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The Voice of the Integratron
VOL. 12
Stepas Explains Life Lines on Page 3
P R 0 C E E D I N G S
January- February 1980
STEPAS EXPLAINS LIFELINES ............................................................................ 3
MOMENTUM ................................................................................................................ 4
WITHIN ANOTHER HOUSE .. ................................................................................ 5
QUOTABLE QUOTES ............... ...... ................................................. .......................... 6
SOLEX-MAL .......................................................... ............................................... ......... 8
VOLUME ........................... ............................................................................................. 9
.. 11
HOW ABOUT A FAIR SHAKE? .............................................................................. 12
SPIDERWARTS .......................................................................................................... 13
PROGRESS REPORT - ................ .. 14
CHELATION THERAPY ............. .......... .................... .............. : ............ .... .................. 15
"PROCEEDINGS" - mailed free to those requesting it and who finan-
cially support cost and printing by donations. Checks & money
orders verify your contribution. There is no subscription rate.
Al l donations, money-orders, checks, and bequests should be made
t o the . Ministry of Universal Wisdom Inc.
"PROCEEDINGS" - published by the Ministry of Universal Wisdom Inc.,
Drower "(;" Yucca Valley, California, USA Business & Editorial offices:
Ministry Office Building President & Editor: Mrs. Dorris (Geo.
W) Van Tassel. Secretary: Edwin Wrenchey.
Manuscripts & photographs by members and friends to be accompanied
by s e lf-addressed, stamped envelope. Please address questions,
gifts, etc., concerning publication directly to Editor.
(All rights reserved, including translations.)
phone 97140 364-2784 - evenings - 6 to 9
Drawer "G" Yucca Valley, California 92284
Our ~ h year of publication
You are each walking the tight wire of your individual
life lines, stretched between the poles of birth and death.
The keynote of progress through any grade of life is balance
on your individual tight wire, the life line of your vibration.
The trick is for you to maintain balance.
One may think that if you fall on the right side, it would
be different than to fall on the left. In either case it is
the same distance to the stop. Anyone fanatically religious
is an extremist on one side. This is partly the reason we
have instructed you to function singing hymns and ballads.
The problem of many of
your individual balance.
is to learn how to avoid
parallel to yours .
you, is to. discover how to maintain
The problem of some others of you
unbalancing someone on a life line
As you advance through this grade you may suffer many falls
on either side. And you have to start again where you fell
off. When you come to t ~ e death end of the wire you have to
look at the other side of the pole and you discover it is the
birth side of another wire fastened a little higher on the
Each time you advance higher the fall is deeper. Of course,
you are more experienced in the art of maintaining balance.
The higher you get the. harder you fall. It makes no differ-
ence whether you fall on the left side or the right.
On your particular level, you mus.t maintain the balance be-
tween the spiritual and physical selves. In doing so do not
shove someone else off balance in order to maintain yourself .
Those who are walking parallel lines are influenced by those
on either side of them. In your case, your path through the
grade you are now in may bring you into contact with relig-
ious people, or people in criminal activities . . You will be l
affected by whoever you associate with or brush up against. ji
The one way to maintain balance is to do all things in moder-
ation. Make sure you do not interfere with others rights to 1
maintain their own balance and keep your mind's eye ahead of 1
you. You cannot look around something will distract you! l
Your goal, is the pole ahead of you; in your understanding l
marked "death" - in our understanding, ma,rked "advancement." 1
If you reach the pole, at the end of your life, in an un- 1!
b a ~ state you have not finished the grade --- you are not
qualified to move on and you repeat. You are carried back to 1
another rebirth on the same vibratory life wire. l
Balance is the keynote of progression. You can only progress
by going down the middle upright ... taking each experience in
your stride and still maintaining balance.
Have you ever watched a stacked set of dominos
c olla pse and appreciated the sequence of their fall-
ing? Did you ever see a set of spheres attached by
strings to a frame so when one is impacted it hits
the others which caoses a pattern of reaction? One
such device, which I have enjoyed playing with, is
the Newton Cycle Demonstrator created by a friend
for research. The impact pattern was always the same
varying only by the. intensity of the starting blow.
