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Table of Contents
Solidarity support and financing

Design and realization : SIDI - Poussières d’Étoiles - Courtabœuf (91) 01 60 92 42 72

Solidarity financing in 2007
Solidarity support in 2007

An activity centred on rural development 7

• Backing the consolidation and diversification of LFS in a context of growth THE ACTIVITIES OF SIDI

• Financing agriculture and the rural areas

• The creation of financial services in rural areas and in crises zones
• Contributing to local development and increasing income INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY FOR DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT

The Solidarity Chain for Financing
The Solidarity Chain for Financing
Alliances in the North
Future prospects

SIDI’s financial statements and portfolio 16

Address Book


12, rue Guy de la Brosse / 75005 Paris • Phone: 33(0) 1 40 46 70 00 • Fax: 33(0) 1 46 34 81 18 • website:

ACAD: Arab Center for Agricultural Development (Palestine) COODEFI: Coopérative Financière et de Développement JIF: Joint Investment Fund (Fonds Commun de Placement – PREFED: Programme Régional de Formation et d'Echanges
ACP: Africa, Caribbean, Pacific Economique (DR of Congo) solidarity-based savings product)
pour le Développement (Rwanda)
ADI-Kivu: Association pour le Développement intégré au Kivu CORDAID: Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development KNFP: National Council for grassroot financial system (Haiti)
(RD Congo) (The Netherlands) KOKARI: Co-operative of intermediation in rural credit services PROFUND: Fondo de Inversiones incorporado en Panamá
AFD: Development French Agency (France) CREC: Caisse Régionale d'Epargne-Crédit (Senegal) (Niger) SAINDESUR: Inversiones para el desarrollo (Uruguay)

AKIBA: Commercial Bank Akiba (Tanzanie) CRG: Rural credit of Guinea (Guinea) KRK: Kreditimi Rural I Kosoves LLC (Kosovo)
SEFEA: Société Européenne pour la Finance Ethique et
AL AMANA: « respect du dépôt » (Morocco) EACD: Egyptian Asociation for global development (Egypt) LA-CIF: Latin American Challenge Investment Fund (South
ALTERFIN: Financial Cooperative (Belgium) EDAPROSPO: Equipo de Aseroramiento a Actividades America) Alternative
AMRET: new name EMT "Ennatien Moulethan Tchonnebat " Productivas de Sectores Populares (Peru) LAO FARMERS PRODUCTS: Société coopérative de
SILAC/TSIRY: Société Industrielle et Agricole du Lac
(Cambodia) EFSE: European Fund for Southern Europe transformation et commercialisation des produits agricoles et
AMSSF: Association Marocaine Solidarité Sans Frontière ESD: Saving solidarity Development association (France) forestiers (Laos) Alaotra/Fédération TSIRY des groupements de producteurs
(Morocco) ETIMOS: Institution de second niveau de refinancement (Italy) LFS: Local Financial services (Madagascar)
ANED: Asociacion nacional Ecumenica de desarrollo (Bolivia) EU: European Union LIDE: Ligue pour le Développement (Northern Kivu)
AOPP: Association des Organisations Professionnelles FAPECAES: Federación Regional de Asociaciones de Pequenos MAE: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (France) SIPEM: Investment Company for Investment Promotion in
Paysannes (Mali) Cafetaleros Ecologicos del Sur (Ecuador) MAF: Microfinance Alliance Fund (Asia) Madagascar (Madagascar)
ASIENA: Association Inter-Institut « Ensemble et Avec » FENACOOP: Federación Nacional de Cooperativas MAIN: Microfinance African Institution Network (réseau
SMEA: Stromme Microfinance East African Limited (Uganda) :
(Burkina Faso) Agropecuarias y agroindustriales (Nicaragua) africain de microfinance) (Ethiopia)
BANCOSOL: Banco Solidario (Bolivie) FC: Fonds Coopératif (Laos) MCCH: Maquita Cushuncic Comercializando Hermanos TAANADI: Coopératives de services financiers (Niger)
BANRURAL: Rural Development Bank FEBEA: Fédération Européenne de Finances et Banques (Ecuador) TEMBEKA: Social investment Company Limited (South Africa)
BMS: Banque Malienne de Solidarité (Mali) Ethiques et Alternatives (Belgique) MEC PROPEM: Mutuelle d'Epargne et de Crédit pour la
BNPP: Banque Nationale de Paris Paribas (France) FEFISOL: Fonds Européen de Financement Solidaire Promotion de la Pêche à Mbour (Senegal)MICROFUND: TIMPAC: Tous impliqués dans la mobilisation des ressources
CAC La Florida: Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera La Florida FID: Fonds d'Incitation au Développement (France) Institution mutualiste de droit togolais (Togo) locales et la promotion des actions communautaires (Togo)
(Peru) FINANSOL: Association de Finances et Solidarité/SIDI MICROFUN: Institution mutualiste de droit togolais (Togo)
TITEM: Savings and credits for local associations (Madagascar)
CCFD: Catholic Committee against hunger and for FONDEFER: Fondo de Fomento Economico Rural (Nicaragua) MISEREOR: Aktion Gegen Hunger Und Krankheit In Der Welt
development (France) FONHSUD: Fonds Haïtien d’appui au développement du Sud (Haïti) (Germany) UCMECS: Union des Caisses Mutuelles d'Epargne et de Crédit
CCRD: Caisse de Crédit Rural pour le Développement (DR of FOROLAC FR: Foro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Finanzas MFI: Microfinance institution
dans la région des Savannes (Togo)
Congo) Rurales MUSO: solidarity credit union
CERUDEB: Centenary Rural Development Bank (Uganda) FPFD: Fédération des Paysans du Fouta Djalon (Guinea) NIAKO: Union de caisses d'épargne crédit à Kayes (Mali) UGPM: Union des Groupements Paysans de Meckhé (Senegal)
CONFIANZA: Entidad de Desarrollo para la pequeña y micro INDES: Inversiones para el Desarrollo (Chile) OMIPA: Oruchinga Microfinance Promotion Agency (Uganda) UN SOL MON: Fundatio Un Sol Mon (Spain)
empresa (Peru) JAPPOO: Solidarity in wolof (Senegal) OP: Projet d'Appui à la Réglementation des Mutuelles
WAGES: Women Association for both Gain Economic and
CONSOLIDAR: Cooperativa Corfas de Crédito Solidario JEMENI: Union des Caisses Mutuelles d'Epargne et de Crédit d'Epargne et de Crédit
(Colombia) (Mali) PARMEC: Producers' organisation Social (Togo)
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Chairman’s Message
Dear friends,
Your commitment to support SIDI’s actions has a conside- southern hemisphere, is urged to establish systems
Design and realization : SIDI - Poussières d’Étoiles - Courtabœuf (91) 01 60 92 42 72

