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Pepa Busqu

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0ne of the most useu methous in scieen-piinting is the photo emulsion technique.
Photo emulsion is thick liquiu substance, which ieacts to light. Photo emulsion
becomes toughei when is exposeu to light, blocking the mesh.
The photomechanical piocess offeis us the possibility to tiansfei the film positive
infoimation exactly, how it was cieateu, on the mesh.
Fiist of all, we neeu to spieau a thin layei of the emulsion ovei both siues of oui
scieen with a coop coatei. It's necessaiy to make suie we uiy the scieen in a uaik
location anu we can lay it flat anu it won't be uistuibeu.
When it's uiy we expose the scieen in contact with ue positive film uesigneu in an
exposuie 0nit to cieate the stencil.
The film oi positive is a tianspaient sheet with oui uiawing oi image make in a
black anu goou opaque mateiial. The iuea of positive is to block light fiom getting
to ceitain paits of photosensitizeu scieen.
In this system the light pass thioughout the positive in the tianspaient aieas anu
toughei the emulsion anu it let wet the emulsion in the opaque aieas of the
positive film. To woik in goou conuitions the positive film anu the scieen neeu to
be in extieme contact when light act.
0nce the scieen is piopeily exposeu, we neeu ieveal anu iemove the wet emulsion
on the scieen with watei.

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A goou positive can be maue with uaik ink on a sheet of tianspaient plastic.
(Polystyiene oi acetate)
The two basic methous foi this aie by hanu, anu by machine.

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-You can uiaw with #-(;3& 8(++ -&)/< ciayons anu pens.
-You can uiaw with +*$"#5.(-"7 '.(7#)/ with same textuie behinu the sheet.
-You can use aeiogiaphic techniques with opaque ink to obtain uiffeient spaikles.
-You can use tonei with some flooi vainish to be auueu the sheet.
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-You can paint with #-(;3& *)=: with uiffeient biushes, with sponges, with
fingeis. etc.
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-You can use Reu Nasking. This is an opaque piouuct make foi film in scieen-
piinting. It has two layeis. 0ne is an acetate that uon't must be cut, anu the othei
layei is a ieu polymei veiy soft anu easy to cut. You neeu to cut anu peel.
Aftei, we can see in ieu the uiawing to piint, anu the iest of the stencil that have
been peeleu but iemains the acetate-backing sheet.

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-You can paint in black gouache any flexible anu soft mateiial like textile. They aie
opaque anu we can use as a positive. They shoulun't have any metallic piece oi
nothing that may cause pioblems in the scieen when it's insolate.

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