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Let it go
A compilation of questions designed to wake you up, to be aware of the stink in your life and like a fart in the wind, to

let it go!
By Tisha Cullen

Iaccumulatedthesequestionsinordertoopenmyselfuptothe possibilitiesthatareallaround. InfiniteUniverse,InfiniteGod,InfiniteSource=InfinitePossibilities!

(IwillbereferringtoUniverse,GodandSourceinterchangeablythroughout...beingwell awarethatweallcomefromdifferentplacesregardingtheOnenessweallare)

YearsagoIgotintriguedwithmyliving...hereihadmanyencounterswith theVastnessoftheUniverse,theMiraculousofGodandtheEndlessness ofSourceyet,mylifedidnotreflectmuchofwhatIknewIderivedfrom. Actually,mylifewasquitelimited...whichwasthereflectionofnothingto whichIknewIderivedfrom!

Curious,Idelvedin...IwantedtoknowHOWtotapintotheinfinite, miraculousandendlesspossibilitiesUniverse/God/SourceIS.thatI AM...thatYOUare! Myfirstdipinthepoolofexplorationtaughtmeafundamentallaw Askandyoushallreceive! Thatwasitforme! Nomorebegging,pleading,hoping!Iaskedeveryday,ineveryway...and muchshiftedinmyworld. BeingtheEagerBeaverIam,ashiftwasNOTenough! IwantedChange! AwantedtotallifeTRANSFORMATION! AskandyoushallreceiveIcontinuedtoponder Iwasaskingjustfinebut,therewassomethingaboutthereceiving! IknewGodwasnttheproblem.So,Iasked! HowdoIreceive? Whatwouldittaketoreceive? Allbedamnifitdidntwork!Icameacrossasetoftoolsbasedonasking questions(AccessConsciousness)thatsuggesteditwasmydecisions, conclusions,judgementsandevenexpectationsthatactedasbarriers~ notallowingmetoreceivewhatIwasaskingfor!

Sayyou'reaskingtheInfiniteUniverseforaloverwhowillacceptand adoreyoutotally.BUT,youbelieveblondsaredumb,flabbypeopleare lazyandbrowneyesmakeyourheartsing. Okay...narrowsthefieldabit.Stilldoablethough,right? BUT,youhaveneverbeenabletoacceptyourpastandwhenanybody showsyouunconditionaladorationItcreepsyououtandyouruntheother way...OOPS! Youaskedforsomeonewhowillacceptwhatyourefusetoandadorethe partsandpiecesofyouthataren'tevenaccessible.Hummmm.Hows thatgoingtowork????

Allthosepointsofviewcreateareality...whetheryoulikeitornot...whether youwantitornot! YOURPOINTOFVIEWCREATESYOURREALITY! Thegoodnewsisyoucreatedyourreality,whateveritlookslike.The betternewsisYoucanChangeyourreality,towhateveryouwantittobe andinclude! DoIhearyouaskingHOW???? Sogladyouasked! #1.Ask #2.Dowhateverittakestoreceive ThefollowingaresomequestionsIaskmyselfeverydayinoneformor another,allofthemaredesignedtoexpandtheabilitytoreceive.Iinvite youtoallowmetoaskyouthesequestionsnow.Asyoureadthem imaginemeaskingyou...noticewhatcomesupforyouwhenIaskyouthe question. Thequestionsaredesignedtobringupthestuffkeepingyoufrom receivingwhatyouareaskingfor...thestuffthatcomesupisenergy. Imaginethatenergytobeheliumballoonswithalongstringsattached,at theendofthestringisyou...holdingon.AtsomepointIwillaskifyouare willingtoletthatgo?Ifyouare,takeabreathandallowyourselftoletgo ofthestringholdingthatenergy/ballooninyourway! InhalethePossibilities,exhalethelimitation!


Whatwouldittakeforthistobethebestdayyet? WhatwouldittakeforthistobethebestLifeyet? Whatwouldittaketocreatetoday,toincludeallofyou,astheThriving Beingyoutrulybe? Everythingthatdoesn'tallowthat,willyouletitgonowplease?ifyes, letitgoon3.123!

