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Battlefields & Banners Miniatures Wargaming With Tunnels & Trolls This is a miniatures wargame system designed to integrate

easily with the Tunnels & Trolls roleplaying game, your Tunnels & Trolls characters may be used as officers or heroes in this game. You will need a copy of whichever edition of T&T you prefer to be able to play this game, it is not a standalone document. All rules are as written in that book except where modified here. The game is scaled to use the somewhat nebulous 2 mm, or !eroic, scale of miniatures. "imply by changing the ground scale and altering the movement rates to suit, any other scale may be used however. These models should be based on s#uare bases of any appropriate si$e. %& miniatures a side will provide a good little diversion for an hour or so, but games can be played with any number of figures. 'rdinarily, of course, the numbers on each side will be decided by the needs of your Tunnels & Trolls campaign. As well as dice and miniature figures you will also need a tape measure, a few counters to mark things such as (avering, a flat space to play on and some terrain features to put on it. Organising Your Troops Your soldiers will need to be organised into )lements. These can be of any si$e, multiples of * are traditional but not necessary. Troops on their own are considered to be +ndividuals and will ordinarily be heroes or large monsters. )ach )lement should be rolled up as if it were a character, with all soldiers in the )lement considered to have the same ,rime Attributes. There is additional ,rime Attribute for )lements in this game that will also need to be rolled- .ourage /.'01. +t is not modified by any 2indred. +f you prefer not to roll for the attributes /you will be trying to match figures already in your collection after all1 you can consider them all to be the average of 3&. After modifying the ,rime Attributes for 2indred, you will then be allowed to increase those Attributes based on the training of the )lement. )lements can be either 0abble, Trained or )lite. 0abble may not increase their ,rime Attributes. Trained )lements have 4 points they can split between their attributes to increase them. )lite )lements have 32. As well as .ombat and 5issile Adds, an )lement or +ndividual with a .!A over 36 /or below 7361 will have 0ally Adds /3 for each point over 361. 0ally Adds will add to any .'0 saving roll made by an element. )lements in base contact with an +ndividual may use their 0ally Adds instead of their own if they8re better. The )lement will then need to be e#uipped with weapons, armour and ammunition from the )#uipment 9ists given in Tunnels & Trolls, keeping in mind the "trength and :exterity re#uirements. These should be based on what is carried by the models. )lements will not have a .haracter Type, +ndividuals will however. ;inally the )lement will need a name, such as 2angax8s .rushers. All this information should be recorded on a little slip of card or something and kept nearby. +f you prefer, you can use an 50 to represent the whole unit, particularly for +ndividual 5onsters. They will not need a .'0 rating, as this will be considered part of their 50.

5odels within an )lement must remain in base contact with another member of their )lement at all times, unless they are in 'pen 'rder where there must be a 3cm gap between each )lement member. The Game Master +f you have a neutral <ame 5aster to run the game, then a written order system should be used and all turns considered to be simultaneous. 'rders should be assigned to groups of )lements at the start of the game and should be as specific as possible. You should also have prepared a set of standing orders that apply to all troops or specific groups or elements to deal with certain situations, such as what to do when they are charged by troops or if they see something unusual or unplanned for. You can also come up with a set of horn signals to change everyone8s orders when they hear a set pattern of horn blasts /as recorded by you1. A standard one of these is the signal to withdraw, but you can also enact sudden sweeping formation changes and all sorts of things using horn blasts. You will also need a few +ndividual runners to carry messages in the event that you need to change some orders during the game. The <5 will move and act with the troops in accordance with their orders /usually1. +f you don8t have a neutral <5 to ad=udicate the written orders, no order system should be used. +nstead, move your own troops as you wish. You should take it in turns to move, declare shooting, roll to rally first in each game turn. The effects of all these will still be considered simultaneous. +t might help to imagine that a wi$ardly communication system is allowing the general a perfect picture of the battlefield and grants them perfect control over their troops. ,laying without a <ame 5aster will re#uire an element of co7operation between the players involved. 0emember, in war there is no winner. Any wargame is about roleplaying =ust as much as Tunnels & Trolls is. Ground Scale +s considered to be 3>-48 /2 yards1. All ranges given in the Tunnels & Trolls rulebook should be divided by 4 if given in feet and by 2 if given in yards, and then rounded to the nearest whole number. Damage To reduce headache, rather than being spread out between all individual models involved in combat as normal damage should be assigned to one individual model in an )lement until it is killed before moving onto the next. +f a combat involving multiple elements occurs, combat dice should all be rolled together, and damage split between all involved enemy )lements. Setting Up The Game +f a <5 is present, they will set up the terrain and deploy troops as per the scenario they have prepared. +f no <5 is present, players should place terrain in any mutually agreeable fashion and take it in turns to place all their troops within 4> of their board edge. +f preferred, troops could come into the board edge in column from the centre of the board. 9ine your troops up in column order somewhere off the table, they must come in in that order. Troops may be designated as being in 'pen 'rder at the start of the game.

