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Cerebrovit Excel No 1 Composition L-Glutamic Acid Volume (mg) 200 mg Function Help cells that play a role in delivering

g chemical stimulation of a nerve cell to other nerve cells so that L-Glutamic Acid will improve the intelligence Play an important role in metabolic processes in the body to produce energy Prevent beriberi disease Play role in serotonin and other neurotransmitter production, supplementation often helps depressed people feel better, and their moods improve significantly. It may also help improve memory in older adults Vitamin B6-magnesium combination can also help attention deficit disorder, cutting improvements in hyperactivity, hyperemotivity/aggressiveness and improved school attention. It helps in healthy regulation of the nervous system, reducing depression, stress, and brain shrinkage. Prevent anemia disease Plays an essential role in the collagen synyhesis which strengthens blood vessels, bones and ligaments Plays important part in the immune system functioning of the body as it fuels creation of interferon plus antibodies which battle bacteria as well as viruses to guard against all infections plus illnesses. Potent antioxidant which defends against injury from toxic pollutants and substances, and from the free radicals which speed up process of aging and are fundamentally accountable for degenerative sickness for example cardiovascular disease, cancer, cataracts, and inciting disorders for example arthritis. Prevent brain from free radical Play a role in metabolic process of nucleate acid and protein synthesis

Vitamin B1

5 mg

Vitamin B6

2 mg

Vitamin B12

1.5 mg

Vitamin C

60 mg

6 7

Vit E Zn

30 mg 13 mg


50 mg

Antioxidant that can protect cell from the damage selenium supplements may reduce the odds of prostate cancer. Selenium does not seem to affect the risk of colorectal or lung cancer. But beware: selenium also seems to increase the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. Folic acid supplementation affects noradrenaline and serotonin recepto rs within the brain, which could be the cause of folic acid's possible ability to act as an antidepressant

Folic acid

150 mg

Enervon C No 1 2 Composition Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Volume (mg) 50 mg 25 mg Function Prevent beriberi disease Carbohydrates metabolic Help metabolic process in the body such as carbohydrates, protein and lipid become glucose which can be use as energy for the body This vitamin is particularly important in facilitating the breakdown of glycogen (a special form of starch) stored in our muscle cells and to a lesser extent in our liver vitamin B6 is able to remove sulfur groups from other molecules, it helps the body maintain flexibility in handling sufurcontaining compounds. It helps in healthy regulation of the nervous system, reducing depression, stress, and brain shrinkage. Prevent anemia disease Potent antioxidant which defends against injury from toxic pollutants and substances, and from the free radicals which speed up process of aging and are fundamentally accountable for degenerative sickness for example cardiovascular disease, cancer, cataracts, and inciting disorders for example arthritis. Plays an essential role in the collagen synythesis which strengthens blood vessels, bones and ligaments Plays important part in the immune system functioning of the body as it fuels creation of interferon plus antibodies which battle bacteria as well as viruses to guard against all infections plus illnesses. Prevention of unwanted inflammation. niacinamide may be useful in the treatment of osteoarthritis reduce cholesterol concentration in blood eliminate a wide range of muscle disorders assist in oxidation of lipid and carbohydrates and some amino acid

Vitamin B6

10 mg

Vitamin B12

5 mcg

Vitamin C

500 mg


50 mg

Ca pantothenate

20 mg


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