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American Correspondent:
Mrs. C. L. Davis 1010 N. Monroe

... Meeting the Challenge of a post-Chrlstlan nation.

^ -C-#
Jan Vollstedt (Jensen) &
Debbie Davis


Roger Edrington, Bev Mullins,

Steve Tate, Jan Killebrew & Tom Jensen. Janet Baines,

Lincoln. III. 62656

Bev, Jan, J.B., Deb:

202 Kingfield Rd. Coventry CV6 5PL England

Vol. 1

No. 5

February 1974 We'll let him tell you his story

Dave Arrowsmith is our first new Christian since we've been here this time.

He's twenty-seven years old, but a growing baby in Jesus. in his own words from this exclusive "Epistle" interview.
ROGER: Dave, we met you back in 1971. eight months ago? DAVE:

How would you describe your attitude toward Girist then, and even about six or

To be quite honest, I had never really thought about it. Whether that was through laziness on my part, I don't know; it probably was. Nothing had ever happened in my life that had made me want to think about it. I used to be in a choir; I used to go to church quite regularly, but it never meant anything to me spiritually or religiously. I used to go to sing be cause all my friends went as well. I used to get paid for singing, but that was not one of my main reasons for going.
ROGER: At one time, I remember you saying that you were an agnostic.


I hadn't really thought about it, but I think that I was taking the easy way out.

I decided that I didn't want to

commit myself either way, so I thought of this agnostic name without'really knowing what it meant.
to adopt as any other. ROGER: What was it that made you change your mind and become a Christian?

It would be as good a title

DAVE: Well, the major thing was when you came over this last- time with the rest of the girls, and when I got involved in this Investiagtion Group. That really started me to thinking about it, because I'd never really thought about it before. That and reading the rest of the books that you had given me. Also, seeing how much Christianity meant to you and the girls and seeing how you lived your lives made me think, you know, that perhaps there was something in it. So, I decided to give it a thorough
investigation and try to be open minded about it. ROGER: What do you think of the Christian postion now?


To be honest, I can't understand how it took me so long to come to this belief.

Now I can't possibly understand people

not believing.

You only have to look around, you have the things around you.

Nature tells you that there must be a God.

How did you describe your feelings to me before you were baptized?

DAVE: Well, I was that excited that it was untrue. I couldn't really find words appropriate enough to describe how I felt. I was really excited. I felt like a child who knew he was going to get a good present for Christmas and he was just waiting
there to get it, you know; I was that keyed up. ROGER: And how did you feel after you were baptized?

DAVE: Well, after that it was even better. I could have run outside the church and jumped clean over it. I was that happy, you know, that I found myself and I found God and made a commitment. I was really pleased.
ROGER: WHAT changes has Christ made in your life?

DAVE: I'm more tolerant toward other people. I used to be pretty cynical at one time, expecting them to do the wrong thing. I don't expect it so much now though I try to accept it when they do because I do the wrong thing more often than not anyway, but I find myself regretting it when I do, which I didn't before. I pray a lot now. Not just at night before I go to bed as used to be when I was a kid, but I pray spontaneously when I feel like praying, when there's something to pray for. I think it does me gdod and I think that God is answering my prayers as well. Becoming a Christian hasn't completely altered my char
acter as much as I would want it to as yet. ROGER: It's going to take some time before I improve as much as I want to. I remember that you told me that you've stopped padding your work expense account.

DAVE: Yes, that's something that you're trained to do as soon as we get an expense account, we're taught how to build it up. I don't do that any more. I've also stopped smoking, partly for Christian reasons, but not wholly. I can't really afford to
smoke anyway.

Physically, I don't think that anyone can afford it.

How have the fellows at work reacted to your becoming a Christian?

DAVE: Well, the reactions have changed. Initially, when I told them that I was talking to some Christians, they didn't seem too interested. They were completely indifferent. When I did take the step of being baptized, one or two of them decided to
play a bit of a joke on me. ROGER: They sent me a baby's christening card! Anything that you'd like to say to some Christians in the United States?

DAVE: There's lots of things that I'd like to say. The main thing is that I'd like to express ray gratitude to them for making it possible for you to come over and help me the way that you have. I think that without you coming over and pushing me, and I'm very pleased that you have done it, I don't think that I would have ever taken the step on ray own to investigate Christian
ity properly. I'm really grateful that you've come over and made these things possible. . .






Many churches in England have what they call a youth club. Youth clubs are formed to keep children off the streets and out of
trouble, but the churches do not usually
make an effort to teach them about God dur

ing this time.

A few months-ago'we;;$9rmed

a youth meeting called '!TheophiJLuS'''^with the

express purpose of teacHing;^T5i^children

"Dear Mr. Roger B. Edrington: The Plan ning Committee of the Congress is happy to invite you officially to participate in the International Congress on World Evangeliza tion to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, July 16-25, 1974." This is a direct quote from a letter received from Bishop A. Jack
Dain, Ex. Chairman of the Congress.
in this area about God. We felt that the children needed to hear about Him more than

45 minutes on Sunday. On a trial basis we began teaching them in one large group rather than classes as we do on Sunday mornings. We wanted some thing a little different and we felt that this would give the children a chance to learn and do many new things. During these

You may be asking "What is this Congress on World Evangelization that Roger has been invited to?" In 1971, 100 Christian lead
ers from all over the world were asked by

meetings, we learned a lot.

We saw for the

first time how the children relate to one

Billy Graham if they felt the need for a

congress on world evangelization. Almost

another. In truth, we saw a lot of hatred. Of course they could repeat a lot of the lesson material, but they just didn't put
it to work in their lives. As you can im

all of them said yes. This was the beginning

of the International Congress on World
The Board of Convenors consists of 164

Christian leaders; from this, the planning

committee of 27 members from six continents

agine, we had a lot of discipline problems, and felt very frustrated. During an evaluation meeting, we dis cussed our problems and decided that we should go to small groups with each one of our team leading a group. With these groups,
we are now able to teach them better and

have been chosen.

It has been the respons

ibility of the planning committee to select participants for the Congress. The planners are carefully selecting representatives to meet the challenge of completing Christ's great commission of world evangelization in
our generation.

give them some of the personal attention each child so desperately needs. Each group has taken on its own person ality, according to the children and their
leaders. We have 8 9 year old girls em broidering tea towels for the church, 6 7 year olds fingerpari-nting and-a-lt of-t-hem are growing in the knowledge of God as they memorize scripture, read Christian comic
books and listen to the lessons.

The Congress will bring together 2700 participants from Churches in many cultures, races, and nations. Men and women, old and
young, ministers and laymen, will come to

gether for one common goal, world evangelism. Each participant is expected to become

personally involved. They will receive study material for preparation prior to the con
gress. This will continue during the days of the Congress itself when much of the pro gram will be devoted to small, working groups. Speakers from all parts of the world and many denominations have been invited to par ticipate. Some already announced are Dr. J.B. W. Stott, England; Dr. Donald McGavran, United States; Cannon Michael Green, England; Dr. Francis Schaeffer, Switzerland; and
Dr. Howard A. Snyder, Brazil. "From beginning to end, the events on the meeting's schedule are intended to help

During my young "tomboy" years, my sisters and I used to hunt for caterpillers. We would catch one and through fruit jars ob served the various stages of its life cycle. I was (and still am) amazed and awed at the beautiful butterfly that was the final pro duct of what appeared to be an ugly, hairy

feel this same amazement and awe when

Christians get the message of salvation in Jesus Christ to every inhabitant of the globe." We believe this will help greatly to expand our ministry. As Roger shares new ideas with us, we in turn can share with
Jan K.

I observe the changes in the lives of our new friends here in Coventry. Physical changes are obvious and beautiful. For in stance, one friend had "packed up" smoking; another is shaking drugs; and another is try

ing to quit drinking. The deep changes tak ing place inside our friends are becoming
more evident in their actions and concerns.

They are more than lielpful to us and are feeling a desire and need to share Christ
with their families and friends. Just last

night, one said that he wants to study the

Occult movement from a Christian viewpoint

so he can be prepared to witness to his


Personal Message of the Month:

My life prior to coming to England has

always been centered around a Christian home, ^

I had not seen real change taking place in so many k

"Cindy, please send my Randy Matthews record." school, church, and even job.
"And you've got a twin over here."

ways and degrees. Perhaps this is why I'm

so amazed and full of praise for God and the
miracles I'm observing. Deb




"To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." Each of us has certain distinguishable qualities in the building up and functioning of the church. Being a part of this church has shown me an other part of that functioning body, and left me searching for my functioning gifts to con

In reading the Hiding Place by Corrie

Boom, I came across an incident in her

life that spoke to me. She tells of when sh^e was a little girl
traveling to Amsterdam with her father. Dur

ing the traveling time she would talk with

him about problems she needed help with.

On the return trip he would have a suit case of watch parts needed for his small business. One time, while talking with Corrie, he asked if she would like to carry the suitcase. She tried but couldn't budge it; it was far too heavy for her to carry
alone. Her father told her to leave i t for

I have come to join myself with a fellow ship, experiencing its first fruits from many barren years and quite a few months of labor on the part of the other five members of the group, along with the British Christ ians. I was surprised to see at the first service I attended, seven faces of young British people in their early twenties. That was quite an encouragement. It is amazing
to think that at one time the l i t t l e Church

him to carry. He then explained that all through life there would be times when she would have burdens far too heavy to carry alone. When these times came, he told her
to leave i t in the hands of her Father in

building was mistaken by someone as a bomb shelter. At the same time, the service was

small in number and physically cold. Per haps the most descriptive I can be is this: I feel like a seed blown by the wind to a very small oasis in an area where few springs
can be remembered.

"You talk like the other Miss (Deb Davis)" one of the children chatters, "How long will you stay?" "What are you here for?" and so the talk goes.

Heaven and He would carry them for her. She had the opportunity to put things in God's care when she was imprisoned during World War II in Genrian concentration camps. She came through it all with a strength that came from far beyond herself. I have often found myself hopelessly frus
trated in a situation because I couldn't

solve it. I was failing to put things in proper perspective by placing my life with

The Church is alive in a play centre, in front of a phone booth, or in a butcher shop.
It is slow but it is fast, as one man

all its problems and frustrations in the

hands of my Heavenly Father. Oh the joy to

living out salvation is eternal victory. In this way the Lord'd Church is known in Cov entry, and we are recognized on the streets, in the shops, and in some homes and the people speak good of the Lord in us.
Jan J;

be found in releasing yourself to God's care, Praise God for His love and promise to be with us every moment of every day.


* "EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND" is intended as a bridge * of communication between a team ministry with * a mission to an industrial culture in the mid-

* * *

* lands of England and the supporters and friends *

* of this ministry in other parts of the world, *

* especially the United States of America.


Epistle From England

Lincoln Christian Church
204 N. McLean

Non Profit
Bulk Rate

U. S. Postage Paid
Lincoln, 111. 62656
Permit #76

Lincoln, 111. 62656

Missions Services
Box 177

Kempton, Ind. 46049


am thankful for both the house and for*'

John's conversion.

Our address is:

"You appear for a little while and then disappear." (James 4:14) The Hillsfields
community of Coventry had this fact brought before them again. People don't find it shocking when an older person or even a

59 Cambridge Street, Coventry CVl 5HU, Engl. Roger

middle aged person dies, but when a child

dies, it is different.

In early January, 11 year old Gary MacKellar hung himself with his own tie in his own house. Why? We have no idea perhaps only our God will ever know. As Gary was one of our infrequent Sunday School attenders, the funeral was held in our little church building. Many people from the community were present. In this very difficult situation, my goal, as al ways, was to get men to see Jesus, that only being a Christian could give answers and purpose for this life.
The death of children is nothing new

Tom and Jan Jensen arrived in Coventry February 3 to begin their ministry. You may write to them at 59 Cambridge St., Coventry CVl 5HU. Pray that they will find proper housing in this difficult situation.

Here I sit in Roger's slightly heated sitting room thinking of events from the past week which have brought me so far from home, friends, and family. The fact that
I am 5,000 miles from home does not, for

for this MacKellar couple. This is their fourth. A four year old electricuted by
their T.V., a deformed child died after one half hour of life, a six month mis

some reason, seem very real. While walking down any of the wet, winding streets of Coventry, I think that at any time I could turn the corner and be at my own house. Then again, the alienation and shock of a strange place are more real than I care to


After so many months of preparing

carriage, and now Gary. The questions of suffering and evil contrasted with a good God were certainly on the father's mind. The answers seemed to satisfy and even ex
cite him, but it remains to be seen if action will come. My task was minister

myself for the culture shock that was to come, now I can't believe I actually am

going through it. I thought my preparation would somehow immunize me. However, here I am for the first time in my life, a for
eigner. A foreigner could be described

simply as one self conscious square peg in

one unconcerned round hole.

ing and speaking the good news of Jesus.


It's hard for us to know what's expected

of us. We are ourselves in another world.

Certainly we are not children, but when are

we adults?

Our Tuesday night Bible Study has real ly been a blessing to me. We meet with at least five people who have a keen interest in Christ and Christianity. In going through the book of Acts, I never fail to gain some insight brought on by their eag er searching. It is really a thrilling experience to
be able to share Christ with them.

We have found life to be more difficult

even in the trivial day to day events.


and I find that the expanded walks and cold

are .quite hard on our Americanized bodies.

And the single gas heater for a six room

house is not much comfort on a cold February

morning. Even small talk with any local is a chore, for even though we technically speak the same language, our ears are often
strained to understand.

Seeing their eagerness causes me to take stock of my own life and make sure it is in line with Christ's. They are bold in sharing Christ with their friends and
want to be active in their faith.

Still, we stand firm even though so much is so strange and we can look about with realistic vision and see a hope. So much is being, and has been, done in the Hillfields
area in the name of Christ. In faith Jan

I really look forward to the times when we are together and studying the Word. It
even has encouraged me to be more faithful

in personal devotions. They are reading, studying, and questioning so much that we must be an open and sharp instrument used by the Spirit in aid to their growth.

and I will leam to rejoice in what seems to be difficult and outgrow our inadequacies.


-Maturity and growth in new Christians. -At least three women's study coffee hours
are beginning this week. There has been ex



cellent response.

Pray for the girls as they

seek to share Christ.

I have finally settled in a house about

five minutes walk from the Chruch building. Our houses share common walls all along the street. The noise from next door may bother you, but you can't eavesdrop as
approximately 75% of the street are Asian

-New Investigation Group will begin next week with all new people.

-Groups of kids meeting Mondays Thursdays.

-Pray that God will lead us to those to whom

(Indian Pakistani) immigrants speaking

their native tongue. Our only front lawn is the sidewalk and our back yard is 10 ft. by 20 ft., filled with bricks and junk. John Seymour, a 21 year old Coventry fellow, lives with me. John will, with little doubt, become a Christian before you read this. He is already speaking to many of his friends about Jesus. (cont'd.)

he wants us to speak. -It has been brought to my attention that Paul does not ask for prayers for non-Christ-

ians, but for himself! During your prayers for people that we mention, I hope you will focus on asking God to make his Holy Spirit
shine the light of His Son through us and
other means. We, of course, cannot ask God to force people to become Christians. We only ask that Christ will be seen clearly enough so that men may accept or reject Him
by free choice.

American Correspondent:
Mrs. C. L. Davis 1010 N. Monroe

... Meeting the Challenge of a post-Christian nation.
BBBB9H7 "*gi wmAimsma^jmKLZ^mm

^ ^ f

CRoger Edrington!)Bev Mullins,

bteve lai^', jan Killebrew &
Tom Jensen. Janet Baines, Jan Vollstedt (Jensen) &
Debbie Davis

Lincoln. III. 62656


59 Cambridge St.
Coventry CVl SHU

Tom & Jan:

Vol. 1 No. 6

1, Marlborough Rd.
Coventry CV2 4EN
March 1974

Bev, Jan, J.B., Deb: 202 Kingfield Rd. Coventry CV6 5PL

John Seymour, age 21, has given his life to Christ. Roger:

This interview tells his story:

John, how long have you been a Christian now?

