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EPDM rubber

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(Redirected from EPDM) Jump to: navi ation, !earch EPDM rubber (ethylene propylene diene Monomer (M-class) rubber),"#$"%$ a type of !ynthetic ru&&er, i! an ela!tomer 'hich i! characteri(ed &y a 'ide ran e of application!)*he E refer! to Ethylene, P to Propylene, D to diene and M refer! to it! cla!!ification in +,*M !tandard D-#.#/) *he 0M1 cla!! include! ru&&er! havin a !aturated chain of the polymethylene type) *he diene(!) currently u!ed in the manufacture of EPDM ru&&er! are D2PD (dicyclopentadiene), E34 (ethylidene nor&ornene) and 534 (vinyl nor&ornene))

+ roll of EPDM foil, u!ed for 'aterproofin roof! *he ethylene content i! around .67 to 867) *he hi her the ethylene content the hi her the loadin po!!i&ilitie! of the polymer, &etter mi9in and e9tru!ion) Pero9ide curin the!e polymer! ive a hi her cro!!link den!ity compared 'ith their amorphou! counterpart) *he amorphou! polymer are al!o e9cellent in proce!!in ) *hi! i! very much influenced &y their molecular !tructure) *he diene!, typically compri!in &et'een %)6 't 7 up to #% 't7 of the compo!ition !erve a! cro!!link! 'hen curin 'ith !ulphur and re!in, 'ith pero9ide cure! the diene (or third monomer) function! a! a coa ent, 'hich provide re!i!tance to un'anted tackine!!, creep or flo' durin end u!e)


# :!a e % 2ommon application! o %)# 5ehicle! o %)% 2old Room Door! and refri eration o %); ,afety e<uipment o %). 2a&le in!ulation

o o o o

%)6 ,olar pool panel! %)= Roofin %)8 Play round and pool deck !urfacin %)/ Pond >iner!

; Reference!

[edit] Usage

+n EPDM ru&&er roof EPDM ru&&er i! u!ed in vi&rator! and !eal!? la!!-run channel? radiator, arden and appliance ho!e? tu&in ? 'a!her!? &elt!? electrical in!ulation, and !peaker cone !urround!) @t i! al!o u!ed a! a medium for 'ater re!i!tance in electrical ca&le-Aointin , roofin mem&rane!, eomem&rane!, ru&&er mechanical ood!, pla!tic impact modification, thermopla!tic, vulcani(ate!, and many other application!) EPDM e9hi&it! !ati!factory compati&ility 'ith fireproof hydraulic fluid!, ketone!, hot and cold 'ater, and alkali!, and un!ati!factory compati&ility 'ith mo!t oil!, a!oline, kero!ene, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocar&on!, halo enated !olvent!, and concentrated acid!) *he main propertie! of EPDM are it! out!tandin heat, o(one and 'eather re!i!tance) *he re!i!tance to polar !u&!tance! and !team are al!o ood) @t ha! e9cellent electrical in!ulatin propertie!) *ypical propertie! of EPDM vulcani!ate! are iven &elo') EPDM can &e compounded to meet !pecific propertie! to a limit dependin fir!t on the EPDM polymer! availa&le, then the proce!!in and curin method(!) employed) EPDM! are availa&le in a ran e of molecular 'ei ht! (indicated in term! of Mooney vi!co!ity M>(#B.)C#%6D2), varyin level! of ethylene, third monomer and oil content) Mechanical Properties Eardne!!, ,hore + .F - GF *en!ile Failure ,tre!!, :ltimate %6 MPa Den!ity 2an &e compounded from F)GF to H%)FF cm-I Thermal Properties 2*E, linear =/DF /86Jm m-# D2-#

Ma9imum ,ervice *emperature, +ir #FF-#%F D2 Minimum ,ervice *emperature, +ir -6. D2 Kla!! *emperature -6. D2

