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A graph G consist of a nonempty set V which is a set of nodes of the graph, a set E which is the set of edges of the graph, and a mapping from the set for edge E to a set of pairs of elements of V. It can also be represented as G=(V, E). 2. Define adjacent nodes. Any two nodes which are connected by an edge in a graph are called adjacent nodes. For example, if an edge x E is associated with a pair of nodes (u,v) where u, v V, then we say that the edge x connects the nodes u and v. 3. What is a directed graph? A graph in which every edge is directed is called a directed graph. 4. What is a undirected graph? A graph in which every edge is undirected is called a directed graph. 5. What is a loop? An edge of a graph which connects to itself is called a loop or sling. 6. What is a simple graph? A simple graph is a graph, which has not more than one edge between a pair of nodes than such a graph is called a simple graph. 7. What is a weighted graph? A graph in which weights are assigned to every edge is called a weighted graph. 8. Define outdegree of a graph? In a directed graph, for any node v, the number of edges which have v as their initial node is called the out degree of the node v.

9. Define indegree of a graph? In a directed graph, for any node v, the number of edges which have v as their terminal node is called the indegree of the node v. 10. Define path in a graph? The path in a graph is the route taken to reach terminal node from a starting node. 11. What is a simple path? IT 2201 DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS II IT R.Barona, AP/IT 20 A path in a diagram in which the edges are distinct is called a simple path. It is also called as edge simple. 12. What is a cycle or a circuit? A path which originates and ends in the same node is called a cycle or circuit. 13. What is an acyclic graph? A simple diagram which does not have any cycles is called an acyclic graph. 14. What is meant by strongly connected in a graph? An undirected graph is connected, if there is a path from every vertex to every other vertex. A directed graph with this property is called strongly connected. 15. When is a graph said to be weakly connected? When a directed graph is not strongly connected but the underlying graph is connected, then the graph is said to be weakly connected. 16. Name the different ways of representing a graph? a. Adjacency matrix b. Adjacency list 17. What is an undirected acyclic graph? When every edge in an acyclic graph is undirected, it is called an undirected

acyclic graph. It is also called as undirected forest. 18. What are the two traversal strategies used in traversing a graph? a. Breadth first search b. Depth first search 19. What is a minimum spanning tree? A minimum spanning tree of an undirected graph G is a tree formed from graph edges that connects all the vertices of G at the lowest total cost. 20. Name two algorithms two find minimum spanning tree Kruskals algorithm Prims algorithm 21. Define graph traversals? Traversing a graph is an efficient way to visit each vertex and edge exactly once. 22. List the two important key points of depth first search. i) If path exists from one node to another node, walk across the edge exploring the edge. ii) If path does not exist from one specific node to any other node, return to the previous node where we have been before backtracking. 23. What do you mean by breadth first search (BFS)? BFS performs simultaneous explorations starting from a common point and spreading out independently. 24. Differentiate BFS and DFS. No. DFS BFS 1. Backtracking is possible from a dead end Backtracking is not possible

2. Vertices from which exploration is incomplete are processed in a The vertices to be explored are organized as a 3. Search is done in one particular direction The vertices in the same level are maintained 25. What do you mean by tree edge? If w is undiscovered at the time vw is explored, then vw is called a tree edge and v becomes the parent of w. 26. What do you mean by back edge? If w is the ancestor of v, then vw is called a back edge. 27. Define biconnectivity. A connected graph G is said to be biconnected, if it remains connected after removal of any one vertex and the edges that are incident upon that vertex. A connected graph is biconnected, if it has no articulation points. 28. What do you mean by articulation point If a graph is not biconnected, the vertices whose removal would disconnect the graph are known as articulation points. 29. What do you mean by shortest path? A path having minimum weight between two vertices is known as shortest path, in which weight is always a positive number. 30. Define Activity node graph. Activity node graphs represent a set of activities and scheduling constraints. Each node

represents an activity (task), and an edge represents the next activity. 31. Define adjacency list. Adjacency list is an array indexed by vertex number containing linked lists. Each node Vi the ith array entry contains a list with information on all edges of G that leave Vi. It is used to represent the graph related problems DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATIONS OF GRAPH:
Vertex A vertex (also called a node) is a fundamental part of a graph. It can have a name, which we will call the key. A vertex may also have additional information. We will call this additional information the payload. Edge An edge (also called an arc) is another fundamental part of a graph. An edge connects two vertices to show that there is a relationship between them. Edges may be one-way or twoway. If the edges in a graph are all one-way, we say that the graph is a directed graph, or a digraph. The class prerequisites graph shown above is clearly a digraph since you must take some classes before others. Weight Edges may be weighted to show that there is a cost to go from one vertex to another. For example in a graph of roads that connect one city to another, the weight on the edge might represent the distance between the two cities. With those definitions in hand we can formally define a graph. A graph can be represented by G where G=(V,E). For the graph G, V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges. Each edge is a tuple (v,w) where w,vV. We can add a third component to the edge tuple to represent a weight. A subgraph s is a set of edges e and vertices v such that eE and vV. shows another example of a simple weighted digraph. Formally we can represent this graph as the set of six vertices:

and the set of nine edges:

E={(v0,v1,5),(v1,v2,4),(v2,v3,9),(v3,v4,7),(v4,v0,1),(v0,v5,2),(v5,v4,8),(v3,v5,3),(v5,v2 ,1)}

Path A path in a graph is a sequence of vertices that are connected by edges. Formally we would define a path as w1,w2,...,wn such that (wi,wi+1)E for all 1in1. The unweighted path length is the number of edges in the path, specifically n1. The weighted path length is the sum of the weights of all the edges in the path. For example in Figure 2 the path from V3 to V1 is the sequence of vertices (V3,V4,V0,V1). The edges are {(v3,v4,7),(v4,v0,1),(v0,v1,5)}. Cycle A cycle in a directed graph is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex. For example, in Figure 2 the path (V5,V2,V3,V5) is a cycle. A graph with no cycles is called an acyclic graph. A directed graph with no cycles is called a directed acyclic graph or a DAG. We will see that we can solve several important problems if the problem can be represented as a DAG.

An Adjacency Matrix
One of the easiest ways to implement a graph is to use a two-dimensional matrix. In this matrix implementation, each of the rows and columns represent a vertex in the graph. The value that is

stored in the cell at the intersection of row v and column w indicates if there is an edge from vertex v to vertex w. When two vertices are connected by an edge, we say that they are adjacent

An Adjacency Matrix Representation for a Graph

An Adjacency List
A more space-efficient way to implement a sparsely connected graph is to use an adjacency list. In an adjacency list implementation we keep a master list of all the vertices in the Graph object and then each vertex object in the graph maintains a list of the other vertices that it is connected to. In our implementation of the Vertex class we will use a dictionary rather than a list where the dictionary keys are the vertices, and the values are the weights. Figure 4 illustrates the adjacency list representation for the graph in Figure 2.

An Adjacency List Representation of a Graph The advantage of the adjacency list implementation is that it allows us to compactly represent a sparse graph. The adjacency list also allows us to easily find all the links that are directly connected to a particular vertex.

Topological Sorting
A topological sort takes a directed acyclic graph and produces a linear ordering of all its vertices such that if the graph G contains an edge (v,w)then the vertex v comes before the vertex w in the ordering. Directed acyclic graphs are used in many applications to indicate the precedence of events. Making pancakes is just one example; other examples include software project schedules, precedence charts for optimizing database queries, and multiplying matrices.

Figure 33: A Graph G

Figure 34: Its Transpose GT

Dijkstras Algorithm
The algorithm we are going to use to determine the shortest path is called Dijkstras algorithm. Dijkstras algorithm is an iterative algorithm that provides us with the shortest path from one particular starting node to all other nodes in the graph. Again this is similar to the results of a breadth first search. PROBLEM SOLVING:

Figure 3: Tracing Dijkstras Algorithm

Figure 4: Tracing Dijkstras Algorithm

Figure 5: Tracing Dijkstras Algorithm

Figure 6: Tracing Dijkstras Algorithm

Figure 7: Tracing Dijkstras Algorithm

Figure 8: Tracing Dijkstras Algorithm

Prims Spanning Tree Algorithm

Figure 11: Tracing Prims Algorithm

Figure 12: Tracing Prims Algorithm

Figure 13: Tracing Prims Algorithm

Figure 14: Tracing Prims Algorithm

Figure 15: Tracing Prims Algorithm

Figure 16: Tracing Prims Algorithm

Figure 17: Tracing Prims Algorithm

In this chapter we have looked at the graph abstract data type, and some implementations of a graph. A graph enables us to solve many problems provided we can transform the original problem into something that can be represented by a graph. In particular, we have seen that graphs are useful to solve problems in the following general areas.

Breadth first search for finding the unweighted shortest path. Dijkstras algorithm for weighted shortest path. Depth first search for graph exploration. Strongly connected components for simplifying a graph. Topological sort Minimum weight spanning trees

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