Three weeks.


What was your first contact with Christianity?

John: I should say about four years ago, I first heard about Jesus, but I never really got to know Him until a couple of months ago. Some people at a Baptist Church in Coventry told me about Jesus. They told a lot of the kids who used to go to this youth club about Jesus, but we always took it as fairy tales and the usual different patterns and ways of thinking about Christianity as a whole. But one of these Christians started taking a bit of inter est in me and he seemed to be talking sense. I got to the stage where I believed, but then on the other hand, it was at the time where I was just getting into drugs as well. It seem ed as though I wasn't strong enough; at the time, the devil got the best part of me in the end. Roger: In the last few years, what are some of the things that you have been into?

John: I should say mainly, drugs, very much into music - that was very much an important part of my life during those few years. Roger: How deep were you in drugs?

John: Well, I wasn't addicted in the sense of physically, but I was probably addicted in the sense of mentally. If I didn't get any drugs or stimulants to get myself high, I would get very depressed. Often at this place called "The Farm" (where I stayed when I was really into drugs for about nine months), I would often smash one of the rooms up and try to get rid of my depression and let steam go if I couldn't get any drugs. I would say I was pretty

well deep into it; we didn't seem to talk about much else than drugs.
terned" and "Far Out" and "Everythings was going". Roger: What kind of drugs were you using?

It was always, "Pat

John: Mostly LSD if we could get it. We would smoke dope (marijuana) while we were on LSD, but we would also smoke dope during the week. We would try to keep a job going as well, al

though that was pretty hard, you see, I've had about ten different jobs in the year, I think.
Roger: How did you feel about people who weren't using drugs?

John: I used to think, "Why" Why haven't they used drugs?" I thought, "What enjoyment is there just sitting home and watching TV". They seemed to have the most boring life, abso lutely nothing there. I often said to myself, "If only they knew about drugs," just like,
"If only they knew about Jesus", the way I think today.


In what way has Christ changed your life?

John: Well, He's changed it completely. One thing, in my way of thinking toward young people in drugs, I can still see their views on it because they haven't got Christ. In a way, they are no worse off than people who are not on drugs as far as I look at it, although I know that some people look at it a bit differently. But then, if it wasn't for Christ, I know that I would still be on drugs now, getting more and more into it and getting onto harder drugs.


(John S. Interview cont'd.)

I don't know, that's one o those things that you can't really say.
what would happen if it wasn't for Jesus.

You don't really know

In the way I'm thinking, the fact that I'm off drugs. He's changed my work - I've got a pretty steady job now. Mainly, He's changed my whole outlook on lifej it's as though I've got something to look forward to. I used to be looking for freedom or something always better, but I've found that now and it was Jesus. I don't have to look anymore; it's just a matter of making myself better and trying to be more like Jesus and make myself stronger
in every sense.


I understand that you have spoken to quite a few of your friends about Jesus.


have they reacted?

John: A good friend of mine that was at "The Farm", Pete [who you know) has just recently accepted Jesus Christ, although he hasn't been baptized yet, but he's moving toward this way. In the last week or so, he seems to have changed a lot; he seems to be thinking a bit
more into it. Because there's two of us now - at first, everyone thought I was a fool;

John's cracked up at last - and they've seen Pete leave "The Farm" in the same way because of Jesus Christ and they are starting to think about it. I think they all sort of want to talk to me about it. Right now, I'm just waiting for the right moment and for them to be in the right frame of mind so that I will be able to give them the right words.

Do you really feel a need to share Christ with them?



You have an opportunity, John, to say something to Christians in the United States.

John: Far out! I suppose that in a sense, Christians are all one big family and we're all the same. I suppose that they've got different cultures as I've found out knowing you.

But still, I suppose as long as they keep up their good work, we'll keep up our good work.


This past weekend Jan K., Deb, Bev, and

I attended the Christian Women's Fellowship Conference. The conference was attended by

Tom Jan Jensen have found a^ house to rent

after only 3 weeks. With the housing short age so severe, that's quite good. They are
thankful to our God. Their address, if you'd like to write, is: 1, Marlborough Road, Coventry CV2 4EN, England.

approximately 300 women, mostly over forty,

from the Churches of Christ all over the
British Isles.

The theme, "GO - God's Opportunities" was

introduced at the first session. The speaker

Steve Barthorpe, a 19 year old college

presented his message and used it to put for ward the possibilities of the Churches of Christ joining the United Reformed Church.
The United Reform Church is a union of

student in Coventry, has joined our body of

Believers. Steve became a Christian in the USA last summer as a result of the non-instru

churches, at present the Congregationalists and Presbyterians. There are plans in the

making for Methodists, Church of England and


mental) family in Phoenix, Arizona. Perhaps the Holy Spirit will lead some of you to witness in the same way. You may contribute to the growth of an overseas or US Church. Steve is a great strength to our Church.
Door to door calling, special appointments, Bible studies, investigation groups, child ren's meetings, and everyday routines, as well as regular Church meetings continue to be used as ways of speaking the Word of Jesus to people of all types.
Mr. Mrs. C. L. Davis, our American

It was disappointing to hear the speaker

comment that on a general level, a merge would be beneficial, whereas in particulars

(doctrinal issues such as baptism. Lord's Supper, etc.) there would be some difficul ties. However, the speaker seemed to think
these doctrines could be resolved with some sort of compromise.

Other sessions were on the growth of the

church in Malawi and controversial issues

about the Holy Spirit.

The highlight for us was a paper presented

on Sunday morning on the topic "You... a

Correspondents, will celebrate their 25th Anniversary Mar, 27 in ENGLAND. After a week spent visiting their daughter, Debbie, and
our work here, they will make short visits to Paris, Rome, and Madrid before returning to
their "normal lives" as mail carrier and Ex.

Royal Priesthood",
the Priesthood.

The speaker had done ex

tensive research on the Biblical viewpoint of

She showed how man had dev

iated from this by adding his own traditions

and teachings.

She talked of unity, but said

secretary. They are graciously putting out this "Epistle" just in time to start their trip. The visit to Coventry should be a

there needed to be a strong stand for the Bible and its teachings and no giving in where deviations were proposed. We met and talked with many. We learned much this weekend concerning the views of
the members of the Church of Christ in Great

great asset to understanding our work and

increasing their effectiveness as American Correspondents. Bon Voyage to them. We have had no power cuts or serious re
ductions in electricity yet this winter as
a result of the MINERS STRIKE. GASOLINE is

Britain and the changes rapidly taking place in this world and their position in it.
J. B.

in more ample supply after threats of ration ing, but up 20i^ per gallon in one night. Present price: $1.00 per American gallon.
Stop complaining!




As many of you know, there have been a

couple of new additions to our Christian fam

ily here in Coventry. Being a newcomer to this group, I can see that much time, commit ment and prayer has gone into this new grow th. Even yet, I see a few more beginning to make that same move to join Christ's body. Where, however, does that put this group?

From the beginning I have seen the emphasis

of this work on the cost of discipleship, what it really costs to be a Christian. Many times evangelization or reaching out to

Acts 2:42 tells us that the practice of the early Church was to focus her attention on the apostles' teaching and fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. Whatever else occured was a spontaneous outgrowth. Awe, wonder, excitement were all present due to the realization of God's presence. Each be liever, upon considering Christian disciple ship and accepting the honor, began to change in a natural sort of way. On Feb. 17, John Seymour was baptized. He
had invited four of his friends from "The

Farm" (his ex-drug environment), and his nonChristian mother, sister, and brother to come. John waited two weeks, in fact, to make cer tain his friends could make arrangements to

non-Christians is cheapened by pushing for a decision, or by stacking all the possible re

wards without really giving any attention to the "Cross" aspect of being a disciple not that there aren't rewards (any Christian will readily attest to that) or that there
doesn't need to be a decision. The decision

be present,

I have to admit, I was surprised

rather, should be made willingly, and know-

but encouraged and excited at John's bold proudness for his new Master. John was act ually proud of Christ and wanted everyone possible to be at the occasion of his new
birth. He has continued to be a proud am

ledgably without the need for pressure. What seems to happen is that the hearer soon be comes just another lost soul left in the
dust of the "progressing" church.

Many emphasize all the good things that

will come about by becoming a Christian, but
fail to mention the reaction of the world to

On reflecting on my own thoughts soon after wards, I realized my surprise should have been completely reversed. New Testament

a newly born child of God.

They tend to

paint the Christian life as escapist, and

thus are surprised when that new believer
walks smack into a wall of reality, falling, never to rise again. As Mr. Withnall says,

growth was a spontaneous expansion and ex pression. When John learned that there act ually were some Christians who did not share their knowledge and joy of Christ, he was overwhelmed, and asked the obvious, "Why?" That "why" is for all of us who hold back from any person the honor of knowing Christ

"A church's growth is often described as trying to fill a bath tub with the plug
pulled." We need to. .constantly re-evaluate and_ test

what we are doing without fear of finding our weaknesses. Unless a young Christian is

Spontaneous?? At 7:45 a.m. one morning a few days later, one of John's friends, Pete, came bursting into Roger and Johnis house, getting them from their beds with the news
that he had seen what he knows he wants and

needs in Christianity. This week, Pete moved he will soon outgrow the need for Christianity. from the same drug atmosphere in which John had been. He is now studying the Bible with Many times, we as Christians, get caught in us and taking a solid, deep look at Christian a numbers game. If we can just pack the

given the nurture that he desperately needs,

church or the classroom, then everything will


be okay.

It would seem that we are putting


You should recall the men

more faith in environmental conditioning than

tion of David Arrowsmith's baptism in the

in the message and Spirit of God being able

to transform lives. Christians are not made from the outside in, but from the inside out.

last "Epistle".

Everyone that David works

with knows of his faith and new life. As each of these Christians were led into

We here in Coventry are faced with this

problem always, for we find the real goal

for us here is to build towards "Permanence."

the family of believers, individuals taught them what Christianity involved. Robin and Jean Hastings (who had been studying the

The Church here must never depend on us, but

on Christ.

meaning of a life patterned after Christ for some time) brought John to Bible studies and helped by explaining what they had learned. Christianity is a new life, a life of love and giving, not of selfness and taking. Who
to share Christ with was not a problem.
Robin and Jean were our friends, John was

"In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made
known unto God." Phil. 4:6

theirs (now all of ours), Pete was John's (also ours)...."And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."
Acts 2:47 Jan J.

*Our task in nurturing new Christians.

*Pete as he studies and relates to Jesus.

*New Christians as they witness to their

families and friends.

*Plans in the making for Easter services and

celebrating the Resurrection.
*New avenues of service.


To Brother Tim B. - Congratulations! To Galen - Christian duty calls for com


*A team of Bible college students who will

be serving in England this summer.

"Your prayers can channel the impact of God's

power into every corner of the earth."




Church services are a very important part of our Christian life, and our group has watched with joy as our services have taken on a new dimension. For one thing, our church attendance is much larger. For sev eral months we were only nine in number, whereas, now our average attendance both Sunday morning and evening is 20-25. Because the majority of us aren't ex tremely musical, it's taken a while for us

to loosen up and lead others in worship,

but we've learned. There is a vast differ

ence between our services six months ago

and now.

We have begun to realize that ^

It isn't a service with 16 the

are the Church.

or 17 Britishers and 7 Americans, but we

are brothers and sisters in Christ


Another reason is wrapped in our

They want to

new friends who attend.

worship God in a joyful way; it is some thing that came from them as they learned
more and more about God. So, our services changed as all of us began to put our
selves into them.

Someone has said that disappointment is like a knot that appears unexpectedly in a thread; it blocks the smoothness of life. And so it is with the young man with whom I am studying the book of John. At first it appeared that he was inter ested in becoming a Christian. During our study, many doctrinal issues have come up. Many times I am faced with the difficult task of defending what the scriptures have to say on a variety of issues. During our Bible study the question was asked "Why is it so important to be baptized in the New Testament way?" Over a period of several weeks, this ques tion has been discussed and scripture used to back up Christian answers. I have tried to present the truth. The feeling is the same; this young man just does not see the Biblical viewpoint on baptism. He will be
christined and confirmed in the Church of

England. When I asked him to show me where this is found in the scriptures, he could

When we come together, we come desiring

to be filled with God's Word and to be

Disappointed? Yes, I felt like crying... but again, it is like the knot in the thread;
the knots have to be untied before i t can

challenged. So, each time a person is in charge of the service, he or she realizes
that God can and will be seen more clearly

be woven into a design.

Jan K.

as he or she leads us for that short period

of time.

* "EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND" is intended as a bridge * of communication between a team ministry with
* a mission to an industrial culture in the mid-

* *

* lands of England and the supporters and friends * * of this ministry in other parts of the world, * * especially the United States of America. *

Esistle From England

Lincoln Christian Church 204 N. McLean

Non Profit Bulk Rate

U.S. Postage Paid

Lincoln, 111. 62656
Permit #76

Lincoln, 111. 62656

. ^tlc itont
m . a post-Chrlstlan oosi-Christian nation. .. .. . Meetina Meeting the Challenae Challenge of a

American Correspondent:
Mrs. C. L. Davis

Roger Edrington, Bev Mullins,

Steve Tate, Jan Killebrevk^ & Tom Jensen. Janet Baines,

1010 N. Monroe

Lincoln, III. 62656

Jan Vollstedt (Jensen) &

Debbie Davis


59 Cambridge St. Coventry CVl SHU

Tom 6c Jan:

Bev, Jan, J.B., Deb:

202 Kingfield Rd. Coventry CV6 5PL

Vol. 1 No. 7

1, Marlborough Rd. Coventry CV2 4EN

April 1974
Church of Christ

0 *1974
Dear Christian Friende:

Queen Street

Coventry England

Here I am writing you a letter.

What I will try to do is to give you some kind of overall view of

This letter, however, is not an attempt to make us look like good "missionaries on the field." I will think of several of you at various times as I write the letter so that this will be personal.

what the seven of us are doing in Coventry.

Not many people would think that a church with an average attendance of about six on Sunday morning would have enough work for seven Christian workers who spend all their time in specialized ministry. But actually, we're quite busy - almost too busy at times. We spend a lot of time with people that's what evangelism is about, you know. We call on them with our especially probing survey questions, we visit interested people, we have Bible- Studies and Investigation groups. One works an evening a week in the local play center; one spends a morning in the local "high school" helping to teach. And we sometimes just stop and chat with people on the street - often reporting, "I had a really good talk with ( ) and he seems quite interested in Jesus," or "It dosen't look like

) cares too much anymore, but I'll keep trying".

We spend quite a lot of time in preparation, too. We're committed to the fact that we have to have quality presentations of the Gospel - well, at least the very best we can do. We think that we must be honest with people, giving honest answers to honest questions. We also spend time in nurture. We feel that new Christians shouldn't be left to struggle on their own - that's what

fellowship and Bible Study are all about.

you don't even have to eatl

(Note: Fellowship is not bound by pot luck dinners

And then, there's regular worship services and ladies meeting and preaching and singing. Not to mention a few letters home, and preparing articles for "Epistle from England," and putting out "For

other day and said he's Interested. PTLl)

All People," our periodic evangelistic newspaper. (A fellow who read "For All People" phoned the And what about preparation meetings and devotional times to help keep us going? Yes, and even our laundry every month or so. (How'd that get in there?)

All this is toward the purpose of making the reign of God more complete in our world.

Quite honestly, sometimes we get down - we don't rely enough on the Holy Spirit to minister to our needs. But in the past eight months, I've seen real spiritual growth in everbody, and I feel like I've grown in Christ a bit myself. And sometimes we waste time, although we think that enjoying ourselves in most things that we do is a big part of Christianity.
The Church of Christ here is not very large yet. Some of you would probably think that we haven't Only three people have been baptized over the past eight months - and those

been much of a success.

only very recently. (See article on "Pete" elsewhere in this issue.)

