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Well I cant believe that says them that know and the ROLODEX - Realist Osmosis Learned Oppressed

Dimwit Enslaved Mark Will the RCM determine s!""icient evidence to make char#es We will have to wait "or their cons!ltation with the $ttorney %eneral thro!#h to the rime Minister& thro!#h the %overnor %eneral thro!#h to the Crown thro!#h 'rancis to the (lack ope and inevitably and invariably we will pay the rice Clearly a con"lict o" interest& b!t who)s #onna say& as the matter be"ore the hi#hest material co!rt


new 23es!it pope2 "rancis, controlled by black pope

http*++www,yo!t!be,com+watch-v.OD 4t5t6D$# TIME I! U"###--$%%= M&'(H %% %)*$--- +E","U-&TI,.--M&'TI&- -&/--GU. G'&0--(I1I/&' 7EW5 7ever Endin# War 5tory

Love o" War (!siness olitical Reli#io!s Implicit Complicit E8plicit RICE olitical Reli#io!s Insidio!s Capitalist Emperors Like other "inancial empires in history& 5mith claims the contemporary model "orms alliances necessary to develop and control wealth& as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers o" cheap reso!rces "or the imperial-centers-o"-capital,94: (elloc estimated that& d!rin# the (ritish Enclos!res& 2perhaps hal" o" the whole pop!lation was proletarian2& while ro!#hly the other 2hal"2 owned and controlled the means o" prod!ction, 7ow& !nder modern Capitalism& ;,W, 5mith claims "ewer than <== people possess more wealth than hal" o" the earth>s pop!lation& as the wealth o" 4+? o" 4-percent o" the /nited 5tates pop!lation ro!#hly e@!al that o" the lower A=-percent, WW III inevitable i" the Br!th does not viral eatin# away at the vir!s eatin# away o!r minds Br!e peacekeepers barra#e the world with tr!ths www,E!chrestrions,com I>m thinkin# 66 billion somethin# to do with 66 de#ree mason 66rd parallel 4

When they say spent 66 (illion "or climate control Bhey mean in e""ort to prevent bein# r!n over by the Come Race risin# www,!ps46,com 7ow e8periencin# OR(IB RO - O!tside Ro!tine (o8 Intrinsic Br!ths Reverse Osmosis sychosis h!manity rises on their hot air MOLE5B$BIO7 M!se!m o" Liars El!sivity 5!bstantive Bhick $lteration Br!th Incinerators oppressed 7ews WIB What is Br!th5I7 5ane Insanity 7ormalcy

http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4DD?E<<<A+'rank-(est-(et-Cowever-5!per"l!o!s-to-(et-On I" ya #onna stand "roFen starin# into the headli#hts Bry yo!r damnest to make it coherently thro!#h to the last pa#e In the CIRC$ R whatever they say Circ!lar lo#istics bites ass 5EE 5el" Evident E8posin# /p the down river o" no ret!rns CIRC$ R Coherent Irate Responsibly Complicit $cco!ntable Recompense Br!th>s Interest worth one>s wei#ht in %old 5ticks I d!nno& b!t stones and #lass ho!ses G mind shatterin# eh'acts m!st have root ? take root %od coherency 2Catch ??2 m!st have semblance ? catch do% chase tail 'ree medical "or senators alle#ed and the incarcerated (!t what o" me s@!eaks the ta8 payin# silent ma3ority G no oil "or yo! G someone m!st pay "or indiscretions at o!r discretions, 5ome say a medical conspiracy theory transparency www,Iy""yI,com In yo!r "ace "or yo!r In"ormation

Cate to harp Carper where>s the casherhaps opposition care to wei#h in G maybe the media G anybodyM!lroneyIn the name o" %od o"& "or with the eople WB'*8)8))%**/Ma97:;-!w755-chee5e-o2-"ope-5-!w755-Gua6d-by-<,'-o2-( Bhin air con"etti invisible trickle down Can yo! believe them on C $C do not s!spect they are watched Oh they know o" Democracy Watch b!t aware one o" them G time H a break #ot the timeWhoooos watchin# whooooo don)t #ive a hoot hootin# their epitaph videos to be vetoed 3!st a wee bit too late !rely olitical !rposes C!manity Do!blethink I I O1 artial Iac!!m Okay 1leptocratically


http*++www,scribd,com+doc+D46666D4+Who-Wo!ld-(e-'oolish-Eno!#h-to-Leave-a- aper-Brail

JBhere were no dates in this history& b!t scrawled this way and that across every pa#e were the words (enevolence Ri#hteo!sness and Morality G "inally I be#an to make o!t what was written between the lines, Bhe whole vol!me was b!t a sin#le phrase& Eat eopleK 2It is only the wisest and the st!pidest that cannot chan#e2 JBhey m!st o"ten chan#e who wo!ld be constant in happiness or wisdomK

Bho!#ht my pants wo!ld never dry pretty m!ch !se to the stink Criminal lawyers need criminals "or s!stainable #rowth Criminal lawyers need s!stainable impoverished #rowth Respects #lad hand premier step to

$EIO/ $ppropriation E8ponential Impoverishment Orientin# / Don>t let them "ool yo! as i" H! when promotin# 3obs promote sel" in CE C!man Enslavement 7ever L ask

Like a thie" in the kni#ht Remember when in tro!ble Do not wait "or Remembrance Day Lest they allow their sanity to override their bias ?( respected Who selects the independent senate con!ndr!m stateBhe $bominable snowman and the Iceman cometh We all pay the R I ce M Christian Era as the R!le o" Law melts be"ore o!r eyes Crystal meth and Critical thinkin# myth

