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The Ranking Top Of The Best Band Of All The Times This is a top of the bands most importants

of the all the ages for our. This are bands whit most influence of over others bands since the classic ages and one of the best songs of the modern ages. Ready for describe and discover the bands that create and innovate whit yor sounds, melodies and best imagine and conceptual logic stadisctic. This bands have to made cry, laugh and feel diferents sweet emotions of all the people in all the ages: 1. The Beatles: In our rank number fisrt, have us to a big band of the all the times for your innovate and imagination in the creation of an age of revolution and have direct fluence in the mind of all the artist of rock. The Beatles was an nglish rock band active during the 1!"#s, and recogni$ed as the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed in the history of music popular, was created in %iverpool, was established in 1!"& by 'ohn %ennon (rhythm guitar, vocals) , *aul +c,artney (bass, vocals), -eorge .arrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo /tarr (drums, vocals). Rooted in skiffle and rock and roll of the fifties, the band later worked with different musical genres, ranging from pop ballads to psychedelic rock, often incorporating classical elements, among others, in an innovative way in his songs. The nature of their enormous popularity, which had emerged first with the fashion of the 0Beatlemania0, transformed while his compositions became more sophisticated. They came to be perceived as the embodiment of progressive ideals, e1tending its influence in the social and cultural revolutions of the 1!"#s. .ave importans songs in albums that marked the history who *lease *lease +e (1!"2) whit your single that mark your history of begin to a Big .all 3f 4ame that is ,alled 0%ove +e 5o and *lease, *lease +e0, 6hit The Beatles (1!"2), Beatles 4or /ale (1!"7) and the move them of the /ingle of the them of the album 8 .ards 9ight (1!"7) and your ballad more beautifull 08nd I %ove .er0, .elp (1!":) and your shout loud of the price of the fame that change the world of this Beatles and your them more important and the best of the all the time and that not change for nothing, compuse for *aul +c,artney The Big *op and Ballad /ong ;esterday, also The Rubber /oul (1!":) and your little pretty /ong In +y %ife, the move fast 5rive +y ,ar, the classic lyric instrumental song whit vocals of the -od 9orweegian 6ood, Revolver (1!"") whit your Iwant to .old ;our .ands and The Infantil Revive +oments of ;ellow /ubmarine and your +agical +istery Tour that your <ideo Is 8 0+agical +istery Tour0 that of +agyc begin the 9ew 8lbum -reatfull 8nd The Best according of th Rank of The Rollings /tones and The most Important of the all the age of Rock 0/gt. *epper=s

%onely .earts ,lub Band0 6hit conceptual and instrumental songs whit tendence to the infinite physicodellic rock and yorur /ong of nd of totalitary sound of the diary and routine of the life conceptual 08 5ay In The %ife0 and the song that 'ohn %ennon ,ompuse for your first son %ucy In The /ky 6hit 5iamonds, 8bbey Road (1!"!) and your together song ,ome Togheter 0Right 9ow0 8nd The Ballad The nd of e1press a new cicle for The Beatles each one in your ,omposition Individual, and your finish and more prodigious album that .ave 3ne 3f the /ong that *aul +c,artney compuse In 5reams 6hile ;our +other /ang This for .im the 4abolous and handsome 0%et It Be0. 4inall the /ong That Ilike +uch of other song and for me is the Best /ong of all The /tyles is 0.ey 'ude0 compuse for *aul +c,artney, The Best imagine of all the rainboww has been created and return for ever. &.

2. %ed >eppelin: 8 big band whit a new tendence of a new genre knowing who the heavy metal, most influence for others bands who -uns and Roses, +etallica, 8erosmith, and other important metal rock bands, have us who second besd band to this band that we make shout loud and strong. 8ll the time have to the band of one of the best guitarist of the all the time according whit the rolling stones %ed >eppelin was a British rock band, considered one of the most important in the genre and one of the most popular during the seventies. It was founded in 1!"? by guitarist 'immy *age, who had belonged to The ;ardbirds, to include in their training to 'ohn *aul 'ones on bass and

keyboards (that 'immy *age knew from previous work with The ;ardbirds), vocalist Robert *lant and 'ohn Bonham to the battery (which had coincided with *lant in the Band of 'oy). %ed >eppelin presented elements of a wide range of influences, including blues, rock and roll, soul, ,eltic music, Indian music, folk, and even country. +ore than thirty years after the breakup of the band in 1!?#, %ed >eppelin=s music continues to sell, en@oys wide radio broadcasting, and has proven to be one of the most influential bands in rock music.

