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Mecklenburg Medical Alliance and Endowment

Board Meeting
Mecklenburg County Medical Society Office
March 12, 2009
10:00 a.m.

Present: Charlene Slaughter, Carolyn Scruggs, Joni MacDonald, Mimi Compton, Tammy Bridges,
Mitzi Yount, Debi Attorri, Lois Benjamin, Becky Williford, Genie Hayes.

Absent: Susan Vadnais, Pam Bullard, Patsy Reames, Jennie Carruth, Joan Scharf, Kathy Klimas,
Romell Johnson, Debbie Taylor.

President: Charlene Slaughter called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. She announced that the
February Board meeting minutes will be reviewed & approved at the April meeting.

MCMS Executive Director: Carolyn Scruggs reported that she and other officers of the MCMS
attended the AMA National Advocacy Conference in Washington in March. She noted that President
Obama is not divulging the details of his plans for healthcare reform. The group made Capitol Hill
visits, meeting with North Carolina members of the House and Senate. One issue addressed was a
permanent fix to the growth rate for Medicare payments to physicians. She informed us that there will
be a 21% cut in Medicare payments in January, 2010, if Congress does not act. She reported that six
regional healthcare summit meetings are scheduled, one to be held March 31 in Greensboro to which
100 people chosen by the White House will be invited. MCMS will be forming a sub-committee for
healthcare reform to advocate on physicians’ behalf. Legislation is expected to be passed by August.
There are questions about the details but some form of universal coverage and a whole system of
healthcare reform is anticipated, possibly a two-tiered system with a public standard level and a private
level in which people can buy additional coverage. She noted that the shortage of primary care
physicians is a potential problem which will be impossible to remedy in time to implement the

Treasurer: Becky Williford presented the financial statement for February 28, 2009. (See attached.)
She noted that our membership numbers have not changed this month. She reported that the main
activity was associated with the Gala. The value of our Investment Account is down 26.4 % since the
beginning of this fiscal year. She reported that at the Finance Committee meeting the previous week,
our investment advisor John Kramer recommended that we move more of our funds into bonds, so that
we have 70% in bonds. Reflecting a strong desire to preserve our investment, the Finance Committee
voted to recommend a 75% investment in bonds. The Board voted by e-mail in favor of the
committee’s recommendation. She informed us that John had moved the funds on March 9. It was
determined that, due to lack of a quorum, we would have to delay a vote on the proposed budget for
2009-2010 until the next meeting.

VP Communications/Marketing: Joni MacDonald reported that she and MEDIC officials were going
to meet with WSOC to discuss PSA’s for the Lucky Hearts Campaign. She noted that East
Mecklenburg High School was scheduled to receive an AED, and the desire was to receive some
publicity by presenting it at a School Board meeting. Training was also being scheduled for East
Mecklenburg High School. She reported that school nurse Mary Cappleman had applied for an AED
for Myers Park High School. It was noted that VP of Grants and Disbursements Pam Bullard is the
contact for AED applications. Joni did the presentation for two AED’s given to the Salvation Army.
Co-Presidents-Elect: Debi Attorri reported that, as members of the Nominating Committee, she and
Co-Pres.-Elect Lois Benjamin had been involved in the process of filling next year’s Board positions.
She suggested giving recommendations to Chairman Tammy Bridges since there were still some
positions to fill. Lois added that she and Debi plan to make more use of our office space at the Medical
Society Offices next year.

VP Financial Development: Tammy Bridges reported that she plans to attend a class this month for
non-profit fundraiser organizations. It will address ways to approach fundraising in this difficult
economy. The cost is $30.00 and she will send the Board information in case anyone else is interested
in attending.

VP Membership Development: In the absence of Susan Vadnais, see Treasurer's report.

Corresponding Secretary: Mitzi Yount reported that she was in the process of getting thank-you
cards printed to send to the attendees of the Gala.

VP Programs: Charlene reported for Romell Johnson that the next program will be a CPR training
session conducted by MEDIC on May 6 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Gabriel's Catholic. Lunch will be provided
at a cost of $8.00. The slate of officers will be presented for a vote.

VP Grants/Disbursements: In the absence of Pam Bullard, Charlene noted that Joni’s report covered
Pam’s area also. She added that AED’s have been placed in two churches, the Salvation Army, the
Nevins Center, and one will be placed in East Mecklenburg High School. Pam handles the requests
and follow up. It was noted that we need to form a committee for AED presentations and to develop a
script, which would include information about the Alliance. Charlene suggested that two or three
people could work together on a presentation and that this could be a rewarding experience.

VP Health Promotions: Mimi Compton reported that the Doctors’ Day mailing went out the first of
the month and ten responses had been received to date. She showed the group the card that would be
sent to the doctor honored by the donation.

VP Civic Affairs/Legislation: Genie Hayes gave members information concerning a bill pending in
the NC House that would ban smoking in workplaces and allow local governments to enact smoking
controls that are stricter than state law. She suggested that we may want to contact legislators about it.
She also distributed other informative material, including a publication, Tobacco-Free Today. She
called our attention to the AMA Alliance’s Screen Out! campaign, to get tobacco usage out of youth-
rated movies.

Prognewsis Editor/ Internet Liaison: Treas. Becky Williford reported on the proposal by Simply
Click Chicks to add the member section and the newsletter to our new web site. The total for this
phase is $2,482. The cost for next year to keep the web site updated will be $1,500. She noted that our
PayPal account is set up to accept charge cards and that the system works. A vote on the web site
proposal was not taken due to lack of a quorum.

Old Business: Charlene presented a financial statement for the Gala. (See attached.) She reported
that we exceeded our goal to break even by netting $5,647. She felt that everyone enjoyed the party
and that it was a big success, as evidenced by feedback she has received. She noted that the AED focus
contributed to the success of the event.
She informed the group that we are responsible for the breakfast for the NCMSA meeting to be held in
Charlotte in April. It was decided that we would ask the hotel to do it for us.

Charlene questioned whether it would be best to apply this year for the HAP Award for the Lucky
Hearts Program or to wait until next year when the project is farther along. It was suggested that it
would be preferable to go ahead and apply now.

New Business: Charlene announced that Hospitality House had invited us to the celebration of their
first anniversary in their new house on March 24. We were also invited to hold our next Board meeting
there. Members decided to return to Myers Park Country Club for our next Board meeting on April 23.

Charlene pointed out the following additional dates to remember:

April 16-18, NCMSA meeting, SouthPark Hampton Inn

April 23, 6-9 p.m., MCMS Annual Meeting (Media, Morals and Medicine:
Renaissance Charlotte Suites Hotel The Dr. House TV Phenomenon)

April 24, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., KITS Luncheon

Home of Paula Evangelist, Nancy Hershey to co-host

May 19, MMAE Annual Luncheon - Old Board/New Board Meeting, Myers Park CC

The meeting was adjourned at noon.

Mitzi Yount, Substituting for Recording Secretary Debbie Taylor

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