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Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

Usui Reiki Master and Teacher contemporary and traditional methods level three manual
by Peggy L. Jentoft This is intended to be a simple practical manual for Usui Reiki. level three o manual !ill ever be complete. There is al!ays more to learn.

Reiki Master Level Three Manual

"ntroduction #bout $ymbols The master symbol %o! #ttunements !ork Ritual and attunement &efore the #ttunement 'irect "ntention The 'irect or cro!n to cro!n #ttunements for the Usui Reiki $ystem $emi Traditional long version first degree long second degree Traditional Third degree Remote attunement () 'ay *leansing *ycle The e+change issue ,eird deattunement- obedience symbol Reiki .thics for professionals T.#*%" / Reiki $uggestions for classes M0R. R"TU#L$ for attunement #TTU .M. T method $emi Traditional Usui longer attunement form 2

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

This is a Master Teacher Manual for the three level Usui system of Reiki. This covers both traditional and contemporary Reiki techni1ues though no manual can contain all permutations of information on Reiki Practice. The Reiki Master2Teacher 3Level """4 consists of learning the master symbol5 receiving the attunement5 and learning attunement processes. There also is often some discussion and teaching about ethical spiritual and social issues that might concern to Reiki Masters. This book !ill address some of the the practical methods of teaching Reiki to others and some thoughts about manual !riting and class organi6ation. ,hen This Reiki level three class is completed and the Reiki three attunement has been received the student !ill be a Reiki Master and teacher and !ill be able to pass Reiki #ttunement for all levels of Reiki using either ritual methods or the direct intention transmission of the Reiki attunement. $ome masters !ill only teach those people !ho are !illing and able to completely dedicate their lives to Reiki. " feel that Reiki and other energy !ork systems should be !idely available to people !ho sincerely !ish to learn to use them. Many Reiki practitioners !ant to take the Master level to complete their Reiki training. There is no !ay to complete your spiritual development and personal evolution. This is an ongoing process. The Reiki master training is a ne! beginning for sharing Reiki !ith others and for opportunities to enhance your o!n development. aturally much of the material in this manual should be familiar to the Reiki Master candidate from their previous study of Reiki. This manual has the 'ual purpose of teaching the Master student the material they need to kno! in becoming a Reiki Master and revie!ing and presenting information and procedures to be taught to their students. &eing # Reiki Master does not mean you are better or !iser or more enlightened than anyone else it 7ust means that you are able to transfer the ability to transmit Reiki attunement to others. " feel that a Reiki Master should make an effort to live in an ethical !ay and to be responsible for their actions and intentions. This manual includes traditional Usui Reiki5 attunement and the kno!ledge to pass them to others. " emphasi6e that strongly because due to Reiki variants !ith differing numbers of attunements there is occasionally some confusion about !hat is to be taught in a particular class. $ome teachers teach a Reiki 8a or personal Master level bet!een Reiki ( and the teaching level. $ome of these classes only teach the use of the 3

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

empo!erment symbol for personal use and healing and others !ill teach a number of nontraditional techni1ues but 8a usually does not teach ho! to pass attunements for all levels or ho! to teach a class. This may seem like 7ust a !ay to get more money out of a student. " usually 7ust teach the complete system in three levels. $ome people do !ish to have the use of the empo!erment function in healing !ithout !anting to teach others usually because of a specific healing need among their family and loved ones or they may !ant an intermediate stage bet!een Reiki t!o and Reiki Master teacher before they decide if they !ish to practice as a Reiki Master. $ome nontraditional elements that are often added in three a classes might include meditation techni1ues5 a %ealing #ttunement5 the %ui 9in5 the :iolet &reath5 Psychic $urgery5 Reiki *rystal /rids a Meet your Reiki /uide Meditation5 some of these are touched on in the Reiki t!o manual that is included !ith this Master training The reality is that most ;8a Master Practitioners; are Reiki Masters !ho simply have not been taught an #ttunement Process.

#bout $ymbols
There are at least three fundamentally different types of symbols and beliefs regarding the nature of symbolic forms. The first kind of symbol is those in !hich the po!er or ability to create effect is inherent in the form of the symbol. Those used in sacred geometry or the tatt!as and to a certain e+tent 9antra Mandalas are among those in !hich the actual shape or form is said to directly stimulate the subconscious energy patterns in the brain and energy body or physical and nonphysical reality. These symbols are said to contain the po!er to !aken an ability or create a result or convey mystical information and reali6ation of themselves !ith no or little action or intention by anyone. The second belief is that ob7ects and symbols can be something that is charged or empo!ered by intention or ritual or pro+imity to holy places or people to contain the po!er to create an effect. The last kind of symbol is those that are tools or triggers !hich enable you to connect !ith and use a spiritual function5 information5 energy and so forth5 that e+ists separate from the symbol itself. The symbol is more like an on button the po!er is in !hat the symbols represent rather than having any po!er of its o!n. These vie!points are not really mutually e+clusive they are 7ust different !ays of looking at things. $ome people in the United states have considered and taught that the Reiki symbols and their names or mantra themselves inherently contained the po!er and !ere sacred and secret not to be revealed to anyone !ho !as not an initiate. Most of the $ymbols used in Reiki are <an7i that is !ritten !ords !hich have esoteric symbolic meanings in some &uddhist traditions. 4

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

" have al!ays felt that the Reiki symbols !ere primarily of the third kind. They are tools to facilitate connecting !ith aspects of the universal energy for healing. They do not themselves have inherant po!er. There are often many different !ays to dra! a particular symbol but they all effectively assist in connecting to the Reiki energy. o! that ,estern Reiki Practitioners have made contact !ith Japanese Reiki Practitioners from the Reiki #ssociation founded by Mikao Usui it is apparent that this is the !ay they are used in that society and that many people become able to use Reiki functions !ithout directly invoking the symbols. These symbols are e+actly that5 symbols. They are not !hat they represent. The Reiki symbols represent specific properties functions of energy for healing and spiritual enhancement. ,hen anyone !ho is attuned to Reiki sees and says the name or dra!s these symbols it helps them to connect themselves !ith the Reiki energy and activate the function and specific purpose the symbol represents. The specific attunement the author of this manual uses does confer an automatic ability to choose to !ork !ith the Reiki functions by intention and use !ords or thought as the activator as !ell as by consciously invoking the symbols. 'irect intention activation does not substitute for the information and e+perience to be gained from studying and using symbols. "t is not necessary to understand the meanings of the symbols or even to consciously use them to gain and share the benefits of the Reiki system. Though it can enrich your e+perience to e+plore the meanings. The symbols remind us that there are !ays to focus on different aspects of the energy and use them. 9ou may also use Reiki to focus on other aspects and purposes of the universal energy by direct intention. 0ther systems !hich have evolved from Reiki such as $eichim and <aruna use different symbols to focus on other aspects of the energy. %o!ever you can use Reiki for these functions !ithout further attunement and !ith or !ithout the use of the additional symbols. " do not mean to say that !orking !ithout symbols is ;more advanced; than !orking !ith them. " mean that it is simply different5 not better or more advanced5 and that !hat istrue or right for one person may not be the best !ay for another person. "n the Usui Reiki Ryoho /akkai !hich is the Reiki society founded by Usui $ensei5 ,e understand that it is taught that the symbols !ere added by Usui sensei sometime after his reali6ation of Reiki in order to help those people !ho had little e+perience in energy !ork or !ho needed help connecting !ith energy. The symbols !ere apparently selected from those terms used in some esoteric &uddhist sects that are appropriate for the function of the Reiki focus. " !as actually familiar !ith most of these terms before encountering Reiki so " am not surprised by this at all. Many more 5

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

books and translations of Reiki teaching from Japan !ill be published in the future so our historical information about Reiki !ill continue to e+pand. Reiki is not a closed system5 !hile !e benefit by having a sound background in traditional Reiki practices Usui $ensei5 by designating himself as second rank gave symbolic indication of his hope that the system !ould continue to develop after his passing. The method of becoming attuned to the ability to use Reiki has changed over the years from the !ay it !as and is practiced at the Japanese Reiki society. "n the Reiki Ryoho in Japan you !ould meet !eekly !ith fello! members and a master5 have a lesson or lecture and possibly practice and or receive healing treatment after !hich you !ould do the hatsurei ho meditation during !hich the master !ould give you and the other members ;Rei7u; an empo!erment !hich helps to connect and deepen your connection to Reiki energy usually gradually in accord !ith your personal development. Possibly after a period probably of a year or more of this practice and study you might be invited to learn the second teachings. "n the %ayashi-Takata lineage called Usui $hiki Ryoho the symbols are of more importance. The system !as set up to teach Reiki faster than the lengthy training in Reiki Ryoho. There !as more emphasis on symbols and hand positions so that students could connect to Reiki in order to !ork in the %ayashi clinic before they developed the ability to sense the energy of clients. This is also probably !hy an attunement process !as developed similar to the initiations used in many healing and spiritual traditions in order to. greatly accelerate the clearing and connection and ability to !ork !ith universal energies The Masters that Mrs. Takata trained !ere taught !ith this emphasis on the symbols and !ere also s!orn to secrecy about the Reiki symbols and other practices. 'ai <u Myo5 .mpo!erment5 The master symbol 'ai <u Myo or dai ko myo 3dye koo myo5 3mm yoh long o 4. .mpo!erment5 "ntuition5 *reativity and $piritual connection this is the master symbol or energy function used for activating the initiation and attunement to Reiki. This is the only symbol added in traditional Usui Reiki during the Master training. There are a couple of additional symbols that are not originally part of this system that many teachers have added and !e !ill discuss them later. 'ai <u Myo can be translated as ;the /reat shining light; or ;the treasure to!er of light; "n some &uddhist practices it is symbolic of ;Mystic la! ; or one=s ;&uddha ature; and of states of enlightenment. and is sometimes used in esoteric &uddhism as a metaphor for the essential spiritual truth or la!s of the universe "t can also refer to the senses 5 the human body in enlightenment5 The teachings of all enlightened masters. These may be traditional meanings separate from 6

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

'ai ku Myo as a Reiki symbol. 'ai ku myo enables recognition and clarity about your true path. There is less !ritten about this Reiki symbol and function than about the others in the conte+t of Reiki because until 1uite recently there have been very fe! Reiki Masters !ho are empo!ered to use it. "t is still some!hat une+plored. Mrs. Takata dre! the symbols differently for many of her students. The first three symbols !ere compared and one form for each !as selected after her death. This !as not done !ith the '<M so there are many different versions !hich you might encounter. They all !ork. '<M activates a po!erful energy for $elf .mpo!erment and is used for opening $piritual connection and intuition and cellular healing. 0nce you are attuned for this energy you can use it for treating yourself and others each time you activate Reiki. "t is said to !ork at the cellular and genetic levels and is valuable for treating Migraine %eadaches. Many people have found that Level three Reiki #ttunement increases the intuitive and psychic a!areness that they can comfortably access. " have heard this called the vocational or life purpose function because it often seems to initiate dramatic changes in career and lifestyle. "t is also used as a Manifestation energy by some as is *ho <u Rei the po!er boost from second degree Reiki. To use '<M for manifestation you activate this energy and clearly visuali6e !hat you intend to manifest this !ill not bring you things that are not in accord !ith your high self and soul purpose. The first e+ample is the form " !as originally taught. The second is probably the more authentic form of 'ai ku myo. " also believe that the hori6ontal stroke is more correctly dra!n as the first stroke. and the strokes sho!n as ) and three in the first e+ample is really a single stroke (