Terrain can be roughly classified in the following way'bstacles, which cannot be moved or seen through, such as cliffs and buildings !ills, which may not be seen through but give a sight advantage when on top of one ?ad going, including woods, which limits movement and causes problems for troops not in 'pen 'rder +nterruptions, such as walls and streams, which interrupt movement but may be defended The Game Turn ,rogresses through the following phases5agic 5issiles 5ovement .ombat 0ally The Magic Phase +n this phase, all (i$ards may cast spells as normal. "ome of these spells may need a little bit of discussion or <5 ruling to decide how they interact with the battle. Any hits caused during this phase should be recorded in case they affect a .ombat later in the turn. Missiles +n this phase, all troops armed with missile weapons may fire them at enemies within range and line7of7sight /i.e. not blocked by cliffs, hills or other bodies of troops1. 9ine7of7"ight is limited to 2> through woods and forests. Troops on top of hills can shoot over lower troops and terrain features. @p to two ranks of troops may fire in a body of troops. ;oot troops may only fire within a A& degree forward arc. 5ounted troops may fire in a %4& degree arc. To save time, the missile fire system from 6th and earlier editions of T&T should be used, as followsDexterity ating #minus ST and !O$ losses% &74 0otten B7A Cery ?ad 3&732 ?ad 3%73* ,oor 3473 ,assable 3A723 ;air 22726 2een )ye 2*72B )xcellent 2 7%& 5arksman %3 or ?etter !lose ange #up to &'% 3 372 37% 376 37* 374 374 374 374 374 Medium ange #&'()*'% 5iss 5iss 3 372 37% 376 37* 374 374 374 "ong ange #O+er )*'% 5iss 5iss 5iss 5iss 3 372 37% 376 37* 374

All numbers given are the die roll re#uired to hit on a single six sided dice by each model firing. All firing dice from an element should be fired at the same time.

These odds should be altered by the following modifications if relevant;iring at an +ndividual or an 'pen 'rder element ;iring from a horse or other mount 73 73

:amage for all hits is then applied as normal. !its received from 5issile ;ire should be recorded so that it can be included as part of the hit total of any .ombats that might occur later in the turn. 'nce fired a weapon must be reloaded before it may be fired again. 0eloading is done in the 5ovement phase. (eapons that re#uire cranking or priming, such as a crossbow or firearm, re#uire 2 movement phases to reload. 'ther weapons /including thrown weapons, which must be drawn1 re#uire 3 movement phase to reload. Mo+ement All movement is at the following rates;oot 5ounted (hen not all models are facing forward 'pen 'rder )ncumbered /more than 4 hits of armour1 :ifferent rates may be applied to unusual creatures as necessary. +f moving through woods or other rough going, movement is limited to 4> before modifications. +f a wall, hedge, stream or other interrupting terrain is reached, a foot )lement must stop next to it. +t may then cross it without penalty in the next turn. A mounted )lement must attempt to =ump it. A 3st 9evel .!A saving roll should be made to persuade the mounts to cross, otherwise they will stop next to the interruption and must move away before they may try again. All movement made by )lements /but not +ndividuals who may move as they like1 should ordinarily be straight forward. )lements may wheel forward around their end freely. They may not wheel backwards or about their centre unless )lite. An element may make a single A& or 3 & degree turn /i.e. turn each model in position1 for free, any further turns will cost a #uarter of their movement for the turn. +nstead of moving an )lement may spend it8s turn 0eforming, which allows you to reposition any models within the )lement anywhere you like as long as at least one model stays where it is and the rest are positioned in base contact with another model. +f in combat, you may 0eform unengaged models. (hen 0eforming an 'pen 'rder element they may close up into ordinary order and vice versa. )lements with an 50 can move in any direction they wish and put models wherever they like in base contact with each other. +nstead of moving, an )lement may reload /as above1. 5ounted troops may reload and move at the same time, except that cranked or primed weapons with more than 6d must dismount to reload. )lements in chariots or howdahs may reload any weapon without penalty to movement. +f moving into combat against a faster enemy, they have the opportunity to )vade if they wish /or if in their orders1. 5ake opposed saving rolls, adding each sides movement rates after modifications 4> 32> %> D3> 73>

