Está en la página 1de 148


The gestapo government!

The Coroner apologized to Terry Mallenby for listening to the RCMP that he was an unwilling witness! Because of the RCMP lies Terry Mallenby !issed his wife"s funeral! Terry Mallenby will hate the RCMP until the day he dies! #nd Terry Mallenby will ha$e boo%s written about the RCMP scu! to show the %ind of shit they pull on the little people #nd this boo% is &ust one in a series that tells the bitter truth about the RCMP! 't also tells how Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper has had these *+ year old RCMP lies uploaded to (ergey Brin"s ,oogle-ca and ,oogle web site! .hy did Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper do that unethical thing / as paybac% to Terry Mallenby because he successfully sued the Royal Canadian Mounted Police o$er their lies / recei$ing a 0123 +++ out of court settle!ent! Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper is so unethical / he doesn"t care and uploads these *+ year old RCMP lies anyway!! #nd (ergey Brin is another useless Billionaire with no scruples he doesn"t re!o$e these *+ year old RCMP lies fro! his ,oogle-ca and ,oogle web site!



Chapter 1 * 4et"s loo% at what Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper did to this Terry Mallenby .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford! Chapter 1 6 4et"s loo% at what Canadian Minister Peter Mc7ay did to this Terry Mallenby .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford! Chapter 8 11 4et"s loo% at what Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper and Minister Peter Mc7ay did to this Terry Mallenby .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford! Chapter * The Royal Canadian Police lay no charges9999 1*

Chapter 3 1: .hat the RCMP apparently can"t fabricate they apparently screw;up9 Chapter : Those that blab about the RCMP threatened!! Chapter 2 81 82

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police do e$erything they can to railroad Terry Mallenby into &ail!! Chapter 6 3< 4et"s loo% at who the RCMP want to hire instead ; yeah sorry '=! a crac% addict ' don=t thin% ' can !a%e it in today ; >ou cannot e$en pretend to uphold the law when you yourself are brea%ing it9 Chapter < :* 4et"s loo% at who the RCMP want to hire instead ; This is hilarious if we get a bunch of pot heads on the RCMP it=ll be too funny ?or cause so!e $ery not so funny serious situations@9 Chapter 1+ :< 4et"s loo% at who the RCMP want to hire instead ; )a$e a twitching finger well we won=t say anything if you shoot hi! : ; 1+ ti!es9

Chapter 11


RCMP Co!!issioner Robert Paulson upload *+ year old lies as RCMP paybac% because Terry Mallenby successfully sued the!!!!

Chapter 11


RCMP Co!!issioner Robert Paulson way o$er his head / &ust loo% at the eApression?s@ on his face!!

Chapter 18


Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper uploads *+ year old RCMP lies as RCMP paybac% because Terry Mallenby successfully sued the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada99

Chapter 1*


#s RCMP paybac% Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper sent two fellow Cni$ersity of #lberta graduates all the way to (Dua!ish British Colu!bia Canada Ea distance of 1 +++ !ilesF to upload the sa!e *+ year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby!!!

Chapter 13


#s can be seen below Terry Mallenby has the original Coroner 'nDuest report sent to hi! by the Coroner"s office of British Colu!bia Canada / clearly indicating he was not an unwilling witness!!

Chapter 1:


(enator 4arry Ca!pbell for!er Chief Coroner for!er RCMP 5fficer says he doesn"t gi$e a shite about 1<2: (Dua!ish Coroner 'nDuest Results / the RCMP will harass Terry Mallenby his wife and children fore$er!!

Chapter 12


.ho to hell is (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell that he doesn"t care about the !issing and !urdered in (Dua!ish British Colu!bia9

Chapter 16


.hat else can we say about (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell that he doesn"t care about the !issing and !urdered in (Dua!ish British Colu!bia9

Chapter 1 Lets look at what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper did to this Terry Mallen y !arrant "##i$er Matt Stop#ord! Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper is leader of the pac% of Bederal dogs / and the buc% stops with hi!! )e"s responsible and liable for what they did to .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford! 4et"s now loo% at the hero .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford and how the Canadian Military arses screwed hi! o$er as long as they could! Citing ver batim news articles and postings about this hero will gi$e the reader a taste of what this poor soldier had to put up with! Military Tells (oldier )is 5wn Troops May )a$e Plotted To 7ill )i! By Peter .orthington Toronto (un 6;11;<< Ex-warrant officer Matt Stopford has suffered since his duties in Croatia, including the loss of vision in his right eye. - orm !etts, S" #he Canadian military thin$s a soldier debilitated by mysterious ailments was not a victim of possible %C!contaminated sandbags while peace$eeping in Croatia, but was being poisoned by his own men. &n an extraordinary letter dated 'ug.( and hand-delivered to retired )arrant *fficer Matt Stopford, !rig.-+en. %atricia Samson, the %rovost Marshal of the 'rmed ,orces, writes- .&nformation has recently come to light that indicates you may have been the victim of systematic ingestion of naphtha gas during your tour to Croatia in /001.. Samson, the military2s top cop, goes on to say it is .alleged,. and that the allegations .have some credence,. that .minute amounts ... of naphtha gas were covertly put into your coffee on a regular basis by other servicemen over an extended period of time ... the ma3ority of your time in theatre.. She urges- .& implore you not to ma$e this information public at this time,. because a .criminal investigation. is being .vigorously. pursued. Stopford, living alone in %eterborough, says the letter, delivered by Capt. 4ince Mancini, *perations *fficer of the ational &nvestigation Service 5C, &S6, told him :

it was considered too sensitive for the mail or phone and that as well as naphtha gas in his coffee, battery acid was probably put in his food. Stopford says- .7e seemed surprised at the contents of the letter, and when & said & didn2t believe it, he said- 2& thought you2d say that.2. Mancini then as$ed what Stopford $new of the memorandum removed from soldiers files to the effect that they had possibly been exposed to bauxite-filled sandbags contaminated by %C!s. Stopford, once a super-fit soldier with no history of malingering or medical problems, is a physical wrec$ following duty in Croatia. 7is stomach is a mess, he bleeds from the rectum, his bones and 3oints constantly ache, he2s gone blind in his right eye, and has difficulty breathing. Some days are worse than others, but all are bad. #his, in a soldier who played on the army2s national soccer team and who recalls, .& could run 89:s without breathing hard.. *ne veteran of Croatia, who as$ed not to be identified because he fears military retaliation, said- .&t2s inconceivable that his troops would try to harm Stopford -- he was well-respected by subordinates, by his peers and by his superiors. 'n excellent soldier, and a fine man.. ;etired Col. Michel <rapeau, former director-general of < <2s Executive Secretariat, says in 1( years in the military he2s never seen anything li$e this. .&t2s incredible, the letter maligns Stopford as a leader and soldier by suggesting his men tried to 2frag2 5$ill6 him,. he says. .#he letter is also an indictment against the soldiers of his platoon. &t is simply astonishing that the %rovost Marshal would ma$e such allegations in a letter while a criminal investigation is under way in what2s a case of attempted murder.. &n her letter, Samson urges Stopford to tell his doctor about possibly being poisoned, while .imploring. him not to go public. &2ve thought about the letter, which really upsets me,. says Stopford. .&t is so totally ludicrous that & decided to go public. &2ve spo$en to other guys in my platoon -- a lot of them are sic$ since Croatia -- and they say they haven2t been contacted by the &S investigators.. *ne would thin$ they2d have been contacted before telling Stopford his men had tried to poison him. .&n Croatia, Stopford2s leadership was saving lives, not ris$ing them,. one soldier said, unwilling to be identified.

5's an aside, &2ve never $nown the Canadian military so fearful of reprisals from above if they spea$ up -- in itself revealing.6 .& $now my men, the guys & served with, and if anyone was out to get me, &2d have $nown it,. says Stopford. .!esides, how could you drin$ coffee with gasoline in it and not $now= +asoline floats on water. 's for battery acid in my food -- it ma$es no sense.. Scott #aylor, publisher of the military maga>ine Esprit de Corps and co-author of the boo$ #ested Mettle, which first exposed the possibility of Stopford and other soldiers being exposed to %C!-contaminated soil and bauxite in sandbags in Croatia, says he was told yesterday that .the whole /1th floor of < < 5the executive floor6 was in a flap over this letter whose contents they weren2t tal$ing about.. Stopford commanded a platoon of the %rincess %ats in Croatia involved with filling sandbags with possibly %C!-contaminated bauxite. ' memo put in every soldier2s file by medical officer 5 avy6 ?ieut. Eric Smith to this effect was mysteriously removed from files. Someone shoved a copy of the memo under my door when & was a platoon commander in Calgary,. says Stopford. .& chec$ed with my platoon and they2d all signed the memo, which had disappeared from their files. So & made photocopies and gave them to the soldiers, and told them to hold on to them and not put them in their files.. Stopford was commended for his leadership in Croatia -- one of the cool heroes of fighting in the Meda$ poc$et against invading Croatian military. &ronically, he saved lives rather than put troops at greater ris$. 7e feels he can no longer trust the army. .&2m fighting 4eterans 'ffairs for a disability pension, and & don2t trust army doctors who 3ust gave me medications and said my sic$ness was all in my head. My civilian doctor too$ me off medication, and &2m now seeing specialists -- a toxicologist, neurologist, psychologist, rheumatologist, stomach doctor and the li$e.. 's for his own troops trying to poison him, he thin$s the army is trying to absolve itself from responsibility for Croatia. .& thin$ they were hoping &2d snap -- lose it and go off the deep end. *therwise why would they tell me before they had fully investigated the case=. Commented one officer- .#hey2re saying, in effect, that Matt was such a son of a bitch his men wanted to $ill him.. Stopford lives on only his army pension, yet has the same spirit of independence and personal pride he had as a soldier- .#o say &2m disappointed in the army puts it

mildly. &nstead of sending a doctor or someone to help, they send a cop who says my own people were trying to $ill me. #hat2s hard to swallow.. Stopford is expected to hold a press conference in *ttawa today concerning the %rovost Marshal2s extraordinary letter. !rig.-+en. %atricia Samson was unavailable for comment.@


Chapter % Lets look at what Canadian Minister Peter M$&ay did to this Terry Mallen y !arrant "##i$er Matt Stop#ord! Canadian Military Minister Peter Mc7ay is responsible for the ar!ed forces and the buc% stops with hi!! )e"s responsible and liable for what they did to .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford! 4et"s ha$e another loo% at .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford"s ordeal and how the Canadian Military arses screwed hi! o$er as long as they could! Citing ver batim news articles and postings about this hero will gi$e the reader a taste of what this poor soldier had to put up with! Military )ero 4eft 5ut 'n The Cold ---#gain by Gart!an H 11I +3I +1 11J36 p! Toronto (un Gec-3I+1 KA;(oldier 7ept Bro! Cere!onies By Peter .orthington )here was ex-)arrant *fficer Matt Stopford= ?ast wee$end some 1A9 soldiers and ex-soldiers who had served with the 8nd !attalion %rincess %atricias in Croatia, attended ceremonies in )innipeg where +overnor +eneral 'drienne Clar$son presented the unit with the new Commanderin-Chief "nit Commendation. #he award goes to a unit or sub-unit that has .performed an extraordinary deed or activity of a rare high standard in extremely ha>ardous circumstances.. #he %ats got it for their firefight with Croats in /001 in the Meda$ %oc$et, when Croat forces were $illing Serb civilians in the :ra3ina, and the %ats were trying to stop them. #he Canadians estimate they inflicted /99 casualties, including 11 dead, while enduring 3ust four wounded and no one $illed. &t was an unpublici>ed, largely un$nown battle of the peace$eeping phase of the !al$ans. #he award comprises of an illuminated scroll for the battalion and a small gold bar bearing the 4ice-;egal lion and tiny red maple leafs that every soldier in 8 !attalion will wear. #he pin is a Canadian version of the ".S. %residential "nit Citation -- a blue bar in a gold frame worn on the right chest 58 %%C?& earned this in the :orean )ar6. 1+

)hen & as$ed, no one at < < was sure where the ++2s lion pin would be worn. !ut every soldier in the unit can wear it, but only those who came under fire in the Meda$ poc$et can wear it after they leave 8nd !attalion. #here was one notable absence at the ceremonies in )innipeg -- a man who played a $ey role in the fighting, who led with courage and resourcefulness, but is now a pariah to < < -- former )arrant *fficer Matt Stopford. 7e never has fully recovered from mysterious illnesses contracted in Croatia. Stopford blames toxic soil, but < < says no, even though other soldiers are afflicted. Stopford got no invitation to the ceremonies and hasn2t been told he is entitled to the pin. 7e2s blind in one eye, his body wrac$ed with internal ailments. early seven years after leaving Croatia, he was told his own men were trying to poison him -- for being too gung-hoB/ "ntil the media got wind of his case 5mainly #he Sun6 Stopford was getting only /9C disability pension, which was then upped to /99C. 7e now is suing < < for not being told that some troops under his command sought to poison his coffee with naphtha gas, battery acid and shoe blac$ener. < <2s bid to have his suit dismissed failed and a trial awaits -- which shouldn2t have prevented him being invited to 3oin comrades in getting the award. Scott #aylor2s best-selling boo$ #ested Mettle tells of Stopford2s leadership in the Meda$ %oc$et, when he was ordered not to interfere and prevent Croatian soldiers raping Serbian women. &ronically, soldiers who sought to incapacitate him with poisoned coffee presumably were honoured at the )innipeg ceremonies. 'lthough not identified, the alleged perpetrators of what is one of the army2s most heinous offence -- fragging a superior -- will wear the ++2s award for .extraordinary performance. and .rare, high standard of behaviour.. Stopford is disappointed, but reluctant to say anything that might detract from others.8 .#his is another slap in the face for Matt,. said his brother 'ndy, from ;ipley, *nt. .& can2t believe the government treats him li$e he doesn2t exist..


,or what it2s worth, & agree. #he moral is don2t ma$e waves, don2t sue < <. Still, it2s shabby to ma$e an unperson of a soldier whose leadership saved lives and earned him recognition by his country and a promotion in the field.@ 'ootnotes 1 / 1- This hero !ay be reluctant to say but the author isn"t / what Canadian Military scu! to treat .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford this shabbily! .hen the author li$ed in Peterborough 5ntario Canada he used to see poor .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford !a%ing his way through the town li$ing with he=s blind in one eye his body wrac%ed with internal ail!ents- Learly se$en years after lea$ing Croatia he was told his own !en were trying to poison hi! ;; for being too gung; ho!


Chapter ( Lets look at what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Minister Peter M$&ay did to this Terry Mallen y !arrant "##i$er Matt Stop#ord! Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper and Military Minister Peter Mc7ay are responsible for the needless death of .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford! They purposefully diddled hi! o$er until ' was too late!! # right pair of scu!;buc%ets Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper and Military Minister Peter Mc7ay!! 4et"s ha$e another loo% at .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford"s ordeal and how the Canadian Military arses screwed hi! o$er as long as they could! This ti!e we are citing ver batim his court case against these Canadian Military arsesJ CitationJ (topford $- Canada ?T-G-@ 1++1 BCT 662 E1++1F 1 B-C8:+GateJ#ugust 1* 1++1Goc%etJT;136;+1 T;136;+1M 1++1 BCT 662 Trial Gi$ision #rono$itch P-;;5ttawa May 16 and #ugust 1* 1++1'rmed ,orces -- %laintiff released from service in /00D as medically unfit -- &n good health prior to service in Croatia in /001 -- &nitially granted 8AC pension by <4' -- 'fter numerous appeals, awarded /99C pension -- &n /000 defendant informing him of allegations poisoned by own troops -- Statement of claim alleging negligence, breach of fiduciary duty -- Motion to stri$e dismissed -- !ased on undetermined scope of fiduciary duties, not plain, obvious claim in this regard should fail -- <amages claimed for in3uries resulting from alleged intentional poisoning by own troopsE denial of adeFuate, timely assistance, treatmentE premature loss of employmentE li$ely curtailment of life expectancy -- ot clear pension providing compensation for such in3uries -- )hether poisoning continuing after superiors aware of it reFuiring discovery -- 'lso unclear whether in3ury incidental to military life 5poisoning by fellow soldiers6 compensable by pension -Claims for losses suffered by having to pursue appeals before receiving full pension possibly not barred by %ension 'ct, s. ///, Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct, s. 0 -- )hether statutory bars covering alleged torts, breach of fiduciary duty committed after discharge serious Fuestion of law for determination on merits -#erm .wrongful. struc$ where used in con3unction with loss of employment as such allegation untenable in context of 'rmed ,orces.