Discardin# the (iblical (abble on H thy kin#dom come

D!st ? D!st D!"" /s!ry 5n!"" Bransitive lo#ic describes a #iven relation between terms s!ch that i" it e8ists between 2a2 and 2b2 and between 2b2 and 2c&2 then it also e8ists between 2a2 and 2c,2 Bypical transitive relationships incl!de 2is #reater than&2 2is e@!al to&2 and 2is similar to,2 http*++en,wikipedia,or#+wiki+CRL5B$LMEBC D!""y>s criticiFin# o" teachin# Critical thinkin# "o!nd his way to Carper>s heart $nti anti-war activist too ehClear case o" RIC1 olitical Reli#io!s Insidio!s Charlatan 1leptocracy sel" e8pos!re http*++en,wikipedia,or#+wiki+MikeND!""y
On December ??& ?==E& D!""y was named a rince Edward Island representative to the 5enate o" Canada on the advice o" rime Minister 5tephen Carper& sittin# as a Conservative,9E:9A: Ce s!bse@!ently retired as a BI 3o!rnalist at the end o" ?==E, In March ?=4=& D!""y criticiFed the /niversity o" 1in#)s Colle#e and other 3o!rnalism schools in Canada "or teachin# 7oam Chomsky and critical thinkin#, Ce went on to say that 3o!rnalism schools in Canada were ch!rnin# o!t le"tists who tho!#ht private enterprise was bad, Bhe head o" 1in#)s 5chool o" ;o!rnalism reacted with s!rprise to D!""y)s criticism& sayin# that Man!"act!rin# Consent was not part o" the c!rric!l!m, 5he also said she wo!ld not apolo#iFe "or teachin# critical thinkin# to 3o!rnalism st!dents,94=: $ n!mber o" editorial comments were written in response to D!""y)s criticism,944:94?:946: Critical thinkin# is a way o" decidin# whether a claim is tr!e& partially tr!e& or "alse, Critical thinkin# is a process that leads to skills that can be learned& mastered and !sed, Critical thinkin# is a tool by which one can come abo!t reasoned

concl!sions based on a reasoned process, Bhis process incorporates passion and creativity& b!t #!ides it with discipline& practicality and common sense, It can be traced in the West to ancient %reece with its 5ocratic method and in the East to ancient India with the (!ddhist kalama s!tta and abhidharma literat!re, Critical thinkin# is an important component o" many "ields s!ch as ed!cation& politics& b!siness& and science,

www,O;task,com Obstr!ct ;!stice tr!th and so!rce kill www,5olar%host46,com Constit!tion de 3!re vs Romans 46 de "acto http*++www,scribd,com+doc+446EE?ADD+5pirit-Intent- recedence-de-;!re-Constit!tion-or-Romans-46-%amin#the-5ystem-de-'acto

http*++www,linkedin,com+p!b+dir+;onathan+5wain#er+ 'acts m!st have root ? take root %od coherency 2Catch ??2 m!st have semblance ? catch do% chase tail 7o complaints "rom within e8cept "rom them e8comm!nicated "rom the s olitical science (s bastard science (s (s (!ll shitter (ack stabbers Bo#a arty <

5!spended with Medical covera#e approved by the Medical conspirators www,Iy""yI,com Bhe $ttorney %eneral is the chie" law o""icer o" the E8ec!tive Co!ncil, Bhe responsibilities stemmin# "rom this role are !nlike those o" any other Cabinet member, Bhe role has been re"erred to as =>ud7c7a?-?79e= and as the

2#!ardian o" the p!blic interest2,

$s chie" law o""icer& the $ttorney %eneral has

a 5pec7a? 6e5po:57b7?7ty
to be the #!ardian o"

that most el!sive concept

- the r!le o" law, Bhe r!le o" law is a well established le#al principle&

but ha6d to ea57?y de27:e.

It is the r!le o" law

that p6otect5
individ!als& and society as a whole& "rom arbitrary meas!res and sa"e#!ards personal liberties,

Cas the $ttorney %eneral been brie"edor wo!ld that be meanin#less in a partial vac!!m Bhe $ttorney %eneral does not& however& direct or ca!se char#es to be laid, While the $ttorney %eneral and the $ttorney %eneral)s a#ents may provide le#al advice to the police&

the u?t7mate dec757o:

whether or not to lay char#es is "or the police, Once the char#e is laid 0

the dec757o:
as to whether the prosec!tion sho!ld proceed& and in what manner&

"or the $ttorney %eneral and the Crown $ttorney, It is now an accepted and important constit!tional principle that the $ttorney %eneral m!st carry o!t the Minister)s criminal prosec!tion responsibilities

7:depe:de:t o2 (ab7:et a:d o2 a:y pa6t75a: po?7t7ca? p6e55u6e5.

Bhe $ttorney %eneral)s responsibility "or individ!al criminal prosec!tions m!st be !ndertaken -

a:d 5ee: to be u:de6ta9e: on strictly ob3ective and le#al criteria& "ree o" any political considerations, Whether to initiate or stay a criminal proceedin# is not an iss!e o" #overnment policy, Bhis responsibility has been characteriFed as

a matte6 o2 the &tto6:ey Ge:e6a?

actin# as the O!een)s $ttorney - not as a Minister o" the #overnment o" the day, Bhis is not to s!##est that decisions re#ardin# criminal prosec!tions are made in a comp?ete vacuum,
$ wide ran#e o" policy considerations may be wei#hed in e8ec!tin# this responsibility& and the $ttorney %eneral may choose to cons!lt the Cabinet on some o" these considerations, Cowever any decisions relatin# to the cond!ct o" individ!al prosec!tions m!st be the $ttorney %eneral)s alone and independent o" the traditional Cabinet decision makin# process, In practice& in the vast ma3ority o" cases& these decisions are made by the $ttorney %eneral)s a#ents& the Crown $ttorneys, /ltimately the $ttorney %eneral is acco!ntable to the people o" the province& thro!#h the Le#islat!re& "or decisions relatin# to criminal prosec!tions, 5!ch acco!ntability can only occ!r& o" co!rse& once the prosec!tion is completed or when a "inal decision has been made not to prosec!te, Bhe s!b 3!dicae r!le bars any comment on a matter be"ore the co!rts that is likely to in"l!ence the matter, Bhe s!b 3!dicae r!le strictly prohibits the $ttorney %eneral "rom commentin# on prosec!tions that are be"ore the co!rts, %iven the stat!re o" the $ttorney %eneral)s position& any p!blic comment comin# "rom the o""ice

wou?d be 5ee: a5 a: attempt to 7:2?ue:ce the ca5e.