Gettheenergyoflifeassurviving. NowgettheenergyofyouThrivingwhileLiving Canyouperceiveadifference?AreyouwillingtoCHOOSEthingsthat haveasimilarvibetothelivingyouactuallywouldliketohave? DoyougetthatyouhaveCHOICE? DoyougetitisYOURchoicetomerelysurviveorTotallyThrive??? Everywhereyourefusetoacknowledgeyouhavechoice,willyoulet allthatgo?123 Everywhereyouvebeeneliminatingchoicebasedongood,bad, rightandwrong...willyouletallofthatgo?123
( W h a t i f c h o i c e i s j u s t c h o i c e . . . w h a t i f y o u r c h o i c e s j u s t o f f e r a w a r e n e s s ? I f y o u m a k e a c h o i c e a n d y o u ' r e a w a r e i t d i d n t c r e a t e w h a t y o u d r e a l l y l i k e t o h a v e , w h a t i f y o u j u s t c h o s e a g a i n i n s t e a d o f j u d g i n g t h e s h i t o u t o f y o u ? W h a t i f j u d g e m e n t w a s c r e a t e d t o l o c k y o u i n p l a c e , t o c o n t r o l y o u a n d k e e p y o u f r o m b e i n g t h e b r i l l i a n c e y o u t r u l y b e ? E v e r y t h i n g t h a t b r i n g s u p a n d l e t s d o w n w i l l y o u l e t i t a l l g o ? 1 2 3 )


Ifyouhadnopast,whatwouldyoube? Whatwouldittaketochoosethatnow? EverythingthatdoesntallowallofthattoBEwitheaseforyou,willyoulet itallgoon3?123.

( A r e y o u t r y i n g t o c r e a t e y o u r f u t u r e b a s e d o n y o u r p a s t ? A r e y o u a w a r e o f h o w m u c h s h i t y o u h a v e t o d r a g f o r w a r d , b e h i n d y o u a n d p u s h i n f r o n t o f y o u i n o r d e r t o d o t h a t ? H o w s t h a t w o r k i n f o r y o u ? A r e y o u t i r e d , d r o w n i n g , h e a v y o r r i g i d ? A r e y o u a w a r e Y O U a r e t h e o n l y o n e w h o h a s t h e p o w e r t o m a k e t h e p a s t s i g n i f i c a n t ? ? ? I t s J u s t a c h o i c e y o u r c h o i c e ! W h i c h w o u l d y o u r a t h e r h a v e a s i g n i f i c a n t p a s t o r a f u t u r e c r e a t e d f r o m i n f i n i t e P O S S I B I L I T I E S ? ? ? ? )

Takeallthepointsofview,thoughtsandemotionsyouhaverightnow Whodoesallofthatbelongto? Truth,dotheybelongtoYou? Dotheybelongtosomeoneelse? Willyoupleasereturntosenderallthepointsofview,thoughtsand emotionsthatdonotevenbelongtoyou?Returntosenderplease123! Noticeyourbody...noticeallthefeelings,sensationsanddensity...ask, whodoesthisbelongto? Doesitbelongtoyou? Someoneelse? Somethingelse? Willyoupleasereturneverythingthatdoesnotbelongtoyouand yourbodybacktowhereveritneedstogo?(evenifyoudon'tknow wherethatis?)123! Everywhereyouhavecreatedyourrealitybasedonotherpeoplespoints ofview,thoughts,feelingsandemotionswillyouletallthatgonow please?123!
( T a k e a s u b j e c t . . . a n y s u b j e c t a n d t r y t h i s t e s t . I l l u s e M o n e y a s a n e x a m p l e :

