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• Slope of 5 = 5/1
• Therefore, “rise” (change in y) = 5, “run” (change in x) = 1
• Begin at point (1,2) and go 5 units up and 1 to the right to find another point on the line. Repeat
this process from the new point to find another, and so on.
• To Solve: Find 'k', which is the y value of a point on the line when 'x = 3'. Continue to draw
points on the line and connect them until the point when x = 3. Find the y value at this point.

• To prove the quadrilateral is a trapezoid, you must prove a pair of sides to be parallel. Prove a
pair of sides to be parallel by showing they have equal slopes.
• To prove it isosceles, show line segment AD = segment BC
• Finding slope of line segment DC:
• slope = change in y/change in x
• change in y = c-c
• change in x = b - (-b)
• slope = 0/2b = 0
• Use similar steps to find slope of AB. If the slopes are the same, they are parallel.
• Finding length of DA:
• Distance formula:

d =  −a−−b 0−c
2 2

• d =  a 2−2abb2c 2
• Use similar steps to find the distance of BC.

• In a parallelogram, opposite sides have equal length. Therefore DC = AB.
• DC = DE+EC, AB = AF+FB → DE+EC = AF+FB
• Since DE = FB → EC+ DE = AF+DE
• (Subtract DE from both sides) EC = AF

• In a parallelogram, opposite sides are parallel. Therefore DC is parallel to AB.

• Examine diagonal AC. Because of the parallel lines, angles GAF and ECG are equal (alternate
interior angles)

• Vertical angles:
• Angle EGC = Angle AGF
• Angle AGE = Angle CGF

• To prove this parallelogram, we will prove that one pair of opposite sides is parallel and the
others are congruent.
• Distance formula:
• Length of AD:
d = −2−−4  2−−3 
2 2

• d = 425 ; d = 29
• Length of BC:
d = 6−4 5−0 ; d = 29
2 2

• Therefore AD = BC
• Comparing slopes:
• Slope of AD:
2−−3 5
• Slope of BC:
5−0 5

6−4 → 2
• AD and BC have the same slope, and are therefore parallel.

Use one of these methods to prove that AB and DC are either parallel or congruent.

• To prove that the shape is not a rectangle:

• Negative reciprocals: Two values that when multiplied, yield a product of -1.
• When the slopes of two lines are negative reciprocals, you can state that the lines are
perpendicular → They form right angles with each other.
• Since a rectangle has four right angles, any two adjacent lines should be perpendicular.
• If we can prove they aren't, we can say that the shape is not a rectangle.

• Choose any two adjacent sides (ie. AD and AB, or AB and BC)
• Find the slopes of both sides
• Multiply their slopes together
• If the result does not equal, -1, they are not perpendicular, and therefore, the shape is not a

• Create a line starting from point A, extending straight down until it reaches segment RP. Label
this endpoint 'B'.
• You should now have right triangle RBA. Knowing the sum of a triangle's angles, you be able
to find the value of angle RAB.
• Now, you should be able to find the lengths of RB and BA. (Hint: BA = MP). Use Pythagorean
theorem to find the length of RA.

• Hint: Begin by drawing a circle. Next, draw the triangle such that it starts inside the circle, but
each corner of the triangle extends out of the circle. Now count the points of intersection.

• The coordinates of a midpoint are the average of the coordinates of the endpoints.
• The circle's center is the midpoint of the two endpoints of the diameter.
• We will call the unknown endpoint (x,y)
• We now know that 2 (x value of midpoint) must be the average of -1 and x (x values of the two
−1 x
• 2= (multiply both sides by 2 →) 4=−1x
• x=5
• Repeat this process using the y coordinates to find the y value of the unknown endpoint.
• Equation of a circle:
• x 2 y 2=r 2
• Since r = 5, x 2 y 2=25
• Substitute the point (5,-2) into the equation for x and y. If the equation holds true, the point lies
on the circle

• length of arc/circumference = degree measure of arc/360°
• Since the larger arc measures ¼ of the circumference, its degree measure = 360° x (¼) = 90°
• Use this method to find the measure of the arc for the smaller shaded region
• An angle formed by two intersecting chords equals the average measure of their
intercepted arcs.
• Therefore, angle x will equal the average of the measure of the two shaded regions

• Pythagorean theorem:
• 1.521.52 =d 2
• 2.252.25=d 2
• Solve for d and find the closest length

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