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Proposed changes in IRS-T-29-2000 6.1.1 On receipt of permission for casting of prototypes, the man fact rer sha!!

then gi"e 1# days notice to inspecting a thority for $itnessing of me!ting and po ring for casting of prototypes. The $itnessing of me!ting and po ring sha!! %e mandatory for casting of prototypes. &o$e"er, for reg !ar prod ction, if inspecting officia! is not present d ring me!ting and po ring, the man fact rer may go ahead $ith the casting 'eeping records and samp!es as indicated in (!a se 9. 6.2.2. So!idity Tests) 10*of the prototype castings s %+ect to a minim m of one casting of each type sha!! %e se!ected for sectioning at se"en !ocations prefera%!y %y a%rasi"e c tter as mentioned in (!a se #.2 a%o"e. ,ach sectioned face on e-amination, sha!! not sho$ a tota! defecti"e area of more than 2* of the cross-sectiona! area. The defect sha!! not %e c! stered at any partic !ar !ocation and sha!! %e niform!y distri% ted thro gho t. .efect $ithin 10mm from the s rface and defects connected $ith the o tside and presence of crac's/hot tears sha!! %e ca se for re+ection. &ardness of the sectioned faces sha!! %e ta'en at the center of the thic' section. .ye-penetrant test sha!! %e carried o t on sectioned faces for detection of shrin'age and che0 ered crac's. This test sha!! %e carried o t once in t$o years from the c!earance of prototype or comp!etion of 1000 (1S (rossings satisfactori!y $hiche"er is ear!ier. 2fter c!earance of prototype, this test sha!! %e carried o t for each design a!ong $ith reassessment or on comp!etion of e"ery 1000 (1S crossings satisfactori!y $hiche"er is ear!ier. 6.2.3 2fter so!idity test and radiographic e-amination ha"e %een certified as satisfactory, the firm $i!! prepare a doc ment mentioning parameters 4methoding si5e, shape and !ocation of r nners, risers and ingates, mo !ding practice, so rce and properties of prepared sand and meta! tapping and po ring parameters6 $hich ga"e satisfactory res !ts. This doc ment $i!! %e co ntersigned %y representati"e of R.SO. Inspectors $i!! %e free to "erify the parameters $hich $ere sed d ring so!idity test and $hich had %een co ntersigned %y R.SO representati"e, so as to ens re the consistency of fo ndry practice. The so!idity test sha!! %e carried o t physica!!y in the

presence of R.SO representati"e at !east once in a year as a reg !ar meas re. 7.6.7 The (1S (rossings are prone to damage d e to improper hand!ing and stac'ing prior to &eat treatment process. The crossings therefore m st %e hand!ed $ith d e care a"oiding +er's, impacts, hitting $ith meta! s rface and improper s pport d ring !ifting and p!acement. 8hi!e p!acement of crossings care m st %e ta'en to a"oid meta! to meta! contact %y sing $ooden separators of ade0 ate si5e.

7.7.1 2!! crossings a!ong $ith re!e"ant test %ars carrying meta! tag sha!! s ita%!y %e heat-treated to render them to gh. It sha!! %e ens red that impression insignia on the meta! tag gi"en %y inspecting officia! is not defaced e"en after heat treatment and shot %!asting to faci!itate inspecting officia!s in identifying the test %ar. &eat treatment sha!! consist of niform heating of the crossing to a s ita%!e temperat re ho!ding it at that temperat re ti!! niform!y heated thro gho t and 0 enching in $ater, $ithin 60 seconds from a minim m temperat re of 10#00( . The crossing sho !d %e 'ept in the 0 enching tan' in head do$n manner. The initia! temperat re of $ater in the 0 enching tan' sha!! %e !ess than or e0 a! to 900( and sho !d not rise %y more than 100( d ring and immediate!y after 0 enching of crossing. 8ater in 0 enching tan' sha!! %e agitated and circ !ated proper!y and a contin o s temperat re meas ring system sho !d %e insta!!ed to record %efore and after 0 enching temperat re of tan' for each heat treated %atches of crossings. The recording of temperat re sho !d %e 'ept preser"ed for chec'ing of inspecting officia!s. 7.7.2 The identification mar' from the meta! tag a!ong $ith insignia of inspecting officia! sha!! %e transferred on the test %ar in the presence of the inspecting officia!. 9. INSPECTION 9.1 The (1S crossing is re!ated to the p %!ic safety in the rai!$ay transit. The process of man fact re is most intricate %oth from the fo ndry and meta!! rgica! point of "ie$. (onsidering the %asic characteristic of the stee! i.e. the therma! sensiti"ity, !o$ diathermic character, mo !d meta! reacti"ity of the stee!, the $or' hardening and high shrin'age characteristics of the stee!, rigoro s inspection 4%oth meta!! rgica! and dimensiona!6 at different stages of man fact re sha!! %e carried o t to ens re the 0 a!ity of prod ct as detai!ed herein.