rable leverage effect as part of the solidarity chain for fi- designed to provide local access to basic financial ser-
nancing. It enables SIDI to contribute to the creation of vices for populations that are disadvantaged and/or
conditions that lead to the well-being of the end benefi- excluded from traditional financial services. SIDI is a
ciaries of its action. Indeed, rather than just seeking to in- fully-fledged actor in the social and solidarity economy,
crease revenue, our efforts are also designed to improve since it contributes to the creation and development Christian SCHMITZ
Chairman of the Board, Paris, 30 May 2008
the social and economic conditions of our clients in their of the tools that are required in order to make pro-
countries, on a sustainable basis. In other words, to re- gress towards these objectives.
duce the causes of their precariousness and that of their fa- SIDI is a social investor and draws support from the
mily, in a manner that is environmentally friendly. ESD Association (A Solidarity Development Savings
The National Meeting of the CCFD, which was held in Gre- Association) in order to mobilise individual sharehol- principle, to a proposal to increase capital so as to
noble over the Pentecost weekend in 2008, provided the ders. Furthermore, SIDI continues to promote the de- cover financing requirements for the period 2009-
SIDI team that participated in this important event with velopment of a network of alliances with the public 2012. The challenges that have been taken up since
the opportunity to draw upon the momentum and moti- institutional actors (the French Development Agency, the beginning of the 2006-2008 plan will continue
vation of the CCFD network. As a subsidiary of the CCFD, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Caisse des Dépôts to be pursued both this year and over the course of
there is no doubt that SIDI represents a major instrument et Consignations, the European Union, various forms the years to come, with particular emphasis being
for the implementation of the CCFD’s mission regarding of bilateral cooperation, …) as well as the private ac- placed on:
the Social and Solidarity Economy. The SIDI guidelines are tors in both France and in Europe : Cordaid, Oikocré- ❚ The nature of the financial services offered to the
perfectly in keeping with the support policy for partners, dit, Alterfin, ETIMOS, the Un Sol Mon and Stromme populations, since far too often the emphasis is pla-
as set out in the CCFD Orientation Report 2008-2012. Foundations, Calvert, Oikos, etc. … who are now dis- ced on the provision of credit, even though the fi-
During this national meeting, Majid Rahnema1 reminded covering the value and interest of the “solidarity chain nancial services and the needs of the populations
the participants of the importance of “seeing a source of for financing” structure that has been established by go far beyond this. It is therefore necessary to conti-
strength in the poor” and of “seeing, in each person, an SIDI. nue to diversify the provision of services that have
individual that has a huge potential that must be allowed At 31/12/2007, SIDI had established a financial and been adapted in the best possible way to these
to be expressed.” This is the real challenge for SIDI in its technical relationship with 56 MFIs in some thirty needs.
work with millions of artisans, micro-entrepreneurs and countries and had attained an investment portfolio ❚ The financial needs of the rural world: together with
small rural producers, as it strives to provide them with ac- level of 7.5 million Euros. Furthermore, SIDI has ini- its partners, the SIDI team is striving to identify the
cess to financial services that have been adapted to suit tiated a technical assistance relationship with more best strategies to help people in rural areas to
their needs. than thirty other partners, which, for the majority of emerge from the vicious circle of poverty.
By establishing an instrument such as SIDI some 25 years them, should lead to investment being made over the ❚ The mobilisation of resources in the South: efforts
ago, the CCFD was able to establish a form of solidarity fi- forthcoming five year period. In order to achieve all to seek out financing in the South often come up
nancing to be at the service of populations that are both of this, SIDI has mobilised a permanent team and also against numerous constraints, notably a lack ins-
disadvantaged and excluded from financial services. leads several teams of volunteers in order to provide truments to mobilise local funds. The challenge is
SIDI develops an approach that promotes a social added technical assistance on the one hand and, on the therefore to strengthen the solidarity chain for fi-
value to the actions it supports and it is this “additional other, to reinforce the on-going promotion of the ethi- nancing the South.
element that makes it stand out”: cal and shared financial products proposed by the ❚ Ensuring that the fairest possible cost structure is
❚ By giving priority to the in-depth knowledge of the CCFD. applied to the financial support provided. In other
socio-economic context of the country, by de- Whilst reading this report, you will discover different words, the associated costs must respect SIDI’s fun-
ploying all of its efforts to understand different si- forms of partnerships that reflect our search for a clo- damental principles, so as to avoid penalising the
tuations. ser and more “local” relationship with the clients/be- partner institutions.
❚ By understanding the importance of taking the neficiaries, as well as the priority we have decided to Thanks to you, the solidarity chain for financing can
time to listen, to develop the quality and potential focus on Africa, the rural world and the concrete ex- grow and can be multiplied in each and every place
of the partners, to build trust, to adapt supply to pression of a common vision of the solidarity economy. in which there are people who wish to undertake ac-
demand. In 2008, we hope to be able to establish new instru- tion, based on the vast potential they have within
❚ By taking risks in areas that are difficult and poorly ments that will enable us to broaden the scope of themselves, in order to establish a living and dynamic
served. our actions during the next strategic plan that is cur- social and economic fabric.
❚ By applying costs that are adapted to the local rently being drawn up for the 2009-2012 period: a
contexts and needs, thanks to the donation ele- European Solidarity Financing Fund (FEFISOL)2 and a Christian Schmitz
ment of its financial structure provided by the re- fund for producers’ organisations in Latin America3. Chairman of the Board, May 2008.
venue generated by the Faim & Développement We also continue to provide our support for the de-
1 Majid Rahnema : former Iranian diplomat,
investment fund. velopment of regional tools across the various conti-
former United Nations representative-resident
❚ By building upon the efficiency and social perfor- nents, along the lines of what we are doing in Africa in Mali, author of « Quand la misère chasse la
mance of SIDI over the course of time. with Tembeka, SMEA in Uganda, BMS in Mali, etc. In pauvreté », published by Fayard/Actes Sud
SIDI is at the crossroads of the mobilisation of the ci- order to reinforce and to support these projects in the (Paris, 2003).
2 FEFISOL : see Chapter 3.
tizen who, in the northern hemisphere, is called upon future, at the Supervisory Board meetings held in 3 FOPEPRO : see Chapter 3.

to save and to invest in a different way and, in the 2008, the SIDI shareholders gave their approval, in


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Solidarity support and financing

areas in terms of the duration of loans, in-
Solidarity financing terest rates, risk coverage, etc.
• renewal of certain participations in several
in 2007 countries.
Over the past 30 years, microfinance
has become an economic sector in its SIDI’s chief activity is solidarity investment, gi- ● A portfolio of 7.5 million euros,
own right, providing financial services ving financial support to local financial struc- mainly investment in rural areas
to nearly 120 million people in around tures (LFS) that offer a range of financial ser-
150 countries. It has become a leading vices such as savings and loans to populations SIDI’s financial commitment to local financial
instrument for fighting poverty. Set up that find themselves excluded from the structures in the South and East amounted
25 years by the CCFD, SIDI is part of conventional banking system. To that end, SIDI to 7.5 million euros at 31 December 2007,
this movement, conducting activities fo- calls on three investment tools: loans, equity a 14% increase in one year. However, this
cusing on solidarity investment and financing and guarantees (see focus 1) and al- portfolio growth in 2007 fell short of the
support for the development of its part- ways provides technical support to the part- 25%growth recorded in 2006. This fall is
ners in the South and East. ner local financial structures (LFS) in advance mainly explained by investments that came
or in support of investment. In 2007, new and to an end. Investment in 2007 amounted to
powerful microfinance players arrived in large 2.3 million euros and disinvestment totalled
numbers on the scene (commercial banks, pu- 1.4 million euros. Nearly two-thirds of SIDI’s
blic or private investment funds, Internet total portfolio targets rural areas.
platforms, etc.). In this new context, SIDI fo-
cussed its financing priority on: ● A new portfolio balance between
• financing for agricultural and rural deve- equity financing and loans
• maintaining soft loan conditions for rural At 31 December 2007, 48% of SIDI’s port- ➜

Focus n°1: A brief guide to SIDI or so voluntary consultants, have expertise in the ween “donations”, which are at the foundation of
Our identity following fields: our existence and of our mission and the accep-
SIDI is a joint stock company that was created in - financial procedures (engineering, establishment tance of risk and innovation.
1983 by the CCFD association, which is an inter- of a participation, loans, guarantees)
national solidarity organisation. It has a capital of - local assistance and guidance (membership of Indeed, our operating costs are covered, in part,
€9 million. the board of directors, training of local staff, sup- by the revenue generated by solidarity savings and
SIDI is engaged as an actor in the field of solida- port in the elaboration of development plans, new the donations made in France through the CCFD.
rity financing. Solidarity financing responds to products, the introduction of IT systems, etc.…) The risk element is expressed through:
needs that are not covered by the traditional fi- - networking and the exchange of know-how. • the taking of responsibility for exchange rate
nancial market and promotes the development of risks. On the one hand SIDI and two religious
alternative and innovatory initiatives and projects. Our specificity: the solidarity chain for financing congregations have created the FID, – a Fund to
Our mission is the consolidation of Local Finan- (cf. Focus 2). promote development – which enables us to par-
cing Structures (LFS) in both the South and the East Throughout its history and the journey it has been tially cover exchange rate risks related to our in-
with our “partners,” so that they can develop fi- travelling for almost 25 years, SIDI has focussed a vestments. On the other hand, the CCFD also
nancial services that are adapted to meet with the great deal of effort on the creation of a “solidarity contributes to the guarantee provision by this year
needs of the local populations over the long term. chain for financing,” that is both active and enga- accepting to cover the exchange rate losses incur-
Our profession is that of being a responsible and ged in a process of sharing between the North and red by the various local currencies, which are due,
patient solidarity investor. Our work consists in the the South. This means a sharing of the revenue in great part, to the depreciation of the dollar.
provision of financial services (loans, participation generated by solidarity savings in the North, a sha- • the possibility of intervention in certain coun-
in capital, guarantees) and assistance to the LFS. ring in the risks with the institutions in the South tries that are considered to represent certain risks
A team of staff members (including nine geogra- and a sharing of know-how. – “to go where others do not go”. SIDI continues
phical desk officers, a social viability officer and an This sharing dimension, which is at the heart of our to play a pioneering role, especially in the Great
officer for institutional partnerships) and a dozen mission, is achieved through the articulation bet- Lakes region (Rwanda, Congo, Burundi).


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➜ folio consisted of loans (3.7 million euros), Europe. Senegal is now the country receiving ● Solidarity financing and risk
44% of equity financing (3.3 million euros) the bulk of SIDI’s investment, where 9% of
and 8% of guarantees (0.5 million euros). our portfolio went to nine partners located Apart from the priority accorded to Africa and
Since 2006, the total share of loans has been in that country. Next come Peru, Ecuador, to rural areas, SIDI continues to take the ini-
greater than total equity financing; howe- Uganda, Morocco and South Africa. The ave- tiative in the so-called risk countries. SIDI’s
ver a rebalancing occurred in 2007 in favour rage investment per partner rose from position in solidarity financing is one that pro-
of equity financing. This trend resulted €115,000€ to €134,000 in 2007, with a motes sharing on the part of savers in the in-
from the sizeable investments in West maximum of €475,000 invested in CERU- vestment funds (see focus 1 and 2). This po-
Africa and a commitment to the rural areas, DEB (Uganda). . sition enables SIDI to innovate and provide
where loans are the investment of choice for financial services in a risk context. SIDI has
small co-ops, credit unions, etc. Neverthe- ● 56 investment projects invested, along with other European alliances,
less, equity investment in a local financial in 28 countries in a guarantee fund for Palestine, a country
service remains SIDI preferred means of sho- where SIDI has long-standing activities, as well
wing solidarity in the form of a long-term SIDI has financial relations with 56 partners, as in two Palestinian institutions, ACAD and
undertaking and a sharing of the risks, wi- seven of which were new in 2007: JAPPOO CD Housing. SIDI also mobilised considera-
thout seeking an immediate financial return in Senegal, SILAC/TSIRY in Madagascar, ble resources in the Great Lakes Region of East
but rather financial independence of the lo- FORNTALECER in Peru, REDFASCO in Gua- Africa. More than half of SIDI’s investment is
cal financial structures. Guarantees in our temala and ACAD, CD-HOUSING and the done in local currencies (59% in 2007). In that
portfolio increased thanks to the esta- Guarantee Fund in Palestine. These new part- way, SIDI conducts financing initiatives that
blishment of several contracts in Palestine ners mainly intervene in rural areas. go well beyond the usual microfinance prac-
and negotiations with BNP Paribas and its tices. The majority of our 56 partners are not
branches for a global guarantee fund in se- SIDI has commitments in 28 countries, in- high-flying microfinance institutions but ra-
veral countries where SIDI is active. cluding one new country in 2007, Guate- ther associations, producer organisations
mala, and is committed to four regional ins- and savings and loan co-ops (see figure 3)
● Priority for Sub-Saharan Africa truments: LACIF in Latin America, MAF in
Asia, SEFEA for Eastern European countries
Africa still holds a leading position in SIDI’s and SMEA, which offers financing in East
portfolio and on its own accounted for 44% Africa. Solidarity support in 2007
of investment in 2007 (see figure 1), follo-
wed by Latin America (25%), the Mediter- SIDI supports 91 partners in 28 countries in
➜ ranean Basin (13%), Asia (9%) and Eastern the South and East, of which 56 received fi- ➜