But there are several on the

And we seem to find

brink of decision. I know that I've said that before, but they're still there. several new people who are interested in our Lord each week. Last Sunday evening, we had three of our local alcoholics in our service.

At the beginning of my sermon, one exclaimed that I should speak to myself, not him. His friend escorted him outside. One, who hadn't eaten in five days, turned down a free meal to finish listening to my sermon. Meedless to say, I was quite humbled. Their reason for coming to our service was because their friend, Joe, had invited them. Joe had been "on the beer" for about eighteen months straight before a Coventry evangelistic team spoke to him about Jesus, and took him in to live with them. Since then, Joe's given up drinking and smoking. When on trial for a criminal offense that he coiranltted, Joe told the judge, "Since I've met the Lord, I've really changed." He's off the hook now and a regular attender of our Christian meetings.

There's quite a varied group who attend Church of Christ meetings: ex-convicts, ex-drunkards, exacid freaks, and 84 year old lady who hardly hears a word anyone says, a lady with an artificial hip socket and ball, a 25 year old fellow who neither reads nor writes, and each other person has a

story of his own (including me, but I'm not going to tell it now). But we all have one thing in common: we've all fallen short of the glory of God and sinned (Romans3). Many of us have accepted
Christ and are moving closer to Him - some have yet to accept. Well, there's a bit about usi We've come quite some distance, but we have a longer way to go

"every man mature in Christ" (Col. 1:28).

You keep your bit going too, okay?

Love in Jesus,

We wish you were here - well, some of you at least.

Roger B -Edrington



As we walked to his home, I did a lot of thinking about some of the details Billy
had told me. He had a loving wife who would

We prayed for God to surprise us this

week with new contacts and new ways to spread

His Word. Then again, we continued to go about our day to day lives. Sunday night came and we again gathered to worship and praise. For me the experience of Sunday evening worship is a very mellow
one. We had all settled back for the sermon

accept him back into the house without any

questions after being on a drunk for close
to a month. He had six children. He had

to begin when in came not one, not two, but three men who were very obviously intoxicated. They seated themselves in that very contented, uninhibited way and began to listen to Roger's message. They whispered back and forth to each other in a low roar. Shortly, one stood up and proceeded to tell Roger and we Christ ians to tell ourselves what we were saying instead of telling everyone else. Then he left with one of the other two following him

been in jail for seven years and his oldest son was now in jail for theft. I put to gether that there certainly was plenty of need, but somehow the facts seemed to be contradictory. How many wives would under stand their husband's drinking? And even if he did have a home, it must be a mess for certainly a family with this kind of father has to be falling apart. However, as Billy opened the door to his home and greeted his wife and kids, I was ever so surprised. The kids were glad to see him. The wife was a little put out, but nevertheless, accepted him. Soon she verified all that Billy had told us. He

By some whim or leading, I followed them out to see if I could talk to them, or to keep them from disturbing the meeting again. As the Lord would have it, I ended up talking to them. However, when I came upon them out~ side they were in a fight because one of them was very upset with the other for disturbing
the service. That was soon worked out and I

only went on these drunks spasmodically and when he wasn't on them, he was a seemingly
good father to them. The kids hated his

drinking, but loved him just the same. This was evident by their actions. Billy was impressed by what we did for him. Since we've met him, we've been over
to his house twice this week to talk to the

learned that they had been staying at the "Skipper" (so named because that is where


He is very interested in coming to

they skip - crash - sleep), a derelict house

just down the street. The house is well

known by the community because it is where many drunks spend their nights. At times,
people have been found dead within the build ing from lack of food and shelter. As I talked with them, one began to wond

our community to worship. The kids, wife, and he are put out with the Catholic church in the community, Sunday, he is planning to bring his family to worship at Church of

Christ, Queen Street. We pray that the Good News will begin to break into the lives
of this family.


er off, I tried to bring hm back, but wi'yi talking to the other in a somewhat meaning ful way, I found it very difficult to div-.
ide my attention. The one that remained
soon revealed to me that he had not eaten

since the Tuesday before. So I thought the best way to talk to him would be to buy him a meal. So we agreed to find a restaurant after he asked the other remaining buddy in the church building if he would like to go along. When they both returned outside, I asked the other if he would like to get a

My life, It was missing something. I was lonely and searching. But, where could I go? What would complete me?
I had ideas. None of them worked. I then looked to God. He seemed to offer the solution.

meal. After a long pause, he decided he'd rather go back in and listen to Roger's
sermon. Not a bad choice after not eating for five days. So the drunk, Billy, and I took off to have something to eat. He revealed to me many facts as we ate, though at the time I remained very skeptical. I don't believe

In fact. He did offer the solution. My life, It became meaningful. I began to learn. I learned of His discipline
Of His love.

Of His wisdom.
And of how much I owed Him.

people in that state, and usually tend to take everything they say only with a grain of salt. I soon learned, however, that Billy was revealing many facts about him
self to me.

My life,
I owed i t to Him.

So I gave it to Him.

It's as simple, and as complicated as all



I learned later that while we were eating,

the other drunk (who is called Bill) asked
many poignant questions in the discussion

50 members of the Burslem (Stoke-onTrent) Church of Christ rented a bus to visit

period after the sermon. Obviously, some thing had really spoken to him during the
service. "How can we know God?" was his

us on April 15. From 4:00 p.m. til late in to the evening, we fellowshipped over a tea

most pressing question.

(supper), with favorite hymn singing, special

n\jmbers and with a performance of our Easter play. One of the new Christians gave a test imony. It was a good feeling to see 50 people all walking toward our small building and an even better feeling to fellowship with a building full of people (75-80). One Christian commented in jest, "It must be against the law to have so many people in

When Billy and I returned, Roger and Dave Arrowsmith were talking to Bill and we join ed them. Before long, Billy, the one who

had eaten with me, wanted Roger and I to go home with him. Billy had told me much about
his home life, but I had written it off as illusion. Roger, Billy, and I left with Dave talking to the other Bill.


Easter has just passed. For many of us here in Coventry, there was a sigh of re lief along with the sigh of joy. We real ized this was, of all times during the year,
a time to be seized and used for rejoicing.
It was a time for celebration with our new

(Cont'd.) Thinking the day over myself, I stand amazed once more at the power of Christ to

answer prayer and bring new life to me and my brothers and sisters. Praise Him with your tired sighs of joy as you lay down to sleep at 1:00 a.m.
Jan J.

brothers in the Lord. But this time, too, was a time to reach out to Coventry with our



Good News and shout Allelujah loud enough to

shake some lives as Christ did that first

Easter morning.

In all our planning for this season, the prayer was said frequently, "Lord, send who you wish us to speak to. We have your mes sage, please send some open ears." Then, one Sunday before, our Sunday evening ser vice was stirred by the questions of three
alcoholics. One has remained through East

When a person realizes the depth of God's love for us and His expression of that love, Jesus, response usually takes the form of a changed lifestyle. Another victory to be reported is that Pete Bowen was immersed in to our family on March 17. And yes, his lifestyle has changed. Pete was introduced to us by our brother John, who you read about in the last "Epist le". He was listed in the prayer request
section and i t was mentioned that he had

er (see article on Billy elsewhere).


ing a Friday night play rehearsal for East er at the church, we were visited by two men seeking a "reverend". They are temp orarily staying with Roger and have shared Easter with us. But, hold on, the Lord had more yet to send. One man read our Easter

been living at "The Farm" (drug environ

ment) until he began a serious search for
God. That search has ended, though his growing process and actual discipleship has
just begun.

publication of "For All People" (a 12 page

paper of Christian material which we edit

A changed life? Pete's life, prior to his Christian experience was centered around drugs and music. His life now in

and distribute periodically to the flats),

and he gave Mr. Withnall a call to say he wanted to know about Christianity. The Lord was answering prayers and preparing people for the proclamation. Then on Sunday, about 5:00 a.m., ten rose
from their beds to celebrate the resurrection of Christ as the sun rose. One person reflected on the women who were going to visit

cludes working as a volunteer with the old

age pensioners program; often calling (cold

turkey) with one of us; Bible study on
Tuesdays; fellowship and sharing in his home on Monday evenings; and he is involved in a series of Investigation Sessions on Wednes days. Pete told me that he used to go to

the 'Dive (pub) with the intention of get

ting drunk; now his purpose for going is to

the tomb of Jesus at daybreak as he walked to the beautiful flower garden where the sun rise service was scheduled. The birds sang as John 20 was read, and Christians shared and sang quietly, and reflected silently.

witness to friends: a changed life. Read ing and studying Christian books is a part
of Pete's new life style. I've been challenged to give more of my

By evening, our silent'reflection was set aside to proclaim the good news to some 80 people from the community who came to the
special Easter evening service. Many of these people came because their children were participating in the service. However, they left with more than the children's songs and poems of praise. The adults in the Church had been rehearsing a play to perform. The message was given through a series of inter views of people in the first century A.D. The final comment was a more personal one, challenging those who might take the play as a nice little story, to realize that
Christ demanded decision.

self to study and sharing because of the spontaneous and positive way Pete has re sponded to his faith. Perhaps this brief account of Pete's experience can challenge


*Marion, who is studying and moving toward Christianity - she is trying to reach her
uninterested husband.

*New insights...sensitivity...freshness... genuine love...and deep active faith in us as well as yourselves.

Allan and Pat (the two temporarily stay ing with Roger) said that they had never
had a cup of tea in a church before or seen Christianity in practice. One said that he
had never been happy before without liquor. The joy of the risen Christ was being com
municated! There were other comments of

*Billy who is one of the alcoholics that visited our evening service last week. He

is planning on bringing his whole family to

church next Sunday. Pray that he will con tinue to respond to the Truth.
*That we may now be following up openings made through the Easter services.

this sort. Since then, some of the newer Christians have said that they are very con cerned about following up new contacts made. The day was a moving one for all of us. John Seymour said, "I've had a great day to day." It was his first Easter to celebrate
as a Christian. We all felt a sense of un

*Jill, a young girl who has just completed the Investigation Sessions, yet still needs
to give her whole life to Christ.

ity as we did our play together and then spread out to speak among those visitors. It was a united effort and the first play for many of the fifteen who were involved.

Prayer - praising, pleading, sharing, asking, hoping, is an exciting dimension of the

Christian experience.

Thank you for supporting us through prayer.



My first contact with Marion was in Oct. She had been sending her two children to our Sunday School. When talking with her, I ask ed if she would like to know God in a person al way. At first, she said, "yes" and then commented that she had never really thought
about i t before.

A new opportunity for service has come in the form of two little boys They compose my Sunday School class and are rapidly becoming
a joy to me. These boys are slow learners
and so are not able to be in classes with

children their own ages. My class began with a nine year old, Lance,
when we took him from his class because he

My interest in her grew and I kept going

back to visit with her. She would ask me

questions and express her thoughts to me. Marion has a fear of dying even though she
wasn't convinced that there was a Hell or

any life after death. She then wanted to know if I was afraid to die. After explaining that because of Christ, I had the hope of eternal life with God, this seemed to satisfy her, or at least I thought. When Deb and I were planning a coffee hour and Bible study for young mothers, I decided
to ask Marion i f she would like to come. She

was constantly disrupting it. He resented it at first, understandably, but soon liked hav ing his very own classroom and teacher. He can read and write a little and asks many questions, but has a very short attention span. He learns best through use of colorful pictures and a great deal of repetition. He loves to
sing! My other pupil, twelve year old Keith,

began when he attended a Sunday morning serv

ice, he is a relative of one of our new members. As it happened, the boys recog nized each other as fellow students, though not class mates, from the same special school. Keith is small for his age, very quiet, especially in contrast to Lance's talkative ness, and cannot recognize the letters of the alphabet. He is beginning to learn and join in our songs. I am never sure what he has
learned until I hear from his relative that

was very excited.

I can remember her asking

time when she could

me i f there would be a

ask questions about the Bible. For the past couple of months, we have

been studying the Gospel of Mark.

Marion has

been challenged. She states that since we first met, she has thought of God more often. She tells her friends that she is studying the Bible and says that she's beginning to understand more about Jesus, and why He was
on earth. Her husband has a Catholic back

ground, but at this point doesn't want any thing to do with "religion". She continues to talk with him and shares the things she is learning. When we first met, I asked Marion, "How does a person become a Christian?" She re plied, "By being good, attending church on Sunday, and believing in God." Since that time, many questions have been asked. Last
week she made the comment that i t would be

same Sunday. It seems Keith goes home and shares all he has learned with his parents and anyone in the family who will listen! I have come to love these boys a great deal. Teaching them is a real challenge for me. I am making plans to visit their school and I hope to observe better teaching methods for my use with them. God has really given me a job to do and at the same time blessed me. With His help, I hope to teach these boys to understand the best they can God's love for them. In all this, I am learning more of love and its tie

easy for her to be baptized, but ws felt that

i t takes more than that. She now understands

with giving!


about really committing her life to Christ, not just taking the initial steps. The Word is really beginning to open up to her and she to the Word. The beautiful thing is that she is eager to learn and accept the truth! She is changing. Each week I can see growth ways in which she is applying the Word in
her personal life!
Jan K.


3 X-lrg. Special Pizzas....

To Go, Please!

Tom W.:

How about a


"Epistle From England" is intended as a bridge of communication between a team ministry with a mission to an industrial culture in the midlands of England and the supporters and friends of this ministry in other parts of the world, especially the United States of

Epistle From England

Lincoln Christian Church

Non Profit Bulk Rate

204 N, McLean

Lincoln, 111. 62656

U. S. Postage Paid Lincoln, 111. 62656

Permit #76

Missions Services '

Box 177


6 197-^

Kempton, Ind. 46049

uiv \

tu {torn 'gng!
, . . Meeting the Challenge of a post-Christian nation. ^


American Correspondent:
Mrs. C. L Davis 1010 N. Monroe

Roger Edrington, Bev Mullins,

Steve Tate, Jan Killebrew & Tom Jensen. Janet Baines,

Lincoln, 111. 62656

Jan Vollstedt (Jensen) &

Debbie Davis

Roger: 59 Cambridge St.

Bev, Jan, J.B., Deb:

Coventry CVl SHU

202 Kingfield Rd. Coventry CV6 5PL

Vol. 1 No.

May 1974


"My mother and brothers are those who

hear the word of God and obey it."
dealt with this statement of Jesus'

in two

separate Bible studies this past month. As usual, when preparing to lead, I find my self gaining more than those I try to lead or teach. When making a personal applica tion of this truth, I was led to consider my
Christian family here in Coventry. We are a "strange lot," as the British say. Sev eral seemingly major barriers have been cr.ossed by the power of God. At a Tuesday night Bible study, we were English, Irish, Scots, Indian, and Ameri can. Recently a young couple has joined us for worship and fellowship - the wife hail ing from Australia. Our children are from various countries - a few being of mixed

I could go on, but I think you can see that each contributing individual is of value to the whole body. "Under His con trol all the different parts of the body fit when each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love,"

(Eph. 4:16)


Many would readily say with an exclam

ation mark that the value and ministry of reading is far beyond any human measure.
The ministry of literature is one which we

as a Church need to broaden. (Maybe you, as a Christian and part of a Church, need
to consider this ministry yourself.) We all have to begin somewhere when we see a need. Deb and I have taken up this challenge and have organized the beginning of a library. We began with the children by buying 30-40 books with reading levels
ranging between ages six and thirteen.

races. We've also had people from Finland, Germany, and Holland with us. Just knowing and sharing with people from differnt coun tries is a great learning experience. But far greater is the realization through Christ, racial barriers have been overcome. The age and sex barriers which often hinder the Church are being crossed in our Church. It's not always easy...but through Christian love it is possible - even nec essary 1 We work and worship together: old, young, male, and female. This togetherness is different from my previous experiences where I was mainly involved with a small portion of the Church. Now I feel a close ness to and concern for the entire body. We are small in number and our struggles are great, so we really depend on one an other and benefit from a mutual ministry. What I lack in experience or knowledge of the British culture is supplied by others in the body, like Mr. & Mrs. Wl.thnall, or
Mary Jones, who have been strong leaders in this Church for years. And even my lack

With Jan K's new coat of paint in the room, Tom'scarpentry on the bookshelves, and the new books, we are set. On Saturday, May 18, we expect 25-30 noisy, eager children at our building. They
will have their first chance at the new

books, as well as two hours of games, re freshments, movies, and a devotion. After this initial thrust, the library will be manned by two adults on Saturday and
Monday afternoons. With two Christian adults present, one can oversee while the
other is to work with a child or two on a

of mechanical skill is made up for by John's helping hand, Tom spent several hours last week building shelves for the new Children's Library - construction is not one of my tal

personal level, making sure that they can understand what they are reading and seeing how it can be applied to them personally. A theme will be posted each week or two for the children to consider. Hopefully, it, too, can serve as a personal point of contact. This is after all, our aim that Christ be communicated to the child

through the literature and contact with us,

Jan J.



