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Mythology is the science that studies the stories based on tradition and legend, created to explain the universe, the origin of the world, natural phenomena and anything for which there is no simple explanation. This document gives us the inalienable human beings have to know our past, the richness of our indigenous peoples,and their worldview from sumak Kawsay(good living) as a fundamental principle of existence. ShuwaAma,AmaLlulla ,Ama Keel ( do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy ) are part of their values and commandments of life, we must preserve and learn from the indigenous cultural values and customs and stereotypes banish completely alien and distant to what our ancestors practiced . Maybe they're not so far from the truth when they say shamans: "Someday, when there are no trees, the sky will fall and perish all men. Indigenous peoples have an infinite cultural richness true manifestations through its language , dress , rituals and celebrations , finally a series of life practices that have been passed through generations , that through a constant struggle , remain living in each of the expressions of the Andean peoples , constituting today in a critical and valuable resource for the development of tourism in Ecuador . In the province Pueblo Salasaca of Tungurahua Tomabela, all has four indigenous groups with certain and small identified: Chibuleo Pueblo, Pueblo Kisapincha, Pueblo and differences, but also with a common philosophy framed on respect and love Pacha Mama. No one can love what you do not know and no one can defend what he loves not only to discover and understand our roots and origins could perhaps understand who we are, where we come from and where we should go.


It follows that the group come Panzaleo, Pre - Inca culture that developed mainly in Machachi and came to the province of Tungurahua. The Panzaleos were divided into different branches and spoke different dialects as Kito " spoken in the province of Pichincha and the dialect of the " Hambatus " being used in places like Cotal , Huambal , Mocha, and Kisapincha Pelileo . It also mentions that resulted from the different migrations by Puruhes, who came from the province of Chimborazo, called "sons of silence, " engendered by the hill towering, brilliant." This group was the result of several immigrant groups. All of our ethno - anthropological Kisapincha town has three levels in its history: the pre Inca or pre- Quichua, the Inca - era mitimaedomain, and the colonial era. The name has roots in Kisapincha KichwuaKissi meaning the boga or the place of water sources and "click which means water gunpoint. According to this criterion the word has to do with the springs that were in place and of which there are accounts of Spanish chroniclers who watched her dazzling springs and waterfalls of pure water and ice. Of undoubted quitu - panzalea linguistic affiliation, was an area of major chiefdoms, it is considered that the people of the Kisapinchas was the oldest settlement in Ambato, for they were the owners of the land where the city now stands. In 1698 an earthquake of great magnitude, struck the province of Tungurahua, destroying the town of Ambato, founded by the Spanish colonizers. In order to find a new settlement for the Villa,Kisapinchas Indians forced off their land, which caused several years of struggles and bloody clashes. Defeated by foreigners sought new settlements on the heights of the mountains, in his surly geography that runs from Saguatoa, called after - urkuPillis(hill of lice) to Casaguala, emblematic name of the hill in the area. The people of the Kisapinchas was always a feared group, due to the physical constitution of its inhabitants, it was strong and robust, always ready to defend its land and their ancestral customs.


Traditionally male dress consists of lambs wool poncho red, symbolizing the blood of their forefathers in the struggle for their territoriality, white pants fabric snapper, white wool hat and white scarf sheep wool. In ancient walking barefooted after their clothing adapted to the use of espadrilles. Unfortunateely there are very few that maintain this costume. In the case of women , their attire was typical: the black anaco , twill blouse or snapper , overflow of colors ( pink , green , red , blue or orange) , or washkas coral necklaces , coral earrings 25-30 cm. Long and white wool hat . The overall dress Kisapincha town has undergone many changes, now men and women prefer to wear cloth hat different colors and have adapted to their clothing, many Hispanic garments like fabric pants, blouses and shirts Western.As for the music we mention that the first record music developed in the wilderness, corresponds to choral music, music produced by the human voice, without the aid of any musical instrument. The best known example is the jahuay,mingasong, song of celebration of the work, during the work collective farm. Another song ancestral born in the wilderness is the Mashalla. This is a song which parents of indigenous boyfriends sing for spouses, passing through them a few tips on how to successfully pursue and married life. Melodies as those that accompany the festivities of IntiRaymihave a strong brand of solemnity and ritual.The music they played indigenous peoples of the Andes have that connotation of ritual, were singing to celebrate the sun,crops, life and divinity .Among the activities carried out by women kisapinchas is the fabric, they are skilled artisans and handle perfectly the art of manipulating wasteland straw to make them beautiful baskets, baskets and other objects that help the household economy.

