti(g !f cl!si(g plate if (ecessary 100 <.S. . & piece 2F ra%i(g rudder pi(tle 200G !f pi(tle cleara(ce c!st D(!t i(cludi(g rem!)al a(d refitti(g !f the cl!si(g plateE. :F /(y machi(i(g !r repairs %ill be e;tra charge. +F Scaff!ldi(g =G e;tra charge if (ecessary. =F ,( case !f u(ship the rudder t! all!% f!r %ithdra%al !f pr!peller !r pr!peller shaft additi!(al charge !f +0G !f u(shippi(g c!st %ill be charged.



Charges i( <.S. Simple; Shaft diam i(ch Cleara(ce& Beari(g Bithdra% refit f!r sur)ey Ster( gla(d repack Pr!peller light p!lishi(g 6)erhauli(g %ith !%(er@s spares
5!rmal type ,(cludi(g shaft %ithdra%

Crack i(spect.

Split 700 770 #20 200 1080 1200 1:20 1=00 1780 1800 2100 2+00 2#00 :000 ::00 :700 :200 +:00

<p t! 2.= + 7 8 10 12 1: 1+ 1= 17 1# 18 12 20 21 22 2: 2+

+: =0 70 80 100 1=0 1=0 1=0 200 200 200 2=0 2=0 2=0 280 280 280 :00

820 270 1200 1=00 1800 2000 2200 2=00 2800 :000 :=00 +000 +=00 =000 ==00 7000 7=00 #000

+: =0 70 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

8= 100 120 170 200 2=0 2=0 2=0 :00 :00 :00 :=0 :=0 :=0 +00 +00 +00 +=0

=7 7= 80 100 12= 1=0 1#= 200 220 2+0 270 280 :00 :20 :+0 :70 :80 +00

1000 12=0 1=70 12=0 2:=0 2700 2870 :2=0 :7+0 :200 +==0 =200 =8=0 7=00 #1=0 #800 8+=0 2100

5!tesA D1E F!r !il lubricati!( shaft D e;cludi(g CPPE e;tra charge 2=G D2E Rem!)al !f sec!(d i(termediate shaft =0G e;tra charge !f tail shaft %ithdra%al.

D:E 'la(d packi(g 6%(er@s supply D+E CPP t! be charged e;tra =0G D=E R!pe guard rem!)al a(d refitti(g =G e;tra charge !f tail shaft %ithdra%. D7E 6)er hauli(g !f the !il seal u(it e;cluded. D#E F!r i( bet%ee( size the rate !f the (earest higher shaft size %ill apply. D8E Re(e%al !f i((er a(d !uter bush e;cluded. D2E $;tra charge f!r lig(um )itae bush t! be +0C per 3g . D10E /lig(me(t checks a(d rectificati!(s e;cluded. D11E Repair !r machi(i(g %ill be e;tra charge. D12E Scaff!ldi(g =G e;tra charge if (ecessary. D1:E C!st f!r l!%eri(g !f pr!peller if (eeded %ill be as per agreeme(t. 5.B. A ,( case scaff!ldi(g are used f!r m!re tha( !(e j!b. "he e;tra charge %ill be based !( the highest j!b c!st.


S$ee ' a$e% F Shell plate re(e%al A Flat rate :000 C &t!( F F F F F F F 6ff fair a(d refit price t! be #0G !f it@s re(e%al. Fairi(g i( place e;tra charge =0G !f re(e%al. /b!)e charge assume steel i( !(e l!cati!(. Size t! be based !( ma; dime(si!(s !f le(gth a(d breadth. Specific gra)ity t! be calculated 8 gr&cm:. Beight !f steel t! be calculated0 fr!m measureme(ts plus :G f!r %estage. F!r steel re(e%als less tha( !(e t!( each l!cati!( t! be calculated as f!ll!%sA M :00 O :.0 DBeight !f steel i( kgE <.S. . F /dditi!(al charges t! be added f!r the ab!)e prices as f!ll!%sA O 10G f!r plates less tha( 10 mm. O =G f!r b!tt!m shell plati(g. O 10G f!r keel plates. O 10G f!r ta(k t!p plati(g. O 20G f!r stem plates. O :0G f!r ster( plati(g. O 20G f!r bulb!us b!% a(d s!ft (!se. O C!rrugated bulkheads :0G e;tra. O 1=G f!r all i(ter(als i( %ay !f re(e%ed plates acc!rdi(g t! plates p!siti!(. O 20G f!r re(e%al i(side peak ta(k0 c!fferdams0 $.R. a(d chai( l!cker O 10G f!r re(e%al i(side peak ta(ks 0 e(gi(e r!!m K chai( l!ckers. O20G f!r re(e%al i(side d!uble b!tt!m ta(ks. O 20G f!r high te(sile steel.


