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Thrse of Lisieux
The Little Flower

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Guess how many roses are in the jar? Marys Starry Mantle

Guess how many caramels are in the jar?

Guess how many cookies are in the jar?

Holy Souls

The Holy Trinity

Guess how many stars are in the jar?

Guess how many souls are in the jar?

Guess how many 3 Musketeers are in the jar?


St. Francis of Assisi

Patron of Animals

St. Isidore
Patron of Farmers

St. Anthony
and the Multitude of Fish

Guess how many animals are in the jar?

Guess how many candies are in the jar?

Guess how many fish are in the jar?

St. Andrew
Patron of Fisherman

St. Nicholas of Myra

Guess how many fish are in the jar?

Guess how many coins are in the jar?


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