9.1.1. :or s pp!iers $ho ha"e not comp!eted mandatory 0 antity of 100 nos of crossing of each design 4 1in ;.# #2'g < 60 'g,1 in 12 #2 'g <60 'g6, s %+ect to tota! of #00 =os co"ering a!! designs, the inspection of the firm $i!! %e considered as Developmental and sha!! %e carried o t as per offer memo mentioned in 2ppendi- II. The cases of specia! !ayo ts $i!! %e considered separate!y. 9.1.2 :or s pp!iers $ho ha"e comp!eted mandatory 0 antity of minim m 100 nos of crossing of each design 4 1in ;.# #2'g < 60 'g,1 in 12 #2 'g <60 'g6, s %+ect to tota! of at !east of #00 =os, and ha"e achie"ed ann a! 4financia! year6 re+ection rate !ess than or e0 a! to #* the inspection of the inspecting officia! $i!! %e considered as Normal production and sha!! %e carried o t as per offer memo mentioned in 2ppendi- II2. In case c m !ati"e re+ection rate compi!ed once a year i.e. in 2pri!, of a s pp!iers %ecomes more than #* ,the inspection $i!! %e re"erted to as per offer memo gi"en in 2ppendi--II. Rai!$ay sha!! %e free to re"ert the inspection of any design or a!! the designs of (1S crossing to as per offer memo gi"en in 2ppendi--II %ased on the re+ection rate and/or fie!d performance e"en prior to the a%o"e sched !ed compi!ation in 2pri! e"ery year. 9.2. CHEMIC ! COMPOSITION 9.2." #or Developmental In$pection% a. The man fact rers sha!! intimate the inspecting a thority $e!! in ad"ance so as to ena%!e him to $itness samp!ing of mo!ten stee! at different stages for chemica! ana!ysis and sha!! f rnish detai!s of charge, po ring temperat re etc. The $itnessing of me!ting and po ring sha!! %e mandatory for the casting of prototypes 4Para 6.1.16. :or reg !ar prod ction 4i.e. prod ction after c!earance of prototypes6 nder de"e!opment inspection category 4Para 9.1.16, the inspecting officia! $i!! ad"ise the firm ,if he desires to $itness po ring, if re0 ired. In case, po ring is not $itnessed then the chemica! composition $i!! %e "erified %y testing of ! g samp!e in presence of %y the inspecting officia! as pro"ided for in offer memo at 2nne- re II < II2 %. Portions of different %ath samp!es 4>T, >P < ,P6 sho !d %e preser"ed in t$o sea!ed en"e!opes. These en"e!opes $i!! %e +oint!y sea!ed if R.SO officia! decides to $itness to po ring of heat. One of the sea!ed en"e!opes containing a%o"e samp!es sha!! %e handed o"er to the inspecting a thority on demand d ring the stage inspection of casting. These samp!es sha!! %e preser"ed ti!! three months after iss e of I( 4Inspection (ertificate6. c. Integra! test %ars are to %e cast a!ong $ith the casting as per (!.=o)12.1.1. The parting of the integra! test %ars sho !d %e $itnessed %y the inspecting officia!.

