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Adele Laurie Blue Adkins naci un 5 de mayo de 1988 en Tottenham, Londres, Inglaterra. Creci siendo hija de madre soltera . Adele se gradu en mayo de 2006 en el Brit School of Performing Arts of Croydon (patrocinados por los Brit Awards). Un mes ms tarde, public dos canciones en una pgina web de artes escnicas, y comenz a actuar en gira por Reino Unido con otros msicos como Jack Peate (su mejor amigo), Jamie T, Devendra Banhart o Keren Ann entre otros. Comenz a interesarse por el mundo de la msica cuando actu en una presentacin de su colegio donde cantaba el tema Rise de Gabrielle, y poco a poco adquiri influencias de otras artistas como Ella Fitzgerald. Cuando Adele estaba en el ltimo ao de sus estudios en la Brit School grab unos demos para su clase. Uno de sus amigos, Allan Rose, cre una pgina de Myspace y subi sus videos interpretando algunas canciones, entre ellos Chasing Pavements. Poco a poco gan seguidores y se fue abriendo un espacio dentro de un mundo donde slo los que tiene verdadero talento logran sobresalir. Adele subi al escenario de los Premios Oscar 2013 y deleit a los invitados con la interpretacin del tema de la ltima pelcula de James Bond, Operacin Skyfall. Adele, quien haba obtenido el Globo de Oro por Skyfall, se emocion cuando junto al coautor del tema, Paul Epworth, recibi el galardn de la Academia por mejor cancin original

Biography of Adele Laurie Blue Adkins

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988 in Tottenham, London, England. She grew up the daughter of a single mother. Adele graduated in May 2006 at the Brit School of Performing Arts of Croydon (sponsored by the Brits). A month later, she published two songs on a website performing arts, and began performing in UK tour with other musicians like Jack Peate (his best friend), Jamie T, Devendra Banhart or Keren Ann and others. He became interested in the music world when he performed at his school presentation where she sang the theme "Rise" Gabrielle, and gradually acquired influences from other artists such as Ella Fitzgerald. When Adele was in the final year of his studies at the Brit School recorded some demos for its class. One of his friends, Allan Rose, created a Myspace page and got their videos playing some songs, including Chasing Pavements. Gradually gained a following and was opening a space in a world where only those who have achieved true talents excel. Adele took the stage at the Academy Awards 2013 and delighted the guests with the interpretation of the theme of the latest James Bond film, Skyfall operation. Adele, who had won the Golden Globe for "Skyfall", was thrilled when he and co-author of the topic, Paul Epworth, received the Academy Award for Best Original Song

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