%ensions -- %ension 'ct, s. /// prohibiting action against Crown in respect of in3ury where pension may be awarded in respect of disability -- %laintiff released from service as medically unfit -- !ecoming ill after /001 service in Croatia -- &nitially granted 8AC pension by <4' -- 'fter numerous appeals, awarded /99C pension -'fter release, informed poisoned by own troops -- Claiming damages for in3uries as result of alleged intentional poisoningE denial of adeFuate, timely assistance, treatmentE premature loss of employmentE shortened life expectancy -- <uplessis v. Canada not standing for proposition claim for in3uries suffered post-deployment not covered by statutory bars -- !ut not clear pension providing compensation for in3uries claimed -- "nclear whether in3ury incidental to military life 5poisoning by comrades6, compensable by pension -- Claims related to losses suffered by having to pursue several appeals before receiving full pension possibly not within s. /// -)hether statutory bars cover alleged torts, breach of fiduciary duty committed after discharge serious Fuestion of law for determination on merits. Crown -- Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct, s. 0 prohibiting proceedings against Crown, Crown servant in respect of claim if pension paid, compensation payable -%laintiff released from 'rmed ,orces as medically unfit -- !ecoming ill after /001 service in Croatia -- 'fter release, informed poisoned by own troops -- 'fter numerous appeals, awarded /99C pension -- &n3uries claimed results of alleged intentional poisoningE denial of adeFuate, timely assistance, treatmentE premature loss of employmentE shortened life expectancy -- ot clear pension providing compensation for such in3uries -- )hether poisoning continuing after superiors aware of it evidentiary issue reFuiring discovery -- 'lso unclear whether in3ury incidental to military life 5poisoning by comrades6, compensable by pension -Claims related to losses suffered by having to pursue several pension appeals possibly not within Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct, s. 0 -- )hether statutory bars cover alleged torts, breach of fiduciary duties committed after discharge serious Fuestion of law for determination on merits. #his was a motion to stri$e the statement of claim for failure to disclose a reasonable cause of action. #he plaintiff served in a peace$eeping mission in Croatia in /001. &n the course of his duties he handled human and animal remains as well as bauxite, a ha>ardous substance. either protective clothing, mas$s or gloves nor clean water for washing were provided to perform these duties. #he plaintiff was not tested for exposure to potentially ha>ardous materials. )hen he returned to Canada, he began to experience physical ailments which resulted in his release from the 'rmed ,orces on Gune 8H, /00D as medically unfit. &nitially the plaintiff received a 8AC pension, which was increased to /99C only after numerous appeals. &n /000, the plaintiff was informed by the defendant that there were allegations that members of his own troop had poisoned him while he was serving in Croatia. o medical or emotional support was provided by the defendant at that time. #he statement of claim alleges both negligence and breach of fiduciary duty. #he Crown sought to stri$e the entire statement of claim on the ground that the plaintiff was in receipt of a pension for his in3uries and was thus barred by statute from reFuesting additional compensation from the courts. %ension 'ct, section /// prohibits any action against the Iueen in 1*

respect of any in3ury where a pension is or may be awarded in respect of the disability, and Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct, section 0 prohibits any proceedings against the Crown or a servant of the Crown in respect of a claim if a pension or compensation has been paid or is payable. #he issue was whether it was plain and obvious that the claim could not succeed. 7eld, the motion should be dismissed, except with respect to the allegation of .wrongful. termination. #his Court recently held, in <uplessis v. Canada, that the Fuestion whether the Crown had breached its fiduciary duty by failing to provide adeFuate support and counselling to a soldier upon his return from military service in Croatia was a serious Fuestion to be determined on the merits. #he law of fiduciary duty is not settled and the categories giving rise to a new fiduciary duty remain open. !ased on the undetermined scope of fiduciary duties, it was not plain and obvious that the plaintiff2s claim in this regard should fail. #he Fuestion remained as to whether the plaintiff2s claims fell within the scope of %ension 'ct, section /// and Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct, section 0. #he plaintiff argued that his claim arose from damages suffered .post-deployment. due to the defendant2s conduct, and was therefore not based on a disability .resulting from an in3ury or disease or an aggravation thereof.. #he plaintiff relied on <uplessis v. Canada. #hat case does not stand for the proposition that as long as a claim arises from damages suffered .post-deployment. it is not covered by the scope of the statutory bars. !ut it was not plain and obvious that the plaintiff had been awarded a pension in relation to the in3uries claimed, i.e. the results of alleged intentional poisoning, the denial of adeFuate and timely assistance and treatment, the premature loss of employment, and the li$ely shortening of his life expectancy. &t could not be concluded that such in3uries were indistinguishable from the physical and mental disabilities suffered by the plaintiff in connection with his military service for which he was in receipt of a pension. &t had yet to be established whether the poisoning was allowed to continue after the plaintiff2s superiors $new of it, thus raising at the least, an evidentiary issue which will reFuire discovery. More importantly, while the poisoning, apparently intentional, was perpetrated by his comrades-in-arms, it was not evident that this was the sort of in3ury, incidental to military life, which was compensable by a pension. #he plaintiff also claimed losses in relation to having to conduct numerous pension appeals before receiving his full pension. Such losses may not fall within the scope of %ension 'ct, section /// or Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct, section 0 or may not have been compensated under the plaintiff2s pension. or was it plain and obvious that the plaintiff was barred from bringing a claim based on the defendant2s alleged failure to inform him that he had been deliberately 13

poisoned while serving in Croatia. *stensibly, this was a claim of negligent conduct that aggravated a disability within section /// of the %ension 'ct. !ut the plaintiff based his claim both on the defendant2s failure to inform him, before and after his discharge, and on the uncaring and impersonal manner in which he was eventually informed, which occurred after his discharge. )hether the relevant statutory bars cover alleged torts or breaches of fiduciary duties after discharge from military service raised a serious Fuestion of law for determination on its merits. #he term .wrongfully. should be struc$ from the claim where it is used in con3unction with loss of employment. Such an allegation is untenable in the context of the 'rmed ,orces. M*#&* to stri$e statement of claim alleging negligence and breach of fiduciary duty on the ground that it disclosed no reasonable cause of action because the plaintiff was in receipt of a pension for in3uries sustained when an 'rmed ,orces member and was thus barred by statute from see$ing additional compensation in the courts. Motion dismissed, except that the term .wrongful. was ordered struc$ where used in con3unction with loss of employment. #he following are the reasons for order rendered in English by J/K 'ronovitch %.- Matthew Stopford claims damages in the amount of L.A million, including punitive and exemplary damages, against the defendant, arising from in3uries he suffered both before and after performing his duties as a warrant officer in the !al$ans in /001. J8K #he Crown see$s to stri$e the entire statement of claim on the ground that the plaintiff is in receipt of a pension for his in3uries and is thus barred by statute from reFuesting additional compensation from the courts. ,'C#S J1K &t should be borne in mind that for the purposes of a motion to stri$e a claim, or any part thereof, the facts alleged in the plaintiff2s statement of claim must be presumed to be true. #he following are the salient facts asserted by the plaintiff. J(K #he plaintiff was a member of the Canadian 'rmed ,orces from /0D9 until his release on Guly 8H, /00D. 7e had attained the ran$ of warrant officer and participated in three tours of duty in Cyprus and in " peace$eeping duties in the Special <uty 'rea of Mugoslavia, Slovenia and Croatia from March until *ctober, /001. #he plaintiff was in good physical, mental and emotional health prior to his service in Croatia. JAK &n March /001, the plaintiff was sent to Croatia under a " mandated operation to serve in an area called .South Sector. which has been described by the defendant as having .a pace and intensity of operations un$nown to Canadian soldiers since 1:

the :orean )ar.. %eace$eepers in the sector were sub3ected to constant combat conditions and crossfire and witnessed terrible atrocities. JHK #he plaintiff2s duties included cleaning the area of organic waste, including human and animal remains, and constructing bun$ers using mine pilings that were later found to contain a ha>ardous substance called bauxite. JLK o protective clothing, mas$s or gloves were provided by the military to perform these duties. o clean water was available for washing. #he plaintiff was not tested for any exposure to potentially ha>ardous materials. JDK &n an *ctober 8, /001 performance review, the defendant determined that the plaintiff2s performance in Croatia had been outstanding. *n Ganuary /A, /00(, the plaintiff was awarded a medal for his contribution to the effort in Croatia. J0K )hen the plaintiff returned to Canada in *ctober of /001, he was given no medical or counselling assistance by the military. ' report prepared by the defendant considered that the treatment available to those who had served in Croatia in /001 to /00A was .at best arbitrary., .inadeFuate. and .a disgrace.. J/9K <uring the period of /001 to /00A, the plaintiff began to experience profuse sweating and 3oint aches. 7e sought medical help from the defendant through his superior officers and 'rmed ,orces medical personnel. 7e was told to drin$ less coffee. J//K #he plaintiff then developed redness in his eyes and brought this to the defendant2s attention. 7e was told that it was 3ust .red eye. or an allergy. !y Ganuary of /00H, the plaintiff was going blind in one eye and was incapacitated due to 3oint pain. *n Gune 8H, /00D, the defendant determined that he was medically unfit and he was released from service. J/8K &n /00H, the plaintiff applied to the <epartment of 4eterans2 'ffairs for a disability pension. 7e initially received a 8AC pension, which was increased to /99C on March /(, 8999, after numerous appeals by the plaintiff. J/1K #he story does not end there. *n 'ugust L, /000, the plaintiff was informed by the defendant that there were allegations that members of his own troops had poisoned him while he was serving in Croatia. o medical or emotional support was provided by the defendant to the plaintiff at that time. J/(K ,ollowing its investigations into the allegations, the Military %olice Complaints Commission 5M%CC6 reported that poisoning had ta$en place and that the medical and tactical chain of command was aware at the time of the poisoning allegations, and that the plaintiff was not informed. #he defendant stated that .4isine, coolant and naphtha were placed in Stopford2s coffee..


J/AK #he plaintiff now suffers from a number of health problems, including posttraumatic stress and depression, partial blindness and significant intestinal problems. 't age 1D, he has been informed that his life expectancy may be less than /9 years. 7e is unable to en3oy the Fuality of life he was accustomed to prior to his illness. 7e has incurred significant financial burdens resulting from his lengthy pension appeals. 7is promising military career has ended prematurely. J/HK #he plaintiff brought a claim against the defendant on Ganuary 8H, 899/, for damages resulting from the defendant2s5a6 breach of fiduciary dutyE 5b6 breach of statutory dutyE 5c6 negligence for failing to properly perform all statutory obligationsE 5d6 negligence for failing to perform duties competentlyE J/LK &n the statement of claim, the plaintiff alleges negligence and breach of fiduciary duty as follows(8. #he defendant owes the highest level of fiduciary duty to the plaintiff. &t could, and did reFuire that the plaintiff put himself in harm2s way in serving his country. #he defendant is reFuired to ta$e care of the plaintiff if he is in3ured as a result of that decision. 7ere, the defendant has signally failed in it2s JsicK duty. (1. #he defendant breached its fiduciary obligations to the plaintiff bya6 failing to inform the plaintiff until Ganuary /L, 899/ of the $nowledge that he was poisoned in Croatia in /001E b6 the uncaring and impersonal manner by which the plaintiff was informed of his poisoning in CroatiaE c6 failing to provide timely and appropriate medical treatment for the plaintiff, despite his repeated reFuests for such assistanceE d6 failing to provide appropriate counselling and treatment for the trauma the plaintiff experienced in CroatiaE e6 deliberately destroying certain records placed on his medical file and then denying having done soE f6 failing to assist the plaintiff in obtaining a disability pensionE and


g6 failing to inform the <epartment of 4eteran2s 'ffairs that the plaintiff had been poisoned in /001. ((. !y reason of the defendant2s and her employees, agents2 and servants2 negligence, breach of statutory duties and obligations and breach of fiduciary obligations owed to the plaintiff, the plaintiff suffered in3ury as a result of poisoning, did not receive adeFuate medical assistance, and wrongfully lost his status of employment within the Canadian 'rmed ,orces. 7e has suffered and continues to suffer losses and damages as a conseFuence thereof, full particulars of which are as yet unascertained. (A. <ue to the intentional, wrongful and high-handed conduct of the defendant, the plaintiff is entitled to receive punitive, aggravated and exemplary damages. Motion to Stri$e %ursuant to ;ule 88/ J/DK #he defendant relies on paragraph 88/5/65a6 of the ,ederal Court ;ules, /00D JS*;N0D-/9HK, which provides that all or part of a statement of claim may be struc$ for lac$ of a cause of action. J/0K #he applicable test and principles for stri$ing a pleading pursuant to paragraph 88/5/65a6, are well established and supported by ample 3urisprudence. #he threshold is set high. &n order to prevail, the Crown must demonstrate that it is plain and obvious and beyond doubt that the claim sought to be struc$ cannot succeed. J89K &n the context of a motion to stri$e, a statement of claim is to be read as whole, and generously construed, such that a mere .germ. or .scintilla. of a cause of action will suffice to maintain it. ' party to an action is also not to be deprived of his or her right of action merely because the arguments made are novel or tenuous, all the more so in areas where the law is unsettled. ConseFuently this Court has re3ected motions to stri$e where the issues in play have raised serious Fuestions of law, or arguable Fuestions of mixed fact and law which are best left for determination by the trial 3udge 5see 7unt v. Carey Canada &nc., J/009K 8 S.C.;. 0A0E %erera v. Canada, J/00LK ,.C.G. o. /00 5#.<.6 5I?6E #he Iueen v. *peration <ismantle &nc., J/0D1K / ,.C. L(A 5C.'.6E 4ulcan EFuipment Co. ?td. v. #he Coats Co., &nc., J/0D8K 8 ,.C. LL 5C.'.6E 4&SO &nc. v. ide$ Co. 5/00D6, D8 C.%.;. 51d6 8D0 5,.C.'.66. J8/K #he defendant submits that the plaintiff2s entire cause of action flows from in3uries he suffered during his service in Croatia. Since he is in receipt of a full pension for these disabilities, he is barred from see$ing further compensation from the courts. #he plaintiff2s statement of claim should therefore be struc$ as it discloses no cause of action.


J88K #he defendant cites section /// of the %ension 'ct, ;.S.C., /0DA, c. %-H and section 0 of the Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct, ;.S.C., /0DA, c. C-A9 Jas am. by S.C. /009, c. D, s. 8/K, which provide, respectively///. o action or other proceeding lies against 7er Ma3esty or against any officer, servant or agent of 7er Ma3esty in respect of any in3ury or disease or aggravation thereof resulting in disability or death in any case where a pension is or may be awarded under this 'ct or any other 'ct in respect of the disability or death. J81K #he defendant explains that the purpose of these provisions is to prevent the Crown from paying twice for the same in3ury. #he Crown2s position is that the plaintiff2s cause of action is captured by the words .in respect of an in3ury . . . where a pension is or may be awarded . . . in respect of the disability.. J8(K #he defendant also states that, to the extent that the plaintiff attempts to claim damages based on wrongful dismissal, the Crown is in no way contractually bound to members of the 'rmed ,orces 5see +allant v. #he Iueen in right of Canada 5/0LD6, 0/ <.?.;. 51d6 H0A 5,.C.#.<.6, at pages H0H-H0LE Sylvestre v. ;., J/0DHK 1 ,.C. A/ 5C.'.6, at page A1E Cottle v. Canada 5Minister of ational <efence6 5/00D6, /(D ,.#.;. DD 5,.C.#.<.6, at paragraphs A/-A86. 'nalysis J8AK #his Court has recently dealt with a motion to stri$e a statement of claim in which the plaintiff alleged, inter alia, that the Crown breached its fiduciary duty by failing to provide adeFuate support and counselling to the plaintiff upon his return from military service in Croatia 5see <uplessis v. Canada 589996, D C.C.E.?. 51d6 LA 5,.C.#.<.66. 't paragraphs 19 and 1/, the Court determined that,rom the 3urisprudence, it is evident that the categories giving rise to a fiduciary duty remain open. #erms such as .power. and .particularly vulnerable. have scope for interpretation and have not been 3udicially considered in respect of the relationship of the soldier to the Minister of ational <efence. o 3urisprudence was submitted wherein these terms have been considered in the context of military service or would preclude a determination that the relationship of soldier to the Crown may be a uniFue relationship in the manner of +uerin. #he defendant may have a stronger argument in that regard, but it is not conclusive. +iven the facts pleaded and continued prospects for the development of new fiduciary relationships, & cannot conclude that it is plain and obvious that Sergeant <uplessis2 claim should fail. #here is a serious Fuestion of law here that is more appropriately left for determination by the trial 3udge on the merits. J8HK otwithstanding the able arguments of Crown counsel, & do not agree that <uplessis was wrongly decided on this issue. )hile it is clear that the application of 1+