In a way, the Newtonian Cycle is evident in most
all things, mental or physical. It is a visible rhythm
that is set into motion or into a mental sequence of
a thought program. Both rhythmed by a starting impact
which must be there even when the evidence of it is
apparently lacking; a sequence set up by that first
act, which is always in any beginning whether
v isible by the eyes or to be realized on some other
p lane . There is a specific kind of motion required
to stem, shift or stir established momentum. This
stop or blocking has it ' s equivalency pattern as well.
Yet, how many e ver think of this negative side of motion
a s ha ving a rhythm of "stop"?
We tend to believe that force is a must .. that
t o stop any kind of a beginning requires an energy per-
haps greater than the initial one of starting. WHAT IS
that an understanding or capacity to make use of the
momentum through another channel is a better way and
uses constructively what could be lost in a countering
of forces .
Some of the active folks are sending in their $15.00
or more for a voting membership.
You realize that thli). money sent in for a proceedinq
is not necessary, as subscriptions, but keeps us going!
When c.orresponding for a membership request, be sure
to state your request & be sure that the fund you are
sendi ng is applied Also ask to verify that
your money arrives to our Ministry of Universal Wisdom.
'!his also applies towards any monies sent in as donations,
memberships or Proceedings, or for books & tapes.
Within Another
"We need another and wiser and perhaps a more
mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal
nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in
civilization surveys the creature through the glass
of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified
and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them
for their imcompleteness, for their tragic fate of
having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein
we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be
measured by man. In a world older and more complete
than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with
extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained,
living by voices we shall never hear. They are not
brethren, -they are not underlings; they .. are other nations,
caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow
prisoners of the splendour and travail of -the earth."
Dr. Franklin Thorpe ft.J) .
The Pyramids by Steve Emmons of Colorado
" HARNING: have determined that breathing is
dangerous to your health."
"Fear of ridicule is forcing scientists to work underground."
.. Invisible College
"Man is not capable of eliminating good from all things
anymore than he can withdraw God from it."
"On one end you have ego-on the other
ego'cause its your self identity; you
able to learn."
.. Dorris
ignorance. You need
need ignorance to be
Ken Kiluck
"A gentleman remembers a _lady's birthday, but not her age1
"The computer is a great invention. There are just as many
mistakes as ever, but they are nobody's fault."
Sign in finance company's window: "Loans for those who have
everything but haven't paid for it yet."
"Best advice to a dieter: "No thyself."
"Many who say "Our Father" on Sunday spend the rest of the
week acting like orphans." Todays World
Speak when you're angry and you'll make the ' best speech you'll
ever regret!"
One of George W. Van Tassel's theories is that human
.like batteries, run down and that the energy loss
as aging.
"We are putting God's eternal laws of magnetism, electricity
and ions into practical application. The Bible says 'death
shall be the last thing to be overcome.' If this is accomp-
lished, someone has to do it. We are trying."
... George W. Van Tassel
Comment, Please.
It is important .... where we are as well as when we
think. Though there are blendings in any event.
A friend suggested this idea by a comment the other
day. He said that he did his best thinking while sitting
on the John. We laughed and then started to analyze.
The discussion went something like this:
1. The bathroom was private ... allowing little interruption.
2. This is a good time and place for basics.
3. Both verbal and gaseous explosions were acceptable.
4. Posture activated freer flow of circulation, lumph and
other eliminate forms.
5. The water of the tank and bowl allowed additional acti-
vation to "statics".
6. Current of both - and +was relatively continuous.
7. This 'grounding' results in all body and mind ingredients
trying to balance.
8. Thus an opportunity may have cleared for better pictorial
and verbal communication.
~ -
9. So external as well as internal sources may find attunement.
10. Spiritual and physical-emotional coordinates may likewise
reach significant cohensiveness.
We laughed alot during the discussion but we were not
laughing at the conclusion of the evaluation. And I would
not be surprised should more than one reader have similar
reactions. We appreciate your constructive comments.
Thank You
There are those who take and who c ontinue to leach
in the name of friendship, as though it were a part and a
requirement for their survival.
There are those who quietly attend to the facts and
the acts of friendship while remaining close until they can
be of service. Your strength is appreciated, FAITH LIVES ON.
Sol ex. na J

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Eden- t'f)ai
Van and I wer e particularly interested in the Glen Canyon
Dam in 1976, and after his write up in October, November and
December of 1977, I continued to feel involved with this and
other dams across the United States. Many of us have had
misgivings as to the safety of areas near earth filled darns,
and trust proper considerations have been made by those living
around such facilities. We want to believe that authorities
connected with these darnable sites, consider the earth shaking
problems they can generate.