W h a t d o e s M o n e y m e a n t o y o u ? I s m o n e y g o o d , b a d , e a s y , h a r d , e v i l , a G o d s e n d ? ? ? W h a t d o y o u m e a n t o M o n e y ? A r e y o u a v i c t i m t o m o n e y , s l a v e , o w n e r , d i c t a t o r , s a v e r ? I f 1 0 p e o p l e w r o t e o u t t h e i r p o i n t o f v i e w o n m o n e y , w e w o u l d h a v e 1 0 v e r y d i f f e r e n t l i s t s . . . a l l t a l k i n g a b o u t t h e S A M E t h i n g . . . m o n e y . N o w , t a k e o n e o f y o u r p o i n t s o f v i e w o n m o n e y a n d a s k w h o d o e s t h a t b e l o n g t o ? W h e r e d i d y o u b u y t h a t p o i n t o f v i e w f r o m ? M o m , d a d , c h u r c h , a b o o k ? W h a t i f m o n e y i s j u s t a n e n e r g y . . . n o p o l a r i t y o r f i x e d p o i n t o f v i e w . D o y o u t h i n k m a y b e i t c o u l d b e Y O U R p o i n t o f v i e w t h a t e i t h e r a l l o w s m o n e y o r r e p e l s a n d r e j e c t s m o n e y ? H e r e i s t h e k i c k e r M o s t l i k e l y y o u b o u g h t y o u r p o i n t s o f v i e w o n m o n e y f r o m o t h e r p e o p l e o r i n s t i t u t i o n s . . . T h a t m e a n s T H E Y a r e c r e a t i n g Y O U R r e a l i t y w i t h m o n e y ! ! ! ! R e m e m b e r , y o u r p o i n t o f v i e w c r e a t e s y o u r r e a l i t y : ) I f y o u w a n t t o O w n a n d C r e a t e y o u r r e a l i t y c o n s c i o u s l y l e t g o o f a l l t h e p o i n t s o f v i e w y o u h a v e b o u g h t f r o m o t h e r s a n d A S K i f i c o u l d h a v e m y O W N r e a l i t y w i t h m o n e y . . . w h a t w o u l d i t b e ? f o r f u n y o u c a n d o t h i s t e s t o n a n y s u b j e c t : f o o d , b o d y , s e x . E v e r y t h i n g i s e n e r g y , h a v i n g n o c h a r g e . . . u n t i l l , w e t h e o b s e r v e r a t t a c h s o m e t h i n g t o i t ! T h i s a t t a c h e d p o l a r i t y i s u s u a l l y d o n e t o p r o v e a j u d g e m e n t . W h a t d o j u d g e m e n t s d o ? ? ? T h e y l o c k p o l a r i t y i n t o p l a c e a n d c o n t r o l y o u ! Y o u s i m p l y c a n n o t s e e t h e p o s s i b i l i t i e s t h a t e x i s t b e y o n d a j u d g m e n t . )

Ifyouweretrulybeingyourightnow,whowouldyoube,whatwouldyou be,whenwouldyoube,wherewouldyoubeandwhywouldyoube? Everythingthatdoesntallowallofthat,wouldyouletallofthatgo? 123. Whatelseispossibletodaythatyouhaveneverevenconsidered? EverythingyouarecreatingtoNOTbeawareofallthepossibilities,will

youletthatgoon3?123. WhatifthereisNOTHINGwrongwithyou?WhatiftherehasNEVERbeen anythingwrongwithyou? WhatiflifetrulycancometoyouwithEase,GloryandJoy? Everythingthatdoesn'tallowALLofthatwillyoudestroyand uncreateitallon3(evenifyouthinkyoudontknowhow?)123! Howdoesthisday(or_______)getanybetterthanthis? Whatenergy,spaceandconsciousnesscanIbetoshift,changeand transformtoday(or______)withtotalease? everythingthatdoesn'tallowthatwillyoudestroyanduncreateitall please?123! Truth,whatdoyouknow,thatyou'repretendingnottoknow,thatifyou allowedyourselftoknowitwouldchangeeverything? Everythingthatbringsupandeverythingthatletsdownwillyou destroyanduncreateitallon3?123!

Ifyoucouldhaveorchangeanything,whatwoulditbe? Alltheprojections,rejections,separations,judgements,conclusions andfixedpointsofviewyouhaveinandaroundwhatyoudreallylike tohave...willyoudestroyanduncreateallofthatpleaseon3? 123! Whatisrightaboutthisday(or_______)thatyou'renotgetting? WhatsrightaboutYOUthatyouarenotgetting? Allthedecisions,rejections,seperations,limitations,expectations, andprojectionsyouhaveOFyou...willyouletallthatgoon3?123