F -ee !ut a(d re%eldi(g !f seams & butts Plate "hick. mm <p t! 10 1= 20 2= <.S. & mt 2= :0 := +0

F H ray test

M 1st sh!t M $ach f!ll!%i(g sh!t

#=<.S. :=<.S.

F "hick measureme(t sp!t test 2.00 <.S. & sp!t. 4i(. charge 70 <.S. F :=G reducti!( i( case !f steel !%(er supply. F Scaff!ldi(g =F10G e;tra charge acc!rdi(g t! l!cati!(. B Ha$). C!1er% : F Re(e%al f!r steel F Re(e%al f!r rubber F Re(e%al !f !thers f!r b!dy =.7 <.S. & kg 12 <.S. & m. ru( /s per agreeme(ts

F "esti(g !f hatch h!ld !pe(i(g %ith pressure %ater 12 <.S. &m2

N!$e% : "he a&m charges e;cludi(g a(y disma(tli(g 0 surface clea(i(g 0 refit a(d adjusti(g.


Charges i( <.S. !llar Beldi(g !f "ee fla(ge K (ipple per !(e pipe 2: # 2= 2 :# 1: :# 12 +: 1: =0 1# == 18 72 22 8# 22 12= +8 180 7: 282 #2 =7: 1:+ 72= 212 Per agreeme(ts

ia ,(ch <p t! 0.= 0.#= 1 1.2= 1.= 2 2.= : + = 7 8 10 12 /b!)e 12

Re(e%al & m Ru( 12 12 2: :2 ++ =0 =# 7# #2 12= 1+2 12# +:8 =00

Pe(d # 2 1: 22 2: 2= 22 :2 +8 #+ 2+ 228 :22 :#=

Clamps 1# 1# 22 12 2= :2 := :8 +2 +8 7: #2 #2 2+

.!i(ts b!lts per !(e u(it pipe 1# 1# 22 2: 2: 2= 22 :2 :2 := 12= 12= 12= 12=

1F 2F :F +F =F 7F #F 8F 2F 10 11

N!$e% : F C!pper pipes e;tra charge #=G. F 4i( le(gth is based !( !(e meter&pipe. F Pipes i( e(gi(e r!!m0 pump r!!m0 d!uble b!tt!m 0 carg! ta(ks0 e;tra charge 20G. F Rem!)al a(d refit !( b!ard +0G !f re(e%al. F *igh pressure pipes as per agreeme(t. F Rem!)al f!r bur(i(g a(d testi(g a(d refit 70G !f re(e%al. F Charges based !( re(e%al !f pipes up t! schedule +0. F ,( case !f usi(g a(y !%(er supply materials !r reuse a(y part0 charges %ill be reduced by +0G f!r the c!(cer(i(g parts. F Re(e%al !f bra(ch %ith!ut tee c!((ecti!( %ill be c!(sidered as (!rmal pipe %ith mi(. le(gth !f 0.= meter. F Stagi(g0 clamp0 i(sulati!( rem!)als f!r access are e;cluded. F /dditi!(al :0G %ill be charge f!r schedule 80.


P. DIESEL ENGINES I < Dra0#n5 !*$ P#%$!n F!r In%'e)$#!n :

Cyli(der B!re ,( m. m. <p t! +=0 ==0 7=0 #=0 8=0 2=0 /b!)e 2=0 Charges per Pist!( <.S. 5!rmal "ype Cr!ss head "ype 800 200 1000 1100 1100 1200 1200 1:00 1:00 1+00 1+00 1=00 1=00 1700

II < 7#$."ra0 an" re&#$ C, #n"er L#ner :

/ssume pist!( already rem!)ed Cyli(der B!re ,( m. m. <p t! +=0 ==0 7=0 #=0 8=0 2=0 /b!)e 2=0 Charges <.S. 7=0 #=0 8=0 2=0 10=0 11=0 12=0

III < Ma#n En5#ne Bear#n5% :

6pe( up f!r i(specti!( a(d refit Cyli(der B!re ,( m. m. <p t! +=0 ==0 7=0 #=0 8=0 2=0 Charges i( <.S. !llar B!tt!m e(d beari(g 22= 2=0 2#= :00 :2= :=0

Cr!ss head beari(g DF!rd K /ftE :=0 +00 +=0 =00 ==0 700

4ai( beari(g D "!p *alfE 22= :00 :=0 +00 +=0 =00

1F 2F :F +F

5!tes A F 6)erhaul a(d repairs !f pist!( stuffi(g b!;. Cyli(der c!)er a(d m!u(ti(g e;cluded. F 1appi(g machi(i(g !f cyli(der li(er la(di(g surfaces e;cluded. F "aki(g lead %ire cleara(ces a(d (ecessary adjustme(ts e;cluded. F ReFmetali(g e;cluded.