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

The 'ai ku Myo is kno!n as the Master $ymbol. This is the function or energy that the Reiki master activates to do the #ttunements that make the Reiki energies permanently accessible to the ne! practitioner. $ome Reiki Masters do a non master three a attunement that activates the 'ai ku myo as the spiritual and intuitive energy tool but supposedly does not confer the ability to do attunements. "t many cases probably does but the student is not taught ho! to do attunements. The translation of Japanese Reiki Master %iroshi 'oi=s e+planation of this symbol ;'ai <u Myo5 .mpo!erment5 *haracteristics of >th symbol $ymboli6es the entire universe. The highest symbol in Reiki-ho. ?or activating @th chakra. The meaning and functions ). The !hole universe is made of vibration2light. The >th symbol has the function of transmitting subtle vibration of love5 healing and harmony for all beings by resonating !ith conscious energy in a higher dimension. (. This is considered to be a very sacred symbol and given the highest e+pressions like ==/od inviting symbol==5 ==The symbol for guiding spiritual a!akening==. &ut the symbol has its value in the function of connecting to sacred being and becoming part of it. The source 3higher dimension4 represented by the symbol is honorable but the symbol itself is 7ust a tool. ; The different concepts illustrated by different &uddhist sects using 'ai <u Myo as a metaphor do include sacred but not secret ideas about 8

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spiritual reality and universal La! such as Love Light and %armony and the proper function of all the senses in perfect fusion !ith spiritual essence 3treasure house4 and in the particular tradition " am most familiar !ith it represents the complete body of universal La! and !isdom. " feel that these ;mystic la!; aspects of the '<M may have contributed some!hat to the idea of the symbols themselves as sacred and secret. " do not consider them sacred of themselves on the other hand " appreciate the intention of those !ho do. " !ill share the symbols discretely !hen " feel it appropriate but naturally do not !ant to disrespect it or display it outside of its conte+ts of healing and $piritual la!. 'ai <u Myo is for all purposes of Reiki function !ith or !ithout the other symbols. The spiritual bodies effect the physical body. %ealing at the Master level is thought to directly effect the higher spiritual body template and can lead to immense transformation and healing on all levels of being and possibly at times5 Miracles. "t is taught in many paths that all disease comes from blocks forming in the energy body. Reiki treatment !ill help remove these blocks5 free stagnant energy5 restore energy to depleted areas and improve the function and stability of the energy body. This contributes to physical healing and emotional5 mental and spiritual !holeness. " use the Usui 'ai <u Myo constantly. "t calls in a complete range of the most positive energy fre1uencies possible in each specific situation. "t can also be used to clear a!ay negativity and as a protective symbol. 0ne focus of this symbol is the healing of the soul. The physical body reflects the condition of the spiritual body5 and one can often effectively heal disease at its causal root 5 or spiritual level5 !ith 'ai <u myo. There is a different symbol that is usually called 'ai <o Myo or modern or Tibetan 'ai <u Myo This symbol !as not taught by Usui $ensei and is not used by most traditional Reiki Masters. " do not use it directly myself in Usui Reiki attunement but mention it here for your information Most People !ho do use the T'<M only use it !hen doing attunements. The Master attunement " use !ill enable you to use the it if you !ish to do so. " have also encountered this used to raise energy from a center near the Tan Tien but not e+actly the same. $ome Masters use this symbol instead of the traditional 'ai <u myo Raku 3rah koo4 is another added symbol that is often used to end attunements 3and sometimes to begin them4 " have seen &uddhist and shinto priests use this symbol as a gesture to end rituals so believe it !as probably adapted from these for use !ith Reiki. Most often Raku is only used in attunements. To open and close and ground the aura There is no need for additional attunement to use these symbols anyone !ho is attuned to Reiki Master can dra! on these functions if they !ish to do 9

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Peggy Jentoft

so. Raku is an addition to traditional Reiki " have not found it to be of any real value myself but your e+perience might differ. %o! #ttunements !ork 'uring the #ttunement The RM intends that the recipient- attunee be connected to the energies and that they be able to access the energies and the recipient intends to accept attunement to Reiki. "t is the intention of the master that confers the ability to use the Reiki functions5 rather than the dra!ing of the symbols !ithin the sphere of the aura. 9ou can think of all attunements as being like fi+ing a radio 3or programming the vcr4. $ort of the energetic e1uivalent of cleaning off the connectors attaching the !ires and !rapping them tape and finding the channels you like and set setting the automatic channel finder button so that !hen someone !ants to connect they 7ust have to turn on their radio and push the channel button and turn up the volume. "t may be more accurate to say that the RM lets the installer in and holds the toolbo+ !hile the !ork is done. Many teachers refer to placing symbols in the aura. This is done automatically during the attunement and needn=t be specified. "t is not the same as activating energetic forms like the solar disk and causal heart that are already naturally in the aura. " also find that it is not putting things in the aura that is the issue but getting un!anted things out as almost everyone can and does create energy forms and thought forms and many people are !ondering around 1uite un!ittingly sticking them into others energy fields all the time these forms can block the natural flo! of energy then they do need to be removed. $ome times during an attunement you may see or feel forms being removed. 0ld shields around the heart to prevent emotional involvement seem to be 1uite commonly removed during Reiki #ttunements. Ritual and attunement The degree of ritual and ceremony accompanying Reiki attunement varies from almost none to ma7or productions involving smudging !ith sage5 chanting5 bell ringing 5 drumming 5 speaking in tongues and great formality. " am pretty lo! key ritual !ise myself. The primary method " use for attunement is the direct transmission or cro!n to cro!n attunement !hich is very simple and 1uite effective. " have also used a fairly standard ritual attunement techni1ue and !ill share several different versions of attunements that you can choose from or adapt. "t is kind of a !ell kno!n secret that !hatever ritual or ceremonial form you use to conduct the attunement it !ill !ork provided your intention is set and the recipients accept the attunement. The structure you use should be one that is appropriate and comfortable for you and your 10

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students. 'uring the attunement it is intended that the recipient- attunee be connected to the energies and that they be able to access the energies by using the symbols or by intention. The intention of the master connecting to the flo! of Reiki confers the ability to use the Reiki functions. rather than the actual ceremony or dra!ing of the symbols in the aura. 9our class and your attunement should have a clear beginning5 middle and end. &efore the #ttunement Many Reiki teachers !ill clear and 2 or charge the energy of the room !ith Reiki before the students arrive and the class begins. "f it is part of their o!n personal path they may have invited angels5 ascended masters5 guides 5 placed a healing grid or gate!ay in the room and so on to support the most complete and perfect class and attunement possible. They might have said prayers or done meditation or a self treatment !ith Reiki in accord !ith their o!n path of practice. "n any case the Reiki teacher should have and set the intention to conduct the most complete and suitable class and to successfully intend to attune and teach the students to be fully competent practitioners at the level of the class training. " tend to think that if this has been done before the class there is not much need to do it again 7ust before the #ttunement. $ome Reiki masters perform elaborate opening rituals before the attunement such as casting a circle5 or smudging !ith sage5 toning and chanting these are not re1uired or Part of Usui Reiki. "t no! seems that Usui $ensei may have 7oined his students in reciting the Reiki principles and singing some inspirational poems together before classes. ?rom my first hand e+perience5 this kind of thing seems like a pretty common practice in varied Japanese cultural activities including spiritual5 social events5 !ork and cooking 5 art and music lessons. 9ou !ill !ant to see to everyone=s comfort and assure that they have chosen to come to the class to be attuned and understand !hat !ill be taking place during the class. " prefer to keep things 1uite simple and often do not even play music or infuse the air !ith essential oil anymore 3or burn incense4. /enerally the attunement is done or begun fairly early in the class period after some introduction because much of the instruction5 symbols and practice is easier to learn after the attunement than before. 9ou !ill !ant to e+plain !hat might be e+perienced during the attunement. 0ffer some preliminary information about attunement in general and 11

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e+plain !hat the specific attunement !ill do. "f you are doing a hands on attunement tell the students !here you !ill touch them. Remind everyone that they need to accept the attunement !illingly and that the attunement !ill make them permanently able to connect !ith and use Reiki at the level of the attunement. 9ou might !ant to have a break for a snack or lunch before the attunement so participants !on=t be distracted by hunger or thirst and certainly everyone should have a chance to use the rest room before you start. "f you are doing a direct intention attunement you !ill probably be attuning everyone at the same time. "f you are doing a ritual attunement you !ill probably attune one person at a time and !ill !ant to decide if you !ill take each person into a different area one at a time or have the people !ho are !aiting or !ho have already been attuned sit around in a meditative type state of participation and !hether you !ant them to keep their eyes open some of the time or to keep their eyes closed. 9ou might !ant to play some music if you are going to have a bunch of people sitting around !aiting for you to finish attunements. There are three different attunement rituals in this section and a fe! more at the end of the manual. Passing Reiki #ttunement by 'irect "ntention Reiki attunements are usually passed during a ritual. This manual contains several variations of attunement rituals. #ttunements allo! us to access energy functions that it !ould other!ise take many years of practice to be able to use. The method of attunement featured first here is the direct transmission or cro!n to cro!n attunement. This is probably the simplest of all attunement methods. This is the one " use most often. 'irect intention is used for attunement in many different energy and healing systems and is perhaps more like Mikao Usui=s reali6ation of Reiki through spirit than like the ritual attunements most often used for Reiki in the ,est. " have been given credit or blame5 3depending on your attitude4 for some!hat inadvertently introducing this method to the general population of Reiki Masters. The simplest form of the direct attunement is to #ctivate all Reiki functions5 set your intention to attune the person or persons to a specific level of Reiki and allo! the attunement to run to completion 7ust as you might do a remote healing session. There are a great many !ays to set your intention. The Reiki Teacher and the student !ill usually sit in chairs facing each other or as part of a circle5 or the student may lie do!n on a massage table or another comfortable location. People could get up and move around during the attunement or even leave the area 12

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and still receive the full attunement. "t is preferable to receive the attunement !hile in a 1uiet meditative receptive state. Most people sit comfortably !ith their eyes closed and their hands 3 often palm up!ards4 on their laps or held in a praying hands position at the heart or throat. The teacher may specify the Reiki level to be attuned or for e+ample simply ask that the $tudent receive those energies that are in their %ighest /ood and in accord !ith their $oul Purpose. The Teacher !ill activate the energies by intention and then activate the #ttunement by intention. the energies !ill flo! into the teacher=s and the student=s cro!n *hakras and Run until it is done clearing blocks 5 opening channels and connecting the energies 5 permanently enabling the student to run Reiki. " often set the intention that they be able to run Reiki and other energies and energy functions and procedures that they may already have or that they get later by intention 5 !ith and !ithout using the Mantras and symbols traditionally used in Reiki5 or the Mantras5 Mudras5 breath techni1ues etc. that are used in other systems. This offers the ability to use Reiki to people !ho are unable to activate Reiki !ith the traditional Methods. #nother advantage !hen you intend to give the ability to activate the energies automatically5 !ith or !ithout symbols if appropriate is that Reiki can be run more 1uickly !hen speed is of importance. The .nergies are the same 7ust the activation method is different. &ut you can set the intention as you !ant respecting the students right to receive only !hat serves their highest good of course. These attunements are " feel directed by The #LL. The teacher 7ust opens the channel and grounds the energies. The 'irect or cro!n to cro!n attunement pretty much runs itself once activated and the procedure can be as simple as activating all Reiki functions and stating or mentally intending to attune a specific individual to a specific level of Reiki and allo!ing the attunement to run to completion. for e+ample ;Reiki for attunement5 attune 3name4 to Reiki level one ; could be the mental intention. %o!ever " do prefer to use use a more detailed intention and process. 0nce you activate the energy and the attunement by intention either !ith or !ithout consciously using the symbols5 the energies !ill flo! into your cro!n chakra and flo! throughout your body also flo!ing to or crossing to the to the student=s #ura it !ill run until it is done clearing blocks 5 opening channels and connecting the energies and permanently enabling the student to use Reiki themselves. #l!ays intend that the attunement be in accord !ith the soul purpose and highest good of the recipient. " often find myself mentally voicing specific intentions during the attunement. To do this mentally intend that the initiates= cro!n5 bro!5 heart5 hands5 eyes5 throat5 feet5 voice aura structures meridians ao5 13