4. *ink 4loyd: 8 Big creations songs whit new stile and evolution of the progressive and contemporany rock, that introduced the conceptuals thems who your principals albums, and today is very appreciate and admired for all the people. In ur third rank of the best bands of the all the time have to other band that have one of the best guitarist of the all the time according whit the rolling stones. *ink 4loyd was a British rock group that garnered great popularity thanks to their psychedelic music that was evolving into progressive rock and symphonic rock over time. .e is known for philosophical lyrics, sonic e1perimentation, innovative album cover art, and elaborate live shows. It is considered one of the most important and influential bands in the history of rock music with over 2## million albums sold worldwide, A7.: of them only in the Bnited /tates. Initially the group was formed by guitarist Bob Close, drummer 9ick +ason, keyboardist and vocalist Richard 6right, bassist and vocalist

Roger 6aters and rhythm guitarist and lead singer /yd Barrett, who became the first leader of the band. .owever, for e1ternal reasons made it replaced in 1!"? by 5avid -ilmour (1!7" D), crystalli$ing and classical training after the previous group march Close. 8ctually continue touch the rock that create the B 8T% / (the psicodelic rock) and that thy evolucionate.

:. Rollings /tones: .ave your property maga$ine and ranks of the best bands and best songs of the all the time and for over have been a big band of tendencies great full and whit important influence in the massive communication since classic ages, a big band contemporany to The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The 6ho and the ;ardbirs have a big successful big brother band of the Beatles, in th four ranking th The Rollings /tones. They are considered one of the greatest and most influential groups in rock history, being the group that laid the foundations of contemporary rock, in special of the rock and roll. E,ounting since its inception with the approval of the critics, some of its materials are considered among the best of all times, among them are Beggars BanFuet (1!"?), %et It Bleed (1!"!), /ticky 4ingers (1!A1) and perhaps his best work, 1ile on +ain /t. (1!A&). In 1!?! were included in the .all of 4ame Rock and Roll, and in &##7 the 8merican maga$ine Rolling /tone placed at 9o. 7 on its list of the 1## -reatest 8rtists of 8ll Time. 9o rock group to date has held so

durable and still globally renowned as The Rolling /tones, 'agger, Richards and 6atts as active founding members are still the longest running band in rock history.

:. -uns and Roses: 8 modern band whit big sounds of the actually age and that identificate more of all the people for your melodics sounds in the enverioment of the hard rock, this one of the most important bands of rock of the all the times and your five ranking for be very successfull and fluence of this songs that all the population and public like more.-uns 9 =Roses is an 8merican hard rock band formed in .ollywood, %os 8ngeles, ,alifornia in 1!?:. The group, led by the leader of the band and coDfounder 81l Rose, has gone through numerous line changes and controversies since its inception. The current lineup features vocalist 81l Rose (as the only original member), with guitarists Ron 0Bumblefoot0 Thal, 5' 8shba and Richard 4ortus, bassist Tommy /tinson, drummer 4rank 4errer and keyboardists 5i$$y Reed and ,hris *itman . The band has officially released si1 studio albums, three *s, a live album and a compilation. Before have and important guitarist of the all the time and for our the best of the final decades that called who /aul .udson and that your nickname is knowing around all the world who G/lashH.

T3* 5 %3/ + '3R / -RB*3/ 5 R3,C 5 T353/ %3/ TI +*3/ 1. The Beatles fue una banda de rock inglesa activa durante la dIcada de 1!"#, y reconocida como la mJs e1itosa comercialmente y crKticamente aclamada en la historia de la mLsica popular. 4ormada en %iverpool, estuvo constituida desde 1!"& por 'ohn %ennon (guitarra rKtmica, vocalista), *aul +c,artney (ba@o, vocalista), -eorge .arrison (guitarra solista, vocalista) y Ringo /tarr (baterKa, vocalista). nrai$ada en el skiffle y el rock and roll de los aMos cincuenta, la banda traba@N mJs tarde con distintos gIneros musicales, Fue iban desde las baladas pop hasta el rock psicodIlico, incorporando a menudo elementos clJsicos, entre otros, de forma innovadora en sus canciones. %a naturale$a de su enorme popularidad, Fue habKa emergido primeramente con la moda de la OBeatlemanKaP, se transformN al tiempo Fue sus composiciones se volvieron mJs sofisticadas. %legaron a ser percibidos como la encarnaciNn de los ideales progresistas, e1tendiendo su influencia en las revoluciones sociales y culturales de la dIcada de 1!"#.

