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As long as you learn from your mistakes, nothing is lost.

Even your mistakes made are then one of ‘all

things’ which work together for good for them that love Me. As long as you come to Me, and I can teach
you about the things you did wrong or could do better, there’s no need for remorse, which never helped
much, anyway. But you can turn right around, determine to keep an eye on that weakness, ask Me to help
you be on guard & ‘deliver you from evil’, strengthen the feeble knees & the hands that hang down, & go to
work on building new, healthier habits. And that’s what you call ‘progress’ & learning.

Mistakes are an essential part of the meaning of life.

It’s just the inborn sinful human nature not to want to obey me at first.
The Devil comes up with his contra immediately & pipes up, ....’Sssssso, did God reaaally ssssay ssso...?’
And you know what’ll happen next. You’ll make a mistake. Call it a sin – you miss the mark. I have to
punish you, you learn the lesson, and that’s the cycle of things at the present state of creation under the
It will not always be so. This is only practice with weights, so that soon you’ll be able to fly.

It took that road of humbling, the road of making mistakes, the road of failure, to come to the realization of
My unconditional love for you.

You cannot turn back time, and everyone has made mistakes, but you’re not meant to make the same
mistakes over & over. Some mistakes you don’t even realize until much later, some only when you get

Do your best to learn from your mistakes & not to repeat them.

You have learned precious lessons out of these deep dark experiences that can benefit them all. These
things have happened to you as an ensample to them, that they might learn from your mistakes and
marvel at My breakings, at My mercy, at My chastisements & wisdom. This is a lesson for Eternity; the
lesson of the breakings from this world.

A wiser man will learn from the mistakes of others, providing those others will share their mistakes as

Wanna quit making mistakes? Remember Me! Wanna stop blowing it? Remember Me! Wanna make
continuous uphill progress without the 2-steps forward, one-step-back grind? Simply remember Me & give
Me the glory by acknowledging Me, thanking & praising Me & asking Me to keep you from falling, even
when you think you’re safe.

When it all comes down to it, you’re still just a child, and children do embarrassing things, sometimes. But
it’s better to make blunders of the mind than be so afraid of making mistakes that you never dare to do

you have need of patience. Patience with others, even patience with yourself. Patience with your & their
mistakes & faults...

If you ask Me to show you your weak areas & how you can improve them, you'll fare so much better. And
you'll have much to share from the revelation & overcoming of your own mistakes, flaws, faults &

Don’t repeat the mistake of letting others drag you down a road you’re not meant to go or you won’t want
to go, neither look at others for excuses to let down your standard.

It’s a mistake to judge God by the people who supposedly represent Him, & their interpretation of what He
supposedly said.

Making mistakes is part of the school of life, but the desired goal & progress is to learn to be making less
of them as you go.

If you don’t want to keep making the same mistakes over & over & over again, some things are going to
have to change. Some things you’re simply going to have to get serious about & desperate.

In a way, your love for Me is a result of your mistakes & screw-ups, cause, let’s face it: If you had been
more successful, do you honestly think you would have been that eager & desperate to find Me?

Nobody’s expecting you to do a completely perfect job without any mistakes.

Everyone will see the wrongs they have committed, sooner or later. Not everyone is eager or ready to see
how they are failing in this life-time.
Sometimes I have to let them go ahead & do something, even if it entails mistakes & wrongs, just in order
for something to get done...

If you're only focusing on the flesh & the blunders & mistakes My people make, you're doomed to
disappointment & failure.

If the people around you have become a disappointment & you're blaming Me for it, the reason I'm
allowing this is so that you will put your faith in Me, not in them, put your eyes on Me, not them. Only I can
help you make it through the night! You're supposed to be My follower, not theirs. Or if you want to be
their follower, follow them in the spirit & look at them with the eyes of the spirit, not the eyes of the flesh!
Look at them as those who are fragile just like you, who make mistakes just like you, who doubt & waver
just like you, but they just won't give up, even if they're tempted to. Look at them as those who've got
nothing in this World & nowhere to turn but to Me. As long as you keep toying with other options, of
course you will be double-minded.

You've got to learn to love folks even with their mistakes, just like they love you with yours. "Love the
sinner & hate the sin" doesn't really mean, like you apply it: "Sure, I'll love the sinner. As soon as he gets
rid of the sin!" Imagine if that were My attitude! No, loving the sinner means loving them in spite of their
sin & patiently helping them to overcome their sin & having the faith that will eventually manage to do so
by My grace!