Truth,whatISrightaboutyouthatyouhaveneverbeenwillingtoclaim, ownandacknowledge? Willyoudestroyanduncreateeverythingthatdoesntallowyouto claim,ownandacknowledgeALLofyou,thegood,bad,ugly,secret hiddenstufftoo?On3...123! Truth,wheredoYougowhenpeopleareunwillingtoreceiveyou? OUUUCH! Everywhereyouvecreatedthatplaceassolid,realandtruewillyou destroyanduncreateitall????123 EverywhereyouveputthatplaceINTHEFUTUREsoyouhavea placetogo,willyouuncreateitnow?1234 Truth,whoorwhatareyoudefendingfororagainstthatifyounolonger defendedfororagainstitwouldgiveyouallofyou? Whatiftherearen'tanypartsorpiecesofyouthatrequiredefendingor justification?Wouldyouallowyourlivingtobethateasy? EverythingthatbringupwillyouletitALLgo?123 Whoorwhatiswillingtocontributetoyourlife,livingandreality? Whatwouldittakeforyoutoperceiveandreceivethatcontributiontotally? Barriersdown,barriersdown,barriersdownplease...eventhedeep darkhiddenones...Barriersdown! Nowtakeamomenttotapintoallthatiswillingandhasbeentryingto contributetoyou...deepbreathin.slowbreathout Expandyourselfouttoincludeallofthatcontribution...ifyoufeelanedge asyouexpandoutaskanybarrierstogodownandreceivebeyondthat please.Slowbreathinginhalethecontribution,exhalethe barriers...enjoyforaslongasyoulike!(taking time to look at what is and taking
the time to expand out to perceive and receive Beyond what is will change your reality! You probably should never do it You should probably wait until you pay $500 for this

tool and then change your life by using it!) he he

Forsomethesequestionsmayseemtoosimple,othersmayfeel foggy...likeyoucantreallyunderstandthequestion...Thatsokay! Somewillfeellotsofenergycomeupfromaquestion,othersmaysense nothing...Thatsokay! ThetrickistoKEEPasking,keeplettinggo...evenifyouhavenoideawhat you'relettinggoof.Ifyou'rewillingtochangethanallowthequestionsto workforyoubysimplyaskingthemRemember,Askandyoushall receive!!! Everywhereyouvedecidedchangemustbehardandalong,painful processwillyouletthatgonowandreturnittowhomeveryouboughtit from.Please???123 Idareyoutousethesequestionsfor21days.Recordyourselfasking yourselfthesequestions(inthefirstperson)andreplayitinthemorning whilegettingreadyforyourday,duringyourdailycommuteorworkout. Playitatnight,solowyoucantevenhearit!FortheVERYFEWwho reallywantchange,writeoutthequestionsinthefirstpersonandhave themavailabletoaskthroughoutyourday!FortheSuperSonicUltrafew seekingchangeaskmetosendarecordingofthesequestions...youll noticeadifferencebetweenyouaskingofyourselfvs.someoneelse askingofyou! IfTransformingyourlifebeyondwhatistypicalinthisworldisinterestingto you...consideroneofthemanyprivatesessionswithme! checkoutwww.tishacullen.comtoday!

Forthoseofyouwhotooktimetodownloadthis Tidbitofinformation,Iamofferingyouthepossibilitytohave

whatever...job,money,relationship,body,health. Imagine Wouldtakingtimeforyoubefun? Wouldallowingthiscontributionintoyourlifeexpandwhatyouvebeen askingfor? WouldtryingsomethingdifferentBEthedifferenceyouvebeenasking for? For$30youwillreceiveaLIVE,30minuteTransformational MeditationCallwewilltakeabout15min.todiscussatopicyou wanttohaveEASEwith,Iwillthentakeyouthroughadeep relaxationwhereIaskquestionsbasedonwhatiperceiveisblocking youfromreceiving(yes,Iamphysicandaware...howcanyouuse thattoyouradvantage???:) Thiscallwillberecordedandsenttoyoutouseoverandover! Call,TextorContacthere 7859170156


Let it go
Whatwouldittakeforthistobethebestdayyet? WhatwouldittakeforthistobethebestLifeyet? Whatwouldittaketocreatetoday,toincludeallofyou,astheThriving beingyoutrulybe? Everythingthatdoesn'tallowthat,willyouletitgonowplease?ifyes, letitgoon3.123! Everywhereyouvebeeneliminatingchoicesbasedongood,bad,right andwrong...willyouletallofthatgo?123( Truth,Ifyouhadnopast,WHOwouldyoube? Ifyouhadnopast,whatwouldyoube? Whatwouldittaketochoosethatnow? EverythingthatdoesntallowallofthattoBEwitheaseforyou,willyoulet itallgoon3?123. Takeallthepointsofview,thoughtsandemotionsyouhaverightnow Whodoesallofthatbelongto? Truth,dotheybelongtoYou? Dotheybelongtosomeoneelse? Willyoupleasereturntosenderallthepointsofview,thoughtsand