$ltho!#h the $ttorney #eneral can become involved in decision-makin# in relation to individ!al criminal cases&

5uch a p6act7ce wou?d ?eave the M7:75te6 vu?:e6ab?e to accu5at7o:5 o2 po?7t7ca? 7:te62e6e:ce.
$ccordin#ly& it is traditional to leave the day-to-day decision-makin# in the hands o" the $ttorney %eneral)s a#ents& the Crown $ttorneys& e8cept in cases o" e8ceptional importance where the p!blic wo!ld e8pect the $ttorney %eneral to be brie"ed 5oon maybe on C $C will observe the wrap !p o" %O OE d!e process Meanin#less Le#al Certainty R!le o" Law http*++en,wikipedia,or#+wiki+R!leNo"Nlaw D

Bhe R!le o" law in its most basic "orm is no one is above the law, erhaps the most important application o" the r!le o" law is the principle that #overnmental a!thority is le#itimately e8ercised only in accordance with& pub?7c?y d75c?o5ed ?aw5& adopted and en"orced in accordance with established proced!ral steps that are re"erred to as

due p6oce55.
Bhe r!le o" law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy, $ccordin# to modern $n#lo-$merican thinkin#& hallmarks o" adherence to the r!le o" law commonly incl!de a clear separation o" powers&

?e;a? ce6ta7:ty@
the principle o" le#itimate e8pectation and e@!ality o" all be"ore the law, Bhe concept is not witho!t controversy& and it has been said that 2the phrase the 6u?e o2 ?aw has become

thanks to ideolo#ical ab!se and #eneral over- !se2 %O OE %eneral Over-!se roclamations Only El!sivity

pub?7c?y d75c?o5ed ?aw5

<?, P4Q Bhe Constit!tion o" Canada is the s!preme law o" Canada& and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions o" the Constit!tion is& to the e8tent o" the inconsistency&

o2 :o 2o6ce o6 e22ect.
64, 7othin# in this Charter e8tends the le#islative powers o" any body or a!thority 6?, P4Q Bhis Charter applies PaQ to the arliament and #overnment o" Canada in respect o" all matters within the a!thority o" arliament incl!din# all matters relatin# to the L!kon Berritory and 7orthwest BerritoriesR and PbQ to the le#islat!re and #overnment o" each province in respect o" all matters within the a!thority o" the le#islat!re o" each province,

Res!rrection only with reciprocity in lie! WW III p!r#atory

7either political nor reli#io!s be b!t believe I !nderstand perhaps beca!se neither political nor reli#io!s be, http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4E==60?E0+Italian-politicians-a#ree-to-aid-a#ainst-last-RatF- ope Reverend 1evin $nnett e8comm!nicated "rom the ch!rch indicative o" !nderstandin# within In the name o" %od o"& "or with the eople WB'

Besla 'ree Ener#y a no no http*++www,yo!t!be,com+res!ltssearchN@!ery.teslaS"reeSener#yTo@.teslaT#sNl.yo!t!be,4,=,6<i6Al?3=lH3=i63=3=i63=,44,4H6<,=,HA<?,H,H,=,=,= ,=,?<E,HD4,63=34,H,=,,,=,=,,,4ac,4,44,yo!t!be,m 8r hnLaI# http*++www,yo!t!be,com+watch-v.L68-/3Hy$ML Cancer c!red in Canada b!t won>t prod!ce it olitical Reli#io!s Implicit Complicit E8plicit R ICE olitical Reli#io!s Insidio!s Capitalist Emperors
Like other "inancial empires in history& 5mith claims the contemporary model "orms alliances necessary to develop and control wealth& as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers o" cheap reso!rces "or the imperial-centers-o"-capital,94: (elloc estimated that& d!rin# the (ritish Enclos!res& 2perhaps hal" o" the whole pop!lation was proletarian2& while ro!#hly the other 2hal"2 owned and controlled the means o" prod!ction, 7ow& !nder modern Capitalism& ;,W, 5mith claims "ewer than <== people possess more wealth than hal" o" the earth>s pop!lation& as the wealth o" 4+? o" 4-percent o" the /nited 5tates pop!lation ro!#hly e@!al that o" the lower A=-percent, www,ComeRace46,com Bime "or the C!man Race to arty OWER ossible Only When E#alitarian Reciprocity