fiduciary duty has been generally restricted to private law, & am not satisfied that it has been categorically excluded from the public law context. & ta$e the following words of <ic$son G. 5as he then was6 in +uerin et al. v. #he Iueen et al., J/0D(K 8 S.C.;. 11A, at pages 1D(-1DA to be instructive. &t is sometimes said that the nature of fiduciary relationships is both established and exhausted by the standard categories of agent, trustee, partner, director, and the li$e. & do not agree. &t is the nature of the relationship, not the specific category of actor involved that gives rise to the fiduciary duty. #he categories of fiduciary, li$e those of negligence, should not be considered closed. See, e.g. ?as$in v. !ache P Co. &nc. 5/0L/6, 81 <.?.;. 51d6 1DA 5*nt. C.'.6, at p. 108E +olden Mines ?td. v. ;evill 5/0L(6, L. *.;. 8/H 5*nt. C.'.6, at p. 88(. &t should be noted that fiduciary duties generally arise only with regard to obligations originating in a private law context. %ublic law duties, the performance of which reFuires the exercise of discretion, do not typically give rise to a fiduciary relationship. 's the .political trust. cases indicate, the Crown is not normally viewed as a fiduciary in the exercise of its legislative or administrative function. #he mere fact, however, that it is the Crown which is obliged to act on the &ndians2 behalf does not of itself remove the Crown2s obligation from the scope of the fiduciary principle. JEmphasis added.K J8LK & appreciate that <ic$son G. viewed the fiduciary duty in +uerin to be in the nature of a private law duty. 7owever, & am more impressed by his concern to articulate a broad definition based on the nature of the relationship at issue, not the actors involved. #hat he viewed the concept of fiduciary duty as possibly extending beyond the private law sphere is revealed in his Fualifiers .generally arise., .not normally. and .not typically.. Moreover, & do not ta$e his words to imply that the only exceptions to the privateNpublic law restriction occur in the context of sui generis relationships or where the duty at issue .is in the nature of a private law duty.. J8DK or do & ta$e this to be the implication of the Court of 'ppeal2s decisions in ,airford ,irst ation v. Canada 5'ttorney +eneral6, J/000K 8 ,.C. (D 5C.'.6 or Chippewas of the awash ,irst ation v. Canada 5Minister of &ndian and orthern 'ffairs6 5/0006, 8A/ .;. 889 5C.'.6, cases referred to by the Crown at the hearing of this motion. J80K &t is significant that in Callie v. Canada, J/00/K 8 ,.C. 1L0 5#.<.6, at pages 101-10(, Goyal G. determined that no fiduciary duty rests on the Crown in administering the %ension 'ct#hus . . . a mere statutory direction to officers of the Crown to administer a fund or sum of money for the benefit of designated persons does not necessarily imply the existence of a fiduciary relationship between the two parties. &n fact, & believe that this is the case with respect to the Crown2s statutory duty to administer the plaintiff2s 11

pension for his benefit. )hile the Crown may have an administrative or governmental obligation to administer his pension funds accordingly, this obligation does not amount to a trust or fiduciary duty. JEmphasis added.K J19K & am not convinced, however, that this case, now /9 years old, has settled the matter. &ndeed, very recently, in 'uthorson v. Canada 5'ttorney +eneral6 589996, A1 *.;. 51d6 88/ 5Sup. Ct.6, at paragraphs 81-8H, !roc$enshire G. of the *ntario Superior Court of Gustice drew a broad interpretation of +uerin. #his led him at paragraph 8L, to expressly disagree with the result in CallieGoyal G. in Callie v. Canada viewed the pensions and allowances as government funds, sub3ect to government discretion. 's & hope & have clearly indicated earlier, obviously when parliament would appropriate funds to the <4' to be used for pensions and allowances, the actual allocation of those funds was left to the discretion of the department and more particularly to the tribunal. 't that stage, it could be said the appropriation was sub3ect to a .political trust.. 7owever, once the allocation was made and the pension or allowance granted, then each and every payment of that particular pension or allowance was the property of the veteran. #he discretion to be exercised in the administration of those pensions and allowances for disabled veterans was no longer simply the discretion of the Crown but was a discretion to be used in accordance with eFuitable principles governing a fiduciary acting on behalf of the veteran and his or her dependents. 5& was advised by counsel that Goyal G. may have been misinformed as to the premise on which the second part of his 3udgment, re a set-off, was based.6 & am not bound by, and disagree with the findings and result in Callie v. Canada. J1/K & am satisfied, therefore, that the law of fiduciary duty is not settled and the categories giving rise to a new duty fiduciary remain open 5see also ?ac Minerals ?td. v. &nternational Corona ;esources ?td., J/0D0K 8 S.C.;. AL(, at page H(AE 7odg$inson v. Simms, J/00(K 1 S.C.;. 1LL, at paragraph 806. &t should be remembered that the Fuestion at issue is whether the plaintiff2s claim lac$s a scintilla of a cause of action such as to 3ustify denying him his day in court. !ased on the undetermined scope of fiduciary duties, & conclude that it is not plain and obvious that Matthew Stopford2s claim should fail. J18K #his leaves the Fuestion of whether the plaintiff2s claims fall within the scope of section /// of the %ension 'ct and section 0 of the Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct. aturally enough, the plaintiff forwards a narrow interpretation of those provisions. #he plaintiff2s claim, it is argued, arises from damages suffered .postdeployment. by the defendant2s conduct, and is not therefore based on a disability .resulting from an in3ury or disease or an aggravation thereof.. #his moves the claim outside the scope of the statutory bars. J11K #he plaintiff relies heavily on this Court2s determination in <uplessis. &n <uplessis, at paragraphs HD-L/, the Court was not convinced that the in3uries forming the basis of Sergeant <uplessis2 claim were indistinguishable from the 11

aggravation of his post-traumatic stress syndrome, or that those in3uries had already been compensated for under his pension#he plaintiff does not claim that he is disabled as a result of the defendant2s conduct. #he plaintiff2s argument is that Sergeant <uplessis2 true losses are greater than the compensation which he received by way of pension. 7e was humiliated, discriminated against, isolated, branded a trouble ma$er, provo$ed to breach the chain of command and improperly released. #he breaches of the Crown in not providing the support necessary to Sergeant <uplessis, are stated to have conseFuences separate from his disorder namely, by his isolation or stigmati>ation, mental distress, humiliation and loss of dignity. 's a preliminary matter, the Crown does not maintain that Sergeant <uplessis has sustained a separate in3ury or set of in3uries for which compensation is payable within the meaning of section /// of the %ension 'ct, such as to preclude any further claim for damages. #he Crown2s position, as & understand it, are that the in3uries, which are claimed to result from his mistreatment, are either related to or symptomatically indistinguishable from the aggravation of his syndrome. 'lthough the nature of the plaintiff2s in3uries are similar in nature being psychological and affective, they are alleged to be distinct, unrelated to his disorder and resulting uniFuely from the conduct of his superiors. "nder the circumstances, it is inappropriate to evaluate the distinctiveness, if any, of the in3uries which Sergeant <uplessis claims to have resulted from his treatment, in the context of this motion. 's to the pension awards on which the defendant relies, these are neither complete nor conclusive in that regard. & therefore decline to merge Sergeant <uplessis2 claims as merely an aggravation of his post-traumatic stress disorder. 'bsent clearer evidence that the pension entitlement was intended to cover and does cover the in3uries which form the basis for this claim, and that these in3uries are in fact related to or indistinguishable from the aggravation of his syndrome, & cannot find it plain and obvious that the plaintiff has already been awarded a pension in relation to the in3uries claimed. #his finding applies eFually to section 0 of the Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct on which the Crown relies to bar Sergeant <uplessis2 claim in tort. J1(K & do not agree with the plaintiff that <uplessis stands for the proposition that as long as a claim arises from damages suffered .post-deployment. it is not covered by the scope of the statutory bars. 7owever, as was found in <uplessis, & do not find it plain and obvious that Matthew Stopford has been awarded a pension in relation to the in3uries claimed in the within action. 's with <uplessis, the present claim is for damages resulting from the conduct of the plaintiff2s superiors. #he in3uries claimed are the results of alleged intentional poisoning, the denial of adeFuate and timely assistance and treatment, the premature loss of the plaintiff2s status and employment in the services, culminating in the li$ely curtailment of his life expectancy. #hese in3uries are claimed to be due to the intentional and negligent conduct of the 18

defendant. & cannot conclude, in the context of this motion, that the in3uries giving rise to this action are indistinguishable from the physical and mental disabilities suffered by the plaintiff in connection with his military service for which he is in receipt of a pension. J1AK & am also not satisfied that such in3uries may be compensated by pension. 's an example, it is not clear that Mr. Stopford has been compensated, or may be compensated, by means of a disability pension, either for the poisoning that occurred or for the alleged failure of his superiors to inform him of the poisoning. &ndeed, it has yet to be established whether the poisoning was allowed to continue after his superiors $new of it. 't the least, this raises an evidentiary issue which will reFuire discovery. More importantly, while the poisoning, apparently intentional, was perpetrated by his comrades-in-arms, it is not evident that this is the sort of in3ury, incidental to military life, which is compensable by a pension. J1HK #he plaintiff2s claim also includes allegations that the defendant failed to assist him in obtaining his pension, including a failure to inform the <epartment of 4eterans2 'ffairs that the plaintiff had been poisoned in /001. #he plaintiff further alleges that the defendant deliberately destroyed records in his medical file. #hese claims logically relate to losses suffered by the plaintiff in relation to having to conduct numerous pension appeals before receiving his full pension. & am not convinced that such losses fall within the scope of section /// of the %ension 'ct or section 0 of the Crown ?iability and %roceedings 'ct, or that they have been compensated under the plaintiff2s pension. J1LK or do & find it plain and obvious that the plaintiff is barred from bringing a claim based on the defendant2s alleged failure to inform him that he had been deliberately poisoned while serving in Croatia. *stensibly, this is a claim of negligent conduct that aggravated a disability within the meaning of section /// of the %ension 'ct. &n my view, however, Matthew Stopford presents the novel claim for in3uries suffered as a result of the defendant2s conduct while he was no longer in military service. &n 'rsenault v. Canada 5/00A6, /1/ <.?.;. 5(th6 /9A 5,.C.#.<.6, at page /11, )etston G. concurred with a finding of <ubQ G. in !erneche v. Canada, J/00/K 1 ,.C. 1D1 5C.'.6, that .the %ension 'ct providJesK a comprehensive scheme . . . for addressing valid claims for in3uries sustained while in military service.. *fficer Stopford was discharged from the military on Gune 8H, /00D. 7e was not informed by the defendant of the poisoning allegations until 'ugust L, /000. Mr. Stopford bases his claim both on the defendant2s failure to inform him, before and after his discharge, and on the .uncaring and impersonal manner. in which he was eventually informed, which, again, occurred after his discharge. )hether the scope of the relevant statutory bars cover alleged torts or breaches of fiduciary duties committed by the defendant against a plaintiff after he or she has been discharged from military service raises a serious Fuestion of law that is proper for determination on its merits.


J1DK #hat said, & agree with the defendant that the term .wrongfully. should be struc$ with leave to amend from paragraph (( of the claim, where it is used in con3unction with the loss of employment. )hile no damages are sought for wrongful dismissal, such an allegation is untenable in the context of the 'rmed ,orces and will be struc$ out. Conclusion J10K &n sum, except as noted, the Crown has failed to satisfy the Court, beyond doubt, of the failure of the plaintiff2s claim. ,or the above reasons, the defendant2s motion shall be granted in respect of the allegation of .wrongful. termination and otherwise denied. #he costs of the motion shall be to the plaintiff in any event of the cause.@


Chapter ) The *oyal Canadian Poli$e lay no $harges++++ Lot surprising to the author the RCMP laid no charges against those that poisoned .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford9 4et"s read ver batim about this conclusion by the RCMPJ Lo charges laid in poisoning of officer CBC Lews 4ast CpdatedJ Thursday Nanuary 16 1++1 O 6J*< #M KT (oldiers who allegedly tried to poison their warrant officer while ser$ing in Croatia eight years ago ha$e nothing to fear fro! the law# reporty by the Military Co!plaints Co!!ission confir!s charges can=t be laid in the caseRetired warrant officer Matt (topford is blind in one eye and suffers fro! a list of health proble!s- )e says he was eAposed to toAic soil in CroatiaBut RCMP 'nsp- Russ ,rabb who led the police in$estigation into the case says the source of (topford=s proble!s was so!ething !ore !undane / his coffee cup,rabb told a news conference last May that at least siA soldiers had put things such as naphtha gas antifreeze and shoe polish in (topford=s coffeeBR5M M#> 8+ 1+++J Canadian soldiers tried to poison co!!ander PThis is a case we can pro$e beyond a reasonable doubt P ,rabb said- P'n fact there is no doubt-P The allegations are so!ething (topford hi!self won=t belie$e- )e says he would ser$e again with the sa!e !enThe RCMP say they had e$idence soldiers were plotting si!ilar attac%s against other superior officers ,rabb said- #nd !ost da!ning so!e officers %new about the incidents-1 But by the ti!e an in$estigation got under way it was too late to lay !ilitary charges- The three;year statute of li!itations was up-1 Gespite the confidence ,rabb has in his e$idence the case was dee!ed too wea% for cri!inal court-


'ootnotes 1- .ith so!e soldiers li%e this in the Canadian Military anything is possibleJ The RCMP say they had e$idence soldiers were plotting si!ilar attac%s against other superior officers ,rabb said- #nd !ost da!ning so!e officers %new about the incidents- 1- This is an interesting pointJ But by the ti!e an in$estigation got under way it was too late to lay !ilitary charges- The three;year statute of li!itations was up- That"s eAactly what the RCMP did with one of their own !e!bers they waited till the statutes of li!itations eApired but they did not re!o$e the false / fabricated state!entsJ ;.C.M.%. Sgt. Gohn 5.Gac$.6 #homas ;andle2s legacy to Canada. &S! - 90H0A0((80 0LD90H0A0((89 *C?C umber- (HA1/DD8 - /00H &s he Canada2s example of another Mar$ ,urman - ;.C.M.%. Sgt. Gohn 5.Gac$.6 #homas ;andle purposefully committed lies, fabricated evidence, made false statements P committed illegal actsB &S! - 90H0A0((1L 0LD90H0A0((1L *C?C umber- (1/A8/L/ - /00L ;oyal Canadian Mounted %olice officers Sgt. Gohn 5.Gac$.6 #homas ;andle2s P Cpl. Gac$ett2s legacy to Canada. &S! - 90HD809((8 0LD90HD809((H *C?C umber- (HAH18/A - /00D Gudge Gohn +omery2s inappropriate comments based on lies, false statements, fabricated statements P illegal acts by ;.C.M.%. Sgt. Gohn #homas ;andle. &S! - 90HD809(LL 0LD90HD809(LL *C?C umber- (HAH1/A( R /00D


Chapter , !hat the *CMP apparently $ant #a ri$ate- they apparently .s$rew/ 0p1+ Nust because the RCMP didn"t lay any charges in .arrant 5fficer Matt (topford"s poisoning doesn"t !ean !uch to the author! #pparently what the RCMP can"t fabricate in their in$estigations as eAe!plified by these incidents they screw up as cited in the neAt few chapters9 RCMP (taff (gt- Ross (penard thought he co$ered his trac%s by shredding docu!entsJ 'ncredibly in another high profile case another senior RCMP officer lied again and againThe so;called RCMP eApert witness classed an eApert witness on blood; pattern analyses was accused of per&ury and eAposed in B-C- (upre!e Court as the author of a flawed forensic report that got basic biology wrong-1 .ho was this RCMP 5fficer9 (taff (gt- Ross (penard"s credibility was shredded during the recent second;degree !urder trial of Charlie Rae 4incoln an aboriginal wo!an con$icted of stabbing to death her own two;year;old- )e ac%nowledged !isleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case re$ealing the concerns about the report and his errors-1 RCMP (penard thought he co$ered his trac%s by shredding docu!ents Esee #ppendiA 1 cited belowF)e was wrong#s noted ar!ed with a copy of docu!ents that (penard thought were destroyed defense lawyer Matthew Lathanson forced hi! to !a%e a series of de$astating ad!issions-8 The docu!ent was riddled with so !any GL# !isinterpretations and errors that the top eAperts in the field were flown in fro! Kd!onton and )alifaA to correct it- (o!e conclusions were not scientifically sound they said-*


>ou were not being truthful right9 the lawyer said confronting the Mountie with a transcript of his earlier testi!ony-3 >es ' agree (penard ad!itted-: #s e!phasized the perfor!ance was as bad as any at the Braidwood inDuiry into the death of Robert Gzie%ans%i which has also featured RCMP officers see!ingly unco!fortable with the truth-2 >ou will recall the (taff (gt- (penard ga$e so!e e$idence of blood found in--- EaF house at different places the &ustice said before sending the &urors to deliberate- >ou ha$e heard the Crown totally ignore his e$idence and ' suggest to you that you do ignore his e$idence co!pletely-6 (taff- (gt- (penard is the perfect eAa!ple of a person who clearly lied under oath and $iolated his oath to tell the truth and he e$en agreed to this- That conclusion is so clear and con$incing and so serious that ' suggest you should consider his e$idence to be co!pletely tainted and without any $alue whatsoe$er-< #s further cited in ;etired !.C. Mountie charged with per3ury a retired RCMP officer has been charged with one count of per&ury for his testi!ony at the 1++< trial of a B-C- wo!an con$icted of %illing her own child-1+ .hat a scu! buc%et9 5nly one charge9 Pretty lenient wouldn"t you say9 Bor!er staff sergeant Ross (penard a 81;year $eteran of the RCMP is accused of lying while testifying in B-C- (upre!e Court in May 1++<- )e was testifying as an eApert witness in bloodstain pattern analysis during the second;degree !urder trial of Charlie Rae 4incoln-11 Guring cross;eAa!ination by defence council at the 1++< trial (penard ad!itted he did not tell the whole truth in his earlier testi!ony-11 Nustice Nohn Truscott then ad$ised the &ury to ignore (penard=s e$idence-18 P(taff (gt- (penard is the perfect eAa!ple of a person who clearly lied under oath and $iolated his oath to tell the truth and he e$en agreed to this P Trustcott said- PThat conclusion is so clear and con$incing and so


serious that ' suggest you should consider his e$idence to be co!pletely tainted and without any $alue whatsoe$er-P1* 's this scu! buc%et getting a full pension at taApayers" eApense9 'ootnotes 1 ; <- Caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed!lood-splatter expert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown revealing concerns about the forensic report'an Mulgrew Qancou$er (un Nune 1< 1++<httpJIIwww-bcpoliceco!plaints-orgIrossRspenard-ht!l 1+ ; 1*- ;etired !.C. Mountie charged with per3ury 4ast CpdatedJ Tuesday Nanuary 11 1+11 O 1J1* PM PT Co!!ents:8Reco!!end8*CBC Lews httpJIIwww-cbc-caIcanadaIbritish;colu!biaIstoryI1+11I+1I11Ibc;!ountie; per&ury-ht!l