emotionsthatdonotevenbelongtoyou?Returntosenderplease123! Noticeyourbody...noticeallthefeelings,sensationsanddensity...ask, whodoesthisbelongto? Doesitbelongtoyou? Someoneelse? Somethingelse? Willyoupleasereturneverythingthatdoesnotbelongtoyouand yourbodybacktowhereveritneedstogo?(evenifyoudon'tknow wherethatis?)123! Everywhereyouhavecreatedyourrealitybasedonotherpeoplespoints ofview,thoughts,feelingsandemotionswillyouletallthatgonow please?123! Ifyouweretrulybeingyourightnow,whowouldyoube,whatwouldyou be,whenwouldyoube,wherewouldyoubeandwhywouldyoube? Everythingthatdoesntallowyoutochooseforyou,wouldyouletall ofthatgo?123. Whatelseispossibletodaythatyouhaveneverevenconsidered? EverythingyouarecreatingtoNOTbeawareofallthepossibilities,will youletthatgoon3?123. WhatifthereisNOTHINGwrongwithyou?WhatiftherehasNEVERbeen anythingwrongwithyou? EverywhereyouhavemadethejudgmentsofyouAStherightnessofyou, therealnessandtruenessofyouwillyounowrecant,recind,renounce, denounce,destroyanduncreateallofthatnowplease?123 Andallofthosejudgementsyouboughtasright,realandtruefor you...whodoesthatbelongto? You?

Someoneelse? Willyounowreturnthemalltosenderanddestroyanduncreateeverything youvecreatedanduncreatedfromthosejudgements?123 Everywhereyouvedecidedchangemustbehardandalong,painful processwillyouletthatgonowandreturnittowhomeveryouboughtit from.Please???123 WhatiflifetrulycancometoyouwithEase,GloryandJoy? Everythingthatdoesn'tallowthatwillyoudestroyanduncreateitall on3(evenifyouthinkyoudontknowhow?)123! Howdoesthisday(or_______)getanybetterthanthis? Whatenergy,spaceandconsciousnesscanIbetoshift,changeand transformtoday(or______)withtotalease? everythingthatdoesn'tallowthatwillyoudestroyanduncreateitall please?123! Truth,whatdoyouknow,thatyou'repretendingnottoknow,thatifyou allowedyourselftoknowitwouldchangeeverything? Everythingthatbringsupandeverythingthatletsdownwillyou destroyanduncreateitallon3?123!

Ifyoucouldhaveorchangeanything,whatwoulditbe? Alltheprojections,rejections,expectations,separations, judgements,conclusionsandfixedpointsofviewyouhaveinand aroundwhatyoudreallyliketohave...willyoudestroyanduncreate allofthatpleaseon3? 123! Whatisrightaboutthisday(or_______)thatyou'renotgetting?

What'srightaboutYOUthatyouarenotgetting? Allthedecisions,rejections,separations,limitations,expectations, andprojectionsyouhaveOFyou...willyouletallthatgoon3?123 Truth,whatISrightaboutyouthatyouhaveneverbeenwillingtoclaim, ownandacknowledge? Willyoudestroyanduncreateeverythingthatdoesntallowyouto claim,ownandacknowledgeALLofyou,thegood,bad,ugly,secret hiddenstufftoo?On3...123! Truth,wheredoYougowhenpeopleareunwillingtoreceiveyou? OUUUCH! Everywhereyouvecreatedthatplaceassolid,realandtruewillyou destroyanduncreateitall????123 Truth,whoorwhatareyoudefendingfororagainstthatifyounolonger defendedfororagainstitwouldgiveyouallofyou? Whatiftherewasnopartsorpiecesofyouthatrequireddefendingor justification?Wouldyouallowyourlivingtobethateasy? everythingthatdoesntallowthatmuchease,willyouletitgo?123 Whoorwhatiswillingtocontributetoyourlife,livingandreality? Whatwouldittakeforyoutoperceiveandreceivethatcontributiontotally? Barriersdown,barriersdown,barriersdownplease... WhatifyourlifeisanAdventure?

YourLifeIsanAdventureworthExploring! GO...


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