9.2.2 #or Normal production In$pection The man fact rers sha!! carryo t samp!ing of mo!ten stee! at different stages for chemica! ana!ysis and sha!! f rnish detai!s of charge, po ring temperat re etc. $hi!e offering for inspection at Stage I. Separation of Integra! test %ar sha!! %e done on!y after heat treatment in presence of inspecting officia!. (hemica! ana!ysis on ! g/test %ar sha!! %e done in presence of inspecting officia! on!y. If inspecting officia! desires to $itness the po ring of casting, faci!ity as per Para 9.2.14%6 sho !d %e e-tended %y the man fact rer. Integra! test %ars are to %e cast a!ong $ith the casting as per (!.=o)12.1.1. . 9.2.9 The test res !ts sha!! %e presented to the Inspecting Officia!s for cross chec' %efore Stage-I inspection as per (!a se 9.3.2. 9.9 I.,=TI:I(2TIO= O: (2ST 2=. (ORR,?2TIO= O: &,2T =@1>,RS 9.9.1 The castings sha!! %ear man fact rerAs identification mar's, dra$ing n m%er, seria! n m%er and month and year of cast and date of cast. 2 register sha!! %e maintained %y the man fact rer corre!ating the casting seria! n m%er and heat n m%er and register sha!! %e prod ced to the Inspecting 2 thority for their "erification on demand. ST 'ES O# INSPECTION Inspection p!an sha!! %e targeted to co"er the fo!!o$ing fo r stages. The firm sha!! 'eep a!! the interna! inspection records for a!! the stages as mentioned %e!o$ and s %mit it to the inspecting officia!. Inspection %y the inspecting officia! sha!! %e p!anned as per corresponding offer memo 4 as mentioned in 2ppendi- II < II26 so that "erification/inspection of 0 a!ity parameters in"o!"ing a!! the fo!!o$ing stages are co"ered comp!ete!y.

9.& 9.3.1

Sta(e ) I% 2fter 'noc'o t, o-y-c tting, fett!ing c!eaning, shot %!asting etc. Sta(e* II% 2fter heat-treatment and shot %!asting etc. Sta(e ) III% 2fter remo"a! / rectification of defects and straightening Sta(e ) I+% 2fter fina! finishing prior to fina! acceptance 9.3.2.) :or de"e!opmenta! Inspection) Inspection of Prototypes and inspection of f rther 0 antity man fact red against f rther p rchase orders is to %e carried o t as per the :ormat of se"en offer memos 4Offer 1emo =o) 1 to 76 gi"en in 2ppendi--II. &o$e"er, on achie"ing the desired !e"e! of consistency in 0 a!ity meas red in terms of re+ection rate after man fact ring of minim m mandatory 0 antity as mentioned in para 9.1.2 i.e. !ess than #* of c m !ati"e re+ection rate d ring man fact re and s pp!y of at !east #00 (1S inc! ding minim m 100 (1S (rossing of each design, the red ction in stages of inspection can %e permitted as mentioned for norma! inspection in Para 9.3.9 Stage of Offer memo no (ondition for signing the offer memo Inspectio of 2nne- re BII %y R.SO inspecting officia!. n to %e presented %y firmAs C a!ity In charge to R.SO inspecting officia! %y the firm 1 Stage-I Offer 1emo 1 2fter $itnessing po ring and confirming satisfactory chemistry %y $itnessing mo!ten stee! samp!e testing and o%ser"ation of temperat re d ring "ario s stage of casting Offer 1emo 2 2fter demo !ding, and stamping of integra! test %ars and "erification of chemica! composition of integra! test %ar, in case $itnessing of po ring not done ear!ier Offer 1emo 9 2fter fett!ing, shot %!asting and c!eaning and o%ser"ing satisfactory dimension and s rface 0 a!ity. 2 Stage-II Offer 1emo 3 2fter satisfactory heat treatment and shot %!asting, satisfactory s rface and gross dimension chec'ing . 9 Stage-III Offer 1emo # Identifying s rface defects and permitting them for repairs, if admissi%!e, Testing of integra! test %ars for impact %end test, &ardness test, Drain si5e microstr ct re test. Permitting for machining. Offer 1emo 6 2fter satisfactory remo"a! of defects after $e!ding on permitted !ocation, =o na thori5ed $e!ding, satisfactory machining, Straightening, .ye penetration test. 1agnetic test, Satisfactory Radiography test res !ts and Dross dimensiona! chec'. 3 Stage Offer 1emo 7 1. (hec'ing satisfactory -IE Straightening inc! ding .PT. 2. .etai!ed .imension chec'ing sing appro"ed ga ges. 9. Satisfactory C a!ity 4dimension,