http*++en,wikipedia,or#+wiki+C!mptyNd!mpty C!mpty D!mpty sat on a wall& A

C!mpty D!mpty had a #reat "all, $ll the kin#)s horses and all the kin#)s men Co!ldn)t p!t C!mpty to#ether a#ain,94: C!mpty appears in Lewis Carroll)s Bhro!#h the Lookin#-%lass P4ED?Q& where he disc!sses semantics and pra#matics with $lice, JI don>t know what yo! mean by U#lory&> K $lice said, C!mpty D!mpty smiled contempt!o!sly, JO" co!rse yo! don>tVtill I tell yo!, I meant Uthere>s a nice knockdown ar#!ment "or yo!W> K J(!t U#lory> doesn>t mean Ua nice knock-down ar#!ment>&K $lice ob3ected, JWhen I !se a word&K C!mpty D!mpty said& in rather a scorn"!l tone& Jit means 3!st what I choose it to meanV neither more nor less,K JBhe @!estion is&K said $lice& Jwhether yo! can make words mean so many di""erent thin#s,K JBhe @!estion is&K said C!mpty D!mpty& Jwhich is to be master that>s all,K $lice was too m!ch p!FFled to say anythin#& so a"ter a min!te C!mpty D!mpty be#an a#ain, JBhey>ve a temper& some o" themVpartic!larly verbs& they>re the pro!destVad3ectives yo! can do anythin# with& b!t not verbsVhowever& I can mana#e the whole lotW ImpenetrabilityW Bhat>s what I sayWK94<: Bhis passa#e was !sed in (ritain by Lord $tkin and in his dissentin# 3!d#ement in the seminal case Liversid#e v, $nderson P4AH?Q& where he protested abo!t the distortion o" a stat!te by the ma3ority o" the Co!se o" Lords, 940: It also became a pop!lar citation in /nited 5tates le#al opinions& appearin# in ?<= 3!dicial decisions in the Westlaw database as o" $pril 4A& ?==E& incl!din# two 5!preme Co!rt cases PBI$ v, Cill and Xscherni# v, MillerQ,94D:
Lordy Lordy







Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

Bhe $ttorney %eneral has a !ni@!e role to play as a Minister, One part o" the $ttorney %eneral)s role is that o" a Cabinet Minister, In this capacity the Minister is responsible "or representin# the interests and perspectives o" the Ministry at Cabinet& while sim!ltaneo!sly representin# the interests and perspectives o" Cabinet and conse@!ently the %overnment to the Ministry and the Ministry)s comm!nities o" interest, Bhe $ttorney %eneral is the chie" law o""icer o" the E8ec!tive Co!ncil, Bhe responsibilities stemmin# "rom this role are !nlike those o" any other Cabinet member, Bhe role has been re"erred to as 23!dicial-like2 and as the 2#!ardian o" the p!blic interest2, M!ch has been written on the s!b3ect o" ministerial responsibilities and the !ni@!e role o" the $ttorney %eneral, Bhere are vario!s components o" the $ttorney %eneral)s role, Bhe $ttorney %eneral has !ni@!e responsibilities to the Crown& the co!rts& the Le#islat!re and the e8ec!tive branch o" #overnment, While there are di""erent emphases and n!ances attached to these there is a #eneral theme thro!#ho!t all the vario!s aspects o" the $ttorney %eneral)s responsibilities that the o""ice has a constit!tional and traditional responsibility beyond that o" a political minister, Bhe stat!tory responsibilities o" the o""ice are "o!nd in section < o" the Ministry of the Attorney General Act, 5ection < states* Bhe $ttorney %eneral& PaQ is the Law O""icer o" the E8ec!tive Co!ncilR PbQ shall see that the administration o" p!blic a""airs is in accordance with the lawR PcQ shall s!perintend all matters connected with the administration o" 3!stice in OntarioR PdQ shall per"orm the d!ties and have the powers that belon# to the $ttorney %eneral and 5olicitor %eneral o" En#land by law and !sa#e& so "ar as those powers and d!ties are applicable to Ontario& and also shall per"orm the d!ties and powers that& !ntil the Constitution Act, 1867 came into e""ect& belon#ed to the o""ices o" the $ttorney %eneral and 5olicitor %eneral in the provinces o" Canada and /pper Canada and which& !nder the provisions o" that $ct& are within the scope o" the powers o" the Le#islat!reR PeQ shall advise the %overnment !pon all matters o" law connected with le#islative enactments and !pon all matters o" law re"erred to him or her by the %overnmentR P"Q shall advise the %overnment !pon all matters o" a le#islative nat!re and s!perintend all %overnment meas!res o" a le#islative nat!reR P#Q shall advise the heads o" ministries and a#encies o" %overnment !pon all matters o" law connected with s!ch ministries and a#encyR PhQ shall cond!ct and re#!late all liti#ation "or and a#ainst the Crown or any ministry or a#ency o" #overnment in respect o" any s!b3ect within the a!thority or 3!risdiction o" the Le#islat!reR PiQ shall s!perintend all matters connected with 3!dicial o""icesR P3Q shall per"orm s!ch other "!nctions as are assi#ned to him or her by the Le#islat!re or by the Lie!tenant %overnor in Co!ncil, 2 What "ollows is an overview o" the vario!s components o" the $ttorney %eneral)s roles and responsibilities& primarily as o!tlined in the $ct, 46

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

Bhe role o" chie" law o""icer mi#ht be re"erred to as the $ttorney %eneral)s overall responsibility as the independent le#al advisor to the Cabinet - and some have even s!##ested that the role possibly e8tends to the Le#islat!re as well, Bhe importance o" the independence o" the role is "!ndamental to the position and well established in common law& stat!tes and tradition, $s chie" law o""icer& the $ttorney %eneral has a special responsibility to be the #!ardian o" that most el!sive concept - the r!le o" law, Bhe r!le o" law is a well established le#al principle& b!t hard to easily de"ine, It is the r!le o" law that protects individ!als& and society as a whole& "rom arbitrary meas!res and sa"e#!ards personal liberties, Bhe $ttorney %eneral has a special role to play in advisin# Cabinet to ens!re the r!le o" law is maintained and that Cabinet actions are le#ally and constit!tionally valid, In providin# s!ch advice it is important to keep in mind the distinction between the $ttorney %eneral)s policy advice and pre"erence and the le#al advice bein# presented to Cabinet, Bhe $ttorney %eneral)s le#al advice or constit!tional advice sho!ld not be li#htly disre#arded, Bhe $ttorney %eneral)s policy advice has the same wei#ht as that o" other ministers,