[edit] Common applications

[edit] ehicles
EPDM ru&&er i! commonly u!ed in 'eather!eal! on all vehicle!) *hi! include! door !eal!, 'indo' !eal!, trunk !eal!, and !ometime! hood !eal!) Fre<uently the!e !eal! are the !ource of noi!e due to movement of the door ver!u! the car &ody) *hi! i! due to friction &et'een the EPDM ru&&er and the matin !urface (car painted !heet metal or la!!)) *hi! can &e alleviated u!in !pecialty coatin ! that are applied at the time of manufacture of the 'eather!eal, not a! an aftermarket application) ,uch coatin ! can al!o reatly increa!e the chemical re!i!tance of EPDM ru&&er) ,ome vehicle manufacturer! !uch a! Keneral Motor! al!o recommend a li ht application of !ilicone dielectric rea!e to 'eather!trippin to reduce noi!e) @n eneral, EPDM i! e!pecially u!ed in coolin !y!tem circuit ho!e! in an automo&ile) Water pump, thermo!tat, EKR valve, EKR cooler, heater, oil cooler, radiator and de a! &ottle i! connected 'ith ho!e! of 'hich material i! u!ually EPDM) +dditionally, EPDM can &e u!ed a! char e air tu&in on tur&o char ed en ine!) More !pecifically, it can &e u!ed to connect the cold !ide of the char e air cooler(aka LintercoolerL) to the intake manifold)

[edit] Cold !oom Doors and re"rigeration

EPDM provide! ood thermal re!i!tance in in!ulation) @t i! u!ed in coldroom door! for !ealin purpo!e)

[edit] #a"ety e$uipment

EPDM i! al!o commonly u!ed a! a material for the face !eal! of indu!trial re!pirator!, mo!t fre<uently cho!en 'here the u!e of !ilicone mu!t &e avoided, typically in automotive paint !pray environment!)

[edit] Cable insulation

EPDM i! al!o commonly u!ed a! a material for the outer ca!in on 'ire! u!ed on electrical appliance! for outdoor in!tallation, or e9po!ed to :5 li ht) @)e) in *u&ular motor! for +'nin !, ,hutter! and Roller 4lind! and 5enetian 4lind drive!)

[edit] #olar pool panels

E9truded EPDM i! u!ed to make a !olar heat collector for !'immin pool !olar 'ater heatin !y!tem!)

[edit] !oo"ing
EPDM i! u!ed a! a coverin to 'aterproof roof!) @t ha! the &enefit that it doe! not pollute the runoff rain'ater, 'hich i! of vital importance if the hou!e o'ner 'i!he! to u!e thi! 'ater for per!onal !anitationMhy iene) ,everal hou!e! e<uipped 'ith rain'ater harve!tin thu! make u!e of thi! type of roofin )

[edit] Playground and pool dec% sur"acing

Kranulated, colored EPDM ranule! are mi9ed 'ith Polyurethane &inder! and tro'led or !prayed onto concrete, a!phalt, !creenin !, interlockin &rick, 'ood etc)) to create a non!lip, !oft, porou! !afety !urface for 'et-deck area! !uch a! pool deck! or play round!)

[edit] Pond &iners

EPDM !heetin i! u!ed to line and 'aterproof man made pond!) Mo!t &ack yard 'ater arden! and koi pond! u!e an EPDM liner)

[edit] !e"erences
#) ' Kreen, Mark M)? Wittcoff, Earold +) (July %FF;)) Organic Chemistry Principles and Industrial Practice) Weinheim, Kermany: Wiley) p) #8F) @,43 G8/-;6%8-;F%/G-6) L@n addition to natural ru&&er, many !ynthetic ru&&er!)))!uch a!)))ethylenepropylene-diene monomer ru&&er)))L %) ' >ouie, Dou la! N) (%FF6)) LEla!tomer!L) Handbook of sulphuric acid manufacturing) Richmond Eill, 2anada: DN> En ineerin , @nc)) pp) #=O##=) @,43 G8/FG8;/GG%F8) LEPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer i! a M cla!! Ru&&er containin a !aturated chain of the polyethylene type)L

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