meta!! rgica!6of components/fittings %eing s pp!ied $ith (1S (rossing. 3. Satisfactory chec'ing of a!! records pertaining to pre"io s inspections. 9.3.9 :or =orma! Prod ction Inspection) Inspection of a%o"e stages are to %e carried o t as per the :ormat of three offer memos 4Offer 1emo =o) I, I2 < II, 1, 2, 22 < 96 gi"en in 2ppendi-II 2. The consistency of the C a!ity of prod ct of a firm sha!! %e re"ie$ed o"er a period of ca!endar year and if c m !ati"e re+ection rate is fo nd %eyond # * then the firm may %e considered for resorting to inspection as per se"en offer memos as mentioned in 9.3.2. Stage of Offer memo no (ondition for signing the offer memo Inspectio of 2nne- re B %y R.SO inspecting officia!. n II2 to %e presented %y firmAs C a!ity In charge to R.SO inspecting officia! %y the firm Stage-I Offer 1emo 1 1. 2fter "erifying chemistry %y $itnessing testing of ! g samp!e. 2. 2fter demo !ding and stamping of integra! test %ars. 9. 2fter fett!ing, shot %!asting and c!eaning and o%ser"ing satisfactory dimension and s rface C a!ity. Stage-II Offer memo 2 1. 2fter satisfactory heat treatment and shot %!asting, satisfactory s rface and gross dimension chec'ing . 2fter satisfactory heat treatment and stamping of integra! test %ars. 2. Testing of integra! test %ars for impact %end test, &ardness test, Drain si5e microstr ct re test. Permitting for machining (hec'ing satisfactory

Sr.n o


Offer memo 22

Stage -IE Offer memo 9

Straightening inc! ding .PT. 9. Satisfactory C a!ity4dimension, meta!! rgica!6of components/fittings %eing s pp!ied $ith (1S (rossing. 3. O%ser"ing satisfactory dimension and s rface C a!ity and gross dimension chec'ing . #. Identifying s rface defects and permitting them for repairs if admissi%!e. 6. Identifying s rface defects and permitting them for repairs if admissi%!e, Testing of integra! test %ars for impact %end test, &ardness test, Drain si5e microstr ct re test. Permitting for machining. 2fter satisfactory remo"a! of defects after $e!ding on permitted !ocation, =o na thori5ed $e!ding, satisfactory machining, Straightening, .ye penetration test. 1agnetic test, Satisfactory Radiography test res !ts and Dross dimensiona! chec'. 1. =o na thori5ed $e!ding has %een done. 2. 2fter satisfactory Straightening, maching .ye penetration test. 1agnetic test, Satisfactory Radiography test res !ts. 9. .etai!ed .imension chec'ing sing appro"ed ga ges. 3. Satisfactory C a!ity 4dimension < ,meta!! rgica!6 of components/fittings %eing s pp!ied $ith (1S (rossing #. Satisfactory chec'ing of a!! records pertaining to pre"io s inspections. 6. .etai!ed .imension chec'ing sing appro"ed ga ges. 7. Satisfactory C a!ity 4dimension, meta!! rgica!6 of

components/fittings %eing s pp!ied $ith (1S (rossing. ;. Satisfactory chec'ing of a!! records pertaining to pre"io s inspections.


Initial Sur-ace a$ .ell a$ Dimen$ional In$pection /Sta(e*I0

9.#.1 :or de"e!opmenta! inspection, the inspection $i!! %e carried o t as per Para 9.3.2 $hereas for =orma! prod ction, inspection proced re as !aid do$n in Para 9.3.9 $i!! %e fo!!o$ed. 9.#.2 2fter fett!ing and shot %!asting as per c!a se 7.6 ,the defecti"e areas of the s rface of crossing if any sha!! %e mar'ed $ith the dimension of defects 4i.e. !ength, $idth and depth6 and sho$n in isometric "ie$ as sho$n in 2ppendi--E and their !ocations indicated from a dat m !ine. The detai!s are a!so to %e ta% !ated and certified %y the man fact rer in a proforma prescri%ed %y the inspecting officia! and sha!! %e s %mitted to the inspecting officia! for the "erification / inspection. The inspection sho !d %e aimed at detecting fo ndry defects !i'e crac's, sand ho!es, co!d sh ts, pin ho!es, porosity, e-tra meta!, sand f sion etc. (rossing ha"ing crac's, na thori5ed $e!ding, grinding, % ffing mar' sha!! %e straight a$ay re+ected. 9.#.9 The crossing sha!! %e chec'ed for gross dimensions and discrepancies sha!! %e ta% !ated $ith the remar' in a s'etch $ith isometric "ie$ c!assifying the castings. 9.#.3 2t this stage, gross dimensions s ch as o"era!! !ength, distance %et$een act a! nose and hee!, act a! nose and toe end, height at different !ocations f!ange thic'ness at different !ocations, $e% thic'ness, roof thic'ness, f!ange $ay c!earance, throat c!earance, f!ange $e!! depth $hee! tread at toe end and opposite to act a! nose, nose thic'ness, nose depression and offsets %ottom, %ottom $idth, tie thic'ness, e-tent of "ertica! %end etc, sha!! %e chec'ed and recorded. 9.#.# 2fter satisfactory inspection if crossing is considered fit for f rther processing, Offer 1emo =o. 1, 2 < 9 as per 2ppendi--II for .e"e!opmenta! Inspection and Offer 1emo =o. 1 as per 2ppendi--II 2 for =orma! Prod ction Inspection sha!! %e signed as mentioned in (!a se 9.3.2 < 9.3.9 a%o"e. Metallur(ical 2 Dimen$ional In$pection /Sta(e*II0