for open order etc. +f successful, the evading side may move %> away from the )lement that contacted them. !om,at .ombat is resolved as per the Tunnels & Trolls rules, with all models in base contact with enemy troops allowed to participate. +f a model is armed with a weapon over 48 long /as recorded in the e#uipment list1 it may attack over the heads of it8s friends allowing a second rank to fight with 3 less die. A weapon over 3&8 in length allows a third rank to fight with % less dice. )lements with an 50 need not worry about what models they have engaged, they all count toward the hit point total and should be spread out so that as many of them contact the enemy as possible at the beginning of the .ombat phase. !its taken during the 5agic or 5issiles phases count toward .ombat resolution as normal. (hen assigning damage to the losing side, any damage caused to them by magic andEor missile fire should be removed from the total /they don8t get damaged twice1. The "pite :amage rule should definitely be used /48s rolled by the losing side result in 3 hit of damage taken by the winning side1. The losing side is pushed back %> /unless they are defending a wall, hedge or other fortification1, the other side must follow them /unless they are defending a wall, hedge or other fortification1. ally +n this phase you may attempt to rally any routing )lement that is closer to friendly troops than it is to enemy troops. To rally, a 9vl 3 .'0 saving roll should be made. +f successful the routing unit will stop routing and may act normally again. Morale A 5orale Test is a 9vl 3 .'0 saving roll which must be made by an )lement or +ndividual under the following circumstances+f in .ombat with an )lement with at least twice as many models unless defending a wall, hedge or other fortification or at least twice their height. +f in .ombat with an )lement or +ndividual with models twice as tall /both of these tests must be made before dice are rolled for combat1 (hen pushed back in .ombat (hen first shot at this battle (hen *&F casualties are taken, and each time a model is lost after this (hen a friendly )lement or +ndividual is destroyed or routed within sight (hen contacted to the flank or rear +f the saving roll is failed, the )lementE+ndividual is now (avering. (avering troops may not move /except to push back and follow up1, and must take any further 5orale Tests at 9vl 2. +f any 5orale Tests are failed whilst (avering, the )lementE+ndividual will be routed. A (avering )lementE+ndividual may attempt to 0eform in a 5ovement ,hase when not engaged with an enemy. A 9vl 3 .'0 saving roll /not a 5orale Test1 is made and if successful they will no longer be (avering.

0outing troops will move toward their own board edge /moving around obstacles etc1 during subse#uent movement phases, may not fire missiles and may attempt to rally in 0ally phases. A routing )lementE+ndividual does not get to cause any hits in .ombat, so all hits rolled by an enemy will be taken as damage. An )lement or +ndividual in contact with a routing enemy that moves away from it must pursue them with their normal move unless a 9vl 3 .!A saving roll is made /you can always choose not to take the roll if you want to pursue1. An )lement or +ndividual that has an 50 does not take 5orale Tests and does not (aver or 0out. (hen it would normally be forced to take a 5orale Test it loses 2d4 50 points instead. Unformed An )lement is considered to be unformed under the following circumstances+f in woods or other bad going and not in 'pen 'rder +f in .ombat whilst some of the )lement is on the other side of an interruption /walls etc1 +f in .ombat with an enemy defending walls, hedges or other fortifications @nformed )lements roll one less dice in .ombat with each model, and must take .'0 "aving 0olls at 3 level higher than normal. -ictory +s dependant on the scenario or the needs of the campaign. +f playing without a <5, both players should agree on a victory condition before setting up the game. This could simply be when there are no un7routed troops left on the opposing side.

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