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

One o" the most p!blicly scr!tiniFed aspects o" the $ttorney %eneral)s role is the responsibility "or criminal prosec!tions encompassed in section < PdQ and s, A? o" the Constit!tion $ct& 4E0D, 5ection A? #ives the provinces a!thority to le#islate in matters related to the administration o" criminal 3!stice and thereby #ives the provincial $ttorney %eneral a!thority to prosec!te o""ences !nder the Criminal Code, Bhe $ttorney %eneral does not& however& direct or ca!se char#es to be laid, While the $ttorney %eneral and the $ttorney %eneral)s a#ents may provide le#al advice to the police& the !ltimate decision whether or not to lay char#es is "or the police, Once the char#e is laid the decision as to whether the prosec!tion sho!ld proceed& and in what manner& is "or the $ttorney %eneral and the Crown $ttorney, It is now an accepted and important constit!tional principle that the $ttorney %eneral m!st carry o!t the Minister)s criminal prosec!tion responsibilities independent o" Cabinet and o" any partisan political press!res, Bhe $ttorney %eneral)s responsibility "or individ!al criminal prosec!tions m!st be !ndertaken - and seen to be !ndertaken - on strictly ob3ective and le#al criteria& "ree o" any political considerations, Whether to initiate or stay a criminal proceedin# is not an iss!e o" #overnment policy, Bhis responsibility has been characteriFed as a matter o" the $ttorney %eneral actin# as the O!een)s $ttorney - not as a Minister o" the #overnment o" the day, Bhis is not to s!##est that decisions re#ardin# criminal prosec!tions are made in a complete vac!!m, $ wide ran#e o" policy considerations may be wei#hed in e8ec!tin# this responsibility& and the $ttorney %eneral may choose to cons!lt the Cabinet on some o" these considerations, Cowever any decisions relatin# to the cond!ct o" individ!al prosec!tions m!st be the $ttorney %eneral)s alone and independent o" the traditional Cabinet decision makin# process, In practice& in the vast ma3ority o" cases& these decisions are made by the $ttorney %eneral)s a#ents& the Crown $ttorneys, $n important part o" the Crown)s - and th!s the $ttorney %eneral)s - responsibility in cond!ctin# criminal prosec!tions is associated with the responsibility to represent the p!blic interest - which incl!des not only the comm!nity as a whole and the victim& b!t also the acc!sed, Bhe Crown has a distinct responsibility to the co!rt to present all the credible evidence available,


Bhe responsibility is to present the case "airly - not necessarily to convict, Bhis is a "!ndamental precept o" criminal law& even i" it is not a partic!larly well-!nderstood concept amon# the #eneral p!blic, One o" the $ttorney %eneral)s responsibilities in "osterin# p!blic respect "or the r!le o" law& is to assist the p!blic in !nderstandin# the nat!re and limits o" the prosec!torial "!nction, /ltimately the $ttorney %eneral is acco!ntable to the people o" the province& thro!#h the Le#islat!re& "or decisions relatin# to criminal prosec!tions, 5!ch acco!ntability can only occ!r& o" co!rse& once the prosec!tion is completed or when a "inal decision has been made not to prosec!te, Bhe s!b 3!dicae r!le bars any comment on a matter be"ore the co!rts that is likely to in"l!ence the matter, Bhe s!b 3!dicae r!le strictly prohibits the $ttorney %eneral "rom commentin# on prosec!tions that are be"ore the co!rts, %iven the stat!re o" the $ttorney %eneral)s position& any p!blic comment comin# "rom the o""ice wo!ld be seen as an attempt to in"l!ence the case, $ltho!#h the $ttorney #eneral can become involved in decision-makin# in relation to individ!al criminal cases& s!ch a practice wo!ld leave the Minister v!lnerable to acc!sations o" political inter"erence, $ccordin#ly& it is traditional to leave the day-to-day decision-makin# in the hands o" the $ttorney %eneral)s a#ents& the Crown $ttorneys& e8cept in cases o" e8ceptional importance where the p!blic wo!ld e8pect the $ttorney %eneral to be brie"ed,

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

Bhe $ttorney %eneral has broad responsibilities associated with %overnment le#islation, Bhese responsibilities have been described as two"old, One is to oversee that all le#islative enactments are in accordance with principles o" nat!ral 3!stice and civil ri#hts Psee also s, <PbQ aboveQ, Bhis is obvio!sly an important and broad area o" responsibility, Bhe second aspect o" this responsibility is to advise on the constit!tionality and le#ality o" le#islation, Bhe $ttorney %eneral)s le#islative responsibilities are played o!t in a variety roles, Bhe O""ice o" Le#islative Co!nsel reports to the $ttorney %eneral, Le#islative Co!nsel plays a key role in ens!rin# the le#al inte#rity o" %overnment le#islation, $ltho!#h the Le#islative Co!nsel)s reportin# relationship to the $ttorney %eneral does allow the $ttorney %eneral to provide #!idance and set standards& individ!al pieces o" le#islation are dra"ted on instr!ctions "rom client ministries and are not within the sole control o" Le#islative Co!nsel or the $ttorney %eneral, It sho!ld also be noted that Le#islative Co!nsel also has a direct responsibility to the Le#islat!re as the O""ice also dra"ts all private member)s bills, Bhe $ttorney %eneral has a "!rther role to play as part o" whatever Cabinet Committee is "ormed to review le#islation and re#!lations, Cere the Minister has an opport!nity to comment on the technical iss!es related to le#islation and re#!lations prior to Cabinet consideration, Bhe $ttorney %eneral)s role on le#islative matters is as an adviser to the Cabinet, $ltho!#h !nlikely& Cabinet co!ld& in theory& receive the $ttorney %eneral)s le#al opinion on le#islation and choose to disre#ard it, Bhe $ttorney %eneral)s role is not independent o" Cabinet decision makin# as in the area o" criminal prosec!tions, $s was noted earlier& the $ttorney %eneral m!st make care"!l distinctions abo!t the le#al opinions and policy or political pre"erences bein# o""ered abo!t le#islation,