Colorado, Arizona and Utah friends tell us of earthquakes
in all or their states. Thus I am continually reminded that
in the event one dam were to let-go, water as overflow would
reach quickly.
Looking on a large map I note a few communi ties fairly close
to some man made lakes or other earth developed projects.
Fifteen years ago I worked with a conimunity who's health pro-
blems stemed from the fact that they were swamp filled areas .
Ba s ic hea l th problems were associated in many children as well
as adults who were not able to "cope" with the underflow curren
A hous ing p roject sat o n the earthfill and nonvisible tidewater
of the area . I wonder at man's determination to overwhelm
God 's natural beauty with manstuff arid such.
DDT, the first organic pesticide, was widely used during
World War II to control insect pes,ts in both military and
domestic situations.
Dr. Francis A. Gunther, a University of California
scientist has found that DDT leaves in
plant He also developed a technique that will
detect as l1ttle as one part of contamination per billion
1?,000 times more sensitive than earlier techniques and
w1th gr7ater _accuracy. His research now is concerned with
protect1ng f1eld workers as well as food consumers.
Time is a subject much discussed and debated. As we
surf our wave of time we most often find ourselves look-
ing back to see whence we carne. Even as a river flows
over a fall not only does it change direction but speed
as well. As we now find ourselves at the apex of the
fall, we look back and find little indication of what
lies ahead. Turning about and looking forward shows
us no river at all and we find ourselves in a state of
(continued on page 10)
_J n , we find ourselves in the NOW. Nothing more
gr ab on to for the river is fast disappearing beneath
us .
We must learn to fly NOW! It is not a matter of " if"
or "how" for "NOW" does not last long enough to e ven
voice the question. Flying is something one just does,
ask any bird that has been pushed from it's nest for the
first time. If it is still in it's body you can be mo st
certain that it did not allow much time for the study of
survival mechanism within all living forms from cry-
stals to cosmic beings of orders unknown to us exist
within the basic nature of the living manifested self.
We as humans have time to study the wonders presented
to us until there is no more time or there are no more
wonders and we fall.
We find many of great intellectual stature at this
point saying "impossible", a few more open minded say-
ing "improbable, and some with vision saying "perhaps".
Others with knowledge say "of course" and a few with
wisdom saying "lets do it" as they fly away.
Those of us continuing the work of future mankind
find ourselves at the apex, for the charismatic charge
has met with a short circuit. The universe has been
kind, for it has provided us with the opportunity and
we are now learning to unfold our wings.
Today is full of the excitement of tomorrow's flight
for the vision is with us, the knowledge has been given
and the wisdom to proceed is making itself known through
the continued support of all those who together say "Lets
do it".
. . . Larry Duffy Old Dad ....
When I was still in junior high, my father used to speak
about "The Stanley Steamer." Dad was a quiet man, but not
when he spoke of this. The enthusiasm and forceful explana-
tions provided many of our communities with something to talk
about. Dad did not talk of a potential auto that ran without
gasoline or obvious electricity. He discussed into the hours
the way that this unique vehicle was able to function. From
those days on I could not believe that any gasoline auto was
the only way to move about. Now and again I come across other
forms of energy. A book written in 1978 gives many other
suggestions ... Have you read, Pr oqf Pos itive- Ambassador Jacks on?
"' d ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----
,r er throug h, .. P . u . ~ o x 1111 Tacoma , Washing ton 98401
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - ~
Biologist Les i e Orgel ' s theory of aging makes us think
we may have more erroneou s zones" then we knew. He believes
aging may be t he result of accumulated errors of information
processing in the body . These errors, he says, may arise from
the DNA source i t self losing something in the translation of
genetic informat ion between itself and bodily constituents.
Thus, there is nothing to be done about it.
Top medical and biological opinion of today is to the effect
that "genetic deterioration" may be slowed down, but not re-
versed. Although they agree that there is no reason, in prbriple
why deterioration of body organs cannot be slowed or stopped,
"it's the natural order of things," they say.
Many theories are but a portion of the truth, and we find
this theory interesting, but a b i t depressing.