In the small (to USA eyes), two-bedroom house that John and I share, we now have two other house mates. They've been here for just over a month now; meet Allan and Pat. They came to our church building wanting a place to stay and some grub. These typical traveler type (sleeping here and there, eat ing little and drinking much) whose life
stories read like a popular selling novel,


This has probably been one of the

busiest weeks since I've been here.

Whether or not that is a sign of anything

substantial, I really will not say, I do, however, want to sincerely thank those of you who have stood behind my wife and I coming here. We have truly been encouraged
by so many of you.
We stand now at a week in which this

became not so typical when theymet the claims

of Christ for the first time. They're still eating our food and sleeping in my bed, but

group will do some serious re-evaluation. This is always difficult for me because

they are both working now (and paying taxes,

too, which is something they haven't done in

right when I think that I am doing some

thing that counts, I find myself having

to stop and scrutinize a firm foundation. It's time to begin again, to ask God for new opportunities to visit old contacts,

a long time) and soon, they'll move to their

own places in Coventry.

They encountered Christ first just by see ing that we cared for them. Quite honestly,
I expected them just to use me for room and board and move on, never really being con cerned about Jesus. But Allan (age 22) got interested in reading right off. I suppose by now he's read about 2,000 pages of Christ
ian literature and Good News for Modern Man

to pray about talking to people in depth, and especially to use again, God's time in the wisest way. The temptation is to re
ly on past victories.

(he's read about half of that in a month). We've discussed, talked, and I don't think that he has missed any kind of church meet ing since he's been here. No, he's not a Christian yet. But that one night when I heard him say a prayer, asking God to give him understanding, I knew that prayer was going to be answered. Humbled in the pres ence of the Almighty Lord of the Universe,
Allan was white as a sheet and his hands

We have a busy suiraner ahead of us just as do many of you: A crusade, VBS, a group of students from USA, Annual Confer ence of Churches of Christ, Congress on Evangelism, not to mention those surprise
visitors that we so often entertain.

Again, thank you for your prayers and




were cold and clammy. His first honest prayer has been followed by many more, he
tells me.

When I stop and think of all the differ ent ways God helps people, high on the list is the ministry through our homes. On

Pat? A totally different fellow. Irish, an alcoholic at only age twenty, and doesn't enjoy reading nearly so much. He's read a bit of the New Testament, but keeping him off the drink is one of our major projects
at the moment. Let me add that he's done

Sundays and Tuesdays, 202 Kingfield Road is saturated with people. Rarely do we have less than ten for the meal on Sunday,
and after" the evening service, everyone" comes to our house for fellowship. When new people come, we make it a point to ask them to our house for Sunday dinner, which is often the beginning of new friendships. We want people to see Jesus in us, and the more we can help them feel at ease in our homes, the better they will understand Him, On Tuesdays, we have a Bible Study and often our nights are late because we enjoy learning about God and enjoy each others' company. One young man said, "I've never seen Christianity really work until now". Why did he say that? Part of the reason is that Roger has opened his home and allows him to stay there until he finds a place of
his own.

pretty well, too. But Pat does seem inter ested in becoming a Christian - he knows that
his life has been a mess and he wants to sort

it out.

Joe (mentioned last month), a fellow

"He knows the

Belfast man, totally changed because of Jesus,

is the best witness to Pat.

crack and has been where I've been," says Pat, It's good to see Joe laying Jesus heav ily on Pat after a Bible study; now they work together, too, which has got to be good for

But it's all about saying, "Yes, you can stay with us," when it would have been much easier to say, "I'm sorry, you'll have to go on your way, I have neither food nor room for you."

Our church building has "come of age!" It was twenty-one years old and on Saturday,

April 27th, an Anniversary Tea ( afternoon

meal) was held. It was a chance to invite

fellow Christians from surrounding churches

of Christ to come.

Jesus knew all about our needs; that's why the church was set up. He knew that Christ ians would need other Christians. I person ally realize that if it weren't for my Christian friends here, my life in Christ would be missing something very vital. What kind of fellowship do you have with your Christian friends? Do you ever get together to study the Bible and pray? Do you let God use your home? It's a vital part of our ministry and it can be in yours. Don't underestimate the tools you have right there in your hand...or should I say in your
Tom 6c Jan:

We had five churches represented; attend ance was approximately forty in number. A member of the Leamington Spa Church of Christ

(now closed) presided and Roger gave the mes

sage at the service following the tea. We had

a chance to meet many new people and fellow ship with them. Those who came rejoiced with us at the growth that has taken place.

1, Marlborough Rd. Coventry CV2 4EN


Summer is coming, and with summer brings many activities. On May Blst, six students from Lincoln Christian College and Minnesota Bible College, will be arriving to help in the work. An emphasis will be put on teenage work, as well as holding an Evening Bible

School (similar to VBS) for the young children.

The students will help us in our preach

ing, calling, visiting, Sunday School teaching, weekly youth meetings, Bible studies, publicity for the rallies and Ladies meetings. The next event will be the arrival of Mr. James Strauss, Professor at Lincoln Christ ian Seminary, and close friend. I must add we are all looking forward to his visiti During his stay with us, we have planned two rallies. The first one is to bring together Christians in the area, having a series of discussions on evangelization, then go out and do something about it - winning others to Christ! The following week, "CHRIST ALIVE" rally has been planned for non-Christians. "The aim of this series of meetings is to investigate the claims of Jesus Christ and deal with really honest questions. Is Jesus really alive? Is He really the Son of God? Why is there suffering and evil in our world? What do Christians believe about the occult? Is

there any way to find truth and answers in our day?" (Taken from our publicity tracts.)
LIFE, a Christian rock group, will be providing music. Time and preparation have gone into the planning of these rallies. It is our prayer that God will send those who need

In July, Roger will be going to Lausanne, Switzerland, to attend the International

Congress on World Evangelization.

this and while he is there.

Please remember him as he continues to prepare for

Next on the agenda is the Annual Church of Christ Conference held at Swanick. Tom and Jan will be representing our church this year. One of the topics of discussion will

be the ecumenical (church union) movement.

Chruches in the British Isles.

This will be an important discussion for the

In August, we are planning a camp for the young people. One of our purposes is to show that they need Christ. Our hope is to help them grow into a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God.
This is only a rough idea of our summer activities. Along with these extra activ ities, we continue to do our day to day work. Remember these dates, and use the calendar as a reminder to continue to pray for us.* Whatever we do, we always want to glorify the
name of Jesus.
Jan K.

*We have the time of each event.



There is a six hour time difference. CST





Students Arrive



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Lord's Day

. KetU itam
\ ... Meeting the Challenge o1 a post-Chrlstlan nation. ^ #

American Correspondent;
Mrs. C. L. Davis
1010 N. Monroe

Rager Edrlngtpn, Bev Mullins,

Steve Tate, Jan Killebrew & Tom Jensen. Janet Baines, Jan Volistedt (Jensen) &
Debbie Davis

Lincoln. 111. 62656


59 Cambridge St. Coventry CVl SHU

Tom & Jan:

Bev, Jan, J.B., Deb:

202 Kingfield Rd. Coventry CV6 5PL

1, Marlborough Rd. Coventry CV2 4EN

Vol. 1 No. 9
June 1974



The growing Coventry Church would like to thank all those who, either in prayer or in sending of gifts, are helping to support the excellent evangelistic team. The progress that has been made has only been possible through the impact of a team ministry. Maybe by some standards the numerical increase in our membership is small, but when we remember how small we were, and the increased number of nonmembers, as well as members, attending", we can see the power of God at work here. The team has to a large extent identified itself with the Coventry Church and the district. In God's name we pray that the number of fine young men who have commit
ted themselves to Christ will increase as

Kevin, Joy, Bonnie, Gail, Linda, and Curt have brought enthusiasm, talent, fellowship, news of home, and much en couragement to our Church. These are six
of the eleven students from Lincoln

Christian College and Minnesota Bible College who are visiting various Churches of Christ in England this summer. They have been in Coventry for two weeks now, and during that time we have "used" them'T.n many ways.

Evening Bible School


was held

for our kids and led by the students. An average of twenty attended and bene fited from their teaching and attention. Freshness in teaching has been a good thing for our young people - not to
mention the fact that we "old" teachers

the weeks go by. My pleasure and witness has been to see these wonderful things happen after so many years of struggling.
H. D. Withnall
Church Elder

enjoyed sitting back and observing the students dealing with our kids in var
ious situations.


A1 Simpson became a part

was immersed into Jesus and of our body June 12. His

Sunday services, ladies meetings, and Bible studies have been conducted by the student team freeing us from weekly preparation to do some door to door sur vey work. The students have been call ing and visiting with us - a good ex perience for both them and us. I was calling with one of the girls Monday and
was excited when she said she was anx

conversion is a result of Christ's message

through Operation Mobilization (OM),


ious to get on with the summer and her schooling so she could return to Eng

international evangelistic organization who have brought several contacts to our Fellowship. Eighteen year old Al is quite an individual with stories from a

variety of mixed up thoughts

and ideol

ogies from Hell's Angel to Communist. His contact with Christ is beginning to

bring order out of these chaotic pieces of information. A new baby in Jesus needs nurture and solid growth.

Having this team of students here and hearing their comments - their praise of God and petitions for His guidance in our work has made me acutely aware of the progress our Church is making. I'm encouraged and thankful for their will ingness to share and work in England
this summer.


Our PREPARATION for the "Christ


essary financial means for our existence

and work.

We thank Him for your gifts.

rallies have brought new oneness and pur pose in service.

We just thought you'd like to know.



Not long after arriving in Coventry, I began to get a vision of working with teenagers. There was the problem here of not having any really interested kids of this age. Confronted with this prob lem, I began to rack my brain as to where to go to make some initial contacts, Within a short time, I found myself in the most obvious meeting place for teens: the "high school," On March 13, I was discussing with the Heads of Humanity and Languages my desire to work with teenagers. I explained to them the reas on: "ultimately through friendships to
introduce some to Jesus Christ."

and He blessed in His big way. Since this meeting, we have begun a Bible study along with assignments from other Christian literature. The girls are reading anxiously to discover more. In addition to the study, we have de cided to try to continue the coffee bar once a week. It was initially planned as a three night effort to break-thru only. Please be praying for this ministry as it grows, I hope I have communicated to you how our great God is teaching me
and others here to have more faith. Re

joice with us in His break-thru.

Jan J.

After several weeks


observing in

the classrooms, I was allowed to substi tute for missing teachers. Eventually, I worked regularly each Wednesday morn
ing with a teacher of an English class.

Three times we split the class - she taught the boys and I instructed the girls. I was finding the teaching very challenging and exciting. But I was be
coming very frustrated. Ten out of my

fifteen girls were Hindu,

and although

they would like to have come to church and discuss Christ, they were forbidden
to do so. The remainder of the class

Our AMERICAN SEVEN spent three midMay days in the mountains and Irish Sea beaches of nearby Wales. Spiritual en richment, group unity, and re-evaluation of our work were top priorities. We came back refreshed with new zeal, bet ter goals, and more commitment to de pendence on our Lord.

were open to friendships, but not Christ ianity. Therefore, at the end of two and one half months, I re-evaluated and decided to try another avenue besides teaching. At this time, Tom and I together ac cepted the challenge of breaking through to, and working with, the teens. We attempted three meetings of games and discussion at the church. They were un

Sad news concerning BILLY "Epistle"): After two weeks

(of April "off the

beer" and working, Billy returned to his old way of life. Many contacts failed to move him. Most recently, he has been sentenced to eighteen months in prison for a previously committed theft. We are still attempting to minister to his family and hope to make contact with him. Twenty-nine "under thirties" and one "over sixty" traveled by hired coach to Birmingham to see "LONESOME STONE", a Christian Rock Musical. Its testimony encouraged Christians and challenged non-Christians to see the changed, purpose-filled life of a disciple of Jesus. Many throughout the world are joining in prayer for the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON WORLD EVANGELIZATION held in Lausanne,

We began Soon, head.

to pray

very intently for

what to do next.

the Lord to teach us

a new idea popped up in someone's (l cannot even remember whose idea

now) to open up a coffee bar in the Hillfields Play Center, That was a little more than we planned. But, it was just
what God had in store for us. Last week

we passed out 250 sheets advertising the coffee bar. Then we waited, prayed, and prepared for Friday night. In all our
efforts we had contact. not reached a serious Would the Lord break-thru to

Switzerland, 16-25 July, 1974. Would you join this prayer and thanks for Roger's participation. It is to be a lasting process, not just a ten day event. His
address while there is:

night? I prayed for greater faith. It is hard to express my feeling to ward what happened next. Friday night in my Journal I wrote:

Roger Edrington

"The Lord is to be praised and blessed for victories tonight,.after one month of fruitless efforts, fifteen teens
showed at the coffee bar. This alone

Case Postale 225

1001 Lausanne Switzerland

would have been

encouragement beyond
The Lord had more

what we would ask.

in store, though, than what our limit ed faith could envision. Five girls
are very interested in Christ and Bible

Three young men in our fellowship are seriously considering a one-year BIBLE COLLEGE course. Others are beginning to
build reference libraries and are under

study after tonight. to a Bible study."

One boy may come

standing the necessity for serious prep aration - both devotional and apologetic. Many one-time ENCOUNTERS and serious witness efforts by others in our Church

After the coffee bar, we Christians who staffed it, met to praise God for fulfilling His promises. We asked and He gave. We served in our small way and

are never reported in the "Epistle".

Pray for these efforts, please.



Joe Somers, originally from Belfast, Ireland, became an immersed believer in

Jesus Christ on Sunday, June 2nd. The truth of Jesus Christ was pre sented to Joe, while he was in the city center, by Dennis, a young man from Op
eration Mobilization, Joe was drunk

I first met Maggy in 1971. Maggy was not then, nor is she now, your basic run-of-the-mill fourteen year old girl, Maggy wears boys clothes, is the leader

of a gang of boys (able to beat up any boy in the neighborhood), skips school,
swears a blue streak, and has been known to solicit men for her prostitute sister (not to mention she's the best

and thought he would give Dennis a hard time about all this "religious rubbish," However, through loving persistance, the
message began to hit home, Joe shared in his testimony the past

spitter in Hillfields). Maggy's home life is very poorl


from which he has come.

Thirty year old

Joe had become an alcoholic which re

sulted in estrangement from his wife and five children. His craving for drink led him into trouble with the law; he would do anything to get money for

mother has numerous boyfriends. She saw her father for the first time a couple of months ago. He didn't come to see Maggy, but came because her sister was in trouble. Maggy accepts all this as "a part of life,"
Her mother does care. I've talked

It was four months ago that he met Dennis and was presented with Christ. Through constant contact with Dennis and other Christians, Joe was encouraged to give his life to Christ and give up his drinking and smoking. This he has done, but only through the strength Christ can give. Three months ago he was in court for past offenses. At that time, he ex plained that his life was now changed becasue of Jesus Christ, The judge de cided to give Joe three months probation
to see i f what he said was true, Joe's

to her about some of Maggy's problems and she's very concerned about Maggy's schooling and her friends at school,
but she seems oblivious to some of her

other problems. It's really hard to know just what she expects Maggy's life
to be.