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

In addition to the speci"ic responsibilities to cond!ct civil liti#ation on behal" o" the %overnment and its a#encies Ps, <PhQQ& the $ttorney %eneral has broader liti#ation responsibilities "lowin# "rom the historical 4<

powers o" the $ttorney %eneral re"erred to in s, <PdQ o" the $ct, Bhese powers are based on the Crown)s parens patriae PparentalQ a!thority, Bhe $ttorney %eneral)s a!thority& there"ore& is not only to cond!ct liti#ation in cases directly a""ectin# the #overnment or its a#encies b!t also to liti#ate cases where there is a clear matter o" p!blic interest or p!blic ri#hts at stake, Bhis has been characteriFed as a constit!tional responsibility to ens!re that the p!blic interest is well and independently represented, It may involve interventions in private liti#ation or Charter challen#es to le#islation& even i" the ar#!ments concl!de that the le#islation does contravene constit!tionally protected ri#hts,

Responsibilit for Court !dministration (s. 5(c))

$ key component o" the $ttorney %eneral)s responsibilities to ens!re the administration o" 3!stice in the province is the administration o" the co!rts and as a res!lt the responsibility "or maintainin# liaison with the 3!diciary, %iven the "!ndamental importance o" the independence o" the 3!diciary& the responsibility "or co!rts administration is o"ten a very sensitive and delicate iss!e, %reat care and respect "or the principles o" 3!dicial independence m!st be e8ercised in this area,

Bhe $ttorney %eneral is the chie" law o""icer o" the E8ec!tive Co!ncil, Bhe responsibilities stemmin# "rom this role are !nlike those o" any other Cabinet member, Bhe role has been re"erred to as 23!dicial-like2 and as the 2#!ardian o" the p!blic interest2,



March ?A& ?==D On several occasions I have re@!ested (r!ce Cerrid#e in"orm me as to what e""orts he has made to this promise with no response,


http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<46040?0+Lawyer-'ile-4 http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<4604D?=+Lawyer-'ile-? http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<4604E4=+Lawyer-'ile-6 http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<4604ED4+Lawyer-'ile-H http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<4604A64+Lawyer-'ile-< http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<4604A<<+Lawyer-'ile-0 http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<460?==D+Lawyer-'ile-D http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<460?=DH+Lawyer-'ile-E http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<460?=AH+Lawyer-'ile-A http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<460?46=+Lawyer-'ile-4= http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<460??=E+Lawyer-'ile-4? http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<460??60+Lawyer-'ile-46 http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<460?6?D+Lawyer-'ile-46$ http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4<460?6DE+Lawyer-'ile-4H Lawyer 'ile 44 https*++docs,#oo#le,com+"ile+d+=(<i7c5I0I%$ BFkFWEL4cC4IOIE+edit 5cribd wo!ld not p!blish d!e the "ra!ds re@!est d!e copy ri#ht iss!es Doc!ment contains his prospect!s that has been proven "ra!d!lent Lawyer 'ile Y 4 ORCB-Rick Cennessey Lawyer 'ile Y ? IE/ - Dave %rech Lawyer 'ile Y 6 Minister M!nicipal $""airs and Co!sin# -Aoh: Ge66et5e: Lawyer 'ile Y H Omb!dsman-%erry Carlino Lawyer 'ile Y < ML M ;!lia M!nro Lawyer 'ile Y0 remier Dalton Mc#!inty Lawyer 'ile Y D $ttorney %eneral Michael (ryant Lawyer 'ile Y E O - Det 5#t, Randy Crai# Lawyer 'ile Y A LR - Dep!ty Chie" (r!ce Cerrid#e Lawyer 'ile Y 4= Ontario Civilian Commission on olice services Lawyer 'ile Y 44 O""ice Ontario $ttorney %eneral Lawyer 'ile Y 4? LR - hil Morea!-5tandards Lawyer 'ile Y 46 Crown $ttorney-Robert McCreary-7ew Market Lawyer 'ile Y 46$ Crown $ttorney - a!l C!lver-Boronto Lawyer 'ile Y 4H RCM - 5#t, Michael Bhompson



http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4D6<4?0E=+(ein#-Married-Cappy-and-%ay-is-as-7at!ral-as-Ba8in#-and-Dyin# Bhe ope and his merry men hate the common #ay as they do not prod!ce slaves http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4E==60?E0+Italian-politicians-a#ree-to-aid-a#ainst-last-RatF- ope Reverend 1evin $nnett e8comm!nicated "rom the ch!rch indicative o" !nderstandin# within 5ane Insanity 7ormalcy 5I7 5!icide Ille#al 7!ances www,O;task,com Obstr!ct ;!stice tr!th and so!rce kill $ny more help "rom them and I will be dead makin# the 5enator that threatened me a prophet maintainin# their e8ploited pro"it e8ponentially sec!re 5enator>s 3!d#ed by their peers ens!res the last nail in my co""in www,Iy""yI,com In yo!r "ace "or yo!r In"ormation

'or#ive me Lord "or I knew what they wo!ld do


Forgive me Lord Blessed be the ignorant folk On splendored grass I toke When not on black go green Now a socialite headlite A firebug ... a flash Where the fuck's my stash What is what is not of no relevance For happiness among the irrelevance Some say all things relative Never heard from you, but now assuredly blessed Now Dear Lord Where the fuck is the cash Now I lay me down to rest Yes of course a hood wink Giving ignorance shot my best Without a blink A cheat I know Awaiting search beneath pillow Sure Tooth Fairy BS but paid well for the times Swing low sweet chariot and all that rhymes A song a dance on yonder swing From a chandelier I sing 1 ding a ling 2 of 3rd kind Nuff encountered to see night through Blessed insanity arms in air once threw Tomorrow promises more in lieu of sheep Now in night's tranquility sleep No more stomach churn oft blew Blaming on the rain the acid stew Caring for fools ... I get it Lord Who knew ... what's new with you Taking leave artistic license The one that pays without taxation Dearly departed before awarded Catch me not ... catch as catch can Deer and the antelope also ran None as fast as uncle Sam PR-Political Religious front A PRICK a screw a c Sorry bub ... It's OK I'm gay I repeat sorry meaning I'm not Two way street where's thought police Doublethink solstice A taste of think bodes not well A stone an epitaph others fell A priest a political behind sell Up the ass ... some grass A fast attempting to yell a blast A coherence flash but don't tell


