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Biedermann 1 Cody Biedermann Ron Reed English 100 25 October 2010 BANG A picture is orth a thousand ords!

Although clich"# hen it comes to ad$ertisement this saying rings true! Ad$ertising e%ecuti$es and their cre s spend hours thin&ing o' ho they can get their product into the consumer(s hands ithout 'orcing it on to them! )hey do this by organi*ing their ads in +ust the right ay to subliminally get their message across success'ully! ,eople may thin& that an ad is +ust an ad# but in reality e$ery single detail in it as care'ully planned and thought out! E$ery color used# e$ery design chosen# e$ery ob+ect placement# as done in a speci'ic ay 'or a speci'ic reason! -n the 2010 October issue o' Vogue# there as an ad presenting .arc /acobs( ne 'ragrance cologne# Bang! -n this ad the designer himsel' is the model and is completely nude# earing nothing but an o$ersi*ed cologne bottle bet een his legs! )he designers o' this ad used $arious di''erent ad$ertising techni0ues in order to capture the attention o' the $ie er and persuade them to purchase their product!!!Ahh - need a stronger thesis1 One o' the most prominent ad$ertising techni0ues that is used in the Bang ad$ertisement is testimonial! )his techni0ue in$ol$es using a 'amous# ell &no n personality as the main model in the ad$ertisement! 2)hey can be an e''ecti$e ay to engage and interest your audience and at the same time# a great ay to build your brand i' you use people ho embody the brand3s personality4 52Ad$ertising4 n!pag!6! ,eople are dra n to ards ad$ertisements that center on people they either 'ind interesting or that relate to the product! 7hen the model o' an

Biedermann 1 ad$ertisement is 'amous 2the ad$antage is instant recognition and interest! /ust ma&e sure you select a celebrity ho has an image that is compatible ith your brand personality4 52Ad$ertising4 n!pag!6! Considering that /acobs as the one ho designed this cologne his presence personally relates directly to the product! 7hen ad$ertisements ha$e 'amous personalities endorsing the product# it ma&es the product more appealing to people because it presents the idea that by using this product# the person is being brought closer to the li'estyles o' the rich and 'amous! )estimonial holds such appeal to ad$ertisers because society is 'ascinated ith the celebrity li'estyle and continuously loo&s 'or ays to breach the barrier into it! 7hen creating an ad$ertisement one must be sure that they are directing it to ards the correct audience! -n this ad /acobs is laying on top o' crumpled sil$er mylar sheets earing nothing but a rather large si*ed cologne bottle bet een his legs hich has the brand name BANG on it in small gold lettering! )he small lettering is meant to dra the attention o' the reader do n to the bottle and there'ore brings a areness to e%actly hat the bottle is co$ering up! )he particular ob+ect placement and set up o' this ad suggests that it is supposed to capture the attention o' both men and omen! /acobs and his partner# Robert 8u''y# came up ith this idea because they 'elt li&e it as the truest ay to ad$ertise cologne! /acobs as 0uoted in 9tyle :ist# an online maga*ine# e%plaining 2.en(s 'ragrance# unli&e omen(s in a certain ay# is $ery personal! -t(s a layer on top o' s&in ;; 'or omen# it can be li&e changing a ma&eup color# but not 'or men!4 )o emphasi*e +ust ho personal it is the designer bared his o n na&ed body to the eye o' the camera# ma&ing the $ie er recei$e the impression that cologne is similar to a second s&in! )his idea dra s in the attention o' some o' the male population! 7hile his nudity may portray the personal aspect o' cologne to men# it appeals more hea$ily ith se%uality to the 'emale eye! 2.en ere thought to ma&e the brand design# e$en i' omen did the buying4 59teinem <<26!

Biedermann 1 .ore o'ten than not# it is the omen ho buy the cologne 'or their signi'icant other! )he most prominent sho o' this is the 'act that this ad as printed in Vogue# hich is a oman(s maga*ine through and through! )his ad grabs the attention o' omen paging through maga*ines because a large amount o' omen ould 'ind the image o' an attracti$e man lying na&ed baring his desire to the camera as se%y! 7omen then ant their men to carry this same air o' ra se%uality around them and there'ore buy the cologne! )rans'er is a among some o' the $arious techni0ues that are employed throughout this ad! )rans'er# or :oaded 7ords# is hen the ad$ertisement uses ords that tend to ha$e strong positi$e connotations attached to them to describe their product! -n this case the ord used is Bang# hich in de'inition could mean getting a sudden thrill o' e%citement# or could be used as slang re'erring to se%ual intercourse! )a&ing a loo& at this ad# one can in'er that the name o' the cologne pro+ects both connotations to the $ie er! The commercial [advertisement] is intended to make viewers feel certain emotions, such as happiness, sadness, or excitement. The viewers may transfer their feeling to the product ( owling!. "dvertisers want to give off whichever vi#e they #elieve will have their viewers most likely desiring to #uy their product. $hen one is searching for a fragrance to impress or gain attention from others they would not purchase a scent that gives off the image of dull averageness, they would #e #uying the scent that stands out, giving off the image of daring excitement. The image of this ad alludes to the idea that whomever wears this cologne can #ecome a strong man who exudes confidence and entices those around him with his a#ility to #e daring. The layout of this ad was set up in a way that was thought to #est