FID Revenue from joint Focus n°2: The Solidarity Chain for financing
Capital investment fund
€ 9 millions and CCFD
€ 1.1 million/year
Mobilisation of funds
Refinancing fund Technical Assistance Fund from alliances

LFS: Local financial services

PO: Producers’organisations


FID: Development incentive Fund

Figure 1: Geographical breakdown of the portfolio in 2007 Figure 2: expenditure incurred in 2007 for
partner support
Eastern Europe 8% The Caribbean 1% Total in 2006 Total in 2007
Mediterranean basin 13% K€ K€
Africa 744 806
Mediterranean basin 56 114
Asia 9% Africa 44% Latin America 113 118
Asia 128 107
Eastern Europe 27 154
Haiti 120 44
Latin America 25%
Horizontal Support 187 267
TOTAL 1 375 1 610
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➜ nancing in 2006 (see paragraph on solida- from the banking sector, the law or deve- operation partners (€0.6 millions in 2007,
rity financing, page 4). lopment activities. i.e. a 49% increase over 2006), which co-
vered 25% of our expenses (see page 14).
This support has five main goals: In 2007, SIDI’s day-to-day operations – sup- This increase was generated by EU-ACP co-
port and advice for partners, methodological financing (see page 15).
• the institutional consolidation of the part- work, communications, headquarters ex-
ners. In 2007, SIDI advanced in its equity fi- penses – required 2.3 million euros, of
nancing in Cambodia, Moldavia, Kosovo which 1.6 million euros for support and ad-
and Peru, among others, and updated its in- vice for partners in the form of missions,
volved in the governance of certain local fi- 62% of which for Africa (see figure 2).
nancial structures. Our budget is similar to that of other inter-
• to support local financing structures in national solidarity institutions receiving de-
their strategy, their search for financing, the dicated financing from the Solidarity Chain
development of new products, etc. for Financing (shared income from the Faim
• the creation, by the partners, of social and et Developpement investment fund; see Describing in a few pages SIDI’s goals and the
economic added-value for the populations, focus 2), from cooperation contracts that we salient points of its 2007 activities was easier
i.e. real growth in the income of the rural negotiate with alliances and from institu- said than done. This year, we have highlighted
populations and reduced vulnerability. tional donors, as well as portfolio income: the financing of agriculture, rural development
• the development of financial services in and financing in crisis zones. In all these areas
isolated rural areas that have shown to be • revenue shared from solidarity investment SIDI has for several years been making a strong
highly innovative (solidarity credit unions, and donations from CCFD (€1.1 million) commitment, which it intends to boost in the
new products, etc.) that together cover 50% of our expenses. forthcoming years.
• the creation of synergy among partici- • investment income (€0.6 million) covering
pants in complementary projects, such as 25% of our expenses. The income from our
banks and producer organisations, LFS’s and portfolio amounted to €315,000, 53% of
viable markets, etc. which came from the distribution of divi-
dends generated by equity investment and
This support takes the form of one-off sup- 47% from loan interest.
port missions, of which there are around • co-financing granted by international co-
200 per year, set in motion by the team of 9
geographical leaders backed by the Chair-
man of the Board and by around ten volun-
teer consultants, most of whom are retirees

Senegal, a woman preparing yet

Figure n°3: Break-down of the portfolio according to amounts per type of LSF (cymbium) prior to fermentation for
tieboudien (the national rice and fish dish).
Union des Caisses 6%
Producers’ Production structure 1%
organisations 9%
NGO associations 29%
Cooperatives 11%

Financing funds Financial institutions 18%


Commercial banks 14%


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An activity
centred on rural development

Backing the consolidation ● Supporting the consolidation

of the LFS’s via searches
and diversification of local for additional financing
financing structures in a KRK (Kosovo), MICROINVEST (Moldavia),
context of growth dia), AKIBA (Tanzania), SIPEM (Madagas-
car), CERUDEB (Uganda), TEMBEKA
(South Africa), AL AMANA and AMSSF
(Morocco), KOKARI and TAANADI (Niger).
Participating in the capital of a local finan-
cing structure is SIDI’s preferred means of The microfinance landscape has changed in
investment because it is a way of providing the last two years (see focus 3). The local fi-
solidarity for the long-term, an average of nancing structures are seeking financing
10 years, without seeking an immediate fi- from commercial sources, i.e. banks and in-
nancial return. SIDI highlights the consoli- vestment funds, in order to pursue their
dation and structuring of local financing growth and extend the scope of their ser-
structures g through a growth period at the vices. SIDI acts as a middleman, introducing
same time that it maintains the momentum the LFS’s to financial partners in order to es-
Rice hulling, Betafo,
of initiatives and experiments that are at the tablish trust and to secure the initial stages
Madagascar heart of its activities and its positioning. of refinancing. ➜
(photo TITEM)


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➜ ● Backing the consolidation of the LFS’s In 2007, SIDI promoted the search for equity institutionalisation of the LFS’s comprises
by shoring up equity for several institutions in which it holds four dimensions: the longevity of services, fi-
shares and is a director: KRK, MICROINVEST, nancial equilibrium, adapted legal statutes
SIPEM (Madagascar), TEMBEKA (South Africa), HKL, AMRET and SIPEM. In such cases, the and the development of staff skills.
CERUDEB (Uganda), SMEA (Uganda), AKIBA commitment of the founders was crucial.
(Tanzania), KOKARI (Niger), BMS (Mali), AL They took up the challenge to find local and In 2007, two institutions advanced along
AMANA (Morocco), HATTHA KAKSEKAR and foreign shareholders and they supported the the road to institutionalisation: TITEM in
AMRET (Cambodia), FC (Laos), MICROINVEST institutions in the quest for high-quality in- Madagascar, in the context of a new legal
(Moldavia), KRK (Kosovo), CONFIANZA (Peru), vestors (HKL in Cambodia). In some cases framework in that country, and CCRD in the
CCRD (DR Congo), MAF (Asia) and CRG (Gui- they also acted almost as a merchant bank. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Both
nea) In Kosovo, SIDI backed KRK in a restructu- these institutions offer financial services to
ring of equity capital that enabled it to people in far-flung rural areas who have set
SIDI was among the first structures to reco- transform its institutional debt into capital up solidarity credit unions.
gnise the need for capital and to assume the and commercial loans, which are easier to
risk. From the outset, SIDI accepted the risk renew and increase.
of contributing to the hard resources ● Backing diversification and professio-
(equity) of the LFS’s. The LFS’s need stable In Peru, the largest microfinance market in nalization
resources for an unspecified period of time Latin America, SIDI is refocusing its partner-
in order to consolidate their operations and ships around smaller institutions with strong TAANADI and KOKARI (Niger), OMIPA
attract additional financing to drive their social value-added. (Uganda), MICROFUND (Togo), JEMENI (Mali),
growth. In 2007, SIDI participated in the ca- KRK (Kosovo) and SIPEM (Madagascar)
pital of 23 LFS’s, in 16 of which SIDI had a
seat on the board (see list above). Some in- ● Backing institutionalisation In 2007, SIDI’s efforts and those of its part-
vestments that took place around ten years ners were deployed on several fronts. The
ago in countries then experiencing difficul- New SIDI shareholders in 2007: FOR TALECER first is the diversification of financial pro-
ties, such as Uganda, Cambodia, Peru and (Peru) and SMEA (Uganda) ducts thanks to financial support from the
Madagascar, have since matured. SIDI was EU-ACP programme (see focus 5), through
therefore encouraged to broaden its finan- Backing the institutionalisation of microfi- which support was given to the expansion
cial solidarity horizons to the Great lakes Re- nance instruments to provide long-term ac- of the LFSs’ range of services (OMIPA in
gion in Central Africa, Palestine and Haiti, cess to credit, as well as other financial Uganda, JEMENI in Mali and TIMPAC in
among other areas. services, has been a major focal point of Togo, among others) so that they could bet-
SIDI’s intervention from the beginning. The ter serve rural zones and micro-businesses.➜

