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AC/DC Understanding Polarity

AC/DC: Understanding Polarity

Do you know w hat AC (Alternating Current) and DC (Direct Current) signify on your w elder and electrodes? Well, basically these terms describe the polarity of the electrical current that is created by the w elder and runs through the electrode. Selecting the electrode w ith the correct polarity has a real effect on the strength and quality of your w eld - so read on and make sure you know the difference! For that extra assurance, try the tw o tests at the end of the article to help you determine polarity. The terms "straight" and "reverse" polarity are used around the shop. They may also be expressed as "electrode-negative" and "electrode-positive" polarity. The latter terms are more descriptive and w ill be used throughout this article. Polarity results from the fact that an electrical circuit has a negative and a positive pole. Direct current (DC) flow s in one direction, resulting in a constant polarity. Alternating current (AC) flow s half the time in one direction and half the time in the other, changing its polarity 120 times per second w ith 60-hertz current. A w elder should know the meaning of polarity, and recognize w hat effect it has on the w elding process. With few exceptions, electrode-positive (reversed polarity) results in deeper penetration. Electrode-negative (straight polarity) results in faster melt-off of the electrode and, therefore, faster deposition rate. The effect of different chemicals in the covering may change this condition. The high cellulose covered mild-steel rod, such as Fleetw eld 5P or Fleetw eld 5P+, is recommended for use on positive polarity for general w elding. Some types of shielded electrodes function on either polarity, though some operate on only one polarity. The use of the AC transformer-type w elder necessitated the development of an electrode that w ould w ork on either polarity, due to the constant-changing of the polarity in the AC circuit. Though AC itself has no polarity, w hen AC electrodes are used on DC they usually operate best on one specific polarity. The covering on the electrode designates w hich polarity is best and all manufacturers specify on the electrode container w hat polarity is recommended. For proper penetration, uniform bead appearance, and good w elding results, the correct polarity must be used w hen w elding w ith any given metallic electrode. Incorrect polarity w ill cause poor penetration, irregular bead shape, excessive spatter, difficulty in controlling the arc, overheating, and rapid burning of the electrode. Most machines are clearly marked as to w hat the terminals are, or how they can be set for either polarity. Some machines have a sw itch to change polarity, w hereas on others it is necessary to change the cable terminals. If there is any question as to w hether or not the correct polarity is being used, or w hat polarity is set on the DC machine, there are tw o easily performed experiments that w ill tell you. The first is to use a DC carbon electrode, w hich w ill w ork correctly only on negative polarity. The second is to use Fleetw eld 5P electrode, w hich w orks outstandingly better on positive polarity than on negative polarity.

Testing Your Polarity: A. Determine polarity by using the carbon electrode

1. Clean the base metal and position flat 2. Shape the points of the tw o carbon electrodes on a grinding w heel, so they are identical w ith a gradual taper running back 2 or 3 inches from the arc tip 3. Grip one electrode in the electrode holder close to the taper 4. Set amperage at 135 to 150 5. Adjust to either polarity 6. Strike an arc (use shield) and hold for a short time. Change arc length from short to long, affording an observation of the arc action 7. Observe the arc action. If the polarity is negative (straight) the arc w ill be stable, easy to maintain, uniform, and conical in shape. If the polarity is positive (reverse), the arc w ill be difficult to maintain and w ill leave a black carbon deposit on the surface of the base metal 8. Change the polarity. Strike an arc w ith the other electrode and hold for a similar length of time. Observe the arc action as before 9. Examine the ends of the tw o electrodes and compare. The one used on negative polarity w ill burn off evenly, keeping its shape. The electrode used on positive polarity w ill quickly burn off blunt

B. Determine polarity by the metallic electrode (E6010)

1. Clean base metal and position flat 2. Set amperage at 130 to 145 for 5/32" electrode 3. Adjust to either polarity 4. Strike an arc. Hold normal arc length and standard electrode angle and run a bead 5. Listen to the sound of the arc. Correct polarity, w ith normal arc length and amperage, w ill produce a regular "crackling" sound. Incorrect polarity, w ith normal length and amperage setting w ill produce irregular "crackling" and "popping" w ith an unstable arc 6. See above for characteristics of arc and bead w hen using metallic electrode on correct and incorrect polarity 7. Adjust to the other polarity and run another bead 8. Clean beads and examine. With the w rong polarity, the electrode negative, you w ill get many of the bad bead characteristics show n in Lesson 1.6 9. Repeat several times, until you can quickly recognize correct polarity


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