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WHO is impacted by

@ home?
This means that
POVERTY: (pv rt/) noun: 1.The state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts. 2.Deficiency in amount; scantiness. 3.The state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor. 4.Number of dollars that the income of a family in poverty falls below its poverty threshold.
Population: 260, 093
Live In Poverty
* every red silhouette represents a child living in poverty. they may face food insecurity, lack suitable housing or even be responsible for caring for their siblings


31, 987 people in Dauphin County live in poverty...of that, 11,882 are under age 17.


children .




yrs. old


Population: 219,636

(thats million with an M)


15,700 people in Cumberland County live in poverty. 4,997 are under age 17. = EVERY 3rd person in poverty is a child.

in LIHEAP (energy) Assistance was distributed to just Cumberland County alone!

9% 7%

of ALL Cumberland County residents


are eligible for FOOD STAMPS

despite stable employment, everyday social programs & outreach.

are struggling to survive




4,306 people in Perry County live in poverty and

Population: 45,097

1,736 (1 out of 4) are under age 17.


Perry County residents

% are eligible for

Last year, we,


food stamps

an accident, illness or diagnosis could mean a financial catastrophe.

of ALL Perry County residents are


served more than

9,200 families in the Tri-County area.

we helped
8,000 attain or retain energy assistance

a 13% increase from the preceeding year

What Do We Do?
plain & simply,

but thats not all... Community Action Commission, part of Americas

Poverty Fighting Network, has been helping people and changing lives 300 attain or maintain employment throughout Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry counties since 1966 as a 100 parents graduate from our Parenting Program private, nonprofit, community development agency. Community Action Commission offers a comprehensive approach to individual, family, and neighborhood success through social services, form150 partnerships with local organizations community revitalization and economic development. We hope youll call us 717.232.9757, visit us online - provide direct supported services to 9 low-income housing developments or on twitter @TriCounty_CAC to learn more.

we are catalysts of change. we help people help themselves.

Commit to making a difference. Carry your experience (& the emotions that it brought) with you. Promise to take action and help to make a difference in the lives of those impacted by poverty. This was a one day event for you, but for most it is a way of life. Poverty is everywhere. You dont need money or long term commitments, only your time. Giving just a few hours a month can bring tremendous results. When people bring their skills and energy to the table, focused on a common goal, challenges are met, results are realized and change happens. Talk to your friends, your neighbors or organizations about poverty. Together we can work to improve the lives of thousands of low income families across the Tri-County area.
Source: United States Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE), 2011. Estimates for 2011 were released December 2012.


great question. were glad you asked! we cant do it alone.


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