Focus n°3 banks have now come into the sector (there Conversely, poverty and inequality continue
are 18 banks involved thus far, including 4 to grow throughout the world, despite all of
Our position today between the French banks) and there are 74 funds (the the commitments entered into by the go-
growth of investment funds…and top 10 of which are all European, (Procredit, vernments and the public and private bo-
that of rural poverty. Oikocredit…) that specialise in microfinance dies. Three-quarters of the world’s poor live
and internet platforms (Kiva, e-bay…) have in rural areas. For the majority of them, their
Microfinance has experienced a remarkable been created. Several factors may be used survival is dependent, at least in part, upon
rise in popularity due to the scope of its co- to explain this tendency: agriculture, either through their consump-
verage (approximately 120 million borro- - the growth in the number of microfinance tion of farming products or through the sale
wers in 115 countries), the sustained growth institutions that have exponential re-finan- of these same products.
rate it is enjoying in certain countries (30% cing needs. The absence of landownership, access to
and 100% per year in India and in Cambo- - microfinance has become fashionable for water and to energy, the lack of information
dia, for example) and especially as a result of public and private investors since it now pro- about the markets and of long-term finan-
the social dimension of credit that it has in- vides return rates of between 2% and 5% in cing, are all factors that contribute to the
troduced. The poor may now pay back a dollars, whilst at the same time serving a so- creation of the rural poor, who continue to
loan, become entrepreneurs and assume cial purpose. increase in number. This in turn generates a
responsibility for their future. The world of - microfinance has been in the limelight rural exodus and illegal immigration towards
microfinance has become more complex thanks to 2005 being the Year of Microfi- countries in the North which are increasin-
since 2006, with the arrival of new actors nance and the awarding of the 2006 Nobel gly closing their borders.
on the scene. Microfinance experienced a Peace prize to Mohammad Yunnus, the In order to address these two tendencies,
“boom” in 2007 with the massive influx of founder of the Grameen Bank in Bangla- namely a worsening of inequalities and, pa-
public and private capital. Commercial desh. radoxically, a microfinance sector that is be-


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➜ The second front was the introduction of tai- the same vision. SIDI also joined with the growing stronger over the past ten years
lored information and management sys- Red Financiera de Asociaciones Comunita- or so in most of the countries in the South
tems, in Niger and Uganda, for example. rias (RED FASCO), a financial network of around two key activities: the provision of
And the third front was the strengthening seven Maya community associations in the support services to the farm sector and by
of credit risk monitoring. SIDI also provide west of Guatemala, to enable it to acquire defending the sector’s interests. In 2007,
backing for the creation of reinforced inter- a stake in BANRURAL, a powerful agricul- SIDI financed eight producer organisations
nal control procedures, in BMS in Mali, for tural bank. via loans or by providing guarantees. In ad-
example. dition, SIDI assisted other producer orga-
nisations, such as OPP in Mali, ADAPS in
● Strengthening the levers of solidarity Madagascar, cooperatives in Morocco, etc.,
financing in the South: Financing agriculture and to find solutions for the financing of their
the refinancing funds members.
the rural areas
TEMBEKA (South Africa and Mozambique), • Helping producer organisations develop
BMS (Mali), SMEA (East Africa), MAF (Sou- The rapid and significant advance in invest- a partnership with financial institutions
theast Asia), LACIF (Latin America) and RED- ment funds in recent years underscored the
FASCO/BANRURAL (Peru). current limits of microfinance, which is still AOPP/ BMS in Mali and AMSSEF in Morocco
struggling to develop in isolated rural areas Thanks to SIDI’s extensive knowledge of
In response to the challenge of meeting the and to provide significant financing to far- the AOPP producer organisation, which re-
financial needs of our partners, SIDI since ming. In parallel, a new world order is emer- ceived a seed production loan from SIDI in
2006 has been sponsoring regional refi- ging, with spiralling prices for oil and food. 2006, and familiarity with the BMS bank
nancing funds. These regional funds play a If the African continent is to free itself from in Mali, on whose board SIDI is a director,
key role by offering resources in local cur- food scarcity, the only solution is an adap- SIDI has established a relationship with
rencies to the local financing structures in tation of agriculture. BMS with the goal of financing the AOPP
the regions, unlike most of the investment members’ need for seeds.
funds that only offer resources in hard cur- ● Backing and financing producer
rencies (dollars or euros) and by giving tech- organisations In Madagascar, SIDI initiated a partnership
nical support to the partners. At the end of with a producer organisation, the ADAPS.
2007, SIDI became a shareholder and di- The farm sector, and family farms in parti- This PO, backed by AFDI Picardie, would
rector of SMEA, alongside a Norwegian ins- cular, continue to suffer from a lack of ac- like SIDI to help it find solutions to bridge
titution, Stromme Norway, and its local cess to financing. On the other side of the the food gap during lean times.
➜ subsidiary, Stromme Uganda, which share coin, farmers’ organisations have been

coming increasingly more commercial conti- - SIDI is seeking to establish complementa- on the other hand, to provide similar sup-
nues on page 9, SIDI is striving to contri- rities in rural areas and supports the crea- port to a third generation of actors on a
bute its “part” of the answer and continues tion of links between the actors in this smaller scale, who have yet to be formalised
to pursue its efforts aimed at innovation to context. and who play a role in the granting of fi-
bring about greater solidarity and collective - SIDI re-affirms that efforts designed to in- nancial services in scarcely or poorly served
well-being. troduce innovation must be pursued by the areas, particularly in the rural and agricultu-
MFIs in order to reinforce their social viabi- ral areas.
SIDI’s position lity (cost reduction, search for outlets, cove- Coffee drying in
- SIDI sets out to establish a solidarity-based rage of harvest-related risks…) and in order Vietnam
form of financing that is responsible towards to respond to the needs of the populations
its clients and that creates added social who are still excluded from access to local fi-
Photo SIDI

value. nancial services.

- SIDI believes that MFIs do not only require - It also re-affirms that efforts designed to
resources to finance their growth, but also introduce innovation and efficiency must be
require long-term technical support. made by the MFIs with regard to local go-
- SIDI does not act on its own. Together with vernance, management, information and
its founding shareholder, the CCFD, and its management systems and the diversification
European partners, it implements an al- of services and of products.
liance-based strategy so as to learn through - SIDI asserts that it is necessary, on the one
contacts with others, to innovate through hand, to provide financial and technical sup-
collective tools that provide leverage oppor- port to a second generation of MFIs that are
tunities and through risk sharing. less mature, but have greater potential, and,


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• Assisting farmers’ organisations that ● Producer organisations that The creation of financial
have developed financing activities grant loans directly to their
members services in rural areas and
UGPM and CREC (Senegal), FONDEFER (Ni-
caragua), CAC LA FLORIDA and CREDIFLO- MOGTEDO (Burkina Faso), FPFD (Guinea), in crises zones
RIDA (Peru), FORTALECER (Nicaragua) and FAPECAFE (Equateur) and SILAC/TSIRY
UGC (Mozambique). (Madagascar).

In Nicaragua, SIDI provided backing to In order to meet their members’ need for ● Solidarity credit unions, a tool for
FONNDEFER, the financial arm of FENA- credit, some POs have set up a system of structuring and accumulation in rural
COOP, a producers’ federation that is well- internal credit using external resources or areas
established locally but fragile from the using their own capital. SIDI works with
financial standpoint. SIDI assisted FONN- the POs to help them strengthen their ca- CCRD (North Kivu, Congo), ADIKIVU and GALE
DEFER to develop a financing plan to mo- pacity, for example the computerisation of (South Kivu, Congo), PREFED and CAPAD (Bu-
bilise external credit lines. In Senegal, in the MOGTEDO portfolio, or it helps them rundi), PREFED and IMPUYAKI (Rwanda),
association with Alternatives Energétiques, mobilise financial resources for their mem- TITEM (Madagascar), ASIENA (Burkina Faso),
the Midi Pyrénées Region and JAPNPOO bers. SIDI also worked with the FPFD in FONHSUD (Haiti), UGPM (Senegal) and AOPP
Développement, SIDI sponsored UGPM Guinea to finance the inputs season (see (Mali).
and CREC (its financial arm) in the esta- focus 4).
blishment of loans for solar equipment to Providing financial services in rural areas is
create solar stations for families and solar still a challenge. Sub-Saharan Africa is the
platforms to supply power to villages. SIDI region with the lowest rate of microfinance
contributed its knowledge and a credit penetration, with only 10% of demand co-
line (a 10-year loan entitling the bank to vered. The particular context of rural areas
an interest in the company) to finance the and politically unstable zones has encoura-
installations and enable the population to ged SIDI to experiment and develop the so-
benefit from the equipment at an afforda- lidarity credit union. Because of its
ble cost. flexibility, rigour and solidarity, it has been
used by around 40,000 persons in West
Africa, Central Africa, Haiti and Madagas-
car, especially in rural areas (see focus 6).