2ppendix 1 *CMP Sta## Sgt3 *oss Spenard $a0ght in a we o# do$0ments he tho0ght had een destroyed Caught in a web of docu!ents he thought had been destroyed Blood;splatter eApert ad!its to !isleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown re$ealing concerns about the forensic report 'an Mulgrew Qancou$er (un Nune 1< 1++< httpJIIwww-bcpoliceco!plaints-orgIrossRspenard-ht!l #n RCMP blood;spatter eApert has been accused of per&ury and eAposed in B-C- (upre!e Court as the author of a flawed forensic report that got basic biology wrong(taff (gt- Ross (penard"s credibility was shredded during the recent second;degree !urder trial of Charlie Rae 4incoln an aboriginal wo!an con$icted of stabbing to death her own two;year;old)e ac%nowledged !isleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case re$ealing the concerns about the report and his errorsCntil now (penard testified no one outside of the RCMP had been told about the doubt cast upon other cases so!e of which ha$e been re$iewed by other specialistsThe officer has been a blood;pattern analyst for fi$e years and gi$ing e$idence on the basis of his wor% as a recognized eApert witness'n this case he clai!ed to ha$e peer;re$iewed a report he actually helped author that was based on the !ista%en assu!ption that if so!eone was a possible contributor of a GL# profile or if a person couldn"t be eAcluded as contributing to a GL# profile then you could say the blood ca!e fro! that person.hat"s wrong with that logic is ob$iousJ #nyone with a white car !ay be in the pool of suspects for a hit;and;run but being potentially responsible is not the sa!e as being culpable#r!ed with a copy of docu!ents that (penard thought were destroyed defence lawyer Matthew Lathanson forced hi! to !a%e a series of de$astating ad!issions none than%fully that affected the outco!e of the trialThe officer was at pains to try and !as% the rewriting and re$iew process 81

that led to the creation of the i!pugned forensic report on blood spatter and GL# e$idence in the brutal child;%illingThe docu!ent was riddled with so !any GL# !isinterpretations and errors that the top eAperts in the field were flown in fro! Kd!onton and )alifaA to correct it- (o!e conclusions were not scientifically sound they said(penard was ordered to sub!it future reports for re$iew and told to send an eAplanatory letter to the CrownBut he hid that fro! the &udge until he withered under Lathanson"s cross; eAa!ination>ou were not being truthful right9 the lawyer said confronting the Mountie with a transcript of his earlier testi!ony' was splitting hairs the staff sergeant conceded5fficer Lathanson pressed brandishing the transcript do you agree that by splitting hairs you were not being co!pletely truthful9 >es ' agree- (penard ad!itted he wrote the report supposedly authored by (gt- Na!es ,allantThat was an untrue answer that you ga$e to this &ury in this case right9 Lathanson saidLot correct the Mountie replied- Lo it was not- Cntrue right9 Lathanson continued- >ou said that he authored the report right9 >ou told the &ury last wee% that E(gt- ,allantF authored the report right9 #nd ' was in error- That was untrue was it not9 Lathanson insistedLo it was not untrue the officer disse!bled- ' was in error- ' was !ista%en- >ou were confused about who had written the report9 the lawyer scoffed-


The circu!stances yes said the Mountie- ' realized ' had written the report- The perfor!ance was as bad as any at the Braidwood inDuiry into the death of Robert Gzie%ans%i which has also featured RCMP officers see!ingly unco!fortable with the truthThe force has conducted a re$iew of other cases co!ing before the court in which ,allant was in$ol$ed- But no re$iew of co!pleted cases in which he ga$e e$idence has been done(penard also !isled the court during earlier proceedings into belie$ing ,allant was no longer doing blood;spatter wor% because he was seconded to an RCMP 5ly!pic unit- )e is not doing any policing at the !o!entThe Mountie said he lied under oath to protect his colleague"s pri$acy- Nustice Nohn Truscott has not specifically addressed (penard"s !isconduct but he was sa$age in his charge to the &ury>ou will recall the (taff (gt- (penard ga$e so!e e$idence of blood found in--- EaF house at different places the &ustice said before sending the &urors to deliberate- >ou ha$e heard the Crown totally ignore his e$idence and ' suggest to you that you do ignore his e$idence co!pletely(taff- (gt- (penard is the perfect eAa!ple of a person who clearly lied under oath and $iolated his oath to tell the truth and he e$en agreed to this- That conclusion is so clear and con$incing and so serious that ' suggest you should consider his e$idence to be co!pletely tainted and without any $alue whatsoe$er- #fter two days of deliberation on Nune 12 the &ury found the 18;year;old !o! guilty of second;degree !urder in the slaying of her toddler in Nuly 1++: in the re!ote coastal town of Bella BellaLathanson had argued for a $erdict of !anslaughter because 4incoln suffers fro! the effects of fetal;alcohol syndro!e and associated psychiatric proble!s-


Chapter 4 Those that la a o0t the *CMP threatened!! 5ne thing is for sure anyone that criticizes the! is in for big troubleBor eAa!ple a top RCMP officer has issued a thinly $eiled threat to strip funding fro! (i!on Braser Cni$ersity if its lead cri!inologist doesn"t stop criticizing the force Esee #ppendiA *1 cited belowF-1 'n an e;!ail obtained by the Qictoria Ti!es Colonist RCMP Geputy Co!!issioner ,ary Bass chastises Robert ,ordon director of (i!on Braser Cni$ersity"s cri!inology depart!ent for his co!!ents in the !edia that RCMP arrogance stalled the in$estigation into serial %iller Robert Pic%ton-1 ' would li%e to suggest that you should be !uch !ore careful in spea%ing on issues where you ha$e no direct personal %nowledge or where you !ay not be getting accurate infor!ation fed to you Bass wrote in the lengthy e;!ail sent #ug- 11 two days after Qancou$er police deputy chief Goug 4e;Pard released his report on the bungled !issing;wo!en in$estigation which placed significant bla!e on the Mounties" shoulders-8 RCMP Geputy Co!!issioner ,ary Bass went on to Duestion the RCMP"s role as a %ey donor for (BC"s 'nstitute for Canadian Crban Research (tudies which is housed in the (chool of Cri!inology-* The ongoing bias you display against the RCMP in articles such as this ha$e caused !any to as% why we would want to continue to be in that partnership gi$en this apparent lac% of support fro! the head of the depart!ent RCMP Geputy Co!!issioner ,ary Bass wrote-3 This is a thinly $eiled threat about the funding ,ordon said adding that he finds it appalling a top Mountie would try to silence one of the force"s critics- 't"s stirring up trouble for the person who has the audacity to stand up and criticize what they are doing-: Cni$ersity of Qictoria ethics professor Ki%e;)enner 7luge agreed calling Bass"s state!ents inappropriate and unethical-2 ' would certainly construe it as inti!idating and a threat to withdraw funding he said- The RCMP should ha$e realized they are not funding a public;relations fir!- >ou cannot fund acade!ic positions with strings attached-6


The e;!ail by RCMP Geputy Co!!issioner ,ary Bass was copied to about 13 other people including top RCMP brass !unicipal police chiefs and the president of (BC-< ,ordon a tenured professor and for!er police officer said he has a duty to spea% out for police refor! in B-C- )e has long said the Mounties should get out of pro$incial and !unicipal policing to better focus on national security-1+ ,ordon also noted he"s not the only one raising concerns about the RCMP pointing to recent reports by for!er (upre!e Court &ustice Nohn Ma&or during the #ir 'ndia 'nDuiry and retired &ustice Tho!as Braidwood after the Tasering death of Polish i!!igrant Robert Gzie%ans%i-11 This organization is not capable of reflecting on their shortco!ings and dealing with the! and that"s a proble! for Canadians and particularly B-C- ,ordon said-11 'ootnotes 1 ; 11- ;CM% boss piFued by %ic$ton criticism, warns S," criminologist to watch his words- <eputy commissioner Fuestions whether Mounties should continue to fund S," research after criminology professor spo$e out about police handling of case against serial $iller By 7atie GeRosa Post!edia Lews (epte!ber 8 1+1+ httpJIIwww-$ancou$ersun-co!ItechnologyIRCMPSbossSpiDuedSPic%tonS criticis!SwarnsScri!inologistSwatchSwordsI8*6+26<Istory-ht!l


2ppendix )% *CMP oss warns S'5 $riminologist to wat$h his words RCMP boss piDued by Pic%ton criticis! warns (BC cri!inologist to watch his words Geputy co!!issioner Duestions whether Mounties should continue to fund (BC researchafter cri!inology professor spo%e out about police handling of case against serial %iller By 7atie GeRosa Post!edia Lews The Qictoria Ti!es Colonist (epte!ber 8 1+1+ httpJIIwww-$ancou$ersun-co!ItechnologyIRCMPSbossSpiDuedSPic%tonS criticis!SwarnsScri!inologistSwatchSwordsI8*6+26<Istory-ht!l # top RCMP officer has issued a thinly $eiled threat to strip funding fro! (i!on Braser Cni$ersity if its lead cri!inologist doesn"t stop criticizing the force'n an e;!ail obtained by the Qictoria Ti!es Colonist RCMP Geputy Co!!issioner ,ary Bass chastises Robert ,ordon director of (i!on Braser Cni$ersity"s cri!inology depart!ent for his co!!ents in the !edia that RCMP arrogance stalled the in$estigation into serial %iller Robert Pic%ton' would li%e to suggest that you should be !uch !ore careful in spea%ing on issues where you ha$e no direct personal %nowledge or where you !ay not be getting accurate infor!ation fed to you Bass wrote in the lengthy e;!ail sent #ug- 11 two days after Qancou$er police deputy chief Goug 4e;Pard released his report on the bungled !issing;wo!en in$estigation which placed significant bla!e on the Mounties" shouldersBass went on to Duestion the RCMP"s role as a %ey donor for (BC"s 'nstitute for Canadian Crban Research (tudies which is housed in the (chool of Cri!inologyThe ongoing bias you display against the RCMP in articles such as this ha$e caused !any to as% why we would want to continue to be in that partnership gi$en this apparent lac% of support fro! the head of the depart!ent Bass wroteThe RCMP funds two research chair positions at the institute at a cost of 0* !illion o$er the last fi$e years- 't recently renewed the 0*;!illion contribution for the neAt fi$e yearsThis is a thinly $eiled threat about the funding ,ordon said adding that he finds it appalling a top Mountie would try to silence one of the force"s 8:

critics- 't"s stirring up trouble for the person who has the audacity to stand up and criticize what they are doing- Cni$ersity of Qictoria ethics professor Ki%e;)enner 7luge agreed calling Bass"s state!ents inappropriate and unethical- ' would certainly construe it as inti!idating and a threat to withdraw funding he said- The RCMP should ha$e realized they are not funding a public;relations fir!- >ou cannot fund acade!ic positions with strings attached- The e;!ail was copied to about 13 other people including top RCMP brass !unicipal police chiefs and the president of (BC- 'n it Bass told ,ordon he would ha$e preferred not to share the dialogue with dozens of other people but gi$en the fact that your co!!ents are public ' do need to copy so!e of our %ey partners- 'n an inter$iew on Briday Bass said the co!!ent was in no way intended as a threat to pull financial support for the institute- )e said he was citing one eAa!ple of the !any positi$e partnerships the RCMP has throughout B-C't was a co!!ent ' !ade based on concerns that had been addressed to !e Bass said- .e ha$e no intention of pulling away fro! that contract.e ha$e a great relationship with (BC- Bass also denied trying to silence ,ordonThere"s no intention to !uzzle hi! Bass said although he added he wishes ,ordon would contact the RCMP before !a%ing inaccurate state!ents to the !ediaGespite ,ordon"s concerns Paul Brantingha! associate director of the (BC research institute said he didn"t ha$e a proble! with Bass"s e;!ailThe institute has eAplicit protocols that %eep research independent and free fro! donor influence Brantingha! said- 'n this case he said the RCMP supplies data and cri!e statistics to the researchers who then pursue the issues of interest to the!,ordon a tenured professor and for!er police officer said he has a duty to spea% out for police refor! in B-C- )e has long said the Mounties should get out of pro$incial and !unicipal policing to better focus on national security-


)e argued he"s not the only one raising concerns about the RCMP pointing to recent reports by for!er (upre!e Court &ustice Nohn Ma&or during the #ir 'ndia 'nDuiry and retired &ustice Tho!as Braidwood after the Tasering death of Polish i!!igrant Robert Gzie%ans%iThis organization is not capable of reflecting on their shortco!ings and dealing with the! and that"s a proble! for Canadians and particularly B-C- ,ordon said- #! ' alone in saying that9 Lo-


Chapter 6

The *oyal Canadian Mo0nted Poli$e do everything they $an to railroad Terry Mallen y into 7ail!!

4et"s put this part of the story into perspecti$e as a $ery apparent RCMP ERoyal Canadian Mounted PoliceF and Canadian ,o$ern!ent ConspiracyJ


Coroner"s 'nDuest held in (Dua!ish British Colu!bia Canada ruled the ho!icide was by Person or Persons Cn%nown

The Coroner apologized to Terry Mallenby for listening to the RCMP that he was an unwilling witness! Because of the RCMP lies Terry Mallenby !issed his wife"s funeral! Terry Mallenby will hate the RCMP until the day he dies! #nd Terry Mallenby will ha$e boo%s written about the RCMP scu! to show the %ind of shit they pull on the little people #nd this boo% is &ust one in a series that tells the bitter truth about the RCMP! 't also tells how Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper has had these *+ year old RCMP lies uploaded to (ergey Brin"s ,oogle-ca and web site! .hy did Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper do that unethical thing as paybac% to Terry Mallenby because he successfully sued the Canadian Mounted Police o$er their lies / recei$ing a 0123 +++ court settle!ent! Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper is so unethical / he doesn"t care and uploads these *+ year old RCMP lies anyway!! #nd (ergey Brin is another useless Billionaire with no scruplesM he doesn"t re!o$e these *+ year old RCMP lies fro! his ,oogle-ca ,oogle web site! 8<


Royal out of



Terry Mallenby was offered a (ocial .or% &ob in (cotland but to !a%e sure Terry Mallenby ne$er wor%ed again / The RCMP wrote a letter in 1<2< and spread it around the world!


RCMP (I(gt Nohn Tho!as Randle writes a letter saying that Terry Mallenby was a !urderer to !a%e sure he re!ained une!ployed1


RCMP (I(gt Nohn Tho!as Randle writes a letter saying that Terry Mallenby was a !urderer is gi$en to Nohn ,o!ery to !a%e sure Terry Mallenby re!ained une!ployed1a


M-N- )auser of the Correctional (er$ice of Canada in !e!o?s@ also says that Terry Mallenby was a !urderer to !a%e sure he re!ained une!ployed 8


Licole Bo!berg of the Canadian )u!an Rights Co!!ission in !e!o?s@ also says that Terry Mallenby was a !urderer to !a%e sure he re!ained une!ployed *


4orisa (tein of the Canadian )u!an Rights Co!!ission in !e!o?s@ also says that Terry Mallenby was a !urderer to !a%e sure he re!ained une!ployed 3


Terry Mallenby being une!ployed see%s relief fro! his Canada (tudent 4oans howe$er the Nudge turns out to be Nohn ,o!ery and his reDuest is denied1b


Terry Mallenby being une!ployed see%s a disability pension ECanada Pension PlanF using RCMP (I(gt Nohn Tho!as Randle M-N- )auser of the Correctional (er$ice of Canada !e!o?s@ Licole Bo!berg of the Canadian )u!an Rights Co!!ission !e!o?s@ and 4orisa (tein of the Canadian )u!an Rights Co!!ission !e!o?s@ / his reDuest for disability pension appro$ed *+


Terry Mallenby being une!ployed again see%s relief fro! his Canada (tudent 4oans the Nudge not being Nohn ,o!ery and his reDuest is appro$ed


The RCMP fabricate !ore bull shit about Terry Mallenby to railroad hi! into &ail


#fter 1* years of accu!ulating e$idence Terry successfully sues the RCMP o$er their lies Esee #ppendiA 1 cited belowF


Terry Mallenby was hired by the Lewfoundland (ocial (er$ices Gepart!ent as a (ocial .or%er-


)owe$er Terry Mallenby would not co$er;up the laA security at the .hitbourne Centre run by Lewfoundland (ocial (er$ice Minister 7ay >oung Esee #ppendiA 1 cited belowF

Terry Mallenby blew the whistle on the laA security at the .hitbourne Centre run by Lewfoundland (ocial (er$ice Minister 7ay >oung-

Lewfoundland (ocial (er$ice Minister 7ay >oung and Lewfoundland Pre!ier Clyde .ells fabricated so!e bull;shit about Terry Mallenby to get rid of hi! for blowing the whistle on the laA security at the .hitbourne Centre!