Overcoming mistakes, faults & weaknesses & sins is one of the major objectives in life. Your weaknesses
& sins are an important part of this school of life. If I would have sent you all perfect to this Earth, what
would there be to learn? What would there be to save? What purpose would there have been for Me to
come & live & die for?

It's easy to find fault! It's easy to see the mistakes in others & where they screwed up & how difficult
they're making your life, and "if you look for the bad in people, you're going to find it!" But I say, look at
the good! Count your blessings! Life could be much worse than this! But don't even focus on how much
worse things are going to get or could be, but focus on how good you've had it, and most of all, on how
good it's still going to be!

An unforgiving & self-righteous attitude in itself becomes worse than the mistake that was committed by
the other party.

Everyone makes mistakes, including you, and forgiveness and being forgiven are simply integral parts of
the school of life. So, don't view mistakes you or others make as some kind of permanent, irreparable
damage, but remember that even those serve My purpose & work together for good in the long run.

Paying attention to the details will help you not to overlook important factors, it will teach you patience &
the importance of little things. It will help you to not so easily misjudge or misunderstand things, not to
make snap judgments. If you realize how much hinges & depends on little things, you will learn to hold
your peace on a matter until you're certain you've got all the details straight & you're not missing out on
any of the factors in the equation, and you'll see, you'll be a lot less prone to making mistakes in your life.

You haven't really learned all there is to learn out of these lessons yet, and some of the mistakes you made
you're not even aware of.

If whatever your brother does causes you to stumble or give up, that brother may be held responsible for
his mistakes, but you will be held responsible for your own decision to focus on his faults instead of Me,
and whatever your looking at the waves will result in. If you want victory, you've got to keep looking at Me.
Everything else will only spell defeat...

It's good to come out straight-forward when you see a mistake: "Oh, I don't think that was right. I don't
agree." This is much better than keeping it in & letting it all out later in a barrage of bitter questions,
remarks, statements & accusations.

It's time to quit repeating the same mistakes over & over again, of just doing what comes naturally, the
obvious, without even bothering to ask Me about it & consult with Me.

You've got to keep pouring and pouring out that healing balm of love and forgiveness, letting them know
that no matter how many mistakes they'll make, many waters cannot quench this fire of My love for them.
Judging people by their past mistakes, mentally putting people in a box consisting of the walls of the
confines of your own mind which you create for them out of your negative memories & experiences with
them is not appropriate anymore in this day & age when I'm changing lives radically & sometimes rapidly.
The carnal mind is quick to put both Me, and the way it thinks I should operate, and others into a box, and
that's not a very smart thing to do in My business. Sometimes knowledge is the greatest stumbling block
to divine revelation, because it interferes with what I would like to reveal to you.

If you think the time has arrived when there's nothing for you to learn anymore, no more mistakes to
improve or correct, then you're just about to make the biggest mistake of all!

Just because some things have gone wrong in the past & mistakes were made and you failed at an earlier
attempt, that doesn't mean it will always go that way. Don't be so discouraged by the times you stumbled &
failed! It's okay! Just get up & try again!

I'm allowing you to have so many mistakes, faults & sins so that you realize just how much you need My

Nobody's perfect, and thus, no matter how anointed they may be, they don't deserve to be worshipped
without any reservations, completely ignoring or hushing up their mistakes! In fact, you only help them by
pointing out their mistakes to them, and you prevent worse mistakes from happening.

I allow people to learn from their mistakes in the Spirit Realm by having them accompany their
descendants as spirit helpers, to see what the late ricochets & repercussions of their actions are over

It's always tough to find out where it ain't at, that's the hard & painful way of finding direction, but it's also
very effective. At least it helps you to never want to make the same mistake!

You ask yourself, "What could I have done or avoided doing in order to not wind up here? What did I do
wrong? What was the mistake I made?" And I can show you. But if you're not open to learn from your
mistakes, you won't make the necessary progress.
Everybody makes mistakes. The question is, how much do you learn from them? Instead of being
ashamed of them & try not to think about them, you should do the opposite: you should think about them
& view them as opportunities to learn precious lessons from them, for some of the most precious lessons
you learn are those which you learn from your own mistakes.
Of course, that takes humility. It's tough on one's pride to take the blame & face the consequences of their
own actions, and to deal with what it is you have done wrong in order to bring certain conditions about.
It's always easier to blame the other party for it. But that's not the way you learn.