Focus n°4: The Fouta Djalon Produ- Guinea in January and February 2007. was quickly put into place.
cers’ Federation (Guinea): These events, which took place during the SIDI paid the supplier of potato seed (located
a financial response adapted agricultural season, placed the harvest at risk in the north of France) directly in Euros. In
to an exceptional context and were especially a risk to the marketing of order to minimize the exchange rate risks re-
the potato crop. Consequently, almost 30% lated to the Guinean Franc, it will be paid back
of the groups of borrowers were not able to in CFA Francs by the buyers from the CFA zone
Since the 2004-2005 agricultural season, SIDI reimburse the credits they had received to pay (who go to Guinea in order to buy potatoes
has been providing financial support for the for their farming inputs by the end of a 12 and then sell them on in Senegal or in Mali),
Fouta Djallon Federation of Peasant Farmers, month period. The Federation was therefore according to a flexible time schedule. As well
which is the leading peasant farmers’ organi- unable to pay back a significant part of the as being able to continue to supply inputs on
sation in Guinea. It acts as an umbrella group banking credit it had received for the agricul- a credit basis to its members, which is some-
and defends and represents the interests of tural year. However, since the banks were thing that the previous season had placed at
400 groupings, or of 13,000 farmers (mainly aware of the causes of these difficulties, they a serious risk, this response provides the Fe-
potato farmers, although they also grow to- deferred the repayment deadline and reduced deration with a series of worthwhile solutions
matoes and onions), as well as providing the interest charges. at various levels: a reduced cost financial ser-
them with training, technical and managerial Although the Federation had decided, as a vice, a flexible repayment scheme that has
guidance and farm inputs (seed, fertiliser). consequence of these difficulties, to reduce been carefully adapted to potato marketing
Over the course of the following three sea- the supply of inputs for the 2007-2008 agri- flows and a limitation to the use that it has to
sons, SIDI has provided its guarantee (of cultural season, it still called upon its partners make of the bank and therefore of the finan-
€100,000 per year) to cover the season’s cre- to guarantee the financing of the season, wi- cial charges that it has to bear.
dit provided to the Federation by a local bank thout jeopardising its capacity to pay back its This flexible response has been made possible
for the acquisition of imported seed. The previous outstanding banking credit. by the trust that has been built up between
2006-2007 season was marked by serious SIDI provided a positive response to this re- SIDI and the Federation over the course of the
political and social events that took place in quest with an original financial package that last three years.


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Maintaining solidarity with partners in Farming continues to be more risky and Contributing to local
crisis zones less profitable than other rural activities fi-
nanced by the LFS’s, such as commerce, development and
ACAD and CD HOUSING (Palestine), the Great cattle fattening and market gardening.
Lakes Region and KNFP and FONHSUD (Haiti) Few LFS’s finance the processing of farm increasing income
products. The impact of microfinance is
For many years, SIDI has recognised the in- therefore very low in terms of value-added
volvement of locals who work daily in difficult and job-creation on family holdings. Ho- JAPPOO DEVELOPPEMENT (Senegal) and
situations, in Haiti, Lebanon, the West Bank wever, agriculture and food processing are UGPM/CREC (Senegal)
as well as in the Great Lakes Region in East a key factor for the development of rural
Africa. Microfinance activities have developed areas. The issue of access to energy, in particular
in these countries thanks to locals who are electric power, is part of the fight to over-
convinced of the value of their mission. In In response, in 2007 SIDI began studying come exclusion. The issue is made all the
2007, SIDI, along with other European al- the feasibility of promoting value-added in more difficult by the fact that the usual so-
liances, took part in the establishment of gua- rural areas. This action is designed to coor- lutions, which have failed to meet the needs
rantees tailored to the situation in Palestine. dinate the supply of farm products in the of poor and rural populations, bring with
South with a local market or an export them environmental problems. In rural
● Creating value-added in rural areas market, via fair trade or organic sales cir- areas, such as Meckhe in Senegal, the eco-
cuits or local markets. nomic fabric is a lot less developed than in
FC/LAO Farmers Products (Laos), CAC La Flo- the cities. SIDI, in association with producer
rida, JAPPOO Développement (Senegal); iden- associations and economic, players set up
tification is underway in Morocco, the JAPPOO group to:
Madagascar, Egypt and Niger • finance and support projects that raise the
value of rural products and enable rural
Microfinance in farming in Africa and in producers to increase their income.
the Mediterranean Basin is still limited. • create decent, well-paid jobs for young
people, especially in the restaurant sector.
• develop the use of renewable energy
based on the regional production of solar
Photo SIDI

Solar panels to
bring electricity to
rural Senegal

Focus n°5: the EU/ACP programme supports the further on product diversification, which was carried out by an external consultant.
development of activities in un-serviced rural areas The results of this study enabled OMIPA to introduce two new credit pro-
ducts in 2007: the water tank credit for the construction of water tanks and
an individual credit instrument.
In order to broaden the range of technical and financial services that it is The EU/ACP project has also led to the provision of enhanced technical as-
able to offer, SIDI both seeks out and implements co-financing arrange- sistance in the area of governance. In this way, training for the members
ments with bi- and multi-lateral institutions. of Boards of Directors has been financed, notably for the Crédit Rural in Gui-
To this end, it responded to a call for proposals launched by the European nea, TAANADI and KOKARI in Niger, the BMS in Mali and TIMPAC in Togo.
Commission in July 2005, in partnership with the Belgian cooperative AL- These training sessions focus on the daily workings of the Board of Direc-
TERNFIN and the African network MAIN. The project total amounted to tors, the role and responsibilities of the Board members, the introduction of
€990, 000, 80% of which was financed by the European Union, for 14 of charts that may be used to assist the decision-making process.
SIDI’s partner institutions in Africa and in Haiti, as well as the MAIN network. Finally, the MAIN network has benefited from a significant part of the pro-
For the institutions in remote locations, this programme came along at just ject, providing it with the opportunity to increase the number of works-
the right time and has enabled them to significantly widen the scope of hops for training and exchanges between MFIs. Indeed, in 2007, MAIN
their activities. This is the case, for example, of OMIPA, a network of rural organised a record number of one workshop per month on a wide variety
banks that operates in the south of Uganda and which has been a SIDI of subjects such as information and management systems, social perfor-
partner since 2000. The EU/ACP project has been used to finance a study mance, governance, strategic marketing within an MFI, etc.


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Focus n°6: the creation of financial gion (Senegal, Burkina, Mali), with approxi- there was no longer a financial system (the
services in rural areas and crisis hit mately 180 MUSO and 7,000 members, fol- Congo, for example) and have also helped
zones: the solidarity credit unions lowed by Madagascar and Haiti with 166 people learn how to manage their savings,
MUSO (1,660 members) and 147 MUSO credit and insurance as a complement to, or
In March 2007, a workshop was held in Paris (2,940 members) respectively. even as a replacement for, the tontine sys-
that brought together, for the very first time, All of this means that 40,000 members now tem (Rotating savings and credit associa-
all of the SIDI partners that promote Solida- have access to local financial services in rural tions), in certain cases. The MUSO have also
rity Credit Unions (MUSO). This workshop areas in which there is a lack of both infra- provided a structure through which the
provided a unique opportunity to assess the structures and means of transport. members can exchange views and expe-
importance of the dynamics of this process The number of MUSO assisted by our part- riences. In Haiti and the Congo, for exam-
since it was first launched in 1995 in Senegal ners varies from 17 to 661 (for certain pro- ple, they have served as a forum for the
through the UGPM, before being extended moters this has become a full-time activity, provision of information relating to the or-
by SIDI in 1997, first of all to Madagascar whilst it remains a complementary activity for ganisation of elections.
and then to Haiti. In 2002, it was introduced others). SIDI receives regular information
in the African Great Lakes region (Rwanda, and monitoring reports from close to 1,100 Global accumulation is a reality
Burundi, DRC) and was then introduced in MUSO. Although there is still insufficient precise data
Burkina Faso and Mali from 2005 onwards. Not all of the MUSO request refinancing cre- to draw up an accurate and general over-
dit from their promoter. However, a majority view, the fact of the matter is that more than
The scale of this dynamic process of them do wish to maintain a link with their 9000,000 US dollars have been collected by
At the end of 2007, the MUSO system cove- promoter in order to improve their practices 600 MUSO over the course of 5 years in
red almost 40,000 people who were mem- and their instruments (good book-keeping North Kivu (90% of the MUSO collect less
bers of 1,800 MUSO (300 more MUSO and and the recording of all operations is not so- than 2 US dollars per month per member.
8,000 more members than at the end of mething that can be learned over night!) and This system not only mobilises local funds,
2006). to be able to share views and experiences. but it also maintains and enhances solida-
Today, the largest number of MUSO are to rity-based links between the local communi-
be found in the African Great Lakes region MUSO play a role in helping to structure ties. The accumulation of funds at a local
(Congo, Rwanda, Burundi), where there are society level is supported by external refinancing.
close to 1,300 MUSO with more than MUSO have helped to create, and in some SIDI currently has financial commitments wi-
26,000 members. The second largest num- cases, to restore, confidence in a collective thin two partners (CCRD and UGPM) and is
ber is to be found in the Western Africa re- system to manage money in areas in which due to invest in CCRD’s capital in 2008.
Photo SIDI

A farmer and member of a

co-op, backed by
FONDEFER in Nicaragua,
making compost


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The Solidarity
for Financing

The Solidarity Chain SIDI formalised this initial North-South part- and a guarantee from the Fonds d'Incitation
nership relationship around the Solidarity au Développement (development incentive
for Financing Chain for Financing in order to provide fi- fund) to cover exchange rate risks.
nancing that serves people’s goals. French - In solidarity, because these resources are
Ever since the CCFD’s creation 25 years ago, and European citizens in the North entrust allocated to SIDI not in order to turn a pro-
SIDI has benefited from resources tailored SIDI with solidarity resources bound for the fit, but rather in an endeavour to share.
to its twofold vocation: the financing of its LFS’s (partners and their beneficiaries) in the SIDI’s contributors require first of all social
partners’ credit activities and a la carte mo- South (see focus 7). The Solidarity Chain for and not financial value-added in exchange
nitoring and technical support in response Financing firmly establishes SIDI’s working for their solidarity.
to the needs expressed. conditions and procedures as follows: - In a Chain to link citizens and solidarity or-
ganisations in Europe with local financing
More than an investment fund or a consul- - In financing, enabling it to collect resources structures in distant countries, via SIDI. The
tancy, SIDI is a solidarity investor that esta- for the partners in the South, helping them LFS’s are highly diversified but they share a
blishes genuine North-South partnerships in to strengthen their financial services they common goal of sustainably improving the
order to contribute its financial services to provide to excluded populations. This living conditions of the local populations.
populations that have been excluded from consists of non-interest bearing capital (see The social viability dimension reinforces
banking circuits and to contribute to their focus 4), the sharing of proceeds from the SIDI’s solidarity dimension.
economic and social development. Faim & Développement investment fund