R. MAIN BOILERS , F Bater "ube B!ilers A

Rem!)e access0 clea(0 !pe( up drums a(d headers f!r i(specti!( a(d reFcl!se. B!rki(g pressure 3g & cm2 <p t! 20 +0 /b!)e +0 5!tes A 1F 2F :F +F =F 4a(h!le gaskets0 !%(er supply. Chemical clea(i(g e;cluded. Stagi(g =G e;tra charge. /(y repairs e;cluded. Spreadi(g !f %ater pipes Dpipes )essel supplyE additi!(al cha(ges %ill be as f!ll!%i(g M 1st pipe t! 10th pipe #0C & pipe M Fr!m 11th pipe a(d !)er 1=C & pipe Charges <.S. . 1=00 2000 2=00

,, F B!iler -al)es A
M 6pe( up0 clea(0 gri(d i( cl!se up %ith (e% packi(gA -al)e iam. ,( ,(ches 1 2 : + = 7 # 8 5!tes A 1F 2F /(y re(e%als !r repairs are e;cluded. Safety )al)es t! be charged as f!ll!% A Charges <.S. . =0 =8 7= 20 10= 120 1:= 1=0


M Si(gle seat M !uble seat

200C :00C

PPP F C!(de(sers A
Rem!)e d!!rs 0 clea( up tubes 0 test 0 clea( d!!rs pai(t a(d cl!se up. Shaft *!rse P!%er =000 10000 20000 5!tes A 1F 2F F /(y repairs are e;cluded. F Bater f!r testi(g e;tra charge. Charges <.S. . #00 1200 18=0




6pe( up i( place0 clea(0 sur)ey0 re(e% %!r( parts %ith 6%(er@s spares0 take cleara(ces a(d cl!se.

b. c.

Rem!)e impeller0 tra(sp!rt t! sh!p a(d back i( place. y(amically bala(ci(g !f impeller.

Capacity m: & hr <p t! =0 #= 100 1=0

Charges i( <.S. / :00 +20 =+0 770 B 180 2+0 :00 +20 C 1:0 1=0 180 200

5!tes A 1F 2F :F +F =F 7F F Carg! a(d -ertical pump 10G e;tra. F ,f the pump rem!)ed t! %!rksh!p charges %ill be i(creased by 20G. F /(y repairs !r machi(i(g %ill be e;tra charge. F Capacity m!re tha( 1=0m: &hr by agreeme(t. F ,( case !f checki(g the alig(me(t %ith!ut laser0 charges %ill be decreased by +0G !f charged !f item IBJ.


U.ELECTRIC 7ORKS , F 'e(erat!rs

F 6pe( up e(d c!)ers0 clea(i(g0 )ar(ish0 heati(g a(d b!; up. Size 3.-. =0 #= 100 1=0 200 2=0 :00 +00 700 800 1000 /.C :=0 +00 +=0 =00 ==0 700 #00 800 200 1000 1+00 O := G Charges ,( <.S. .C

5!tes A 1F 2F :F +F =F 7F "ra(sp!rtati!( t! %!rk sh!ps add :0G $;citers e;cluded. Re%i(di(g %ill be e;tra charge. /(y !ther repairs are e;cluded. Sizes m!re tha( 1000 3.-. per agreeme(t. F!r i(termediate size i(terp!lati!( %ill be applied.


,, F 46"6RS A
F Rem!)e t! sh!p0 !pe( up 0 clea( 0 )ar(ish 0 testi(g 0 rei(stall. Size *.P. 1&2 1 1 1&2 2 : + = 7 # 10 1= 2= =0 100 /.C 80 100 11= 1:= 1+= 1== 17= 1#= 18= 200 2:0 220 ++0 700 O 20 G Charges ,( <.S. .C

5!tes A 1F 2F :F +F =F Re%i(di(g as per agreeme(t. /(y !ther repairs e;cluded. /cc!mm!dati!( fa( m!t!rs add :0G. $(gi(e r!!m )e(tilati!( fa( m!t!rs add =0G. Size m!re 100 *P. Per agreeme(t.


,,, F S%itch B!ards D <p t! 700 -E A

Rati(g i( /4P <p t! 1000 1001 F 2000 2001 F +000 Charges ,( <.S. 4ai(te(a(ce #=0 1+00 2#00 ,(sulati!( Resista(ce test 1:0 220 :2=

5!tes A 1F 2F :F 4ai(te(a(ce 0 mea( 0 clea(i(g a(d chargi(g defected electric parts. Spare parts !%(er supply. 4!re rati(g as per agreeme(t.

,- F 4iscella(e!us $lectric B!rks A

"he f!ll!%i(g %!rks ca( be d!(e by yard !%(er@s spares a(d %ill be charged case by case as per agreeme(t A F Repair a(d readjust alarm a(d pr!tracti!( system f!r mai( e(gi(e a(d au;. $(gi(e. F Repair a(d readjust fire alarm system. F Repair a(d charge ge(eral lighti(g. F Repair galley e>uipme(t.


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