Where do 1 begin? How can 1 help? Her mother has asked me to help Maggy and I am very willing, but she's not ready to change yet. All I can do is be her friend and pray. I'll be around
when she needs someone. And I ' l l be a-

life was constantly watched by his parole officer and the police. Joe's only hope at the end of this time was a suspended
sentence. He has been in-jail before
and knew he didn't want to return,,,.,,

round when she's sick of her way of life and where it's going. Then, I will be
able to show her that Jesus offers her

"Real Life," and she'll be ready.


we all prayed. Joe's three months probation was up and he again faced the judge. The report by the parole officer stating the amazing change in Joe's life impressed the judge. The judge wanted to know what made the
difference in his life over this time,


We again are learning the necessity of PRAYER in each path that the Lord
sets before us.

Joe, shaking in his boots, boldly pro

fessed that i t was Jesus Christ who had

Please pray for our "Christ Alive" rally as it draws near. Pray that we
can reach out to many non-Christians throughout the city and that we will

brought about the change. The judge could see there was some
thing in all that had been said. He was satisfied. We rejoiced with Joe at his
new found freedom he is not even on

have the necessary manpower for followup.

parolei Joe is now making very difficult amends in his life concerning his family. He witnesses boldly with his life, as well as verbally, of the love of Jesus, We are happy for Joe and are glad to welcome him into the fellowship of the
Church. Praise GodI
J. B.

Pray for Dr. James Strauss as he pre pares to speak at the rally. Pray spe cifically that the message that he pro claims may touch the hearts and minds of those in the audience. Pray that the Spirit fills all Christians in such a way that they can truly have the power that is available. Pray for boldness as each Christian now prepares for that rally in study and devotion. You may want to join us in our special day of prayer and fasting, June 21 or perhaps another day. Please see our "Christ Alive" publicity announcement card on the back page of this "Epistle".

After our Sunday evening meetings, 20+ have been meeting to discuss HOW TO GIVE AWAY OUR FAITH, using a similarly titled book by Paul E. Little.
Our most recent CALLING NIGHT brought several people quite interested in look ing at the claims of Jesus. Every new Christian here is a witnessing disciple.

Pray for the HILLFIELDS "TEEN BAR" which recently brought in


COFFEE twenty

After all these years! Not still believing in God? Surely Christianity is out of date! It's only for kids who don't know any better and old people who
are afraid to die. No, there are Christians today even young Christians who are willing not only to
admit that the claims of Jesus are true, but

trusting him in everyday life.

Confusing, isn't it? You don't have to kiss your brains goodbye to be a Christian, you know. In fact, it seems that the ones who don't believe are the ones who are escaping the use of their

The aim of this series of meetings is to investigate the claims of Jesus Christ and deal with really

honest questions. Are you really a Christian? Is Jesus really alive? Is he really the Son of God? Why is there suffering and evil in our world?
What do Christians believe about the occult?

Is there any way to find truth and answers in our day?


A series of honest answers to today's crucial questions by James D. Strauss. In SIBREE HALL (Warwick Road) (next to United Reformed Church)

Thursday 27 June 7.30 p.m. Friday 28 June 7.30 p.m.

James D. Strauss, B.A., M.A., B.D., Th.M., D.Mins., Ph.D.(res.) is associate professor of Christian Doctrine and Philosophy at Lincoln Christian College and Seminary, Lincoln, Illinois, U.S.A. He has authored several books and is a popular speaker throughout the U.S.A. A wealth of knowledge at his fingertips is coupled with genuine love. He will be eager to answer each question personally and honestly.

In the Church of Christ building, Queen Street,

(off Swanswell St.} Hillfields, Coventry. Saturday 29th June 2.304.30 p.m. Informal forum for questioning.

The meetings will also include music by the Christian rock musicians, LIFE.

Come along, listen, argue, disagree but don't let it pass you by. Be honest and investigate. At least, then you can say that you've rejected the real Christ, not a false image.


"EPISTLE FRCM ENGLAND" is intended as a bridge of communication between a team ministry with
a mission to an industrial culture in the mid

lands of England and the supporters and friends of this ministry in other parts of the world, especially the United States of America.

Epistle From England

Lincoln Christian Church

Non Profit
Bulk Rate

204 N. McLean

Lincoln, 111. 62656

U. S. Postage Paid Lincoln, 111, 62656

Permit #76

\ ... Meeting the Challenge o1 a post-Chrlstlan nation.


American Correspondent:
Mrs. C. L. Davis

Roger Edrington, Bev Mulllns,

Steve Tate, Jan Killebrew &

1010 N. Monroe

Lincoln, III. 62656

Tom Jensen. Janet Baines, Jan Vollstedt (Jensen) &

Debbie Davis


59 Cambridge St. Coventry CVl 5HU

Bev, Jan, J.B. Deb:

Tom & Jan:

202 Kingfield Rd. Coventry CV6 5PL

1, Marlborough Rd. Coventry CV2 4EN

Vol. 1 No. 10

July 1974

3 ^07^


Congratulations Fellow Christians J Your family is larger now. new brothers and a new sister, and you should see them growi
You have three

Your new brother Alan Goodwin has had a rough go of it. He's tried just about everything this world offers and has found that it takes alot more than it gives.

ivy Little did either one of them ever suspect that in their search for a place to stay
' for a few days that they'd end up watching, of all things, Christians practicing
an Easter play. While living at Roger and John's, he was fascinated with what was going on. It seems that he was with some people who cared about his life. And yet, he didn't trust us. So he played a few mind games with himself and us. Then


His life took a new slant when he and a friend decided to move to Coventry,

he came to a point where deep down, he truly suspected that Jesus was real.
hit him hardi


Now what could he do? He'd done alot of reading and if it was true, he could not go on fooling everybody or himself. So, slowly and very painstakenly, he probed himself until he finally realized that Jesus was not a crutch, but armor. And what's more, he actually found himself wanting to have that armor. In fact,
he really needed it.

With all that in mind, Alan accepted our Lord and Savior as his own Savior and Lord. And it's not been easy for him. Being a member of God's family is not easy. It's hard to shake the old life. But he does have an advantage...he's not on the outside looking in anymore; he has help. God's like thati
At the time of writing, Freddie is your newest spiritual brother here at Queen Street, and by the time you read this he will be in Germany on a sort of working


He's a rather shy young man with alot going for him.

(it's called Jesusi)


He's a completely new face to us, as we first met him at the "Christ Alive" rally. Freddie has been reading alot, and God has been able to work through the printed

(Never underestimate that valuable tool!)

Then it was time for fellowship,

and God provided it through us. Since Freddie had been thinking of being baptized, after a Sunday evening service when Jan J. and Roger talked with him, the main subject was just that. He sensed the urgency, and the following Tuesday evening, just before our Bible study, Freddie became a Christian.
Now, because Freddie will be in Germany for five weeks, he will not be around Christians all the time. However, we hope Dave DeVilder, a Christian evangelist, will be able to help him there. He will need your prayers during this time, es pecially since even we barely know him. Christians, consider yourselves fortunate that you have such a brother!

Nine months have passed since we first met young married couple, Robin and Jean Hastings. From the time they were in the first Investigation Group, many questions have been asked, and many answers given. At times, we just did not know where they stood concerning Christianity. Rob had stated on several occasions that he was not ready to accept the cost of discipleship. You can not force anyone to accept Christ
into their lives.


i June 23 was a typical day for Robin and Jean,

Christianity was on their minds.

but again the question of

needed to make a decision either to accept or reject Christ.

The struggle was still there:

That evening they

they knew they

made their decision to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. The next day they were buried into Christ. When asked how they felt after their baptism, both answered that it was a relief. They felt many burdens had

been taken away. (They were both very excited, and when dressing, gave each other a little wet cuddle.) Rob commented that a couple of days after his baptism, he
knew he had done the right thing. Changes, yes, you can see changes taking place in their lives. Rob stated that

he is beginning to rely on God more each day. Both see the importance of learning and continually growing. Especially do they see the obligation to witness toothers,
as well as the great responsibilities of being Christians. Jean says that God is on her mind much more and she also sees the need to rely on God in her daily life. Rob's attitude toward the cost of discipleship has changed: he now says, "The things you give up to accept Christ are nothing compared to what you gain."

Both of their families are non-Christian. Realizing that Christ has given them the difficult task of witnessing to them, it hurts these new Christians to see re jection. However, they feel the need to be more tolerant and patient with them. So there you have iti We have tried to share with you what has happened to the lives of four young people. As Rob put it, "We are just beginning to livei"



I have just returned from two weeks of

witness and wonders with our brothers and

Me? A guinnea pig? Forget iti That was my reaction when asked to a party at the Cov entry Cathedral for a group of boys from a

sisters in England. Pray for the witness power of those that remain. Why should American Christians, living in the midst of pluralistic unbelief, travel to England to witness to another post-Christian nation? We must ask: How can a country be both Christian and deep ly pagan at the same time: With s^^^ve "spiri'f^^ dTfTiculty?' Most people in England claim church

reform school (they were short on girls).

Out of a sense of duty and slight curiosity,
Roger, J.B., Jan K., and I agreed to attend the party and try to talk to some of the

boys. Despite my negative attitude and fears, I found myself walking to the J. F. Kennedy
Youth House with its 40-50 party guests. There I was.... sitting by J. B., who was
~talking~'to "Gf ahsih wh^D'ave came over ""and

allegiance...few are actually commited

to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. But

thanks be to God; Roger, Tom, Jan. J.,

Bev, J.B., Jan K., and Debbie are power fully used by Christ to witness-in one

sat down in front of me, not saying a word. I thought, "Here we go, Lord," and intro duced myself, hoping it would be easy to talk to him. After I got somewhat used to his

London accent, and shouting over the music, we began to relax and share. It's one thing
to sit and talk with someone and quite an other thing to witness, but with Dave it came

of England's major cities - Coventry. For'-^two week^ we had marvelous Christ ian fellowship of study, prayer, street witnessing and preaching along with these
wonderful Christian brothers and sisters.

easily when he said he'd been to church every

Sunday since put in the reform school. "... donit know why", he said. I answered this by
sharing how much Jesus means to me and that

We met new English Christian friends for

which we pray daily. Constant prayer is being spoken, ask ing our Lord to again open new doors and new hearts to His saving power. The eyes

Christianity is my way of life.

Dave sat

quietly...thinking about this and when he spoke, it was about the difference between

of the Lord are searching out Europeans whose minds and hearts are open to His will, especially now is He seeking the hearts of the English, Irish, and Scotts.
Please pray for this band of worried witnesses who are so magnificently lift ing up the Crucified and Resurrected Lord so that ultimately all Europe reveals the glory of the King of Kings and Lord of

his life and mine. He questioned me about drinking. I tried to explain why I don't

need drink to make me happy because my happi

ness is a result of Jesus Christ and is con

stant and lasting. Dave gave me a blank stare and said, "You don't look happy". Now it was me giving a blank stare and asking why. He
figured that because I didn't smile all the

time, I wasn't happy. Before I could explain that my happiness was deep inside me and did not always show itself in an outward manner,
we were interrupted and our conversation went

If it is God's will, I will be return

ing to Europe next year.

'J. D. Strauss J Lincoln C^i^^i^'ian Seminary

The party ended and my encounter with Dave was over,...but I hope not the contact; he says he will write. If he does, I'll carry on witnessing of the Truth and perhaps Dave will be able to come to Coventry in December when he is free. Wouldn't it be great if
Dave could find real freedom..the kind we have
in Christ?




In our last issue of the Epistle, we

told you of our anticipation and planning concerning the "Christ Alive" rally with
Dr. Strauss as our speaker. It is now a

My most recent acquaintance in our min istry is a woman named Barbara. She is thirty-ish, has two boys by her husband,
from whom she is divorced, and one ten month old baby by an old boyfriend from

couple of weeks since the event has trans

pired and we all here in Coventry take a

look into the past of not so long ago and try to acquire a perspective of events that usually is harder to come by when the
events are taking place. Perhaps the cost

I wasn't too sure what I would be fac

ing when I went to have a Bible study with

her around four weeks ago. I found that the boys stayed home from school whenever

of hind-sight will buy a bit of fore-sight. The complete JJChrist Alive" rally took

they liked, the house quite dirty (yet

tidy), and Barbara very difficult to talk

place with two' ma^'^'^movements."

first weekend' w^s'x6 ' 'g^



I also found she is really keen on

Christians for the needed thrust of a con

cise, two-day outreach to non-Christians of the city, as well as generally prepare them for evangelism. With only aboutjsix ,/ other Christians turning up for the Christ ian rally, the main thrust for the second series came mainly from our immediate body
of Christians. At any rate. Dr. Strauss

reading books and enjoys preparing for the Bible study. My task is this: besides explaining Bible passages to her, I must present Christ on a level she can relate to. My difficulty comes in that I don't
know how to understand the life she has led,

the ugliness of her world, and her views

on life. It is difficult to teach the

gave some fine messages that were quite a help to all of us here, especially the
'new Christians.

love of Christ verbally to this woman who is looked down upon by neighbors and threat ened in various ways by her old boyfriend.
I don't know how to explain honesty to her when she tells me she walloped her boy

Advertising was a big part of a large build-up for the non-Christian meetings.

Five hundred posters were distributed throughout Coventry. Shop windows, build ing sites, university lounges, meat locker hooks, information centres all carried the bright yellow poster with the words, "Christ Alive." 10,000 brief tracts were, passed out in the main shopping area and
universities, as well as other strategic spots in the city. All of the Christians from our body participated in the poster and tract distribution, as well as person to person advertising. Many of us have grown closer together because of that un
ified effort. Even Dr. Strauss was an

for lying to her.

them lie.

She said, "I don't mind

them pinching (stealing), but I'll not have

I'd rather have a thief than a

liar anydayi"

After these past few weeks, I've really

made her one of my main concerns in prayer. I find ourselves developing a friendship and that we are making plans to get togeth-er for things other than Bible study. By my actions and lifestyle, I am hoping to

show the love I am developing for her and her boys. The task is no small one. I am trying to encourage her to attend Bible study or evening services at Church
and let her meet other Crhistians. I want

encouragement to us as he stood in the shopping area passing out more words than tracts and yet just as many tracts as any
'of usi

I / Attendance at the "Christ Alive" rally for non-Christians averaged around f.iftv_ to fifty-five for two nights, approxi mately twenty to twenty-five of those be ing non-Christians. We had prayed for a bigger number, but
on the whole were satisfied with the turn

her to see that all of us have our ups and downs, but because of Christ, we can en courage one another to come out strong! Now I am finding myself looking forward to the Bible study that I dreaded four

weeks ago. I thank God for this burden as it is slowly becoming a regj- blessing. V

J. B.

out. England, generally speaking, is a "hard egg to crack." It would appear that the average English person is more con cerned with other matters than going to a rally entitled "Christ Alive." Although the emphasis was in exploring the claims and truths of Christianity with special emphasis on the resurrection, the reaction still was one of apathy and unconcern. Instead of answering who Jesus is for

Because of the interest by new Christians

here to be vitally involved in the total ministry of the Church, we will begin having a SHARING TIME each Wednesday night before our regular calling night. This will give an opportunity to share personal problems,

themselves, many are sure someone else has already put Christianity in the irre
trievable shadows of myth.
Praise God for what He can doi We

shepherding tasks, projections for evangel ism and ministry, simple communication, and deeper level involvement with each other.
One Wednesday each month will be our
"official" Church meeting where decisions are approved.

wait expectantly for Him to surprise us again with His will.