Do you trust Me, that I love you so much that everything that happens to you is the best possible option? If
you've been praying and committing your day into My hands, how am I going to disappoint you by doing
anything less than the best? I will even allow the Enemy to only attack & test you in those ways that I know
will bring forth the best possible results, & even the mistakes you will make will be those that will teach
you the most effective and important lessons, so that truly ALL things will work out for not only good, but
for the best for you!

If you must compare yourself to those who have made even graver mistakes, then try to learn from them,
not to make the same mistakes, and never use them as an excuse that just because you're doing better
than they, you're doing alright. If you truly want to give your best to Me that you can, then you cannot
settle for "doing alright."

So many mistakes are made because people don't remember. Why do people not remember? Because
they don't really make an effort, they don't really care. They're too busy occupying their minds with the
next pleasure, the next entertainment, the next amusement, the next "escape route" that leads them "away
from thinking."

Although I do try to teach you lessons or deal with you for your wrongs, it does not influence My amount
of love for you if you make mistakes or fail.

It's human to make mistakes! They keep you humble. The proud & haughty who do nothing but criticize
have their reward in feeling so high & mighty & superior in this life, that they can look down on everybody

I will use anything to save a soul, including the Devil himself, if need be. It's the results that count. I'd
rather use a lesser evil, like a mistake, a human error & unintentional untruth in order to achieve a greater
good, instead of being so self-righteously stuck on all the details, painstakingly making sure that I've got
every little fact & figure straight that I don't accomplish or achieve anything!

If you have failed, use your failures & mistakes to their full extent to do & accomplish what they were
ordained for, namely to learn from them. Make the most out of them by praising Me for them!

I make the best out of down-slope experiences, those lessons learnt from mistakes.

Love means to be willing to help someone out of a mess they've gotten themselves into, even if it was
caused by their own mistake. Love doesn't say, "It's your own fault!" Love quietly acknowledges, "We all
make mistakes" & reaches out a hand to help the other up in whatever way you can.

Dealing with your sins and mistakes is important; you cannot just ignore them. Some who have refused to
deal with them aren't around anymore, they didn't make it. It takes that honest confrontation with them.

I don't view your "mistakes" as anything nearly as bad as you tend to see them yourselves! Many
"mistakes" you made in your life were necessary pathways to a whole new dimension, a world of insight
and wisdom that you never even would have found the door to, otherwise. And even if you had found the
door, you would not have chosen to walk through it voluntarily because it would have looked so

Whatever you do, you've got to make sure you're doing it for My glory by bathing it in prayer. If you don't,
then it easily happens that you slip into the mode of operating in the flesh, and you'll reap the
repercussions of that: You make mistakes.

Yes, there are mistakes, there is sin to deal with. But without Me, you won't be able to deal with these
things properly and in the right spirit, and will only tend to make matters worse, to commit an even greater

If you know that I believe in you in spite of all your flaws, and you know that I believe in them also, in spite
of theirs, then you can believe in Me for them, and thus believe in them, too.

If it's just you, without Me, if there's no connection with Me, then you might not really be trustworthy,
simply because the Enemy can short-circuit you and cause you to make some serious mistakes & thus
become less reliable. But as long as someone is making sincere efforts to come close to Me, not for any
glorious elevation of self's sake, but really only for the love of Me, the love of truth, and the love of love
itself, it's okay, you can trust such a person, including yourself.

That's why I can forgive you for all your mistakes and sins: I can see you're going to make it in spite of

Men of force are men of faults, and anyone who will be used by Me to a greater extent than others will be
subject to greater attacks of the Enemy, greater temptations, and they're probably more prone to making

You're subject to flaws & mistakes just like everybody else & you should thus stay open for suggestions &

Some mistakes you make can haunt you for a long time, & follow you around for quite a while.

One mistake to make would be to think that you have arrived where you should be, because you're merely
getting started. Sometimes, when things are looking okay, the Devil sends his demons of compromise &
settling for less than the best, that are specially in charge of Christians, and make you think you're already
at your destination, when you barely even got going.

