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NOW, THEREFORE, for the ourpos'eof providing an orderly development

for the further purpose of

protection of ourselves' and our successors in ti~le to any prop.erty

Lherein,and for the further purpose of preserving the character 0: .dev-
elopment and constructiontlierein and .for the protection an¿' safety of
Lhe general public, and to insure
a . pleasant neighbo::hocà appearance, o,.e
do hereby decla~e, establish anà icpose certain restrictive covena~ts
uponALLYSm¡ ACRES- ECHO I ADDITION, which are outlined he::e.::-. belo~
which restrictive covenants s::all be ac.::eredto by' our successo=s in tit.
to properties inALLYSO:¡ ACRES-ECHO I ADDITION , and shall be ad-
hered to by any person, or persons, ~ho shall ::esice of cake us e of, any
property therein, and any person ,persons,. fir:~. or corporation, accept:':
title or conveyances to,. residing ln, or havina any interest, of any ki~i
or type whatsoever, in ALLYSONp..CRES. -ECHO I ADDITION , shall strict
adhere to such rest::ictive' covenan.ts, an': by acce;Jting suc~ ti tle' or c~r::
veyance , either directly orrer:otely,to any property in ALLYSO~¡ ;'C~ES-
ECHO I ADDITION , shall be deemed to have assented and ~==eed to ,ar::
be bound by, such rest=icti ve covenants and shall be enti tle¿ to all t~e
bene!i ts thereof, and shall assume all theresponsibili ties thereof.

1. For the purpose of :raintainingvalues farther.selves and their si.=ce

ors inti tIe, and for the purpose of public health .and sa.fety i .and te e!1
hance the property, and to insure a pleas apt neighl:orhood ap~earance and
character and for ,.l-ie l:urposeof controlling .the develo?r:ertt of
ALLYS 0:';
ACRES- ECHO I ADDI1ION , the undersigned o~ners, to-wit: STUDEBA~R
LAD CO:.lPA(~:ï, AN Oiü;'.EO¡'i.=\ CO?.POR.-;TIO~¡, or their designees, shalL. retain
. architectural control of all construction, or any installatic:i therei:i.
Therefore, no residence, building, v.all, fence, drainage s.tructu::e, èti...
way, parking area, etc., shall be initiated, constructed, installed, wai
tained, altered, placed or permitted onany property therein, wi thcu~
. firstsubmittinq the plans, plot-plan,anå/or the specifications , cetail
their designees
or other satisfactory inforI'.ation to .the undersigned', or

for their exa:rination, 'andwri tten aooroval, and such constr'.ction ar:è..
installation, etc. ,shall not be initiated until such written ap;i::oval
has been executed and granted. In passing upon such plans, et~. ,the
undersigned or,.ners, or their desig.nees, may. take into considera tien, the
suitabilitiy of construction and installation, and materials used, to th
general area, to the gene.ral property values, t.o the specific . ::il¿ing
site, to, the outlook and view to and Ü~oI'.the adjacentsìtes .:r:',: the ger.
eral .area, to. the general pro?erty values, to the susceptibil.: ty of sue::
construction to fire and/or other hazards, including but not lir:Ü ted to,
public health, and traffic hazards, andtt.ay take into conside::aticn the
blocking of vi.e..'" and the flO\.. of air fro:r and to other 'Drooerties in tr.E
area. Th.eundersigned or,"ners r.ay, when in their opinio;, ti 'tIe toeno'.~
of .the properties has been transferred to others, or .when, in their op:.:-
ion, enough constrú.ction has been completed, appoint ,or cause tol:e
elected, a conmit-.tee of at 'least three of t.he then owners in ALLYSO:';
ACRES-ECHO I. ADDITION. to' serve' in the capacity of t::e uI1c.ers igneè
owers insofar as this restrictive covenant concerning architectural co:
. Restrictive Covenants... .Page 2.
Lrolis concerned. Should such ,plans, specifications , etc., for construct
ion andinstàllation be submitted to
the undersigned owners, their desig-
,nees, of such cor:.:i ttee, and no
written action is taken wi thiri 30 davs
Lherefro:r, then such construction' and
installation shall be deemed tô have
been approved .
2 .No single residential. dwelling, containing less than .82ql;;ës'auåirê1'~,;fêêt;:~"
of floor space,exclust ve of
garages " carports, porches, Òrpatiô's','sifàli'
be placed or permitted to remain, on any lo~and all building shall be
placed on permanent and solid type foundations, footings, or piers of
concrete or masonry. '
3. No vehicle,. or machinery, that is insal~age condition or is in the
process of being torn àown or repaired, or is in a state of junk, nor a~y.
be placed, or kept, or perriteè
other type salvage or junk :rateria.l, is to

Lort~main, on any tract in such rranner that it may be seen fror: any of '
the neighboring p:roperties or from any road in or adjacent to the sub-
division. Owners of tract , or tracts, in ALLYSO~ ACRES- ECHO I