Would George Van Tassel have worked for twenty some years on
a machine called the Inte gratron if he believed our switchboards
were all fouled up? Would so many people who believed as he,
a nd pu t their mone y where t heir mouth was, have backed such an
e nterpr i s e as t .he Integratron? In the beginning of th;! year
19?9, Mahar esh Yogi decl ared that this year would be the year
of ALL POSSI BILITI ES. We believe, with George and our sources,
that the Integratron is one GREAT POSSIBILITY! 1980 LOOKS GREAT.
Then there is the young man I met a few years ago who
formed a unique saucer shaped craft and was able to move
it by remote control. No visible form of energy at all!
Although my frL,nd was not able to develop the energy
theme because "Big Boys" from the oil industry presented
some powerful opposition ... the idea is still around
and generating a potent force for a near future where a
fear cannot control the vision.
Another team of three are able to electrify a moderate ly
sized auto with a device that could be carried in a ladies
purse. Now there is another way to help gals!
One family claims to have enough portable electricity to
maintain a city like Salt Lake, and to keep it activated
indefinatel y. Even my father knew this potential. So do
a number of young people today.
In the r ecent past we used to glorify indivi dua l s who
h ad the ability o r the pote ntial to do remarkable thi ngs
in the ene r gy field . But now at l o ng last, we merely e n-
c o ur a ge t hem to go t o a f o r eign country for resear c h and
t hen take c o nsiderable de l ight when the i dea ge nerates a
ne w system o f thinking .
"Tbe rapid development of solar energy is a mus t if we
are to avoid the catastrophic energy crisis. The Sol a r Lobby
is fighting to safeguard America's future survival as a nation . .
c a n get us headed in the right direction but i t cannot do
~ t a lone. Favored energy sources have received nearly $150
billion in federal subsidies; more federal money wi l l be spent
on nuclear power this year alone than has been spent on renewable
energy sources in the last hundred years!"
"In our fight to get a fair shake for solar energy , we'll
be up against some of the most powerful lobbies in \-Jashington,
the American l'etroleum Institute, the Edison Electric Institute,
the Atomic Industrial Forum, the National Coal Association, and
the American Gas Association.
"Against this array of forces, a first-rate effort is necess-
ary. If we are to succeed, we must have the help of every citi-
zen concerned about our energy future and the promise of solar
power. Won't you take a stand for solar energy by joining the
Solar Lobby? Your check for $15 will make you a member, but
I urge you to send $25 or more if you can afford the sacrafice.
Your dollars will enable our staff to lobby Congress and the
federal agencies and to build a grass roots network around the
country to advance decentralized solar technologies. I hope
that you will agree that it is a wise investment .. . . "
Dennis Hayes, 1028 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
"And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then
know that the desolation thereof is nigh." St. Luke-21126
We learned from a San Francisco paper that plants
are a better and safer monitor for nuclear plants.
One small wildflower whose blue parts turn pink in
the presence of low-level radiation has the potential
to keep nuclear power plants in check. A Genetics'
The spiderwort developes pink spots on its three
blue petals or pink cells on its 300 blue stamen
hairs when in the presence of radioactivity, according
t o Sadao Ichikawa, a professor at Saitama University
in Japan.
When Ichikawa visited San Francisco recently, he
lectured on the potentials of the spiderwort's pollu-
tion-sensitive properties.
(continued next page)
Spiderworts planted close to, or downwind from
several Japanese atomic power facilities showed sig- .
nificantly increased numbers of cell mutations after
being exposed during routine operations, Ichikawa said.
While the spiderwort reacted within a week or two,
the power company and government officials report no
increase using standard instruments. So God is Saferl
Because cells of both the plant and the humans show
a "similar sensitivity", Ichikawa believes humans who
live near nuclear plants may run an increased risk of
cell mutations and cancer that may not show up for years.
The special nature of this native American flower
was first examined in the 1960's at Brookhaven National
Laboratory in New York ... but Brookhaven biologist, Lloyd
Schairer, was cautious in his conclusions about the
spiderwort. He said more genetic evidence is needed
before this link can be firmly established between the
plant reaction and those of human beings.
Although Schairer is experimentally using spiderwort
to monitor general air pollution, he said some scientists
have great reservations about whether human cells and
spiderwort cells react in the same way ... but do they work
with genetics? I would appreciate meeting Professor Ichikawa.