Biedermann 1 attain the attention of the consumer. The designers thought the #est way to push focus on the product would #e to not overcrowd the ad. Generally# the mind can 'ocus on about three or 'our di''erent things at the same time be'ore e$ery additional piece o' in'ormation or ob+ect creates clutter rather than clarity4 5,atsula =6! )here are about 'our main things present in this ad> the bac&ground# the model# the product# and the product and brand name! )he 'ocus is placed on each o' these according to the rule o' thirds# 2)he human eye doesn3t 'ind a photo $ery pleasing hen the sub+ect is stuc& smac& in the middle o' a photo! )he eyes ants to 'ind things in thirds ! ! ! dra an imaginary line across a scene# cutting it into three e0ual sections ! ! ! place your main items on those thirds4 5,atsula ?<6! )he main items are placed into these three in$isible sections and are narro ed do n to the most important item o' the ad$ertisement! )he ad starts o'' ith the bac&ground o' crumpled sil$er mylar sheets# hich dra in attention by their te%ture and shine# then the $ie er(s attention is pushed onto the image o' nude .arc /acobs lying on top o' the mylar sheets! @rom there the $ie er(s eyes ill 'ollo the designer(s arms do n to the second section here he is holding the product# the cologne bottle that is in shades o' gold hich gi$es o'' the ideas o' 2riches> 0uality ! ! ! royalty4 5,atsula ?06# bet een his open legs! @ollo ing the point o' the designer(s legs do n ards into the third section# the $ie er ill 'ind the 'inal and most essential aspect o' the ad> the name o' the product! )he name o' the product# Bang# is ritten in all capitols in big bold blac& 'ont! )he designers chose this speci'ic 'ont type because it helps to dra attention to the headline and also because 2thic& letters are also seen as more masculine4 5,atsula <A6! According to the

Entreprenuer(s Guideboo&# created by the 9mall Business )o n Net or&# one o' the rules to creating a success'ul ad$ertising layout is to not be timid# 2E$ery ad layout should demonstrate $isual courage4 5=06! )he entire image o' .arc /acobs( Bang ad coincides ith this rule! /acobs

Biedermann 1 and his ad$ertising design team pro$ed their courage by creating an ad that# ith its nudity and ra se%ual openness# may be considered ris&y and socially unacceptable! 7ith producing this ad they ris&ed losing consumer(s appeal# but instead their daringness gained the appro$al o' consumers! )he minds behind the .arc /acobs( Bang ad are able to attract the attention o' $ie ers by s&ill'ully putting to use multiple ad$ertising techni0ues into their ad$ertisement! )he designer(s generated the layout o' the ad in a ay that ould best grab the $ie er(s attention on 'irst glance and hold it there long enough to actually $isuali*e hat the ad$ertisement is saying! )hey used testimonial to appeal to society(s obsession o' the rich and 'amous li'estyle# and used .arc /acobs to bring a more personal connection to the consumer! :oaded ords brought about an o$erall 'eeling o' e%citement ith both the ad and the product itsel'! )his ad is set up so that it is directed at both the male and 'emale population# but tends to lean a little more hea$ily on the 'emale side due to the ay they chose to present the model! )he combined use o' all o' these techni0ues led to the success'ul creation o' an ad that stands out in its simplicity# and yet still catches the interest and the eye o' the consumer ith its bold and daring sho o' se%uality!

Biedermann 1

7or&s Cited 2Ad$ertising )echni0ues!4 Burgos Today! n!d! 7eb! 1B Oct! 2010!ChttpDEE resourcesEad$Ftechni0uesFteachingFnotes!docG Bang Cologne! Ad$ertisement! Hogue Oct! 2010D 155! 8o ling# 8! 2,ersuasi$e )echni0ues in Ad$ertising!4 My Esl Site! .yeslsite!com# n!d! 7eb! 1B Oct! 2010! Gold# Grace! 2.arc /acobs Na&ed in Ad @or Bang# Ne .en(s @ragrance4 Style List! 9tylelist!com! 21 .ay 2010! 7eb! 1I Oct! 2010! ChttpDEE marc;+acobs;na&ed;in;ad;'or;bang;ne ;mens;'ragranceEG! ,atsula# ,eter /! The Entreprenuer's Guidebook Series: Mastering Ad Design and Layout Techni ue! ,atsula .edia# 2001;0I! Business !lan Guides! )he 9mall Business )o n Net or&! 7eb! 2< Oct! 2010. 9teinem# Gloria! 29e%# :ies# J Ad$ertising!4 .edia /ournalD Reading and 7riting About ,opular Culture! 2nd ed! Eds! /oseph Karris# /ay Rosen# and Gary Calpas! BostonD Allyn and Bacon# 1BB<! <<=;52! ,rint! !stylelist!comE2010E05E21E !burgostoday!comE

Biedermann 1

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