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Job Requirements Checklist Use the following checklists to analyze the demands of particular jobs in relation to the qualifications

of job applicants. In order to measure the extent to which an activity is required in a job, place an ,!," or #$ in each designated blank as follows% 'inor & ctivity or condition exists less than ()* of work time. 'oderate & ctivity or condition exists between ()&+)* of work time. 'ajor & ctivity or condition exists +)* or more of work time. #ot applicable PHYSICAL DEMAND Code Strength Re ching ,tanding ----- * .andling ----/alking ----- * 0ingering ----,itting ----- * 0eeling ----1hrowing ----Code 2ye&.and "oordination ----3ifting ----- lb. ----0oot&.and&2ye "oordination ----"arrying ----- lb. ----4ther ----------------- ----5ushing ----- lb. ----Communic ting Climbing 4rdinary ----,tairs ----4ther----------------- ----3adders ----4ther ----------------- ----He ring !alancing ----4rdinary ----4ther----------------- ----Stoo!ing 6neeling ----Seeing "rouching ----cuity & #ear ----"rawling ----cuity & 0ar ----1urning$1wisting ----7epth 5erception ----!ending at /aist ----ccommodation ----4ther ----------------- ----"olor 8ision ----0ield of 8ision ----"ther ---------------PHYSICAL C"NDI#I"N $orking Are Inside 4utside ----- * ----- * Code #em!er ture "onstant cold "onstant heat "hanging temperatures ------------Atmos!heric Con%itions 0umes 4dors 'ists Code ----------------& !& "& #$ &

Humi%it& or D m! Noise #oise level :d!; 2xposure :hours$day; 'n (oi% ble H ) r%s 'echanical 2lectrical !urns 'oving objects .eights "ramped quarters 4ther-----------------


7usts 4il$9rease 7irt 9ases 8entilation 3ighting 4ther ---------Protecti(e Clothing or Person l De(ices


MEN#AL RE*'IREMEN#S Understand and carry out oral instructions. <ead and carry out simple written instructions. <ead work orders, scrap tickets, job lot tickets, graphs, logs, schedules. <ead and verify car numbers, alloy identities, etc. <ead and carry out complicated instructions. 4bserve and read instruments, gauges, dials, etc. to determine operating conditions. <ead and interpret detailed prints, sketches, layouts, specifications, etc. Identify and list production data such as quantities, pressures, alloys, operating conditions. 5repare detailed records or reports such as inventory records, receiving reports, operating logs, lab analyses, quantities, etc. 2stimate size, form, quality or quantity of objects. Code -----------------------------------------

2stimate speed of moving objects. ----Inspect, examine and observe for obvious product or equipment defects. ----Inspect, examine and observe for product or equipment defects not easily identified. ----"ount, make simple arithmetic additions and subtractions. ----"ompute and calculate amounts of additives, results of tests, etc. ----Use measuring devices such as tapes, gauges, rules, weight scales, where reading is direct and obvious. ----Use measuring devices such as micrometers, calibrated steel tapes, calipers, etc. where precision and interpretation are required. ----'ake routine lab tests, such as titrations, specify gravity, etc. ----5lan and schedule movement or flow of materials or products. ----4perate automotive equipment such as autos and trucks. ----4perate industrials trucks such as forklifts, flat beds, tractors. 4perate overhead cranes and hoists. ---------

Use non&power head tools such as hammers, wrenches, etc. Use hand power tools. ,et up and operate machine tools such as lathes, milling machines, saws, etc. ssemble or disassemble objects. 7etermine malfunctioning of units by observing. 7etermine nature and location of malfunction. 5erform repair and maintenance of equipment. 5erform a journeyman craft activity. 'ake adjustments to obtain specified operating conditions such as turning valves= switches= moving and setting controls= adjusting furnaces, pumps= etc. "ontrol activities of a single processing unit. "ontrol activities of several processing units. 4perate equipment requiring specialized knowledge of process. 5lan own work activities. 5lan work activities of others. 7irect work activities of others. "oordinate work activities of others. 1rain other workers. /ork alone. /ork as a member of a team. /ork without supervision. /ork with minimum amount of supervision. /ork under pressure. /ork rapidly for long periods. /ork on several tasks at the same time.



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