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IELTS test in Australia September 2013 (General Training)

An IELTS test taker from Australia (thank you N!) shared this exam update. N didnt remember the Listening and Reading, but did a good job with Writing and Speaking: Writing test Writing task 1 (a letter) Write a letter to your landlord about the neighbours above your flat that are disturbing and say that you wish to make a complaint. Writing Task 2 (an essay) There are people who like to spend time with their own age group and people that spend their time with different age groups. What approach is better in your opinion? Give relevant examples from your own experience. Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Do you receive gifts frequently? Do like to receive them? Why? What is the most precious gift you have received so far? Why do you like it so much?

Cue Card Describe a shopping street that you would like to visit. Please say - Where is it? - Why would you like to go there? - Whom would you take there with you? Discussion - Do you use the Internet for shopping? - What are the pros and cons of Internet shopping? - Will you continue to shop online in the future?

Get a self study book, for Academic click here, for General here.

IELTS Speaking test in Bucharest, Romania September 2013

Our kind friend E shared the Speaking questions asked in a recent IELTS exam in Romania: Speaking test

Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Where do you work? Do you consider yourself a patient person? What are the benefits of being patient? Are people in your country usually patient? Do you like advertisements? Do you think there is too much advertisement in your country?

Cue Card Describe the most important (special) photograph that you like. Please say When was it taken? Who is on that photograph? Who took it? Why is it so special to you?

Discussion What is the role of photographs in the newspapers? Do you think photographs of family events must be taken by professionals? What photographs are good for advertisement? What is better, to send a photograph or a post card? What is the most efficient way of communication: e-mail, chat or SMS, in your opinion?

IELTS test in Iran September 2013 (Academic Module)

Hey, you're new here! I love new people, welcome. You may want to subscribe to IELTS-Blog and get all the updates via email or via RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! An IELTS test taker from Iran (thanks, A!) shared this exam update: Listening test Section 1. A conversation between a woman and a school secretary about registering her son in the school. Section 2. A radio program about hosts helping people in foreign countries. Section 3. Two students were talking about their assignment on the topic of childrens psychology. Section 4. A talk about the expansion of a supermarket. Reading test Passage 1. An experiment about cognitive ability of animals. Passage 2. An article about lean manufacturing practices.

Passage 3. An article about methods of teaching science in schools. Writing test Writing task 1 (a report) We were given 3 bar charts showing information about air and water temperature in 3 different lakes in Europe in 3 different seasons. Writing task 2 (an essay) Todays teaching methods and communication between teachers and students will disappear by the year 2050. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Get a self study book, for Academic click here, for General here. Subscribe to via RSS or via email

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IELTS Speaking test in Riga, Latvia September 2013

The Speaking questions below were shared by M who took the IELTS test in Latvia. Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you live in a house or in an apartment? In which room do you spend most of the time? Why? Do you prefer to watch news on TV or to read them in newspapers? Do you prefer to write an e-mail or call someone? Do you like to write letters or e-mails? To whom do you usually write e-mails? From whom do you usually receive e-mails? What do you prefer to write a letter by hand or type it on a computer? Why? Do you often use your mobile phone? Are you a patient person? Why? What do you do while waiting for somebody? Why are people in some countries more patient than in other countries?

Cue Card Talk about an interesting person that you have met recently. Please say - Who is that person? - When and where did you meet him/her? - Why does he/she seem interesting to you? Discussion - What do you think is the most important for the development of a childs personality? - Are parents responsible for their childs personality? - What about school? Does it have a role in childs personality?

IELTS test in Melbourne, Australia September 2013 (General Training)

Hey, you're new here! I love new people, welcome. You may want to subscribe to IELTS-Blog and get all the updates via email or via RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! IELTS test takers from Australia (thank you, J and N!) shared the details of their recent exam: Listening test Section 1. A client was calling the customer service to have her fridge fixed. Section 2. A survey about 4 local supermarkets and what organic food options they offer. Section 3. Dont remember. Section 4. Two assessors were chatting about jobs and peoples chance to get them. What is important for the company and why the company avoids certain people. Reading test Passage 1. About different festivals and everything that is on offer there. Passage 2, 3. Dont remember. Passage 4. Long article about turtles and what local people are doing to protect them. It also talked about predators and times when turtles go to the beach to deposit their eggs in the sand. Writing test Writing task 1 (a letter) You have read an article in a newspaper that contains incorrect information about your town/city. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper to inform them about the mistake. In your letter - Describe your knowledge of the city. - Explain what information was incorrect in your opinion. - Suggest how the editor could fix this error. Writing Task 2 (an essay) Many people have to retire at the age 60 or 65. However, some suggest that these people should be allowed to work for as long as they wish. What are the pros and cons of this situation? Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study?

