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Dutch Apple Sack Pie

They grow a lot of apples in the Northeast, and therefore they bake quite a lot of apple pies. Countless cookbooks tout apple pie recipes that claim to be the most delicious, the most flavorful, or the most time-tested but this is the most unusual recipe that have come across. t is a single-crusted pie with a streusel topping both features of a typical !utch-style apple pie. "ounds rather unremarkable, right# $ut it%s not what goes into this pie that makes it e&ceptional it%s how you bake it. 'nce you%ve assembled the pie, you place it in a brown paper bag a regular old grocery store bag does the trick and seal it. The pie steams as it bakes, and the end result is fruit that is oh-so-tender. f you grew up in a house that was anything like mine, your parents probably kept a pile of brown paper grocery bags stacked under the kitchen sink or in a kitchen cupboard. only wish that had known about this pie when was younger. (ife would have been sweeter.
* recipe Standard Pie Dough For the filling * 4 large ba ing apple!" !uch a! Grann# S$ith or Pippin" peeled" cored" and cut into %& inch !lice! 'appro(i$atel# ) cup!* * cup !ugar * tea!poon ground cinna$on * +uice of $ediu$ le$on * , table!poon! all&purpo!e flour * - table!poon corn!tarch For the !treu!el topping * cup bro.n !ugar * cup all&purpo!e flour * tea!poon ground cinna$on * Pinch of o!her !alt * / table!poon! '- !tic * un!alted butter" cut into &inch cube!" at roo$ te$perature

Preheat the o2en to 4,)1F3 1n a .ell&floured !urface" roll out the dough until it i! about -4/& inch thic and .ill fit a 5&inch pie plate3 Gentl# pic up the dough" center it o2er the pie plate" and ea!e it into the plate3 Tri$ the edge! of the dough to lea2e a -&inch o2erhang3 Fold the edge! under" and then decorati2el# cri$p the peri$eter3 Return the pie !hell to the refrigerator to chill until the filling i! read#3 6a e the filling: In a large bo.l" to!! the apple! .ith the !ugar and the cinna$on3 Pour in the le$on 7uice" and to!! again3 8dd the flour and the corn!tarch" to!!ing to coat the apple!3 Set a!ide3 6a e the !treu!el: In a !$all bo.l" $i( the bro.n !ugar" flour" cinna$on" and !alt until blended3 8dd the butter" and u!e #our finger! to .or the butter into the $i(ture until it for$! pea&!i9e lu$p!3 Set a!ide3 Re$o2e the pie !hell fro$ the refrigerator" and pour the apple filling into it" !ha ing the pie plate to !pread it out e2enl#3 Pat the !treu!el topping onto the !urface" co2ering the apple! e2enl#3 Ta e a large bro.n paper bag" place the pie in!ide the bag" and fold the end of the bag o2er to clo!e the opening3 To !ecure it" !taple or paper&clip the opening3 Place the bag on a ba ing !heet and ba e the pie for 4) $inute!3 Re$o2e the bagged pie fro$ the o2en3 0arefull# cut open the bag and re$o2e the pie3 Di!card the bag" and return the pie to the ba ing !heet3 0ontinue to ba e for another -: to -) $inute!" or until the !treu!el i! golden bro.n3 Re$o2e the pie fro$ the o2en" and let it cool to roo$ te$perature before en7o#ing3

Note) *arly on as the pie bakes, your kitchen will smell like paper. !on%t worry the scent of spiced apples will soon overtake the space.

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