Blessed be the Lord Alive today and tomorrow Found He lost sorrow Tranquility in persistent quarrel Survival despite absent morals The way of nuts and squirrels The winter of life Once believed a strife A gun a sword and a knife To head heart and throat A frog a prince a kiss and a miss Glory part and parcel ancient storey Feet on ground heads above 12th perhaps 14th floor A see a hear a speak not May be floor of the first 13th a verse a curse a hearst Say again whose on first Diary of a sad man glad man mad man A point of view a point of order A smorgasbord of perspectives 1st 2nd 3rd class Plane boat or terrain A suit a smirk a shirt a quirk land lubber eat dirt Peaceful disarray month of May or manta ray A thought chanced, but what ... a "difference" ... the hell you say When in thereof all is without Do not allow the science breed utter you nonsense A quill a pen most anything can kill A pill a still enhances the swill In go ahead backup excel reach happy medium No gas no oil needed in neutral vehicle RPM - Religious Political Media all a buzz about nothing Someone shit in their grass A Catholic a Protestant a Moron ... omitted an M? ok Am Catholic am Protestant am Moron A gun a sword a knife..... a circle of life


?? RPM Religious Political Media

Monkey Business

http*++en,wikipedia,or#+wiki+5eeNnoNevil&NhearNnoNevil&NspeakNnoNevil Bhe three wise monkeys P;apanese* & san)en or sanFar!& or & sanbiki no sar!& literally 2three monkeys2Q& sometimes called the th6ee

my5t7c ape5@94: are a pictorial ma8im,

MiF 1ik I WaF 5hiF I" a 5hiF bares tr!th o" the "orest no mind to see hear to speak o" the 5hiF killin# Cow m!ch wo!ld a wood ch!ck #et "or their minds ,,, pres!mably why the wood ch!ck ch!cks wood Bo#ether they embody the proverbial principle to 2see no evil& hear no evil& speak no evil2, Bhe three monkeys are MiFar!& coverin# his eyes& who sees no evilR 1ikaFar!& coverin# his ears& who hears no evilR and IwaFar!& coverin# his mo!th& who speaks no evil, 5ometimes there is a "o!rth monkey depicted with the three othersR the last one& 5hiFar!& symboliFes the principle o" 2do no evil2, Ce may be shown crossin# his arms, ORI C$D Or Raisin# in Copelessness and Despair http*++en,wikipedia,or#+wiki+C!mans C!mans are one o" only nine species known to pass the

mirror test
Vwhich tests whether an animal reco#niFes its re"lection as an ima#e o" itsel"Valon# with all the #reat apes P#orillas&chimpanFees& oran#!tans& bonobosQ& (ottlenose dolphins& $sian elephants& E!ropean Ma#pies& and Orcas,94==: Most h!man children will pass the mirror test at 4E months old,94=4: Cowever& the !se"!lness o" this test as a tr!e test o" conscio!sness

ha5 bee: d75puted@

and this may be a matter o" de#ree rather than a sharp divide, ?6

Mo:9ey5 have bee: t6a7:ed to app?y ab5t6act 6u?e5 7: ta595.B*)%C Human rights are "commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being."[1] Human rights are thus concei ed as uni ersal !applicable e erywhere" and egalitarian !the same for e eryone". #hese rights may e$ist as natural rights or as legal rights% in both national and international law.[&] #he doctrine of human rights in international practice% within international law% global and regional institutions% in the policies of states and in the acti ities of non'go ernmental organi(ations% has been a cornerstone of public policy around the world. )n The idea of human rights[*] it says: "if the public discourse of peacetime global society can be said to ha e a common moral language% it is that of human rights. +,-. /H-01 +o , idence -chie ed .eality /oherence -rtificial 0rientation 1atanic " 2espite this% the strong claims made by the doctrine of human rights

continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content,

nature and 3ustifications of human rights to this day. )ndeed% the 4uestion of what is meant by a "right" is itself contro ersial and the sub3ect of continued philosophical debate.
[5] 6onkey see% monkey do is a saying that originated in 7amaica in the early 18th century and popped up in -merican culture in the early 19&:s.

#he saying refers to the learning of a process without an understanding of why it works.
-nother definition implies the act of mimicry% usually with limited knowledge of the conse4uences.[1]

Bhe #rad!al& o"ten !nconscio!s& absorption o" knowled#e or ideas thro!#h contin!al e8pos!re

6athe6 tha: de?7be6ate ?ea6:7:;

(o:2uc7u5 DD* 0( - E8F 0(

=The peop?e Mo:9ey may be made to 2o??ow a cou65e o2 act7o:@ but may :ot be made to u:de65ta:d =IT=
Osmosis set in like ri##er mortise makin# sel" !seless "or sel" some what @!adraple#ic http*++en,wikipedia,or#+wiki+Monkey 5ome or#aniFations& "or e8ample Celpin# Cands* Monkey Celpers "or the Disabled&9A: train cap!chin monkeys as monkey helpers to assist @!adriple#ics and other people with severe spinal cord in3!ries or mobility impairments, $"ter bein# socialiFed in a h!man home as in"ants& the monkeys !nder#o e8tensive trainin# be"ore bein# placed with a @!adriple#ic, $ro!nd the ho!se& the monkeys help o!t by doin# tasks incl!din# microwavin# "ood& washin# the @!adriple#ic)s ?H

