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1. Write HTML Code to demonstrate the use of Anchor Tag for the Following:a.

Creating a web lin that o!ens in a new window. b. Creating a web lin that o!ens in the same window. c. "eference within the same html document d. "eference to some image. e. Ma ing an image a h#!erlin to dis!la# second image.

$. Create a website in which all the h#!erlin s are the list items of an unordered list. %ou ha&e to !lace this list in a frame that lies in left side of #our home !age and after clic ing an# h#!erlin ' the corres!onding details should be dis!la#ed in a frame l#ing in right side of #our web !age.

(. What are the &arious t#!es of lists in HTML) *emonstrate each b# ta ing an e+am!le of each. Also show how the lists can be nested)

,. Write the HTML code for the following Table and write some te+t in each cell.


Write the HTML code for the following Table and insert images in an# $ cells.

.. /u!!ose #ou are organi0ing a cultural festi&al. 1n #our website there is a registration form to register !artici!ants from &arious institutes for different e&ents. *esign a registration form at #our own and write HTML code for the same. The form must include Te+t 2o+es' 3!tion 2uttons' Chec 2o+es' *ro! *own List' Te+t Area and /ubmit' "eset 2uttons.


Write the HTML code to design the following frame structure. 1n the to! frame' there should be an# image. 1n the left frame' there should be an h#!erlin and on clic ing it' the new document should be dis!la#ed in the right side frame.

5. Write the HTML code to design the following frame structure. 1n the Left frame' there should be an# image. 1n the right frame' there should be an h#!erlin and on clic ing it' the new document should be dis!la#ed in the u!!er-middle frame.


*emonstrate the following HTML Tags in a single web !age: F37T' 2A/8F37T' *19' :' :"8' /;2' /;:' 732"' W2"' MA"<;88' H"' 2"' 1M=' /8L8CT' 17:;T


1nsert an 1mage in #our web !age and ma e it h#!erlin to o!en some oter document.


*emonstrate the use of st#le sheets in HTML.


Write HTML code to create the table shown in the following figure:-

8 *

2 F

<.1(. Write the HTML code for the following Table and insert images in an# $ cells.

<.1,. Write the HTML code for the following Table and insert images in an# $ cells.

<.1-. Write com!lete HTML code for following web document.

<.1.. Write an HTML document to !rint the following:The librar# has the following cassettes:

1. Cinema 2omba# Terminator Cra0# Cra0# The sun $. 8ducational Mathematics ?i@ :art 1: Anal#tical =eometr# ?ii@ :art 11: Calculus ?iii@ :art 111: Trigonometr# (. Cultural Classical Music ?@i M. /. /ubala shmi ?@ii /reeni&asa 1#engar ?@iii %esudas ?@i& ThiagaraAa 2haga&athar Classical *ances ?@i 2harata 7at#am ?@ii Buchu!udi ?@iii 2hangara <.14.8+!lain the following HTML Tags with a!!ro!riate !rice of code. a.CTA2L8D and its attributes. b.CF"AM8D and its attributes. c.C/8L8CTD with C3:T137D d.CT8ET A"8AD

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