Focus n° 7: in 2007, the solidarity campaign to promote the fund (posters, educational Figure n°4:
chain for development has been activities) and the forthcoming creation of the “Faim Breakdown of SIDI’s capital at 31/12/07
based on: et Développement – Agir CCFD” initiative.
It is growing thanks to: EIGHT EUROPEAN
other 5,66%
• in the South: - The 36 volunteer SIDI correspondents (including 10 PARTNERS 5,94%
- a network of 56 SIDI partners in more than 30 new recruits who joined upon their return from their CCFD 27,36%
countries, who have granted more than one million trip to Peru in 2006), who have led almost 300 local
loans of between €50 and €5,000, 96% of which meetings, bringing together thousands of people
have been paid back on time. prepared to discover solidarity financing as it is prac-
tices by SIDI and who are also prepared to invest in
• here in the North: the Solidarity Chain for Financing.
- a total of 934 shareholders. - The training sessions organised by the CCFD and
Grouped together within the Epargne Solidarité Dé- SIDI within the regions in order to provide a detai- URSULINES
veloppement (Solidarity Saving for Development As- led explanation of Solidarity Chain for Financing to FOUR DE JÉSUS
sociation), the 810 individual shareholders, including CCFD activists and supporters, as well as to SIDI sha- FINANCIAL 7,04%
60 new shareholders in 2007, hold 25.52% of SIDI’s reholders and savers. INSTITUTIONS 11,16%
capital as of the end of 2007. They are also a re- - SIDI’s substantial involvement in FINANSOL, both SŒURS AUXILIATRICES
flection of solidarity financing (c.f. figure 4). within the decision-making bodies and also in the 17,32%
- 5,000 contributors to the “Faim & Développe- activities themselves.
ment” JIF, or common investment fund, who share - The CCFD’s significant degree of involvement, at
the revenue generated by their savings. In 2008, the both a national and regional level, within the soli-
CCFD, SIDI and the Crédit Coopératif will celebrate darity economy, as reflected in the commitment ex-
the 25th anniversary of this fund, notably through a pressed in the 2008-2012 Orientation Report.


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Alliances in the North via CORDAID/Netherlands in South Africa, The other leading co-financing was mobili-
Argidius/Netherlands in Niger and the Nord- sed for the MAIN network to organise five
SIDI’s average per-partner investment, Sud/France mutual fund in Cambodia, in sub-regional training schemes, two univer-
amounting to €134,000, was still low com- Ecuador, in Peru and Moldavia, and through sity career paths and a South-South ex-
pared to needs at the end of 2007. Howe- SIDI’s participation in regional, sub-regional change programme costing €316,000 that
ver, since a majority of SIDI’s partners were and national funds. This type of arrange- was negotiated with CCFD, the French Fo-
going through a consolidation phase, its fi- ment helps to expand financial volumes reign Ministry, the Gilles Foundation in Bel-
nancial activities may well double within thanks to its leverage effect (see figure 5). gium and the KNPF Haitian network for
three years. SIDI does not have the means to training members of the solidarity credit
finance on its own the growth of its portfo- The co-financing strategy increases the avai- unions (€80,000 was negotiated with the
lio and all the requests for technical assis- lable resources for bolstering the partners’ French Foreign Ministry). Other financing
tance it receives from its partners, nor can it capacity. In 2007, nearly €580,000 was mo- packages, more one-off in nature, were mo-
respond to all the organisations that request bilised by SIDI and more than €320,000 was bilised from the Spanish foundation Un Sol
it. Therefore, SIDI has been pursuing for se- negotiated directly for the partners (off Mon to hold a training seminar in Algeria
veral years a strategy of alliances and co-fi- SIDI’s balance sheet). and a diagnosis of the financial and non-fi-
nancing. nancial needs of small-scale promoters,
The growth of SIDI’s co-financing in 2007, up from the CCFD to support the JAPPOO pro-
This strategy of alliances was given shape, 49% over 2006, is explained by the 2006- ject in Senegal and CORDAID and from the
on the one hand, via the mobilisation of 2008 EU-ACP financing that amounted that Ford Foundation for the creation of a fund to
other investors for the direct refinancing of year to €264,000 of additional support re- finance producer organisations in Latin
its partners. On the other hand, in 2007 it sources for Africa and Haiti (see focus 8). America.
managed to mobilise more than €2 million



In association with three European social investors that work in the sou-
thern countries, namely ALTERFIN/Belgium, ETIMOS/Italy and the Fun-
dacio UnSolMon/Spain, and within the framework of the “Financing
Towards the South” group of FEBEA (European Federation of Ethical
and Alternative Banks), SIDI has decided to set up a European invest-
ment fund with a view to reinforcing its actions in Africa and in favour
of the financing of the rural world.
The four organisations share the same vision and have been working in
collaboration with one another for years. The project to create FEFISOL
has been driven by the desire of these four actors to reinforce the com-
plementarities and synergies that have already been developed and to
achieve significant financial leverage for their partners.
The fund’s strategy, which is based on the experience of its founders,
consists in providing support for the structures that are being developed
and consolidated in Africa and in favour of the financing of the rural
This approach is justified by the fact that the African microfinance mar-
ket has a huge potential since so few people have access to traditional
banking facilities. Indeed, Africa continues to be the most poorly served
continent in terms of foreign investment in microfinance.
FEFISOL also wishes to stand out from the commercial microfinance in-
vestment funds that concentrate on the most mature and profitable
structures in the sector, by essentially focussing its interventions on the
provision of loans and guarantees, as well as participation within insti-
tutions that have a mission to provide financial services to the micro-
entrepreneurs and producers’ organisations that are excluded from the
traditional banking systems, as well as the producers’ organisations
whose activities are, for the most part, aimed at the export market (no-
tably through their membership of fair and/or organic trade networks).
Contrary to the current tendency, 80% of FEFISOL’s portfolio will be held
in local currencies. This will serve to protect the financed partners from
exchange rate risks.


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Future prospects The KRK financial

service, Kosovo
Our three financing tools (participations,
loans and guarantees) and our primary ac-
tivities (see focus 1, page 4) constitute a so-
lid foundation for our mission and for a re-
flection on our future strategy. Most of the
partner LFS’s are going through a consoli-
dation phase and new requirements for fi-
nancing growth and diversification are coming
to the fore. This means a need for a great deal
of stable financing resources over the long-
term and technical tools that are better adap-
ted and more sophisticated. In partnership

with the EU institutions, SIDI would now like
to go further and work on the creation of two
regional tools for achieving a big leverage ef-
fect, similar to PROFUND and LACIF:
- a fund to finance producer organisations and Figure n°5: Geographical break-down of financial resources mobilised from alliances in 2007
their financial tools in Latin America. This fund,
which would be set up in partnership with THE CARIBBEAN 4% AFRICA/MAIN 10%
ALTERFIN, is now being put together. MEDITERRANEAN PECO 5 %
- a FEFISOL (European Fund for Solidarity Fi- BASIN
nancing in Africa) fund, set up by four Euro- 1%
pean social investors: ALTERFIN (Belgium), ETI-
MOS (Italy), the Un Sol Mon Foundation
(Spain) and SIDI (France), in order to shore
up their investments in Africa in support of ASIA 24%
rural areas (see focus 8).

Map of SIDI partners in 2007


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SIDI’s 2007
financial statements
SIDI’s balance sheet at December 31, 2007 in thousands of euro
2 These are
provisions for
risks and
2007 2006 2007 2006 provisions for
exchange rate
Capital 9,000 9,000 losses.
Net intangible assets - 1 Reserves 259 271
Net intangible assets 89 100 Profit/loss for the year 10 -13
Net financial assets 7,182 6,617 Total equities 9,269 9,259
of which shares and claims 3,423 2,739 3
Provisions on
of which loans 3,622 3,787 loans and equity
investment have
of which other financial assets 137 91 Provisions 2 125 153 since 2004 been
covered by the
Total fixed assets 7,271 6,717 Loans 611 542 F.I.D., a hedging
mechanism that
Other debts 562 750 applies, with a
few exceptions,
F.I.D. International guarantee fund 3 2,292 2,292 to all investment
conducted by
Claims (net value, including additional income) 460 519 C.D.C. Fund 351 343 SIDI. It
CCFD-guarantee 106 219 comprises
Cash Cash assets 1 5,706 6,322 Shareholders, current account 122 current accounts
(including of shareholders
F.I.D.), invested who are
in ethical TOTAL 13,437 13,558 TOTAL 13,437 13,558 convinced of the
securities and "S.A. SOFIDEEC BAKER TILLY, external auditor, a member of CRCC in Paris, represented by its chairman Mr Fouad EL importance for
investment real SIDI to target
M'GHAZLI, has certified without reservations SIDI's annual accounts, ended December 31, 2007." difficult