Cue Card Describe a tourist attraction that you have enjoyed visiting. Please say - Where is this place? - What was so interesting about this place? - What did you enjoy the most? Discussion Dont remember. Get a self study book, for Academic click here, for General here. Subscribe to via RSS or via email

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IELTS Speaking test in Australia September 2013

The Speaking questions below were shared by C, who recently took the IELTS test in Australia: Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Tell me something about your city. What do you like the most about your city? When did you last visit your relatives? What do you do when you go to your relatives in your home country? How often do you meet them?

Cue Card Talk about a business that you would like to start in the future. Please say - What is it? - Why do you think this business is important? - What are the crucial components of success in business? Discussion Do you think business is important? What business is successful, according to you? Why? Talk about any family business that you know. What are the positives of running a business with family? What are the negatives of running a business with family members?

IELTS test in Uzbekistan September 2013 (Academic Module)

Hey, you're new here! I love new people, welcome. You may want to subscribe to IELTS-Blog and get all the updates via email or via RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! This update was shared by N, an IELTS test taker from Uzbekistan Listening test Section 1. A conversation between two friends about what to pack for trip and places to visit. Section 2. About a public park that opened recently. Section 3. Two students discussed their project and asked their professor for help. Section 4. Chronological history of cars from 1940 to 1990. Reading test Passage 1. A research in Australia and the USA about employers offering special facilities for workers with families. Passage 2. Social and economic role of bees in our life. Passage 3. About a book that describes the mind in 3D. The name was something like Mind in Writing test Writing task 1 (a report) We were given two pie charts indicating the proportion of students taking courses offered by an adult education centre. Writing task 2 (an essay) Scientists believe that junk food has bad impact on our health. Some people think that people should be educated to consume less of it, while others think that it is pointless. What is your opinion? Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Describe your country.

Cue Card Describe a special occasion when you have helped somebody. Please say - Who you helped, - Why they needed help, - How you felt after helping the person. Discussion - What do you think about volunteering work?

Get a self study book, for Academic click here, for General here.

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IELTS test in Canada September 2013 (General Training)

This IELTS update from Canada was shared by S and P who remembered the following Writing and Speaking questions: Writing test Writing task 1 (a letter) You are living near a public park and the condition of this park is getting worse than before. Write a letter to the park management and say - Why are you interested in this park? - What are the problems you are facing? - What are your suggestions for improvement? Writing Task 2 (an essay) Some people think that the government should increase tax on petrol in order to reduce traffic and pollution. What are the advantages or disadvantages of such a solution? Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Do you live in an apartment or a house? Do you want to move to a new home in the near feature? Are advertisements important in your opinion? Did you buy something after seeing an ad?

Cue Card Talk about an event that you were late to. Please say - Why were you late? - What was the event? - How did you feel after that? Discussion Dont remember.

IELTS test in Australia September 2013 (Academic Module)

Thanks to our friends M, P and E we know about a recent IELTS exam in Australia (sorry, they didnt remember the Listening topics): Reading test

Passage 1. Listening to the ocean floor in order to measure the depth using sound. Passage 2. Advertisements attraction for children. Passage 3. About loss of memory and human ability to remember. Writing test Writing task 1 (a report) We were given floor plans of a typical office in Japan and in America and were asked to compare them. Writing task 2 (an essay) Nuclear energy is a better source of power for todays global energy needs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Who is choosing your clothes? Do you help people to select clothes? What type of fashion do you prefer, western or eastern?

Cue Card Talk about a meal or a picnic that you had recently. Please say - What was the occasion? - What did you drink and eat? - Have you enjoyed it? Why? Discussion Do you think we should preserve our traditional foods? Do you cook by yourself? Does media help to spread the culinary culture among us? What needs to be done for certain foods and culture to spread in the world?

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IELTS Speaking test in Bangalore, India August 2013

IELTS test taker from India (thank you R!) shared his questions in the Speaking module: Speaking test

Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Do you live in an apartment or a house? Which is your favourite room there? Are you planning to change your home? Did you have a lot of toys in your childhood? What kind of toys did you like to play with? Which was your favourite toy? Why? Do you still have that toy?

Cue Card Talk about a story that you were told in your childhood. Please say Who told you this story? What was the story about? Who were the main characters in the story? Why do you still remember the story?

Discussion Do children in your country like story-telling? What stories are told to the children today by their parents? What are the benefits of story-telling? How has story-telling changed in the last 30 years? Do children like to hear fairy-tales?