; Tom j


*Debbie Davis will RETURN TO THE USA for

A teenage girl, Helen, who we met through

the Coffee Bar. She is reading her Bible regularly and searching her own life to
find where she stands.

six weeks beginning August 17. If you are interested in having her speak concerning our work, contact her through our American Correspondent whose address appears on the title page of the Epistle. Phone number:

The Coffee Bar which is meeting regularly on Monday nights. The average attendance is around ten young people. They seemkee^n on coming mostly because its something to

*With the backgrounds of many in our church,

RELAPSE PROBLEMS are a constant threat. A

do, but some are beginning to listen to the message of Christ.

The many new brothers and sisters we have

few recently had problems relating to their past way of life. Because of this, our reg ular communion service turned into a special


There are a few having some diffi

cult struggles with their new found faith and the temptations of the old life.

concern and prayer meeting. (Compare "dis cerning the body" in I Cor. 11:29.) When a baby falls, we don't step on him, we pick
him up. Soon, repentance occurred, renewed fellowship was gained, and hopes of greater maturity in Christ strengthened. Please remember these special problems as we look toward stability and strength in Christ,

Those who are trying to share Christ with

their parents and other members of their


They all are finding this the

most difficult area in which to witness.

*The Coffee Bar continues to be a helpful

aspect of our ministry toward TEENAGERS,
*Break and renewal comes for our American

Our forthcoming Day Camp.

This is to be

in August for two days. We are praying for this to be a chance to get to know our young people a bit more and, of course,
share Christ with them,

Seven as SUMMER HOLIDAYS are planned by

all. Bev goes to Ireland (Southern) and Roger to Italy (after International Con
gress in Switzerland) in July. August in
cludes Tom and Jan J. traveling on the European Continent, J.B. and Jan K. with a long weekend to the Lake District, and Debbie back to see some of you in the USA,

Roger as he attends the World Congress of Evangelism in Lausanne, Switzerland. Steve and Lee Tate as they make final preparations to join us in September!


* *

"EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND" is intended as a bridge of communication between a team ministry with
a mission to an industrial culture in the mid-

* * *

lands of England and the supporters and friends of this ministry in other parts of the world, especially the United States of America.



Non Profit Bulk Rate

Lincoln Christian Church

204 N. McLean

Lincoln, 111. 62656

U.S. Postage Paid Lincoln, 111. 62656

Permit #76

Missions Services
Box 177

Kempton, Ind. 46049

Meeting the Challenge of a post-Christian nation. ^ "C-#

American Correspondent:
Mrs. C. L. Davis 1010 N. Monroe

Roger Edrington, Bev Mullins,

Steve Tate, Jan Kitlebrew & Tom Jensen. Janet Baines,

Lincoln, III. 62656

Jan Vollstedt (Jensen) &

Debbie Davis


59 Cambridge St. Coventry CVl 5HU

Tom & Jan:

Bev, Jan, J.B., Deb:

202 Kingfield Rd, Coventry CV6 5P1.
Vol. 1 No. 11

1 Marlborough Rd, Coventry CV2 4EN

August 1974


0 1974

In late July Jan and I attended the annual conference for all the Churches of Christ in Great Britain. Because of the nature of the program, for the first time ever in its his tory the conference was completely booked full.
The raging issue at the conference, as in so many other places, was church union. For sev eral years now the Churches of Christ in Great Britain have been holding talks between the
United Reformed Church and herself concerning a possible union. These talks have been quite controversial within the churches themselves, but through the years due to reasons which I will discuss later, they have moved more and more favorably towards union. The Central Council of the Churches of Christ generally favors this union and has been working ardently in that direction. Slowly the leaders have nudged and coaxed the churches to the waters of union and now they must decide whether to drink of this unknown stream.
But how has this church been moved even closer to this stream? What is i t that has caused

them to make step after step in this direction? Certainly the ecumenical emphasis in our time is not unfelt by any congregation, but why is it so strongly advanced by this group
of churches?

I believe the answers to these questions could be dealt with only in volumes of exhaustive material, but I will try to state briefly what I see happening. On the whole, Churches of Christ in Great Britain have lost a true sense of purpose and direction. The church here seems to be engulfed in a great sleep. When I read Acts, I see a moving, growing church, a church that is concerned with introducing Christ to a lost generation. As soon as the church loses that idea of being in the world to win the world, the church stops dead in
her tracks.

The churches here have spent more time and money on the issue of union than on any oneitem in the year of 1974. Certainly Christians need to be united but the emphasis by Christ
was a "going out" not a "turning in."

Many hax expressed that the main opposition against union is the stance that would have to be made on baptism if the union cameabout. The issue should not really be baptism. The issue in this union is the centrality and authority of scripture in the life of the Church. Although this is dealt with casually by some, they must be brought to remember that if a church does not evangelize, it cannot possibly be carrying out the purpose of the body of

Cross cultural missions was also dealt with by the conference. They have no missionaries who are officially sent by them to a mission field. The reason was expressed that missions

have come of age.

The Third World (Africa, Latin America, Asia) is learning to stand on

its own two feet. While this may be true, I can't help but feel that the stance is a copout by the Churches of Christ. As the spokesman for the Chapel Building Committee put it, "Once we were concerned with aquiring and building upon property. Now we are concerned with demolition and selling of property," The churches have moved from expansion to dehydration.

It wasn't hard for me to sense the deep frustration and despair within the conference. For these people it is a way of life. The only alternative that they can see for life is to merge with a larger denomination. To enhance their witness they would merge for more numbers. But that's not where the church gets its witness power. Where has God been all this time? Does he or does he not still move in mysterious and powerful ways, OR is the
church doomed?

Conference, cont'd.

It's easy for us in our "Independent" tradition to sit back with our embroidered motto above our door, "Christians only but not the only Christians," But time and time again that quote
gets turned around and becomes the watchword of a new denomination. We stand firmly against any ecumenical overtones from anywhere and slowly shut ourselves into a well built coffin. While many of the churches here may be suffering from ecumenical emptiness; at the same time, we may be showing definite signs of the sectarian syndrome. More and more I realize the reality of committed Christians possibly being in every Christian order throughout the world. More and more I sense the already inherent unity among these Christians. The basis for this unity is not what church I go to, but the lordship of Christ,

the sovereignty of God, and the centrality and authority of scripture. The unity is not based on organizations but of the knitted hearts and souls of men. To be sure, we will speak about differences. But this unity transcends organizational barriers, though at the same time evaluates them realistically.

Prayer, cont'd,

As I watched my friend agonize over lis tening to God (who was coming through very

quietly) and the Devil (who was trying to

drown God's voice out),

I began to under

Steve and Lee Tate as they leave for England: may their September 7 journey be safe and their ministry be valuable.

stand just how tight the Devil was holding on to him. My friend knew at other times where he stood with God and the Devil, but oh, the lies that were going through his head now! He was fighting, and fighting

The beginning two days of August brought eleven kids meeting at the church building bright and early for a Day Camp. We walked
them to the bus station and took them out to

I was being educated then and there, and

the realization that the Devil could not be

conquered purely by our own desire to change hit hard. It just wouldn't hold up under that kind of pressure. Only when my friend took his eyes off himself and put them on God, was he able to stand firm. In Ephesians Paul talked about being strong in the Lord and putting on the full armor of God so that we could stand firm against the schemes of the Devil by simply saying "I'll

a farm. The kids thought it was great, be cause most of them have not often been away from their city environment. On entering the gates to the farm, one little boy wanted me to
look at the horse. I t was a cow.

One of the main purposes of the camp was to establish better relationships with the child ren. I believe we accomplished this through the Bible lessons, informal activities, and especially when we had a time of one to one
encounters"with the children. During" thlsr~

follow GodT" "That's just the beginning We

must saturate ourselves with his word and

constantly come into his presence. I don't know about you, but sin plagues
me. I t makes me have a distorted view of

time, we talked and prayed with them. Many of the children opened up to us and started telling us their problems with their
families and friends and some of their feel

life. Oh sure, I recognize the Devil as existing. I recognize God as existing, but
millions of people do that.
more to i t than that?

ings about how they relate to God,

were broken down.


Some wanted to learn how

Isn't there

I t ' s a battle of life

and death. If we forget that there is a serious war going on in the spiritual world,
that does not alter the facts. We must wake

to pray. Some have very deep thoughts about God and want to get to know Him, These child ren are young but are eager to learn and grow.
I'm excited about the future and how God can

up. Satan is laughing with glee as he sees us ignore him or as we put him in a small box. The battle in Coventry is real. Please
pray for us,

use us to work with these at this young age. Great things can happen, if we as adults can

open up to them, as they do to us.

k ieitie * "kirk -k


Barbara Robinson and family as she studies God's Word. May we be able to present it on
a level which she can relate to. Barbara Carroll as she too studies the Word

Encouragement has come our way through various visitors these past few months. Among them were professors Strauss, Merritt, and Randall from Lincoln Christian College as well as
students who have observed and contributed to

the ministry.

To them we say "thank you" and

trust God to reward. Remember that Deb Davis will be in the mid

and seeks the truth for her life.

west until the end of September.

You may con-

Several other ladies who are continuing their tact her through our American Correspondent
Bible studies with members of the Church.
The Coffee-Bar as it seeks to express Christ to the young people who are searching for
purpose in their lives.

(her mother).

Roger Edrington plans to return

to the USA from October 17 to November 23,

Each of us as we strive to develop a true sharing--growing fellowship with the Body.

Joe as he searches for a home and seeks for


To the family of Lincoln Christian College

President Leon H, Appel:

a closer relationship with God.

A1 Goodwin to search for God's will in his

We pray that you have felt the comfort of our loving God. Our prayers go with you.


He's having real struggles at the

A vast cultural mossaic was formed when the Internation

al Congress on World Evangelization met in Lausanne, Switz erland during late July. Nearly 3,700 persons from 150 count ries-- including 2,700 official participantswere greeted in the congress'six official languages. The variation was made vivid during one morning devotional period when each read Acts 2 aloud in his own language and version--"Chine8e
school room style." Or there was the time when "How Great

Thou Art" was sungin Arabic and Armenian, not to mention small prayer groups who spoke to God in the languages of Korea, Taiwan, and England. But the omni-lingual God under
stood them all!

Honorary Chairman Dr. Billy Graham opened the mammoth congress with an address which re-emphasized "those biblical concepts which are essential to evangelism:" 1) The author

Christ, 3) "Salvation" is in Jesus Christ alone, 4) Witness must be by both word and deed,
and 5) the necessity of evangelism.
theme of thecongress

ity of Scripture, 2) "The lostness" of man apart from Jesus

He answered the question, "Why Lausanne?" with the

"That the earth may Hear His Voice."

The real definitive work of the nature of biblical evangelism was done by England's

Many of us are aware that we are dying and only waiting for the funeral rites to be pro

John Stott. In Stott's biblical definitions of mission, evangelism, dialogue, salvation, and conversion, he attempted to strike a note of evangelical repentance. "Indeed I hope that throughout the Congress there will be more evangelical penitence than evangelical triumphalism. Both our profession and our performance are far from perfect." It is certain that repentence was one of the predominant attitudes of the Congress. In England's strategy sessions, prominent English leaders said, "We are still living on our past glory . . . the church is dying in England . . . we must first portray our own cruci fixion." If there is anything relevant to the Churches of Christ in Britain, it is this. nounced or we are trying to bolster our own existence by the misconception that we will be great if joined with a larger group. But if we do not fall on our knees and repent for the lack of faith in a God who acts in our universe, we are only exploiting the name of Jesus


Is it not time for a flight from history and time for a realistic assessment of

the hours of both leadership ministry and "normal Christians," should it be any surprise that we are not growing? When will the burning desire to see men take up the cost of true discipleship again engulf our fellowship? Neither our great heritage nor Valiant hopes
for the future will bring men, women, and societies into relationship with the Lord of the

ourselves? Are we preoccupied with the most important issues? How many man hours are spent in evangelism and world mission by the Christians in our fellowship? If we count up

Churches are Growinfi? 1972, Dean Kelly warns concerning the dying churches, in which what he calls 'strictness' of belief and practice are out of favor, and the qualities which are popularly esteemed are those that conduce, not to the strength of the quest for meaning,
but to its weakening: relativism diversity, dialogue, and leniency." Is it not time for

greater number if the whole thing is dilluted." Sociologist Peter Berger concluded long ago that the loss of authority in the churches is fundamental to the process of decline. A Japanese professor recorded in his congress paper: "In his recent book, Why Conservative

Scriptures. "We must not get soft at the central core," he said, "It is no use having a

Switzerland's Francis Schaeffer brought home the point concerning the authority of the

our churches to return before we can go forward, repent before we can advance, grounding again our attitudes, goals, and principles in the objective and independent basis of Script
ure, rather than our own autonomous thinking?

with the present evangelical emphasis on the whole gospel to the whole man in the whole world, it was certain that something positive would be said about this issue. The official
"Lausanne Covenant" reads:

Some polarization came over the issue of Christian social responsibility. However,

social concern as mutually exclusive. Although reconciliation with man is not reconciliation with God, nor is social action evangelism, nor is political liberation salvation, nevertheless we affirm

Hereto we express penitence both for our neglect and for having sometimes regarded evangelism and

Jesus Christ. The message of salvation implies also a message of judgement upon every form of al
wherever they exist.

necessary expressions of our doctrines of God and man, our love for neighbor, and our obedience to

that evangelism and socio-political involvement are both a part of our Christian duty. For both are

ienation, oppression, and discrimination, and we should not be afraid to denounce evil and iniustice

The question of missionaries was a crucial one for the congress. Africans at this congress were the first to say, "We must do more ourselves." Yet, in a time when major denominations are calling for the immediate withdrawal of all foreign missionaries, one
congress paper called cross-cultural evangelism the highest priority. At lease four out

of five non-Christians in the world today do not have any Christian near neighbours. NonChristians comprise at least 707. of the world's population, which does not include the unnximbered nominal Christians. There is no doubt, still a great need for evangelists to cross cultural lines, leaving their own culture at home for the purpose of presenting a pure Christ, We need to again call some of our best sons and daughters and selves. There is much to encourage Christians concerning evangelism in the world. In Korea,

the church is increasing at a rate four times faster than the population. In certain parts of North-East India, Christians now form a majority of the population and are bringing

about a whole new dimension of civic righteousness.

Latin Americans are responding to the

gospel in unprecedented numbers. In 1945, Christians in Africa numbered about twenty mil lion. Today they number at least seventy million. Africa, south of the Sahara, could be

come substantially Christian by the end of the century in spite of many dangers, obstacles

and even persecutions in some areas. Bringing particular excitement is the knowledge that the Third World has become a new resource for world evangelization, reporting at least 3,400 missionaries. However, with nearly 3,000 million who have not responded positively to the
gospel of Jesus Christ, there is still a great work to be done.
for God.

It truly is a time to work

Stan Mooneyham, President of World Vision International, closed one evening with his

audio-visual presentation of the "Acts of the Holy Spirit '74."

He concluded by relating

the story of General Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, who when he would read the book of Acts often would let his head sink down on the pages of the Bible and pray through tearfilled eyes, "Do it again, Lord." It seems that it is time for the Churches of Christ to make this prayer again. "We are not defeated! Do it again, Lord! Do it again! Let the
Earth Hear His Voice."
NOTE: This article is one submitted to the official Churches of Christ magazine Christian Advoratre. upon request by the editor. Personally, I found the Congress very stimulating and I think that it has helped to shape and expand my views toward the evangelization of the world. Perhaps Lausanne 197A housed more evangelical leaders per square yard than any place and time in the world. My "hero

worship" was shattered by the constantly rubbing shoulders with these influential people, but the greatness of many in mind, heart, and soul was firmly felt. An important lesson stressed to Ameri
cans was that we can no longer take our American culture with us as a part of the gospel. We must also take seriously the stewardship of the vast wealth we hold. Although North Americans comprise

only 1% of the world's population, we spend one-half of all the money and eat one-seventh of all
the food.