SIDI’s income statement at December 31, 2007 in thousands of euro

2007 2006
1 This heading mainly Income Total 1,833 1,635
comprises contributions Services (CCFD and additional income) 1 1,725 1,557 2Other proceeds include fees
received from the CCFD to Other products and provision reversal 2 108 78 for attending board meetings,
finance support activities. Most Charges Total 2,258 1,987 application fees, etc.
of these resources are provided Current operation income 718 657
to the CCFD from the proceeds Wages and salaries 1,103 979
of the Faim et Développement
3 These are co-financings
Depreciation expense 20 27
investment fund (€1 030 from international
Additional funding transferred to partners 3 418 324 partners transferred
538,84 at the end of 2007). Operating profit/loss -426 -352
Resources from international directly to the partners.
Income Total 584 455 These funds only transit
partners are included, which
are either transferred to the Income from portfolio (loans and shares) 4 315 261 through SIDI.
partners or are spent on Income for current assets 38 90
financing SIDI support. FID resources 56 81
Exchange rate gains 4 3
4 Income from the portfolio
Provisions reversal 30 5 increases by 21%
Other 142 15
Charges Total 165 137
Provision for risks on shares and loans 5 5
Interests on loans 26 26
5Exchange rate losses were
offset by the mobilisation of
Exchange rate losses 5 115 102
CCFD guarantee funds (the
Other 20 4 coverage appears in the
Financial profit/loss 419 318 “other proceeds” line).
Exceptional products 117 216
Exceptional charges 100 195
Exceptional profit/loss 17 21
Income taxes
Net profit/loss 10 -13


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Gross portfolio at December 31, 2007 (in thousands of euro)

Country Partner LFS Category Contribution of which US$/€ Loans and of which in Total
guarantees local currencies at 31/12/06
Burkina Faso MOGTEDO Producers’ organisation - 23 23 23
DR of Congo CCRD Financial institution 7 7 12 18
DR of Congo COODEFI Credit co-operative - 11 11
Guinea CRG Co-operative bank 18 - 18
Guinea FPFD Producers’ organisation - 167 142 167
Madagascar SILAC/TSIRY Producers’ organisation - 50 50
Madagascar SIPEM Financial institution 236 - 236
Mali BMS Commercial bank 152 - 152
Mali JEMENI Co-operative bank - 76 76 76
Mali NIAKO Co-operative bank - 61 61 61
Niger KOKARI Credit co-operative 3 121 121 125
Niger TAANADI Credit co-operative - 98 98 204
Senegal CREC Credit co-operative - 110 110 110
Senegal JAPPOO Association/NGO - 234 234 234
Senegal MEC PROPEM Credit co-operative - 160 160 160
Senegal SAPCA/EGAS Producers’ organisation - 30 30 30
Senegal UGPM Producers’ organisation - 122 122 122
South Africa TEMBEKA Regional fund 381 -0 -0 381
Tanzania AKIBA Commercial bank 272 - 272
Togo MICROFUND Co-operative bank - 46 46 46
Togo TIMPAC Association/NGO - 95 95 95
Togo UCMECS Co-operative bank - 79 79 79
Uganda CERUDEB Commercial bank 475 475
• Multilateral Africa SMEA Fonds de financement 172 - - 172
AFRICA 1,717 7 1,495 1,398 3,319
Bolivia ANED Association/NGO - 155 155
Chile INDES Financial institution 85 - 85
Colombia CONSOLIDAR Credit co-operative 79 - 79
Ecuador BANCO SOLIDARIO Commercial bank 165 165 - 165
Ecuador FAPECAFES Producers’ organisation - 81 81
Ecuador MCCH Association/NGO - - 247 247
Guatemala REDFASCO Association/NGO - 193 193
Nicaragua FENACOOP Producers’ organisation - 99 99
Peru CAC La Florida Producers’ organisation - 125 125
Peru CONFIANZA Financial institution 142 - 142
Peru CREDI FLORIDA Credit co-operative - 84 84
Peru EDAPROSPO Association/NGO - 130 130
Peru FORTALECER Credit co-operative 50 - 50
Uruguay SAINDESUR Financial institution 109 - 109
• Multilateral Latin AmericaLACIF Regional fund 102 102 - 102
LATIN AMERICA 732 268 1,115 - 1,847
Cambodia AMRET Financial institution 54 - 54
Cambodia HATTHA KAKSEKAR Financial institution 167 167 31 197
Laos FONDS COOPERATIF Co-operative bank 153 34 188
Laos LAO FARMERS PRODUCTS Structure de production - 98 98
• Multilateral Asia MAF (Cordaid/CRS) Regional fund 157 157 - 157
ASIA 531 323 163 - 694
Egypt EACD Association/NGO - 264 264 264
Lebanon NAJDEH Association/NGO - 37 37
Morocco AL AMANA Association/NGO - 246 246 246
Morocco AMSSF Association/NGO - 137 137
Palestine ACAD Association/NGO - 101 101
Palestine CDHOUSING Association/NGO - 33 33
Palestine Fonds de garantie Palestine Association/NGO - 166 166
Haiti COD Association/NGO - 48 48
Haiti FONHSUD Association/NGO - 29 29 29
CARIBBEAN 76 29 76
Kosovo KRK Financial institution 149 149 80 229
Moldova MICROINVEST Financial institution 80 170 250
• Multilateral Europe SEFEA Regional fund 85 85 - 85
EUROPE 314 234 250 - 564
TOTAL PORTFOLIO 3,295 832 3,619 1,936 7,484
As % of total 44% 56%


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MADAGASCAR – ADAPS RWANDA - PREFED Fax: 00 256 41 53 28 34

ADDRESS BOOK Chez Abdallah Moto Tanambao
P.O. BOX 1897

AFRICA Ambanja 203 Phone: 250 58 31 28 ou 27 UGANDA - OMIPA

P.O. BOX 37 P.O. BOX 1240 Kabingo - Mbarara
BURKINA FASO - ASIENA Phone: 00 261 20 86 503 25 SENEGAL – UGPM et CREC Phone: 00 256 48 52 26 11
04 P.O. BOX 8151 Ouagadougou or 020 86 930 33 P.O. BOX 43 E-mail:
Phone: 226 50 39 58 78 Meckhé
E-mail: - Phone: 00 221 955 51 13 MEDITERRANEAN BASSIN MADAGASCAR - SIPEM Fax: 00 221 955 52 86
Immeuble SANTA LOT V E-mail: EGYPT - EACD
BURKINA FASO - MOGTEDO 24, rue Naka Rabemanantsoa 30 El Nile El Abiad de Midan Lebnan
P.O. BOX 48 Mogtedo Antanimena SENEGAL - MEC PROPEM Mohandessine, Giza. Le Caire
Phone: 00 226 70 12 69 12 P.O. BOX 8616 - Antananarivo 101 Quai de Pêche Phone: 00 20 2 304 81 90
E-mail: C/O FENOP : Phone: 00 261 20 22 300 98 P.O. BOX 1384 M’Bour Fax: 00 20 2 304 81 91 Fax: 00 261 20 22 355 34 Phone: 00 221 957 38 79 E-mail:
E-mail: E-mail:
av. Pierre Ngendandumwe Lot IVM 7 - Ambodivona C/O Escale JAPPOO 6099 - Beirut
P.O. BOX 3792 Bujumbura II P.O. BOX 1291 Saly Niakh-Niakhal. MBOUR Phone: 00 961 1 30 20 79
Antananarivo 101 Phone: 00 221 514 79 0 Fax: 00 961 1 70 33 58
BURUNDI – CAPAD Phone: 00 261 20 24 106 59 E-mail: E-mail:
P.O. BOX 24 Bujumbura Fax: 00 261 20 22 658 67
Phone: 00 257 79 970 470 E-mail: SENEGAL – SAPCA/EGAS MOROCCO - AL AMANA
E-mail: Quartier Diamagueune 1 - BP 1121 28 rue Oum Errabia – Agdal
DR CONGO - ADIKIVU P.O. BOX 89 Avaradrova Phone: 00 212 37 77 01 41
P.O. BOX 1554 Bukavu ou BP 230 503 Ambatondrazaka SOUTH AFRICA - TEMBEKA Fax: 00 212 37 68 67 12
Lyangugu Phone: 00 261 20 54 080 30 P.O. BOX 13859 E-mail:
Rwanda or 00 261 20 22 230 54 Mowbray 7705 Website:
Phone: 00 243 81 05 64 947 E-mail: CAPE TOWN
E-mail: Phone: 00 27 21 447 81 38 MOROCCO - AMSSF
MALI - AOPP Fax: 00 27 21 447 81 38 33 résidence Essalam
DR CONGO - COODEFI P.O. BOX 3066 – Bamako E-mail: Avenue Al Mohads – Appt. 1
P.O. BOX 78 BUTEMBO Phone: 00 223 228 67 81 Quartier de la Gare
or C/O RESEAU WIMA E-mail: TANZANIA - AKIBA Commercial Bank Fès
P.O. BOX 251 TDFL Building (Phase II) Phone: 00 212 55 626 764
KASESE, UGANDA MALI - BMS SA P.O. BOX 669 - Dar es Salaam Fax: 00 212 55 733 431 Immeuble Diago Aoua. Quartier ACI Phone: 00 255 222 11 83 40 E-mail:
Phone: +243 98 70 97 72 2000 (près de l’Hôtel Nord-Sud) Fax: 00 255 222 11 41 73
ou +243 81 30 51 867 Bamako E-mail: PALESTINE - ACAD
Phone: (223) 223 693 9654 P.O. BOX 3816 Al-Bireh Via Israël
DR CONGO - LIDE/CCRD E-mail: TOGO - MICROFUND Phone: 00 970 2 240 96 50
P.O. BOX 94 P.O. BOX 61652 Fax: 00 970 2 240 96 52
Butembo – Nord Kivu MALI - JEMENI Lomé E-mail:
Phone: 00 243 99 83 86 684 Immeuble Gadjaba Kadjel face place Phone: 00 228 226 63 20
E-mail:; OMVS – Marché Dibida Fax: 00 228 226 63 19 PALESTINE- CD HOUSING P.O. BOX 2100 E-mail: CO- Operation for Development
Bamako P.O. BOX 21476
DR CONGO – COOCEC-Kivu Phone: 00 223 223 4755 TOGO – TIMPAC Beit Hanina, Jerusalem
05, avenue Kasongo, Ibanda Fax: 00 223 223 9405 P.O. BOX 173 - Dapaong Phone: 00 970 2 583 37 25
P.O. BOX 1741 E-mail: Phone: 00 228 770 83 70 E-mail:
Bukavu E-mail:
Phone: 00 243 998 624 732 MALI - NIAKO PALESTINE – ASALA
E-mail: Quartier Légal Ségou TOGO-UCMECS P.O. BOX 2316 Ramallah
Kayes P.O. BOX 247 Dapaong Phone: 00 970 2 240 0532
DR Congo – GAMF Phone/Fax: 00 223 252 44 05 Phone: 00 228 770 84 37 Website:
06 avenue Kasongo, Ibanda E-mail: E-mail:
Bukavu, Sud Kivu CARIBBEAN
Phone: 00 243 09 98 62 58 30 MOZAMBIQUE - UGC TOGO - WAGES
E-mail: Av. Agostihno Neto P.O. BOX 1339 HAITI - COD/EMH
Maputo Lomé Delmas 95 - # 15 Frères - P.O. BOX 6
GUINEA - Crédit Rural de Guinée E-mail: Phone: 00 228 222 54 71 Port-au-Prince
P.O. BOX 3790 Fax: 00 228 222 78 99 Phone: 00 509 257 75 44
Conakry NIGER - KOKARI E-mail: Fax: 00 509 257 92 28
Phone: 00 224 41 35 71/45 43 38 P.O. BOX 11122 E-mail:
Fax: 00 224 41 12 78 Niamey UGANDA - CERUDEB
E-mail: Phone/Fax: 00 227 75 25 12 Plot 7, Entebbe Road HAITI - FONHSUD
E-mail: P.O. BOX 1892 Rue Egalité - AQUIN
GUINEA - Fédération des Paysans Kampala E-mail:
Producteurs du Fouta Djalon NIGER - TAANADI Phone: 00 256 41 251 276
P.O. BOX 52 - PITA P.O. BOX 13376 Fax: 00 256 41 251 273 HAITI - KNFP/IMOFOR
Phone Inmarsat: 00 870 762 638 770 Niamey 173 bis Avenue Jean Paul II – Turgeau
Fax Inmarsat: 00 870 762 638 772 Phone: 00 227 74 15 69 UGANDA – SMF EA limited Port-au-Prince
Website: Fax: 00 227 34 01 84 P.O. BOX 27200- Kampala Phone: 00 509 244 07 35/00 509 244
E-mail: Plot 25, Block LRV 235, Folio 3 Bukoto 8416
Str. E-mail:
Phone: 00 256 41 53 28 40