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chakra5 and all other possible appropriate channels be connected !ith and to the ability to use and share Reiki that the $oulstar and .arthstar chakra consciously become active that any blocks and impediments be removed to the ongoing connection !ith the energies 5 information and abilities that !ill best serve them. that the chakras be cleared5 aligned5 harmoni6ed locked into the central channel and mended that they be attuned to more easily be able to connect !ith and receive spiritual guidance5 energies and healing for themselves and others that the energies be set and sealed. ?or the second degree intend that they be able to use the second degree functions !ith and !ithout symbols. ?or the Master attunement " intend that the recipient be able to attune and pass on the ability to practice Reiki to others for all levels and facilitate the ability to increase the ability of others to accept healing and connect !ith spiritual information and energies. 9ou may move !ell beyond verbali6ation and perceive the attunement process and intentions as pulsating vibrations and2or color and sound sometimes specific images and information or direction is conveyed as the attunement continues usually most people can feel stages and changes in the attunement as it runs. ot everyone does feel energy or have visual effects of course. #n attunement typically runs around )A to )B minutes though !here time allo!s they may take an hour or more the longer attunements seem to include much more healing !ork and clearing on the recipient in addition to the #ttunement. ,hen the attunement is complete it !ill taper to a stop the attunement is concluded !ith the intention of energetic separation of the connection bet!een the sender and receiver. "ntend thanks and appreciation of all participants and a return to mundane grounded a!areness and a mental ending of the attunement. $ay something like ; The #ttunement is complete ;. Many Reiki Masters ,ash their hands and have the student !ash their hands after the attunement to sever any remaining aura connection. Usually this separation occurs naturally as the attunement ends !ith or !ithout direct intention or action. " find that it does help the person to become a!are of the reality of the Reiki energy if they do touch another human or an animal and run the energy right a!ay. This may not be an absolutely accurate e+planation of !hat " do as it is largely a non verbal process and varies some!hat each time. #ttunement rituals for the Usui Reiki $ystem of %ealing simple #TTU .M. T method This is not first the !ay " !as taught it. " find this ritual method to be more effective than some because it is simple and allo!s you to 14

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concentrate on the attunement. The student !ill sit in a comfortably and rela+. Their feet should be in contact !ith the floor their eyes should be closed though some teachers do allo! some peeking. The student !ill need to be able to concentrate and to remain centered. Their hands should be held !ith the palms and fingertips together at about the height of the heart chakra. 9ou !ill tell your students that you !ill be touching them on the head5 shoulders5 feet and hands and you !ill move their hands into several positions the hands !ill be separated and brought back together5 and that they !ill also feel short bursts of your breath. 9ou !ill tell them !hen the attunement is done and then they may take as much time as they desire to open their eyes. This is a method that uses four attunements for first degree and either t!o for second or one for each symbol and one for third degree or Master. #ttunement ritual3s4 for the ?irst 'egree $tand behind the student5 #ctivate the Reiki energy !ith the symbols and state your intent to attune the student. This is done silently. :isuali6e and or 'ra! Master $ymbol into your aura Touch your students shoulders and smooth the aura three times from head to feet. Put your right hand on the cro!n and cover it !ith left hand. C Tips of thumbs touch each other at the height of the heart chakra !ith the tips of the other fingers touching shoulder area. C $tand beside student left hand on forehead5 right hand on the back of the head 3medulla oblongata4. C Put palms on the feet. Touch the student=s hands and open them to a position of receiving5 palms up. C %old your o!n hands slightly above the hands of the student. C ?old the hands together again and hold them in your o!n. C &lo! over cro!n5 hands and hara. #ttunement ritual3s4 for the $econd 'egree C &o! behind the student5 call the reiki energy and state your intent to attune the student. This is done silently. C 'ra! Master $ymbol into your aura or merge !ith it. C Touch shoulders and smooth the aura three times from head to feet. C 'ra! the symbol into the student=s aura. C o! !e have the same hand positions as for Level 0ne !hile additionally you dra! or visuali6e the symbol three times into each position 3three time for each hand and each foot4. C the symbol is dra!n into the hands. C &lo! over cro!n5 hands and hara 15

Reiki Master Manual C 'ra! the symbol behind the student and ;push; it into the aura. C &o! behind student. C 'ra! the energy up!ards once 3as if closing a 6ipper4. C $peak blessing. #ttunement ritual for the Third 'egree C .+actly the same as for Level T!o using the Master $ymbol.

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long version5 Traditional 3so far as " <no!4 Usui #ttunement for
?irst 'egree There are four separate attunements for the first degree. Think in terms of setting up the flo! for the energy to come into the cro!n chakra and out the minor chakras in the palms of your hands. Preparation and positioning for the attunementD Position initiate in straight chair !ith feet on floor. if feet do not touch5 use a phone book or !hatever is necessary under the feet so that the initiate is seated in a comfortable position. $tanding in front of the "nitiate5 e+plain that you !ill be !alking around to the back and !orking on his2her head then returning to the front to !ork !ith his2her hands. ,hile demonstrating the correct position5 instruct initiate to bring his2her hands together as !hen praying and hold them in a comfortable position. #lso tell him2her that you !ill be touching hands as !ell as raising them higher during the attunement. "nstruction to initiateD ; o! " !ant you to close your eyes and go !ithin and " !ill let you kno! !hen " am finished and you can open your eyes; 3actually my first Reiki Master encouraged us to keep our eyes open at least some of the time and allo!ed everyone in the class to !atch during the attunements4. ,alk in a counter-clock!ise motion to the back of the chair to begin the attunement. 3 some other masters say clock!ise4. ?irst #ttunement $tep ). Raise up your non dominant arm !ith palm open. ,ith your dominant hand dra! the 'ai <u myo over the cro!n chakra $tep (. o! place your dominant hand on top of the cro!n chakra !hile your non dominant hand remains e+tended. :isuali6e the %on $ha Ee sho nen 5 $ei %e <i5 and cho ku Rei5 in that order. %old that position a moment allo!ing the energy to flo!. $tep 8. "n a counter-clock!ise movement !alk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand5 clasp his2her hands around the back of the hands !here the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to !ork !ith. ,hile still clasping hands5 bend over to be about eye level !ith the "nitiate=s hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiate=s fingertips. Maintain hand 16

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positioning !hile visuali6ing the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho nen5 $ei he <i5 and *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep >. ,ith your dominant hand 5 clasp the top of the initiate=s fingers by folding your hand over the top of her2his hand and visuali6e the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho 6en5 $ei hei <i. *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep B. retaining same hand positions 5 lift "nitiate=s hands near to nose in order to have access to his2her throat. #d7ust your standing position and dra! the cho ku rei !ith your tongue on the roof of your mouth 3mouth closed4. 'ra! in a deep breath through the nose. blo! out )28 of breath over the heart )28 over the throat and )28 over the third eye 3all in short bursts4. $tep F. Release "nitiates %ands 5 placing them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiateD ;9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ; or ; This concludes the first part of the first degree attunement. ; #t this time you might ask the initiate to talk about the feelings 5 visions or e+periences that he2she had during the attunement. &esides the 7oyful sharing involved bet!een student and teacher 5 the verbali6ation allo!s the "nitiate to process !hat has occurred and helps if he2she needs to validate that ;the attunement !orked ;. "f several people are being attuned this sharing can be done after all have been completed. "t also helps to instruct "nitiates to continue to keep hands on heart after their attunement !hile !aiting for others to 7oin them back at their seats. Reiki Level ). second and third attunements Preparation and positioning are the same as in the first attunement adding that you !ill also touch "nitiate=s $houlders. The steps for the second and third attunements are identical. These attunements not only setup part of the flo! of Reiki they help clear the "nitiates *hakras as !ell. !alk counter clock!ise to back of the initiate and begin. $tep ). Raise up your non dominant arm !ith palm open. ,ith your dominant hand dra! the 'ai <u myo over the cro!n chakra. $tep (. o! place both hands on the initiate=s shoulders !ith both thumbs on either side of the prominent bone at the base of the neck. :isuali6e the %on $ha Ee sho nen 5 $ei %e <i5 and *ho <u Rei5 in that order. %old that position and allo! the energy to flo! through all the chakras. $tep 8. "n a counter-clock!ise movement !alk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand5 clasp his2her hands from around the back !here the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to !ork !ith. ,hile still clasping hands5 bend over to be about eye level !ith the "nitiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips. Maintain hand 17

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positioning !hile visuali6ing the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho nen5 $ei he <i5 and *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep >. ,ith your dominant hand 5 clasp the top of the initiate=s fingers by folding your hand over the top of her2his hand and visuali6e the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho 6en 5 $ei hei <i. *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep B. retaining same hand position 5 lift "nitiate=s hands near to nose in order to have access to his2her throat. #d7ust your standing position and dra! the *ho <u Rei !ith your tongue 3mouth closed4. 'ra! in a deep breath through the nose. blo! out )28 of breath over the heart )28 over the throat and )28 over the third eye 3all in short bursts4. $tep F. Release "nitiates %ands 5 placing them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate D; 9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ; Reiki Level ) ?ourth #ttunement Preparation and Position are the same as in )st (nd and 8rd attunements $tep ). Raise up your non dominant arm !ith palm open. ,ith your dominant hand dra! the 'ai <u myo over the cro!n chakra. $tep (. o! move counter clock!ise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on "nitiates ?orehead and one on the back of the head. :isuali6e the 'ai <u Myo 5 %on $ha Ee sho nen 5 $ei %e <i5 and *ho <u Rei5 in that order. $tep 8. "n a counter-clock!ise movement !alk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand5 clasp his2her hands from around the back !here the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to !ork !ith. ,hile still clasping hands5 bend over to be about eye level !ith the "nitiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips. Maintain hand positioning !hile visuali6ing the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho nen5 $ei he <i5 and *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep >. ,ith your dominant hand 5 clasp the top of the initiate=s fingers by folding your hand over the top of her2his hand and visuali6e the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho 6en 5 $ei hei <i. *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep B. retaining same hand position 5 lift "nitiate=s hands near to nose in order to have access to his2her throat. #d7ust your standing position and dra! the *ho <u Rei !ith your tongue 3mouth closed4. 'ra! in a deep breath through the nose. blo! out )28 of breath over the heart )28 over the throat and )28 over the third eye 3all in short bursts4. $tep F. Release "nitiates %ands 5 placing them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate D; 9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ; This concludes the ?irst degree Reiki #ttunement. long ( Traditional $econd degree #ttunement 18