Sometime ago I wrote an article describing our feeble efforts in beginning a teen Coffee Bar and Bible Study andGod'svery great blessings in reaching out to teenagers. God has continued to bless those efforts. Teens who at first built walls of protection against adults who they were unsure of are gradually opening up. The place which brought fear and opposition in some has become an interest point. Yes, four of our rebel-ringleaders strayed into a church service last Sunday.

To their very great surprise they found a young man (Roger) up front waving his arms
excitedly and shouting at one moment and at the point of tears the next. A few giggles were heard because of an unheard of emotional expression in Church. Afterwards, however, the giggles turned to puzzled questioning: "He's really serious about Jesus, isn't he?" This question led into a lengthy discussion with some later. "Yes, we are very serious

at times (at other times we will just have fun with you, too)."

Surely this event left

a mark on them and certainly God is breaking some young, hard lives wide open for his love. "Oh God, please do, we are beginning to love them so much!" Our next evening brought no less of a joy; or should I say our joy was multiplied. As Tom talked in the Coffee Bar on Living Water, the teenagers listened more closely

than ever (still not the good ole Sunday School type though).

After the games, project

and play, we were asked by Gaz who came Sunday for the first time, if we couldn't some how have a serious group, too." I just can't ask questions and be real serious when
some kids are there who might laugh at me," he let out. The next thing we knew, three teens and the Coffee Bar staff were sitting in Roger's house listening to Gaz express some very strong feelings on having a good serious group. One of the girls from the Bible Study invitedi him to join, "It's good," she said, "be cause we ask questions about who says the Bible is God's word and study the Bible, too." "That's alright" he responded, "but can't we meet more than one day a weeksay three

nights?" I saw one of the staff take a big gulp as she swallowed and smiled! Talk lasted late into the night. If Gaz and his friend, Mick, remain excited, they will be part of the teen Bible Study. It's hard to realize that two months ago, we
were racking our brains to discover how to find a teenager to even begin communication.
Jan J .

Editor's Note; At least eight teenagers were present the next Sunday evening and the Coffee Bar continues to be a help.


Non Profit

Lincoln Christian Church

Bulk Rate

204 N. McLean

Lincoln, Illinois

* *

U.S. Postage Paid Lincoln, XL 62656

Permit #76

"Epistle from England is intended

as a bridge of comrnunication between a team ministry with a mission
to an industrial culture in the mid-

lands of England and the supporters and friends of this ministry in other parts of the world, especially the United States of America."

* * * *

Missions Serviced
Box 177



Kempton, Ind. 46049

ttom 'gr,g,
\ ... Meeting the Challenge o1 a post-Chrlstlan nation. #

American Correspondent:
Mrs. C. L. Davis 1010 N. Monroe

Roger Edrlngton, Bev Mulfins,

Steve Tate, Jan Killebrew & Tom Jensen. Janet Baines,

Lincoln, III. 62656

Jan Vollstedt (Jensen) &

Debbie Davis


59 Cambridge StCoventry CVl SHU

Tom, Jan; Steve, Lee: 1 Marlborough Rd. Coventry CV2 4EN

Vol. 2 No. 2

Bev, Jan, J.B.,Deb: 202 Kingfield Rd, Coventry CV6 5PL September 1974


I'd like to introduce you to someone who means a lot to me. Kim Spencer is a fifteen year old girl who has come to be a good friend of mine in the past five months. I

have seen a change in my friend which makes me very happy and because of that change we
are closer.

Five months ago I remember beginning an

awkward conversation with a tall dark head

ed girl. She seemed mildly interested in a conversation concerning Christ and a little more interested in getting to know an Amer ican girl. At that time God was a mere

"Force" to Kim, Christ a good man, and the Bible partly historical -- except for the miracles and particularly the resurrection. Soon Kim was involved in a study with my husband and I, examining the evidence. "I noticed a difference between myself as a non-Christian and the Christians," she re
flects now. "I think that I started think

done it, but it's just her thing. I asked Kim if and how she thought her fu ture would change because of her committment. "No big way," she responded, "I used to think I'll just grow up, get married, and have child ren. Now I just wait and take things in His time, Kim realizes that she, like every Christ ian, has a gift to share and build up the Body. "For one thing," she says, "I just tend to talk to people quite easy now. Before I was baptized I could talk to someone, but I had to hear them talking about something to someone first. Now I don't mind starting a conversation. Also, I can work with children. Bev already said X can start helping with her group." So you see, Kim has changed. Jesus did make
her better.
J an. J.



ing seriously about a relationship with

Christ when I saw I could understand the

Bible and what it was trying to say to me. For a long time I never saw how you Christ ians got the point of parables. Then one day after reading part of the Bible closely, the point suddenly dawned on me. The Bible began to really speak to me,"
In time, Kim decided the evidence was strong enough to surrender her life to Christ

In trying to expand our ministry here in Hillfields, our attentions turned to two blocks of flats built especially for Old Age Pensioners. In visiting the flats we found the caretaker most helpful and quite interested in a week-day service being held; all we need do was let her
know when.

Now each Thursday afternoon finds Mr. Withnall, church elder, Steve Tate, and two other members from our group over at the flats. Two 45 minute services are held, one following the other, in each of the large common rooms in
the buildings.
The first service held was a Harvest Thanks

"Because He's so great, I give my life back to Him. I was baptized because I knew that
was what Christ wanted me to do,"

Kim just seems different now.

She talks

giving which was very much appreciated. The pensioners were really pleased for the service
and the time for a chat as much as those who

about herself this way: "I'm happier. No, I feel great instead of just happy. I just want to share with everyone, too. I use my

mind as a Christian a lot more.

I study and

try to find out more what Christ says,

don't need things like alchohol and cigar

ettes to feel accepted now because He's e-

went to servei When I was able to help in one service, I came away feeling like here was an other chance for the Good News to be spoken and God's love to be shownl These older people are really great to knowi Mr. Withnall and Steve are really enjoying

nough. Most of all, I don't think of myself so much, I see people differently; their needs stand out. I used to be lazy about
helping people, whereas I like to now. Over all, He just makes me better". Her friends

their part in this ministry and are quite pleased with it reception!i We are all glad for a chance to reach maybe one more person for Jesus
J. B.

have noticed the change, too. One curiously attended the baptism and decided to join our
teen study. Others think she's a bit over



Most things here are a little different

from those in Nashville or Illinois. The

George Muller, the founder of "The New Or

milk, the buses, the houses, the weather. Most of the time the differences are very pleasing, making life in another culture exciting and fulfilling. Some things, some times, unfortunately, are very much the same. Like all the hundreds of lonely
people who have no relatives or friends

phan Homes" in Bristol, England once said:

"Faith is above circumstances, nothing can

touch it. It goes its steady course. It triumphs over all difficulties, indeed it works most easily in the greatest difficult

who care about them, no neighbors with

concern, and no Savior to console them.

The orphan homes which he began in 1834 by faith have flourished. Recently Roger and I
went to Bristol to visit them. It was indeed

This month I met one such lonely man

Dan and his son Ian.
throat cancer.

an experience, Muller began his work resolv ing never to ask man for the needs. He reas

The mother of this

poor family died three weeks ago from

She had attended and en

oned that if God really did exist and was our

Father, He was the one to ask.

joyed services at the Church a few times, so when it was time for the funeral, Dan
came to us. It was indeed a sad day. Our

And even today, that is exactly what the homes are doing. Not only do they live be

lieving God will provide for them, but they

support missionaries all over the world. One

little church building seemed too big and cold for the coffin, the father, one broth er and wife, lan's teacher from school and a few of us who came to make their grief less lonely.
We soon saw how much Dan and Ian needed

of the things that hit home to me was that they have a Christian Bookstore in downtown

Bristol that sends all of it proceeds, not to the homes, but to the missionaries. They also
send Bible literature to needy areas all over
the world.

us to show Christ's love and care. They were almost helpless without the wife and
mother who had done and been so much for


We cooked, cleaned, listened and

And some

Mr. Muller and God were very close friends. There is almost no other way to describe their relationship. It certainly showed in his life.

In his nineties he said that he'd been praying

for forty-six years and three months for a

comforted because there was no one else

in the world they could turn to.


of us had never seen them before the fun

We continue to visit two or three times

certain thing and it had not been answered yet, but he expected to see it answered. Now, I
am twenty-four and I grumble at God when He

a week with Dan and Ian. Once we came just in time to help Dan decide not to put Ian
in a home. Another time he found us be-

doesn't respond with a yes or no in a couple

of months (dare I say days), I am humbled.

-ca.uss_he .wanted to _talk_and just be .with-^ - ALL-4iY -TRIALS, -LORD somebody so he wouldn't give in to the temptation of getting on a train and drift The new members of the Lord's Body in Hilling - leaving his son and suposedly all his fields have experienced many victories. But
problems behind.

Grief is very harsh.

new life in Christ is not without its trials Loneliness in grief as well, Robin, one of the new Christians

is sometimes unbearable. But Dan and Ian have friends now. We have talked about do

ing things with them, having them over, go ing out with them. Maybe they'll attend
services now regularly. We thank the Lord
that in his wisdom he led us to them in

who is growing to be an important friend to me, has recently had problems at his job.
Wanting very much to share his new faith in

Jesus, Rob prayed that God would give him

opportunity at work. The next day he knew his
prayers had been answered when one of his co-

time to help. But what about so many who have no one to turn to? Pray for Dan and Ian. Pray for the lonely people.

workers began talking about God and Jesus,

Eager to join in the discussion, Rob was shock ed to hear the man accusing Jesus of being a thief and a liar. After trying to reason with


the man, Rob finally just said, "You^re crazyl" To this Rob's co-worker responded by jtmiping on him for a furious "punch-up".
It's hard to know what any of us would do

Harvest Thanksgiving is the time of year when people come together to thank God for all he has given us. Our mid-September Harvest Thanksgiving Services were special
times to many because it was their first Thanksgiving after becoming a Christian,

in a situation like this, but Rob responded

instinctively to defend himself as he had

done many times before he was a Christian.

Now two weeks later he is on semi-friendly

terms with his attacker. But Rob worries

about how the fight affected his witness and People brought their fruits, vegetables how he should make amends to his co-worker. and flowers and Mr. Withnall arranged them And he wants to know how the Lord would want beautifully in front of the church building, him to handle such situations in the future. On Monday evening we enjoyed a great These are difficult questions, especially for fellowship when we had our Thanksgiving
meal together.

Once again we are praising God for pro viding so very much for us, not only at Harvest Thanksgiving, but every day all
year long.
Jan K.

new brothers who are accustomed to responding to the world on its own terms. Pray that Rob
will learn the lessons the Lord can teach him
from this encounter.


become intere sted L

C^rv^ertedL ?*

EVER WONDERED? I suppose most people at one time or another have met someone who could be broadly described as 'religious'. Maybe it was a friend of a friend who turned out to be a 'Bible-puncher,' or maybe you have had someone visit your own front door and try to button-hole you into listening to some screed about 'everlasting life' and 'salvation.' Whichever happened to be the case, what was your reaction'? Did you immediately make plain your total lack of interest and either change the subject or shut the door, or did you just listen politely and then do nothing about it? Or maybe you did as I did, that is actually
There are some strange people about aren't there? Actually interested in religioni

Must be a nut case!

Anyway, for those of you (if any) who are still reading, I would like

to recount the story of my own personal conversion to the Christian faith, that is, as far as X am able to, because there are still one or two things that bother me about my change
of belief,

True, I used to sing in St. Mark's church choir when I

I was never what you

^ kid, but that was only because we got paid and be-

could call 'religious '

^ ^'

cause we could have a crafty smoke in the vestary after

practices. Mind you, I was no villian either.

I've never

sawn a blind man's walking stick in half or stolen a pen

sion book, so I suppose that makes me about average. At one time, I used to think that I was a Christian because I was baptized when I was a baby. I believed in God in a vague sort of way and had attended church more times in a couple of years than most people do in a lifetime. Besides, I never did anything really

That attitude lasted until I was about sixteen or seventeen. Then, I went into my 'intellectual' period, you know the sort of thing, "There isn't any God because we all came from monkeys and the world was once a part of the sun. Anyway, I can't see him, hear him, touch him, or smell him so he can't exist." By the time I reached my twenties, my attitude had modified still further. "There is a lot of evidence for and against God and a lot of people more clever than I can't make

up their minds, so why would I bother? I've got other things to worry about!" Three completely different attitudes within the relatively short time of ten years.
Attitudes moulded by the people I had met and most of the literature that I had read. Dur

ing this period, I had met my share of religious people and to be honest, I just didn't
want to know. Religion was strictly for the birds as far as I was concerned. Sure, some

of the people were all right, particularly some American students that I had met one summer about three years ago. One or two smashing bit's of stuff (girls) in that little group, might be worth delving into this Christianity lark a little bit, I thought. Seriously though, and this is one of the things that still bothers me, I cannot explain how it was that when they invited me to seriously examine the claims of Christianity in a
series of discussion evenings, I accepted. I don't know whether it was a little bit of

of feminine attraction that got me interested, the friendly approach of the group or

whether they had united together and 'prayed me into it.'


Whichever way it happened, I am

And I believe

grateful that it did because now I am sure what Christianity is all about.


I read books on religion, books on Jesus, and books on the Bible.

I even started reading

the Bible itself. Over a period of weeks, I gradually came to the realization that the Bible is God's word to us on earth and what it says is true. Jesus was and is God's word to us on earth and what it says is true. Jesus was and is God's Son. He came to earth, was executed and rose again from the dead on the third day. He ascended to heaven and is head of the people who he has called to be His disciples, the Christian Church,

Contrary to what I once thought, it didn't take a bolt of lightning

and a voice from heaven, but only the will to find God and be open to what he has to say.

I would like to be able to say that since I became a Christian and accepted Jesus Christ into my life everything has been great. It hasn't. The Christian life has many problems, not the least of which is trying to live up to what one believes. It's easy to say

something, but not so easy to do it. But one thing I can say, I have never been so happy as I am now. Now I know where I stand with

I hope that everyone reading this will at least think about Christianity.

God has

given you a chance, please give yourself one.

If you would like to talk to me or anyone else about what Christ means to us, please contact me at the Church of Christ, Queen Street or at my home, 28 Selina Dix House, HillfieIds.
-- Dave Arrowsmith

*This article was written by a 28 year old Christian for our evangelistic paper "For All People." Dave, only nine months in the faith, shows real signs of growing maturity.





-Mr. McCally -- a young man who seems in terested in learning. When talking to Bev,
he asked her for another book. He had near

ly finished the New Testament she had given him. "It's a good book," he explained, -Steve and Lee they continue to search for a place to live. -Roger as he is in the States and speak ing at various Churches and colleges. -Many of our new Christians need your pray ers on behalf of their families, as they
continue to witness to them.

Fifteen members of our church, including most of the American team and eight of the new Christians, attended the Overdale College Rally held in Birmingham. The rally, sponsor ed by the Churches of Christ in Britain, is
held annually as an event of lectures and

fundraising on behalf of the college.

Great Britain.


dale College was founded in 1920 as a train

ing school of the Churches of Christ in

Presently the college has no

full time students attending, although through

out the year the school offers various week

-Mr. and Mrs. Burns -- Tom is talking with this young couple, who at this time have many marital problems. -Joe He is far away from Christ now. We are praying he will return and allow God to work once again in his life.

end courses on Christian topics.

One course

entitled "The Charismatic Movement" is forth

coming. Several of our members have express ed an interest in attending it. The Lord continues to expand our contacts with other Christians whom we met through previous activities at Overdale College. The bunch of us packed into cars and a few rode
the train to Bournville (a suburb of Birm

We are in the midst of an Investigation

Group, with seven looking at the claims of Christ. It's not a "religious group" we begin with no prayers or hymns. It's an attempt to meet non Christians where they are, showing them Christ in their own apartment. With babies crying and coffee boiling, we still get down to the serious questions our investigators are asking. "Can't the Bible be exaggerated?" "If God is good, why doesn't He stop all this suf fering?" Comments like the following show
the failure of Christians and the Church:

ingham) and with a little difficulty, we

found the home at which the study was to be held. Both groups thoroughly enjoyed the time of sharing what the Lord is doing with his Body of believers in Coventry and in Bourn ville. We sang praises to the Lord and had a period of prayer and scripture reading. The evening was a definite highlight of the week.
Too, we are excited to realize that we are

not God's only little 'band of hope'.