ADDITION , . shall not per:ri -: any pile of dead foliage or brush or anyè.ea.::
trees or shrubbery, to remain on their, property but shall dispose of sa::e
in a reasonable tir..e anà in such a manner that 15 not offensive" or in
such a manner to cause a fire hazard t.oany property, and all o....ners, re:~~
ers, lessors, 6ccupants, and 'Oarties with interest in, ?roperties .in
ALLYSON ACREs- ECHO I ADDITION shall out of respect to their neigh-
borsand in order to main,,o: a:.è.er.nance property values, shall keepthei:
property in reasonable repair, and shall ~ow the property at regular ::ea-
sonableintervals andsho'Jld grass beallm.¡ed to gro... to a height greater
.Lhan 18 n the undersigned m.¡ners'may enter upon such property anà mow sa::.e
and sucho\.¡ner or lessor shall be llable for the cost of such r..owing and
the cost of . such mowing shall become a lien upon the property.

4., Nohouset.~áiié'fcr'tent; shack, garage, barn, outbuilding or any tem-

porary or movable 'structure, shall at any time be usèd for residential
location into this sub-division. ~
purposes on any tract and no structure of any description shall be rnoyeå
from a'ny other

5. Each dwellina unit constructed onanv tract shall have modern sanitar'
facilities, and septic systems sr:'all be tonstructed and i::stalled in acc-.
ordance\.¡i th the regulations and standards of the Oklahoma S tate Depart-
ment of Health..' No outdoor privies shall at any tirre be permi tted on any
lot, nor shall any noxious, offensive, unsightly,. malodorous or unhealthy
~ctivity or condition be carried on, or be Fer:ritted to renain ~ upon a~y
lot, nor shall any horse ,.cow, swine, sheep. or goat be kept or permitted
torernain on any tract.
6. No building, nor any part thereof, shall be placed nearer to any road
line than the building set' back lin~s' of l5 feet and no structure other
'tan fencing ,shall he plëlCed on outlined on the abo':e'
any easer:.ent area

plat n'or nearer than 5 i. to any property Q\.:nershipline, e'xcept that this
restrictive covenant shall not be deemed to pi:ohibi t installation of util
itylines ~ water wells ,and their appurtenances on such easements.

. __..~._______--____,,-____....n_-'__"_ L -..y--==----

. '

Restrictive Covenants.... .Page 3'.

7. The exterior
or a Y dwelling, including installation of windows and
. doors, shall be compl ted and finished,' not later than 12 months. after
iJ1tiation of the foundation, or initiation ,of any and
not be completed construction, there::or
finished within sai:
or thereon. ,Should he exterior

12 months, then the ndersigned shall have the right to enter upon the
property and to comp ete and finish the~xterior of any buildingthe
whereupon the granteof the property shall ir..mediately pay to

ically grant lien ri h ts for such. .

signed the full cost of such completion and finishing or shall automat-

8.. No garbage or tr trash burners, butane or propane storage

tract in such
manner so as to be seen
Lanks, shall be plac general publico They' may be of the
fromtheadjoiningl above groundi£ hi¿¿enhy decorative screening,'
ts or by the

snnken type or may b

than one collapsible umrella type, shall
and no clothes line
be ins talled, or per
oles other

i tted to remain on any t~act. ' ~

9. For the Public
Safety and to provide for ease of traffic passage,
parking in and along the
road traffic-.ways in excess of I-hour is pro-
'hibi ted and vehicular traffic in A,LLysON ACRES~ ECHO I ADDITIO:-l
shall not exceed 25 miles per hour 0

10. There shall be only 6ne buildirig on a lot unless written consent fro:
owner or developer" is obtained.

11. No sign of nature will be allowed 'on any lot unless written consent
is given by owner or developer. '

12.. No addition will be allowed on any home unless written consent is

given by owner or developer.

l3'.A fee of $24.00 per year will be charged to all lot owners for
upkeep of roads and beautification of develop:rento

I~\\Mi:'TNE.$S WHEREOF, we the above

designated owners, 'do hereby set out .....
,JtândsS l:.f~'.;.16 th day of October, 19 740
:l 'V. - '" -, t.l: , ......
:;' l" ..............,.....(.' ..~~,

::'~' ,0' ~ "" Co () .., _.. '.;. ..'" .- .~;. :" . STUDEBAKER LAND'COMPANY , an
. Oklahoma. .eorpora tion
= ""A'TT.EST : .- '. .~ ~.., ' .
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\;.\~./~.r:f/...:. ),~L.:l. :....~...-:~-;..:: President
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:S'l~TE.O~.....P-KLAHOMA )
c:o~ty~::?F..~ELM'¡ARE) s s
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/:4h~Ola1è~i,ng instrument Robert wäs acknowledged
L. Studebaker, before me
President of this l6th day
Studebaker of
f ()cito~r ,-;:iA?i1, by
~ .C9.H:;:i~~o~lanoIna corporation, On behalf
of said Corporation.
...~' *. '"', . "l.;:.e~."..: §
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Mt..èòrlissi6~ expires -:4~-.f- ' . ~~~--
RQYE!It.~p~_r~ 2 2 J9lL-____.___~

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