"ace and

ope:7:; d67:9 bott?e5.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deeply and taste not the Pierian spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain; And drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope 1688-1744

JCon"!ci!s tho!#ht that the way to re"orm society was to c!ltivate ethical behavio!r in individ!als&

e5pec7a??y 7: 6u?e65 a:d the76 m7:75te65

beca!se leaders serve as important role models "or their peopleK ECCE7BRIC E@!ality Conscio!s Conscience E8trapolate 7aivety Br!ths Relativity Inalienable Coherence WOBO15 WiFard o" the o!tho!se knows shit www,'rank46,com 'id!ciary Responsibly $cco!ntable 7e"ario!s 1ink Br!ths Colistic Interactive Retrospect Branscendental Electroma#netism Enslavers 7emesis


5O 5eek O!t Bhese pros that have a way with monkeys to see i" IB is possible to convert the /7 /ltimate 7eanderthal ME H CE Monkey Evolve H C!manity Elevation

We endeavor to have $

My5t7c &pe5 $C - $pe C!manity H

?( or 7ot ?(

C$ C!man $chievement

One way or the other ?=46 will be recorded as the ?0

0-,T (ri#ht Li#ht O" Br!th

Trans is a ;atin noun or prefi$% meaning "across"% "beyond" or "on the opposite side". #ranscendental 1. +ot e$perienced but knowable <hilosophy independent of human e$perience of phenomena but within the range of knowledge &. 6ystical .elating to mystical or supernatural e$perience and therefore beyond the material world

Remainin# blotto is ?( (O - (lotted O!t

'ord wants to be crystal clear

Meth or Myth
5anctimonio!s ad-hoc demonstrable 5ad 5ac - 5orry as ca!#ht

Bhey say 'ord needs to #et help http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4D?=<?664+Dear-Lord-Which-Li"e-'orms-(elie"-is-the-%reater-5anctimonio!s O1 then http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4DEE46EAA+Dear-Lord-who-sho!ld-be-"ired (less em $ll R$CE Reality $lmi#hty Consecrated Element E8ists with or witho!t ME Mother Earth


www,ComeRace46,com C!manity one mother earth Reality almi#hty consecrated element http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4E==60?E0+Italian-politicians-a#ree-to-aid-a#ainst-last-RatF- ope %ood Lord stop them in the name o" the 5anctity o" the 7EW5 7ever Endin# War 5tory 'or inevitably traditionally we m!st all pay the olitical Reli#io!s Implicit Complicit E8plicit RICE olitical Reli#io!s Insidio!s Capitalist Emperors Like other "inancial empires in history& 5mith claims the contemporary model "orms alliances necessary to develop and control wealth& as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers o" cheap reso!rces "or the imperial-centers-o"-capital,94: (elloc estimated that& d!rin# the (ritish Enclos!res& 2perhaps hal" o" the whole pop!lation was proletarian2& while ro!#hly the other 2hal"2 owned and controlled the means o" prod!ction, 7ow& !nder modern Capitalism& ;,W, 5mith claims "ewer than <== people possess more wealth than hal" o" the earth>s pop!lation& as the wealth o" 4+? o" 4-percent o" the /nited 5tates pop!lation ro!#hly e@!al that o" the lower A=-percent, www,$men46,com

?, Everyone has the "ollowin# "!ndamental "reedoms* PaQ "reedom o" conscience and reli#ionR PbQ "reedom o" tho!#ht& belie"& opinion and e8pression& incl!din# "reedom o" the press and other media o" comm!nicationR PcQ "reedom o" peace"!l assemblyR and PdQ "reedom o" association,

War is Money 5anctity o" 5!stainable %rowth eh-


"atanism is a broad term referring to a group of =estern religions comprising di erse ideological and philosophical

#heir shared features include symbolic association with% or admiration for the character of% 1atan% or similar rebellious% promethean% and% in their iew% liberating figures. #here were an estimated >:%::: members in 199:. #here may be as few as a few thousand in the world.[1]

http*++www,yo!t!be,com+watch"eat!re.ivTannotationNid.annotationN4<6?4ATv.4MW43M@('DLTsrcNvid.s/<6D"Hbn'M Red!ce pop!lation to 4 (illion (reak o!t the ? H ehWW H the sanctity o" P?Q ?A

?H, P4Q $nyone whose ri#hts or "reedoms& as #!aranteed by this Charter& have been in"rin#ed or denied may apply to a co!rt o" competent 3!risdiction to obtain s!ch remedy as the co!rt considers appropriate and 3!st in the circ!mstances, P?Q Where& in proceedin#s !nder s!bsection P4Q& a co!rt concl!des that evidence was obtained in a manner that in"rin#ed or denied any ri#hts or "reedoms #!aranteed by this Charter& the evidence shall be e8cl!ded i" it is established that& havin# re#ard to all the circ!mstances& the admission o" it in the proceedin#s wo!ld brin# the administration o" 3!stice into disrep!te, Creat!res o" habit (abble on thro!#h the ni#ht be"ore Xmas not a creat!re was discerned stirrin# HIR4 ermit me to 3!d#e lest I be 3!d#ed

(!t Wait http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4HAEDE?6D+Bhey-o"-the-Material-World-Cannot-Bo!ch-the-5pirit-o"-the-Law-as-ItIs WW III Worldly Wise Invisible Invincible Inalienable


http*++www,scribd,com+doc+4?<E6<HH<+;IC$D-46-7ow-$ctivated Colians Come-#rown ori#inal local indi#eno!s abori#inal native soverei#ns 6=

Come Race Colians one mother earth Reality almi#hty consecrated element Reality is the Br!th impervio!s to perception yet precisely d!e to perception Br!th that which %od wo!ld observe whether or not Ce e8ists or whether or not one believes Ce e8ists IDE$L 5imply reality sanely dealt with /nited erception 5olidarity www,!ps46,com /ltimate otential 5ociety


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