"If Christianity is like the Church today, I don't want anything to do with it."
We're not afraid of honest questions. They're fair, and we encourage them. But we also encourage that true answers can be

One overcast, wet, dark day in October, three self-professing children (Roger, Tom,
and Steve) set out with five other not-so-

found, contrary to what many believe.


the midst of an unconcerned and sometimes

hostile world, we still think that Christ is Truth and Life. We still keep integrity high, orthodoxy of doctrine pure, and life full of beauty, fighting against our ENEMY who would only delight to bring more ugli
ness and chaos.


self-professing children from one of our Theophilus groups to go camping in the woods and pastures of the Midlands of England. Although the day threatened to cause certain ailments due to the nature of the weather, the only real injury incured was a swollen eye obtained during a scuffle in a crowded tent during the night. Despite discouraging remarks from certain outsiders, the whole venture turned out to be a very good outing

"Epistle from England is intended as a bridge of communication between a team minisstry with a mission to an industrial culture in the midlands of England and the supporters and friends of this ministry in other parts of the world, especially the United States ot America."

* * *
* *




Non Profit

Lincoln Christian Church

Bulk Rate

204 N. McLean

Lincoln, II. 62656

U.S. Postage Paid Lincoln, II. 62656

Permit #76

Missions Services
Box 177

Kerapton, Ind. 46049

. \

% ... Meeting the Challenge of a post-Christian nation.

American Correspondent:
Mrs. C. L. Davis 1010 N. Monroe

Roger Edrington, Bev Mullins,

Steve Tate, Jan Killebrew & Tom Jensen. Janet Baines,

Lincoln. III. 62656

Jan Vollstedt (Jensen) &

Debbie Davis


59 Cambridge St, Coventry CVl 5HU

Tom, Jan; Steve,Lee 1 Marlborough Rd. Coventry CV2 4EN

Bev, Jan, J.B., Deb: 202 Kingfield Rd, Coventry CV6 5PL England
Vol. 2 No. 3
November 1974



The time is approaching very quickly when

Jan and I will be finished with our time here

Throughout the week several of the group have Bible Study sessions with various people
in and around Hillfields. The following in

in Coventry.

Our stay has been cut short a

bit so that we can be back in time for school

and also miss the Christmas flying rush.

cludes a brief summary concerning each study so that you may pray for them:
1. Jan K., Deb, and Jan J. have met since March with two young married ladies, Marion Welton and Pauline Wright. Recently Pauline has not been coming for various reasons, but Marion remains interested. They are finish

Many things are going to have to be done be

tween now and then.

As Jan and I have begun to prepare to re turn to the States we have naturally thought

much about the past year. We have been eval uating the work in our own minds. Certainly
many goals that were made at the start have been achieved. We found that other goals were not valid. Now the Body is beginning

to see many new and varied opportunities here in Coventry. Jan and I regret that we will not be a part of them. Seeing things from that perspective makes our departure a sad event. We have witnessed many young people
accept the Lord this year.
come close to us. We

ing a study of the Gospel of Mark which has been a learning experience for all. Marion has a deep interest in God, but still has much holding her back from a real committment. 2. On Tuesday night after our regular Bible study, Steve Barthorpe and I study with a young mother, Barbara Carroll in her home.
This study has been a real encouragement to me. Barbara is striving to become closer to
God but is a bit afraid of total obedience

Many have be

thank the Lord for

blessings that He has given to us, and we

trust that He will continue to work in Cov

to His Word at present.

3. Barbara Robinson and I have been meeting

entry through the small band of Christians. Jan and I have felt led this year to fur
ther our education when we return to the

rather irregularly these last few months.

It is difficult for her to come and our study

States. Many situations and people have convinced us of that. We began to look for
a school where we could continue our post

is rather disjointed.

She has just recently

graduate work. Presently we have been accept ed by a school that looks very promising to us. We do feel the Lord's leading in this. Spreading the "good news" continues to be a difficult task in England and Europe due to the widespread apathy. Again and again
we are reminded of how much the Lord needs

obtained a Living Bible and is reading the Old Testament. This has brought out in her a real interest, and she is wanting to see its importance to the New Testament.

4. Beverly and Jan K. have been meeting with

Mrs. Bent for almost one year. At present

they are studying Acts which is proving to be

helpful to her. They are doing some para phrasing, searching for significant verses, and making a chart on the Holy Spirit. Mrs. Bent believes in God and is striving towards a deeper understanding of his grace and love.

to be the whole of our program.


at times we have learned how crucial i t is

to let the Lord lead us corporately as well as individually.

As Jan and I return to the States we will

Perhaps she is not far from making a real

committment to Christ.

leave part of our spirits in Coventry. Yet we will take with us many rich insights and relationships. Our prayer is that the Cov entry work will continue to grow and prosper in the strength of our Lord Jesus Christ.

5. Jan K. and Nimbo have just recently start ed their Bible study session again. At pres

ent they are finishing Luke. Nimbo is really desiring to know more of God and His will for his life, (see article on Nimbo elsewhere)
NOTE OF REGRET: The Bible study we were hav

ing with lanthi Payne no longer takes place as

she has put her membership with Assembly of God,




Do you remember reading about the "Christ Alive Rally" we held last June? We were a bit disappointed that more people didn't at tend the rally but consoled ourselves by saying, "one never knows for sure what fruits may come of the meetings..." Mick Mulhern was at one of the meetings at

the invitation of our brother, Pete. I re member talking with him during a break, but didn't even recoginize him when several weeks ago he showed up for Bible study, which he has attended regularly ever since. Mick has been to services regularly, also. Pete had been witnessing to Mick in pubs on

weekends (Pete goes to his "old hang-outs" to witness every weekend I ) It was the convict
ing Holy Spirit that brought Mick to the real ization that he needed to accept Jesus as Lord of his life and it was with great happiness

Many articles have been written about the changes we observe as a result of a person dying to the old man and living anew in Jesus. Closely related to these changes is the growth in our Body at Queen Street. Each time I think about what I want to share with you through the "Epistle" my mind sifts through all the hassels and inevitablly leads me to a certain few new Christians who are well-springs of joy. Though spiritual maturity is never fully attained, we have members here who are growing by leaps and bounds. Because of individuals' growth, there have been several modifications in the way our team ministers. We are no longer a team of young Americans ready to take up arms to save the

British Isles (though we have much to learn and are constantly in battlel). Rather, we
are a group or a core within a body of Christ ians. We used to be seven Americans praying, planning, and working in a culture to which we were not accustomed. Now we have a group

that we witnessed Mick's baptism last Tuesday.

And now, it's with much joy that we introduce our newest brother to you! We praise and

thank God for another victory.



Body Life is the life of the Body of Christ, the Church. Like any life, body life can be
come stale. Just as our bodies and minds can

of approximately twenty-five young and old, English, Indian, Irish, and American Christ ians who share ideas and insights resulting in a more effective ministry and good Body Life. In decision-making we Americans are only a part of the whole body. We realize that we are all in subjection to one another
and to the other fellow members of Christ's body.

quit learning and growing or become run down

and tired, so it may be in our spiritual Body


We, as a group of Americans working in a team ministry have experienced body illness at times. As soon as I say this my mind reflects on a weekly devotion time our group had in
early spring.... ^ ^ Thursday morning again...b o r i n g Thursday mroning and there I sit with my

The day will come when we will no longer be a core within the Body. The Church of Christ in Coventry will be a strong autono.mous Body one that can stand on it's own

and carry on the ministry. I am anxious to see that day, but I realize that we have "miles to go before we sleep..."

head resting on my Bible. It is devotion time again. If I look up, I might see a /


Marion Welton she understands the committ

^few others in the same position....

Our Body was sick somewhere. How can the

ment required, but because of her husband

she does not want to commit herself.

Body be healed? How can dry boring devotion times become vital, rejuvenating experiences?
In the same way that Jesus healed as he walked

and lived in Galilee, he heals today. Realizing our inadequacies in spiritual vi tality and worship, we as a group prayed this fall for help. Renewal has come through a study and learning about Body Life itself. We started off with the theme "The Lordship of Christ in Body Life." All of our life and vi tality comes from the Head, the source of all
life, Christ. When there is a decision to be

Ian - a young man who works at Lloyd's Bank. Within the last few weeks he has begun to ask questions about our work revealing a def inite interest in God. Please pray that he will be willing to investigate the possibili
ties of God in his life.

Mark and Al - John Seymour has been talking

to them. Their eyes are opening slowly to
who God is.

Al Simpson - Many things cloud his mind. He's a very unstable person who wants God to help.
Barbara Carroll - In her own words she is

made, an illness to be healed, or a victory to shout about, we go to the Head, our Lord. This is the beginning point of all the body does. Our group began our study on Body Life by learning this. Other topics have thus far been
mission, .,

"trying to be a good Christian."

Pray that

on unity, the Holy Spirit, authority and sub and gifts and their relationship to
Jan J.

she'll accept Jesus as her Savior and then the Holy Spirit will be able to fill her, Kim Wall - Pray her interest in Christ will be kept alive. Mike Carroll - (No relation to Barbara) He's

our Body.
Editor's Note:

a very bright young teen who is beginning to think about the reality of God. Pray that he
will desire Christ to enter his life.

From time to time we will continue to share

with you some of the insights and teachings from our various studies on Body Life.
AN ACCIDENT TO REPORT: As Lee was crossing the street one night, she was hit.,

by a man on a bicycle!
bag and its contents!!

They communicated that each was OK (except for pride)

Its all in a days work....

and went on their separate ways. It wasn't until Lee got to the church build ing that she discovered the tradgedy...her yogurt was oozing all over in her





Nimral Michael Sing Sandu (known to us and to you as Nimbo) is trying to give God
his whole life. God began to move in an obvious way in Nimbo's life three years ago

Many people on both sides of the Atlantic have misconceptions about the purpose of the team ministry in Coventry. Some have feared
we were transportingAmerican religion and culture. Others wondered why we were called
to travel so far from home to work in a

when he was asked by a Christian, "What has Jesus done for your life?" Nimbo was dumb founded. He truly had no answer. But he did begin to search, and his search led him to the Coventry Cathedral where he worked
for two years. For a long time the voluntary work at
the Cathedral was little more than a time


Then slowly Nimbo began to grow

deeper spiritually. It seemed that God was out to help him. Yet He wasn't going to let Nimbo be content. (Do you know the feeling?)
We met Nimbo last Christmas, and event

country where churches have existed for more than a thousand years. Some have ques tioned our coming thinking that we see Eng land as being "heathen" while they see it as a Christian country. There is always much need to question words and definitions as well as motives and thoughts. But one fact is most important and that is what the Lord is actually doing with us now that we are here.
We are not involved in new church work.

ually Jan K. and he began a Bible Study. Sheunknowinly asked Nimbo the same crucial question, "What has Jesus done for your life?" He replied, "I do voluntary work at (as I see it) is using all the many and var Walsgrave hospital and work at the Cathedral. ied gifts He has given the team to build up
I'm not concerned with myself." But the question continued to plague him. He knew
that his answer was shallow.

There are many long established churches here. We are not solely involved in evangelism, though of course every Christian shares the Gospel if it is really good news to himj What the Lord most particularly doing with us

He really began to think about his re

lationship to Jesus. Soon afterward, Nimbo was sprinkled and confirmed as an act of obedience to God. During this time he still
attended our evening services. With his life now committed to God, Nimbo
set out to find God's will in his life. He

the body in Coventry. He is using us right now to fill the leadership gajj. But each day we see new gifts and new ministries rising up from all the members of the body. One of my great pleasures in helping to build up the body here has taken the form of a new class I teach on Thursday nights. I
meet with six of the new believers for an in-

thought of going here and working Still another was baptism. He

back to India or staying with his own people. big question in his mind certainly wanted to do what
But was baptism

depth study of themes of redemption in the Bible. Our study is taking us through the Old Testament to track how God's plan of salvation has unfolded through the history and laws of His people. For most of the
members -it will be the first study of the Old Testament other than casual reading. It

God wanted him to do.

necessary? He was a Christian. He'd given his life to God and wanted to go into full time service. Finding an answer was indeed a real struggle. Nimbo eventually realized that God would guide him if he asked Him. True to God's promises, an answer was pro vided. On November 3rd, Nimbo was immersed into Jesus. His own explanation is the following: "What God gave me before was only a taste of his power. Now I don't want just a taste, I want all God has!"
Nimbo has said himself that he could feel

is truly exciting to see their interest as they" see how the New Testament fits so per fectly in fulfilling all of the Old. They are really eager to tie up alot of loose ends and fit the whole scheme of redemption together. In the process of the study, we are also attempting to expose ourselves to many dif ferent methods of Bible study and bibical re
sources. Our aim is to be able to use many
different tools and methods on our own after

God bringing him to us, and we're very glad He hasi Already Nimbo has blessed our Body with his special gift of working with young people. We praise God for providing such a delightful new member to our family.

the course is finished.

For me, the study

is an encouraging challenge - to dig out all the beautiful, deep, thirst quenching truths of God's unfolding Covenant and present them to the others in such a way that they also might have this exciting discovery. We hope this study group will help the body as a whole by giving more complete and adequate understanding of how God has worked through
out history - and how that work fits into what He is doing today. Of course this know

ledge is essential for the future leaders and

teachers of the Lord's body in Coventry.

"Epistle from England is intended as a bridge

of communication bcLween a team ministry with a mission to an industrial culture in the mid

lands of England and the supporters and friends

of this ministry in other parts of the world,

especially the United States of America."



"Glory to God in the highest

and peace on earth to men"--

CoJieadar oP Eve^nrs

May the Christmas song The angels sang Stir in our hearts again And bring a new awareness That the fate of every nation Is sealed securely in the hand
Of the maker of creation.

by Helen Steiner Rice

From one country to another we ex tend season's greetings of love and joy through Christ our Saviour.

The Group 6th Tom and Jan will be terminating their ministry here, and returning to the U.S.A. Jan plans to finish her requirements at Lincoln Christian College. They will be in need of jobs and housing; remember them at this time.


Birthday time for Rogeri

"Hillfields Carol Festival" - Dave Arrowsmith is heading up this event. We hope our plans will provide an exciting time for the community of Hillfields. Some of our

plans include forming a children's choir with the children who go to the local play center. A carol sing is planned with the adults. Roger is to give a brief message. Our finale includes serving sausages, baked potatoes and tea. Our hope is that we
will be able to share the true message of Christ on this occasion19th 20th

The annual Christmas party for the older ladies who meet on Thursday evenings.
A group of us will be going to three Secondary Schools to prsent a Christmas program
to the Fifth Year students.


Sunday School party for the children will be on this day.

and small gifts for each child.

This involves a tea, games


The Christmas program is on Sunday evening. This will be a great opportunity for us to be with the parents of our Sunday School children. Lee and Bev are working on a

play to be presented by our older children-. There will be audience participation during the carol sing, as well as our younger children presenting some special songs. We, as a body of Christians, are planning a special time of devotion and sharing.
25th 26th 27th

Our Christmas Day service will be at 11:00 a.m.

Boxing Day is an annual holiday time for England.

J. B. and Deb will be leaving for U.S.A. for four weeks.

On December 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 23, we will be presenting a Christmas street play fashioned after Godspell, with a theme centering around Christ's birth and its relavance today for all people. We hope to perform various places in the precinct (shopping area) and on the porch of Coventry Cathedral.

Please pray for each of these events.

We feel that there will be many opportunities during

Jan K.

this season to present the message of Christ,

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Lincoln Christian Church 204 N. McLean

U, S. Postage Paid Lincoln, 111. 62656

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