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1Arik Taraska AP US HW #8 1. The War of 1812 related to issues of westward expansion and white-indian relations !

that sin"e the war was ein# fou#ht o$er new land% su"h as the &reat 'akes and (anada% this e$entuall! led to the expansion to the west. )urin# the war% there were *an! in$asions and attles ein# fou#ht on +ndian land. This led to the *ixin# of whites and indians as the soldiers were alone and needed "arin#. The results of the war in these areas was that the A*eri"ans had won *an! attles that the ,ritish were expe"ted to win. +n 181-% 1.%... ,ritish troops prepared for attle alon# the 'ake (ha*plain route% ut on Septe* er 11% 181-% (aptain Tho*as /a")onou#h atta"ked the ,ritish% won the attle% and for"ed the ,ritish to retreat. 2. The role of 0ati$e A*eri"ans in the "ause% "ondu"t and out"o*e of the War of 1812 were that the +ndians wanted to prote"t their land and not ha$e an!one take it fro* the*. As the ,ritish were set to atta"k 0ew 1rleans% Andrew 2a"kson needed to #et rid of the (reek +ndians% in order to *ake sure that the! don3t interfere with the war. The +ndians e$entuall! fou#ht with the A*eri"ans to dri$e the ,ritish out of the land. At the end of the war% the +ndians were left to *ake treaties with the (anadians as well as the! "ould so that it wouldn3t end up startin# another war for the*. /an! of the +ndian territories were destro!ed and the +ndians had to find new land that wasn3t o""upied as their old land was now A*eri"an soil. 4. The war of 1812 is so*eti*es "alled the 5se"ond war for A*eri"an +ndependen"e6 e"ause it was the se"ond war fou#ht etween the A*eri"ans and ,ritish. The war is also so*eti*es "alled the 5for#otten war6 sin"e *ost people think the A*eri"an 7e$olution was the onl! war we needed to #et the ,ritish off A*eri"an soil. This war was started e"ause the A*eri"ans felt resent*ent towards ,ritish na$al harass*ent. The wa!s in whi"h this war was si*ilar to the first is that the! were oth stru##les for the A*eri"ans to "reate and keep their independen"e fro* &reat ,ritain. The two wars were fou#ht for freedo* and "ontrol. The! were also ein# fou#ht for land. The differen"e in the two wars was now the A*eri"ans had *u"h *ore respe"t fro* the ,ritish on the fi#htin# field% sin"e the ,ritish had alread! een defeated. Also% the ,ritish had een fi#htin# a war in 8urope% a#ainst the 9ren"h at this ti*e. -. There was a urst of A*eri"an nationalis* that followed the War of 1812 e"ause prior to the war% the United States was una le to unite under a "o**on "ause. The reasons to enter the war were not a#reed upon the A*eri"an people% ut on"e the ,ritish in$aded the "olonies% the A*eri"ans had to respond to the atta"k. The War of 1812 was the end of the A*eri"an 7e$olution and thus the! were finall! e"ono*i"all!% politi"all! and *ilitaril! independent fro* ,ritish "ontrol. The War of 1812 #a$e the A*eri"ans pride and a sense of :o! after *an! na$al superior $i"tories and *an! #reat land $i"tories. Also% so*e A*eri"an leaders had e*er#ed su"h as 2a*es /adison and Andrew 2a"kson. ;. 2ohn /arshall3s Supre*e (ourt de"isions pro*oted the spirit of nationalis* and fa$ored federal power ! that 2ohn /arshall expanded the nation3s power% presti#e and independen"e. He helped esta lish the (ourt3s power to $oid state laws and the power for the Supre*e (ourt to re$iew de"isions ! state "ourts. 2ohn /arshall had also helped esta lish the "onstitutionalit! of the se"ond ank of the United States. <. The /onroe )o"trine was a do"u*ent that stated that the 8uropean powers should not e

interferin# in the A*eri"as% and that the US should *ana#e thin#s in 0orth and South A*eri"a. The A*eri"ans wanted the 1ld Powers to sta! awa! fro* power. The s!* oli" si#nifi"an"e it had on A*eri"an forei#n poli"! was that it showed the rest of the world that the United States was finall! independent and warned that the! weren3t afraid to #o to war o$er it. +t asi"all! reali=ed the United States as a nation. >. He roles of Henr! (la!% 2ohn (. (alhoun and )aniel We ster in the e$ents and issues of the period 181;-182- were that the! all had an effe"t on the (i$il War whi"h would "o*e *u"h later. (alhoun was in fa$or of #i$in# states the power to nullif! laws that the! saw un"onstitutional. )aniel We ster was on different ter*s and stron#l! disa#reed with hi*. Henr! (la! was alwa!s in etween and alwa!s found a wa! to please oth sides. (alhoun was ein# supported ! his own South (arolina and the south and this e$entuall! led to the south elie$in# the! needed their own independen"e and the "i$il war. 8. The issue of ad*ittin# /issouri to the Union pre"ipitated a *a:or "risis e"ause (on#ress wanted to ad*it /issouri as a sla$e state ut at the sa*e ti*e /aine% was ein# na*ed a separate state. ,oth north and south wanted /issouri on their side ut the south e$entuall! #ot their pri=e. The "o*pro*ise was that their would e a restri"tion on future sla$er! ut neither the north or south were displeased e"ause land was not suited for sla$e la or in the first pla"e.

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