9.6.1 1eta!! rgica! inspection sha!! %e carried o t as after heat treatment as per c!a se 7.7 < shot %!asting for %oth F.e"e!opmenta!G as $e!! as F=orma! Prod ctionG inspection. 9.6.2 The heat treatment of castings in a %atch sha!! co"er a!! castings of one heat. The castings %e!onging to one me!ting heat and heat treatment %atch sha!! %e referred as casting of one FheatG. 1icro str ct re sha!! %e chec'ed %y inspecting officia! per FheatG as per c!a se =oH 7.7.7 as amended as per corrigend m no 2 of 2 g st 2001. T$o micro test pieces are to %e c t each from first and !ast casting, po red from same me!ting heat and %oth the pieces are re0 ired to %e passed in micro-str ct re test. So!idity test sha!! %e cond cted as per c!a se 6.2.2. 9.6.9 2t this stage, gross dimensions as mentioned in c!a se 9.#.3.9 sha!! %e chec'ed. 9.6.3 (rossings ha"ing crac's as $e!! as na thori5ed $e!ding/repairs sha!! %e re+ected. 9.6.# Integra! Test %ars sha!! %e detached from the casting in presence of inspection a thority at the time of inspection. 2t !east t$o test %ars per casting sho !d %e made a"ai!a%!e to the inspecting officer. The test %ars are to %e stamped %y inspecting officia! $ith proper identification. The firm sha!! a!so 'eep their interna! meta!! rgica! test res !ts readi!y a"ai!a%!e and those sha!! %e presented to the Inspecting Officia!s for cross chec' d ring inspection 9.6.6 Impact >end test on stamped test %ars sha!! %e cond cted in presence of the inspecting officia! as per (!a se 12.1 and record of test sha!! %e maintained. S ita%!e hardness test sha!! %e cond cted at this stage %oth on thic' and thin section of each casting as per (!a se 12.2 and a!so on test %ars representing a patch in presence of inspecting officia! and record sha!! %e maintained. 9.6.# 2fter satisfactory inspection as per pro"isions of (!a se 9.6 a%o"e, if crossing is considered fit for f rther processing, Offer 1emo =o. 3 as per 2ppendi- -II for .e"e!opmenta! Inspection and Offer 1emo =o. 2 as per 2ppendi--II2 for =orma! Prod ction Inspection sha!! %e signed as mentioned in (!a se 9.3.2 < 9.3.9 respecti"e!y. Sur-ace 2 Dimen$ional In$pection /Sta(e III0 / -ter 4emoval 5 4ecti-ication o- ca$tin( de-ect$ onl60