Because they ignored Terry Mallenby"s warning deaths occurred at the .hitbourne Centre!

The Canadian une!ploy!ent depart!ent could see that Terry Mallenby had done nothing wrong for blowing the whistle on the laA security at the .hitbourne Centre and appro$ed his application for une!ploy!ent benfits! *1


Terry Mallenby was offered a (ocial .or% &ob in #lberta-

)owe$er Pre!ier Ralph 7lein !ade sure Terry Mallenby did not ta%e up this position-

.as it a fa$or to Lewfoundland Pre!ier Clyde .ells to %eep Terry Mallenby une!ployed9

.as it a fa$or to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to %eep Terry Mallenby une!ployed9


Being une!ployed Terry Mallenby went bac% on his Canada Pension Plan disability pension with a psychiatrist diagnosis that he suffered with Post Trau!atic (tress / Chronic Type (ocial Phobia etc Esee #ppendiA 8 cited belowF


#s part of dealing with his Post Trau!atic (tress / Chronic Type Terry Mallenby too% to writing about the RCMP false state!ents harass!ent illegal actsJ

7uman rights violations in Canada- &ndividual being denied employment with the ,ederal +overnment of Canada due to false .murder charge. statements made by M.G. 7auser of the Correctional Service of Canada 5continuing case study from Cour supeSrieure en matieTre de faillite, %alais de 3ustice, MontreSal, ,ile UA99-//998809-D0(6*C?C umber- 8089A(99 R /009

7uman rights violations in Canada- &ndividual being denied employment with the ,ederal +overnment of Canada due to false .murder charge. statements made by icole !omberg of the %ublic Service Commission of Canada 5continuing case study from Cour supeSrieure en matieTre de faillite, %alais de 3ustice, MontreSal, ,ile *1

UA99-//-998809-D0(6*C?C umber- 8089A(99 R /009


#s part of dealing with his Post Trau!atic (tress / Chronic Type Terry Mallenby too% to writing about the RCMP false state!ents harass!ent illegal actsJ

;.C.M.%. Sgt. Gohn 5.Gac$.6 #homas ;andle2s legacy to Canada. &S! - 90H0A0((80 0LD90H0A0((89 *C?C umber- (HA1/DD8 - /00H

;.C.M.%. Sgt. Gohn 5.Gac$.6 #homas ;andle2s legacy to Canada. &S! - 90H0A0((80 0LD90H0A0((89 *C?C umber- (HA1/DD8 - /00H


#s part of dealing with his Post Trau!atic (tress / Chronic Type Terry Mallenby too% to writing about the RCMP false state!ents harass!ent illegal actsJ

7uman rights violations in Canada by federal agents of the Canadian 7uman ;ights 'nti-<iscrimination 'gency of the %ublic Service Commission of Canada. &S! - 90H0A0((A1 0LD90H0A0((A/ *C?C umber- (HA8D9D/ - /00L

&s he Canada2s example of another Mar$ ,urman - ;.C.M.%. Sgt. Gohn 5.Gac$.6 #homas ;andle purposefully committed lies, fabricated evidence, made false statements P committed illegal actsB &S! - 90H0A0((1L 0LD90H0A0((1L *C?C umber- (1/A8/L/ - /00L


Complete discharge from ban$ruptcy including preferred student loans due to ;oyal Canadian Mounted %olice harassment- a most unusual case of ban$ruptcy. &S! - 90HD809(H0 0LD90HD809(H9 *C?C umber- (HAH1/D8 R /00L


#s part of dealing with his Post Trau!atic (tress / Chronic Type Terry Mallenby too% to writing about the RCMP false state!ents harass!ent illegal actsJ

Canadian anti-discriminate JsicK directorate and Canadian public service staff icole !omberg2s legacy to Canada. &S! - 90HD809(H0 0LD90HD809(H9 *C?C umber- (HAH1/H0 - /00D

Canadian anti-discrimination directorate and Canadian public service staff ?orisa Stein2s legacy to Canada. - 90H0A0((LO 0LD90H0A0((LA *C?C umber- (HAH1/1L - /00D

;oyal Canadian Mounted %olice officers Sgt. Gohn 5.Gac$.6 #homas ;andle2s P Cpl. Gac$ett2s legacy to Canada. &S! - 90HD809((8 0LD90HD809((H *C?C umber- (HAH18/A - /00D

Gudge Gohn +omery2s inapproprivate comments based on lies, false statements, fabricated statements P illegal acts by ;.C.M.%. Sgt. Gohn #homas ;andle. &S! - 90HD809(LL 0LD90HD809(LL *C?C umber- (HAH1/A( R /00D


Can police harassment involving illegal acts, false statements and fabricated evidence lead to a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder sufficient to approve permanent disability pension= &S! - 90H0A0((DD 0LD90H0A0((D8 *C?C umber- (HAH1/98 - /00D


The Cnited Lations wasn"t interested in Terry MallenbyJ

:ofi 'nnan, Secretary +eneral of the "nited ations and Mary ;obinson, the 7uman ;ights Commissioner- their legacy to the world. *C?C umber- (08HD8(D


To shut the Terry Mallenby up the RCMP fabricate !ore bull shit about Terry Mallenby in another atte!pt to railroad hi! into &ail


The Canadian 'n$estigati$e Progra! wasn"t interested in Terry MallenbyJ

Story 2too hot2 for the investigative program .#he ,ifth Estate.BB *C?C umber- (DHL90((


)ow dare Terry Mallenby !o$e his fa!ily bac% to British Colu!bia Canada / the RCMP would surely !a%e his life !iserable including his wife and children!

Gid apparent RCMP stooge professor )elen Brown purposefully fabricate a state!ent about Terry Mallenby"s son to interfere with his uni$ersity progra!:

This RCMP stooge professor )elen Brown also tried the sa!e with Terry Mallenby"s daughter



Gid the RCMP ha$e the Canadian Military purposefully issue Terry Mallenby"s daughter clown sized boots so she would not !a%e BMT and eli!inate her fro! a career with the Canadian !ilitary 2


Gid the RCMP ha$e the Canadian Military apparently poison Terry Mallenby"s son so he would not !a%e BMT and eli!inate hi! fro! a career with the Canadian !ilitary6


The RCMP had so!e ruffians harass Terry Mallenby"s wife daughter and son<


Terry Mallenby !o$ed his fa!ily to .innipeg Manitoba Canada to get away fo! the RCMP harass!ent in British Colu!bia Canada!

Gid the RCMP ha$e a pri$ate security e!ployer in .innipeg Manitoba Canada deny Terry Mallenby"s son essential e!ails1+


Gid RCMP stooge Canadian Minister Giane Binley purposefully accept lies of a pri$ate security e!ployer about Terry Mallenby"s son and daughter to eli!inate a career in pri$ate security11


The RCMP !ade up so!e coc%;and;bull reason not to accept Terry Mallenby"s son as a recruit thus eli!inating his potential career with the RCMP11

The RCMP said Terry Mallenby"s son had two uni$ersity degrees and so he was unsuitable9

The RCMP said Terry Mallenby"s son li%ed to catch bad guys so he was unsuitable9 *:

The RCMP said Terry Mallenby"s son li$ed at ho!e so he was unsuitable9

4et"s loo% a little closer at this RCMP Ubull;shite" about Terry Mallenby"s son9 'nstead of hiring a clean;cut recruit li%e Terry Mallenby"s son the idiot du!b shite RCMP incredible as it sounds ha$e gone to hiring drug con$icted indi$iduals9 #he ;CM%, which is on a hiring blit>, will now turn a blind eye to some indiscretions by its applicants, including some drug activities, C!C ews has learned. 'n internal memo obtained by C!C ews reveals the ;CM% has changed its policy on drug use .to permit consideration of mitigating factors in all cases of criminal activity, which may include drug traffic$ing, etc.. .hat to f;;; instead of hiring Terry Mallenby"s clean;cut son the du!b shite RCMP ha$e gone to hiring drug traffic%ers9999 Goes anyone thin% this is the stupidest thing they ha$e e$er heard9 .ell the reaction to this ridiculous idea ca!e out good and strong in the (tory Co!!ents sectionJ #his is such a 3o$eB Mou canVt have criminals being police officersB )hat are these people on= & thought the ;CM% already hired from the bottom of the barrel= )hat is left= Sure, relax the rules and give each new officer 8 tasers. #hen they can be twice as dangerous to the public. & thin$ the standards are too low now. ?oo$ at the four liars from 4ancouver. & cannot see how 2lowering the standards2 to help in Fualifying more candidates for the ;CM% is2 a step in the right direction2. *2

)e should be see$ing better Fuality people for the force, reliable people with a clean bac$ground not fol$s who have committed indiscretions, minor or otherwise. ;CM% *fficers carry guns, tasers etc. and have a great responsibility to society. )e need the very best candidates possible. ;CM% still had some credibility they could find credible applicants. & certainly donVt paint all officers with the same brush but the actions of some officers, and how those actions were handled by the institution, have really damaged perceptions of the ;CM%. !efore loo$ing at lower standards for applicants they should loo$ at higher standards for themselves. 1+1+ Gid RCMP stooge Manitoba )ealth Minister Theresa 5swald purposefully accept lies fro! the cool %ids gang to harass isolate and discri!inate against Terry Mallenby"s daughter18

Gid RCMP stooge Manitoba )ealth Minister Theresa 5swald"s cool %ids gang also try to harass and isolate Terry Mallenby"s son


The Canadian ,o$ern!ent and RCMP are censoring this current author"s atte!pts to bring this conspiracy to light where the Canadian ,o$ern!ent and the RCMP are ob$iously censoring what appears on #!azon-co!1*


Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper and RCMP Co!!issioner Robert Paulson upload their 1<2: RCMP lies to (ergey Brin"s ,oogle and ,oogle-ca internet web site as !ore harass!ent and to !a%e sure Terry Mallenby his wife and children also re!ain une!ployed!!

1+18 'nDuest acts children!!

(enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell for!er RCMP officer and for!er Chief Coroner says he doesn"t gi$e a shite about the 1<2: Coroner results / the RCMP will continue their ca!paign of illegal harass!ent of Terry Mallenby his wife and


#fter all the RCMP are abo$e the law!!

#nd they can do as they please especially with Canadian Pri!e Minister (tephen )arper at the hel!!!

#nd that unethical RCMP Co!!issioner Robert Paulson who still denies fe!ale RCMP officers ha$e been seAually harassed for decades!!

The RCMP and the Canadian ,o$ern!ent still owe this little guy one !illion dollars in lost wages when is he going to recei$e it9



1- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago that there were lying bastards in the RCMP Einterspersed a!ongst the !any fine RCMP officers protecting our citizens and countryF!

CanadaVs %olice ,orce- ?ies, fabrication, per3ury ... and much worse= Before his death he was able to tell a nurse at the hospital that an RCMP officer &u!ped up and down on hi!

1a V 1b- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what a !iserable bastard Nohn ,o!ery was and has waited o$er 8+ years before the rest of the country and world would find out about hi!J

' ,ederal Court ruling has blasted the biased musings of Gudge Gohn +omery

8 ; 3- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what lying bastards were e!ployed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and has waited o$er 8+ years before the rest of the country and world would find out about such thingsJ

#here2s o Such #hing as 7uman ;ights in CanadaB

:- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what lying bastards were e!ployed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the lying professor as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallenby son"s educationJ

#he lying professor= 'nd, the lying 4.%.=

2- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what lying 3+

bastards were e!ployed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the lying doctor as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallenby daughter"s potential !ilitary careerJ

#he lying doctor= 'nd, the lying general=

6- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what lying bastards were e!ployed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the apparent atte!pted poisoning of the Terry Mallenby son"s thus eli!inating his potential !ilitary careerJ

Canadian +overnment Conspiracy- )as this W$idV poisoned=

<- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what lying bastards were e!ployed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the harass!ent of the little guy"s wife and daughter and son by RCMP stoogesJ

CanadaVs %olice ,orce- ?ies, fabrication, per3ury ... and much worse= Before his death he was able to tell a nurse at the hospital that an RCMP officer &u!ped up and down on hi!

1+- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what lying bastards were e!ployed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about a $indicti$e e!ployer as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallenby son"s safetyJ

Canada"s Qery 5wn Three Blind Mice! .ho concluded that antibiotics are for stress9

11- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what lying bastards were e!ployed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about a $indicti$e e!ployer as an apparent 31

RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallenby daughter"s e!ploy!entJ

4indictive Employers- othing but poisonB

11- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what lying bastards were e!ployed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the RCMP !a%ing up so!e coc%;and; bull nonsense so they would not ha$e to accept the little guy"s son as an RCMP recruitJ

&f Mou ?i$e #o Catch !ad +uys #his %olice ,orce <oesnVt )ant Mou= 18- The Terry Mallenby %new full;well long long ago what lying bastards were e!ployed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the RCMP using a pro$incial go$ern!ent depart!ent to seA;discri!inate harass and isolate the little guy"s daughterJ

&s slavery alive and well in Canada= #here is absolutely no protection for female employees against vindictive employersB


1*- The Canadian ,o$ern!ent and RCMP are censoring this current author"s atte!pts to bring this conspiracy against this Terry Mallenby and his fa!ily to light where the Canadian ,o$ern!ent and the RCMP are ob$iously censoring what appears on #!azon-co!J

&s Canada2s %olice ,orce ,iltering )hat the )orld ;eads about #hem= #he .Cra>y Canuc$. apparently wrote a bogus review to help out=


Appendix 1a

Terry Mallenby sued for lost wages of 1-8 !illion dollars Ewith actuarial e$idenceF and the first out;of;court settle!ent that the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP offered hi! was 013+ +++9

The Terry Mallenby told the lawyer that wasn"t enough and the second out;of;court settle!ent that the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP offered hi! was 0123 +++9

The Terry Mallenby said that represented a !oral $ictory o$er the bastards and said accept it!

#s far as the Terry Mallenby is concerned the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP still owe hi! the re!aining 1 !illion dollars together with a sizeable a!ount for his wife and children who ha$e the!sel$es been harassed by the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP!

#s for the current author can tell all he can say is that there are apparently !any lying shit;heads wor%ing for the Bederal ,o$ern!ent of Canada and the RCMP and that there is enough !aterial out there in the press about the!J

%erverts, Sexual <eviants *ccupy #op ;CM% ;an$s R ew 'llegations Suggest (aturday Lo$e!ber 11th 1+11 3*

The 4in% Paper


Appendix 1b The Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed *CMP!


Appendix 1c The Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed *CMP!


Appendix 1d The Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed *CMP!


Appendix 2

Terry Mallenby went off his Canada Pension Plan disability pension first appro$ed in 1<2< thin%ing the RCMP harass!ent !ay ha$e finished9

)owe$er he was unable to co$er;up for an apparent sleeze ball as cited in the current author"s new boo%J

)histleblowerB 'nd darn proud of itB httpJIIwww-a!azon-co!I.histleblower;darn; proud;Terry;MallenbyIdpI1*::*1232*IrefW srR1R119sWboo%sVieWCTB6VDidW1816<:12*3VsrW 1;11

#s cited this Ulittle guy" who lost a &ob after blowing the whistle on the .hitbourne Centre to Pre!ier Clyde .ells and (ocial (er$ices Minister 7ay >oung had warned these two idiot politicians of the dangers at the .hitbourne Centre!1

)owe$er they wouldn"t listen E&ust li%e all the .histelblowers cited in this boo% and elsewhere1F and got rid of their own whistleblower only to find out a year later that a tragedy did occur at the .hitbourne Centre!

.ith the Lewfoundland there was a .histleblower who wrote to Lewfoundland Pre!ier Clyde .ells and to Lewfoundland (ocial (er$ices Minister 7ay >oung telling the! that the security at the !aAi!u! security youth centre the .hitbourne Centre was laA and should be i!pro$ed-8


.hat did Lewfoundland Pre!ier Clyde .ells and Lewfoundland (ocial (er$ices Minister 7ay >oung do9

They didn"t listen to the .histleblowerM instead they fabricated so!e coc%;and;bull eAcuse and got rid of hi! &ust li%e all the go$ern!ent !inisters and !anagers cited in this boo% and elsewhere-*

#nd what did that sleaze;ball (ocial (er$ices Minister 7ay >oung doM she e$en $iolated the $iolation of the Breedo! of 'nfor!ation #ct and the Pri$acy #ct to !a%e sure this whistleblowers was good;and;gone!