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Preparation and Position are the same as in the )st degree attunement $tep ). Raise up your non dominant arm !ith palm open. ,ith your dominant hand dra! the 'ai <u myo over the cro!n chakra. $tep (. o! move counter clock!ise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on "nitiates ?orehead and one on the back of the head. :isuali6e the 5 %on $ha Ee sho nen5 $ei %e <i5 and *ho <u Rei5 in that order. $tep 8. "n a counter-clock!ise movement !alk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand5 clasp his2her hands from around the back !here the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to !ork !ith. ,hile still clasping hands5 bend over to be about eye level !ith the "nitiates hands Maintain hand positioning !hile visuali6ing the 'ai <u Myo $tep >. Then open the "nitiates %ands placing them hands up on the knees. Take one hand and dra! 3!ith your dominant hand 4 the %on sha 6e sho nen over his2her palm and clap the hand !ith yours. o! dra! the $ei %e <i over the initiate=s palm and clap the hand !ith yours. ne+t dra! the *ho ku Rei over the initiate=s palm and clap the hand !ith yours. Return the "nitiates hand to his2her <nee. Take up the "nitiate=s other hand and repeat all of step four on the second hand. $tep B. clasp both of "nitiates hands together and lift them near to nose in order to have access to his2her throat. #d7ust your standing position and dra! the *ho <u Rei !ith your tongue 3mouth closed4. 'ra! in a deep breath through the nose. blo! out )28 of breath over the heart )28 over the throat and )28 over the third eye3 all in short bursts4. step F. Release "nitiates %ands 5 place them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate D; 9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ;This concludes the second degree attunement. Traditional Third degree #ttunement5 long form # meditation is done to facilitate the connection bet!een the Master5 the "nitiate5 the .nergy and the /uides in preparation for the #ttunement. ,hen The Master intuits that the connection has been made the attunement begins. The positioning is the same as for the other Reiki #ttunements. $tep ). ,alk counter clock!ise to back of "nitiate. Take a deep breath and hold 5 !hile placing the tip of your tongue at the back of your upper front teeth. Raise up your non dominant arm and hand !ith the palm open. ,ith your 'ominant hand 5 dra! the 'ai <u Myo over the *ro!n *hakra. Reach for!ard over the shoulders !ith both hands and clasp "nitiate=s hands and release held breath by blo!ing into the *ro!n *hakra $tep (. Perform #LL ?our of the first degree attunements !ith these 19

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changesD &lo! into the *ro!n *hakra prior to moving to front of "nitiate to !ork on hands. This means that the held breath !ill be blo!n into the *ro!n *hakra four more times from in back of the "nitiate. pay close attention to held breath and tongue positioning. $tep 8. Perform the complete second degree attunement !ith these changes D&lo! into the *ro!n *hakra prior to !alking to side of "nitiate. #fter dra!ing the other three $ymbols and clapping5 'ra! the 'ai <u Myo into "nitiate=s hands and clap !ith yours. ,hen breath is blo!n5 blo! from Root *hakra to %eart *hakra5 then Throat *hakra to Third .ye. $tep >. Release "nitiates %ands 5 place them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate D; 9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ; This *oncludes The Master=s 'egree #ttunement. More ritual attunement pro e!ures are gi"en at t#e en! of t#e manual Remote #ttunement Just as you can do Reiki treatments for people any!here in the !orld it is possible for #ttunement to be done over great distances. Remote attunement does enable recipients to run Reiki but !ill not substitute for classes5 hands on e+perience and training taken in person. Reiki is simple but not so simple that one need not apply themselves to learning the system. Many people !ho are dedicated motivated self starters have become competent Reiki practitioners after remote attunement. People !ho have family !ellness emergencies might benefit from a remote attunement to give more confidence to their efforts at hands on and spiritual healing !ith only minimal training. &ut in the long term and to really be a Reiki practitioner most people do much better !ith a class taken in person. Participating in Reiki circle shares and discussions is one !ay to round out your Reiki e+perience. 'eveloping the light touch and kno!ing ho! to be sure that you are using Reiki and not your o!n energy is easier to learn in person for most people. There are opportunities in many cities for practitioners to meet and treat each other and practice. There are also many e-mail discussion lists dedicated to Reiki and Reiki training. Reiki masters have a responsibility to ensure as much as possible that their students really do have an understanding of the basic skills and ethics of healing practice. Remote attunement can be valuable in emergency situations such as !hen someone in a remote area has a specific urgent need to be able to use Reiki. 20

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There are other energy !ork systems that " feel are more suited to remote attunement because they do not involve specific hand positions or symbols and are more concerned !ith self healing and spiritual evolution and so do not re1uire as much information about ethics and practice giving treatments as Reiki should. ,hen " do send remote attainments " use the direct intention method. " connect energetically !ith the recipient as though connected by cords of light and allo! the attunement to run. Most Reiki Masters combine the remote healing techni1ue of using a pro+y and give the attunement in person to the pro+y !hile intending that it go to the recipient. " !as a pioneer in using remote attunement for Reiki 5 adapting a techni1ue from other systems of energy !ork. Remote #ttunement and 'irect transmission both in person and at distance is an ancient and respected !ay of transmitting elements of spiritual a!akening 5 !isdom 5 information or spiritual abilities bet!een teachers and to others. This is !ell kno!n in some &uddhist paths. There are references and description of his transmission or initiation of an opening of the inner eyes to a follo!er in a letter from icheren !ho !as a Tien Tai priest before founding his o!n sect from around ))BF -))FA " am sure there are older records of this because he !as not !riting about a ne! practice. %o!ever it !as probably never so broadly used as has been recently true !ith Reiki most of the records refer to transmissions 2 initiations 2attunements2 openings either to devoted follo!ers at great distance or to transfer the mantel of leadership. The transmission is not the system and !as never meant to be a substitute for the ;consistent faith5 practice and study ; of the precepts and practices of the particular spiritual school from !hich the transmission came or personal contact !ith a teacher and a community of e+perience. ,hether you are attuned by remote attunement or in a class setting 9ou are responsible for your o!n practice5 study and personal development as a Reiki Practitioner or Master. " certainly !ould hope that no one practices remote attunement or remote healing e+clusively. "f they do it should probably not be called traditional Reiki. The direct contact and communication bet!een practitioners and teachers5 friends and clients is invaluable in maintaining the undiluted clarity of a teaching even !hile allo!ing for evolution and gro!th. There are some circumstances !here remote attunement provides a life saving tool for healing and happiness5 Particularly for self and family. ,hen " first used remote transmission of Reiki attunement it !as only as a prelude to direct training and attunement for t!o dedicated relatives !ho !ere unable to stay in my area long enough to receive the attunements in person on the timetable recommended and for one !ho=s 21

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need to help a loved one !ith Reiki !as urgent and e+tremely great. " did place any particular right " might have had to ;o!nership; of the practices and concept of Remote attunement in the public domain in early )GGF in the #lt. %ealing Reiki e!sgroups. Throughout time5 most healing energies have5 " think5 been ac1uired directly from spiritual source. #fter long effort in seeking spiritual development and the ability and skill has been gained through trial and error. " had developed some small skill !ith energy !ork prior to learning of Reiki and it !as far more effort than is re1uired to truly master Reiki. ,e have tremendous good fortune to be able to learn Reiki and other energy healing practices in a s!ift simple !ay rather than dedicating lifetimes for each small step of progress. 0ther systems !ith healing as an element combining energy !ork5 precepts5 and hand positions such as those found in Reiki and some <ahuna paths may have been the e+ception more than the rule. 3 "=m sure there are many others but these are the t!o " am most familiar !ith. " !as initially rather more enthusiastic about remote attunement for Reiki because of Reiki=s reliability and primarily because of the real proof it offers that !e are interconnected and can communicate spirit to spirit !herever !e are in the physical. " had hope that this !ould be a factor in leading to a vast increase in peace5 harmony5 compassion and community. as !ell as greatly accelerating the consistent ability of many to assist in healing !ork. " had presumed that anyone !ho sought attunement !ould also seek training and persevere !ith a seeking mind and heart to develop this precious gift 0f Reiki. %o!ever that has not al!ays proven to be true. " rarely do remote Reiki attunement these days even though they are a great pleasure to e+perience as the ;sender; because !ithout personal contact " cannot ensure that the individual !ill pursue the challenge of learning the system and practicing to competence. " cannot of course guarantee that in person either but " can ensure that at the very least students have some practice and have heard of the ethics and other important elements of practice. " Live in orth #merica no! near Los #ngeles " have done successful remote Reiki attunements through the Master level for "nitiates on every continent e+cept #ntarctica using this method. "f you do send a remote attunement you may either do a direct transmission or use a pro+y The student may lie do!n or sit in a comfortable location. They can get up and move around during the 22

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attunement or even leave the area and still receive the full attunement. Most people do prefer to be in a 1uiet meditative receptive state for the attunements and often sit !ith closed eyes 5 !ith hands palm up!ards on their laps 2knees or held in a praying hands position. ?or an absentee attunement the time is agreed upon in advance5 if possible the student !ill try to be in a receptive and accepting or eager to receive mental state5 although it is not absolutely necessary that the student be paying attention or even be a!ake to get the attunement. /etting the #ttunement absentee does re1uire that the recipient commit enough study time to learn and master the techni1ues on their o!n. Reiki is an intuitive practice but studying the material thoroughly gives intuition a place to start from. The most common challenge of remote #ttunement is helping the recipient learn to turn on and kno! that they are running the Reiki. $ome people are e+pecting rather more dramatic effects than do occur and may have difficulty sensing the subtle energy !hen they do activate it. The() 'ay *leansing *ycle Many Reiki students come to class very concerned about the possibility of severe deto+ification after the attunement because they have heard about # () day cleansing cycle. " find such reactions to be so rare as to be virtually none+istent for most of the people " attune. " %ave heard that this cycle !as not specifically mentioned by Usui $ensei but is found in some ,estern metaphysical systems. "t is more accurate to say that !hen you are attuned your personal healing begins immediately. This sometimes sho!s up as symptoms of physical or emotional release such as an e+cess of /as5 diarrhea or moodiness. This has been called deto+ification. most people do not have noticeable effects of this kind. $ome people report a lot of emotional processing for up to 8 !eeks or () days after an attunement. $ome people report having unusually vivid dreams 7ust after the attunement. #nyone getting Reiki treatments and or attunements is encouraged to drink lots of !ater. This often reduces or eliminates any so called deto+ification symptoms. .veryone should be reminded that in some cases the release of to+ins or energetic or physical realignments !ill cause them to feel !orse for a small time before they feel better. $ome people may feel some!hat uncomfortable !hen chronic physical 5 emotional or mental conditions are alleviated because they are unaccustomed to feeling !ell. #nyone !ho has a deto+ification reaction is encouraged to self treat !ith Reiki often and to contact their Reiki teacher for help. #ny severe or continuing unusual 23