9.7.1. >efore p tting p to the inspecting officia!, the castings sha!! %e s ita%!y prepared for the remo"a!/rectification of defects as per (!a se 7.; and

straightened as per (!a se 7.9. =o crac' sha!! de"e!op on !ocations repaired %y $e!ding, d e to straightening operation. 9.7.2 Repair $e!ding sha!! %e done strict!y as per the proced re for repair/rectification of (1S (rossings at 2ppendi--III. The man fact rer $i!! prod ce a certificate to this effect. 9.7.9 The castings sha!! %e offered to the inspecting officia! in the manner as in Stage-I and Stage BII for meta!! rgica! and dimensiona! inspection, if necessary. 9.7.3 The machining operation as per the prod ct dra$ing sha!! %e carried o t at this stage. =o gross dimension e-cept f!ange thic'ness,tie thic'ness,height at different !ocations sha!! %e chec'ed. 9.7.# The crossings $hich are considered process a%!e sha!! %e permitted for fina! finishing and Offer 1emo =o. #<6 sha!! %e signed as per 2ppendi- -II for .e"e!opmenta! Inspection and Offer 1emo =o. 22 as per 2ppendi- -II2 for =orma! Prod ction Inspection. 9.7 9.;.1 #inal Dimen$ional c8ec9 up 2 Ma(netic Te$t /Sta(e*I+ 5#inal Sta(e0 2fter fina! interna! inspection and certification %y the 8or's Inspector of the firm as per c!a se 1#.9 the crossing sha!! %e offered for dimensiona! chec' p 4as per se0 ence sho$n in 2ppendi--IE6 on the inspection ta%!e/mar'ing ta%!e $ith the appro"ed ga ges/temp!ates/e0 ipment as mentioned in c!a se ;.2.

9.;.2 The each casting sha!! %e "is a!!y inspected for s rface defects emp!oying dye-penetrant tests. ,ach casting sha!! a!so %e tested for its non-magnetic characteristics either %y porta%!e permanent magnet or %y s ita%!e e!ectromagnet. The chec' $i!! %e done on head s rface prefera%!y after heat treatment. 9.;.9 .imensions of crossings sha!! %e chec'ed $ith the he!p of appro"ed ga ges/temp!ates, fishing cord, straight edge, fi!!er ga ge etc. 9.;.3 (rossing sho !d %e chec'ed for a!ignment after straightening operation 4if straightened6. .ye Penetration Test sha!! %e carried o t after straightening operation to detect de"e!opment of any crac'.

9.;.# Radiography sha!! %e cond cted as per Para 6.2.9 9.;.6 2fter the inspecting officia!s are satisfied that the crossing conforms to re!e"ant dra$ing and specifications, t8e cro$$in( $8all :e accepted -inall6

and offer 1emo =o. 7 as per 2ppendi- B II for .e"e!opmenta! Inspection and Offer 1emo =o 9 as per 2ppendi--II2 for =orma! Prod ction Inspection sha!! %e signed. 9.;.7 The inspected crossings sho !d %e hand!ed proper!y a"oiding impact and stac'ed proper!y to a"oid meta! to meta! contact among (1S (rossings %y 'eeping $ooden spacer %e!o$ the crossings. 13.1 Re+ectionH 2ny %atch of crossings prod ced from the same me!t and heat treated together nder the same conditions $hich fai!s to comp!y $ith the re0 irements of the specifications sha!! %e re+ected. Re+ected crossings sha!! %e made n sa%!e %y gas c tting or %y any other means in to at !east t$o pieces prefera%!y near midd!e of crossing in order to a"oid mi-ing p $ith the crossings nder processing/finishing/inspection and 'ept stac'ed separate!y ti!! "erified %y inspecting officia!. 2 certificate to this effect sha!! %e enc!osed $ith ne-t inspection ca!!. 2ny crossing $hich fai!s to comp!y $ith the re0 irements of the specifications sha!! %e re+ected. Re+ected crossings sha!! %e made n sa%!e %y gas c tting or %y any other means in to at !east t$o pieces prefera%!y near midd!e of crossing in order to a"oid mi-ing p $ith the crossings nder processing/finishing/inspection and 'ept stac'ed separate!y ti!! "erified %y inspecting officia!. 2 certificate to this effect sha!! %e enc!osed $ith ne-t inspection ca!!. 2!! the inspections offer memos sho$n in 2ppendi--II and II2 sha!! %e got printed %y the man fact rer in s fficient n m%ers. They $i!! %e %o nd in separate %oo'!et $ith a!! pages d !y machine n m%ered in d p!icate for 2ppendi- II and 2ppendi- II2 respecti"e!y. One set of offer memo of 2ppendi- II 4in d p!icate6 or 2ppendi- II2 in respecti"e de"e!opmenta!/reg !ar prod ction sha!! %e sed for recording detai!s of on!y one crossing d ring its different stages of man fact re/inspection.



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