Satan makes you think you're a "prisoner," a captive of the mistakes & flaws of others, that you're going to
have to deal with & be subjected to them for the rest of your life. But I'm saying, "not really!" Because by
simply making the choice that you're not going to let it affect you or bother or aggravate you, but instead
choosing to look at and praise Me for their positive qualities, you deny those negative qualities to have
power over you whatsoever, and it's almost as if they wouldn't exist!

Everybody makes mistakes, and without them, there'd be hardly anything to learn from in this life! By
showing you which is the wrong way, by letting you experience it first hand, I'm also showing you the right
way, which way you need to go to overcome, to rise above, to succeed: you just need to turn around, and
instead of following all those other misleading voices, you just come to Me and follow Mine!

The big mistake the majority is making is that they're not coming to Me when something's going wrong,
they try to figure it out & fix it themselves.

That's one of the biggest mistakes successful people make: they strive so hard for the "big" things, and
constantly "bigger" things, greater things, that they nearly totally neglect the little things that already
surround them, that I've already given them, and that would bring them much greater happiness (if they
would just care to pay attention to them) than all their chasing after ever greater things. "Seekest thou
great things for thyself? Seek them not" (Jer. 45:5).

I'm using your sins, your faults, your weakness, your mistakes, to bring about the best in you. As I use all
things to work out together for good for you, I also use these dark abysses of your souls in order to bring
about some good in you and each other. In some ways, I use you to discipline each other.
You're learning how to behave correctly in order to avoid certain reactions in the other.

Only I see the whole "elephant." The biggest mistake you can possibly make is assuming that your view
and Mine are always identical. That's the epitome of self-righteousness.

That was your mistake: You sort of let things run and have their "natural" course, and the natural course of
things didn't turn out to bring any improvement at all, but rather decay and a deterioration of the situation,
of the condition of things or even your children.
You can't just let the Enemy have the world & passively stand by as he wrecks it. You've got to do
something about it! You've got to counteract, you've got to oppose him.

I use your mistakes, and even those errors in your own doctrines of the past... You learn by trial & error. I
have given no one a perfect blue print of the truth, but leave it up to everyone to discover it with My help
throughout their lives.

If you wouldn't make any mistakes, there wouldn't be half as much for Me to talk to you about. Your sins,
shortcomings & failures draw you closer to Me. You want to learn how to do better, and that's basically
what healing, learning, growing and salvation is all about: that void, that need to grow, that emptiness. You
have a need for Me when you're not perfect, when you realize you failed, when you need help to see, when
you realize you really don't know much of anything.

Will you make the same mistake so many others have made and become harsh and unforgiving?
Forgiveness is a much greater issue than most people realize.

With some saints, like Mother Teresa, it's easy to say, "Now here's a good person," because of their
sacrificial life-style, and the evident good she did in helping the poor. But when it comes to helping the
spiritually poor and feeding the spiritually starving, things become a lot more difficult.
And because it's more difficult, it's also easier to make mistakes. For one thing, the Enemy fights your
feeding the spiritually starving a lot more violently than your giving to the physically poor. He's much more
concerned about the intellects and minds of people. That's, after all, the realm he is trying to usurp and
grasp away from Me.

Moses died in the wilderness, unable to enter the promised land, as a result of his own mistake. The
lesson gained out of this is more important and valuable than the temporary, fleeting pleasure he might
have experienced, had I granted him to enter the promised land. The real Promised Land is not in this
world. Your real and final and ultimate satisfaction, fulfillment, peace or goal, whatever you may be trying
to achieve, won’t be found in this world or life.

The most effective way to teach you where it’s at, was to let you find out where it’s not at. You find this out
by your mistakes, but as the proverb goes, an even wiser man learns not only from his own mistakes, but
from those of others, too.

There was a time for Moses to be ready for the Exodus, but there was also a time when he wasn't ready
yet. There's a time of definite, visible anointing, and there's a time of preparation, of finding out where it's
not at, how not to do it, which mistakes not to make.

It's not the glorious road that leads to the Kingdom, but the low and humble road, often paved with many
seemingly mundane and very humbling acts: many dishes to wash, many problems to solve and learn
from, even many mistakes to make, many diapers to change, both physically and spiritually.