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discomfort should be referred to an appropriate medical professional because it may not have any relationship to the attunement at all. $ometimes normal reactions to events that occur and emotions that surface during the period 7ust after attunement are attributed to deto+ification !hen they might really be simply a freer e+pression and a!areness of feelings that can be an effect of attunement. *leansing cycles or a period of change or deto+ification and integration of the energies or transformations is not e+clusive to Reiki but may occur during any ma7or shift of life or spiritual practices. 0r even as part of the normal reaction to events in your daily life5 $uch as ad7usting to a ne! 7ob. Many different spiritual traditions as !ell as some psychologists teach that it usually takes about ( !eeks to 8A days to make any real lasting change in behavior. Many attunements from other systems also mention a similar cycle of days !hile an energy or transformation integrates completely. $ome teach that The first seven days is focused on personal issues and physical and emotional development. The second !eek focuses more on relationships and community issues and mental integration. The last !eek is ?ocused on divine or spiritual transformation and ad7ustment. The cycle affects the body. ,hen the session or attunement ends this cycle begins. $ome of the changes and insights learned along the !ay may take longer to fully manifest5 or integrate but the first () days is considered a very important part in this process by many. $ymptoms attributed to deto+ification can include e+cess /as 5 colds and emotional mood s!ings ho!ever normally these are rare and not severe !hen they do occur. This chart is one version from a very old metaphysical book " actually think that the concept of the t!enty-one day period may come from non Japanese sources perhaps !e could simply say that obstacles and karma may come up !hen you make positive changes. The () 'ay *leansing5 'eto+ification or Transformation *ycle ). Root *hakra 5 $upport H Physical &ody. Primal Po!er days I H )B (. $acral *hakra5 $e+5 *reativity5 "ntimacy5 .go5 also days GH)F 8. $olar Ple+us *hakra .motions 3gut feelings4. ?eelings for other people gland pancreas also days )A H )@ >. %eart H Thymus *hakra self. Love in general. *ompassion. *ommunication gland thymus also days ))H )I B. Throat *hakra .+pression5 Responsibility. /land thyroid #lso days )( H )G F. &ro!5 Third .ye *hakra "deas5 vision5 the mind. Purpose. /land pituitary also days )8 H (A @. *ro!n *hakra *olor "ntegration5 %igher Mind 'irection. gland 24

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Pineal #lso days )>H () .ach !eek has a full cycle through the chakras one day focusing on each. Though the !ork is not limited to only one chakra a day the primary focus !ill be on one. Reiki !ill bring up and help to clear issues that prevent !ellness or standing in the !ay of the person=s spiritual and personal evolution. This cycle can happen !hether you are receiving or giving a Reiki treatment or healing. "n fact5 it happens every time you make a change of any kind. The only difference is the focus. This cycle also applies to a cycle of integration of energies from the seven rays of creation but this is far too comple+ and esoteric for this Reiki manual. My students have not usually reported difficulties !ith deto+ification themselves or !ith their students. $tudents are asked to inform the Reiki Master if they do have severe or unusual reactions after the attunement. The Reiki teacher may recommend that students come in for several days of individual treatment in cases of severe deto+ification. The teacher should suggest that a physician be consulted if there are physical symptoms. not every physical or emotional event that follo!s attunement !ill be deto+ification. %ealing #ttunement " do not teach the temporary healing attunement offered in some ;advanced Reiki Techni1ue ; classes. " include a non Reiki permanent healing attunement in my treatments and attunements for those !ho !ill accept energies from other systems " do offer my Master students a permanent healing enhancement !hich they may in turn transmit to their students and clients by intention or automatically This enhances the ability of recipients to use healing energy and to connect !ith energies and information that they need. "t is not from Reiki.

The e+change issue

#nyone !ho becomes involved in Reiki sooner or later encounters a ma7or issue and *ultural 2.thical conflict in the Reiki !orld the clash bet!een a vie! that a true ;%ealer; !ould never charge or e+pect compensation for the !ork5 and # philosophy stated to be # teaching of 'r. Usui5 that one must give some e+change to receive full benefit and must balance any e+change of energy and that free treatment creates an unacceptable spiritual debt for the healee. The attitude that people only value !hat they pay for vs the attitude that spiritual energies are a gift from /od and must in honor be free. These being only a fe! of the components in this issue. The beggar story 3That Usui $ensei healed in a slum for many years until discovering that many beggars preferred to remain beggars4 that is often told to illustrate a supposed re1uirement 25

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!as probably meant to illustrate that not everyone !ants to be healed. 9ou cannot define !hat constitutes healing to another and you cannot force healing. 3This same story is taught in some &uddhist sects !ith different people and to illustrate different points too and is in my opinion5 a traditional teaching Parable that has been adapted 4. " do not have the skill to resolve this comple+ issue of e+change for anyone but regret that such conflicts may restrict the availability of this and other !onderful tools for !holeness. "t is common for people to devalue themselves to the point !here they !ill not pay for something that could help their o!n !ell being. # good portion of the first Reiki class " took !as taken up !ith various stories5 arguments and indoctrination=s on the theme of a need to charge for giving Reiki 5 and the presentation of Reiki as a career. " mention the issue because !hatever the Reiki training or system you !ork !ith you !ill encounter this issue and need to !ork out your personal values about this. " do suggest that !e all strive to put aside our preconceptions on this issue and be truly fair. "t is important that no one feel abused or used. " also do not think it is fair to castigate someone as being greedy if they !ant a fair payment for the time and energy and !ork they do even if you !ish that the service !as free. " also !onder that so many people feel that their o!n health 5 happiness spiritual evolution is not !orth even a modest cost for a class or treatment. Part of the e+change issue for both students and teachers and practitioners is ho! much !e love and respect ourselves. #ny e+change should be fair 5 e1uitable and acceptable to all parties involved. "t often does seen that people use and appreciate Reiki more if they have made some kind of contribution of their energy and resources and have helped to cover the cost to the practitioner of providing the time 5 site5 training 5 materials and personal effort for the class or treatment. Many Reiki Masters !ho began by offering free attunement find that they cannot continue to do so because the actual cost to them of manuals5 other materials 5 childcare and so on is too great a burden on their families. 0ddly "t is also true that some of the very people !ho are most insistent that #ttunement should be free also feel that ;you get !hat you pay for ;. " have actually saved more than my Reiki training cost 7ust off the cost of the pain killers " !as using before " took Reiki. ot to mention other benefits. Perhaps people underestimate the value Reiki !ill have in their lives. The tradition of e+change is a valid one 5 !e all Return to the Universe !hat !e receive and receive !hat !e send out. .+change can be any use of the energies received for the universal good. " do accept the concept of e+change for value and " do believe in balance. .+change is indeed the universal La! but to me e+change and <arma are not simple one to 26

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one events that occur in linear reality but are universal in scope. ,e can complete an e+change through service to the universe but on the other hand critici6ing people !ho need support in order to eat is not good <arma either. "t is said that a butterfly in e! 9ork can effect the !eather in &ei7ing5 insisting al!ays on immediate e+change in the name of balance may in my e+perience create a greater imbalance because an earlier imbalance may have been being rectified one must use ones o!n intuition and understanding regarding this. ot only may !hat is right for me not be right for you but !hat is right for me no! may not be right for me tomorro!. Reality is fle+ible " appreciate that this issue gives the opportunity to clarify our understanding of our o!n values and needs 5 and encourage us all to become clear on ho! !e each feel about it rather than accepting as an absolute anyone else=s une+amined opinions. "t is not having the energy that makes one a Reiki ;master; it is !hat you do !ith them after you get them. /enerally " !ith regard to compensating light !orkers " hold to the old sa! that all #bsolutes are !rong including this one. 4 the only thing " am opposed to is being rigid and uncompromising. 'eattunement 5 0bedience symbol and being prayed against - !eird stuff $ome Reiki Masters5 primarily in .urope have apparently !ithout telling students been using something they call an obedience symbol. That is intending during the attunement that the student be bound to them and unable to use their free !ill to seek another teacher. This is "M0 an outrageous perversion and abuse of the relationship bet!een the teacher and the student. $hould you encounter someone !ho thinks they have had this done. 9ou can treat it the !ay you remove implants5 fi+ations and obsessions. Use Reiki !ith deep emotional mental and empo!erment healing and releasing !ith affirmations. $ome times People change their mind about !anting Reiki after they have been attuned again this seems to be mostly in .urope some people are making big bucks de-attuning people " personally think that a ;de attuned; person could probably reopen Reiki anytime they !anted too. "ts been a given that once you have Reiki you have Reiki. Prior to receiving attunement students should understand that this is a permanent transformation. 9ou could help some !ho really !anted to to disconnect " suppose you could help them cut off the connection 7ust as above. People don=t have to use Reiki !hen they have it. Reiki can do no harm5 Reiki is self protecting and !orks for the highest good. There have been a fe! individuals and groups !ho oppose Reiki on 27

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personal religious or spiritual grounds5 !ho have called for people to Pray to destroy Reiki. This might come under the general category of psychic attack5 %o!ever it has had absolutely no effect on any Reiki practitioner that " kno! of. The primary reason for this kind of opposition to Reiki seems to be the idea that anything that makes you feel good has to be bad. Reiki .thics for professional practice aturally at the Master level .thics are very important. The Teaching Master is not a /uru or holy person and should not e+pect devotion from students. *osts and training should be provided in a complete and e1uitable !ay and promised training should be given as contracted for. The Reiki master should behave in a moral and ethical !ay to!ard all students. The .thical standards discussed at earlier Reiki levels still apply. The information and confidences of your clients and students is confidential and not to be divulged to others. " am ot sure of the e+act source for this belo! it is from one of the more Traditional Usui Reiki 0rgani6ations possibly Reiki #lliance. 3I put some comments in parenthesis and italics PJ. 4 PR0?.$$"0 #L *0 'U*TD Reiki practitioners conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner5 perform only those services for !hich they are 1ualified5 and represent their education5 certification5 professional affiliations and other 1ualifications honestly. They do not in any !ay profess to practice medicine or psychotherapy5 unless licensed by their province or country to do so. %.#LT% %"$T0R9 # ' R.?.RR#L$D Reiki practitioners keep accurate client records5 including profiles of the body mind health history. They discuss any problem areas that may contraindicate use of Reiki5 and refer clients to appropriate medical or psychological professionals !hen indicated. 3I do not actually know of any conditions that contraindicate use of Reiki )(not all practitioners do keep detailed health type records those who follow a clinical practice model do, others who practice in a less formal way may not keep detailed records or any records at all4 PR0?.$$"0 #L #PP.#R# *.D Reiki practitioners pay close attention to cleanliness and professional appearance of self and clothing5 of linens and e1uipment5 and of the office environment in general. They endeavor to provide a rela+ing atmosphere5 giving attention to reasonable scheduling and clarity about fees. *0MMU "*#T"0 # ' *0 ?"'. T"#L"T9D Reiki practitioners maintain clear and honest communications !ith their 28