Can"t ha$e anyone blowing the whistle on political I go$ern!ent inco!petence can weJ

ovember /H, /00( 7*"SE *, 'SSEM!?M %;*CEE<& +S 4ol. O?&& o. H8


MR- B'TX,KR#4GJ Than% you Mr- (pea%er-

My Duestion is to the Minister of (ocial (er$ices- ' want to as% the Minister of (ocial (er$ices why she released infor!ation on the e!ploy!ent history of a Mr- AA the for!er operations !anager at the Lewfoundland and 4abrador >outh Centre in clear $iolation of the Breedo! of 'nfor!ation #ct and in $iolation ' belie$e of the Pri$acy #ct9

MR- B'TX,KR#4GJ Mr- (pea%er not only did the !inister $iolate the Breedo! of 'nfor!ation and Pri$acy #ct but she also ga$e false infor!ation Mr- (pea%er about Mr- AA=s e!ploy!ent history- The !inister said that Mr- AA had been fired for reasons related to &ob perfor!ance- The official record of e!ploy!ent the depart!ent ga$e to Mr- AA and to K!ploy!ent Canada says he was dis!issed for breach of trust and loss of confidence- Low ' as% the !inister did the !inister :+

%now Mr- (pea%er that she was gi$ing false infor!ation in her press release9 .ill she now ad!it Mr- AA was fired because he blew the whistle and disclosed the infor!ation as to what was actually happening out at the Lewfoundland and 4abrador >outh Centre9

Low co!es that sleaze;ball Lewfoundland Pre!ier Clyde .ellsJ

ovember /L, /00( 7*"SE *, 'SSEM!?M %;*CEE<& +S 4ol. O?&& o. H1


MR- .- M#TT)K.(J Than% you $ery !uch Mr- (pea%er-

' ha$e a Duestion for the Pre!ier following up on the line of Duestioning by the !e!ber for Bona$ista (outh yesterday dealing with the Minister of (ocial (er$ices 7ay >oung- Low on Lo$e!ber 6 1<<* the Minister of (ocial (er$ices 7ay >oung issued a public state!ent a written press release where she referred to the dis!issal of one Mr- AA at the Lewfoundland and 4abrador >outh Center at .hitbourne- 'n that she tal%ed about the reasons for dis!issal &ob perfor!ance and wor% history-

' want to as% the Pre!ier in light of the !inister=s public state!ent that is clearly a $iolation of the Breedo! of 'nfor!ation #ct and the Pri$acy #ct but particularly the Breedo! 'nfor!ation #ct section 1+ ?1@ ?b@J Goes the Pre!ier consider this conduct and beha$ior of the Minister of (ocial (er$ices 7ay >oung to be acceptable9

MR- .- M#TT)K.(J ; and in that written deliberate state!ent pertaining to the situation she saidJ Mr- AA was dis!issed for wor% related proble!s &ob perfor!ance- Low the record of e!ploy!ent belonging to Mr- AA states that he was dis!issed for breach of trust and loss of confidence so in essence the !inister in her state!ent issued a false state!ent- The reason was inaccurate and incorrect so ' want to as% the Pre!ierJ does he feel that the conduct of the Minister of (ocial (er$ices 7ay >oung in issuing a false public state!ent is beha$iour and conduct :1

acceptable for a !inister of his #d!inistration or is he going to allow the standards and beha$iour and conduct of the !inisters to sin% to an all;ti!e low in this Pro$ince where indi$idual pri$acy will no longer be protected9

.hat happened a year later due to the laA security one of the youth co!!itted suicide and a stin% was raised about Lewfoundland Pre!ier Clyde .ells and Lewfoundland (ocial (er$ices Minister 7ay >oung ignoring these .histleblower warnings!

Terry Mallen y S0$$ess#0lly S0ed the *CMP8 9ew#o0ndland &ay :o0ng reveals PTS; s0##erers name to media httpJIIwww-a!azon-co!ITerry;Mallenby; (uccessfully;(ued;RCMPIdpI1*6+1**21YIrefW srR1R1:9sWboo%sVieWCTB6VDidW1831*1<:1*VsrW 1;1:V%eywordsWMallenby



1- #he ewfoundland <epartment of Social Services is the worst department this author has ever read about #M'CC( Lo- 1:<211<: Lational 4ibrary of Canada-

1- Some Canadian )histleblowers TopicsJ .histleblowers httpJIIfairwhistleblower-caIwbersIcanadianRwbs-ht!l

8- #he ewfoundland <epartment of Social Services is the worst department this author has ever read about #M'CC( Lo- 1:<211<: Lational 4ibrary of Canada-

*- Some Canadian )histleblowers TopicsJ .histleblowers httpJIIfairwhistleblower-caIwbersIcanadianRwbs-ht!l


Appendix 3a

Terry Mallen y was diagnosed with a m0ltit0de o# disorders as a $onse<0en$e o# *CMP and 'ederal =overnment illegal a$tsharassment and other a 0se3

#uthor"s noteJ #nyone who has to identify a lo$ed;one in the !orgue can appreciate the horror grief anger one eAperiences9



Appendix 3b

20thors note8 2nyone who has to identi#y a loved/one in the morg0e $an appre$iate the horror- grie#- anger one experien$es+


Appendix 3c

Terry Mallen y was diagnosed with a m0ltit0de o# disorders as a $onse<0en$e o# *CMP and 'ederal =overnment illegal a$tsharassment and other a 0se3



Chapter > Lets look at who the *CMP want to hire instead / yeah sorry I?m a $ra$k addi$t I don?t think I $an make it in today / :o0 $annot even pretend to 0phold the law when yo0 yo0rsel# are reaking it+ 4et"s loo% a little closer at this RCMP Ubull;shite"9 'nstead of hiring Terry Mallenby"s son a clean;cut recruit the RCMP incredible as it sounds ha$e gone to hiring drug con$icted indi$iduals9 4et"s ha$e a loo% at so!e !ore co!!ents about this absolutely stupid idea!!!! The RCMP which is on a hiring blitz will now turn a blind eye to so!e indiscretions by its applicants including so!e drug acti$ities CBC Lews has learned-1 #n internal !e!o obtained by CBC Lews re$eals the RCMP has changed its policy on drug use Pto per!it consideration of !itigating factors in all cases of cri!inal acti$ity which !ay include drug traffic%ing etc-P1 Goes anyone thin% this is the stupidest thing they ha$e e$er heard9 .ell the reaction to this ridiculous idea ca!e out good and strong in the (tory Co!!ents sectionJ Someone commented on members not $nowing or understanding the Criminal Code. #hey should not only understand it but have it memori>ed. My spouse was a member for years and he could Fuote the Criminal CodeB 'ny member who doesn2t understand it better ma$e it daily reading and loo$ up time. 's to relaxing the rules. Stupid way to go. Move the pay scale up to attract better people. &f anyone thin$s this is going to be a .free-for-all. thin$ again. Gust because the rules will be relaxed a little even though they should not be, doesn2t mean criminals will be accepted. &t means that people who owned up to ta$ing a few drags off a 3oint will not have to wait a year. 's the bottom line reads - anyone with a criminal offence, need not apply. 'nyone who thin$s the training is easy - start running A: a day - you will need to do that and a lot more on a daily basis - no matter the weather.8 Mou $now what will li$ely happen when people that have been charged by an ;CM% that has or had a criminal record for drugs or another minor record end up at trial, the defence lawyer will dig up crap on the cop from his earlier 5drug days6 and use it to defame the cops character and name in the courts. !asically saying to the 3udge or 3ury, how can we respect :<

this cops actions when heNshe- isNwas a drug userNseller= See where &2m going with this= &sn2t it $inda li$e a situation where the pot is calling the $ettle blac$= & thin$ this is a bad idea for the ;CM%. &n the last 19yrs the cops have been busting people for having a 3oint on them. ow they can2t find enough guys without a criminal record to fill the ran$s... hahaha* So let me get this straight, the shining examples of pride and 3ustice as we $now it are allowed to have a minor drug addiction, so long as they admit to it. #hatVs not only re-assuring but its also bullshyt. & can hear it now... .yeah sorry &2m a crac$ addict & don2t thin$ & can ma$e it in today. Mou cannot even pretend to uphold the law when you yourself are brea$ing it.3 #nd the real reason the RCMP weren"t interested in this recruit his father had successfully sued the RCMP / pure and si!ple Esee #ppendiA 31 cited belowF! 'ootnotes 1 ; 3- #he ;CM%, which is on a hiring blit>, will now turn a blind eye to some indiscretions by its applicants, including some drug activities, C!C ews has learned. #he force, which is in the midst of its largest ever recruiting drive, needs to hire close to 8,999 members over the next two years. 't the same time, an internal memo obtained by C!C ews reveals the ;CM% has changed its policy on drug use .to permit consideration of mitigating factors in all cases of criminal activity, which may include drug traffic$ing, etc.. Reference toJ httpJIIwww-cbc-caIcanadaIcalgaryIstoryI1++<I+8I12Icgy;rc!p;recruit; drugs;hiring-ht!l #lso seeJ Short-staffed ;CM% relaxes recruitment rules- 'dmissions of minor drug indiscretions will no longer automatically disFualify applicants4ast CpdatedJ Briday March 12 1++<- CBC LewshttpJIIwww-cbc-caIcanadaIcalgaryIstoryI1++<I+8I12Icgy;rc!p;recruit; drugs;hiring-ht!l


2ppendix ,% @The #ather s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the *CMPA


2ppendix ,% @The #ather s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the *CMPA


2ppendix ,% @The #ather s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the *CMPA


Chapter B .Lets look at who the *CMP want to hire instead / This is hilario0s- i# we get a 0n$h o# pot heads on the *CMP it?ll e too #0nny Cor $a0se some very not so #0nny serio0s sit0ationsD1+ 4et"s loo% a little closer at this RCMP Ubull;shite"9 'nstead of hiring Terry Mallenby"s son a clean;cut recruit the RCMP incredible as it sounds ha$e gone to hiring drug con$icted indi$iduals9 4et"s ha$e a loo% at so!e !ore co!!ents about this absolutely stupid idea!!!! The RCMP which is on a hiring blitz will now turn a blind eye to so!e indiscretions by its applicants including so!e drug acti$ities CBC Lews has learned-1 #n internal !e!o obtained by CBC Lews re$eals the RCMP has changed its policy on drug use Pto per!it consideration of !itigating factors in all cases of cri!inal acti$ity which !ay include drug traffic%ing etc-P1 Goes anyone thin% this is the stupidest thing they ha$e e$er heard9 .ell the reaction to this ridiculous idea ca!e out good and strong in the (tory Co!!ents sectionJ #his is hilarious, if we get a bunch of pot heads on the ;CM% it2ll be too funny 5or cause some very not so funny serious situations6.8 #he ;CM% prior to around /0LA had a proud and admirable reputation in Canada. )hat a shame and embarrassment they have becomeB +oing bac$ to the issues surrounding Clifford *lsen. #he ;CM% managed to bungle that investigation up by not listening to other detachments suggestions with the 2we have it handled2 attitude. #hen they gave *lsen X/99,999 to give to his familyB #al$ing about adding insult to in3ury for the victims and their families.* &t2s sad to bash the whole body of the ;CM% but serious inFuiries need to be started 'S'%B )hen the faith in the citi>ens is gone....what2s left= & 3ust read the other day that there is no other organi>ation li$e it in the worldB o $idding, it doesn2t seem to wor$ either.3 #nd the real reason the RCMP weren"t interested in this recruit his father had successfully sued the RCMP / pure and si!ple Esee #ppendiA 38 2*

cited belowF! 'ootnotes 1 ; 3- #he ;CM%, which is on a hiring blit>, will now turn a blind eye to some indiscretions by its applicants, including some drug activities, C!C ews has learned. #he force, which is in the midst of its largest ever recruiting drive, needs to hire close to 8,999 members over the next two years. 't the same time, an internal memo obtained by C!C ews reveals the ;CM% has changed its policy on drug use .to permit consideration of mitigating factors in all cases of criminal activity, which may include drug traffic$ing, etc.. Reference toJ httpJIIwww-cbc-caIcanadaIcalgaryIstoryI1++<I+8I12Icgy;rc!p;recruit; drugs;hiring-ht!l #lso seeJ Short-staffed ;CM% relaxes recruitment rules- 'dmissions of minor drug indiscretions will no longer automatically disFualify applicants4ast CpdatedJ Briday March 12 1++<- CBC LewshttpJIIwww-cbc-caIcanadaIcalgaryIstoryI1++<I+8I12Icgy;rc!p;recruit; drugs;hiring-ht!l


2ppendix ,( @The #ather s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the *CMPA


2ppendix ,( @The #ather s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the *CMPA


2ppendix ,( @The #ather s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the *CMPA


Chapter 1E Lets look at who the *CMP want to hire instead / Have a twit$hing #inger well we won?t say anything i# yo0 shoot him 4 / 1E times+ 4et"s loo% a little closer at this RCMP Ubull;shite"9 'nstead of hiring Terry Mallenby"s son a clean;cut recruit the RCMP incredible as it sounds ha$e gone to hiring drug con$icted indi$iduals9 4et"s ha$e a loo% at so!e !ore co!!ents about this absolutely stupid idea!!!! The RCMP which is on a hiring blitz will now turn a blind eye to so!e indiscretions by its applicants including so!e drug acti$ities CBC Lews has learned-1 #n internal !e!o obtained by CBC Lews re$eals the RCMP has changed its policy on drug use Pto per!it consideration of !itigating factors in all cases of cri!inal acti$ity which !ay include drug traffic%ing etc-P1 Goes anyone thin% this is the stupidest thing they ha$e e$er heard9 .ell the reaction to this ridiculous idea ca!e out good and strong in the (tory Co!!ents sectionJ #he floodgates are not opening here, and to those who applied in the past and didn2t ma$e it but feel they were unfairly passed over... try againB ow is the timeB Mour persistence is sometimes all it ta$es... if you2re an easy Fuitter you won2t ma$e it through the ranch anywayB8 <id someone say %olice 'cademy ;CM% ;egina= Muggers ma$e good cops as they have the brawn to fight bac$. 7ave a twitching finger well we won2t say anything if you shoot him H - /9 times. 7ave a whole bunch of 4ices you will fit into management. #ime to close down the force.* 'n fact if you let drug dependent indi$iduals into the RCMP as the RCMP wants to do you !ay end up with a lot !ore of this type of incidentJ .hile on $acation with his fa!ily in Nune 1++2 an RCMP constable entered a hospital in .ashington state and as%ed for prescription drugs used for anAiety and panic disorders- )e refused to identify hi!self to hospital staff- )e said he wor%ed for the ,o$ern!ent of Canada and was in$ol$ed with international anti;terroris! enforce!ent-3 2<

The RCMP constable said if he did not lea$e the hospital with prescription drugs he would !iss a !eeting- 'n that case he said buildings could be blown up and other bad things could happen-: (taff found hi! to be $ery confused and perhaps intoAicated- .hen local police arri$ed to deal with hi! the constable identified hi!self- )e was released into the care of his brother-2 Two days later in (urrey B-C- the constable %noc%ed on a wo!an"s door and identified hi!self as an RCMP officer- )is head was bleeding and he was unsteady on his feet- )e was also described as sniffling and sneezing profusely- )e as%ed the wo!an a nu!ber of inappropriate Duestions about her house including its $alue and its contents-6 The wo!an felt threatened by the constable- #t a co;wor%er"s urging she called police- Both incidents were related to the constable"s addiction to prescription drugs-< .hat did the RCMP do they doc%ed hi! four days pay-1+ 'ncredibly the constable re!ains on acti$e duty in the 4ower Mainland-11 #nd the real reason the RCMP weren"t interested in this recruit his father had successfully sued the RCMP / pure and si!ple Esee #ppendiA 3* cited belowF! 'ootnotes 1 ; *- #he ;CM%, which is on a hiring blit>, will now turn a blind eye to some indiscretions by its applicants, including some drug activities, C!C ews has learned. #he force, which is in the midst of its largest ever recruiting drive, needs to hire close to 8,999 members over the next two years. 't the same time, an internal memo obtained by C!C ews reveals the ;CM% has changed its policy on drug use .to permit consideration of mitigating factors in all cases of criminal activity, which may include drug traffic$ing, etc.. Reference toJ httpJIIwww-cbc-caIcanadaIcalgaryIstoryI1++<I+8I12Icgy;rc!p;recruit; drugs;hiring-ht!l #lso seeJ Short-staffed ;CM% relaxes recruitment rules- 'dmissions of minor drug indiscretions will no longer automatically disFualify applicants4ast CpdatedJ Briday March 12 1++<- CBC Lews6+

httpJIIwww-cbc-caIcanadaIcalgaryIstoryI1++<I+8I12Icgy;rc!p;recruit; drugs;hiring-ht!l 3 ; 11- !est of the worst of Mountie misconductPostedJ Gece!ber 11 1++< by Ganiel 7aszor - Lational PosthttpJIIwebcache-googleusercontent-co!Isearch9 DWcacheJYKrCw!cdhK#NJnetwor%-nationalpost-co!InpIblogsIpostedIarch i$eI1++<I11I11Ibest;of;the;worst;of;!ountie; !isconduct-aspASrc!pSdisgracefulSbeha$iourS1+1+S.interS,a!esVcd W:VhlWenVctWcln%VglWca


2ppendix ,) @The #ather s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the *CMPA


2ppendix ,) @The #ather s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the *CMPA


2ppendix ,) @The #ather s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the *CMPA


Chapter 11

*CMP Commissioner *o ert Pa0lson 0pload )E year old lies as *CMP pay a$k e$a0se Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed them!!!