&. %ed >eppelin fue un grupo britJnico de rock, considerado uno de los mJs importantes de ese gInero y uno de los mJs populares durante la dIcada de los setenta. 4ue fundado en 1!"? por el guitarrista 'immy *age, Fuien habKa pertenecido a The ;ardbirds, al incluir en su formaciNn a 'ohn *aul 'ones como ba@ista y teclista (al Fue *age conocKa de traba@os anteriores con The ;ardbirds), al vocalista Robert *lant y a 'ohn Bonham a la baterKa (Fue habKa coincidido con *lant en The Band of 'oy). %ed >eppelin presentN elementos de un amplio espectro de influencias, como el blues, el rock and roll, el soul, la mLsica celta, la mLsica india, el folk, e incluso el country. +Js de treinta aMos despuIs de la disgregaciNn de la banda en 1!?#, la mLsica de %ed >eppelin continLa vendiIndose, disfruta de una amplia difusiNn radiofNnica, y ha demostrado ser una de las bandas mJs influyentes en la mLsica rock. 2. *ink 4loyd fue un grupo de rock britJnico Fue cosechN gran popularidad gracias a su mLsica psicodIlica Fue fue evolucionando hacia el rock progresivo y el rock sinfNnico con el paso del tiempo. s conocido por sus canciones de contenido filosNfico, la e1perimentaciNn sNnica, las

innovadoras portadas de sus discos y sus elaborados espectJculos en vivo. s considerada una de las bandas mJs importantes e influyentes de la historia de la mLsica rock con mJs de 2## millones de Jlbumes vendidos en todo el mundo, A7.: de ellos solamente en los stados Bnidos. Inicialmente el grupo estaba formado por el guitarrista Bob Close, el baterista 9ick +ason, el teclista y vocalista Richard 6right, el ba@ista y vocalista Roger 6aters y el guitarrista rKtmico y vocalista principal /yd Barrett, Fuien se convirtiN en el primer lKder de la banda. /in embargo, por ra$ones e1ternas hi$o Fue fuera sustituido en 1!"? por 5avid -ilmour (1!7"Q), cristali$ando asK la formaciNn clJsica del grupo tras la anterior marcha de Close. 7. /on considerados una de las mJs grandes e influyentes agrupaciones de la historia del rock, siendo la agrupaciNn Fue sentN las bases del rock contemporJneo.E,ontando desde sus inicios con el favor de la crKtica, algunos de sus materiales estJn considerados entre los me@ores de todos los tiemposR entre ellos destacan Beggars BanFuet (1!"?), %et It Bleed (1!"!), /ticky 4ingers (1!A1) y Fui$J su me@or obra, 1ile on +ain /t. (1!A&). n 1!?! fueron incluidos en el /alNn de la 4ama del Rock and Roll, y en &##7 la revista estadounidense Rolling /tone los colocN en el puesto 9o. 7 en su lista de %os 1## +e@ores 8rtistas de todos los Tiempos. 9ingLn grupo de rock hasta la fecha ha sostenido tan duradera y todavKa mundialmente reconocida trayectoria como The Rolling /tonesR con 'agger, Richards y 6atts como miembros fundadores en activo, continLan siendo la banda mJs longeva de la historia del rock. :. -uns 9= Roses es una banda estadounidense de hard rock Fue se formN en .ollywood, %os Sngeles, ,alifornia en 1!?:. l grupo, encabe$ado por el lKder y cofundador de la banda 81l Rose, ha pasado por una lKnea de numerosos cambios y controversias desde su creaciNn. %a formaciNn actual cuenta con el vocalista 81l Rose (como Lnico miembro original del grupo), con los guitarristas Ron OBumblefootP Thal, 5' 8shba y Richard 4ortus, el ba@ista Tommy /tinson, el baterKsta 4rank 4errer y los teclistas 5i$$y Reed y ,hris *itman. %a banda ha publicado oficialmente seis Jlbumes de estudio, tres *, un Jlbum en directo y un recopilatorio.

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