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clients5 and keep all client information5 !hether medical or personal5 strictly confidential. They clearly disclose techni1ues used5 appropriately identifying each in the scope of their professional practice. " T. T"0 # ' TRU$TD Reiki practitioners are encouraged to clarify their intention to facilitate therapeutic change of a holistic nature5 and to develop the ability to focus mindfully on the &ody mind $elf. To establish and maintain trust in the client relationship5 they are encouraged to ask caring 1uestions about the client=s !ell-being5 and to establish clear boundaries and an atmosphere of safety. R.$P.*T 0? *L". T$D Reiki practitioners respect the client=s physical2emotional state5 and do not abuse clients through actions5 !ords or silence5 nor take advantage of the therapeutic relationship. They in no !ay participate in se+ual activity !ith a client. They consider the client=s comfort 6one for touch and for degree of pressure5 and honor the client=s re1uests as much as possible !ithin personal5 professional and ethical limits. They ackno!ledge the inherent !orth and individuality of each person and therefore do not un7ustly discriminate against clients or colleagues. PR0?.$$"0 #L " T./R"T9D Reiki practitioners present Reiki in a professional and compassionate manner5 representing themselves and their practice accurately and ethically. They conduct their business honestly5 and do not give fraudulent information5 nor misrepresent themselves to students or clients5 nor act in a manner derogatory to the nature and positive intention of Reiki. #,#R. .$$D Reiki practitioners refrain from abuse of alcohol and drugs. These substances should not be used at all during professional activities. PR0?.$$"0 #L .J*.LL. *.D Reiki practitioners strive for professional e+cellence through regular assessment of personal and professional strengths and !eaknesses5 and by continued education and training. .KU#L"T9D #ll Reiki practitioners of the same level should be treated as e1uals !ithout regard to their initiating master or their belief system. #ll Reiki Teacher2Masters should be treated as e1uals !ithout regard to their initiating Master or their membership 3or lack of membership4 of any body or association. $TU'. T R"/%T$D Reiki Teachers respect each student=s right to choose their o!n healing path and their initiating master. 29

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

T.#*%.R=$ R.$P0 $"&"L"T".$D #ll Reiki Teachers should present only the information handed do!n from Mikao Usui through the Japanese lineage=s. #ny use of other material should be clearly introduced as such. T.#*%" / R."<" There are probably as many !ays to teach Reiki as there are teachers. 9ou !ill not teach e+actly as you are taught but you !ill have a responsibility to make sure that the basic material is covered and that traditional and contemporary Reiki and additions from outside traditional Reiki are clearly identified. Most e! Reiki Masters first teach using the manuals they received during their training or Reiki Manuals that are in publication. Then later !rite their o!n manuals. %o! you structure your class !ill vary according to your o!n style and that of the students !ho come to you. The structure you use should be one that is appropriate and comfortable for you and your students. Many people are some!hat insecure of even fearful that there may be some conflict !ith their o!n religious faith so " think it is good to keep any religious element to the absolute minimum unless you are 1uite certain that your students are kindred spirits. The degree of ritual and ceremony accompanying Reiki attunement varies from almost none to ma7or productions involving casting circles 5 smudging !ith sage 5 prayers chanting bell ringing5 speaking in tongues5 drumming and great formality. 3My first Reiki Master really put on a sho!4. This is #ll right if it feels right to you and your students. This manual has several different versions of attunements that you can choose from or adapt. "t is kind of a !ell kno!n secret that !hatever ritual or ceremonial form you use to conduct the attunement it !ill !ork provided your intention is set and the recipients accept the attunement. ,ell before the 'ay of the class you !ill !ant to have planned an outline of the class and taken care of the details of manuals 5 teaching materials 5 time5 location and cost. 'ecide !hat attunement form to use !ell ahead of the class day. "f you !ill be paying for a location for your class it is !ise to have collected an advance deposit from your students so that if they do not attend the class or cancel at the last moment you !ill be able to cover at least some of the costs you have incurred. The *lass Location and preparation "f you are teaching at a location other than your o!n home5 store or office try to visit first and make sure the location is suitable. "s it 1uiet enough for teachingL "s there a kitchen or are restaurants nearbyL ,ill students need to bring their o!n lunch or snacks L #re chairs provided L "s there a table for students to use !hen !riting symbolsL *an you bring 30

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a coffee maker or is one provided. 'oes the facility allo! eating on the premisesL Make sure that rest rooms are available and that they are !orking and clean 5 $ee if there is privacy for your students during the class. $ome places such as *ondominium or $enior Recreation *enters may e+pect you to allo! their members to !ander through at !ill if they allo! you to use their facilities. Make sure that the people !ith !hom you arrange the use of facilities have the right to arrange the contract for the facilities. *heck that you have electrical outlets available if you bring anything that !ill need them. ,ill you need to bring your o!n source of music if you !ant itL %opefully the room !ill be clean and comfortable and the right temperature. %ave your chosen music ready if you !ill use it and make sure the e1uipment !orks. ,ill you be allo!ed to light candles or burn incense L $ome facilities have fire regulations that prohibit all flame. $ome teachers ceremonially burn the paper on !hich the symbols are practiced5 "f you intend to do this you !ould need a safe container and location for this. "f you !ill serve tea or snacks or people !ill bring lunch you !ill !ant to have cups 5 napkins5 spoons sugar and a !aste basket for debris. "n many locations it is common to have bottled !ater on hand. Make sure the rest room is clean and supplied. "f the class is at your home remove anything potentially embarrassing from the rest room including the medicine cabinet if it does not lock. put anything of special value or fragility a!ay. "t is also !ise to make sure that those rooms !hich you do not e+pect anyone to enter are clean and suitable in case someone does need to enter them. $ometimes people do need to change clothes or lie do!n for a bit or take medication. %ave a place for people to put coats if they have them. # safe place for purses that is visible to all and far from the e+it is a good idea if they cannot be not kept close to each student. Make arrangements for childcare if you need it and so forth. %ave selected or !ritten the material you !ill be using and gathered your handouts and teaching materials. Make sure you have enough manuals 5 handouts and certificates 3if you give certificates4 for your e+pected students. %ave pens and paper for your students and clipboards if there is no table or place for students to take notes or practice !riting symbols. $et up a massage table if you have one and there is room to have it out during the class. ?igure out !here you !ill put it if you !ill need to put it up after the class starts. #nd have tissues5 cushions a blanket and so forth. "f you do not have a massage table decide !here you !ill demonstrate treatments. Try to have enough chairs hopefully comfortable ones. "t can be really painful for some people to sit on a 31

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floor for a long time. preparation on class day "t is hoped that you !ill be !ell rested and prepared on the day of the class. "f the class is not at your home try to arrive early enough to complete your preparations in an unhurried !ay. &efore the students arrive you might !ant to give yourself a self treatment. 'o your meditation and any personal preparation. 9ou might !ant to clear the room and if you do !ant to do something like call in a healing grid or portal or invite #ngels etc. 9ou might do it no! rather than after the students arrive. " like to sit in the room and Run Reiki !ith the intention that the room myself and the class be of ma+imum effect and light. 9our class and your attunement should have a clear beginning5 middle and end. Teach as you !ould like to be taught $ <no! something about your students. %se simple !ords to communicate concepts $ &ave breaks scheduled. 0rgani6e the presentation so that it flo!s in a !ay that makes sense to you and your students. 'o not try to prove that you are right. Let students have their o!n reali6ations $ 9ou can hold a class for one person or for a large number of people ho!ever5 if you have at least t!o students they can practice together !hile you teach and observe. Try to avoid an over large a group. ,hile doing Reiki and attunements can be e+hilarating5 a very large a class !ill be difficult to keep running smoothly. 9ou !ant to be able to give each student individual attention. rela+. ,hen you use the direct transmission group attunement you can have everyone begin by sharing Reiki !ith each other 7ust after the attunement ends. #fter the attunements you can have people do a 1uick check that they can run Reiki and go directly into a self treatment. "f you are doing a ritual attunement one student at a time then !hen one student has finished they could stand behind one of the !aiting students and run Reiki !ith their hands on the shoulders of the seated student. &efore you begin the attunement let people kno! you !ill be having them do that so you !on=t break up the flo! of the #ttunement. actually a lot of folks find this disruptive so " don=t do it this !ay myself. "f you do the individual attunement in a separate area from the rest of the class students can practice on the !aiting students after their attunement is done. This is easier to supervise if you have a teaching 32

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assistant. #fter the #ttunement some students may !ant to discuss their e+perience of the attunement. This can cause the class to drag if allo!ed to continue to long and also may make some students !ho do not get visions and drama feel discouraged. $uggestions for teaching Reiki one class. "f there is anyone in class !ho has never received Reiki give them a sample early on. "f you are doing the four part Reiki one attunement you !ill !ant to space the segments throughout the class time. ,hen a student has completed the first degree attunement they should touch someone and run Reiki as soon as possible. " often go right into having everyone give themselves a self treatment right after the attunement. People !ho have !orked !ith other energy systems using active chi or polarity sometimes have to be reminded that !hen you turn Reiki on it flo!s !ithout the practitioner having to push or ;do; something to ;make it !ork; it can take a little !hile for everyone to get the techni1ue of commanding the Reiki on and allo!ing it to run. ?or Reiki one covered topics introduction5 personal information greetings handing out materials ,hat Reiki is5 history5 brief introduction to concepts of energy and !ellness attunement hand positions and !hy they are used demonstrate treatments self 5 others5 chair practice5 lots of practice make sure everyone has got the feel for Reiki and has both given and received Reiki .thics5 Reiki principles5 disclaimers using Reiki on plants5 animals5 a bit about meridians5 aura5 chakra and the energy body a bit about scanning or sensing energy in general and about intuition Reiki in other areas of your life5 7ob environment5 events5 meetings5 in the home5 leisure activities5 e+change issues 5 legal issues 5 Reiki variants about having a Reiki practice and keeping records certificates Kuestions5 anything that comes up e+tras Possibly teach Japanese techni1ues %atsu-Reiho 5 meditation 5 Reiki sho!er additional discussion social interaction and practice 33

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hibiki- byosen non Reiki methods of increasing channel meditation and grounding Make sure that all students can run Reiki and do not use their o!n energy. that they understand the butterfly lightness of touch have practiced hand placements and kno! about ethical issues and the Reiki principles make sure that they have a chance to talk about the #ttunement e+perience if they !ant but don=t push and don=t allo! this part of the class to take over. be prepared to discuss protection and perceived conflicts !ith religion if the issue comes up. &e prepared to discuss Reiki myths and conflicts if it comes up. ?or Reiki T!o the general nature of symbols More detailed information about ethics particularly in regard to remote healing and emotional healing introduce the three individual symbols #ttunement using the po!er symbol using the harmony symbol using the remote healing symbol techni1ues of emotional healing treating addictions5 setting affirmations techni1ues of remote healing healing issues in the past5 preparing for future need Reiki circles and group treatments practice dra!ing symbols and memori6ing them a method of memori6ing symbols that !orks very !ell is to have students dra! them starting !ith the first stroke and beginning again adding one stroke each time until done. practice treatment !ith symbols practice remote healing beaming scanning certification additional possible sub7ects stacks Japanese Reiki techni1ues 34

Reiki Master Manual ,orld healing 'iscuss ;advanced Reiki Techni1ues; such as reiki meditation /uides and angels crystals 5 manifesting. .tc. 0ther- healing techni1ues 3not traditional to Reiki These are techni1ues " have learned and share !ith students separately from the Reiki training 4 These include directing .nergy to specific areas5 energy massage .+pand blanket and focus functions po!er settings5 and modes5 #utomatic programs 3these give e1uivalent functions to having taken most of the ;advanced ;Reiki variants 4 Reiki Master and teacher Master level attunement the .mpo!erment symbol using the symbol $everal !ays to give attunements ho! to give a distant attunement #bout being a Reiki Master suggested values lots of practice doing attunements Teaching Reiki discuss other forms of Reiki including really strange stuff 3deattunement obedience symbol4 #bout Rei7u 3This empo!erment method is not taught in this manual " use a different Rei7u form than Mr. 'oi 4 #dditional possibilities 3other healing functions not Reiki as such4 chakra balancing healing attunement angel connection karma alleviation class formats There are several formats that are used for classes The teacher must decide %o! they !ant to teach and ho! long !ill each class be. :ery fe! people have time for a classic apprenticeship of one or more years. #ny one may take Reiki one often !ith traditional ,estern Reiki the class is held either over one !eekend or ?riday evening and the !eekend to allo! time to space out the > part attunements 35