#nything is possible with this guy / )e has no scruples!

'n 1<2: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ERCMPF lied to the British Colu!bia Coroner in (Dua!ish saying that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness Eso they could arrest hi!F!!!

The Coroner apologized to Terry Mallenby for listening to the RCMP that he was an unwilling witness!

Because of the RCMP lies Terry Mallenby !issed his wife"s funeral!

Terry Mallenby will hate the RCMP until the day he dies!

#nd Terry Mallenby will ha$e boo%s written about the RCMP scu! to show the %ind of shit they pull on the little people

#nd this boo% is &ust one in a series that tells the bitter truth about the RCMP!

Terry Mallenby e$entually found a decent Canadian lawyer Ethey are hard to co!e byF who sued the RCM5 the Tueen and the Canadian go$ern!ent Eon a contingency basisF with Terry Mallenby winning a 0123 +++ out of court settle!ent-

The RCMP ha$e been harassing Terry Mallenby his wife and children e$er since!!!


Terry Mallenby has been writing about the stupid bastards e$er sinceJ

CanadaVs %olice ,orce- ?ies, fabrication, per3ury ... and much worse= !efore his death he was able to tell a nurse at the hospital that an ;CM% officer 3umped up and down on him@ httpJIIwww-a!azon-co!IC#L#G#s;P54'CK;B5RCK;fabrication; per&uryIdpI1*:11+1611IrefWsrR1R169 sWboo%sVieWCTB6VDidW1811331121VsrW1;16


Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed *CMP!


Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed *CMP!


Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed *CMP!


Chapter 1%

*CMP Commissioner *o ert Pa0lson way over his head F 70st look at the expressionCsD on his #a$e!!

>ou are not doing your &ob Bob Paulson / said Qic Toews!!

.hat ha$e you been doing / screwing the pooch999

's RCMP Co!!issioner Bob Paulson way o$er his head / &ust loo% at the eApression?s@ on his face!!!!

)e has no scruples!!


*CMP $ommissioner apologiGes #or 0se o# $onsta les at his "ttawa wedding By Gouglas Tuan Post!edia Lews #ugust 12 1+11


*CMP still sear$hing #or leaders o# ?impe$$a le ethi$s? By Ga$id #%in Parlia!entary Bureau Chief Thursday #ugust 8+ 1+11 8J38J8< KGT PM


5TT#.# Z Public (afety Minister Qic Toews has ordered the RCMP"s co!!issioner to go bac% to the drawing board to rewrite an action plan to address da!ning findings of gender bias in the force-

'n an unprecedented and sharply;worded letter Thursday to Co!!issioner Bob Paulson released to the (tar Toews eApresses a deep frustration o$er the eAtent of the proble! and the RCMP"s e$ident failure to address it in any !eaningful way<8

)e also re$eals i!patience with the top Mountie who spo%e of a still;secret gender audit of the force in a newspaper inter$iew in Qancou$er telling Post!edia Lews it re$ealed a clear unassailable bias against the pro!otion of wo!en in the upper ran%s-

Rather than pre;e!pti$ely discussing this !atter in public and proceeding on a piece!eal basis ' had eApected to also recei$e a plan of response that we ?you and ' the RCMP and the ,o$ern!ent@ could present to Canadians Toews wrote-

The ti!e for re$iew and report in relation to this issue has passed- Low is the ti!e for action-

Paulson was na!ed to the top RCMP &ob &ust o$er a year ago with the specific !andate of addressing seAual harass!ent in the force-

5n Thursday in calling out Paulson for his failure to set out a credible plan Toews ga$e Paulson a hard deadline of Gec- 11 to deli$er one and set out clear issues he wants addressed-

Toews said the gender audit conducted under the guidance of (uzanne Cl[!ent head of the (tatus of .o!en Canada re$eals troubling issues including the fact that despite the need for increased recruit!ent of fe!ale officers the nu!ber of fe!ale cadets at Gepot has decreased by 31 per cent since 1++6I+<-

)e said in !any ways it confir!s the issues we ha$e all %nown to eAist in the force-

Qic Toews Minister of Public (afety $ic-toews\parl-gc-ca


Chapter 1(

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper 0ploads )E year old *CMP lies as *CMP pay a$k e$a0se Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the 'ederal =overnment o# Canada++

#nything is possible with this guy!

Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the Canadian =overnment!!



Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the Canadian =overnment!!


Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the Canadian =overnment!!



Terry Mallen y s0$$ess#0lly s0ed the Canadian =overnment!!

.)> K4(K .5C4G C#L#G'#L PR'MK M'L'(TKR (TKP)KL )#RPKR BK P'CTCRKG 'L # ,K(T#P5 CL'B5RM99


Chapter 1)

2s *CMP pay a$k- Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent two #ellow 5niversity o# 2l erta grad0ates all the way to S<0amish- Hritish Col0m iaCanada @a distan$e o# 1-%%( km I 1-EEE milesA to 0pload the same )E year old *CMP lies a o0t Terry Mallen y!!!

.hy would Garby 4o$e and (anfu Chen both Cni$ersity of #lberta graduates tra$el all the way to (Dua!ish British Colu!bia Canada9

# distance of 1 118 %! I 1 +++ !iles9

.hy would a Cni$ersity of #lberta graduate tra$el all the way to (Dua!ish British Colu!bia Canada to upload one article fro! a non;eAistent newspaper to the internet9


#he company that owned the paper doesn2t exist anymore so while the library has verbal permission to use the archives of the SFuamish #imes there is no formal document ma$ing it clear so an application is in front of the copyright board see$ing formal ac$nowledgement that the library can publish the newspaper archive online, says Sanfu Chen.@

!hy e$a0se *CMP Commissioner Ho Pa0lson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told them to 0pload the same )E year old *CMP lies to keep Terry Mallen y- his wi#e and $hildren 0nemployed!


S<0amish P0 li$ Li rarian San#0 Chen 0ploaded )E year old *CMP lies e$a0se *CMP Commissioner Ho Pa0lson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told them to 0pload the same )E year old *CMP lies to keep Terry Mallen y- his wi#e and $hildren 0nemployed!!

+raduate student Sanfu Chen shifts through the SFuamish ?ibraryVs archives %hoto by ;ebecca 'ldousN#he Chief http-NNwww.sFuamishchief.comNarticleN89///881NSI"'M&S79H9(N1/88100L9NSI"'M& S7Neagle-D8/H-barometer-reaches-3ust-HAA


S<0amish P0 li$ Li rarian San#0 Chen 0ploaded )E year old *CMP lies e$a0se *CMP Commissioner Ho Pa0lson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told them to 0pload the same )E year old *CMP lies to keep Terry Mallen y- his wi#e and $hildren 0nemployed!!

7istorical SFuamish photos and documents go online %ro3ect awaiting word on next round of funding to carry on by Gohn ,rench http-NNwww.piFuenewsmaga>ine.comNwhistlerNhistorical-sFuamish-photos-anddocuments-go-onlineNContent=oidY88LL08A


S<0amish P0 li$ Li rarian ;ar y Love also 0ploaded )E year old *CMP lies e$a0se *CMP Commissioner Ho Pa0lson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told them to 0pload the same )E year old *CMP lies to keep Terry Mallen y- his wi#e and $hildren 0nemployed!!

Garby 4o$e Reference 4ibrarian (Dua!ish Public 4ibrary 82<+2 1nd #$enue P5 BoA 1+8< (Dua!ish BC Q6B +#2 dlo$e\sDua!ish-ca :+*;6<1;811+ eAt- 38+2


Chapter 1,

2s $an e seen elow- Terry Mallen y has the original Coroner In<0est report sent to him y the Coroners o##i$e o# Hritish Col0m ia Canada F $learly indi$ating he was not an 0nwilling witness!!


20thors 9ote8 The letters and n0m ers @P(aiA at the ottom o# the a ove noted letter re#ers to the eviden$e the a0thor s0 mitted to the 'ederal Co0rt o#


Canada when he S5CCJSS'5LL: S5J; the *oyal Canadian Mo0nted Poli$e!!

The RCMP didn"t li%e this and ha$e harassed Terry Mallenby his wife and children since 1<2:!!!

#nd the RCMP purposefully lied *+ years ago when they %new Terry Mallenby"s lawyer was out of town99


2gain- this a0thor has to p0t the #a$ts straight!!!

The $erdict in this Coroner"s 'nDuest / by persons or persons un%nownJ



So what has *CMP Commissioner Ho Pa0lson and Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent two #ellow 5niversity o# 2l erta grad0ates all the way to S<0amishHritish Col0m ia- Canada to 0pload the same )E year old *CMP lies a o0t Terry Mallen y!!!


So what has *CMP Commissioner Ho Pa0lson and Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent two #ellow 5niversity o# 2l erta grad0ates all the way to S<0amishHritish Col0m ia- Canada to 0pload the same )E year old *CMP lies a o0t Terry Mallen y!!!


Chapter 14

Senator Larry Camp ell- #ormer Chie# Coroner- #ormer *CMP "##i$er says he doesnt give a shite a o0t 1B64 S<0amish Coroner In<0est *es0lts F the *CMP will harass Terry Mallen y- his wi#e and $hildren #orever!!

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police doesn"t li%e the fact that Terry Mallenby successfully sued the!-

(o what did they do they uploaded their 1<2: lies when Terry Mallenby was age 16 and again in 1+11 when Terry Mallenby was age :399

4et"s first define a Coroner"s 'nDuest in British Colu!bia Canada-

CoronerVs &nFuest

'n inFuest is held and a 4erdict at &nFuest is written. &nFuests are formal court proceedings, with a five-person 3ury, held to publicly review the circumstances of a death. #he 3ury hears evidence from witnesses under subpoena in order to determine the facts of the death.


(o what ha$e the RCMP done they ha$e uploaded their 1<2: lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witnessJ

)usband reluctant witness -at Mallenby inDuest ; digitalcollections-ca www-digitalcollections-caI---IrI---I1<2:+*+1R(Dua!ishRTi!es-pdf


However- as $an e seen elow- the a0thor has the original Coroner In<0est report sent to him y the Coroners o##i$e o# Hritish Col0m ia Canada!!


#uthor"s LoteJ The letters and nu!bers EP8aiF at the botto! of the abo$e noted letter refers to the e$idence the Terry Mallenby sub!itted to the Bederal Court of Canada when he (CCCK((BC44> (CKG the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!!

The RCMP didn"t li%e this and has harassed the author his wife and children since that ti!e!!!

#nd they did that when they %new the author"s lawyer was out of town in 1<2:99


#gain the author has to put the facts straight!!!

The $erdict in this 1<2: Coroner"s 'nDuest / by persons or persons un%nownJ



(o what ha$e the RCMP done they ha$e put so!e !ore bull;shit about the Terry Mallenby / this ti!e that he was an unwilling witness which is what the RCMP Ethrough the CrownF told the Coroner in 1<2:!!!



Chapter 16

!ho to hell is Senator Larry !3 Camp ell that he doesnt $are a o0t the missing and m0rdered in S<0amish- Hritish Col0m ia+

.ell here he isJ

References courtesy of the Bair Cse #ct for research purposes to clarify the author"s point of $iew-


*ne of 4ancouverVs best-$nown and most admired citi>ens, ?arry ). Campbell has served as mayor since 8998 after a distinguished and high profile career primarily in law enforcement and death investigation.

#uthor"s LoteJ This 4arry Ca!pbell has a long career of law enforce!ent and death in$estigation yet with respect to the !issing and !urdered in (Dua!ish British Colu!bia he says ;



Squamish again

Larry Campbell

)ere"s the !issing and !urdered in (Dua!ish British Colu!bia Canada that (enator 4arry Ca!pbell for!er RCMP officer doesn"t gi$e two hoots aboutJ



Oct. 2 ! "#$% &achel 'urley! 2( #urley2s body was found in a wooded area near SFuamish. She had been sexually assaulted, beaten and strangled. %olice say she was $nown to them as a +ranville Mall .street person. who once wor$ed as a prostitute.

' 899/ 4ancouver Sun article listing the missing http-NNwww.highwayoftears.caNmissingbclist.htm


#opic- /0L92s SFuamish, !C - possible connection between 1 murders= ;e- /0L92s SFuamish, !C - possible connection between 1 murders= Z ;eply U89 on- 'ugust 98, 89//, 9(-/0-AA %M [

&2m sorry about your friend. Sadly there were so many serial $illers in this area during that era, it hard to $now for sure.

"nsolved Murders \ Missing %eople Canada http-NNwww.unsolvedcanada.caNindex.php=topicY190/./A


;e- Godi 7enric$son]/L]missing]!owen &slandNSFuamish]Gune 89,8990 111

Z ;eply UH/ on- May 81, 89/8, //-AA-A( 'M [ !ody found on !owen &sland !y Gane Seyd, orth Shore ews May 81, 89/8 H-1( 'M

%*?&CE investigating the discovery of a body in a bushy area of !owen &sland say the remains are li$ely not those of missing SFuamish teen Godi 7enric$son.

.)e don2t feel it2s connected to that case,. said Sgt. Gennifer %ound, spo$eswoman for the ;CM%2s &ntegrated 7omicide &nvestigation #eam. %ound said investigators ruled out that the body was 7enric$son early on, although she declined to say how police did that.

!owen &sland ;CM% were called out ,riday at around 8 p.m. by a local resident who had discovered the body on his land, a wooded property in the /,999 bloc$ of 7arding ;oad.

'n autopsy is to be performed #uesday to try to identify the victim and the li$ely cause of death. Suicide remains a possibility, as does the chance that the body was dumped there.

.#here are no obvious signs of in3ury,. said %ound.

So far investigators have not confirmed whether the body - which was badly decomposed - is male or female. .)e believe the body was there for Fuite some time,. said %ound.

?loyd 7arding, who lives on 7arding ;oad, said he was wal$ing down to his mailbox with his son2s dog at the end of last wee$ when the Gac$ ;ussell terrier tried to drag him into the bush.

7arding said he noticed a bad smell in the area. .& thought someone had hit a deer he said..

7arding said he2s wal$ed right by the area where the body was found before but didn2t see anything or notice any smell in the area before last wee$2s spell of hot weather. 118

%olice are currently chec$ing missing persons reports to see if they can help identify the remains.

7enric$son, then /L, disappeared three years ago on Gune 89, 8990 after leaving a house party on !owen &sland with her ex-boyfriend +avin 'rnott. either 7enric$son nor any signs of her have shown up since then, despite several searches by both police and volunteers.

%olice have repeatedly said they thin$ 7enric$son met with foul play and never left the island.

7arding said the Fuiet community is .shoc$ed and very concerned. by ,riday2s discovery.



"nsolved Murders \ Missing %eople Canada http-NNwww.unsolvedcanada.caNindex.php=topicY8D09.H9



Christopher ?eo #urgeon \ 1 \ Missing SFuamish !C \ <ecember /D, /000 Z on- Guly /L, 89//, /9-10-8L %M [ Case umber- 9999//9

Missing Since- /D <ecember /000 Missing ,rom- SFuamish, !ritish Columbia, C' '<' <etails- Christopher was abducted by his non-custodial mother, ?ilia 4'`I"E`. Missing Child-

Christopher ?eo #";+E* <ate of !irth- /( March /00H Sex- Male 7air- !rown Eye- !rown 7eight- 0/ cm 51H feet, inches6 )eight- /0 $g 5(8 lb6 'dditional &nformation- 7e has a mole on his lower lip on the right side. 7e spea$s English and Spanish. Christopher2s photo is age-progressed to L years old.

May be in the company of-

?ilia Martine> 4'`I"E` <ate of !irth- 81 March /0L( Sex- ,emale 7air- !rown Eye- !rown 113

7eight- /L1 cm 5HD feet, inches6 )eight- A9 $g 5//9 lb6 'dditional &nformation- #he abductor was born in Mexico. She spea$s Spanish and English. 'lias5es6- ?ilia M';#& E`, ?ilia M';#& E` 4'`I"E`, ?ilia 4'SI"E`

;elationship- Mother

"nsolved Murders \ Missing %eople Canada http-NNwww.unsolvedcanada.caNindex.php=topicYA/0A.9



;e- /0A9 - /0H0 "nsolved Murders and Missing - Canada

Z ;eply U(A on- 'pril //, 89/9, 9H-/D-8( %M [

,urry Cree$, !C *$ay, & am going to post some more of my findings, unfortunately, not much to find. & will post the info over a few posts. #his first lot is not in the date seFuence as originally listed. & may have found a common thread in these ones. 'lthough they are listed as SFuamishN4ancouver cases, when & loo$ed at the death registration information on ' & found all of their locations of death were within /D$m of a place called ,urry Cree$, !C. & have included one that was listed as SFuamish as it seems to be in the same area. & am not sure if these young ladies actually diedNwere found near ,urry Cree$ or if they were perhaps, from there, and therefore, their deaths were listed for that location. & have to brea$ this one into two posts as the computer is fussing

/. /8 'pril L1 7elen 7opcroft, age /L, 4ancouver 7er death was registered as /1 May L1, ,urry Cree$, !C #here was an obituary for her in the )innipeg ,ree %ress L Gune L1

8. /L ,eb LA +ayle ;ogers, 4ancouver, !C &f it is the same young lady, found .+ail Sandra ;ogers. <ate of registered death, L Mar LA, she was born in /0(0 so she was 8H, her death is registered as .SFuamish, !C.