I know the human heart, and that it doesn't seek My interests in the natural. You don't have to put on any
false pretenses with Me. I know you inside out, and I totally know where you're at. I know what to do in
order to get you to turn around and learn from your mistakes.
You don't have to be bogged down with all of earth's little problems. If you keep looking unto Me as you
should, they will practically dissolve, because you will have My supernatural wisdom that will help you to
say and do the right things. You won't be making so many mistakes anymore that are going to cause your
loved ones to stumble. You will walk in love more, as you absorb My love by looking unto Me.

The mistakes are part of the training. You find out which way it am by finding out which way it ain't. Not the
recommended route, but still the most common one. Without mistakes and errors, there's no need to
repent, nothing to admit to, nothing for which to humble yourself and admit you were wrong and need
help, no need to change.
That's why those who suppose they do everything right are the ones who are most distant from Me. They
simply don't need Me as much as folks who screw up a lot.
The best thing you can learn out of your mistakes is: don't try to do it on your own, but always avail
yourself of My help! If you call on Me and rely on Me, you won't fail.

It's never wrong to be putting your bucket under the one Source that won't disappoint you. But not doing
that is precisely the mistake so many immature people make. They don't come to Me, they look elsewhere.

Your mistakes are part of the great purpose of everything.

Most people don't have a clue about the extent to which they screwed up until they get Here - totally
oblivious to the mistakes they made and the impact they had on others and the consequences they
brought about.

You can't blame the Devil for everything. Some things are simply the result of man's sinful nature, the
results which he has brought about by his own choices - which may have been initiated by the Devil's
temptations, that's true - but they were still, nonetheless, his own choices.
And the circumstances outside the Garden of Eden teach you the consequences, and thus you learn from
your mistakes.

How do you learn? By making mistakes and realizing you made them, right? So, the most dangerous
threat to genuinely learning is to be left in the illusion that you're right, there's nothing to change about
your views & attitudes...

Your mistakes are an important part of the meaning and purpose of your lives, since they are what you
learn the most from. It is out of the "deep, dark experiences that we learn some of our most precious
lessons from the Lord," and when those experiences are missing, then life looks a little dull in comparison
to those of others sometimes.

The more responsibility you carry, the more weight your mistakes have.

There's nothing that teaches you how to do it like the experience you gain from learning how not to do it.
Only your mistakes make you change your previous modes and habits.

The way to enlightenment always leads via the path of recognizing and learning from one's own mistakes.

The only unpardonable mistake a believer can commit is to doubt his own Salvation and still stay stuck in
his own "badness," when I have saved him from that already.
Of course, it would be a mistake to assume that one is guiltless without having accepted My sacrifice and
without having experienced Salvation, but isn't it an equally grave mistake to do the opposite and assume
that Salvation doesn't make any difference, and that you still have to pay for your sins yourself?

The flaws, mistakes and imperfections in your co-fighters have been little more than a big test of your
faith, to see whether you would still keep going for Me, still keep holding on faithfully, in spite of them all.

An outstanding shepherd questions his own actions sometimes, he's not too proud or self-confident to do
that. He doesn't take for granted that just because of his position he might never be making a mistake. He
stays aware of making potential mistakes.

My hope is that this present age will be a sufficient reminder and warning for everyone not to want to
repeat the same mistakes.

You can only glean so much from watching others and learning from their experience. What will stick with
you forever is your own experiences, your own pains and hurts and scarring results and consequences of
your own poor choices and mistakes...

It's one thing learning from your mistakes. It's another getting so stuck on them that you never get any
further, never move out to touch another's life.

It takes more than being a follower in blind obedience, sometimes, to become a good leader yourself. The
trick is to remain loyal and obedient, even when you realize that your leaders aren’t infallible and do make
mistakes, just like everybody else does.
Leaders need to be forgiven and unconditionally loved and accepted for who and what they are, like
everybody else. And this attitude is healthier than one refusing to see the possibility that your leaders
might make any mistakes.

It would certainly be a mistake to assume that you know better than Me.

It’s better to have tried and failed, to have loved and lost, to have done something and made mistakes,
than to just blindly and self-righteously think you have arrived, without any need to do or change

Life is constructed in such a way that it’s bound to happen that you slip and fall and make mistakes, so
that precious lessons can be learned from them. But it’s pretty important that you do learn the lessons,
and not just keep falling into the same trap and repeating the same old mistakes over and over again.