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another pattern is one 'ay for Reiki one. $ome people have taught Reiki one over eight !eeks !ith about ( hours for each session. ,ith individual students or couples !ho have read the manual before class and have e+perience !ith meditation or other spiritual practice a > to F hour class often !orks very !ell Reiki t!o can be done either in combination !ith Reiki one or separately often it is recommended that one !ait at least a month after taking Reiki one and practice self treatment daily if possible and treat at least )A other people before taking the level t!o class Most times this class is taught either in one day or in one !eekend but some teacher do teach over a longer time frame. The re1uirement and time devoted to the Reiki Master Training can be e+tremely varied ,hile some teach all three levels in one !eekend and this is successful for many most teachers recommend a !ait of from si+ months to a year after the Reiki t!o training. $ome teachers re1uire students to have kept a Reiki Journal and provide documentation of from fifty to )AA treatments for different people before accepting them into a Reiki Master class. $ome teachers have students meet at least once a month for a year and do many supervised treatments. $ome teachers re1uire students to provide students for several classes and treatment !hich the master supervises. 3and gets all the payments for them4. $ome teachers re1uire their students to !rite their o!n manual before certifying them. 0ther Teachers have 7ust done the attunement and taught the empo!erment symbol and a !ay to attune and that is it. This is clearly not ade1uate though !ith perseverance one can self teach and fill in the gaps. Many teachers do 'ivide the Master level into t!o separate sections doing the attunement and basic teaching in the first part and focusing on teaching Reiki in the second part. There are all kinds of possibilities for !ays to develop your class outlines and materials " have not firmed up on a favorite form for Master level classes but adapt the form to the needs of the student or students Most good Reiki teachers !ill be open for follo! up either in person or by phone and e-mail M'R( R)*%+,- for attunements 36

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$emi Traditional Usui style #ttunement This is in the Usui Tradition but is not e+actly !hat it is said that Mrs. Takata did. " think that Mrs. Takata did #ttunements slightly differently each time because there are several different rituals that people s!ear are 7ust !hat she taught them. " have also spoken !ith people attuned by Mrs. T or her granddaughter !ho said none of the published methods are e+actly like she taught. The same attunement is used for all three levels !ith some modifications for the second and third level. ?or the more traditional form The first level attunement is repeated > times !ith a minimum of an hour bet!een #ttunement. 9ou can begin by setting your intention or saying a ;prayer; of intention5 either silent or spoken in any tradition that is valid for you. "ntend !ith the for the help of the Reiki $ource to facilitate a perfect attunement for the person or people. "f you !ork !ith spirit guides5 Reiki guides5 #ngels5 #scended Masters5 etc. 5 you can ask them to assist in making this a perfect attunement in accord !ith the persons highest good. #ngels and guides or other ;helpers; are not necessary for the attunement to !ork and are not a traditional element in The Usui- %ayashi-Takata lineage. 'ra! the Po!er $ymbol and the Master symbol on your palms5 and mentally visuali6e them over your *ro!n and on your %eart *hakra5 intend to connect totally !ith Reiki5 the .arth and $ource for the purpose of attunement. *lear and charge the room by dra!ing the four Usui Reiki symbols mentally or in the air in front of you. This prepares the room and sets a tone as a sacred event. The student sits !ith hands held in the gassho or prayer position at about mid chest. $tand behind the initiate5 dra! the *ho <u Rei from slightly above the top of the head and do!n the back of the student5 ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of the head to get an energetic rapport !ith the student. &reathe in and visuali6e the 'ai <u Myo. .+hale the &reath into the *ro!n *hakra blo! the 'ai <u Myo visuali6ed as gold into the *ro!n *hakra5 guiding it !ith your hand move it through the middle of the student=s head5 and into the base of the brain. Just above or on the head5 dra! the Usui Master $ymbol and repeat silently ;'ai <u Myo; three times. :isuali6e the symbol moving into the *ro!n *hakra5 through the head and into the base of the brain5 guiding it !ith your hand. 'o the same !ith *ho <u Rei5 the $ei %ei <i5 and the %on $ha Ee $ho en. $ignal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head or reach over and raise them yourself. 'ra! the Po!er 37

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$ymbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the $ymbol moving into the hands5 do!n into the *ro!n *hakra5 through the head5 and into in the base of the brain saying the name of the po!er symbol three times and guiding the $ymbol !ith your hand. ,hen attuning to level ( you Repeat this !ith the $ei %ei <i and %on $ha Ee $ho en and !ith 'ai <u Myo for level """. 4 Move to the front and place the students prayer held hands in front of their heart. 'ra! the Po!er $ymbol in the air in front of the middle of forehead 3bro! or third eye chakra4. Picture the $ymbol moving into the bro! chakra. /uide it in !ith the hand if you !ant. $ay the name of the po!er symbol three times. ?or Level "" do the same !ith the Mental2.motional $ymbol and the 'istant $ymbol. ?or the Master Level5 use all four symbols5 remember to repeat the name of each symbol three times4. 'ra! the Po!er $ymbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. 39ou might need to move the students hands4 Then picture the $ymbol moving into the heart chakra. $ay the name of the po!er symbol three times. ?or Level "" do the same !ith the Mental2.motional $ymbol and the 'istant $ymbol. ?or the Master Level5 use all four symbols4. 0pen the student=s hands like the cover of a book so they are ne+t to each other palms up facing the ceiling. Place you left hand under their hands and !ith your right hand dra! out the Po!er $ymbol on the hands on the Palm. $ay the name of the po!er symbol three times. Then lightly tap or slap the hands three times. 30nly the Po!er symbol is placed in the hands in level "5 the 'istant symbol and mental 2emotional symbol are placed in the hands in level ""5 and all four of the symbols are placed in the palms in the Master level. 4 &ring the student=s hands together in prayer position5 and move them back in front of the student=s %eart. &lo! over the hands5 do!n to the $olar Ple+us5 then up to the Third .ye and *ro!n5 and back over the hands. Move behind the student. Place your hands on or over the student=s head. Use a positive affirmation and repeat it to yourself three times5 "ntend it to be accepted by the student. $ome e+amples areD ;9ou are a perfectly attuned;5 ;you are a True Reiki %ealer;5 or ;you are filled !ith 'ivine Love and ,isdom;5 or any other affirmation that is significant to you or the student. 0pen your hands and look do!n through the *ro!n *hakra5 visuali6ing through to the root chakra. "ntend that the great shining light of the Reiki $ource send fill the heart and all the chakras. Move your hands to the student=s neck5 and then place the right hand on top of the head and the left at the base of the skull. dra! the po!er symbol in 38

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the aura over the cro!n and visuali6e the aura being closed. $ay to yourself5 ;" seal this #ttunement !ith 'ivine Love and ,isdom;. "ntend that the Process is sealed and complete and the student is no! forever connected directly to the Reiki $ource. Place your hands on the student=s shoulders briefly !hile appreciating the completion of the attunement Move to the front of the student. %old your palms to!ard them. :isuali6e a glo!ing mist surrounding you both. &reath in and be filled !ith this !hite light mist of Reiki. &lo! the mist at the student allo!ing the final energy of the attunement to bless the student. $ay5 ;the attunement is complete;. L0 /.R #TTU .M. T M.T%0' The ?irst 'egree #ttunements There are four separate attunements for the first degree. Think in terms of setting up the flo! for the energy to come into the cro!n chakra and out the minor chakras in the palms of your hands. Preparation and positioning for the attunementD Position initiate in straight chair !ith feet on floor. if feet do not touch5 use a phone book or !hatever is necessary under the feet so that the initiate is seated in a comfortable position. $tanding in front of the "nitiate5 e+plain that you !ill be !alking around to the back and !orking on his2her head then returning to the front to !ork !ith his2her hands. ,hile demonstrating the correct position5 instruct initiate to bring his2her hands together as !hen praying and hold them in a comfortable position. #lso tell him2her that you !ill be touching hands as !ell as raising them higher during the attunement. ?inal instruction to initiateD ; o! " !ant you to close your eyes and go !ithin and " !ill let you kno! !hen " am finished and you can open your eyes; 3actually my first Reiki Master encouraged us to keep our eyes open at least some of the time and allo!ed everyone in the class to !atch during the attunements4. o! !alk in a counter-clock!ise motion to the back of the chair to begin the attunement 3 some other masters say clock!ise4. ?irst #ttunement $tep ). Raise up your non dominant arm !ith palm open. ,ith your dominant hand dra! the 'ai <u myo over the cro!n chakra $tep (. o! place your dominant hand on top of the cro!n chakra !hile your non dominant hand remains e+tended. :isuali6e the %on 39

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

$ha Ee sho nen 5 $ei %e <i5 and cho ku Rei5 in that order. %old that position a moment allo!ing the energy to flo!. $tep 8. "n a counter-clock!ise movement !alk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand5 clasp his2her hands from around the back !here the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to !ork !ith. ,hile still clasping hands5 bend over to be about eye level !ith the "nitiate=s hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiate=s fingertips. Maintain hand positioning !hile visuali6ing the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho nen5 $ei he <i5 and *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep >. ,ith your dominant hand 5 clasp the top of the initiate=s fingers by folding your hand over the top of her2his hand and visuali6e the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho 6en 5 $ei hei <i. *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep B. retaining same hand positions 5 lift "nitiate=s hands near to nose in order to have access to his2her throat. #d7ust your standing position and dra! the cho ku rei !ith your tongue on the roof of your mouth 3mouth closed4. 'ra! in a deep breath through the nose. blo! out )28 of breath over the heart )28 over the throat and )28 over the third eye 3all in short bursts4. $tep F. Release "nitiates %ands 5 placing them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiateD ;9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ; or ; This concludes the first part of the first degree attunement. ; #t this time you might ask the initiate to talk about the feelings 5 visions or e+periences that he2she had during the attunement. &esides the 7oyful sharing involved bet!een student and teacher 5 the verbali6ation allo!s the "nitiate to process !hat has occurred and helps if he2she needs to validate that ;the attunement !orked ;. "f several people are being attuned this sharing can be done after all have been completed. "t also helps to instruct "nitiates to continue to keep hands on heart after their attunement !hile !aiting for others to 7oin them back at their seats. Reiki Level ). second and third attunements Preparation and positioning are the same as in the first attunement adding that you !ill also touch "nitiate=s $houlders. The steps for the second and third attunements are identical. These attunements not only setup part of the flo! of Reiki they help clear the "nitiates *hakras as !ell. !alk counter clock!ise to back of the initiate and begin. $tep ). Raise up your non dominant arm !ith palm open. ,ith your dominant hand dra! the 'ai <u myo over the cro!n chakra. $tep (. o! place both hands on the initiate=s shoulders !ith both thumbs on either side of the prominent bone at the base of the neck. :isuali6e the %on $ha Ee sho nen 5 $ei %e <i5 and *ho <u Rei5 in that order. %old that position and allo! the energy to flo! through all the 40