"nsolved Murders \ Missing %eople Canada http-NNwww.unsolvedcanada.caNindex.php=topicY(/H.(A



,raser Member %osts- /89 Z ;eply U(H on- 'pril //, 89/9, 9H-8L-19 %M [

,urry Cree$ cont2d

1. 8A Gan LA Margie Melinda !lac$well, 8/ <eath registration- 8A Gan LA, place of death, ,urry Cree$, !C

(. 8H ,eb LH ;uth +wendolyn Mallenby, 8H, SFuamish <eath ;egistration- .;uth +wendelyne Mallenby., L Mar LH ?ion2s !ay, 5/D $m from ,urry Cree$, !C6

,or everyone2s consideration. &f & find anymore with this lin$ & will add them to this post.

"nsolved Murders \ Missing %eople Canada http-NNwww.unsolvedcanada.caNindex.php=topicY(/H.(A


Sunday afternoon a group of hi$ers found a dead body near a hi$ing trail on the side of MamFuam ;oad in SFuamish. .&t appears the man was met with foul play,. said spo$eswoman Sgt. Gennifer %ound. .&t does appear to be a homicide.. %ound also refused to comment on media reports that the man2s body was found beaten and ducttaped.


:im !olan has reported the identity of the body is that of )illiam )oo from Surrey who was an associate of the East 4ancouver hells angels but more recently went over to the other side. ow he2s in a body bag. & wonder who the prime suspects are= &f the East 4ancouver chapter of the 7ells angels contract a murder, that ma$es them a criminal organi>ation guilty of murder. & don2t $now about the <uhre <aiFuiris but ?otus, now there is some old school credibility right there. #hey are more than capable of professional paybac$.

!eaten and duc$ taped. Meah that would imply foul play. &t reminds me of two other cases in SFuamish. *ne was a guy named 'lex ?arsen who was run over by a truc$ because he was lying in the middle of the road. &t2s so strange and tragic. Mes it2s possible he got drun$ or high and passed out. Met we2ve never heard a word either way. )e don2t $now if he was beaten and dumped there or if he was wal$ing on the side of the road and a car hit him which was why he was lying in the middle of the road before the bus ran him over. #he case comes to mind and & wish there was more pieces to that pu>>le. #hey say he had made a decision to turn his life around. Gust li$e !ritney &rving. #ragic indeed.

*f course there2s that other bi>arre case in SFuamish, the murder of Gavan ?u$e <owling. #hree drug dealers were driving in a car in 4ancouver. *ne of the drug dealers, shot one of the other drug dealers in the head and the third drug dealer watched the shooter cut off <owling2s head and dismembered his body. #he two surviving drug dealers buried the body in two separate locations in SFuamish. Mihaly &lles was alleged to be the shooter while <erric$ Madins$i helped him bury the body. <erric$ Madins$i went with Goe !rallic to ?' where Goe was ripped off and murdered.

Meanwhile in that same original article about a new dead body being found in SFuamish it later stated there was another shooting in Surrey near the corner of ///' 'venue and /(Hth Street at about 8- (9 a.m. on Sunday. &t didn2t even ma$e it2s own head line. :inda sad. #he point is violent crime is continuing and as the papers also report the court system is currently in crisis. #hat was before 7arper2s disproportionate crime bill sent the fragile system into chaos.

+angsters *ut !log http-NNgangstersout.blogspot.caN89//N/9Nbody-dumped-in-sFuamish.html


Chapter 1>

!hat else $an we say a o0t Senator Larry !3 Camp ell that he doesnt $are a o0t the missing and m0rdered in S<0amish- Hritish Col0m ia+

#s further stated about the guyJ

?arry ). Campbell moved to 4ancouver in /0H0, wor$ing for the ;CM% and later becoming a member of the force2s <rug SFuad. &n /0D/, he began wor$ for the +overnment of !ritish Columbia2s Ministry of 'ttorney +eneralB

)ell, on Thursday March 1 1+11 (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell rose in the (enate and challenged two other (enatorsJ

7on. ?arry ). Campbell- 7onourable senators, & rise today to spea$ on !ill C-/9, the safe streets and communities act. !efore & start, & will have to invite Senator olin and Senator ;unciman to the province of !ritish Columbia so that & can show them that, on +aliano &sland at least, we are safe and that the crime rate has not risen substantially over the past few years.

(ounds i!pressi$e doesn"t it99

.ell until you scratch the surface!!

Birst of all ,aliano 'sland had a population growth of only fro! <+< to 1+21 fro! 1<<1 to 1++19



.hereas (enator Lolin"s riding of Ge (alaberry Tu[bec Canada had as of the 1+11 Census a population of *+ +22-

#nd (enator Runci!an riding of 4eeds / ,ren$ille 5ntario Canada as of 1++1 had a population of <: :+:!!

Tal% about not playing fair (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell!!

Co!pare your piddly little ,aliano 'sland with a population of around 1 +++ to other (enators with *+ +22 and <: :+: populations resti$ely99

's this (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell out to lunch999

'n any e$ent let"s eAa!ine (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell assertions that his ,aliano 'sland is free of cri!e!! .ell the first thing one finds about ,aliano 'sland is an article about the Mari&uana grow ops on ,aliano 'sland British Colu!bia Canada9

References courtesy of the Bair Cse #ct for research purposes to clarify the author"s point of $iew

?ight 'ction May H, 89// - "ploaded by +&,#S ,ilms #his video mini-doc explores Mari3uana grow ops on +aliano &sland, !C.<(



Gidn"t it sayJ

?arry ). Campbell moved to 4ancouver in /0H0, wor$ing for the ;CM% and later becoming a member of the force2s <rug SFuad. &n /0D/, he began wor$ for the +overnment of !ritish Columbia2s Ministry of 'ttorney +eneralB

#nd in spite of this the first thing one reads about ,aliano 'sland is an article about the Mari&uana grow ops on ,aliano 'sland British Colu!bia Canada9

.hat was (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug sDuad99 181

(leeping on the &ob99

5r &ust ignoring the Mari&uana grow ops on ,aliano 'sland British Colu!bia Canada9

#fter all there are tons of photos of the pot plants on ,aliano 'sland British Colu!bia Canada on the 'nternetJ


More pot plants on ,aliano 'sland British Colu!bia Canada on the 'nternet9

.hat was (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug sDuad99

(leeping on the &ob99


More pot plants on ,aliano 'sland British Colu!bia Canada on the 'nternet9

.hat was (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug sDuad99

(leeping on the &ob99


More Mari&uana grow ops on ,aliano 'sland British Colu!bia Canada9

.hat was (enator 4arry .- Ca!pbell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug sDuad99

(leeping on the &ob99

#nd this guy was the #ttorney ,eneral of British Colu!bia Canada entrusted with the tas% of prosecuting cri!eJ


?arry ). Campbell moved to 4ancouver in /0H0, wor$ing for the ;CM% and later becoming a member of the force2s <rug SFuad. &n /0D/, he began wor$ for the +overnment of !ritish Columbia2s Ministry of 'ttorney +eneralB


>et as one person saidJ

)ill Emdomain 1 Sep 89/1 tiesN/9LL(A01H8(DL10LLA8DA

'nd & own a house on +aliano &sland, the ;CM% officers that come onto the island $now who grows.

#hey could 3ust drive onto the propertyBB

#nd in ter!s of any of these Mari&uana grow ops on ,aliano 'sland British Colu!bia Canada being busted the sa!e person writesJ

& haven2t heard of one in almost /A years in the South +ulf &slands 5!C6.


4arry .- Ca!pbell was the #ttorney ,eneral of British Colu!bia Canada entrusted with the tas% of prosecuting cri!e and there hasn"t been a bust of Mari&uana grow;ops on his ,aliano 'sland!!

This guy wasn"t sleeping on the &ob / as being blind du!b and stupid!!



S)me articles by 'erry *allenby +)rmer +ederal peace )++icer )ld age pensi)ner , -'S. disability pensi)ner due t) &C*- lies

Cogniti$e de$elop!entJ the functional aspect of sy!bolization and language by Terry . Mallenby 5C4C Lu!berJ 11+:6:: PublisherJ .innipeg (- K$ans ]1<28-

# bibliography of research on spatial and social beha$iour by Terry . Mallenby 5C4C Lu!berJ 1166638 PublisherJ .innipeg J Tho!as Todd Press 1<28-

# bibliography of research on spatial beha$iourby Terry . MallenbyM Ruth , Roberts 5C4C Lu!berJ 11826+18: PublisherJ .innipeg J Tho!as Todd Press ]1<28-

# note on percei$ed self;acceptance of institutionalized !entally retarded ?'MR@ childrenby T. Mallenby 18<

'((LJ ++11;1813 5C4C Lu!berJ 1+3318:32 #rticle 4anguageJ Knglish PublicationJ The Nournal of genetic psychology 1<28 (epM 118?1st )alf@J 121;1 GatabaseJ Bro! MKG4'LK^IPubMed^ a database of the C-(- Lational 4ibrary of Medicine-

Personal space J direct !easure!ent techniDues with hard;of;hearing children by Terry . Mallenby 5C4C Lu!berJ 6:6:+31 Bro!J Kn$iron!ent and beha$ior M $- : no- 1 ?March 1<2*@PublisherJ EBe$erly )ills C#F J (age Publications 1<2*-

Kffect of discussion on reduction of !agnitude of Poggendorff illusionby T. Mallenby '((LJ ++81;3113 5C4C Lu!berJ 1+2312886 PublicationJ Perceptual and !otor s%ills 1<2* 5ctM 8<?1@J 262;<1 GatabaseJ Bro! MKG4'LK^IPubMed^ a database of the C-(- Lational 4ibrary of Medicine-

Personal spaceJ pro&ecti$e and direct !easures with institutionalized !entally retarded childrenby T. Mallenby '((LJ ++11;86<1 1*+

5C4C Lu!berJ 1+3<1<<2: PublicationJ Nournal of personality assess!ent 1<2* BebM 86?1@J 16;81 GatabaseJ Bro! MKG4'LK^IPubMed^ a database of the C-(- Lational 4ibrary of Medicine-

Personal (paceJ Pro&ecti$e and Girect Measures with 'nstitutionalized Mentally Retarded Children by Terry Mallenby '((LJ ++11;86<1 5C4C Lu!berJ *:813+8:6< PublicationJ Nournal of Personality #ssess!ent $86 n1 ?1<2*+1+1@J 16;81 GatabaseJ KR'C The KR'C database is an initiati$e of the C-(- Gepart!ent of Kducation-

Personal (paceJ Girect Measure!ent TechniDues with )ard;of;)earing Children by Terry . Mallenby 5C4C Lu!berJ *1*<:+<*3 #ccession LoJ KN+<6:1+ PublicationJ Kn$iron!ent and Beha$ior : 1 112;111 Mar 2* GatabaseJ KR'C The KR'C database is an initiati$e of the C-(- Gepart!ent of Kducation-

M#44KLB> TKRR> .- Personal (paceJ Girect Measure!ent TechniDues with )ard; of;)earing ChildrenJ Kn$iron!ent and Beha$ior :?1@ p- 112 LJ ++18;<1:3 5C4C Lu!berJ *:*21*8<28 PublicationJ Kn$iron!ent and Beha$ior $: n1 ?1<2*+8+1@J 112;112 GatabaseJ KR'C The KR'C database is an initiati$e of the C-(- Gepart!ent of Kducation1*1


The effect of eAtended contact with Pnor!alsP on the social beha$ior of hard;of;hearing childrenby T. Mallenby '((LJ ++11;*3*3 5C4C Lu!berJ 1+26:86<: PublicationJ The Nournal of social psychology 1<23 BebM <3?Birst )alf@J 182;6 GatabaseJ Bro! MKG4'LK^IPubMed^ a database of the C-(- Lational 4ibrary of Medicine-

The personal space of hard;of;hearing children after eAtended contact with =nor!als=by T. MallenbyM R, Mallenby '((LJ +++2;11<8 5C4C Lu!berJ 118223<+8 PublicationJ The British &ournal of social and clinical psychology 1<23 (epM 1*?8@J 138;2 GatabaseJ Bro! MKG4'LK^IPubMed^ a database of the C-(- Lational 4ibrary of Medicine-

The Kffect of KAtended Contact with PLor!alsP on the (ocial Beha$ior of )ard;of; )earing Children by Terry . Mallenby 5C4C Lu!berJ *12+31<8+ #ccession LoJ KN1168** PublicationJ Nournal of (ocial Psychology <3 182;6 Beb 23 GatabaseJ KR'C The KR'C database is an initiati$e of the C-(- Gepart!ent of Kducation-

The personal space of hard;of;hearing children after eAtended contact with Pnor!alsP by Terry . MallenbyM Ruth , Mallenby 1*8

5C4C Lu!berJ 1*1316+2 LotesJ Caption titleBro!J British &ournal of social and clinical psychology M $- 1* no- 8 ?(ept- 1<23@ GescriptionJ p- 138;132PublisherJ E,reat Britain J s-n- 1<23F

The !issing person in !easure!ent techniDues of interpersonal distanceby Terry . Mallenby 5C4C Lu!berJ :26<1+1*: ThesisIdissertation J Gocu!ent J eBoo% Co!puter Bile PublisherJ EBurnaby B-C-F J Es-n-F ]1<23-


The Kffect of KAtended Contact with Lor!als on the (ocial Beha$ior of )ard;of; )earing Children by Terry Mallenby '((LJ ++11;*3*3 5C4C Lu!berJ *:388<<:*: PublicationJ The Nournal of (ocial Psychology $<3 n1 ?1<23+1+1@J 182;186 GatabaseJ KR'C The KR'C database is an initiati$e of the C-(- Gepart!ent of Kducation-

Bacilitating the disappearance of perceptual error to the Poggendorff illusionby T. Mallenby '((LJ ++18;68+< 5C4C Lu!berJ 111<182<1 PublicationJ 4anguage and speech 1<2: #pr;NunM 1<?1@J 1<8;< GatabaseJ Bro! MKG4'LK^IPubMed^ a database of the C-(- Lational 4ibrary of Medicine-

'ncidents of physical assault against child;abuse in$estigation wor%ers J the nature of child;abuse protection legislation as possible reason for such incidents J so!e Canadian pro$incial eAa!ples of internal policies atte!pting to deal with such incidents J placing the trend of such incidents into a theoretical perspecti$e by Terry . Mallenby 5C4C Lu!berJ **126+82 ThesisIdissertation J Manuscript #rchi$al Material PublisherJ 1<<*-

Teach your child to read J a si!ple !ethod for parents and educators by Terry . Mallenby 1*3

5C4C Lu!berJ :133*<81 ; 1<6*

The relati$e effecti$eness of whole; and part;tas% si!ulators 5C4C Lu!berJ 111216331 / 1<6*

Tuality assurance in !edicalIhealth care utilizing and incorporating three !ethods of e$aluationJ process setting and outco!e J an introduction to assessing !edicalIhealth care by !eans of a conceptual Pprocess !atriAP J with special reference to acute care and chronic care hospitals by Terry . Mallenby 5C4C Lu!berJ 16*6::+1< ; 1<6:-

.hen the Pbaby;boo!P cohort reaches :3 J will it be social chaos or a carefully planned transition9 J an introductory research proposal by Terry . Mallenby 5C4C Lu!berJ 16*6:1*61 ; 1<6:-

Child abuse J a beginning social wor%er=s understanding and use of the G(M;''';R and three reacti$e !ental disorders following child abuse J reacti$e attach!ent disorder post; trau!atic stress disorder and ad&ust!ent disorder by Terry .allice MallenbyM 'nstitute of Psycho!etric #ssess!ent ?Bay Roberts Lewfoundland@ 5C4C Lu!berJ *+388::2 ; 1<<*

Gealing with a $iolent wor% en$iron!ent J internal policies and legislation dealing with physical assault and other threats against child protecti$e social wor%ers by Terry . MallenbyM 'nstitute of Psycho!etric #ssess!ent #pplied (tudies V 'n$estigati$e Research'(BLJ +<:<3<**+1 <26+<:<3<**+: 1*:

5C4C Lu!berJ 83623<<3 ; 1<<* LotesJ Re$ision of author=s thesisGescriptionJ $ii *28 lea$esM 1< c!(eries TitleJ K!ployee assistance progra! series-

)ow to !a%e staff safeJ how to reduce labour;!anage!ent conflictJ how to reduce staff grie$ances by Terry . Mallenby '(BLJ +<:<3<**+1 <26+<:<3<**+: 5C4C Lu!berJ :1<1+*8* ; 1<<2 5ther TitlesJ )ow to reduce labor;!anage!ent conflict )ow to reduce staff grie$ances



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