People are bound to make mistakes, and mistakes have happened, and they keep happening, and you’ve
got to grant others the same right to make mistakes that I grant you.

Nobody ever does only good. Everybody makes mistakes, and nobody’s perfect; nobody has ever lived a
perfect life of which they can say, “I never made any mistakes.” It’s erroneous to have that kind of an
attitude. And, well, some folks just have the kind of attitude – which is their besetting sin and handicap to
carry around through life – that they simply can’t see their own faults as easily as they see the faults of

A life that has failed learning from its own mistakes isn’t much of a life at all, since your mistakes are one
of the greatest purposes in life per se.

Mistakes are something everyone can relate to, and if you teach others from mistakes you made, that
shows them just how human you are, and how much just like them, and that you’re not some super
special case, endowed with extraordinary gifts from on high, but that you’ve learned by trial and error,
basically the same way they have.

Mistakes are actually quite precious in the service of teaching you some of your most valuable lessons.

No matter what you do, what mistakes you’re going to make or how badly you might ever slip, you’re
always going to be loved by Me unconditionally.

There comes a time when everyone will have to reflect about their sins and mistakes.

Taking responsibility for your own mistakes is often the very ingredient that makes all the difference in the
world. Refusal or inability to see one’s own mistakes & failings stifles spiritual growth like nothing else,
and encourages straying from the path, instead of sticking to My straight & narrow. In fact, what makes My
straight & narrow pathway the most uninviting to most people is the fact that it’s strewn with the
recognition and repercussions of one’s own failures left and right, and uphill progress is only made by
dealing with them properly. That means, you recognize them, admit them and try to change them, but you
don’t allow them to put you under condemnation. Once you’ve given them to Me and they’re confessed
and forgiven, they don’t have any more power over you.

It gives you new zest for each day of life, knowing fully that no matter how badly you’ve blown it in your
life, or what sort of mistakes you’ve made, you’re totally forgiven as long as you you did learn something
out of it by facing the problem and your guilt and responsibility in the matter, which usually is already
enough guarantee on it’s own that you’re less likely to repeat the same mistake.

I am the One Who doesn’t and won’t make mistakes, so it pays to make Me the one true foundation of your
lives and to put your entire trust in, instead of any man or woman, or group of people.

That’s what I’d call learning and progress, when you get to the point of learning from mistakes where you
stop making them and can prevent them from happening through the things you have learned.

Once you’ve learned to deal with your mistakes and have learned how to handle that responsibility,
treating it as something as natural as going to the toilet, then you’ll also have an easier time coping with
the rest of the things going on in this world that are less than satisfactory. You’ll see and recognize it all
more as one big challenge to improve things with My help wherever you can, to “change the world,” in
that sense, or, if nothing else, at least learn a good deal from it that is going to help make the world a
better place in the long run. Changing the world starts with recognizing the void and the need, the places
that lack and where errors have been committed, and then taking the initiative to do what it takes to
replenish and refill them again, even if may look like a senseless waste of time to others, because you may
not be reaping immediate benefits from your work or sacrifice.

Adam & Eve's mistakes served to draw them closer to Me than they ever could have come otherwise.

Sometimes you just have to deal with your mistakes to their full extent, and learn all there is to learn from
them. It’s not like there is no forgiveness, no reconciliation, but it’s also important that you bear the full
consequences of your actions and become aware of them.

You cannot just skip school and play hooky in the school of life. That’s what the Devil is tempting
everyone to do with his numerous distractions: “No, don’t think about your mistakes, don’t waste your
time wracking your head about them! It just depresses you! Fill your life with pleasure instead!”
There are a lot of mistakes made that people could learn from, a lot of lessons to be learned out of life, and
out of history, but that’s not what they’re interested in or concerned about, They’re not concerned about
avoiding to make the same mistakes over and over again, the thought would never even cross their mind.
That’s the one reason why people never learn anything from history; not their own, and much less anyone
else’s: they’re not interested.

There is a lot of wisdom to be gained from the mistakes you will make…

Refusal to deal with one’s own blame is probably the most widespread and most common spiritual
disease… The pride to refuse to reckon with one’s own mistakes, sins and faults… The Pharisee

You don’t have to keep repeating the same mistakes, nor the mistakes of your forefathers. You can
interrupt that vicious cycle, reverse fate, stop that treadmill of always falling for the apparent, or even the
inclinations of your own mind.

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