IELTS test in the UAE and India August 2013 (General Training)
Hey, you're new here! I love new people, welcome. You may want to subscribe to IELTS-Blog and get all the updates via email or via RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! IELTS test takers from the UAE and India (thanks K and G!) shared this exam update: Listening test Section 1. A phone conversation with a student interested in a trip and a part time job in Europe. Questions: filling in blanks. Section 2. Two students talked about their project, explaining what were their reasons to select this particular project. Section 3. About research into reading. Questions: filling in blanks. Reading test Passage 1. Advertisements of companies offering cruises. Questions: match headings to advertisements. Passage 2. About growth in your career. Questions: filling in blanks, True/False/Not Given. Passage 3. Dont remember.

Passage 4. About the correct spelling in the English language. Questions: filling in blanks, True/False/Not Given, a short summary of the passage. Writing test Writing task 1 (a letter) A friend of yours is planning a business trip to the city you know very well. He/she wants to spend one day to see the city. Please say - What are the must-see places to visit? - Suggest a few places to eat in. - What transport is available and convenient to use there? Writing Task 2 (an essay) Nowadays mobile phones can be found everywhere in this world. Is it a positive or a negative development? Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What type of home do you live in?

Cue Card Talk about a website that you have visited recently. Please say - How did you find it? - How often do you visit this website? - What do you like about this website? Discussion Dont remember. Get a self study book, for Academic click here, for General here. Subscribe to via RSS or via email

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IELTS Speaking test in Ecuador August 2013

The Speaking questions below were shared by D who took the IELTS test in Ecuador: Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What kind of job do you do? Are you a patient person?

- What do you do to stay patient in certain situations? - Do you think people in your country are usually patient? Cue Card Talk about a seaside place that you would like to visit. Please say - Where is it? - What can you do there? - Why would you like to go there? Discussion - Do you think people like the seaside for holidays? - Do you think the seaside will always be a preferred holiday place? - Is it more fun for children than adults do you think? - Do you have some good memories from seaside trips as a child? - In what circumstances the seaside might stop being an attractive destination for holidays in your view?

IELTS test in Canada August 2013 (Academic Module)

Hey, you're new here! I love new people, welcome. You may want to subscribe to IELTS-Blog and get all the updates via email or via RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Canadian IELTS test takers (thanks S and A!) shared the following information about their recent exam: Listening test Section 1. A conversation about a group tour. Section 2. Two students were discussing their courses and timetable. Section 3, 4. Dont remember. Reading test Passage 1. Journal about plants. Questions: matching paragraphs. Passages 2-4. Dont remember. Writing test Writing task 1 (a report) We were given a bar graph showing what students did after graduating from Physics and Arts & Science. The options were: further study, employment, work and study, unemployed and other. Writing task 2 (an essay) Old people take a while to begin using new technology, such as mobile phones. Why do you think this is happening? Suggest ways to encourage them to use mobile phones and new technology for their benefit. Speaking test Interview

What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Were you taught painting or drawing in school? Do you think children should be taught painting in school? Why do people like to keep paintings in their homes? Would you like to buy a painting?

Cue Card Describe an older person whom you respect, please say - Who the person is - What your relationship with this person is - Why you respect the person Discussion What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home? Is there anything that older people should learn from younger generation? What qualities does a person need to take care of old people? Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work? Do you think that elderly people should be taken care of at home?

Get a self study book, for Academic click here, for General here. Subscribe to via RSS or via email

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IELTS test in Turkey and India August 2013 (General Training)

Three IELTS test takers (thank you S, N, and H) shared the details of recent exams they took in Turkey in India. Unfortunately neither one of them could remember the Listening or the Reading topics. Writing test Writing task 1 (a letter) You have been sent abroad for a 3-month training which is about to finish. Write a letter to your company manager asking their permission to stay longer and say - How does the training benefit you? - Why do you need to stay longer? - Inform the manager when you will come back. Writing Task 2 (an essay) Nowadays people are spending too much money to celebrate personal and family events such as weddings, birthdays and so on. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give you opinion and examples. Speaking test 1 Interview

What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which room is your favorite in the house? Do you use mobile devices except mobile phone? When did you start using mobile devices? Would you swap your mobile device for the latest one?

Cue Card Describe your first work or study place. Please say - What kind of building was it located in? - Why was it important to you to work/study there? Discussion What are the points you consider important about the study place? Should work-from-home jobs be paid well or not? What is the situation with work-from-home jobs now? What will be the situation with work-from-home jobs in 10 years from now?

Speaking test 2 Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do for a living? How do you access your e-mails? Do you have friends at your work place?

Cue Card Describe a nation (not your own) that you know well. Please say - What is this nation? - What and how did you learn about it? - Why are you interested in it? Discussion Discussion of international tourism.