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SOUTH AMERICA Av. Peru N° 432-444 14C, Cach Mang Thang Tam
Pampa del Carmen Dist 1. Ho Chi Minh Ville
BOLIVIA – ANED La Merced - Chanchamayo Phone: 00 848 822 0959
Calle Rosendo Gutierrez Nº 679 esq. Phone: 00 516 453 11 93 E-mail:
pasaje Enrique Finot; zona Sopocachi Fax: 00 516 453 11 90
Casilla 12528 (Correo Central)
La Paz – Bolivia
Phone: (591-2) 2418716 – 2418643 PERU – CREDIFLORIDA AT MAY 30, 2008
Fax: (591-2) 2419505 Av. Peru N° 432-444 EUROPE- SEFEA S.c
E-mail: Pampa del Carmen Via N. Tomaseo, 7
La Merced – Chanchamayo 35131 - Padova – Italy
CHILE - INDES E-mail: Phone: 0039 049 877 1176 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Serrano n° 14 - Dpto 202 Fax: 0039 049 7399799
Phone/Fax: 00 562 63 26 00 Avenida Centenario N° 356 –
E-mail: San Carlos 6 KOSOVO – KRK (Kreditimi Rural I
SCHMITZ Christian
Website: Apartado 125 - Huancayo Kosoves LLC) Chairman of the Board
Phone: 00 5164 217 000 Rexhep Mala Street n°4 of Directors
COLOMBIA - CONSOLIDAR Fax: 00 5164 212 417 Pristina - Kosovo
Calle 55 N° 10-76 - Oficina 305 E-mail: Phone: 00 381 38 24 35 54 GUENARD Geneviève
Bogotá Board Member
Phone: 00 571 248 99 01 MOLDOVA – MICROINVEST
E-mail: PERU – FORTALECER 16 Puskin Street RICARD Xavier
León Velarde # 333 - Lince - LIMA Chisinau, MD-2012 Board Member
ECUADOR - BANCO SOLIDARIO Phone : 00 51 1 265 53 65 Phone: 00 373 22 21 27 64/65/68
Av. Amazonas 3887 y Corea - Edificio Fax: 00 373 22 22 99 02
Grupo Enlace URUGUAY – SAINDESUR E-mail:
PBX: 260260 Quito Bulevar Artigas 1119 - Subsuelo CONSEIL
Phone: 00 593 2 26 85 34 Montevideo SOUTHERN NETWORKS DE SURVEILLANCE
Fax: 00 593 2 26 88 43 Phone/Fax: 00 598 2 402 27 80
E-mail: E-mail: AFRICA - MAIN
Website: Bureau Abidjan - Côte d'Ivoire
ASIA 20 P.O. BOX 1359 - ABIDJAN 20 THOMAS Joël
ECUADOR - FAPECAFES Bureau Addis-Ababa - Ethiopia Chairman
Av. Santiago de la Montanas 06-60, ASIA - M.A.F. P.O. BOX 278 - Addis Ababa
2do. Piso Microfinance Alliance Fund E-mail: MESNY Philippe
P.O. BOX L-11-01-23 - Loja P.O. BOX 1379, CPO Manila Website: Vice-chairman
Phone: 00 593 7 25 83 478 CBCP Building – 470 Gen. Luna St.
Fax: 00 593 7 25 88 403 Intramuros 1002 Manila SOUTH AMERICA – FOROLAC CAISSE DES DEPOTS ET
E-mail: Philippines Avenida Arce 2081, esq. Montevideo CONSIGNATIONS
Website: Phone: 00 63 2 527 8331 to 35 Edificio Montevideo – Piso 3 Represented by Hocine
Fax: 00 63 2 527 41 40 La Paz – Bolivia
ECUADOR - Fundacion MCCH
Avenida Rumichaca S26-365 y Calle CAMBODIA - AMRET COMITE CATHOLIQUE
Moro Moro esq. 35 B. Street 169. MEDITERRANEAN BASIN - SANABEL
Barrio Turubamba - Quito BP 411 Phnom Penh 1 El Sad El Aly Square., 5th floor,
Phone : 00 593 2 267 0925/ 0926 Phone: 00 855 23 880 942 Suite 51, Dokki, Cairo, DEVELOPPEMENT
Fax: 00 593 2 262 3927/267 33 66 Fax: 00 855 23 881 342 Egypt Represented by Martial
E-mail: E-mail: Phone: (20-2) 337-0714, 748-8624 LESAY
Website: Fax: (20-2) 337-0714. Website:
Phone: 5979-0480 / 7768-9043 P.O. BOX 2044 NORTHERN NETWORKS Represented by
#239, Trasakpaem, blvd (63), Sangkat
Managua Chamkamorn Chaussée de Charleroi 51B
Phnom Penh 3 B-1060 Brussels- Belgium
Phone/Fax: 00 505 270 70 00
E-mail: - Phone:855-23-994 304 Phone: 00 32 2 234 57 97 DE JESUS Fax:855-23-996 306 Fax: 00 32 2 234 57 98 Represented by Sœur
E-mail: E-mail: Christiane GROSSIN
PERU - LA-CIF Website:
Bolivar # 472 - bureau 702/703 EUROPE- FEBEA CORDAID
Lima 18 LAOS - Fonds Coopératif S.A. 4-6 rue de Pascal Represented by Jacob
Phone: 00 511 446 8877 N° 070/01, Nouay 01 1040 Brussels WINTER
Fax: 00 511 446 8585 Ban Thongkhankham-Tay Belgium
E-mail: Muong Chanthaboury Phone: 00 32 2 280 00 04 CREDIT COOPERATIF P.O. BOX 74 37 E-mail:
Represented by Laurence
PERU - EDAPROSPO Phone: 00 856 21 26 18 25 FRANCE- ESF MORET
Octavio Bernal 598 - Jesús María E-mail: 32 Rue Le Peletier
Apartado Postal : 110325 75009 Paris
Lima 11 LAOS - Lao Farmer Products Phone: 01 48 00 96 82 DEVELOPPEMENT
Phone: 00 511 463 4173 / 158 rue Mittaphab Lao-Thai E-mail: Represented by
00 511 461 6014 Nakhoneluang Vientiane Lao RDP Guy DEQUEKER
Fax: 00 511 463 0776 Phone: 856 21 31 28 86 FRANCE - FINANSOL
E-mail: Fax: 856 21 31 44 25 57 bvd de la Villette BITSCH Gérard
E-mail: 75010 Paris Member
Phone: 01 53 36 80 60
PERU – Cooperativa Agraria LA FLORIDA VIETNAM – CEP


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