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The book `The Art of Learning’- A Self-Help Manual for Students’ is a

good guide for student in getting ready to make change effectively. Guide to
understand what it really means to be a student and to see how our own
psychological make-up can help or hinder us.

This book encourage to the reader to be a good learner.Learning itself

is a good process.This book fullfill with suggestion in how to being a good
student,setting goals and how to solving our problem..

Contents of the book ‘The Art of Learning’ is, The Will to Learn;
Learning as Partnership; Being a good student;Motivation to Learn, External
Hinddrances to Learning; Internal Hindrances to Learning; and Characteristics
that Facilitated Learning.

1.1 Definition

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or

values, through study, experience, or teaching, that causes a change of
behavior that is presistent, measurable, and specified or allows an individual
to formulate a new mental construct or revise a prior mental construct
(conceptual knowledge such as attitudes or values). It is a process that
depends on experience and leads to long-term changes in behavior
potential.behavior potential describes the possible behavior of an individual
(not actual behavior) in a given situation in order to archieve goal. But
potential is not enough; if individual learning is not periodically reinforced, it
becomes shallower and shallower, and eventually will be lost in that individual.
Learning is sense making that enables manifestation of purpose.

The most basic learning process is imitation, one’s personal repetition of an

observed process, such as a smili. Thus an imitation will take one’s time
(attention to the details), space ( a location for learning ), skills ( or practice ),
and other resources (for example, a protected area). Through copying, most
infants learn how to hunt, feed and perform most basic tasks necessary for

1.1.2 Self-Help Manual

According to a dictionary,Oxford Fajar; self-help is stand on your

feet,whereas manual indicator,thing that indicates something,pointer devise
on avechicle showing when the direction or travel is about to be altered.

1.1.3 Learning Skills

Introduction of Learning Skill

Consider learning a new and complex game,like chess.First you
have to know the rules.Reading through them can be like encountering a
foreign language,but you persevere because you want to play a game.
The goal of study skills is to decrease your dependence on teachers and
increase your ability to learn independently. If you must look to someone else to
interpret or explain information, you will never become an intelectually free
person. That’s not to say that you should never ask for clarifications or
explanations. Questioning is importtant to becoming an independent learner,
but the answers to your questions, as you develop intelectually, will become
more information to process as you draw your conclusions.

So when have you developed competent study skills? When you

develop the courage and desire to open text book, to attend lectures, to read,
to listen, and to think about what is entering your mind. Then to say something
like, “Well, I agree with most of what you said, but I believe that…..”
So, there it is. What do you think?

2.0 The benefits of the book “The Art of Learning-A Self Help Manual
for Students” in improving my learning.

I have already finished readed the book and discover that the book
is containing with many thing in improving our learning. I agree this book has
helped me to be a good learner. This book is a good guided for me and
encourage me as a student to get back to the basics of what it means to be a
student, not so much in terms of the skills of reading and writing, as in
The book also helped me how study ,solving our problem and
dealing with stress
The book give me many experience to be a good learner.The book
also helped me how to dealing with stress,working with others,setting goals
and planning our future.
2.1 Preminilary prefaration.
We don’t know how much and how well we will learn. Being controlled
to our education prevent we from lost. At the same time, the active and
passive attitude required a “survival of the fittest” approach.
. Passive attitude
. .Learning is not just content,but involves skills in making the material
meaningful and applicable to your concerns.We cannot learn when we are
bored.We cannot learn when we have no opportunity to take the material
through serious reflctions for examining its value for ourselves.Boredom and
mindless memorization are inherent in the passive style of learning.
We probly have a mental picture of what the passive style is like:a
person slumed in a chair ,half-daydreaming,taking notes,hearing but
not lisrening.
• We can learn more how to become aware of our style through exercise
in focus and imagery ,offered in later chapter but first we must become
more self aware ,and that requires adifferent type of process,covered in
an upcoming chapter.Prior to self-awarenwss,we must able to
recognize the goal.
Known as aninal character as The Chameleon, the antagonist, the
adjudicator, the competent, the indecisive, the scrambler
• The active and passive attitude requires a”survival of a
fittest”approach.Like two dogs fighting,the strongest one will win. Only
with an active mind comes the clarity and comprehension that grasps
whole,intelligible thoughs.
Curious, spontaneous, alert, open, resonant, try to recapture thet
searching, probing and also aware of its ignorance.

Just wanting to learn, however, is rarely sufficient. Students have acquired

many traits along the way in their education and personality development that
may hinder them in their pursuit. It is important to examine the potential
interferences. Knowing your values and that are other options can give you
the mobility to learn from various teaching style. Some will instantly resonate
for you, and these will help to smooth the learning process. Those teaching
styles that have less appeal will encourage you to question and transcend
your disatisfaction with little effort. Summarily, reinterpret the material into your
own frame of reference, and keep expanding it. Make yourself visible to the
professor. Ask questions. Use discipline as an aid. Learn the importance of
recharging of your interest.