IELTS Speaking test in India August 2013

Hey, you're new here! I love new people, welcome. You may want to subscribe to IELTS-Blog and get all the updates via email or via RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Our kind friend A shared the Speaking questions from his IELTS exam in India: Speaking test

Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Are you fond of receiving gifts? Which gift do you like the most among them? What is the last gift you have received?

Cue Card Describe an outdoor activity that you have done for the first time. Please say - What did you do? - Where and when did you do it? - How did you feel later? Discussion Do you like trying new things? Was it an expensive activity? Would you do it again? Would you recommend it to others? Do people in your country usually do it? How do you think people should be encouraged to do outdoor activities? What is the main disadvantage of such activities?

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IELTS test in Nigeria August 2013 (Academic Module)

An IELTS test taker from Nigeria (thanks, F!) shared the details of the recent exam: Listening test Section 1. A conversation about a visit to Arizona. Section 2. A map and a general description of a tin mine. Section 3. Dont remember. Section 4. About the history of cars in Australia. Reading test Passage 1. About work and family life balance. Passage 2. The importance of bees in our ecological system. Passage 3. Brain mapping. Writing test Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given two pie charts showing the percentages of students taking various courses at one educational centre in 1985 and this year. Writing task 2 (an essay) Scientists believe that junk food damages human health. Some think that people should be educated about junk food risks, while others say it will not change anything. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What kind of work do you do? Would you recommend your job to others? Why? Do you like weekends? What do you do on weekends? Do you think people should work on weekends or not? Should those who work on weekends be paid more?

Cue Card Describe a person that you like talking with. Please say - Who is this person? - Why do you like talking with him/her? - What topics do you usually talk about? Discussion Do you think good communication is necessary? What kind of work requires good communication? How can you develop good communication skills? Do you believe that robots will be able to speak in the future like humans? Do you like taking pictures? Which picture do you cherish? Why? Do you think people take too many pictures nowadays?

IELTS test in Argentina August 2013 (General Training)

Hey, you're new here! I love new people, welcome. You may want to subscribe to IELTS-Blog and get all the updates via email or via RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! An IELTS test taker from Argentina (thanks, P!) shared the details of his recent IELTS exam: Listening test Section 1, 2. Dont remember. Section 3. Two students and the director were talking about ways to improve the university library. Section 4. A presenter was giving tips to the audience on how to make a good public speech.

Reading test Passage 1. About glaciation timeline, ice age and the glaciers today. Passage 2,3,4. Dont remember. Writing test Writing task 1 (a letter) You have recently ordered a book online, but the book was delayed and has not arrived yet. Write a letter to the manager of the company - Give full details of your order. - Explain why you need the book urgently. - Suggest a solution for the situation. Writing Task 2 (an essay) The best way of motivating workers or encouraging employees to improve their performance is to pay them according to the amount of sales or products they produced. Do you agree or disagree? What other ways would you suggest? Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Do you live in a house or an apartment? Describe your apartment. What do you like the most about your apartment? Why would you like to live in a house? Have you ever been on a boat?

Cue Card Talk about a situation where you helped someone. Please say Whom have you helped? When did you do it? How did you feel after that? Explain why you have made a decision to help him/her.

Discussion - What are the advantages and disadvantages of volunteering work in you country? - What important values have you got from your parents? Get a self study book, for Academic click here, for General here. Subscribe to via RSS or via email

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IELTS test in Kuwait August 2013 (General Training)

An IELTS test taker from Kuwait (thank you B!) shared the following details of a recent exam:

Listening test Section 1. A conversation about hotel reservation. Section 2. A conversation between two people regarding education. Section 3, 4. Dont remember. Reading test Passage 1. About an exotic island in the Pacific region. Passage 2. About endangered birds in New Zealand. Passage 3, 4. Dont remember. Writing test Writing task 1 (a letter) You had purchased a toy online and upon delivery found that there was a problem with it. Write a letter to the manager of the toy company. - Describe a toy that you bought. - Describe why you think the toy is faulty. - What do you want the company to do about it? Writing Task 2 (an essay) Some people argue that cars should be banned in city centres while others are against this idea. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Speaking test Interview What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Do you work late hours? Why? What is the optimum sleep time a person requires? How many hours a day do you usually sleep? Why?

Cue Card Describe your favourite piece of clothing. Please say - What is it? - Where did you buy it? - Where do you usually wear it to? Discussion What is the type of formal wear for people in your country? What is your opinion about internet shopping? Do you go out shopping with your friends or your wife? Why? Do women in your country wear fashion accessories?

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