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

chakras. $tep 8. "n a counter-clock!ise movement !alk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand5 clasp his2her hands from around the back !here the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to !ork !ith. ,hile still clasping hands5 bend over to be about eye level !ith the "nitiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips. Maintain hand positioning !hile visuali6ing the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho nen5 $ei he <i5 and *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep >. ,ith your dominant hand 5 clasp the top of the initiate=s fingers by folding your hand over the top of her2his hand and visuali6e the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho 6en 5 $ei hei <i. *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep B. retaining same hand position 5 lift "nitiate=s hands near to nose in order to have access to his2her throat. #d7ust your standing position and dra! the *ho <u Rei !ith your tongue 3mouth closed4. 'ra! in a deep breath through the nose. blo! out )28 of breath over the heart )28 over the throat and )28 over the third eye 3all in short bursts4. $tep F. Release "nitiates %ands 5 placing them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate D; 9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ; Reiki Level ) ?ourth #ttunement Preparation and Position are the same as in )st (nd and 8rd attunements $tep ). Raise up your non dominant arm !ith palm open. ,ith your dominant hand dra! the 'ai <u myo over the cro!n chakra. $tep (. o! move counter clock!ise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on "nitiates ?orehead and one on the back of the head. :isuali6e the 'ai <u Myo 5 %on $ha Ee sho nen 5 $ei %e <i5 and *ho <u Rei5 in that order. $tep 8. "n a counter-clock!ise movement !alk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand5 clasp his2her hands from around the back !here the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to !ork !ith. ,hile still clasping hands5 bend over to be about eye level !ith the "nitiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips. Maintain hand positioning !hile visuali6ing the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho nen5 $ei he <i5 and *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep >. ,ith your dominant hand 5 clasp the top of the initiate=s fingers by folding your hand over the top of her2his hand and visuali6e the 'ai <u Myo5 %on sha 6e sho 6en 5 $ei hei <i. *ho <u Rei in that order. $tep B. retaining same hand position 5 lift "nitiate=s hands near to nose in order to have access to his2her throat. #d7ust your standing position and dra! the *ho <u Rei !ith your tongue 3mouth closed4. 'ra! in a 41

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

deep breath through the nose. blo! out )28 of breath over the heart )28 over the throat and )28 over the third eye 3all in short bursts4. $tep F. Release "nitiates %ands 5 placing them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate D; 9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ; This concludes the ?irst degree Reiki #ttunement. T%. $.*0 ' './R.. #TTU .M. T Preparation and Position are the same as in the )st degree attunement $tep ). Raise up your non dominant arm !ith palm open. ,ith your dominant hand dra! the 'ai <u myo over the cro!n chakra. $tep (. o! move counter clock!ise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on "nitiates ?orehead and one on the back of the head. :isuali6e the 5 %on $ha Ee sho nen5 $ei %e <i5 and *ho <u Rei5 in that order. $tep 8. "n a counter-clock!ise movement !alk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non dominant hand5 clasp his2her hands from around the back !here the thumbs are and pull hands up to a position easier for you to !ork !ith. ,hile still clasping hands5 bend over to be about eye level !ith the "nitiates hands Maintain hand positioning !hile visuali6ing the 'ai <u Myo $tep >. Then open the "nitiates %ands placing them hands up on the knees. Take one hand and dra! 3!ith your dominant hand 4 the %on sha 6e sho nen over his2her palm and clap the hand !ith yours. o! dra! the $ei %e <i over the initiate=s palm and clap the hand !ith yours. ne+t dra! the *ho ku Rei over the initiate=s palm and clap the hand !ith yours. Return the "nitiates hand to his2her <nee. Take up the "nitiate=s other hand and repeat all of step four on the second hand. $tep B. clasp both of "nitiates hands together and lift them near to nose in order to have access to his2her throat. #d7ust your standing position and dra! the *ho <u Rei !ith your tongue 3mouth closed4. 'ra! in a deep breath through the nose. blo! out )28 of breath over the heart )28 over the throat and )28 over the third eye 3all in short bursts4. step F. Release "nitiates %ands 5 place them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate D; 9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ;This concludes the second degree attunement. T%. T%"R' './R.. 3Master4 #TTU .M. T # meditation is done to facilitate the connection bet!een the Master5 the "nitiate5 the .nergy and the /uides in preparation for the #ttunement. ,hen The Master intuits that the connection has been made the attunement begins. the positioning is the same as for the other Reiki #ttunements. $tep ). ,alk counter clock!ise to back of "nitiate. Take a deep breath 42

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

and hold 5 !hile placing the tip of your tongue at the back of your upper front teeth. Raise up your non dominant arm and hand !ith the palm open. ,ith your 'ominant hand 5 dra! the '#" <U M90 over the *ro!n *hakra. Reach for!ard !ith both hands and clasp "nitiate=s hands and release held breath by blo!ing into the *ro!n *hakra $tep (. Perform #LL ?our of the first degree attunements !ith these changesD &lo! into the *ro!n *hakra prior to moving to front of "nitiate to !ork on hands. This means that the held breath !ill be blo!n into the *ro!n *hakra four more times from in back of the "nitiate. pay close attention to held breath and tongue positioning. $tep 8. Perform the complete second degree attunement !ith these changes D&lo! into the *ro!n *hakra prior to !alking to side of "nitiate. #fter dra!ing the other three $ymbols and clapping5 'ra! the '#" <U M90 into "nitiate=s hands and clap !ith yours. ,hen breath is blo!n5 blo! from Root *hakra to %eart *hakra5 then Throat *hakra to Third .ye. $tep >. Release "nitiates %ands 5 place them over "nitiate=s heart and step back. #llo! as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate D; 9ou can open your eyes !henever you are ready. ; This *oncludes The Master=s 'egree #ttunements. $emi Traditional attunement 3'iane $tein style4 There are many variations of the attunement procedure and Reiki Masters often add Personal touches to the process. this version is very much like the one in 'iane $tein=s &ook .ssential Reiki. 9ou !ill stand for the attunement the students !ill sit !ith hands held together in a praying hands position 3fingers straight not folded4 at chest height. 'uring most of the attunement many Reiki Masters hold their breath !ith their tongue held at the roof of their mouth 7ust behind the teeth and may clench their perinea muscles during the process. 3" do not recommend the muscle clenching at all4. Many Reiki Masters do some kind of clearing or opening procedure before beginning the #ttunement this might be as simple as having everyone !ash their hands first5 to a full blo!n ceremony !ith casting a circle5 smudging5 chanting in tongues5 Praying and Ritual gestures. this is up to the Reiki Master=s inclination and training. 3My first Reiki Master Really put on a sho!4. $tep behind the chair !here the student is seated and open the students cro!n !ith either a visuali6ation or a t!o handed book opening gesture. Trace the 'ai <u Myo $ymbol over the cro!n mentally repeat the mantra as you dra! the symbol. Reach over the student=s shoulders and take hold of 43

Reiki Master Manual

Peggy Jentoft

the student=s hands bet!een 9our o!n and blo! the symbol into the cro!n. Take a deep breath and hold it. Then trace the other symbols over the cro!n and again take the students hands and blo! into the cro!n take another deep breath and hold it. o! come to the front and open the students hands like a book. Trace the Po!er symbol over both palms and tap the hands three times you may dra! all the symbols at once and tap them in or do each one separately. 9ou may also dra! the symbols on the fingers and for the third degree over the third eye at the bro!. Then take the student=s hand in one of your and hold it to the side !hile you blo! from root to heart. Take a deep breath and hold it. /o to the back and close the aura being careful not to close the cro!n. $ome Reiki Masters also open and close the attunement !ith another symbol called Raku 7ust like the pottery firing techni1ue5 it looks like a lightening bolt. $ome Masters do four attunements for level one5 t!o for level t!o5 and one for level three. $ome do one attunement for each level. and a fe! do all of the levels in one attunement. " hope that this manual !ill be of value to all readers and that they find their Reiki practice 7oyful and fulfilling. This manual is not complete there is al!ays more to learn Peggy Jentoft )(-(A-(AAA I-(-(AA) Usui Reiki Master and Teacher contemporary and traditional methods level three manual by Peggy L. Jentoft M Peggy Jentoft 5 (AAA5 (AA) revised (AAB e+cept !here noted

Peggy Jentoft Peggy Jentoft is a Reiki Master*ea #er of multiple liniage going .a k to %sui -ensei$ &er personal masters tea #ers #a"e in lu!e! +le/is -omerfiel! 0$ 1 2uererro3 4 Mar ie Rose4 -an!ra Mariana 5 Jennifer +le/an!ra$ -#e #as e/ #ange! attunements an! information 6it# o"er t6o !o7en Reiki tea #ers from ,inage of at least eig#t of t#e t6enty t6o *akata Reiki Masters plus tea #ers from t6o non *akata linages$ -#e also #as re ei"e! information an! attunement from !ire t -piritual transmissson in many !ifferent energy mo!alitys$ -#e #as .een attune! to *era Mai 4 1aruna 1i4 -ei #em4 Men #os 4 2emstone4 %nlimite!4 8ullspe trum 4 Magnussa P#oeni/ 4 8usion an! so many ot#er "arients t#at s#e #as lost ount$ 44

Reiki Master Manual -#e is a 9risana -e"ent# le"el pra ti ioner4 + Malaka &una 8ift# le"el pra titioner + :rystal &ealing (mpo6erment *ea #er -#e *ea #es Reiki4 :rystal &ealing4 an! Personali7e! (nergy ;ork in ,a Mira!a :a$ +s a &ealing minister 'r!aine! .y :#rysalis Ministries an! #as o"er t#irty years e/perien e an! stu!y in metap#ysi s an! #ealing mo!alities an! multiple systems of energy 6ork$

Peggy Jentoft

< :opyrig#t Peggy Jentoft 2001=2006 all rig#ts reser"e! ) 6el ome your omments an! suggestions *#e aut#or may .e rea #e! .y email at p>entoft?gmail$ om or .y 6riting Peggy Jentoft 13218 ;oo!ri!ge +"e$ ,a Mira!a :a$ 90638 or p#one 562=926=3975

8or a personal reply .y regular mail please en lose a stampe! self a!!resse! en"elope t#e art4 grap#i s an! .a kgroun! is also .y Peggy Jentoft -olarra"en #ttp@AAp>entoft$ om p>entoft?gmail$ om Bou are allo6e! to sa"e or print a opy of t#is manual to .e s#are! freely4 6it#out ost$ Bou may print opies of t#is 6ork for personal use or to .e s#are! 6it# stu!ents4 pro"i!e! t#at it is gi"en in its entirety4 an! t#e aut#or re!it to Peggy Jentoft opyrig#t message remains inta t$ *#is material is not to .e repu.lis#e! on ot#er 6e.ser"ers4 6e.sites4 translate!4 altere! or in any ot#er 6ay use! 6it#out t#e e/press 6ritten permission of t#e aut#or$ +ll rig#ts reser"e!$ 9onations for t#e manual may .e ma!e t#roug# paypal #ttps@AA666$paypal$ omA to skygreen$ om ast$net Peggy Jentoft p>entoft?gmail$ om #ttp@AAp>entoft$ om #ttp@AAp>entoft$ omA0Reiki$#tml


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