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Make & Do Activity Kit

Terrarium gardens
Terrariums are a little green world of their own and are a lovely introduction to gardening. We explore the water cycle, the concept of photosynthesis and the important role of plants in our environment.

Time: 1+ hrs Difficulty: Hints: Terrariums can be made using jars,

bowls, old fish tanks or bottles. Choose indoor plants that like a moist environment. a layer of gravel or 1. Put pebbles into the bottom of your container.

soil on top of the 2. Place pebbles. Place plants next to the container to see how much soil is needed while leaving room to fit your plants in.

What you will need:

potting soil a lidded container (a bowl, old fish tank, bottle or jar) pebbles or gravel different plants an old spoon trowel or large spoon a lid (if your container has no lid)

a spoon or trowel 3. Using make holes and plant your plants.

your plants in well 4. Water and allow them to sit with the lids open while they settle into the soil. This will also allow some of the water to evaporate. that do well in 5. Plants terrariums will generally need light but not direct sunlight. A shaded window sill is a good spot.

How much you will need:

The amount of plants, decorative rocks, soil and pebbles will depend on the size of your container. After choosing your container draw up a plan of what it will look like. This will give you an idea of amounts. The number of plants will depend on the size they will grow.
500 Harris St Ultimo PO Box K346 Haymarket NSW 1238 Australia

your terrarium 6. Water when needed. Read the information on the next page for instructions on when to do this and how to look after your new garden.
Tel: 02 9 6217 0111 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 2.5 License.


Make & Do Activity Kit

Title of Project

Page 2

Whats going on in my terrarium? Looking after your terrarium

Your terrarium will quickly develop its own micro climate. By taking the lid off and on your can control the amount of moisture inside your garden. If you see water dribbling down the glass your terrarium is probably too wet. Open the lid and allow moisture to escape by evaporation. If the sides are a little fogged up then your teraruim is quite happy. If you cant see any fogged glass at all you will probably need to water again. By putting plants into a closed environment in your terrarium you have made a micro-climate. This is a mini system similar to the one that works on Earth. A mini water cycle in a jar Water in the glass jar is recycled just like it is in Earths atmosphere. The water evaporates from the soil and from the plants. Instead of rising into the atmosphere to form clouds, it collects on the surface of the glass and forms droplets of water. When it runs down the side it soaks the soil and waters the plants again. Plants make oxygen through photosynthesis Your plants can live inside a closed jar because they produces their own oxygen. They take in the gas carbon dioxide through their leaves and use the energy from sunlight to convert it into oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis. The importance of plants Plants are so important in the Earths own environment as they produce the oxygen that all living things need to live.

500 Harris St Ultimo PO Box K346 Haymarket NSW 1238 Australia

Tel: 02 9 6217 0111

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 2.5 License.

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