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Area de Proyectos expertos en Planes de Emergencias

AREA DIRECCIN Y GESTIN DE PROYECTOS, como sociedad profesional en la direccin tcnica y en la prevencin de riesgos laborales en el sector de la construccin, posee de Tcnicos Competentes como marca la Ley 38/99 de Ordenacin de la Edificacin y el R.D. 1627/97, cumpliendo de esta manera todos los requisitos jurdicas a considerar en cualquier plan de emergencia. Todos nuestros proyectos se apoyan sobre tres pilares bsicos: CONSIDERACIN PERSONALIZADA E INTEGRADA. CALIDAD Y RIGOR EN EL SERVICIO. INNOVACIN. AREA DIRECCIN Y GESTIN DE PROYECTOS, podra darle apoyo y prestacin de servicios ajustndose a sus necesidades, para lo cual estamos a su disposicin para concretar un asesoramiento y gestin amoldados a sus necesidades. PLANES DE AUTOPROTECCIN Y DE EMERGENCIAS AREA DIRECCIN Y GESTIN DE PROYECTOS dispone de un departamento que desarrolla su actividad fundamental en el campo de la Prevencin de Riesgos Laborales y por eso est capacitada tcnicamente para la REALIZACION, ADECUACIN e IMPLANTACIN del Plan de Emercencias y Emergencias en cualquier establecimiento, conforme a la legislacin vigente. Posee como finalidad principal facilitar el propsito de confeccionar e instaurar todo tipo de plan de emergencia, as como realizar la correcta adecuacin acorde a legislacin vigente en planes de emergencias. Respecto a la implantacin, AREA DIRECCIN Y GESTIN DE PROYECTOS brinda la posibilidad de llevar a cabo la formacin e informacin de los trabajadores, as como la realizacin de los simulacros obligatorios segn legislacin actual.

Area Management and Project Management AREA MANAGEMENT AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT gives action as Technical Optional to perform the MANAGEMENT Y MANAGEMENT and the COORDINATION oF SAFETY AND HEALTH method contract for you . AREA MANAGEMENT AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT placed your layout the expertise , procedures, wit and innovation ability of our staff area projects with the purpose plans .

The industry of job direct the services offered arises from the need by developers and contractors achieve pLANS when make your projects from the start , looking solution to the needs raised and creating the eMERGENCY PLANS needed both matter constructive and plans , the aim important to integrate PLANS , with FORECAST oF OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD project area . AREA ADDRESS Y PROJECTS PROJECT MANAGEMENT as business professional in art direction and the occupational risk prevention emergency plans in the construction sector , have Technical Competent brand as Law 38 /99 construction Planning and RD 1627-1697 , by enforcing thus fulfilling all requirements legal to consider in any project emergency plan . All our projects emergency plans are based on three basic pillars : CUSTOM INTEGRATED ACCOUNT . QUALITY SIGNIFICANCE AND INTENSITY OF SERVICE . INNOVATION . AREA MANAGEMENT AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT , can emergency plans adjusting requirements , for which we are available to realize a one emergency plans molded to your needs. PLANS AND EMERGENCY SELF AREA MANAGEMENT AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT has a industry job main in the field of Occupational Risk Prevention that presented is technically qualified for the DEVELOPMENT , adaptation and implementation of the Plan of Failsafe and Emergency Emercencias all place , current legislation . has and target main provide the purpose of make e establish any type emergency plan and carried out according to current legislation in case of arranging one emergency plans . Regarding the implementation establishment , ADDRESS AND AREA PROJECT MANAGEMENT gives the Used of perform the training and information of workers, in pension plans .

Planes de Emergencias

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