The land that is now Salinas in the province of Bolivar, in ancient times was known by the name Tomabela " under the tutelage of Chief Puruh was given access to the salt mines located in the resort. At that time, the value of salt was such that a small amount could have to sell: gold, cotton, and other staples. The Indians are descendants of the aylluPilahun Tomabela the Chimbos ethnic group. This village occupied both sides of the Western Cordillera of the Andes, at the foot of the snowcapped Chimborazo and Carihuairazo. When the Inca Tupac Yupanqui mastered the Chimbos , made these lands to a large group of home mitimaes Cusco and emigrated to various conquered people ayllu ; integrated thereby leaving the people Tomabela the Tawantinsuyu . The presence of mitimaes enriched the cultural heritage of the people Tomabela: the widespread use of Quechua as an official language and there were major changes in the magicalreligious worldview. This territory included areas as diverse as ; Babahoyo , Facundo Vela , Heart , Angamarca , Salinas , Simiatug , Pallatanga , Llangahua , Pilahun , Chibuleo and Santa Rosa area that today belong to the provinces of Los Ros , Bolvar , Chimborazo , Cotopaxi and Tungurahua . During the colonial era, Spanish and Creole landowners began to appropriate the best lands of the indigenous natives. From 1775-1823 the chiefs of this region, which extended from Santa Rosa to Salinas and Simiatug including Pilahun and present parish of Juan Benigno Vela, were kept in constant disputes over the boundaries of their lands , eventually geographically divide the territory of the village Tomabela . The protagonists of these fights were the Chiefs land Hallo Don Lorenzo and Don Cristobal Cando Sumba Pilamunga , Chiefs of the district of Santa Rosa , who accused each other of having divided their boundaries with more land than they should, lasted more than 90 years these conflicts , which were passed from generation to generation. As noted by Dr. Peter Kingdom in his book Colonial Documents for the History of Tungurahua: "Current installments of Indians in the area, we understand that you are probably intermingled and mobilized groups within which corresponded to the region of Santa Rosa today is maimed, since Tungurahua, upon becoming a province, not joined Simiatug and ancestral Salinas that were part of the same story linked to Tungurahua .

The Worldview of your Religiosity

For Tomabela, the relationship of human beings with nature has a sacred ritual. Agricultural production is the symbol of fertility and maternal love professed for land to indigenous people is the relationship that unites man and woman with nature, is an act of love, a meeting of the children with their mother. Taita Carihuairazo was one of their gods and paid him fervent cult, dedicating temples erected at the foot of the snow, where they were sacred herds of llamas that were considered sacred animals. Legend has it that many years ago between the shepherds lived two poor orphans who had been appointed by the Regulus care Puruh a small herd of sacred flames. They laughed so much and were so happy and good with the flames, the Carihuairazo, looking every day came to grow fond of them and decided to give them a sign of affection. One day, while playing with a flame a few days old, heard a mysterious voice who called. Frightened ran next to one of the largest and old flames. This calmed them telling them not feared. Then the children shouted: - Father Carihuairazo ... We are tiny but I love and do what you want. The voice sounded again, but this time he went to the old flame. - My daughter - said the hill - I want to reward these two children who care for you and I want you drive to my enchanted gardens as you know them. After a few hours they came to a beautiful valley where there were high walls of ice, from the high peaks fell a waterfall, when illuminated by the rays of the sun, showing a rainbow. But most surprising was growing beautiful plants with silver flowers. Then the mysterious voice of the hill asked the children to take the flowers of silver, and they wanted. They thrilled, ripped few they could and loaded onto the flames and started back to the people That afternoon the Regulus, from his palace, was surprised that Carihuairazo skirts down points of light, like stars. I could never imagine that they were children and llamas loaded with gorgeous flowers of silver and glow emanating these. But their astonishment was increased when at midnight the children came to him and then tells him what had happened he was offered the treasure, gift Carihuairazo father. Such was the happiness of Regulus, who decided to adopt them as his children and the orphans since formed part of the family and lived in his palace, surrounded by the love and respect of his subjects.

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