Among Us" is another major contribution
to l1terature of the psychic. Ruth Montgomery writes
of her discovery of Walk-ins .and their role in these
last days as we know them, She goes into great detail
to reveal these enlightened beings now secretly and .an-
onymously among us who will be guides and spiritually
mentors through the chaos of World War 111 and up
com1ng Earth changes. For the many who have long felt
a personal earth mission of special significance, this
book has clear purpose.
A of contents showsr Brotherhoods and Groun
Mind, Otherwhe!"e, Extraterrestrials, Mystery. of Walkins
Chaos and Cleanup, The Antichrist, The Shift, and the
World to Come. Is This for Real?
Is this for real indeed! Try this bestseller on
for size. Its a good conversation awakener we found,
The most interesting sessions so far in my lectures
has been in Florida and Nevada areas. There the f olks
seem to have a lively iniatitive with such happy and
helpful overtones. A hurried gait seems to have come
into the Spiritual Groupings in many places now. There
is a sadness with it, and disharmony of the members who
seldom know their own officers, but merely pay for a
membership without an evaluation of either duration or
consistancy of projected goals. The Ministry of Univer-
sal Wisdom has been ongoing the better part of 25 years
and until stealing and unabashed wasting was common in
public groups, we had the place always open. It was a
military request that first closed the doors EXCEPT BY
SCHEDULE. They expressed the desire that the advanced
information become less available NOW ,_
,. knowing that
certain facts were duplicated in their own research.
For over 25 years visitors have received the courtesy
of an explaination of our project, Most long time read-
ers know the reasons for not having free flow of a public
through these properties was because of damage done by
careless ones or even by childish oldsters. who like to
have samples of where their feet have been The cost
in time and work to replace damage or stealing was very
hi gh. Thus special groups & work- associates were .. most
all who "got to go in the D o m e ~ Since it was not to be
even fitted with any essentials until just before public
usage or testings were to begin, the benefit was minimal.
NOW as its done
THEN when you are
The recording stones are busy,,Keep your action
Written on Nov. 29th 79 Mrs. George W Van Tassel
EVERY :DEC ut ility bill for the building and the
Dome on the Incorporated Property is increasing-just
as all the telephone, electric and accounts seem tobe
doing in al l areas of the County. D O R ~ I S ASSISTED IN
The accen t in honesty and sincerity has noticeably
increased as noted by the incoming correspondence, in
personal communi cation and phone calls at the Landers
site, and a l so when we meet at numberous other points
that our activities take us now.
As soon as we can develop a little more money for
publishing the out of print books written by George
Va n Tassel, they will be printed. Also the 25 years
of Proceedings will be printed in 3 volumes. They
are now on back order-an expensive but valuable asset
on any library shel f .... better as a reference in any
active mind.
Hector de la Fuente
More people die of circulatory diseases than from
any other cause and it is on the increase! Examples
of the causes are: tension of modern living, nutri-
tional deficiencies (especially amino acids), heavy
metal poisoning (lead, mercury, arsenic, ets.), pol-
luted air (gaso.Jine f 1mes, industrial gases, tobacco,
smoke, etc.), polluted water, insecticides, refined,
devitalized foods, add itives, preservatives, and food
high in saturated fats. Some of these are even known
to be the cause of blindness and deafness.
There is a known treatment for these called CHELATION
THERAPY--infusing into the blood stream a substance
known as 'disodium ethy lene diamine tetra' or EDTA.
This therapy has eve n bee n known to i mprove the vision
in diabeti c retinopat hy.
Chelation i s a safe p rocedure when administered by
physicians, who are qualified diagnosticians and exper-
ienced in the therapy. No side effects can be expected
as long as the infusions are not given too rapidly .....
preferably over a 2 hour period each session.
The effectiveness o f chelation therapy can be deter-
mined by uri ne e xaminatio n and newl y developed instruments.
0 IIOJ.Lie/l. ''Y II
u.cca 'a.1i.eJ;, Cali../olliii.a.
.S.A. 92284
''au:, WoMAN Si>RINGSRo"
21 l"'hl.E$. TO
CA 92356
Permit No. 17
Howard Dissly
11743 Villa Dorado
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
If there is any question you want
answered that has not been fully
in the "Proceeding," a
note to the editor requesting en-
lightenment will bring a full ex-
planation. Please write us.
Jo,_.V,_ PALMS

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