2.2 Improve self-awareness discipline and tolerance.

To maximize learning, you must not only be conscientious about basic
mechanical preparation, but also begin to prepare youself inner discipline to
help you to maintain good mechanical preparation. Being familiar with the
rules of game, for example, will only help you if you develop the strategies
and mental attiudes to challenge a clever opponent. Similarly, the strategies of
discipline and emotional balance will help you to make the most of your paper,
pen, and textbook.

Use dicipline as an aid.It can help you to set priorities by keeping

your goal in focus.Dicipline is a way of using boundaries to gain the most
freedom.This was mentioned earlier as a way to maintain our motivation,but it
also assists our increasing of mental preparation.
Tolerance means flexibility:you prosess the ability to listen to other
people and suspend judgment about what they say.Tolerance goes beyond
being merely open to new ideas it involves the ability to understand them and
allow them to side-by-side with our own.

2.3 Improve our learning and ability to set goal.

While you may have some control over potential external hindrances, often
the only thing you can change is how you view them. If you really want to
learn, you can find ways around almost any circumstantial obstacle. Keep in
mind that your college or university was not set up with your personal needs
and desires in mind. You will have to set your own goals and find ways to
archieve them. The resources are available, but it will often be up to you to
match them to your own ambitions. You may feel devalued as a person,
helpless, and out of control, but the educational system is not responsible for
you, only to you. There is a big difference. Once you realize this difference,
you will understand your own responsibilities for your education. Self-
awareness is a beneficial tool that can help you get past the discomfort and
towards something positive.
You need to know what you can archieve.If you set your
goals too high,you will only feel frustrated .If you set them too low,you will not
reap all the possible benefits available or discover how far you can go.You will
also become bored.
. 3. Conclusion

After reading this book I was understand how the art of inner learning
can benefit me if it is the first take time to assess my own learning style.This
book also keep my description to look at while I finish this book.:
.-studying. –setting goals
-dealing with stress -solving problem. -
-asking question
-taking notes
-making important decision
-approaching important task
Education neither starts or no stops at the doors of college or
university.Developing a possitive and motivating approach to process learning
will not only help you through your college years,but through post college
careers,and even throughout your life.The skill of learning,like most skills
involves a period of clumsiness and intimidation while you get use to it.

If you are unaware of things about yourself that can hinder your
archievement of educational goals, those things will not arange anad will
continue to hinder you. Sometimes as the result of over-confidence,
insecurity, or fear, student ignore the benefits of broadening their self-
awareness. Don’t let discomfort block you.

Psychologists who work with “peak performers”- those whose success results
from their inner drive and motivation – have made lists of the traits most often
observed in such people. Those some traits occur for peak performance in
learning. Although other traits, like enthusiasm and faith, may also play a may not need them all. You may already possess many of them. It
should be clear by now that how well you develop the art of inner learning for
yourself will depend primarily on you, both in character and in action.

Summary, the desire to learn is the development of curiosity, enthusiasm,

discipline, balance, and the ability to stay to new ideas and experiences. The
first two will get you through the early stages of mastering the art, ang the
others will help to maintain learning as productive lifetime habit. It is important
that you take steps to motivate yourself as you move through the process
involved in the art of inner learning.

And for me, parently agree with all the ideas that Katherine suggest. But for
me she forgets one more thing. It can be more perfect if she put the believe of
our Creator (maybe it will be different for each people, but it is important).
Most of our student in time being very clever and very motivated, but their
soul is empty. Therefore; educated mind, good manner, and meaningfull soul,
will helps our mision complete perfectly.
Contents Page

1.Introduction and Defination 1

1.1.2 Defination Self-Helf Manual and learning skills 2

2.0 The benefit of the book 3

2.1 Preminilary prefaration 4

2.2 Improve self –awarness,dicipline and tolerance 5

2.3Improve our learning ang set goal 6

Conclusion 7

1.Ramswland,Katerine M. Art of Learning:A self Manual for Student

Albany,NY ,USA:State University of New York Press,1992.
http://site .lebrary .com/lib/unitemlibrary.

2.Zaiton Osman,Abtar Kaur,Sharifah Hanom Bidin,Hazna Ahmad,Havinder

Kaur:OUMH1103 Learning Skills for Open&Distance Learner
Open University Malaysia. -management.html.



1. How did the art learning:A Self-Help Manual for students e-
Book has help you improve your learning skills.Discuss.

2.Benefit of Learning Skills.









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